PAGE THREE. IffiHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIPAY.j AUGUST 12, 1904. 2 Clearance Sale ; BISHOP POTTER'S MODEL SUBWAY DRINKING PLACE. SALOON ter dress goods at Just one-half the regular value: ,r. ot,mTTrr ilrnQta imric . iKjlir Il'C . n oc yaro I-ir 16C " '72 dr Me value summer dr5SS BO0ds 10c yard Zjlir :5c value summer dress goods 12i,c yarc - ,.. ,mmn Mco lonntla - r- . Wr We tbiuo o""" loc yarn 35c vaiutj uu"" uiuoo tu I'ac yara da 10c vaiue buujujoj uioos (,wua me yara l-osfceag apron check ginghams, all sizes checks and colors 5c yard vre are showing a new line of ladles' neckwear In all the latest Odds and ends broken linos of Indies' shoes and Oxfords, at one- prices. Alexander Dept. Store f THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES It is Doing a Big Business and Has ; Aroused a Furore of Opposition and 1 Criticism Nobody Seems to Be i Satisfied, and It Appears That Blsh-! op Potter Has Made a Mistake j Is Accused of Collusion With Liquor i Interests. I New1 York. Aug,. 12. By his open j advocacy of the model Subway saloon which was opened and dedicated the ' other day by the enthusiastic social i reformer, Bishop Potter has deeidedlv "put his foot In It." 1 Such a storm of Indignation as that j aroused among the ultra-conservative i and religious elements and the advo-j catcs of prohibition has never before, be.en witnessed In this city. Thous ands of letters and telegrams have been sent to Bishop Potter, scathing ly criticising his action and utterly condemning his position In the mat ter. He has been attacked in the , newspapers and nearly every minister seems to have considered It his duty ! to express his utter disapproval of , the reformatory methods of Bishop . Potter. While some of the critics merely .1 Where Is tho other PUZZLE PICTURE, lad. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream roes farthest, I because It Is most concentrated; I Is most nourishing, because richest In cream; most perfect, because most skillfully prepared. Its purity Is guaranteed under forfeit of $5,000 to anyono ablo to prove any adulteration In our product. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK rMlmll.. . .. t.l.. ! ,.1 . t . 1. t I loon, others see in the plan of the feast- wIlich wl" , 1 0 "owcl1 b i bishop a direct collusion with the 1 speeches and all kinds of amusement. evil powers and influences of tho' '"CArl J j dramshop, which cannot but lead to TEXAS FORGES AHEAD. , the most demoralizing results. In the ! ",.,. oi..,i ,,,, 1 meantime the Subway saloon Is doing Lon star state wl" Soon R,val IIIN J I a land office business and Bishop j nols is Railway Mileage. j Potter -says nothing, but allows this I Washington, D. C, Aug. 12.1HI J ' flood of "moral" indignation to break i nols is likely soon to glvo placo to ,over his head. 'Texas as the state having the great- Even among those who recognize ! est mileage of railway main track I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST. I OASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR I THE HARDWARE MAN." On June 30. 1903, ino main 'line mile age In Illinois, according to tho state railroad commission, was 11,229 miles not Including 277 miles of tracks to industrial establishments. In tho year ended June 30, 1904, tho r.ecords show that 2SS miles of trnck were con structed In the state, which would make the present total 11,517 miles, besides Industrial tracks now aggre gating about 300 miles. Tho Texas railroad commission re ported 11.080 miles on Juno 30, 1903, 741 MAIN 8T. I Yacht Clubs Making a Try for the and tho state engineer, figuring on the excellent Intentions of Bishop Potter, and give him credit for his courage In undertaking what he con sidered right, knowing that It would arouse a flood of opposition, there are many, who believe that the great re former allowed himself to be carried away by his enthusiasm and that he made a fatal mistake, which would do a great deal more harm than good. FOR THE LIPTON CUP. Pure Water from Pure Ice KOR ONLY SIX CENTS PER GALLON. The beautiful crystal Ice Is made from distilled water. When tilted again the water is pure as the Ice. You cannot afford to fcink the impurities and contagion that makes a part of the river t. Take our Droduct and YOTj HAVE BOTH ICE AND WATER. Pendleton Ice and Cold Storage Co. Telephone Main 1781 Not Made by a Trust YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR A F.NE 5c CIGAR, 'WTHE "PEGGY O'NEAL." GUARANTEED BY THE LARG- INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURER IN THE U. 8. TO UE 60Ll)TELY FULL HAVANA FILLER AND HAND-MADE. PEGGY O'NEAL 5c CIGAR . TlEP A. G. HOWARD HNE MAIN 2841. ' 115 COURT STREET. PENDLETON, OREGON. b East Oregonlan ffles Large bundle of i.ewpapi Trophy of the Great Yachtsman. Chicago, Hi., Aug. 12. The Inner harbor today is dotted with whifo winged craft flying the Mislgns of the Detroit Yacht Club, Chicago Yacht Club and other yacht clubs of the great lakes. The yachts have gather ed here to take pari in tho Llpton cup races, the first of which will be sailed tomorrow over tho triangle course of the Columbia Yacht Club. With favorable wind and w.eather conditions the experts says the con tests should prove the most interest ing ever sailed in Chicago waters. The local yacht clubs have entered several boats which they think fast enough to retain the cup here. On the other hand, the Milwaukee Yacht Club has sent the flyer Mendota, owued by Commodore Vilas, who Is confident that she is the fastest yacht on the lakes. Detroit, also, and several other cities have .entries and no doubt exists that the contests will be closely contested from start to finish. ANOTHER TUNNEL FOR GOTHAM. Fourth Underground Passage Under East River to Be Built. New York, Aug. 12. It Is stated on good authority that within a short time work on another, the fourth tun nel under the East river will be be gun. The concession for the tunnel was obtained from the legislature 12 years ago. About 10 years ago a shaft was sunk on the Manhattan side and th,o work on the tunnel proper begun. Tho work was stopped, however, ufter it terrific dynamite explosion at tho mouth of tho tunnel, by which six persons were killed and over 50 In jured. The concession has passed Into the hands of a corporation with August Belmont at Its head and closely allied with the subway company. It Is be lieved that tho tunnel, when complet- .ed, will become part of tho subway system. an increase of 423 miles In tho pnst year, puts tho present total at 11,503 miles, which Is only 14 miles less than the figures for Illinois. THE ISLE OF NOBLES. CELEBRATE CF.AN DAY. A Famous Historic ite, the Cradle of Saxon Liberty. 'ilio isii' cr Atlielney. or the "Isle of r.obl." :is tl.e name slgnliU's, is una nf llio iimt ruinous of historic sites. tlmiiTiid years ngo It was u low Islet covered with willows nnil alders' mid tiiiiTniimlid by fens and overflowing marshes, altogether inaccessible except by Ixiats. There King A If ml sought refuge with u swineherd, ami there he lay iiinci'uled from the Invnillng Dane for tin- (-pace of a whole year. The re sort of ills chieftains to this place enured It to be known as the "Isle o nobles." which imiy be regarded as the cradle and stronghold of Snxon liberty After Alfred regained the possession of his throne he erected a Benedictine abbey on this spot and "endowed with all the lands In the Isle of Athel itpy." The monastery has entirely dis appeared, but 10 site Is marked by stone pillar erected In 1801 by thoown er of Atlielney. The pillar bears thin inscription: "King Alfred the Great In the year of our Ixird 870. having been defeated by tho Danes, fled for refuge to the forest of Atlielney, where he lay ?onccfli"d from bis enemies for the spell of u whole year. lie soon after regain In EXCURblON RATES TO ST. LOUIS' Rive The Washington & Columbia Railway For the World's Fnlr at St. Louis tho following rates aro announced To St. Louis, going via St. Paul or Billings, returning any ill- rlct route $GO.OO To Chicago, going vit St. Paul or Billings, returnlug any di rect route 65.00 To St. Louis, returning from Chicago, or To Chicago, returning from St. Louis 62.50 To St. Louis, roturn'.ng via Chi cago, or To Chicago, returning via St. Louis 65.00 Children of half-faro age, half tho above rates. Tickets will bo on sale May 11, 12 and 13; Juno 1C, 17 and 18; July 1 2 nnd 3; August 8, 9 nnd 10; Soptem ber C, C nnd 7; October 3, 4 and 6. Good going ten days from dato of sale, returning, 90 dnys from dato of sale. Good for stop-over at any point within the limits. For full Information regarding routes, sldo trips, etc., call on or ad' dress, WALTER ADAMS, AQT., S. B. CALDERHEAD, Pondloton, General Passenger Agent, Ore, Walla Walla. WaBh. wl possession of his throne, nnd grateful remembrance of tho protection lie had received under tho favor o heaven ho erected u monastery on this pot abd endowed It with all the lands contained in the Isle of Athelnoy,, To perpetuate Hie memory of so rerunrka ble an incident In the life of that lllui tr'.ous prince this edifice was founded by John Shide, Ksn,,, of Muunsoll. the proprietor of Atlielney, A. D. 1801." London News. People of Geneva, Iowa, Pay Homage to the Phaseolus Vulgaris. Eldora, Iowa, Aug, 12. Tomorrow Is to be hi biggest day of tho year for the people of Geneva, a little town of about 1000 population north of this place. It will be Bean Day. Many Iowa towns each year have a street fair, carnival or county fair, but Gene va Is tho only to'vn in tho United tsiatjes that has a Bean Day. At Geneva on Bean Day tho noou Iar vegetable Is served In every im aglnable manner, and tho populace rrom far and wide assembles and de vours the beans. On account of tho lack of 'a large enough dining hall to accommodate the crowd a large can vas has been provided for tomorrow's A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Hut Hare Luxuriant aj)d Gloaar Hair, No Mntttr What Color. The finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses ometlilng- if the bead Is crowned with cant hair. Scant and falling hair, it Is now known, la caused by a parasite that burrows Into the scalp to the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality. The lit tle white scales the germ throws up In burrowing aro called dandruff. To cum dandruff permanently, then, and to atop falling hair, that germ must be killed. Newbro'j Merplclde. an entirely new re sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ. and. of course, ntnn the falling hair, and prevents baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co "Biroil, men. HE WON THE AUDIENCE. The Way Fred Douglass Got the Best or Captain Ryndera. The Inexhaustible sensf of humor li Frederick DoiikIukh kept htm n,af of ,uiiy sense or gloom, as wus nev r bet ter seen than on the once famous oc aislon when the notorious Isaiah Ityn ders of New York, ut the head of n mob. hud Interrupted un untlslavery meeting, captured the platform, placed himself In the chair und bidden Hie meeting proceed. Douglass was snenk lug and, nothing loath, mdde hl pee h oniy Keener and keener for the Inter- lerence, weaving around the would In chairman' head a wreath of delicate sarcasm which carried the audience wiin it. wuiie the duller wits of the nurjy despot could hardly follow him. Knowing only In u general way that lu was being dissected, Hynders at lust exclaimed. "What you ubolItlonlstK waut to do Ik to cut all our throats!" "Oh, no," replied Doticluss In his most dulcet tones; "we would only cut your wair. ado., ueuuing over tho shuggy anu irowzy ucad of the Bowery tyrant, he gavo a suggestive motion as of scis sors to his thumb and foreiluger with a professional politeness that Instantly brought down the house, friend and foe, while Ityndere quitted the chair In wrath and tho meeting dissolved Itself amid general laughter. It was a more cheerful conpluslon perhaps than that eiormier one not unknown In refonna. tory conventions with which Shake speare so often ends bis scenes, "Ex eunt fighting."--Thomas Wcntwortu Hlggluson in Atlantic. A woman always looks on the It Rlngling Brothers' World's Greatest Shows. Baker City, august 1C, 1904. Walla Walla, August 17, 1904. Spokano, August 20, 1904. For tho nbovo occasions tho O & N. a rato of ono and ono- thlrd faro for tho round trip, as fol lows: To Bakor City mid roturn. JC tickets on salo August lfi; final roturn limit August 17, To Walla Walla and roturn. 11.90 tlckots on sale August 16 and 17. ro turning limit. August 18. 1904. lo Hpoknno and roturn. 38 tlckots on salo August 20, 1901. Itoturn limit, August 21. For particulars call on or address E. O. Smith, ngont. World's Fair Hates. Tho O. It. & N. Company announces tno following low rates: From Pondloton to St. I)u!b an return, lbO.00. From Pendleton to Chicago and ro turn, $05.00. To Chicago, returning throueh St Louis (no coupon betwoon Chicago ami ai. jxjuisj or vico vorsa, 502,50. To Chicago, returning via St. Itils or vico versa, T6C.25. Tickets nn nnln .Tuna 7 1R IT 18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sop tombor C, C, 7, October 3, 4, 5. Tlckots good going within 10 day irom uaio or naio; final roturn limit ao nays from dato of, salo. Stopovers nllowod In cither dlrec uon within tho transit limit. For further Information call on or nd. uress E. O. SMITH. Aeont Triennial Conclave Knlnhts TemDlar. omi rrancisco, eept. D-Utn, 1004- oovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., oan Francisco, Cal., 8ept, 19-25th 19C4. ' Account of above occasion tho n t & N. inakos a round trln rato of isi sr. dates of salo, via steamer from Port- iano August z-zxtii, and Soptomhor 1 and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, 15, 10 and 17, Continuous nasHmra nn im. Ing trips, with final roturn limit Octo ber 23, 1904, Stopovers will bo allow. eu in uaiuornia only, and only on ro turn trip. For narticularn ii nn n- Imuran iv. u. dmitii, ogont O. It. & ty. 8pecla Excursion to the World's Fair llio Denver (k Itlo Oraniln in rn noctlon with the Missouri Paclllo, will rnu a sorlos of personally conducted oxcurslone to tho World's fair during June. Theso oxcurslons will run through to 8t, Louis Without rhnno'n r, . n.n 1.1 . . . --o- uu, sunning suorc stops at princi pal iwiius en route. Tho first of these cscureions wm icavo Portland Juno 7th, and tho second Juno 17th. Tho rato from Pendleton will hn St. Louis and return. Excursionists going via tho Dcnvor & rtlo Grande havo the nrlvileca of rAtumim, via . different route. This Is tho most pleasant way, as well as the most de lightful one, to cross the continent The stops arranged glvo an opportu. nity of visiting tho various points of Interests In and about Salt Lake City, Denver and Kansas City. If you wish to accompany ono of these excursions wnto at once to W. f!. MrMo ioi Third street, Portland, for sleeping, car reservations. I Ml n S If you aro Interested In Oil Painting, seo us. Our line is comploto. ACADEMY BOA11DS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' sai-: :s BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opora Houso Block. - Building! Material! OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa X per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwelling a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta 8treet, Opp. Court House, REAL ESTATE $2,250 will buy ono of tho most con vonlont O room houses In tho city. Huwor, bath, etc.; good collar and ham. 3 lots, corner, a bargain. $4,000 Elegant new D-rooiu houso. Just completed; sower, bath, toilet;' 2 lots, pusttiru oxpouroi corner. $2,500 Nlco residence nnd bIx Iota;1 eastern exposure. Lot mo show you throo quarter sec tions of tho best whont land. All ur- dor cultivation; oxtonslvo Improve ments, plenty of wator. Con .b bought for u lUle less than its mar- kot vnluo. 1 W E. Davidson & Go. Insurance, Real Estate. Loans 111 Court Street. Pendleton. 1 HTi BEST IS TUG ChEAPEST Bear this In Ind when you need poultry and stock supplies aud ask for tho International Poultry und Stock Food. Uso Kow Kure for your cow trou. bles. C. F. CoIesworUry 127.129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Llco Killer. PIONEER BOTTLING . WORKS Tolephon Main 9G1. Liquid Oas for Beer Purposes. Also LJguld Oas Outfit for Same. JOHN CAQEN.