East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ptes cAp tion
1 1
We have every facility fr
doing the highest class of pre
scription An ample sun I; of
the rarest and cunti.tMt dnna
and chemicals of tested imrlty.
Accurate and skillful compound
ing. Many safeguards against
the possibility of au error In
sures every prescription filled
here being absolutely perfect
as your doctor wan's it
Postofflce Block.
Phone Main S51
..r, i . l,.,i thrno i that they wore killiug off tho best
, PTh ,n u fraud PanhhT f-iend ' the dry land crop, and then
drowning women at Grand i.apuis, ... .
Mich.. Sunday morning. Their yacht U-Mihi Inert Wi
had capsized, and the Zionist being ! In the first place, the Russian this
near at hand, pulled them out of the tie. unlike the Canndian thlstlo and
wnter j the Chinese lettuce, does not sap the
. ' ., , i, i i vio SH of 'ts strength, but rather acts
A severe MrtX a conductor of light ami strength
nar. Chile, on bntun In y nig lit recU .,
ed many valuable buildings .dean,., b
ed a panic among he Inhabltnnte be- 1 , , , , , mol8trp from
cause of the terrible noises the' (lewall mte , the llay. ,t pre.
accompanied the shock. vcntg the g(m r()m bnklng Ue Bllr.
The Denver & Rio Grande will f,lce of tho groumi, nIui n heavy rains
fight to the last ditch any responsl-! lt dtssipatvs the little streams often
hlllty for the Eden wreck, which fornlu,i on the steep ground, causing
was caused by an unexpected and an tiK, water to spread out and saturate
unheard of stroke of nature, over , tlle ground instead of washing chnn
which no human agency had control. ,l08 ti,rolBi, the grain.
Two hundred and eighteen Chinese It doos not grow high enough to
intended for the Chinese building and tnterefere with cutting the wheat,
exhibit at the St. Louis fair, left San lis burrs are not so strong and sharp
Francisco Saturday under guard of , as to he a punishment to teams pnss
dotectlves and officials of the fair, lng over It, like the Canadian thistle
They will be immediately deported as and in the fall of the year, the round
soon ns the fair is over. plants blow away into lanes and
A tax collector in the department against fences and cause no serious
of the Var. In France, was discharg- hindrance to seeding,
ed Saturday, because he brought a Prof Chubbock said when the Rus
barrel of water Into his office, strip- "tan thistle first made Its appearance
ped off and sat in the barrel, trans- in the Dakota wheat fields the far
acting business with his right hand, mers were alarmed at what thej
from his bath. This extreme meas- thought was a bad farm pest, but af
ure was caused by the intense heat ter they learned Its habits and recog
whlch made clothes unbearable. " iefltB to tho ""n-parclieu
. , . . . ,. , , , land, they looked with more favor on
A riot was almost precipitated at a .... ,, ,, , ,,to ,,t rnii.
political meeting Saturday night In
X- t ltin f.l n . ii'hirtl. fll.nftlll
New Albany, Iml.. at which Champ
Clark was speaker. Some one in the
audience called Clark a llur, when
he -made the statement that the Tay
lors, who killed Governor Goebel,
were murderers. Clark told the man
who made the remark that he would
cut his throat If he would meet him
after the meeting.
The John Day Coal Mining Compa
ny has been organized at Portland,
with a capitalization of $10,000. In
corporators E. House, Otto Schlu
man and Herman R. Blersdorf.
The body of an unknown man was
found in Dark Canyon, Baker county,
near the mouth of Pine creek, Sun
day. It Is supposed to bo tho remains
of a man drowned In Pine creek last
Tho Sunipter Valley railroad is now
completed to Tipton, 2C miles from
Prairie City, the mall being carried
In to Tipton by the construction
trains, now reaches the interior half
a day earlier.
Throe horses and two saddles and
bridles were stolen from the Mitchell
barn, at Joseph, Wallowa county, Sat
urday night. Sheriff Blakley, find
ing their trail at once, is following
them toward Anatoue, Wash.
The estate of Nancy Cowles, de
ceased, of Yamhill county, paid into
the state treasury Saturday, the sum
of $672 as the Inheritance tax on $70,
000, one of the largest inheritance
taxes ever paid to the state.
James Dorsey, an aged man travel
ing through Grand Ronde valley from.
Kansas to Colfax, fell from his wag
on at Summervllle, and was fatally
injured last Wednesday, and died
from his Injuries Sunday, leaving or
phaned a G-year-old girl baby which
accompanied him alone on his trip.
The body of Fred Dee, a Klickitat
sheepman, who died four months ago,
was exhumed Saturday night at mid
night at Arlington, by the sheriff of
Klickitat county, for the purpose of
undergoing an examination for poi
soning, of which he Is alleged to have
died. The examination will be made
In Portland this week.
Two Business
'Propositions on Main Street.
Prof. Chubbock, Who Visited Pendle
ton, Said This Alleged Farm Pest
Should Be Husbanded As It Pro
tects the Land From the Sun, Holds
Moisture and Prevents Heavy Rains
From Washing Ditches Through the
Grain Dakota Farmers Were Sorry
When They Saw It Disappearing.
Umatilla county farmers nr.e be
coming more or less alarmed at tho
spread of the Russian thistle through
the farming districts, as the Idea pre
vails generally, that the plant Ib a
pest of the worst class.
The opinion of Professor Chubbock.
Ian agricultural specialist in the cm-
! ploy of the agricultural department,
! concerning- this plant will bo Interest
' lng, just now when an active cam
' paign ngalnst farm pests Is being gen
erally carried on.
! Professor Chubbock visited Pendle
I ton n few years ago, and noticing a
heavy growth of Russian thistle on
the reservation, snld the farmers
j should be glud to see this beneficial
I weed spreading over the wheat bolt.
! When told of the warfare the far
I mors of the West were making on the
i Ttnaulnn thistle lie anld iimnlmticuilv
n , u t t t tne farmur8 act.
- . ...
ally noticed a decrease in tne yieui
i on land formerly infested by It,
If the professor's conclusions were
right, farmers should study the uses
' of the plant before exterminating It, j
1 ns he soys it Is entirely harmless.
I and in fact acts as a protector to the i
: soil. i
The farmer makes a more hitter
warfare on the Russian thistle be-
' cause of its name man ior any inner
, reason, thinking thnt nothing good
has ever come out of Russia.
Wonderful accuracy of His Aim at
the Butcher's Block.
nustoi' ii nuicuiT "Hop twenty o!
thirty ierii s:i:ml wsui'hini.' n nmi
mi wii.l; v .ii nil iid:: lie smt.il on n
j hir;,i- ii.rl.cii block, such six meat I-'
chopped in which he had tiiunu Irou.
Its legs ii nit placed on the curb, sloplnu
tuwnrd the street. The surface of tin
block had become scarred ami rnuu'li
eiidd from use. With clean, accurate
strokes of the adz the mini mioii mud'
It us sniiHith as :i iiiiihugiiiiy table. I
was the wonderful iicciiruey of hi :tiui
that made passersby stop to look ill
him. He paid no intention to them. A
3lngle fhlsf lilitw would have ruined
the linc!i When die Job was dime, the
man helped the butcher mount the
block, collected ?." and went off to
keep another appointment.
"It bus taUen ine twenty-three years'
to learn to chop like that," he Mild to
a reporter. "My charge Is from 55 to
$10, according to the size of the block,
A block iTQiiircs evening on in that
way every three or four years. I have
customers now that 1 hud when I tlrst
began business. twenty-Uve years ngo.
In all that time I hve spoiled only two
ulockq. nnd they were during the two
years of my apprenticeship. The butch
ers can get their chopping blocks put
in condition by sending them to the
sawmill. But It Is more expensive, nnd
they cuu't spare them so long from -the
shops. There is enough work of this
kind In New York to keep myself and
half a dozen others busy." New York
There la more Catarrh la thU aectlon of
the country than all other dUeaiea put
together, and until tlie ait few years was
auppoaed to be Incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
illxease and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci
ence has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional uiscase ana mereiora requires con
stitutional treatment Halt's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by 1'. J, Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, U theonly constitution
al cure on the market. It Is taken Inter
nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful, it acts directly on Alie blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey
offer one hundred dollars for any case It
falls to cure. Bend for circulars and tes
timonials. Address :
F. J. CHENKV & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by nrugfilst. price 75c.
Take Halt's Family rills for constipa
tion. Besides occupying two-thlrda of all
tho space In tho foreign building at
the Lewis nnd Clark fair, tho Japan
ese government has secured two and
a half acres In tho fair grounds for a
tea gnrdon, which will be In full op
oratlou during tho fair.
The St. George.
W. 1,. Ewing, Westfledl .
Miss Anson, Knmela.
J. L. McCrary, La Grnndc
E. N. Hutchinson, Portland.
George Harris, Portland.
J. W. Brady, Pocatollo.
L. D. Hoy. Seattle.
W. D, Williams, Portlnnd.
Perry Dunn, San Frnnclsco.
T. P. Smith. Son Francisco.
Douglas Belts, Pilot Rock.
R. Holts, Colfnx.
C. L. Downer. Spokane.
William Dunn, Portland.
Willlnm Mosgrovc, iliona.
H. Connoll, Umatlla.
Dr. N. W. Wenr, Adams.
A. C. Henderson, Pilot Rock.
J. P. Carrier. Portland.
George G. Scars, Portland.
Arthur T. Belfast. Chicago.
W. T. Whlto, Portland.
The Hotel Bickers.
Mr and Mrs. Van Horn, city.
Snrl Finch, Wlnslow.
J. S, Cunningham, Portland.
Mrs. Chllds, Athena.
Mrs. Holen Bolts, Pilot Rock
J. A. Wilson, Albany.
W. Loyde. Milton.
E. L. Everett and wife, liolsc
Miss Lulu Ray. Weston.
Miss Grace Ray. Weston.
Albert Harala, Havana.
R. P. Anderson, Hnlnes.
Mrs. Belle Williams, 51,eachani.
Mrs. Eulalle Roach, Mencluim.
O. G. Allen, city.
O. E. Larklns. Helix.
F. I.. Moke, city.
F. .1. Norton, Portlnnd.
F. M. Van Horn, Portland.
V. W. Beemnn, city. - .
W. C. E. Pruett nnd wife, city.
Charles Ramer, Walla Walla.
Jerry Stone, Athena.
F. E. P. Springer and wife, Weston.
J. A Chidester, Tekoa.
Miss Cora Robeson, Spokane.
Mrs. Marie Jonotli. Portlund.
H. H. Edwards and wife, cU.
Dr. Blakeslee, city.
F H. Norwood, Pasadena.
W. S. Brown and wife, city.
W. J. Benson, Cold Springs.
Miss Bessie Merlcle, city.
J. S. Snndford, Baker City.
Alfred Roesch, Seattle.
J. E. Redman, Elliot.
Miss Pearl Sturdevan, I.ind.
The Pendleton.
T Iliggs. Dayton.
G. Smith, Dayton.
Julius Green, Portland.
A. O. Harrison. Chicago.
C C. Shay. Chicago.
Miss Josle Smith. Minneapolis.
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
E. Costello, Starbuck.
J. Jessie. Starbuck.
A. Y. Alexander, Starbuck.
J. H. Kloeckner, Spokane.
W. D. Marks, 3iokaiio.
Miss Margaret Menley, Nelson.
F. S. Green, Portland.
T G. Gibson, Portland.
Thomas Melarkey. city.
Ben H. Burroughs, city. -
T. Sunders, city.
B. Wescoat, Portland.
A. Oppcnheimor. San Francisco.
W. R. Shephard, Spokane.
A. .Shurtzrufr, Helena.
W. H. Crossland. Minneapolis.
P. M. Nevens, Seattle.
Howard Reynolds nnd wife, San
A sinsheimer, Portland.
A. A. Allen, Taconia.
Al Young, Portland.
A. H. Caston, SH)knue.
G. J. McEroy. Stnrbuck.
Mrs. T. G. Halley and children, city.
C. Ades, Spokane. ,
S. J. Hayes, Starbuck.
Miss Lucelle Moorhouse, city.
C. B. Reynolds. Kerney.
W. S. Berdan, Jr.. San Francisco.
J. P. Isaacs. Walla Walla.
Miss D. H. Bernlmrt. San Francisco
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. Coman, Portland.
F. C. Allen, Seattle.
M. M. Gottdlner. Portland.
Jules Green, Portland.
F. H. Dayton, St. Louis.
Rviiliitlou of II, e Kuldlnir Drift.
Mrs. Do Flat Have you unythlng
new In folding, beds?
Deuler Only this, madam, nnd lt
really Is quite a success. On arising In
the morning you touch n spring and It
turns Into a washstand nnd bathtub.
After your bath, you touch another
spring, and it Is-comes n dressing case,
with n French plate mirror. If you
breakfast In your room, n slight pres
sure will transform It into nn exten
sion tnble. After breakfast, yon press
these three buttons at once and yon
have an upright plane. That's all lt
will do. except that when yon die lt
can be changed Into a rosewood coffin.
New York Weekly.
Shr Won.
He was n philosopher and a talker.
She was n woman of action. They
stood together on the bridge and watch
ed a tug Unit wus hauling a long line
of barges up the river.
"Look there, my dear," said he.
"Such Is life. The tug Is like the mun,
working nnd tolling, whtlo the barges,
like the women, nre"
His wife guve him no time to finish
the sentence. "I know," she said. "The
tug does all the blowing and the barges
bear nil the burden."
The Olllelol Time.
Jcrrold As I was saying, I had $50
on Topnotch nt 100 to 1. The race was
rix furlongs and Topnotch won.
Ilnrold What was the time?
Jcrrold Why cr I heard the clock
strike 2 Just as I woke up! Puck.
To AtoM IMiliUeKy.
Young Author (who thinks himself
famous) I believe I should enjoy ray
vacation better If I could go Incognito.
Friend Good Idea! Travel under
four nom de plume. New York Week
ly. Girls have . way of getting a lot of
rpcclnl scenery on when they wait on
taulo nt a church social. Atchison
The Washington & Columbia River
Railway Special Summer Excur
sion Rates to Coast Points.
Beginning June 15, 1004, the W. &
C. R. railway will have on sale tickets
to Westport, Long Beach, Clatsop
Beech, Tokoland, Ilwnco, Seavlew, Ti
oga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park, Nah
cotto, Flavol, Gearhart and return at
$10.00 for the round trip
For children of half fare age, one-
half the above rate.
Tickets will be good returning until
September 30th.
For full Information call upon or
Triennial Conclave Knights Templar,
San Francisco, Sept. 5-9th, 1904
Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.,
San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 1B-25th,
Account of above occasion the O. R.
& N. makes a round trip rate of $31.85
dates of sale, via steamer from Port
land August 2-28th, and September 1
and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, 15,
1C and 17. Continuous passage on go
ing trips, with final return limit Octo
ber 23, 1904. Stopovors will bo allow
ed In California only, and only on re
turn trip. For particulars call on or
address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N.
Special Excursions to St. Louis.
October 3, 4 and 5 are the remain
ing dates upon which tickets will bo
sold at tho r.educed rates to the St.
Louis fair. These rates apply over
the Denver nnd Rio Grande and Mis
souri Pacific. For the patrons of
these roads special excursion cars
will be run through from Portland
and St. Louis without change.
See the many points of Interest
about the Mormon capital and take a
ride through Nnturo's picture gallery.
During the closing months travel to
tho fair will be heavy. If you con-
tomplnte going write W. C. McBride,
general agent at Portland for the Den
ver & Rio Grande, for particulars of
these excursions.
The undersigned will receive bids
until C o'clock p. m., August 17, 1904,
for the lumber in the barn, sheds and
sidewalks now on the "Froom.e Sta
ble" property, on Main street. All
material to bo removed from the
property nt earliest data possible.
Done at Pendleton, Oregon, this
11th day of August, 1904.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed proposals will bo received
at tho office of T. F. Howard, archi
tect up to 2 o'clock p. m Saturday,
August 20, 1904, for tho building of
a slx-roora cottage for J. A. Blakley.
Excavating and stone foundation to
bo done under separate contract.
Plans aro at the office of tho archi
tect. Tho right Is reserved to reject
any and all bids for the work.
August 10, 1904.
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to lease and can locate
some good range and water. Address
box 44, La Grande, Or.
8ulclde Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will intorest many. A run-down
system and dospondoncy Invariably
procedo suicide and something has
boon found that will prevent that con
dition which' makes sulcldo likely.
At tho first thought of solf-destruc-tion
tako Electric llltt.ors. It being a
great tonic and norvino will strength
en .the norvos and build up tho sys
tem. It's also a great stomach, liver
and lcldnoy regulator. Only BOc.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman &
Co,, druggists.
Frank Davis was hangod at Johns
town, Pa., Friday, for the murder of
his paramour, on Auptst 17, 1903.
We nre fast closing out nil our summer goods. Prices are greatly n.
Summer corsets now for t
Sailor lints, now stylo " '
Corset covrs, three for '
Indies' knit drnwers, lnc.e bottom '
51.00 worth of ribbon, lnco or emproldcry of any style, tor one week
tor 75.
Men's summer undorwenr, 30c kind for 23c
Men's work shirts jjg. u
Mou's good heavy overalls, worth 75c, our price 6C
Striped overalls, COc kind now ' SOc
Sun Iwnnots. worth 25c, now (i ' 15c
Shirt waists, all kinds, 20 per cent off.
A COc toilet article free with evory $5.00 purchase.
741 MAIN ST.
The Washington . Columbia River
Railway. '
For the World's Fair at St. Louis .
the following rates are announced:
To St. Louis, going via St. Paul
or Billings, returning any dl
rlct route $60.00
To Chicago, going vit St. Paul
or BHIlngB, returning any dl- f
rect route 65.00
To St. Louis, returning from
Chicago, or
. To Chicago, returning from St.
Louis 62.50
To St. LouIb, returning via Chi- i
caco. or
To Chicago, returning via St.
Louis 65.00
Children of half-fare age, half the
above rates.
Tickets will be on sale May 11, 12
aud 13; June 1C, 17 and 18; July 1,
2 aud 3; August 8, 9 and 10; Septem
ber 5, C and 7; October 3, 4 and 5.
Good going ton days from date of
sale, returning, 90 days from date of
Good for stop-over at any point
wlthiu the limits.
For full Information regarding
routes, side trips, etc., call on or ad
S. B. CALDERHEAD, Pendleton.
General Passenger Agent, Ore.
Walla Walla. Wash.
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
Tlie Denver & Rio Grande, In con
nection with tho Missouri Pacific, will
rnu a series of personally conducted
excursions to the World's fair during
June. These excursions will run
through to St. Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princi
pal points en route. The first of these
excursions will leave Portland June
7th, nnd the second June 17th. The
rate from Pendleton will be $60.00 to
St. Louis and return. Excursionists
going via the Denver & Rio Grande
have tho privilege of returning via a
different route. This is the most
pleasant way, as well as the most de
lightful one, to cross the continent.
The stops arranged give an opportu
nity of visiting the various points of
Interests In and about Salt Lake City,
Denver and Kansas City. It you wish
to accompany one of these excursions
write at once to W. C. McBride, 1Z4
Third street, Portland, for sleeping
car reservations.
World's Fair Rates.
The O. R. & N. Company announces
the following low rates:
From Pendleton to St. Louis and
return, $b0.00.
From Pendleton to Chicago and re
turn, $65.00.
To Chicago, returning through St.
Louis, (no coupon between Chicago
and St. Louis) or vice versa, $62.50.
To Chicago, returning via St. Louis
or vice versa, $66.25.
Tickets on sale June 7, 16, 17,
18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10. Sep
tember 5, C, 7, October 3, 4, 6.
Tickets good going within 10 days
from date of sale; final return limit
90 days from date of sale.
Stopovers allowed In either direc
tion within the transit limit. For
further Information call on or ad
dross E. C. SMITH, Agent.
It Will Be to Your Interest.
If you contemplate visiting the St.
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable
Information as to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routes. Also
as to local conditions in St. Louis;
hotels, etc., jotc.
If you will write the undersigned,
stating what Information you desire,
tho samo will be promptly furnished.
It we do not bavo lt on hand, will se
cure It for you If possible, and with
out any .exponso to you. Address
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
are much worse than ion
to an
when the eyes are weak.
glasses will be absolutely i
No charge Is made here I
the sight and very little fj
for reading or general purl
We carry a full line of i
! cle sand eyeglasses. 1
Jeweler and (M
Postoffice Block.
and broke It into splinters, I
been the fate of your carni
It was run into by sometl
"there Is balm In Gllead," ol
nleasure in knowing that i
vou can have it made goodj
w ,tn nil kinds of carriage!
and blacksmlthing In a slj
superior manner. We set
hydraulic pressure; does I
does It while you wau,
or deface your wheels andj
Mir life of the rig. tan
work. ' We have Winona I
Hacks and Buggies, and Std
limi r-nplllPK.
The Blackamuns.i
Ver set. $5.00; goW
T.VV 0s
trading, SOc.
m- ,i thoroughly
with all modern met
appliances, MM"
. ,o nf the bign
worn i , ,l. i
dard, and our prices tie I
consistent with nrw
White Brc
Association Block.
'Phone Main lWL
The Colwn
Lodging Hot
wen. V""' - . vi
fortable roomn, good wl
,n connection,
goods are served.
Main Btreet, center t
. . iia
Tne East 0,. !
eoon's rZT f''c,,iL