I PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1904. KNIGHTSOFPYTHIAS THIRTY THOUSAND ARE AT LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Twenty Thousand Citizens Not Mem bers of the Order, Also In the City Rnthbone Sisters Fully Repre sented Believed That the Conclave Will Be In Session at Least Ten Days $10,000 Offered in Prizes for the Competitive Drill. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 15 The bi ennial national conclave of the Knights of Pythias opened today, though the official business of the or der will not receive attention until to morrow. Thirty thousand members of 1he order, Including some 10,000 members of the uniform rank and large numbers representing the Knights of Khorassans and other af filiated bodies, are In the city, and It Is expected that before the parade starts tomorrow fully 50,000 visitors will be here. The week Is to bo crowded with events of special Inter est to members, one of the most In teresting features Is the encamp ment of the uniform rank. Today the camp at Shawnee park, with its 5000 tents, was formally turned over to James n. Carnahan, major general of the order. The uniformed members of the order appeared by brigades be fore the headquarters of the major general and saluted the commanding officer. Headquarters were opened nt the Louisville hotel today by the Knights of Khorassnn. Fully 5000 members of this order are here for their biennial reunion. Their parade gorgeous In Oriental splendor of costumes, hand some floats and fireworks promises to be one of the star events of the week. The Itathbone Sisters, composed of the wives, mothers and daughters of Pythlans, will hold their convention during the week. Sirs. Belle Quinlnn of Galesburg, 111., as supreme chief, will preside over the convention. The sisterhood will once again request that they be officially recognized by the supreme lodge, but It Is doubtful If their efforts in this direction be more successful now than In former years. The supreme lodge, which Is the nucleus around which the other con ventions are arranged, will begin its sessions Wednesday with Supremo Chancellor Tracy It. Bangs of Grand Forks, N. D., presiding. Thoro aro a number of Important mntters relating to the laws of the order to receive attention nnd It is proliablo that the supreme lodge will continue In ses sion 10 days or two weeks. Charles K. Shlvoley of Indiana, the present supreme vice-chancellor of the order, will become supreme chnncellor. For the office of supremo vice-chancellor there are many aspirants In the field and the contest bids fair to become exceedingly spirited before the choice is made. The list of candidates in cludes George M. Hanson of Mnlno, Judge Charles S. Barnes of Illinois, Judge lllchnrdson of Virginia, H. P. Brown of Toxas, Dr. D. S. Woodworth of JInssnchusetts, nnd Judge Church of California. The Endowment Bank, the insur ance branch of the Pythian order, will also hold Its convention during the week. Among those mentioned for places on the board of control for the Endowment Bank are F. 11. Hos kins of Wisconsin, Fred Phlllpps of Bhode Islnnd, B. J. Biles of Florida, Stanley Adams of Kentucky. George A. Bangs of North Dakota, and J. Zacl; Splerlng of Louisiana. Thirty-nine companies of the uni form rank have entered the competi tive drills. Prizes In the nggr.egato sum of $10,000 are to be awarded the winners In the competition. This nionoy will be paid in gold to the captains of the successful companies next Saturday, on which day the six army officers who are to act as judges will announce their decisions. The drills will all take placo at the Jockey Club park, and will begin Wednesday morning, continuing each day until nil classes aro finished. The decoration of the city in honor of the conclave has been carried out on a scale nover attempted before. Flags and bunting hide the fronts of buildings and residences throughout the city. In the downtown district the decorations Include ninny mag nificent Pythian emplems formed from hundreds of multi-colored elec tric lights. The social features of the encamp ment will be notoworthy. Arrange ments have been concluded for two grand balls in honor of the knights nnd the ladles accompanying them. 1 Beceptions will be held nt the leading hotels, beginning this ovenlng. Other features will include boat rides on the Ohio river nnd an excursion to Mammoth Cave. SPENCER'S EAR PLUGS. The Way the Great, Philosopher Rid Himself of Small Talk. '"j.vii-m neii." snvs William H. Hurt- i-oii In the North American Review, "Herbert Spencer found that the or feet of following ordinary conversation bennne frequently too much for him. Hut ho llkrtl in have iiconlc about him to watch the piny of expression on their faces, to feel that, though lie could not himself share much In the merriment he was. as It were, a part of the nor innl mill lienltliv social world. For tills reason he objected to withdrawal luto solitude and evolved a plan by which lie might secure the partial lso lilrh ln reiiuircd. He had n circular spring made to go round tlie back of his head, and this carried pad u-ittnii tlKiwl itrinlv unon the cars, ef feetlvelv deadening the noise nbout lilm mill reducing the surrounding chatter to a more hum. 1 have oftou seen him. stretched at length upon liiH couch, follow with apparent interest the gossip over the anernoon ion cup: 111! Ill 11 iirtnlii nolnt and then, roach lug under Ills pillow, draw forth nnd adjust his Instrument, thus sutiueniy ilntiiehlii!r himself from his environ incut. The effect of this movement with comparative strangers was til wnvs to cause an Instant cessation ol the' conversation. But this was precise ly what Spencer did not wish. 'Go on talking,' bo would exclaim, with a quizzical look. '1 can't hear what you are saying, you know: COMING EVENTS. August 15-20 National encampment Grand Army, Boston. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. September -I Conclave Knights Templar, San Francisco. September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irrlga lion Association nt Ontario, Malheur county. Inland Empire Teachers' Assocla Hon Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Toxas, November 15-18. No Dessert More Attractive "Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, ewectenimj, flavoring and coloring when Jell-O produces better n-.'flilU in two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot water and net to cool. It'sperfection. Asm. prise to the housewife. No trouble, le!'ex pensc. Try it tn-iliy. In Four Fruit FU. rora: Lemon. Orange, Strawberry, Hasp butrv. At grocers. 10c SHELLFISH LANGUAGE. J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed properly. Bleotrleal Supplies of all kinds OFFICE 1 1 WEST COURT ST. J (Tribune Building) t J INSURANCE. Fire, Life and Accident. JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard- ! ware Store. Curious Clicking Sound Heard on the Water at Night. Most seamen will tell of curious click ing sounds heard uu culm nights at sea, and the origin of the noise seems so al together uuaccountnblo that it has of ten created some alarm among super stitious fishermen. A distinguished naturalist made a careful study of the sounds on many occasions and found that It was not o sustained note, hut made up of n multi tude of tiny ones, each clear and dis tinct In Itself and ranging from a high treble down to a bass. When the ear was applied to the gunwale of the boat the sound grew more intense, nnd in some places as the boat moved on It could not In heard at nil. On other occasions the sounds resem bled the tolling of bells, the booming of guns nnd the notes of an icoHnn harp. For n long time be was unable to trace the caiwe, but nt length discov ered that the sounds were made by shellfish, hundreds of them opening their shells nnd closing them with sharp snaps. The noise, partly muffled by the water, sounded indescribably weird. Ho was finally led to the con clusion that as the shellfish made the sounds they probably had some mean ing and that the clicks might possibly bo n warning of danger when the shal low water was disturbed by the boat. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results In death. Thus a mero scratch, insig nificant cuts or puny bolls have paid tlio death ponnlty. It Is wise to hnvo Buckluu's Arnica Salv.o over handy. It's the best salvo on earth and will provent fatality, when burns, sores, ulcers and piles threaten, Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s dnig store. Tlie following is tlio proportion of police to the population of cities named: New York, 1 to 315; Chica go, 1 to 384; Philadelphia, 1 to 309; St. Louis, 1 to 587; Boston, 1 to 400; Baltimore. 1 to 524; Cincinnati, 1 to 539, and San Francisco, 1 to b50. REAL ESTATE $2,250 will buy one of the most con venlent 9-room houses In the city Sower, bath, etc.; good cellar nnd barn. 3 lots, corner; a bargain. $4,000 Elegant now 9-rooni house just completed; sower, bath, toilet: 2 lots, .eastern exposure; corner. $2,500 Nice residence and six lota, eastern exposure. Let mo show you three quarter sec tions of the best wheat land. All u der cultivation; extensive Improve ments, plenty of water. Can b bought for a ll.ile less than Its mar kct value. W. E. Davidson & Go. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans 111 Court Street. Pendleton F. E. Van Dtfsen. & Co. CONTRACTORS OF BRICK WORK. Boiler sotting and Ore places done In first-class manner. ' Address Box 455, Pendleton. Married Women Every woman covott a shnpely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore tho loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's' shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the u.o of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcome, all the dancer of childbirth, and carries the expectant mother safe y through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and rehef derived from tha use of this wonuertul remedy. Sold by all druggists nt$i.oo per bottle. Our little book, telling nil about APV M M this liniment, will be sent free. g gjflfW Tie Bradflsld Regulator Co., Atlanta, fla. m m m WJ0M M MM EIGHT pAQEsJ ' fttt'Sli Mother's i The Hotel Cruise l First-class In ovory particular. Modern In -11 appointments. Splendidly furnished throughout. Service th,o very best. i Tho Hotol Cruise Is located at tho coruor of Webb and Cot- F tonwood streots in a now building built especially for hotol pur- poses. Each room io largo and comfortable, bolng well lighted t and well ventilated. In furnishing this hotol, tho best of every I thing was purchased, and attention has been given to tho nrtis r tie effect as w.cll as comfort. r Tho Hotel Crulso is a model place for lodgers, travollng men nnd citizens who seek a first-clnss placo wh,cro rates arc not high. Cafe in connection. Short orders served at all times. LEGAL BLANKS or fctcai alogue of them. A foil supply always kept in stock. If you are Inters.,., . Palntw ... ... " o, 5 ug, 0, ., 1 ; ACADEMY BOARDS J STRETCHERS BBUSHES S ARTISTS' SAK-S BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES 5 TUBE COLORS ... - - apecisitj framing PICTURES. NtJ g j."v.r. ui iiiunes. : C. C. SHAR Opera Houae Block. ' iBuildim I Materii t OF ALL DESCRIPTIOX SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building per, lime, cement, brick sand, wood gutters for bi and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yarj Alta Street. Opp. Court HoJ I'lTT'n We Shall Spend $500,00 To Give Liquozone Away. This Company, after testing Liquo zone fqr two years in the most difficult germ diseases, paid $100,000 for the American rights. That is the highest price ever paid for similar rights on any scientific discovery. We arc now spending $500,000 to give the product away one bottle to each of a million sick ones. We are doing this so that every sick one may let Liquozone itself prove what it can do. Kills Inside Germs The greatest value of Liquozone lies in the fact that it kilts germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. And no man knows another way to do it. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in ternally. Medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease, as every physi cian knows. Liquozone will do for sick humanity more than all the drugs in the world combined. It does what no skill can accomplish without it. It cures dis eases which medicine never cured. Acts Like Oxygen Liquozone is the result of a process which, for more than so years, lias been the constant subject of scientific and chemical research. Its virtues are derived solely from gas, made in large part from the best oxygen producers. By a process requiring immense ap paratus and 14 days' time, these gases are made part of the liquid product. The result is a product that does what oxygen docs. Oxygen gas, as you know, is the very source of vital ity, the most essential element of life. Liquozone is a vitalizing tonic with which no other known product can compare. Yet it is a germicide so cer tain that we publish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. The reason is that germs are vege tables; and Liquozone, which like oxygen is life to an animal, is deadly to vegetal matter. It is carried by the blood to every cell of every tissue, and no touch of impurity, no germ of disease, can exist where Liquozone goes. Germ Diseases These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone kills the germs, wherever they are, and the results arc inevitable. By destroying the cause of the trouble, it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Aatbma liar Forer- -Influent Atiiccu-Anemia Kinnnr imeatea llroncnltla Wood 1'olson jlrlKht'a Dlaeaas Lwel Trouble Couaba Colda t'onaumptlon Collo-Cronp Cnnatlpatlon Catarrh-Cancer Drtentrr -Dlnrrbca Uandruff-liropiy La (IrlDDO liHiicorruea. I.lvcr Trouble" Malaria Neuralgia , Many Heart Trouble llle i'niMimonla I'leurley-Qulpay llheunintUm Kln I)ueae , Cerofula-Hjplillllt blomacu Troubles Dyspepsia Kczema Krytlpelaa Kevera-Oall blvnei (loltre (lout Uononbea QlMt Tbroat TmUal Tnberenlofu Tomort-Cletn vanococeia Womeo'i IXm All dlieates tbal begin with tmr-tll til uod an cuirrD an coumsioqi dim rpkulLsnf imniiraornAlfODoal blood. In nanrous ueblllt; Uqootone acu u r acevmpuf niug wnat no arugi can uw. 50c Bottle Frd If you need Liquozone, audi never tnea 11, pieasc uu W. ...ill then mill Y00 1 iuujjuii. . w . --- . . ,1... n. .,r.r lni-M itnttreist I0f I Ul.1 Wtl J " ' .wvw. -.- 700 size oottic, ano we win vj r. for it. This IS Oil gift, made to convince you; to! you what Liquozone is, "i accept it to-day, for it places ya der no obligation wruicv". Liquozone costs soc and $! COT OUT THIS COUPfl for Ihli cfler may not P,JjdO ti.H Uanka and mall It to tJieLMu IJS-iOO Wabaih Ave. Cbicuo. 1 1,. never tr.e.1 LH"o3 iappiymcwc p"h- - O A . O K" Give full adJre-P Any rhT'cln orbojplial rolet wlH IU be cladli aupplied or " eaaaaaaaaaaaai MMIMt(MtlMBMltltll Ml! MltMtttttMMK""""" T YOU FORG ET a a a a a a a aa aa aa aa aa aa a a aa aa aa aa aa aa aa a aa la a "WE ARE GETTING READY TO MOVE J: SrASDl SSI S! QUARTERS. LAST SPRING WE PURCHA8ED THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF GLA88WARE WE EVER HAD AND SINCE OUR SALE COMMENCED YOU HAVE HELPED US MOVE THREE.FOURTH8 OF IT. BUT WE STILL HAVE A LARGE AMOUNT OF FRAGILE CHINA THAT YOU WILL FIND ARE BARGAINS WE OFFER YOU A FINE CHINA SALAD SET WITH A 8ILVER PLATED BERRY 8P00N, AT 120 AN EXTRA CHOICE CAKE 8ET WITH 8ILVER PLATED CAKE KNIFE AT 2,2 WE HAD 55 SALAD 8ETS WE NOW HAVE 21 BUY NOW WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP. WE ARE PRACTICALLY OUT OF HAVILAND, BUT WE HAVE A FEW PIECES THAT ARE BARGAINS. A 25C CHINA CUP FOR 15C. YOU CAN'T MI88 IT ON THESE. AN ELEGANT VASE LAMP, WA8 $11.00; NOW , 7'80 TWO TRAVELING MEN WHO SELL CUT GLA88, VI8ITED U8 RECENTLY, AND A8KED U8 IF WE WERE GOING OUT OF THE CUT GLASS BUSINESS. THEY SAW OUR PRICES. K-RE ARE A FEW: SUGAR AND CREAM, $5.70; HANDLED NAPPY, $3.00; 8P00N TRAY, $3.40; BERRY BOWL, $5.65: YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS THESE BY. THEY ARE LIBBEY BLANKS AND BERGUN CUTTINGS. A KITCHEN FORK, LONG HANDLED 8POON AND CAKE TURNER, ALL FOR 10C. OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. COME AND HELP U8 MOVE. OWL TEA HOUSE OWL TEA HOUSE a