PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1904. . . r , - - " I ; - "T PA Low Shoes iot High Tempeatte BUY A SECOND PAIR OF OXFORDS. THREE MONTHS MORE TO WEAR EM AND THEN OVERGAITERS IF NECESSARY. OUR OXFORDS, WHICH ARE HIQH GRADE, SELLING AT LOW EST POSSIBLE FIGURES. owned by Mrs. Vort. to liu reconstructed. Tlio contracting firm of Morse & Dunlnp will build tlio houses, nnd ex pects to have them completed by Oc tober t. WMWWWBBMWBWWWWWWWWWWVWVWW-wvwvvv -W- - t m-m mm mm m m w-m mm m B rm . : ? i J.HlM KK fl J DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. t t GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. THRESHER SMUT CAUSES COMBUSTION IN ELDER SEPARATOR. Explosion Occurred Followed by Fire Which Destroyed All the Wood work of a $1200 Thresher No In surance Carried, Although They Could Have Insured for $800 Two Weeks Ago. Last Friday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock the separator belong ing to S. B. Elder and W. L. Elder, father and son, of Despaln gulch, was destroyed by fire originating In a spontaneous combustion of smut and dust caused by friction. Less than an hour before the fire the Elders finished threshing at Clay liranstotter's place and moving over to Lee Beam's place made a now set ting and went to work. Within an hour the explosion, followed by fire, followed. It is said that there is no perceptible amount of smut in the Beam wheat, but there was consider able In the Branstetter wheat. W. L. Elder, who was at work close by the separator, in fact was but 05 yards from it, beard what "sounded to him like the report of a shotgun about 100 yards away, and In tho di rection of the machine." He turned and saw a shaft of flame fly upward from the middle of the soparator. Tho entire inside works of the soparator were ablaze in a moment and all that could be done was to save the prop erty about it. The separator was almost entirely consumed, and as much of It as was not was rendered useless. Surround ing property was saved by actlvo hustling. Tli,e engine was not injured in the least. The separator had been in use five years, but excellent care had been taken of It, and this summer boforo putting it into operation it was over hauled and made practically as good as now. It was not insured for n dollar, and the Elders hnvo the grim regret of knowing that they might Just ns well bo $700 in pocket now as "out tho entire vnluo of the ma chine, which was worth anywhere from $1000 to $1200. Two weeks ago they could have Insured th.o machine for $S00 by paying n premium of $100. Tlio Elders will put in a now out fit, probably, with which to resumu work for the remainder of tho sea son, as they have contracts to enrry them through. DURING WINTER MILTON IRRIGATION DIS- TRICT SUIT SETTLED. Judge Ellis Issues a Wise Order Post poning Water Suit for Two Years and Giving the Settlers Under the New Ditch In Hudson Bay, the Privilege of Using Water From Oc tober 15 to April 1 Case of Dis trict Against Preston Is Dismissed. RESISTED AN OFFICER. i Turkey I Dusters For pictures, bric-a-brac and fino furniture. The largo, fluf fy ones of split feathers and long handles; always go, the dust; can't scratch and last for years. Whisks, Too Higher than they were, that is tho wholsalo price is higher. Old prices still prevail hero, hut may not long. Better save by buying now; 15c buys a good one; better ones for more. Tallman !& Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS Peter Gebhardt, of Weston, Meets Constable Lavender With Dogs and Gun. An Irate farmer, armed with a big gun and with a pack of growling dogs at his heels, was what Constable D. F. Lavender, of Weston, met nt the Peter Gebhardt farm, when he went to tho place to serve notice of summons on Gebhardt nnd his wife to appear in court nnd answer n civil action. Lavender failed to execute his commission and an appeal has been made to Sheriff T. D. Taylor to servo the papers. Carlisle Brothers, of Weston, insti tuted suit in Justice Wood's court Fri day to collect $100, alleged to be due for harvesting work. The summons were placed In Constable Lavender's hands for service, but when he reach ed the G.ebhart place, the farmer was standing at the gate with his rifle and dogs and forbade the entrance of the officer. Lavender returned to Weston and Sheriff Taylor was requested to send a deputy. The sheriff may send a man to Weston tomorrow to serve tho papers. What Is looked upon ns practically the settlement of the water rights difficulties between gardeners nnd fruitraisers of the Milton country, nnd the Milton, Freowntor & Hudson Hay Irrigation Company, was secured today when the court order continu ing the caso for two years was filed. According to tlio stipulation the defendants shall linve two-fifths of the water flowing into the Walla Walla river from October 15 to April 1. During the remainder of tho year tho defendants shall have the right to convert tho water whenever It ex ceeds 1000 miners' Inches. The suit has been pending in tlio state circuit court for many months. Stillmnu &. I'ierco represent tlio plaintiffs and Halley &. Lowell tho defense. Today, upon motion of the plaintiff in the -action of tho Little Walla Walla irrigation district, a corporation, against O. N. Preston and others, tho suit was today dis missed by Judge Ellis. This suit was a question of water rights near 3111-ton. Supply and Demand About Equal. The omploymont cgoncles report that today tho supply and tho de mand nro about oven ns botwoen la borers nnd the various classes of em ployers. Saturday and up to tho date for u largo part of last week, there wore moro laborers than places for them, Hpenklng broadly. Saturday tho decks were pretty well cleared. Not nil the mon go to the harvest fields qult.o n number havo gono to tlio wood camps, 10 to tho power lino works nnd others hnvo boon sunt to tho railroads. Board of Firemen Meeting. The board of firemen will meet to night nt tho city council chnmhers to transact routine business nnd pos sibly handle sometblug now. Tho board Is composed ns follows, with Chief Wlthce presiding: No. 1. William Lenthors; 'No. 2, Dean Shall; No. 3, William Hoguo; No. -I, Arthur Gibson; No. 5, Samuel Yaudoll; No. C, Peter Anderson; Hook nnd Ladder No. 1, T. T. Nelson. A fine of $t is imposed upon ov.ery absentee. MR. AND MRS. RADER RETURN. Church Nearly Completed. Fnther Neato went to Athcnn this morning to look nftor the construc tion of tlio now Catholic church .nt thnt place. Th.o structure is now en closed and partially painted, and will bo ready for occupancy by the sec ond Sunday In September. Father Dlmler will preach therein every sec ond nnd fourth Sunday of each month thereafter. Guests From as Far East as Chicago New Waterworks. Tlio contract for tho Buporstructurn of tlio Hot Lalto hotel annox will bo lot very soon, and work thoreon will hogln soon, hut not so that tho prop-1 orty enn bo usud tho coming winter, i In fnct, tho owners do not boo that it i will bo possible' to. occupy tho annex before next spring, or tho early part' of next summer. Its completion will j mnko a 200-room houso of tho pntlro I Hiructuro. Thoro nro gucstB nt Hot Lake this summer from as far cast ns Chicago, and from ovory stnto west of tho Mis sissippi. A complete system of wntorworkB Ib to ho put in nt Hot Lako Immedl ntely. Tho ontlre property is, of course, supplied with hot water In nhundanco and cold water also for all needs of tho hotel nnd Its guests. A 100,000-gnllon reservoir will bo bill 800 feot from tho hotol, from which will como tho wnter necessary to ir rigate tho ground about It. This res ervoir nnd Incidental Improvements will cost about $800. Christi m H4 We havo n n.. . or the Chri.,... . UXCOM OTinll, . - varyinp - ior each piece. OWL m . tu --WW LIST OF DRUNKS. Eight Violators Pay the Penalty in Police Court. Two dejected who had been "out" the night before, were among the several prisoners to ap pear in police court this morning. Thero wero eight victims and each pleaded guilty to the charge of drunk on the streets and received a fine of $5 or threo days in Jail. Following are their names: Geo. .Marshal, John Doe, Olc Swltzler, Oli ver La Shapelle, Indian Charley. In dian Frank, J. R. Franklin and Albert uarnhart. Will Run the City Hotel. -Mrs. C. H. Bletel, proprietor of tho City Hotel at Pilot Itock, who form erly conducted the business, has se cured possession of the hotel again and it will be conducted under her peronal management after Septem ber 1. Some extensive improvements will bo mado In tho premises, tho .entire houso being renovated and repaired. Mr. Rader Speaks of Political Out look and Praises St. Louis Fair. "The Hoosier democrats," remark ed M. A. Ilader. of this city, who re turned yesterday from two months in the East,, "innsmuch ns Tom Tnggart of their state is national chairman, feel fnirly confldout of carrying In diana for Parker. I am a democrat myself, but I believe that Roosevelt will succeed in tho coming election. Tho democrats will put up a stiff fight, but It Is too much of an up-hill pull." Mr. Rader says that business con ditions In tho East ar.o fairly good, considering the fact that It is nresl. dentlal year. Mrs. Rader uccomunn. led her husband and tho two visited most or the time at Woicott, Ind. the fair at St. Louis was taken in. "It is a grand sight," continued Mr, under, "and really more than one can properly seo In a week or two. We became so tired that we had to quit." While in Chicago Mr. Rader secur ed a carload of now furniture for his fall and winter trade. The goods will arrive shortly. Mrs. Rader left this morning for Lehman Springs, where her children have been spending tho summer. She is accompanied by M3a Lina nihoii TVIrs. Dlbell and Miss Lettle Plum- mer. Will Seed 2100 Acres Wheat. The Loronzcn brothers , havo threshed a largo part, but not all of their wheat on tho reservation. A portion of It yielded 30 bushels per acre, but tho was not so good. Tho Lorenzons will put in 14511 acres of wheat In partnership on tlio reservation this fall. North of town H. R. will put in 150 acres and Henry GOO. Exciting Runaway. A team belonging to Ed Stnnbury, an expressman, beenmo frightened while standing at the O. R. & N. freight depot this morning nnd ran awny. Tho horses ran the lengtli of Mnin street nnd turned east on Water street nnd continued at breakneck speed for several blocks boforo they wero stopped. Little damage resulted. Roosevelt's THE HOT WEATHER STORE. Shoes and "Josh Slmpklns" Coming. Manager Taylor, of tho Frazor theater, Is In receipt of a letter stat ing definitely that the "Joshua Simp kins" company will open in this city on the night of August 22. Laid Off, Laid Up, Laid Away? MR. WAGE-EARNER; TJID YOU EVER THINK WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU OR TO YOUR FAMILY, IF ANY OF ABOVE 8HOULD FIND YOU WITH NO FLOUR IN THE BIN, AND NO MONEY IN THE PUR8E? WOULDN'T IT BE WISE FOR YOU TO PRO VIDE AGAIN8T THAT DAY, AND TO BEGIN NOW? OUR SAVING8 DEPARTMENT ACCOMMODATES ALL WHO WISH TO LAY ASIDE 8MALL 8UM8. Commercial National Bank OF PENDLETON WILL LEAVE WALLA WALLA. Famous Ninth Cavalry Preparing to Go to Fort Riley. First Lieutenant Cecil Calvert, ad jutant second squadron Ninth Caval ry, stationed at Fort Walla Walla, passed through Pendleton this morn ing en routo homo from tho Presidio, whoro he attended the cavalry com petition. Lieutenant Calvert has been nbsont from Fort Walla Walla sinc.o Juno 21. He nttonded tho ma neuvers nt American Lako and after wards went to San Francisco. win Ninth is to leave Fort Wnlla Walla for Fort Riley. Kan., Octobor 15. and will he replaced by n squad ron of tho Fourth Cavalry. It wan nt first rumored that a battalion of uie lentn intnniry would bo station ed nt Walla Wnlla. "Wnlla Walla." said Lleuteimnt Calvert, "is not n very good cavalry post, because of the dust in summer and tho heavy mud in winter. As a point where good forago mnv ho so cured, tho place has no equal." BAD FIRE AVERTED. Gasoline Lamp Leaks and Starts a Lively Blaze In Oregon Liquor Store. . What might havo resulted in a ills astrous flro was prevented last night by tho quick action of the night bar tender at tlio Oregon Wlno & Liquor Company's store. A leaky gasolino lamp hanging near a number of wHiBKuy oarrois, ignited tlio floor and Hi n f I n mi ita ii,nn , , . . .. 1 ..... niircutung rnpiuiy before thoy wero noticed. Tho blazing lamp was carried from tho house nnd thrown into tho street nnd the flames insldo wero stamped out. Tho room occupied by tho liquor company Is In tho nu n,m,n building. Labor Is Not Scarce. Editor East Oregonlnn: The Fed erated Trades and Labor Council wishes n correction made in regard to an editorial which appeared in the Sunday Tribune. Instend of not be ing enough workmen, thoro are al ways some Idle men in all building trades. ED EBEN, Pres. WIN S. BROWN. Sec. Union Meeting Well Attended. The union meeting held nt the Presbyterian church last night was largely attended. The sermon by Rev. M. V. Howard was an able, thoughtful effort. Tho union meet ings aro highly satisfactory to the churches and will continue somo w.eeks yet. Averaged 35 Bushels. The Hngcn brothers, whose lands lie five miles northwest of town, es timated that their 1200 acres of wheat would yield an averngo of 25 bushels per aero, but It has threshed out 35 bushels a total of 42.000, Redecklng BrJdge. Street Commissioner Brown him Just had the Leo street bridge redeck ed for half Its length, the other half not needing any repairs. One hund red and thirty fir planks 3x12 inches nnd 18 feet long, wero used. Gullllford Residence Sold. Tho residence of J. N. Gullllford, on Madison str.eot, wna sold Saturday to E. A. Schlffler. the tailor, who will occupy It soon. Tho sale was mado by C. C. Berkeley, the consideration being $3000. SPECIAL FOR THE YOUNG LADIES: Tan Oxfords $3.50 VALUE FOR $2.50 WE MAKE THIS PRICE SO THAT WE CAN FINISH UP THE SEASON WITHOUT A TAN OXFORD IN THE HOUSE. Seasonable Goods at the Right Prices ... . ..... It iueu s Bummer unuorwoar. purpie sinpeu, euun - Men's underwear, bluo nnd flesh color, encb Men's underwear, very fine quality, each 75e and $1 Fancy hosiery '.. 15c, 20e and 25c rti !.!...., , . i. nn 7Ki- and S1.C0 uuii ou, vo, uiuia iv, uim,u,. -"-' Now four-in-hand tics, largo nssortmont of patterns, at pop"'1' prlcos 25e and 60c Nogllgoo working shirts 50c and 75e each Nogllgeo dress shirts to H-50 Collars, cuffs, belts nnd susponders. Labor Meeting Night Changed. i At the rogulnr meeting of the Trades and Labor Assembly last I night, It was decided to chango tho J date of regular mooting from Sunday to Tuesday night of each week. 1 One-half Were Shropshlres. Three thousand of the 60p0 sheep sold by Douglas Bolts last week, men tioned In tho East Orogonlan, were Shropshlres, or "black fnces." Tho Fair store company has been Incorporated nt Hoppnor nt $20,000 capitalization. BAER. & DALEY One-Price Furnishers and Hatters ffV?VTT""" Drink ESCENT REAM. OFFER It Is Fine R. C. BEACH, Presldont. T. Q, HAILEY. Vlco President. W L. THOMPSON, Caahlar, demand tills full and wlntor and va- cunt cottnges will bo Bcarco," Saturday afternoon two contracts for building work wero drawn up. J.08SI0 N. Vert will erect on 11-rpom houso In Collego street, Adjoining tho sfto of tho old Walkor houso, IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY BUILDING ACTIVITY. C. E. Troutman ExnecU a Amount of Work to Be Done This Fall. "Building operations will bo nultn extensive In Pendleton this fall," said C. E. Troutman, tlio architect. "Con- irncis ior work on new dwellings nro being signed almost ovorv dav. nnd tho contractors havo moro than .enough business to keep thorn going. i nave not tne leas iinuiit imi that dwelling houses will bo in grent rjOnr, plan is: "No collections, no Expert Collectors Wo havo located a branch offlco In Pondlaton, nnd will mnko collecting defunct bills a specialty. No account too old for us to handle. charge?. Suits Instituted, Judgments advertised. Tho Van Alstlno-Qordon & Co,, Mer cantile Agency, H. V. Lipo & Co,, Mrgs. 119 E Court St. 'Phone Main 311. 9-room modorn dwolling, good loca tion, Vj lots, fino basement, every thing now and iip-to-dnto, $3000. G-room houso, 4 lots, barn, chicken yard, shado trees, $1750. Modorn G-room cottage, 6 fino lots, fino soil, $2500. Magnificent residence, $5500, Vacant lots, $100 up. Fino business proporty, cheap nnd on enay terms. FOR SALE .n ,ln lnnrt. 110.000. GiO acres grain 'iana, " ' ornn drain land from 160 to iu.w.- - prlcos that nre rignu Offico rooms for ront. n-ln,),o- lnnrt for SllC WfltlonS mttue. . call on mo in my om Bank building. C. C. BERKELEY moaetn acnooi 01 uuv- w rr.. PrlpB of SIX" Free Trial. Attend tho Best. BECK, THE PLUMBER it . a wivnon Water and Court. ... ..lummuK w- ... linltnr nrntinrnri thnn nvnr hnfnrA to do hlgn-ClOBB I"" I. V blo rates. Estimates cheerfully given. If you have wor lino seo him before you go elsowhoro. BECK, the Reliable PltfW