East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight nnd Wednesday fair.
. ..n,ir mlvertlsomont
(ho cZri
nd 25c
-d 60c I
'Icturn . li
u we ell
NO. 63 27.
Les Condemned to
Are Burned at the
I ...urn Dl 1NNNED
Ipteiboro Restiessiy
ult of the Trial and Thett,
Lied the Guilty Wretches and
Them Guns Forcibly
frem State Militia Other
i Implicated Severely Whip-
Iiioro, Ga., Aug. 1G. Paul Itoid
aipiilt)' of tlio murder of the
ftsiitv today. Doth he and
Ha were convicted last night.
Bide the statement tnat a
liMirhpr lieaded a cant; of
I, to planned the execution of
ffM mob la Hiirclnc around
I.-, bnnsn nml hnvo taken guns
aiy of the militiamen. Thero
lain to ue a big lyncning yoc.
Imntn arr mobilized at Savan-
Ippared to rush here at a mo
ll tolico.
i Seizes Telegraph Office.
lib, Aug. 1G. 2 p. m. Tho
Iietzed th,e telegraph operator at
kbcro and communication with
place was cut off at 1:30 this
Burning at the Stake.
biinab, Aug. 16. 3 : 30 Lato ad-
s from Stateaboro say the mob
Itrerpoirered the guards and took
i and Rem to stakes, where thoy
Iking burned.
i otber negroes were glvon a
It rawhide lashing and others
ti Timed to bo moro respectful to
.. 50c I
and ll
at Societies Attempt Wholesale
uo, N. Y., Aug. 16. Wealthy
i arc being terrorized by the
to Hand" society. Anthony Pope
1 and family are under police
lion. Gorc.er received a letter
rtenlng his life unless S200 was
In a designated spot.
Ualonlzza, a wealthy liquor mcr-
:i, received a similar notice, do-
RIJ J1000. OthnrH hnvn rnnelv-
Pe oath administered liv the 'socio-
I Is made public. The candldato
re the image of his favorite
t wlth Ills own blood and hums
Miter taking tho onth of faithful-
P to the soeintv. h nlinnlR nt n
J'ftt to signify his readiness to
I even his nearest rrtlntlv.. Ih ko
: by tho society.
torous Herreros Give Two Days
Battle In Southwest Africa.
Ikrlln, Aug, 1G, Gen. Vonthrotha,
remand of the Gorman forces In
FWeat Afrlpn ronnrlo o
the rebel Herreros on August 11
E- ino natives wore drlvon hack
eeoad day and th.e town of
captured. Tho losses on
1 "(les wore heavy.
Germans I m. oa ifluA
felta, Aug. 16. Tho G.erman cas-
in the fight wore 24 killed
Sail fni. AlnaL.
a fiiuunui
. Bttl. AUC 1R Tim TWIflo f.nnaf
P Company's steamer City
UrZ la tt,llcd to Skagway this
M a f it Sho carr,oa 40 passengers
n lUll CUI&O Of rrnnornl mnpfihnn.
Lj,' Tno majority of tho vessel's
S7,rffB.we bound for tho Inside.
m.." , laIng largo consignments of
U mL Sht Wlth thom Thoro aro
ko , "1D1B uuunu tor ino Tanana,
""Wiles taWne In consignments
, Old Folks' Picnic.
wito, nflo Au& 16. So far, Thos.
President of tho La Grando
u , " "Bsociauon lias lurnisn-
r. ee excursion Hckntfl tn T.tt
I ttciiil old noon, ol'elhle to tho froo
l 8aii?' by uolnB over tho G5 year
' K oa Au8at 18. Tho O. R.
j(-'."'"I run an nvrllrnlnn frnm Ia
L!iojterand tho Bumn'r' Valley from
I' 8tlSpokane Loaes by Flre
1 lffin?: Au8- lO.-Spokuno had a
('.m, 'ro wlch swopt tho city
MittiJ? ns' Tno Oroto-Runkln and
. ftt ur, " WQuor Company were
"ylest l0Bnr
Forest Fires Destroy Property and
Create Danger.
Eugeno, Aug. 16. Despite tho fran
tic efforts of a largo force of all
avallahlo men, the terrific for.est flro
continuos Its encroachments in Mc
Kenzlo Itlvor valley, near Watorvlllo
and Leadburg. Thousands of acres
of valuable tlmbor are swept away.
FJeelng settlers this morning say
the smoke in some places is so dense
as to render roads invisible, making
escape very difficult. This place Is
20 miles distant from the fire line,
but is hurrying men to assist in the
Celebrates a Son's Birth By Act of
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1G. It Is re
ported tho czar has abolished forever
corporal punishment, the act merely
occasioned by tho birth of an heir.
Two Men Killed.
New York, Aug. 16. The elevator
in tho building at 270 Mercer street,
with 17 persons, fell this afternoon.
William Docker and another man
wcro killed, and other injured. Tho
conductor, was arrested.
Maneuvers at Fort Riley.
Fort Kiley, Aug. 1G. The team
from tho state of Washington arriv
ed UiIb morning to compete in the
army shooting. Cavalry skirmish and
firing is tho order of tho day.
George Westfall, Kiember of the G. A.
R. and Inmate of the Boise Soldiers'
Home, Now In This City In a Pitia
ble Plight Mayor Matlock Gives
Temporary Relief Case for Investigation.
An old man 74 years of age, giving
the name of George Westfall, came
Into town afoot last night, from the
West. Judging from appearances and
his story his case ought to appeal at
nnnc in Hin pnmrnrtn slfln nf th Old
soldiers, and to the BenBlbllltles of
everybody else. He claimB to be an
linnnrnhlv (llflrhnrirnil veteran of tho
53d Illinois Voluntoer Infantry, and
t hnvo iila rilarlinrcn miners and
other evidences of tho genuineness of
ills representations wun aim, uuu iu
have shown them to some of the old
nnlfllnrn here.
His story is that he is a member In
good standing of tno uiano soiuiers
Homo at Boise, to which he was ad
mitted from Pocatollo. He also says
Hint hn la n nnlri lm and dulv accred
ited member of tho G. A. It. post at
Oregon City, wlicre lie nnu a meinour
ship before going to Pocat,ello.
About a month ago lie secured a
furlough nnd went down to McMinn
viiin on n visit, whero ho remained
about a week, whou h.o, came to Port
land and stopped at tho National
Hotel on Front street. Immediately
after going to tho National he went
up town, and on tho way was stopp.ed
by two husky young follows who
without ceremony proceeueu to uusne
the old man in the most approved
style. Dy the time ho realized what
was being attempted, the strangers
were gone, and with them went ev.ery
cent ?30 that the old man had.
Tho past threo weeks lie has spent
en rout,o botwoen hero and Portland,
trying to walk to Boise. Ho has met
astonishingly few people who wore at
all sympathetic with, him, and part of
the time en route lias be.en sick.
When seen at tho O. K. & N. depot
this morning tho old man was crying
and apparently not really In his right
mind on account of his hardship and
tho prospects of tho trip botwoen
hero and Boise. Ho claims that May
or Matlock was tho only person who
appeared to beliovo his story In Pen
dleton. Mr. Matlock gav,o him CO
cents last night with which ho paid
for his supper and lodging, If this
Is a genuine case it Is a very unusual
ono; if It is not genulno, It Is equally
Knights Templar Coming Here.
London, Aug. 16. The Earl of Eub
ton, grand master, and a deputation
of English Knights Templar, who will
attend tho conclave to bo hold in Sau
Francisco next month, soiled today
for Now York.
Railroad Assessment Raised,
Tho Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany's assessment on Its real proper
ty In this city was raised nearly" $200,
000 by the board of equalization this
mnrnlnr Tills Ih not BO muh ns tlio
.jiroporty of the Groat Northern was
raised yostoroay, mil ino equalizers
say that when tho fact is taken into
consideration that tho Northern Pa
cific has always paid hlghpr taxes
than tho Great Northern, tho Increase
Is proportionately as largo Seattle
Efforts of Mayor Harrison
Have Failed to Bring About
Say the Strike Is Won and They
Have No Places for the Strikers
Mayor Will Not Yet Give Up Says
He Will Mediate on Any Grounds
Upon Which Contestants May Meet
Kansas City Sued for $10,000 by
Scab Strike Breakers.
Chicago, Aug, 1G. At a secret
meeting of tho mayor and representa
tives of the packers it Is understood
the mayor informed tho packers thero
would ho a reopening of peace nego
tiations. Tho packers claimed they
are working the plants at almost full
capacity and the strike Is won. They
would not consent to a compromise
with the strikers. It would he utter
ly Impossible to discharge new em
ployes and make room for strikers.
Undaunted by tho uncompromising
attitude of the packers, Mayor Harri
son arranged for a meeting of Don
nelly and other representatives of the
unions today. He is still hopeful that
a common meeting ground may be
Donnelly has given up all hope of a
settlement and said: "I have no
proposition to make. I don't think the
mayor can do anything. We will toll
him of the situation and treat him
Everything Is quiet In the stock
yards ulstrlct this morning.
Shells From Japanese Guns
Annihilate Stoessel's Head
Japancso battleship sink during
battle of Wednesday last.
Russian Cruiser Lost.
Washington, Aug. 1G. Consul Fow
ler, at Choo Foo, cabled tho stato de
partment today that It Is reliably re
ported that the Russian cruiser Pal
lada. was sunk on tho night of Aug
ust 10.
Russian Cruiser Pallada Sunk in Sea
Fight, Destroyer Wrecked on the
Rocks Beleaguered People In Port
Arthur Have Eaten Up .All .the
Horses Available and Conditions
Are Said to Be Terrlble Vessels In
Chinese Ports Are Dismantled
Russian Cruiser Reaches Vladivostok.
Rome, Aug. 16. The commander of
the Italian Far East squadron, tele
graphed tho latest bombardment of
Port Arthur did enormous damage,
General Stoessel's headquarters being
among tho buildings destroyed. Con
ditions in Port Arthur aro desperate.
Nearly all tho horses In the beleag
uered city have been slaughtered for
Mediation Is Vain.
Chicago, Aug. 16. Mayor Harrison
at tho close of the conference with
tlie labor leaders, expressed a wil
lingness to meet the packers, but they
were iudlfferent. Ho stated that while
packers claimed they had the strike
won, they would learn tho contrary
to be true.
He said he would bo willing to
meet any agency likely to promote
peace. The mayor admitted that all
his efforts to promote peace so far
had been a failure. He has no fur
ther peace planB in view but will
take advantage of any further oppor
tunity to mediate.
A. Carrol, special agent of the de
partment of commerce and labor, ad
mitted today that he was engaged
with 18 assistants In Investigating the
alleged beef trust nnd the present la
bor difficulty.
Diana Reaches Vladivostok.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 16. Tho family
of one of tho officers of the Russian
cruiser Diana today received a tele
gram announcing the arrival of tho
Diana at Vladivostok. Tho Diana es
caped from Port Arthur during tho
sortie of August 10, and eluded the
Japanese fleet.
Vessels Must Disarm.
Washington, Aug. 1C. Tho consul
general at Shanghai cables tho stato
department that tho consul at Sbang'
lial has informed the Russian gener
al that tho two Russian vessels now
In that port must bo either disarmed
or leave the harbor at once. The Rus
sian consul replied that the vessels
are in need of repairs to make them
seaworthy. The Japancso consul gen
era! demanded their disarmament at
Russian Vessels Dismantled.
Klao Chow, Aug. 16. Tlio Russian
battleship Czarovltch and three tor-
pfdo boats which hauled down tho
flags yesterday, were dismantled to
Kansas City Sued by Scabs.
Kansas City, Aug. 1G. This city
was made defendant by three pack
ing house employes for personal in
juries sustained in attacks by strik
ers. Tho suits were Instituted under
a state law holding the municipality
Hablo for mob damages. The' suits ag
gregate flO.000.
Russian Losses at Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1C. Official
reports of Russian casualties at Port
Arthur between August 8 and 10,
when tho Japanese made another des
perate attempt to tako tho port are
received. Seven officers and 248 men
were killed; 3D officers and 1C33 men
wero wounded and ono officer and 83
men are missing.
Only a Nightmare.
Klao Chow, Aug. 1G. Officers of
tho Czarovltch insist that they saw a
There is consternation among the
buyers of sheep, and equally among
the sheep raisers. Dy mail today the
government stock inspector and tho
sheepmen recelvo the notice b.olow
trom Gorge S. Hickok, tho agent in
charge of the animal Inspection bu
reau at Salt Lake City.
The immediate construction given
to the document by tho buyers and
shippers here, and by County Live
stock Inspector Benn Is that here
after all flhcej b.elng shipped into
other states for feeding or stock pur
poses or for breeding must be dipped
once, and if they navo been found to
b,o actually Infected, must be dipped
twice. These gentlemen give this
construction to the clause, "Sheep
that aro belug shipped into otber
states for feeding or stock purposes
or ,for breeding, must ho dipped once
as exposed, and twico if infected, in
some of tho (one) dips approved by
this bureau, and under the supervis
ion of a foderal employee."
Interviewed upon tho subject,
Mesurs. Hunter & Stephens, buyers,
Thin rule coming at this tlmo sim
ply means a dead loss to tho buyers
who have contracted for sheep, of not
less than 25 per cent per head, as all
tho shoop wo havo purchased will b.e
gaunted that much, and will conse
quently require moro careful treat
ment and extra feed to get them in
condition. Theso shoop will lose at
least six pounds on an average be
tween now and delivery in Nebraska,
.ovory ounce of which wo must make
up aftor dolivory at the foodlng lots
In that stato.
"Furthermore, it knocks In the
head sovcrnl large deals wp had on
since tho purchases wero made which
wero announced In yesterday after
noon's paper, because all figures must
necessarily bo revised."
Tho standpoint or tho sheep raiser
is perhaps best expressed by Stock
inspector Bean, who Bays;
"The cost to the sheou raisers is
considerable, the average expense of
dipping being two cents per head
arter the plant is in running order,
Tho loss by killing sheep during dlp
ping aeea not uo considerable, as
such loss is generally duo to tho carc
lessnosB of the operators. I havo
known some men to lose GO sheep out
of 200p during dipping, whereas others
will scarcely lose an animal. Tho
percentage of loss from that particu
lar source may or may not bo largo,
according to tho caro taken in tho
dipping and the Judgment used in
preparing lor tho dipping.
"As a matter of fact, tho general
oiiect or tue ruling, while it may ap
pear to work a hardship. In fact does
does work an immediate and unavoid
able hardship, nevertheless is produ&
tlvo of great beneHt in the long run,
This is becauso it prevents tho shiD
ment into this state as well as the
shipment out of It of infected animals,
Sheep came into this county last year
ironi luano (bloodod animals which
had boon oxposed to scab, but tho dls
ease had not yet broken out.) tho
coming of which was responsible for
tn.0 introduction of all tho scab in
this county which wo havo been
troubled with during tho past year.
"Some years ago tho introduction
upon our ranges of blooded sheep
from California which bad been ox-
Did Not See Japs.
Chec Foo, Aug. 1G. Tho Port Ar
thur fleet which made a Bortie this
morning did nut encounter tho Jap
anese fleet.
Torpedo Boat Wrecked.
St. l'otersbure. Aim. 16. Official
announcement is made tonight that
the torpedo boat Burnyl struck n rock
during a fog nnd her boilers explod
ed. Tho crew has arrived at Wcl Hnl
In Jail for Theft.
Harry McDonald, who was one of
the 10 men who escaped from the city
jail two weeks ago, was brought to
this city this afternoon by Constalilo
J. W. Iloyer, of Adams, nnd placed In
the county jail. Ho is serving a sen
tence of 10 days for petit larceny.
Constalilo Iloyer also hud In custody
Claude Hunter, sentenced to 25 days
in tho county Jail for petit larceny.
McDonald was convicted of stealing
from a gypsy woman. Hunter stole
from n saloon.
Twenty-seven Out of Thirty
Umatilla County Teachers
Wore Successful,
Marriage License.
UriMisn to niarrv wna issued by
the county cuerk today to Leroy Stow
art nnd Bessie Hulse, both of this
Marquis General Average Wan 96..
Per Cent Mrs. Florence Kelly of
Milton, a Close Second With an Av
ernge of 94 7-12 State Papars Havo
Been Sent to Salem All Teachers
Pass Excellent Examinations, Many
of Them Entitled to Higher Grade
Certificates Than Their Experience
A'llowo Superintendent Welles Is
Highly Pleased With the Results.
One Hundred Head Delivery Made
by Henry Lazlnka, Fred .Gelnger
Sam Clark and Culp Brothers to the
Frye-Bruhn Company, Through J. C.
Lonergan About 800 Head of Fat
Cattle Left In Camas Prairie Dis
trictPrice Paid Was $2.75 Per
What Is certainly tho cream of the
ranges In Southern Umatilla county,
arrived In this city last night, for
shipment to Frye-Bruhn, over tho W.
& C. R., In tho shape of 100 head of
3-year-old steers, delivered by Henry
Lazlnka, Fred Gelnger, Sam Clark and
Culp Brothers, all of tho Camas Pra
irie district.
TIiIb was tho prettiest, roundest,
plumpest, fattest shipment of cattle
sent out of Pendleton this year, and
Henry Lazlnka termed it tho "cream
of the range." It Is part of tho largo
number of fat cattle bought In tho
southern part of tho county by J. C.
Lonergan, nnd already m.ontloned In
tho East Orcgonlan.
Tho owners gathered thom from
the best rnngo in Oregon and tho cat
tl.o bIiow it. Tho prlco paid for tho
bunch wns $2.75 per 100, averaging
about $30 per head.
They wero shipped out last night
over tho W. & C. R. and tho stockmen
aro returning homo today. Thero re
mains In tlio Camas Pralrlo district
about 800 head of fat cattlo yet, which
must ho gatherod for tlio pastures us
tho ranges will soon begin to dry up,
Woman 8ulcldes.
Grants PaBS, Aug. 10. Mnry V.
Chapman, aged 67 y.enrs, committed
suicido lato Saturday night or Hundny
hy plunging over tho dam at Oold
Ray. Mrs. Chnpman had been n resi
dent of Grants Pass for many years
and before her marrlngo to Joseph
Chapman eight years ago, wus a nurso
and her former namo was Mrs. Bali
cock. For tho past threo yenrs or
more sho has beon mentally unbalanc
ed at times and was continually
threatening to kill herself, and many
times had her personal effects and
household goods packed in boxes pre
liminary to carrying out her suicidal
Immigration Officials Instructed
Not Detain Her.
Washington, Aug. 1G. Commission
er of Immigration Sargent stated to
day that officials or Now York havo
been instructed not to detain Mrs.
Maybrick upon hor arrival Jn Ameri
ca. Sho will be afforded every facil
ity duo an Amorlcan citizen.
(Contlnuod on page C.)
Mrs. Henry George's Will.
Now York, Aug. 16. Tho will of
the widow of tho lato Henry George
was filed for probate today. Tho es
tato consists of real estato and per
sonal , property valued at $50,000 di
vided among the three childron, Hen
ry, Richard and Mrs, Anna Domillo.
Governor Loundsberry Dead.
Rldgoficld, Conn., Aug. 16. Ex
Governor Lounds-orry diod at his
rosldenco at Farinlugton this morning.
First Grado Certificates George B.
Marquis, of Athena; Mrs. Floronco
Kelly, of Milton; F. B. Ponnock, of
Milton; Lewis W. Keoler, of Peiidlo
ton; Elizabeth Humor, of Milton; Mrs.
Mattlo Smith, of Milton; Chnrlos L.
Plukeiton, of Weston; Edna Williams,
of Milton.
Second Grado Certificates Bertha
L. Morrison, of Pendleton; Mrs. E.
B. JoncB, of Pondlcton; Alma Barnott,
of Weston; Mrs. Anna M. Whlto, of
Pendleton; Iona Marsh, of Weston;
Bertha Ross, of Echo; Jessie Williams
of Milton; O. A. Cannon, of Athena;
Bessie McDauIel, of Froowator.
Third Grado Ccrtlilcatcs Vorna
Vannnnder, of Milton; Mao Walker,
of Milton; Clara Keller, of Pendleton;
Bcda Carlstrom, of Adams; Claronce
Hcsseltlue, of Walla Walla; Cordelia
Hall, of Weston; Cnrrlo Sharp, of
Atlicnn; Bertha Baker, of Pcndloton;
Mnudo Sherman, of Athena; Mattlo
Hickman, of Freowater.
Only Three Fall.
Of tho 30 applicants for certificates
to teach in tho Umatilla county
schools, who took tho examinations
lust week, only three fulled to como
up to tho requirements of tho board.
Ono of theso was prevented from re
ceiving grado on account of sickness.
Tho papers of the six applicants for
state diplomas havo been forwardod,
to tho superintendent of public in
struction for grading.
Georgo B. Marquis, of Athenn, ranks
tlio list of successful teachers, with
a general nverngo of 90 M per cent.
Mrs. Flnropce Kclloy of Milton, is
second with n genernl average of
01 7-12 per cent.
Requirements of Examination.
To socuro a first grado certificate
uppllcnnts aro required to sccuro a
general avorago of 90 per cont nnd
not to full below 70 In any ono study,
and to havo hail at least 12 months
experience as a teacher, oxcopt in
cases of grnduatca of normal schools.
Second grado requirements nro a
general average of 80 und not lower
than GO in any one branch and nt least
threo months oxperlcmtu us a tonchor.
For third grado certificates appli
cants must niako u genornl avcrngo
of 75 per cont and not fall holow 60
per cent In any ono study.
Superintendent Highly Pleased.
"Many of the applicants," said
County School Superintendent Frank
K. Welles, "secured uveraKes high
enough to havo Hocurod for thom boc
ond and first grado certificates, hut
their oxporl.onco as toachors was not
"I nm moro than plimued witli tlio
result of tho examinations Mos of
llioso who woro present nro experi
enced teachers and their work hIiowb
that thoy nro thoroughly versed in tho
different brunches.
Tho board of examiners consisted
of Mr. Wollos, aeorgo A. Peebles, of
tho Eastorn Oregon State Normal, ut
Weston, and T. O, Suit, principal of
the Milton public school, Thoy aro
all Instructors of many years expor
lenco and tho examination work was
handled In an oxp.edlont and skillful
manner. Mr. Peoblos and Mr, Salt In
tend to return to their homos this
Ten Thousand Expect to Attend the
Ceremonies Tomorrow.
Whlto Sulphur Springs, Aug. 10.
Ten thousand aro expected to witness
tho notification of Davis tomorrow.
The Davis party arrived last night on
a special. Toggart nnd Williams are
expected lato today, The speaking
Will take Dlaco on tho vnrnndn nf the.
Grand Central hotel.
Joe Jefferson Is Better.
Buzzard Bav Aucr. lit Tnmni, t.
ferson's condition is improved today.
Ho is suffering from indigestion.
Tho Orlontal ratn nn fin,,.. ,.,m i,
advanced from ?4 to $5 per ton on
oupiemuer j, iroin ,aau Francisco.
4ff U
r4 '-A"J fmiMmmi