East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 09, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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OH 0
Cuticura Soap, Ointment
and Piils
Cleanse the Skin, Scalp
and Blood
If Torturing, Disfiguring, Hu
mours with Loss of Hair
Thousands of the world's best peo
ple have found InsUint relief and speedy
enre by the wo of Cuticura Soap, Oint
ment and Tills In the most torturing
and dlsilgurlug of Itching, burning and
scaly humours, ccicmas, rashes,. iteh
insa and Intlam-nintlous.
Thousands of tired, fretted mothers,
of skin-tortured and disfigured babies,
of all ages and conditions, have certi
fied to almost miraculous cures by the
Cuticura remedies, when the best mod
leal skill bad failed to relieve, much
less cure.
Cuticura Treatment Is local and con
stitutional complete nnd perfect,
pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe tho
affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap
and hot water to cleanse the skin of
crusts and scales and soften the thick
ened cuticle, dry without hard rubbing,
and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to
allay Itching, lrritatlou and lnllamma
tlon, and soothe and heal, and lastly
take Cuticura Hesolvent Tills to cool
and cleanse the blood, aud put every
function In a state of healthy activity.
More great cures of simple, scrofulous
and hereditary humours are dally made
by Cuticura remedies than by all other
blood and skin remedies combined, &
alngle set being often sufficient to cure
the most distressing cases wheu all
else falls.
J Bold ttromthoot the otld. Cutleuri RmlTnL Me.
8n form o. ChoeoUM Coud Mu, ue. per rlil 7fc
Intra it, enc , Sop. Sit. Depoti i London, tr CntrUr
konM Sq i Frii, 3 Kan da U hdxi Boatoo. 1.17 Colnmbal
Ave. Potttr Drug and Chen. Corp , Hole Prop.
Bj- bead for " Skin end Blood Purlacitlon.
x "The Kodak" season Is now J
on and we have tho largest and
most completo line profession-
al and amateur photographic
goods over shown In the city. J
Don't forget to take a camera X
or kodak with you on your 7a- z
cation. $
Brock & McComas
Cor. Main and Court SU.
Pendleton, Oregon.
"IlftTlnr Uken your wonderful "CMereU" for
three montbt and belae entirely cared of tomch
etUrrh nd dyiprptla. 1 think a word of pralie Is
I bare taken numeroue other so-called remedies
at wit boot arail and 1 find that CaicareM re Hero
no re In a day tbao all tbo others 1 haro taken
roo Id In a year " .
James McUans, lot Mercer St., Jersey City. N. J.
Best For
I mtr DOVeiS j4
Fleatsnt. Palatable, Potent. Tast Good, Do Hood,
Verer Sicken, Weaken or Unp. 10c. 25c. 60c. Never
wld In balk. The genuine tablet starapod OOO.
ftoaranteed to euro or your money back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. mi
The City Brewery Bottled Beer.
Tho greatest summer drink. It goet
right to the spot.
Always havo this superior beer In
your homo. It gives youth and vigor
to your tired system.
Physicians recommend beer that If
pure. City Brewery Hottled Beer It
always good and always tho same.
It Is made In Pendleton and noi
subject to changes of temperature Id
being shipped.
Put up In quarts, pints nnd hall
pints, and dellvored In any quantity
Bottling works tolophono 1771.
Uesldonco tolophono 1831.
roit SAM', at thi: ijast ohkuonian
olTU'O large uuniJIt-a ol newipaixi. cou
Ulnluc urer 1IU bla lumen, cau im obtain
d tor 25 cents bundle.
Mlnam River Is One of Most Beauti
ful Streams in the State and One
of Its Many Waterfalls Will Be
Harnessed for an Electric Plant
One Thousand Carloads of Produce
Can Be Handled by New Line of
Tho Jllnam river, which heads In
the high granite mountains, between
Cornucopia nnd Wallowa, is ono of
tho most beautiful mountain streams
In tho west, containing a number of
high, sheer falls, which would fur
nish millions of horso power. If util
ized. Tho stream is hidden awny In n
deep mountain canyon, tho only ac
cess to It being by pack hors,os, ex
cept on raro Instances, whero a
rough wagon road leads down tho
preclpltuous bluffs.
At one of these beautiful waterfalls
about eight miles north of tho Cove,
on tho Uulon county sldo of tho Wnl-lowa-Unlon
county Hue, tho Eastern
Oregon Development Company, of
which W. E. Davidson of this city
is secretary, will Instnll a monster
power plant, In fact, the largest In
Eastern Oregon, from which electric
power will bo rnnsniltted to tho vnl
ley for distribution along tho lines
of railroad and to the different towns
for lighting purposes.
Mr. Davidson .expects to arrive hero
from Sumpter about August 1C, af
ter which time ho will make his per
manent homo in this city. In speak
ing of tho prospects ahead of tho now
company Mr. Davidson says, In a let
ter to the East Or.egonlan from Sump
ter, that thoy expect the now line of I,
electric road in Grande uoiwo vaney
to revolutionize tho beet culture and
cord wood business there, besides
stimulating fruit and small truck
Saving I" thQ foothill districts,
At tho present- tlmo all tho cord-
wood Is hauled for miles to tho dlf-j
fcront towns, but tho road will tap a
timber belt nt Union, and also nt fc.1
gin, giving the settlers access to mar
ket without making a long haul.
Sugar beets aro not now raised in
many localities there because of tho
long haul to the railroad. When this
road encircles tho valley, It will tap
tho beet belt, affording cheap trans
portation to the factory, and as the
track will bo built standard gauge".
O. It. & N. cars will bo hauled by It
around the entire circuit of tho val
ley, thus bringing tho small farmers
and truck gardeners In easy reach of
the main lino and markets. It Is es
timated that 1000 carloads of produce
can bo handled annually by th.e now
manrior of picking, pncklng nnd pre
serving this fruit. This Is a samplo
of tho Inquiries mndo and tho Inter
est shown In this years fair, and It
Is these letters which hnvo convinced
Mr. Monroe that tho fruit and agrlcul
tuarl department will bo better this
year than at any tlmo slnco tho good
old days when Herbert Bolster ran
tho fruit fairs aud delighted every
body with tho gonial hospitality of
Spokane, and tho -mp oxhlblts of the
Inland Empire.
Knights of Fidelity Meeting.
Soymour, Ind., Aug. 9. Tho grand
lodge, Knights of Fidelity of Indiana,
composed of rotnll liquor dealers, be
gan Us annual convention hero today.
Several hundred members nro In at
tendance from various parts of tho
state. Tho convention, which will bo
In session two days, will consider
measures looking to tho further pro
tectlon of thoso engaged In tho saloon
trndo from tho prohibitionists and
other organized antagonists of tho
liquor Interests.
DeWItt Is the Name.
When you go to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for tho namo DeWItt on
every box. The puro, unadulterated
Witch Hazel Is used In making Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is
the best salve In tho world for cuts,
burns, bruises, bolls, eczema and
piles. Tho popularity of DoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, duo to Its many
cures, has caused numerous worth
less counterfeits to bo placed on the
market. Tho genuine bears the name
E. C. DoWltt & Co., Chicago. Sold by
Tallman & Co.
Many Exhibitors Now Inquiring for
Superintendent L. G. Monroo of tho
horticultural department of tho Spo
kane fair, October 3 to 9, Is receiving
many Inquiries from farmers and
fruitgrowers who proposo to exhibit
at tho fair and who will compoto for
tho liberal prizes which aro offered
this year. Tho many questions
which aro asked show tho interest
which Is being taken this year. These
people ask for premium lists, particu
lars of .exhibiting fruit and vegeta
bles and Instructions for picking and
I Taggard & Wggs of Waltsburg,
j Wash., claim to havo 35 acres of
Inliniir fin nn nnnlAR nn worn over
grown In tho state. Thoy oxpect to
make exhibits of theso apples, both
In a general display and In tho plato
competitions. Mr. Taggard also
I says ho has somo fine pears which
ho believes aro prlzp winners. Ho
asks for Instructions as to tho best
Three Dwelling Houses Are Being
Erected Left for Idaho Rev. Cart
wright Goes to Sllverton Recovery
of L. B. Plants Horses Die From
Heat Flouring Mills Running Day
and Night New Millinery Firm.
Milton, Aug. 8. Among tho camp
ers wo found at Woodard's Tollgato
wore Messrs. John Vinson, Mat Hud
son, Frank Wnrmlngton, William Mc
Queen, Phil Hoon, Nelson Man,ola,
Dan Kirk, Hoy Friendly, W. A. Mc
Pheo and families.
Will and IXoy Mallor, who havo
been in tho employ of Mosgrovo & Co.
havo tendered their resignations nnd
will leave In a few days. Will goes
tr, ivtntnr iiinhn. tn work In a dry
goods store, and Itoy to Pendleton in
a grocery.
i.mv Holus has sold his ranch In
North Milton to Henry Samuels. Con
sideration, ?5000, for SB acres, anu J.
lj, noo sold SO acres for ?10,000.
snmnoi Thomas. V. S. Mayborry
and Emmett Vinson arc each putting
up a house. Costs, respectively, v
000, S00, ?500. Tho two former have
..ivnu nmi families, and tho latter Is
expected to bo married In Pendleton
Rev. It. L. Cartwrlght, a former
pastor of tho Christian church hero,
now of Walla Walla, has accepted tho
charge at Sllverton, Or., to begin the
first of September. His mother and
sister, Endora, wilt go to Athena,
where tho latter ha3 a position in the
school. Miss Cartwrlght taught In
tho Milton school last year and wns
ono of tho best teachers that Milton
has ov.er had, and was reemployed
again this year, but resigned.
Frank Wormlngton has signed a
contract with somo parties In Walla
Walla to erect a 55000 resldonco.
A. M. Elam and family aro outing
at Coeur d'Aleno lake, Idaho.
Mrs. J. E. McNlchols has returned
from a two weeks' visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams at
Low Bolus, Asa Moore, S. F. Har
rington nnd Andy McCuno aro each
short a horso on account of heat.
Henry Lloyd has gone to Spraguo,
Wash., to work In n flouring mill.
Mrs. Montelth, who has been visit
ing her son, Tom, for tho past month,
returned to Albany last we,ek.
P. C. Warner Is tho O. II. & N.
now night man. Mr. Kershaw, who
camo hero from tho W. & C. It. at
Athena, resigned his position and
went back to Athena.
New Millinery Firm.
Mrs. Storm has closed her board
ing houso and will engage In tho
millinery business, Having purcnaseu
tho stock of Mrs. L. B. Clants.
Recovery of L. B. Plants.
L. B. Plants Is nhlo to bo out again
after being confined to his homo for
10 weeks with rheumatism.
Mills Runnlnn Day and Nlnht.
Tho Peacock mill has boon running
day and night for tho past month,
and will next week start, up tho Eaglo
mill In order to fill their present or
ders. As soon as thoy nro filled tho
former will close down for ropalrs.
Three Disastrous Strikes During the
Past Year, But the Organization
Has Made Progress During That
Time, There Being Great Gains In
Membership Eight Hour Day and
Arbitration the Leading Present Is
sues Cash Balance on Hand of $36,-357.62.
St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 9. Tho Inter
national Typographical union, whoso
fiftieth annual convention was for
mally opened yesterday In tho con
vention hnll at tho World's fair, got
down to business In earnest today.
Officers' reports woro presented and
various questions of Importnnco to
tho craft w.oro introduced and refer
red to tho proper commltteo for con
sideration and action.
The reports of tho officers show
that tho last year with tho organiza
tion hns been ono of fair progress,
marked by threo disastrous strikes,
hut at tho samo time by decided gains
nnd successes. Of tho latter President
Lynch sntd In his annual report to tho
convention that "hours havo hoon rq
duced, wrong eliminated nnd difficul
ty avoided through n careful observ
ance of tho law, patient negotiation
and International assistance."
President Lynch urged tho union to
stand for tho eight-hour day nnd sug
gested that tho present convention
take somo decided notion looking to
ward tho establishment ofc tho eight
hour day. Tho president also called
attention to tho arbitration agree
ment between tho International Typo
graphical Union and tho American
Nowspaper Publishers' Association,
entered into at a joint meeting of rep
resentatives In Now York last Octo
ber, and recommended that "It the
agreement Is to llvo Its acknowledged
shortcomings shall bo remedied."
Tho renort of tho president also sot
forth that not. so much attention has
been paid in tho last year to tho or
ganization of now unions ns has been
devoted to strengthening tnoso in mo
field. In spite of that fact, the report
showed that with odo exception tho
fiscal year of 1902-1903 tho member
ship of tho union has grown more
rapidly than during tho last 12
months than over before in its His
tory. Tho averago paying member
ship during tho year wns 3729 moro
than It was in tho preceding year.
The union had at tho end of tho fiscal
year, a cash balance on hand of 3G,
357.C2, as against a balanco of $49,170
for tho preceding year.
A Perfect Painless PHI.
Is tho ono that will cleanso tho sys
tem, set tho liver to action, remove
tho bile, clonr the comploxlon, euro
headache and leave a good tasto In
tho mouth. Tho famous llttlo pills
for doing such work pleasantly and
offectunlly aro DoWut's Littlo Early
nisors. Bob Moore, of Lafayotto,
Ind., says: "All other pills I havo
used gripe and sicken, whllo DoWitt's
Llttlo Early nisors aro simply per
fect." Sold by Tallman & Co.
Notice to Stone Contractors.
Scaled proposals will bo received
at tho office of the undersigned for
tho stono bascmont and concrete plors
for tho John Schmidt building, until
Wednesday, 3 p. m., August 10, bids
to be by cubic foot. Certified check
for ?100 to accompany each bid, same
to be forfeited to owner should tho
contractor fall to enter Into bond
within flvo days. Tho owner re
serves tho right to reject any and all
bids. Plans and specifications can
bo seen at tho offlco of tho architect,
room 12, Judd building, Pendleton,
C. E. TltOUTMAN, Architect.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold Is not only annoy
Ing, but It not relieved Pneumonia
will bo the probablo result by fall.
Ono Minute Cough Cure clears tho
phlegm, draws out tho Inflammation
heals, soothes and strengthens tho
lungs and bronchial tubes. One MIn
u to Cough Curo is an Ideal remedy
for tho children. It Is pleasant to tho
tasto and perfectly harmless. A -cer
tain curo for Croup, cough ana Cold
Sold by Tollman & Co.
If heaven wcro reached only by tho
accomplishment of great things It
would bo a very lonosom.o place.
O'ltourke It's very convenient to Hyp in wan room.
O'Kafrony Shuro,. an' how's that? '
O'Hourko xor Instanco, whin OI want to go Into th' parlor, or tho library or tho kitchen, 01 Just stay whore
Ol am. ' . i
to Judg.
"FLAVOR" The dlttl'n. ,
odor to the ro. A delicto". IS
ESheT"aJnda?S. "on '
A. B. C.
Is the ONLY beer that posstsstun
ol the essential oualiSc"!,
by t maker.. It la the ONLY tS
that can lip nn mi.iti...ri t. "
it H the ONLY beer batUeduSh
ST. I.OU1B, C. B. A.
Goodman-Thompson Hardware
One Hundred Dollars Reward
i i.swi .iniinfa ta n nrnftv rrnnil rmvnrtl fnr flvn minuted
yet that Is what J. E Strodo, of Waltsburg, Wash., got from til
mcnts of tho East Oregonlan, without a cent of expense to mmseuJ
riihiinr.urei Duccrv. wo nrunoau iu uuuuuvb uiiuwjv auumw-
nn tlm fnllnwtnrr Vinnlft?
W( V(U ..w....0 " ' j
From now until November 4th wo will tauo now subscriptions i
i . ..t..ii.- t.,i n m nnn whn fiificspa Tinnrnflt tn thft vote rl
by the winning presidential candidatp In this Btate. wo will glvoon
. . t i m - il. I nAtnnt'
nil run ttinnnv rnnmvmi irrmi liiih Luiiiuau
For example, If you uiink Presldont Itoosovolt will receive tlel
Ity of votes In tho coming election, nil out tho coupon, "ItooseTeltl
V ... . ,, ... In vnnr netlmfltA.
vote m uregon win no l i, ju
ii . ...IM, .... na thnv hnvA In nrnvIoUS (
II Our BUUHUnuurB uirvAJmatu uo v..rf .. , . i
. i .m I- ...o tuin intra in nnvfirnl hunarem
and possibly much more, one-half of which will go to the persoi
1 . . . t,n m hnlnit nrPflldntlU
guesses nearest, 10 mo voi,e in uros"" iu iuu ......-0 r-
M. . . . , a l.tc la fmnnrtnnt. ALL
Tnoro IS only ono requirumuut uuu who a""L.""""-..,,l
scriptlon will not Do counien in inio l.uucD. " " , , r." rirpiod
In this way: Got somo noignDor w iuku mu " hi rintJ
tour months for 60 corns, bonu m a mouoy umt-i
. . ., nln,l 1... wnnf rrnnRA nil tllfi
ic anu zo stamps or auvur, uuuuiuijuuiou u o----- .
vote. It you do not want to osk somo ib""i l" :,lwi
contB nnd tho namo of somo friend In tho East who Is IntcrestM
western couutry. Lot him reau mo Heiy .
Sivo mm more newu uuuui mu ... cn ret
could If you wrotP h,ma 50,,age letter a week o ov; rr 50
Will 1)0 onillieu to ono eueaa. ii jru.i buv, iu... --- i
four months eacu, you win uo enuueu iu iu. b'--y. -- -
now subscription lor a year tor iu bhi Tr " bajf
threo guesses, aomo ono oi our niu'w , rn nr it may be
monoy lanon in on una rauimi. mj nearesl
hundred dollars, hut whatever the sum the ono who guesses newy
nrnaiiinntini vntn in urecon ior mo wuuiiiib muu ,
nemombor tho cuoss Is on the voto cast in urofaun -
. . -
preshlontlal canuiuaio.
Only now subscriptions count.
A subscription for B0 cents gives you ono guess.
You can send in as many subscribers as you wish ano
conts you got ono gu.ss. .
This contest closes November fourth, so do muo - -
guess boforo that time. . n..n randll
Tho total voto In Juno, 1904, was 02.CU8; ion . -- 4i
supremo Judge, 62,946; for democratic, 28,729; socialist, 1
Dltlon, 6614.
My estimate on
vote In Oreflon for Ptti
Postofflce address
Fill in tho nrst blank space tho name of I en dl ,e ol
will win. Fill in tho second blank space w"f'"rlth B0 cent
numbor of votes ho will get In Oregon. Enclose ww
mall to tho East oregonlan Publishing Co., Pendleton,
Address '" " '
Send paper to
f l i i a. .-it.t rioinlinpc.c, and Workma
Hand NnkXharltamn.' FNN SJOJaMl
Notice to Taxpayers.
Pondloton, Oregon, August 6, 1904.
Notlc.o Is hereby given that tho
hoard of equalization of Umatilla coun
ty, stalo of Oregon, will meet at tho
offlco of tho cleric of said county on
tho last Monday In Augusc, to remain
In session six days, and publicly ox
amino tho nssossraont rolls, correct all
orrors In valuau-n, description or
qualitios of land, or other prpperty. It
Is tho duty of all porsons lntorested
to appear at that tlmo and placo. If
It shall appear to tho said board that
mnds or other propyl
sessed twice, or in e "oWB9f J
son or Porsonsn'beyond lj
or assossod nd0'l?I.Pl
1 1 r 1 1 mi v. u - - - Liitiii.'a
A part of the camps , of P
tho St. Louis fair bavo