PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1904. PERSONAL MENTION , ,h. many bargains. gl ... ... 122c . . 122c 15c 25c 10c ... 7"2c ys, now . SUlte Gool jllle Goods yjlto Goods liwns ... .1 nl.ntllna Re ins anu .ii....-- . c Anron U1HS" V.U Shirt Waists 75c Aa' nil 11 in- " " udies Slippers.... tidies' Slippers ..... 7bc Cltni a 2i .UU ash Gooiis .. nririTirC V U IF H f VI. rititra at Wlthee's. 1 dally, at Martin's. Stetson hats at noosev,olt'B. ...J tlnnnn dllMfia fit TlnOfl- Ill Hie luteal siyica, ncc i's. tat, the grocers. latest in hrown and blue inir.ed. Toutscks. torge restaurant, open ilfhL Mrs. Cooper, proprl- nnd wait Apply at Intel Pendleton, Teutsch's Department mm. a iiavors. uotic- tstahlng In milk, at Haw- The room formerly oc- tie Pantheon theater. Ap- n nh Mnrtln leaey realized from his 110 neat west of town, within rdinnerware not full sets, te with bash nurchase of 1" ffleamnpA o.i.l lomn UQD free. Ha wlnrlnnr C Rohrman. Fown trees. Ble comm.B- Cash advanced weekly. 'Bflington Nurserv Co.. wash. .-...u t nuitjouit! wuir "la A I . . wi Buwpms 10 an uasi 'uihii, WI1U HUB UU UB We. Will nay a liberal a guaranteed salary. IQPmhflrc .1, T" L.ln Companv. nnKswi tiir,.n,.ii fat en route for the val- tha -.III . . .. ""1 win loin ttin Hnlltll. 11 n ..." - vuiujiaiiy. n lg unuor- (Ho n v 1 - -I..IV. i.Ullll,UllV HUB ""t Quantity. PR u r r m KW watch nr :tor to vn 2 a tne r ut. r,f l,l ive rum on nMinM - monable and all J Nrtulve Jeweler. I Main Street. ? 1 ah a. a m. b m a ' Ubln 8od Fountain. 1 J flF. 1 m a i a ginning monaay, Aug. is ; rf department In our store Is represented In this clean ii ..iMmfr nooda reduced from rme.fniirh tn n.- .lie. " ' ..... . " "- W must nave rwum iui wmi imii owir, vtiiiuii i iiuw arnv you lose money If you miss this sale. Following are ?G Men's Summer ,StlIts. .$3.00 $7 Men's Summer Suits.. $3.50 $8 Men's Summer Suits.. $4.00 $1.25 Shirts 69c $3 and $2.50 odd Pants.. $1.75 25c and 35c Ties 19c $1 and 7Dc Boys' Tennis Shoes 50c $1 Undor Garments 50c 25c Children's Laco Hose.. 19c 20c and 15c Vests 10c 35c and 40c Vests 25c COc Children's Dresses ... 25c $1.50 and $1 Children's Dresses 75c $1 Klmonas 75c f cu. I..1LISI .v .alar iu 1 H fl.k ri nr. Pwnor Main And Alrn .xtrfwtc The Delta Ice cream Is delicious. New fall clothing- at Roosevelt's. $3.50 ladles' Gloria shoes at Roose velt's. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Haw ley Bros.' Fine toilet Soaps. 3c to 10c ba,r. Re llnblo goods. Nolf's. Smokers got satisfaction at How ird'a, formerly Rees' cigar store. Get your clothes cleaned and oressod at Joerger's, 12G West Court street. For Sale A Few choice acre lots In West Pendleton. Apply to S. M. Richardson, Pendleton, Oregon. Klghty-three bodies have been re. covered from the Pueblo wreck, to date. Over 20 are yet missing. A deer chased from the timber by hounds, took refuge In the ocean at Clatsop Reach, a fow days ago, and was killed by the crowd on the beach, The public baths at Ipswich, Eng land, were denied Dowie, who wish ed to baptize 13 converts there Sat urday. The Zionists were then bap tized in the open sea. Allnl Women. WUpii Ainu. I'spt'ciiilly Ainu women, Elect after 11 Depuration that has lust pd Home time they have 11 pretty way of tellhiK ('"eh other their experiences In 11 sort of chant, and In the plennant sound of their HhiKiihirly sweet voice,! one forgets their wild nnd unkempt looks. The .lupiincNe women are equal ly remarkable for the sweetness of (heir voices, but have the advantage over their Ainu sisters of delicate and dainty ways, the charm of which the most stolid globe trotter Is constrained to own. If the women of Aliiu-moshl-rl, as the Ainu call their land, are the drudges of the men In X-helr youth nnd middle age their opportunity for re venge comes with the lapse of years. The curses of an angry old woman excite the utmost terror In the bravest bear hunter. He tiles, panic struck, from such names as shunumaash (mangy deer), tontoueppo (.bald pated boar) or, worst of all. nil-guru (eorpsei or inao-sak-guru (godless fellow). Aft er death her ghost is regarded with even deeper dread. A lllril I'Vlrndablii. The rector of Woolstoue. -Mr. Gilbert Coventry, told me of a wild rock dove which one of bis stable boys had reared from the nest. Jt slept In the open, however, and hnd full liberty. Soon the good things on the rector's table at tracted It, and It wonld appear through the open window lit mealtimes, take hot soup with much zest and even sip sherry from a wineglass, At night it often slipped In and slept lu the rec tor's bed on Its back under the coverlet. One Sunday morning during the read ing of the lesson the dove flew swiftly through an open wludow Into the church and settled ou the rector's head. It road smiles spread over the faces of the elders ami audible titters came from the youngsters. A gentle touch sent thcMiIrd Uowu to the edge of the clerk's desk below, where It sat undis turbed. Pall Mall Gazette. A Perfect Painless Pill. Is the one that will cleanse the sys tem, set the liver to action, remove the bllo, clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually aro DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Bob Moore, of Lafayette, Intl.. soys: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers are simply per fect." Sold by Tallman & Co. LOG CABIN j ICE CREAM I . . io k.iii nan nmin nm niiiHinnu il liid uiu & The Poptflar Price! DRUG STORE 5 , 9 A. C KOEPPEN & BROTHERS J County Clerk Frank Snllng spent Sunday In Weston. Mrs. A. D. Stillman returned yes terday from Bingham Springs. Dr. Rood, a prominent Walla Walla dentist, spent last night In Pendle ton. Rov. O. 1.. Hall of tho Baptist church, preached nt Adams last night. Mrs. George Hartman, Jr., left for Astoria this morning, to visit for a weok. E. C. Smith, agent for tho O. R. & N. Co. in Pendleton, was in Portland Sunday. Geary Klmbrell went to Echo this morning to survey some land for Joseph Leczer. Charles Shephard left this morning for Spokane, to visit his dnughtor, Mrs. Clark Campbell. Miss Fanchon Boric has returned from Bingham Springs, where she has been spending tho summer. J, F. McNaught, ot Umatilla, Inter ested In tho Maxwell Land & Irriga tion Company, Is In town today. C. H. Tlmken returned to Walla Walla this morning, He has been the guest of B. F. Renn for several days. Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Garfield and daughter returned this morning, from n three weeks' vacation at long Beach. Misses Gcnevlovo and Evelyn Clark, who have been visiting at the homo of B. F. Chiison, at Uklah, have returned .home. Mrs. Lizzie Strahon returned homo to Portland this morning. She has been the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Anuie Strahon. Conductor C. S. Brown is taking a fow days' rest and F. L. Coykeudall Is filling his place on the Pendleton Huntington passenger run, Miss Ella Bea.le went to Milton this morning accompanied by her cousin, Miss Eveline Beale, who has been her guest for several days. Eugene H. Buyer, a member of the Walla Walla city council, and a prom inent real estate dealer, was In Pen dloton last night, en route to Baker City. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, who Is spending the hot weather at Mea cham Is down attending to business at the grand guardian's office for a few days. Mrs. ,1. Allison, wire of Conductor Allison, of tho Pendleton-Portland passenger run, expects to visit her mother, Mrs. Woods, at La Grande, this weok. Mrs. Frank Coykeiulall and child ren have gone to Portland for a month for tho purpose of securing special medical attention for a little daughter's eyes. A. M. Allen and wife will start Tor White county, Illinois, Wednesday. En route they will visit the World's Fair. They hardly expect to return here, but may do so. Mrs. D. S. Baker and children started on their return to Sacramen to this morning. They have been the guests of Mrs. Baker's brother, Chas, Beeler, of this place. Conductor Martin Anderson Is 111 nt his home on Jackson street, being threatened with serious kidney trou ble again, and J. L. McCrary, extra conductor, Is on his run. Thomes Wade, wife and daughter, aro In town today en route to Mon tana over the W. & C, R. From Mon tana they will visit the East and ex pect to be absent several weeks. S, Taylor and family left this morn lng for San Francisco, where th,ey re sided before coming 10 Pendleton four mouths ago. Mr. Taylor is a woolen mill operative, and worked in tho mills here, They do not expect to return. Arthur G. Howard returned yester day from Walla Walla, where he haB been attondlng his brother, Fred Howard, who Is lying critically 111 at the Walla Walla hospital. Tho lat ter was reported in a dying condi tion when Mr. Howard was summon ed to Walla Walla a few days ago, and while his recovery Is not ex pected, the patient has rallied some what. THE HABIT OF ST. FRANCIS. Four Young Ladles Will Tomorrow Become Nuns. Bishop O'Reilly, accompanied by his secretary, Father Olllvottl, will arrive from Baker City this evening, to bo present at the ceremony of In vesting four young ladles at the con vent with the habit of the order of St. Francis, a ceremony at which Bishop O'Reilly will preside. The conclusion of the ceremony marks the Induction of these four young ladles Into tho prder as nuns. The ceremony will take place at the con vent. New Automobile, Dr. Colo this morning had unload ed an automobile, which Is being put In commission today. Look lllulirr. Never cultivate second or third rate folk except for artistic purposes. Meet them. If you must; leave them when you can. Von need expect nothing from them that they cuu conscientiously withhold, for they uro ufter your goods while keeping u strict and Jealous watch upon their own. All you can get from them 'is material, never any spir itual. Intellectual, wise, sane or mornl or helpful messages. J11M I.lkc "Woman. "She's running n correspondence school; tenches the secret of succesa." "Just like a wouiuii to tell secrets," Detroit Freo Press. You might shed your blood for sotno fellows, but thev would never iimlnr. stand the, sacrltlce. Schoolmaster In Better Shape Than a Few Days Ago Tlir Art of Mnklnur Hnr. How nnd when men Urst learned to make buy will probably never be known, for haymaking is n "process," and the product Is not simply sun dried grass, but grass which has been partly fermented, and Is as much the work of men's hands as flour or cider. Prob ably Its discovery was due to accident, but possibly man learned It from the plkns, the "calling hnres" of the steppes, which cut and stuck hay for tho win ter. That idea would tit in nicely with the theory that central Asia was the "home of the Aryan race" If wo were still allowed to believe It, and hay making Is certainly un art mainly prac ticed In cold countries for winter for age. London Spectator. Myrllr. The creeping plant we call myrtle Is not u myrtle at all, but should be called by Its proper name, periwinkle, llotun Ically It is Vluca minor. Long ago it used to be culled "the Ivy of the ground." Chaucer mentions It as "fresh perviucke, rich of hew." The large blue flowers aro very pretty. In Tus cany It Ik known as "the death flower" ou account of Its being so often planted upon graves, 11 custom which Is begin ning to prevail in this country. There Is a pivtly variegated leaved variety and ulso a sport with white flowers not so pretty as the blue. A I'or. A verbutlin fragment from the law courts: King's Counsel (examining witness) Did you I know you did not, but I am bound to put It to you-on tho 2."th-li was not the liSth really; It wus the IMtb; It Is a mistake lu my brief see the defendant he is not the defendant really; ho Is the plulntlff-theie Is a counter clulin, but you would not un derstand that yes or noV Witness Whut! St. James Guzette. lu Nulurr'a, Kitchen, A woman who teaches In a college for girls vouches for the truth of this story She presides over one of tho college ululiig tables at which sit a dozen ut it denls: One day some curly lettuce was brought on. A freshman looked ut It and exclaimed: "How clever of the cook to crimp It that way! How does sne uo jf?" Haallr Srttlrd. I.011K Haired Visitor (entering timid ly) I have here a little poem written ou snow and Edltor'dnterruptlng hastily)-Vrltten on snow! Wo can't use anything that isn't written ou paper. Sorry. Turn the knob to the right. That's It. Good morning. A Mh art, III. Mrs. Buxom-That buteful Mrs. Knox inude u very ineun comment up on my ago toduy, Mr. Uuxom-DId she say you were getting old? Mrs. Huxom-No, indeed! She said 1 "still looked quite young." Exchange. Ilrnppckrd. "HI Peck lied ter git out o' Jied V mail a letter fer tbet sharp tongued wlfeo'hlsn." "Poro feller! Drlv from piller ter post!"-l'rlnceton Tiger. I'P nt JYIitlit, Parke Does your baby keep you up nights? Luno-I should say so. Why, 1 haven't been home beforo midnight for a month. -Life. KIMIliK. "Wlmfs your Idea lu beginning with lu nnd eating your dinner backward?" "My stomach's upset." Cornell Wld w, III fortune never crushed that inun svhom good fortunu deceived not. Bon Jouhou. WE CAN NOW ATTEND YOUR WANTS WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE 4 Latest Books at NOLF'S Popular Stationery Store. "Four Roads to Paradise." "Miss Petticoat." "Tho Silent Places." "The Frontiersmen." "Tho Light ot tho Stnr." "Tho Deliverance." "Robert Caveller." "My Friend Prospero." "Tho Castawny." "Rebecca." "Memoirs of a Baby." "The Cost." "A Texas Matchmaker." "When Wilderness Was King." "Jewe.ll." "Rulers of tho King." And many others. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In Ind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee' Lice Killer, BYERS' BEST FLOUR I made from the choicest wheat that grow, dood bread Is assured when Dyer' Best Flour is uied. Bran, shorts, steam roll ed barley always on hand. , i( PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Prop. ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER We properly temper It for each particular climate. Then, upon s jute canvass we build up a Are, water and acid proof roofing material, with a ground mica surface and a wool felt paper dry sheet or backing-. WB'LL lay the goods, or you can. If you have to use a roof, we coa tell you some mighty Interesting things. They will prevent your pocket book from shriveling up. Write us. The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregoa Xis Rich and Delicious "cold storage meats are Juicy Try our mild cured Hams. They are' free from that strong taste. The Schwarz & Greulich Meat Co. 607 MAIN College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream J sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Dcspam & Clark The Leading Tailors 1 Of the city, 8IEBERT & Z 2 Schultz, have removed to 222 2 Court street, opposite the Hotel Bickers. When you want well made suit at reasonable Z 2 price, call on them. BRING ON YOUR COLLARS AND CUFF8." Wo aro ready for them to wash them, to blue thorn, to starch them, to ,'ron them In such a way that thoy will suit your nocks and wrists with out chafing ol'her and without glvlm them a freo fringe which you would rather And missing. Wo have reduced tho laundering of linen to a science and our prices aro In accord with the. mcdern Idea of low cost In large quan tities, THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY always right; always tender, always STREET.