East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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. fNim .11112 iu (vw
lor- r.
. .-..Iinl? flirt mr.n1n vtilno-
l. lit JUSl O" -o .
(SOmmcr dross goons 5c yard
,nr ilross goods 7l,e vard
... " . ' , -
uiumnior un hwv...- vi, jaiu
( summer aruss t.y2c yarn
..mnr ilross (roods 15c vard
...mpr (iruss kuuuo 1 1 via vara
.. summer uiuoo .ut am
.wir nlDchams, all sizes checks and colors 5c yard
linn nf Inillnn1 Yinnlrwnnr In nil flin 1otn
nr. 1 nfi
j broken linos of ladles' shoes and Oxfords, at one-
fl 1 1 U w a ti ij 1LJ K x
tft3 ww. . r "'-' '
r-1 1 n n i ire i nruc i a nnui a nr
iThompson Hardware Co.
Water from Pure Ice
'H nvr.v orv nrexTTia onr r. at t rxr
me water is pure as the Ice. You cannot afford to
purities and contagion that makes a nart of the river
cur product and YOIj HAVE BOTH
ii v awia Mnrswp a si
Telophone Main 1781.
t Made bv a Trust
bwuntitu run m r.nc uc wiunn,
'. Cleanliness and Workmanship,
Havana, ruvnnaunancrd.
Procession Was Impressive In the
Last Degree Fifteen Thousand
Members of the Uniform Rank and
Five Hundred Mounted Officers In
Parade Twenty-Five Thousand of
the Members of Subordinate Lodges
Also Present.
Louisville, Ky Aug. 10. This has
been a gala day In tho history of
Louisville, and, though tho city has
been tho scene of many largo and im
posing gatherings In tho past few
years, the spectacle witnessed today
Is conceded to have been one of tho
most Impressive In the city's history,
and to have brought within her con
fines the largest crowd ever seen on
the streets.
The low rates on the railroads
wont Into effect Saturday, and since
Sunday tho pcoplo have been coming
In from all points in Indiana, Ken
tucky. Ohio and other states. Tho
railroads expected to
nnrrx m nmi
people or so. lint tho rush w i,n,m'fn..
beyond these figures.
Tho great crush came today, as tho
special attraction was tho naratlp of
the uniform rank and tho subordlnnin
lodges, which marched through the
principal streets of tho city. All pub
lic and private buildings were gaily
decorated for the occasion, and every
where along the Hue of march and
on tho principal streets the Knights
oi Pythias colors, enlivened with tin.
Ilioual flags, floated from windows
and balconies or hung from ropes
stretched across the streets.
When tho hour tor the parado ar
rived the peoplo began to station
themselves along the line of march,
and on both sides of tho str.eet the
masses of human beings fllied the
door yards, crowded the sidewalks
and pushed far out Into the street.
For a distance of three miles the
crowd was packed along the street
and stood for two hours watching tho
Supremo Chancellor Bangs and the
officers of the supreme and grand
lodges, the city nnd state and county
officers viewed tho parade from the
reviewing stand. Tho column, con
sisting of fully 15,000 members of
tho uniform rank, started at 2 o'clock,
the officers, numbering about 500. nil
being on richly caparisoned steeds.
The Kentucky brigade of several reg
iments and bands, led the march. In
diana and Illinois came next with the
largest number in line. Ohio, Iowa.
Michigan, California, New York Penn
sylvania, West Virginia and other
states were well repr.esentd. More
than a score of states in all were rep
resented ln the uniform rank, and as
many were In the subordinate lodges,
the members of the latter in the pa
rade being about 26,000.
Average for the Past Two Years Has
Been About 120 Inmates.
Salem, Aug. 1C. The semi-annual
report of the Oregon State Reform
school was yesterday submitted o
the state board. It Is, In part, as fol
lows: "In compliance with the demand
for, and the necessity of a reform
school for boys, tho state legislature
passed a law at the session of 1889
establishing this school.
"It was opened for the reception of
boys November 5, 1891, nnd up to the'
present time has been under tho sup
ervision of tho following superintend
ents: u. j. Miles, now superintendent
or tho Washington. D. C. reform
school; M. V. Smith, R. J. Hendricks
E. M. Crolsan, 11. E. Dickers and N
H, Looney.
"Since tho school has been In exist
once thero have been S72 boys com
The Stricken Ilo.e From Grief.
What a fortunate provision of naturo
It Is, that deprives tho roso of mental
suffering; for how poignant would be Its
grief to discover. In tho height of Its
blooming glory, that a canker fed at its
heart, nnd that Us beauty and fragrance
uuumeu lorevcr. jvature always
epares tha suffering; sho Is a veritable
store-house of pleasing rewards, for
those who seek her aid. In the years
gone by falling hair and grayness have
cast a gloom over the lives of thousands
oi young women, hut thanks to the In
vestigations of scientists tho true causo
of hair destruction Is now known to bo
a germ or parasite that burrows Into
the hair follicles. Nfiwhrn'n irpnlM
absolutely destroys this germ, thus
permming- me Hair to grow as na
ture intended. RnM hv lnmnf Hrno.
gists. Bend 10o. in stamps for
,a mi. ti -. . .. - -
w roryiciae uo., Detroit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt & Co., special anent
If you are Interested In Oil
Fainting, see us. Our line is
We make a specialty of
framing PICTURES. Newest
stock of frames.
Opera House Block.
mined to this lnstltutoin, many of
whom have been paroled anil are
now doing well, possibly 70 per cent
of these paroled havo developed Into
useful law-abiding citizens.
"Convict labor has been employed
In repairing and Improving the road
from Salem to the reform school and
we now have one of tho finest thor
oughfares in tho state, adding greatly
to the attractiveness of the surround
ings of the stnto buildings.
"During tho past two years the
school has had an average of 120 .on
rolled upon Its books."
Famous Old Nevada Mine to
Drained and Worked Again.
As a result of a deal Just consum
mated by Supt. Leon Hall of tho Corn
stock Pumping Association nt Gold
Hill, tho many rich mines upon tho
lode that have been idle for years,
as a result of being flooded, will bo
drained and worked on a larger scale
than ever before, says tho San Fran
cisco Call.
The association mndo arrangements
with the Alta Mining Company by
which tho drainago will ho done
through their shaft. Tho work of in
stall!::?; en la"a-o pumping volant
upon tho Caledonia starts next week.
By taking the water through this, It
is figured that every mlno In Gold
! Hill will be drained and opened up.
i ln the lower levels Immense bodies
I of or0 averaging In value from $15 to
I $20 "cr ,on' nrc Known to exist. There
are thousands of tons below tho wn
ter lovel, and once uncovered they
will give work to n largo number of
men for many years to come.
Some Details of Two Systems In Spo
kane County. .
Tho Northern Pacific railroad has
4S miles of road in Spokn.ce county,
which Is assessed for $712,270, or
$14,830 per mile.
The Great Northern railroad has 5G
miles of road In this county, which is
assessed for $827,895, or $14,7S3 per
The bond and stock valuo of the
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
railroads Is in tho neighborhood of
$05,000 per mile, but when one do
ducts from this the valuo of their
great land grants, lots, terminal
grounds, tide lands and all other prop
ertv outside of tho operating depart
ment, which are otherwise assessed,
one has a probable value of about
?:'. 000 per mile, which is assessed
for $14,839 in the case of tho North
ern Pacific nnd for $14,783 in tho case
of the Great Northern, which Is al
most 50 per cent of the actual value.
Spokane Press.
Florists in Session.
St. Louis, Aug. 1C Tho convention
begun at the World's fair today by the
Society of American Florists and Or
namental Horticulturists is th.e most
largely attended meeting in the his
tory of the society. The largo attend
ance is due ln great measure to tho
opportunity offered by the horticul
tural display at the fair for Inspecting
the most Improved methods of plant-
growing and the great collection of
magnificent specimens. The opening
session was devoted to addresses of
welcome and responses and the an
nual reports of the officers. The con
vention will continue until tho ond of
the week.
Master Blacksmiths Meet.
Indianapolis, Aug. 1C Tho twelfth
annual convention of tho National
Railway Master Blacksmiths Associ
ation opened in this city today. Pres
ident George H. Lindsay, master
blacksmith of tho Eastern & Terre
Haute railroad, called the 200 dele
gates to order. Nearly every state in
the Union Is represented in the con.
ventlon and tho time will ho devoted
largely to discussing mothods of im
proving tho efficiency of work in tho
blacksmiths' branch of railroad serv
Ready to Notify Davis.
White Sulphur Springs, w,
.rniK. Ao, Arrangements worn mm,
pleted today for the notification of
senator Henry G. Davis of his nomina
tion for tho vice-presidency by tho
democratic national convention. The
ceremonies win take place here to
morrow afternoon and will hr, attmwi.
ed by large delegations of democrats
irom I'arKersuurg, Charleston, Elklns
and other points. The notification
speech will be delivered by Congress
man jonn enarp Williams. Senator
uavis win orieny respond. Tho ex
ercises are expected to
more than an hour.
occupy not
Newsboys' Day at the Fair.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 16 .Thin wn a
Newsboys' Day at tho fair, and onn
of the noisiest and liveliest days yet
seen at the exposition. DeleifaHnna
of newsboys, many of them accom.
panled by newsboys' bands, were on
hand from Toledo. Pittsbunr. Minno.
spoils, Indianapolis and othnr Mna
This afternoon exercises were held in
Festival hall, the speakers Including
President Francis of the
buu uuu c. uuuckbi, president of the
ivieuo newsooys' Association. '
A Perfect Painless Pill.
Is the one that will cleanso tha .
torn, set the liver to action, remove
the bile, clear tho comninrinn
- I.UI u
"u icave a gooa taste In
the mouth. The famous little pills
for doing such work Dleosanriv nn,i
effectually are DeWUt's Little Early
t? Ida.. Tint. Um a . - ...
wa, uvu amuuiu, ji jjoiayetto
Ind., says: "AH other pills I have'
used gripe and sicken, while DeWUt's
Kime jiuriy iusers are simply ner
foct." Sold by Tallman & Co
Cloak Makers Strike.
Cleveland. Aug. 16. Two hnnnnH
cloak makers awaiting the order to
walk out ln tho contract cloak shops,
did not go to work this mnrnlnir
Thoy demand an advance of wages
and closed shop.
Tho National W. c. T. ti. hnB i,u.
torly condemned the "Subway Tav.
orn" Idea of Blshon Potter.
16, 1904.
Line of March Shortened to Accom
modate the Weakened Veterans
Parade Strictly Military, no Women
or Children or Other Diversions Be
ing Allowed increasing Number
of Disabled Who Must Ride in Car
riagesMarch Lasted But Four
Boston, Muss., Aug. 16. There
were not bo many of the boys In blue
In lino as In former years, but not
withstanding this fact the parado to-1
day of tho veterans of th,o Grand Ar
my or the Republic ln this city will j
bo long remembered by tho thousands j
of peoplo who packed tho streets i
along tho line of march to witness it. I
The parado started nt 10 a. m bolng j
coculuded at 2 p. m., the lino ot lnaiun
being but little over two miles long
The route, all over smooth asphalt !
streets, was from Commonwealth nve- j
nue to Arlington street, to llcncon .
street, to School street, to Washing'
ton street, to Milk street, to Devon
shire sireet, to Sumuor street, to
wnsnington street, to Tempio piace, 1
to Tremont street, to Hoylston street, i
to Park square.
From every porch, window and
roof of every bunding nlong the lino
of inarch peoplo looked down on the
long line of bobbin;; blue and to these I
spectators tho veterans sent back
cheers and hand waves of greeting, j
The human flag that tho G. A. R. i
committee had planned so carefully
was all that could be hoped for. Tho
stand .especially constructed for It was
on tho Common facing Temple place,
through which the parado passed on
Its way to Park square. Tho review
ing stand for Comiuuadcr In Chief
Black and distinguished guests was
on the Boylston sireet mall. The pa
rade passed both tho state house nnd
city hall, giving both stato and munic
ipal officials an opportunity to review
With military precision tho veter
ans of Antletnm, Gettysburg, Vlcks
burg and Appomattox swung into line
at th.e appointed hour, ready for the
command to march, A platoon of po
lice led the column. Following thu
bands, drum corps and Commander In
Chief Black and his escort, camo the
several departments of tho Grand
Army, with tho Department of Illinois
in tho van. Naturally Massachusetts
turned out the largest representation
Second In point of number was Now
York, followed by Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana, and Missouri
Throughout tho parado was strictly
military, no women, children or gro
tesque costumes being permitted. Tho
few carriages in lino wore res.ervod for
the use of disabled veterans who came
ln for round after round of hearty
cheers all along tho route.
DeWItt Is the Name.
When you go to buy Witch Hazol
Salvo look for tho namo DoWitt on
overy box. Tho puro, unadulterated
Witch Hazel is used ln making Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo, which ,a
the best salvo in tho world for cuts,
burns, bruises, boils, eczema and
plies. Tho popularity of DoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo, duo to its many
cures, has caused numerous worth
less counterfeits to bo placed on the
market. Tho genuine bears tho namo
E. C. DoWitt & Co., Chicngo. Sold by
Tallman & Co.
August 1G-20 National oncampment
Grand Army, Boston.
August 22-27 American 'Mining
ConcrPRR. Portland
September 4 Conclavo Knights
Templar, San Francisco,
soptombcr 19, 20.21 Oregon Irrlca-
tion Association nt Ontario, Mnlhour
inland Empire Teachers' Assocla
tion t'ondieton, October 10, 20 and
National Irrigation Association El
iaso, loxas, November 1C-18.
The Death Penalty,
A llttlo thing sometimes results ln
ueain. thus a mere scratch, inslir.
nlflcant cuts or puny bolls havo nald
tho death penalty. It Is wiso to havo
jJucKion's Arnica Salvo over bandv
It's tho best salvo on earth and will
prevent fatality, when burns, sores
ulcers and piles threaten. Only 2Co
ui laiunan et uos drug store.
The British ship Inverklp was sunk
in a collision with tho Loch Carron
off tho coast of Ireland. Monday
inuriuug, una zu persons wero lost.
"The Kodak" season is now
on and we have tho largest and
most completo lino profession
al and amateur photograpblo
goods ever shown In the city.
Don't forget to take a camera
or kodak with you on your va
cation. Brock & McComas J
Cor. Main and Court St.
Pendleton, Oregon.
In the Treatment of Humours
with More Than Magical
Effect with
A Remarkable Testimonial from
a Most Intelligent and
Trustworthy Lady.
" A tnmor enmo on my neck and In a
day or two It was as largo as half an
orange. I was very much alarmed for
fear It was malignant. My friends
tried to pcrsundo mo to consnlt my
physician; but dreading that ho would
luslst on using tho knife, I would not
consent to go. Instead, I got Ctitlcura
Resolvent and Cutlcura Ointment. I
tools tho former according, to dlrco.
Hons, nnd spread n thick layer of tho
Ointment on tho swelling. On rennw
loi. It I would bathe my ncclc In very
warm water nnd Cutlcura Snap. In a
few days' tho Cutlcura Ointment hnd
drawn tho swelling to a head, when it
broke. Every uiornlnfc It was openod
with a largo sterilized nccdlo, squeezed
and bathed, nnd fresh Ointment put
on. Tub nnd blood, and a yellow,
cheesy, tumorous matter camo out. In
about threo or four weeks' tlmo this
treatment completely eliminated the
tumor. Tho soroucss that had ex
tended down Into my chest was all
gone, nnd my neck now seems to be
perfectly well.
"About flvo or six years ago my sis
ter had a similar experience, used tho
Cutlcura Remedies with magical effect.
I am willing you should uso my testi
monial, with tho further prlvllcgo of
revealing my name nnd address to such
persons as may wish to substantiate
tho above statements by personal letter
to me." Chicago, Nov. 18, 1002.
BoU Ihronrhoot the world. Cntleur JUtolr.nt, line.
(In form of Choroltte Coit.il Pill,, gta. per ! of ffi),
M Dtmrnt, arte., Bop, 85c. lJpnl I Ionfon, tT Charter
bouM Hq. rrU, lta do U Volil llonton. 137 Colom
bo! Aro. Pottt r Drus Chcm. Corn , Hol Proprietors.
KtSod for "Uow to Cur i,rttf flumour."
I Building;
Made to order. Building pa.
per, lime, cement, brick and
sand, wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Lumber Yard
Alta Street, Opp. Court House.
$2,250 will buy oiio of tho most con
venient ii-room hjuses ln tho city.
Sowor, Imtli, otc; good collar nnd
barn. 3 lots, corner, n bargain.
$4,000 Elegant now 0-roon. house,
Just completed; sowor, bath, tollot;
2 lots, eastern exposure; corner.
$2,500 Nice rosldonco- nnd six lots;
uastorn exposure,
Lot mo show you throe quarter sec
tions of the best wheat land. All urn
dor cultivation; extonslvo Improve
ments, plenty of water, Can b
bought for u II. Jo loss than Its mar
hot value.
W. E. Davirfson & Go.
Insurance, Real Estate, Loans
Ill Court Street. Pendleton.
F. E. Van Dusen
Bollor setting and fire places
done in first-class manner.
Address Box 5, Pendleton.
Electrician Z
Prompt attent'on given arid all
work sxteutsd properly.
Blcetrleal Supplies or all klads
'Tribune Dulldlug)
Dally East Orenonlan h r.u.
nly 15 cents a week, '