DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1004. PAGE TWO. HOTEL ARRIVALS. i Perfect Prescription ! Work i Wo linvo nvarv fnrllltV fllf Wo have every facility doing the hlghesi clti or pre serlptlon. An ample stork of the rarest anil cooti.est drugs anil chemicals ot tested purity. Accurate and skillful compound Ins. Many safeguards against tho possibility of an error In sures every prescription filled hero being absolutely perfect as your doctor wants It. F. W. SCHMIDT T D5UPPHB5MMG A 12. GOVERNMENT WILL BE MORE STRINGENT NEXT YEAR. Stockmen Have Deen Reluctant to Aid In the Regulations Necessary to Confine It. and Hercaftor Strict Rules Must Be Obeyed D. E, Sal. mon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Talks. -i T. DRIK.. Postofflce Block. 'Phone Main SGI GENERAL NEWS. Tho steerage passenger rate from Liverpool to Philadelphia will he re duced from $10 to $7.50, beginning September 1, on tue American line of vessels. The Muskegon Morning News, of .Muskegon. Mlc... for the past 41) years a leading democratic paper, has J flopped over and will horeatter advo catc republican principles. change for the better. The empress of China has asked 1 "At the earnest request of tho cat Japan to allow all the non-combatants , tlemen we have permitted the ship llegulntlons of tho bureau of ani mal Industry of the agricultural de partment regarding tho shipment of cattle Infected with the mnngo wilt be stricter next year than over before. The bureau will work with state boards, and those in clinrge of tho , work say that tho disease will be ! stumped, out entirely in a fow years.' The same course will bo pursued In fighting scab nmoiit sheep. L. E. Salmon, chief of tho bureau, while attending the meeting of stock-; growers in Denver, in nn address be-1 fore the Denver club, said: I "Until this year the bureau did . not do a great deal of work In combat -1 lng the mnnge. Hut this year the work has been fairly started, and , next year and tho years following it will be prosecuted with great vigor. Wo expect to stamp out the disease eventually, but It will require sovernl years to accomplish this result. "To accomplish anything it will be necessary to drnw the lines very closely. This has not been done this year, because the bureau did not wish to begin harshly, but rather preferred to allow time for the cattlemen to understand the conditions and tho measures proposed to bring about a In Port Arthur to go out of tho city and take refuge in Dalny until the terrible siege of Port Arthur ends. The engineer of the Hio Grande ex cursion train near Salida. Col., saw n washout Just in time to save his train. Sunday evening. A heavy ruin had taken out a bridge In a dry gulch. George Clinton Gardner, the repre sentative engineer of Oregon and Washington on the international boun- ment of fat cattle to markets when destined for the slaughter, and If they ' showed no signs of tho disease. Hut ! next year it Is not likely that this will be permitted. "In some sections tho cattlemen hnvo been a little slow in giving their support to the bureau, but we believe , that they will do overythlng possible to aid us If tney learn the true ron dltlons. "Tho chief object of the regulations y?aVl" is to ;;enl spread ',1 mange Citv LZ -0 from stat0 sta,- T1,Ilj squires ' h ivory stringent rules anil constant vig- So great Is the extremity of the Uanco. Russians In the Orient that the naval I "There is not. of course, such great scholars in the training ships at Viad- danger in the shipment of cuttle to ivostok. have been ordered held In ' market. Hut the shipment of feeders readiness for active sea service, al-, means n certain snread of the disease though man- of them are just enter lug the school ships. As a result of the strenuous con ferences between the United States and Turkey, within the past week, American schools in Armenia and other Turkish possessions are now to receive tho same protection and if Infected animals are shipped. That i is the point of danger." MR. NEWELL'S MISSION. Is Now In the West to Urge Better Ir rigation Laws. P It V.IWttll ltl..f .,f tlw. ....rtloir,... treatment accorded the schools under!,!,,,,' cn',,i' i..' .,ni,i , i.i .r., cnntrnl nf nthor nnnror. It, Tm.-1.-ov ' h - The St. George. E. Zelle, 'Seattle. Si'holdnioyor, Seattle. George T. Coyne, Portland. J. J. Hums, Portland. A V. Potter, Washington. John Johnson, Washington. A A. Hice, Now York. A. Knight. Denver. George A. Peebles, Weston. Mat H. Mosgrovc, Milton, ltov .1. J. Addison, 'Portland. V J .Gardner, Portland. L. n. liny. Seattle J. T. Wolfe, Walla Walla. A. C. Haley, Haker City. .1. C. Uentley, Chicago. Prank C. Ilallou, Spokane. Martin Van Clove, Seattle. J. U. Pulier, Sacramento. Morris Hoin, Washington. J. F. McNaught, Maxwell. Harry W. Smith. Denver. M. J. Lee, Portland. H. D. Thomas, Chicago. J. W. Watson, Portland. I. M. Hates. Detroit. George MoGllvery. Spokane. George Harris, Portland. S. Whitehead, Walla Walla. D. H. Hlchurdson, Helix. The Hotel Bickers. .Mrs. Helen Holts. Pilot Hock. J. A. Wilson and children. Rock. C. T Harrington, Portland. George Castle. Pendleton. J. H. Hargor, Seattle. .Miss Dale. Alba. H. Hoylin, Pilot Hock. H. H. Mclloyiiolds, Pilot Rock. S S. Gill. Spokane. S. A Frans, Spokane. H. J Nlcholl, Walla Walla. .Mrs. Edith Holdgo. Junction City Ed C. Long, Starhuck. .Mrs W J. Sturehinii, Mud. Mrs. A J. .Morse. Uklnh. P. Sonos. Helix. D. J. Holt. Stockton. L. W. Keeler. city. Mrs Chllds. Walla Walla. .Miss Hattle Dennett. Elgin. Sam Ycner and wife. Kallspell. Mrs. J. C. Harrett, La Grande. L. Guerrett. Elgin. Miss Guerr.ett, Elgin. J. S. Sandford, Hoise. .Mrs. Eiison Davis. Pomeroy. .Miss Davis. Pomeroy. The Pendleton. W T Cook. city. F. S. Wennes. North Yakima. W. W Rice. Walla Walla. John S. Gurnce. Portland. C. W. lloilis, San Francisco. A. P. Hradbury, Portland. Harry W. Smlti., Denver. S. G. Dunn. Portland. A. Nylander. Portland. J. S. Melcher. Starhuck. Ed Clossey. Starhuck. G. W. Phelps, Heppner. .1. Fred Fisher, Spokane. J. K Walker, Minneapolis. T. C Alen. Seattle. .Miss Gladys Wade, Walla Walla. F. A. Grunn. Portland. Charles McAlister, Olenwood. F. Weadoni. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. FECIAL SA We nro fast closing out nil our summer goods, duced. Prices are greatly tt. Pilot PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I slon to the West on this visit, to tho I Suiiduy Oregonian says; j "I am out In tho West on three mls- ni-i. i.-. i r, 7 .i w .i sions," continued Mr. Newell, count llshop had Cranston, of the Metli- , ,s , , th ..list diocese of Oregon preached his , , ,f I)0Mb,e farewell sermon at Portland Sunday. . ta , . . h George H. Murch of Cohurg. Lane , structlon begun; second, I wish to get county, died .Monday aged 78. He was one of the first pioneers into the Wil lamette valley. Gustavo Milde, an employe, was drawn Into the box tactory machinery at Astoria and both legs and an arm badly mangled. Portland is now experiencing a "flat building" boom, more flats being under construction than any other kind of building, The Kallspel flour mills are offer ing SO and 82 cents for wheat in order to secure a supply with which to ke;p tho mills moving. Forest fires are raging in the Cas cade counties and tho Wlllametto is o dense with smoke that it is almost Impossible to see tho sun at midday. Three bars of Gold bullion valued at $7000, are now on exhibit nt the I.ewistou National Hank, the result of a short run on tho Jumbo mine in the Huffalo Hump district. The heaviest purchase of stock cat tle reported In tho Northwest last week was a traluload bought from farmers In tho vicinity of Hock Lake and St. John, Eastern Washington, for the Montana ranges. A bull fight was pulled off on the flats south of Hutte, Monday, against the combined protests of the ministers of Butte. The fight was a very tamo affair, as It was too hot for the hulls to fight very viciously. Miss Molllo Gore, one of the moat eccentric choracters In tho West, Is dead at Helena, Mont. Sho was an educated Southern woman, and came to Helena with the first rush ot miners and settlers In 18GC, with her father, and has been chief nurse, peacemaker and uuvlsor of tho city for tho past 30 years, and was uni versally known and loved. FOR BALE Two Business iPropositlons on Main Streot. E. T. WADE & SON. the two state commissions, one from Oregon and tho other from Washing ton, together for the purpose of devis ing some plans for the revision of the water laws of the two States, to urge them to begin the consideration of the needs of such a law and to hurry them in Its preparation; third, I am here as a member of the commission on public lands, which was appointed by tho president to report on the pres ent conditions of tho land laws of the country- "There are several irrigation pro jects now under consideration of the l.nvau, hut the ono In Oregon that Is ac this time being pushed tho hardest is the Malheur project, which. If car ried through according to tho plans of tho government, will reclaim in the neighborhood of 100,000 acres of rich land. "Tin- government Is ready to start vor!i cn thih pojeet as soon as the people of the district aro organized anil can give tho assurance that thoy will co-operate with tho bureau In Its work and help to mnko tho scheme a success. "From the Indications at the present time. It seems probable that It will be possible for tho construction work on tho reservoir to be commenced this fall. That depends entirely, however, on the attitude of tho people of tho section." There l more Catarrh In thl section nf the country than all other diseases pat together, and until the aat few jean was supponcd to bo Incurable. For a grott many years doctors pronounced It a 'ocal disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional dlseaie and therefore requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the. only constitution al cure on tbo market. It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure, Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address : F. J. CHRNIJY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price 73c. Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipa tion. Bids Wanted. Sealed proposals will bo received at tho office of T. F. Howard, archi tect up to 2 o'clock p. m Saturday, August 20, 1904, for tho building ot a six-room cottage for J. A. Hlaltloy. Excavating and stone foundation to bo done under soparato contract. Plans aro at tho offlco of tho archi tect. The right 'Is reserved to rojoct any and all bids for tho work. August 10, 1904. Tho Priest Hlvor stngo has been tiro-bound In th,o mountains for sev eral days by tho terrible forest fires raging south ot Prlost tako, In North ern Idaho. End of Bitter Fight. "Two physicians had a long nnd stubborn fight with an nbcess on my right lung," writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, On., "and gav.o me up. Every body thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's Now Dlscilvery for Consumption. Tho ben efit I received was striking and I was on my feet In a fow days. Now I'vo entirely regained my health." It conquers all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed by Tallmnn & Co.'s drug store. Price 50c anil $1.00. Trial bottles free. Luther League Convention. Buffalo, N. V, Aug. lfi.Nearly 1000 delegates from various parts of the country havo gathered In Huffalo for the sixth national convention of tho Luther League. t Tho society Is like tho Christian Endeavor, tho Ep worth League and corresponding so cieties of other churches. The con vention will be formally opened in St. John's church this evening and the sessions will continue until Fri day. Judge Grosscup of Chicago, E. August Miller ot Philadelphia, Dr. George H. Cromer of Newbury col lege, and other men of prominence are to be among tho speakers. A chorus ot liio voices has been rehears ing tor weeks for tho song services. The Washington & Columbia River Railway Special Summer Excur sion Rates to Coast Points. Beginning Juno 15, 1904, tbo W. & C. R. railway will havo on salo tickets to Westport, Long Beach, Clotsop Beech. Tokeland, Ilwaco, Soavlow, Ti oga, Pacific Park, Ocean Pork, Nnh cotta, Flavol, Gearhart and return at 110.00 for the round trip. For children of half faro age, one halt tho above rate. Tickets will bo good returning until September 30th. For full information call upon or address, W. ADAMS, Agent It Will Be to Your Interest. If you contemplate visiting tho St. Louis Exposition, to secure reliable information as to railroad service, the lowest rates and tho best routes. Also as to ocal conditions in St. Louis; hotels, etc., ptc. If you will wrlto tho undersigned, stating what information you deelro, the same will bo promptly furnlshod. If wo do not havo It on hand, will so cure it for you if possible and with out any .oxpenso to you. Address B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. Notice. Tho undersigned will receive bids until C o'clock p. m August 17, 1904, for the lumber In tho barn, sheds nnd sldowalks now on tho "Froom.o Sta bio" property, on Main street. All material to bo romoved from the property at earliest tlato possible. Done at P.ondioton, Oregon, this 11th day of August, 1904. UHAWFORD & SMITH. Summer corsets now for Sailor lints, new stylo w 19c Corset covrs, threo for 19c Ladles' knit drawers, lac.o bottom 25e $1.00 worth of ribbon, lnco or omproldery of nny Btyio, "ic-Vone w" J8c for week "Men's sumnior underwear, 30c kind for 75c Men's work shirts 23c Men's good heavy overalls, worth 75c, our price 6 UP Striped overalls, COc kind now '' We Sun bonnets, worth 2Cc, now 50c ... 15c Shirt waists, all kinds, 20 per cent off. A GOc toilet article free with every $5.00 purchase. THE FHIRi 4444AA tan . In a summer ....mcr L suomei L check 6 rom 3 i broke ALBA NEWS NOTES! 1200 r.cres is concerned, It is now wni th nbout $5 per aero, but when tho lileh is comploted it will be well woith $100 nn acre. Astoria Daily i News. I ALBA CATTLE MARKET , IS ACTIVE NOWADAYS. Hot, Dry Weather Is Ripening Grain Fast School Closed In District 79 Miss Dale Will Teach In Spokane Draft Horses for Sale Hidaway Is Doing a Big Business Planing Mill Will Begin to Operate Soon. A Summer Cold. A summer cold Is not only annoy ing, but If not relieved Pneumonia will be tho probablo result by fall. Ono Minute Cough Curo clears tho phlegm, drnws out the Inflammation bonis, soothes and strengthens tho lungs and bronchial tubes. One MI uto Cough Curo Is nn Ideal remedy for tho children. It Is plcnsnnt to tho tnsto and perfectly harmless. A cor tnln curo for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold by Tnllman & Co. Alba. Aug. Ifi. Tho weather Is warm, and the dry grain Is ripening v.ery fnst. Tho cattle market here has been lively. There were three Seattle buy ,ers and one Pendleton buyer here, causing a little competition in prices. Tile first offer was 2 'Ac fur steers. Kiirrmi Mi'ii'n llnln. - The quaintest fenture of the plctur csque costumes of the Korean men Is their huts. They are niuusetrap-like arrangements made from the lialr of the wearer's ancestors. This priceless possession Is huutlrd down from father to eldest Mill, who reaches the goal ot his ambition at the moment when the which was finally ralsiMl lo $2.75 and j ' M ,ls $2.10 tor cows. Lonorgan bought 72' .. ,.' ,.... ... head of different parties, and Stubble- r' '" " "'" field bought n few small lots, and is H'o '" 'till, g hat that is negotiating tor more. Nate Rains .is worn In rural districts by the oldest i,. ...I.... i, i.,. i.,,. ,i,.,i i sun for throe years after the death of i'uj iui iiiu vuuiuitKi unit miv. Miss Corn Dale haK hist closed a eiuier oi ms jmruuiB. very successful term of school In DIs trirt 70. Miss Dale will visit Seaside for three weeks b.eforo beginning her school In Spokane. The three schools just closed hero are very much dis appointed by not getting a visit from the school superintendent. There are a fow draft horses for sale here, weighing from 1 100 to 1500 pounds. There nro a large number of camp ers at Hidaway springs. The Hid away stage makes two trips a week to Pendleton, alwnyH coming back loaded full with passengers. Mr. Scott, tlio proprietor nt the springs, is a busy bachelor attending to his guests. Viebrock & Smith will start their planer in n fow days, and be ready to fill all kinds of lumber or ders. Mrs. Carrie Council and daughter, Cleo, have returned from un extended tour. They visited tho principal cities of tho East, hut say there Is no plnco like home. J S. Mcl.eod of Pendleton, is here looking after his Interests on the Dixie much. This cnulcal shaped affair of rushes or rice straw Is as large as u bushel basket and extends to the shoulders. TEE' Per set, 5.00: $4.00; silver 11 trading, 50c. We aro thorwjUjI with all modem n.J appliances, aad guir urn 10 ue or toe kit dard, and our prices I consistent with White Br Dentists. Association Blo 'Phone Main 1661. GIY ITERS' . STEEl AFUL Tin- VhIih- lit Ksoruliio. The bniln that never calls upon Itself for work must become dull and stupid, anil It is the same way with the mus cles of the body. They are tilled with blood vessels that should be up and lining. The blood has several purposes, nnd one Is to carry away the waste tlillds of the body. The lungs are n sort of rellliery, anil the blood Is a ill tilling agent. If the bliioil becomes thick and unhealthy and sluggish the body does not keep Its youthful slate. Eyes grow dull, lips lose their redness, and the complexion Is sallow and un lovely. It Is an easy and simple mut tor to make exercise a hnbit. The Coliiml Lodging H( Well ventilated, neat i fortable rooms, good I In connection, v goods are served, Main street, conter or hetween Alta and streets. F. X. SCHEMl Proprietor I r ! IniRNISl CUT-OFF CANAL. One is to Be Dug From Culfaby Lake to Tidewater. The ditch that is to be built from Culluby lalto to Tidewater at Sklpa non, will In iall probability prove an Important fuclor In the trelght busi ness beforo many years are over. V;hen completed there will be a first class canal from tho Columbia river to within three miles of Seaside, and it In not unlikely that the connection will eventually bo made with that thriving place. The ditch will he 10 reet deep, 20 feel wide on top nnd Hi feet on tho bottom. It will have a seven-foot fall, Culluby lake being 17 feet above tide v jtnr Mr Curnnllan stutes it will he tho means of reclaiming over 12(H) acres of land, besides benefiting sev.eral hundred acres move. As fur as the Wurt Ciiro. Vinegar and cooking soda lit solution nro said to make n capital cure for warts. If the wart Is kept moist with It for ten minutes several times a day It will disappear In the course of a week or so In ordinary cases. Another curo Is to touch frequently with acetic acid or nitric acid, but imi must bo careful not to Irritate the sur rounding skill liy dropping either auld. Why TIipt Siiiike. "We had known each other slightly,'' said Miss Evvy Walte, "but never to speak to until one day while nut skat ing I fell down quite near hlni. uud" "Ah, .vex!" replied Miss Pepjiery. That broke the Ice, of couihe."- IHilU iMphla Pri"t. Clioiialnu u Milliliter. Dean Everett ued to say that parish committees hml no more ability choo lng u minister than a minister showed in buying a horse. Huston Christian Register. The man who oocomes bis own do tor has a fool for a putleut as truly us tho man who nets ns his own lawTw has n fool for n client. fit on: 3 the GLASSES THAT DO .N0l are much worse than none to an OPTICIAN oiinn thn eves are weak. 111 hn absolute!; I No charge Is made here iol the sight and very mu "spectacles OR EVE0! .u.. coneral HUH We carry a full line o p! cle sand eyeglasses. rnv erale. , GLENN WINSU Jeweler and OptM POBtOniCC Biww" 11 i The Hotel Cruise Flrat-clnss in every particular. Modern in -11 appointments. Splendidly furnished throughout. Sorvlco th,o very best. Tho Hotel Crulso is located at tho corner of Webb nnd Cot tonwood streets in a now building built especially for hotel pur poses. Each room Ib largo and comfortable, being woll lighted and well ventilated. In furnishing this hotol, tho best of every thing was purchased, and attention hns beon given to tho artis tic effect as well as comfort. Tho Hotel Crulso is a model place for lodgors, traveling men and cltlzons who seok a first-class placo whore rates aro not high. Cafo In connection. Short orders served at nil times, Modem School of Commerce Gives Free Trial. Attend the Best. Free Oar Far. Eight Months' Tuition at Price ot Six. Pendleton, Oregon. "KNOCKED THESTUFF.N una broke It into .pHnterj. beon the raw m '""ometbW U was run into W f "there is unuu -":,..; n Dleast.ro in knowlne thBtm you can "r" r We do all kinds t UWH and blacksmlthlng If o B 1rtl superior manner. o ,t t hydraulic P""0' ,dt 80t does It while you or dofaco your wneeis 1 the life of the ffl i. wo have '",... Hacks and Buggies, una lino Engines. BROTHER"' The ma1" r"!. Oxonian l The psper. ' innn'i renre" - it i"nd the people PprfiWjfl .how It by their libera' v am Is the advenisina eetlon.