East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 04, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1-nblUlitil every afternoon (eictpt Sunday)
at IVoillcton, Oregon, by the
Ialix utie j Mir ry mail J8.00
Dally, fix months by mall ov
Pally, three months by mall l-'-o
Dally, one month by mall SO
!ali'. per mouth by i-artter W
Weekly, one year hy mall 1JW
Hntif, six months by mall 5
nwtl;. four months by mall 80
Secil weekly, one year by mall . . . .00
Semi Weekly, six months br mall .. J.oo
Sail Weekly, three mouths by mull . . .30
part In this achievement. The far
tor I n needed enterprise In this j
rifh wheal belt, ami the mnehlnes I
have proved a success.
NEWSPAPER, j Through financial nlfflotiltles out !
ship of the management of the
Rich Soil of
Irrigated Egypt
There la lirnhnlilv 1111 extensive, area
nHon earth more fertile than lower
Uember Scrlpiis Mi-Rae
News Awocta-
The East Oregonlan k 00 sale at 11. It.
Ulcus News Stands at Hotel Portland and
Hotel IVrtlns. 1-ortland. Orev'au.
San VrnclCTi Hureau.
hleaa-u Hureau. I
Washington. 1) C
t'hleaa-o Kureau. WW Security Building.
Hureau. sol
Eou e0
JOS fourth St.
14th St.,
Teleibune. Main 11
I'eodletoo p&itofflve as setoud
cla matter.
Love's hands are soft, yet can
they smite like steel.
Love's eyes are bright, yet
they can make yon feel
With one swift glance the ngony
when drove
Through shrinking souls the
thunderbolts of Jove.
Love If a goddess, giving end-
less peace.
Love is a fickle vixen of ea-
Love breaths on one a warm.
immortal breath
Aud smites the nest one with
the bitter death.
Lowell 0. Reese in San
Francisco Ilulletln.
too, the UlstUy-Clove company Is no j Egypt. The valley and dollu of the
longer able to operate the plant, and , Nl'e Ik wonderful garden spot and
under a r,gnn,at.o, about ,0 l?ffu
place, there is a grave possibility 1 s CBBV to conceive that Joseph would
that the factory will remove to an- J have little trouble filling the grnnar
other point, where capital will fl- ,es Egypt during tlie seven years
limine the plant and continue to man
ufarturc the combined harvesters.
of plenty in order ,o support the
country during the seven years of fa
mine. And the land or Goshen "the
best of the latui on which he settled
his father nnd brethren surely hns no
rival for fertility.
It never rains in Egypt The Nile
rlvnr nvnrflnv ,v,rt- vilir. This
the factory, a reorganisation would R,vos ,norollgn irrigation 'for the time
not have been unnecessary. , but before the next annual overflow
There is a profit In the manufacture
of these machines, and hnd it not
been tor the financial difficulties of
Mr. ftlgby, outside of the affairs of I
It Is now tip to Pendleton to keep
thin factory here. Not only are the
farmers interested in the factory nnd
.foundry, but the contractors nnd
builders who procure nearly all of
their building castings lire. are
deeply interested.
If the plairt is reorganised and per
manently located here. It will mean
loss all our
lo the very
In vain his
it (incomes very drj and pumping Is
resorted to.
The "pumping plants" are primitive
nffalrs. An overhead sweep is attach-'
oil by a wooden bevel gear lo a buck-
et pump. These are earthen buckets
or jars fastened on a belt that hangs 1,
In the Open well or other reservoir, j
and as they pass o er the pulley at ,
the top the water spills out and most
of it Is caught In a trough nnd con-1
A moment, nnd the eyes so clear nnd
Are dnrk with agony; a moment
And like a flush through some
close-curtained door,
'1 ne soul is gone, dumb, supplicating
you !
The pangs of pain and
race knew
Hefore our time nnd
Pain's vultures went.
bonds he tnro.
The s;rong Prometheus'; at his heart
they flew.
The mystery of pain of loss and
The mother dying nnd the little
Heroft. alone the springtime lad
that died
In smoke and flame for others this
the gain
of law fulfilled! O men protesting 1
wild. I
Of whnt avail? for Christ wns
Maurice Francis Egnn. 1
Wo nro showing an Immense
line of fine Bibles, 20c to $12.45.
Self-pronouncing Bibles, teach
ers' Bibles, now revised Bibles,
new rcferenco Bibles, Bibles
with new maps and lessons.
All styles, lowest prices.
Frederick iSolf & Co.
In the publisher's department in
the emplovment of at least -lit high-1 ,,ucturt "rouPh SIB" canals much us ; Everybody's Mnganine for August.
, -v-i'ii. , I we do In the rice belt. ' mention Is made of the fact that the
r .,... ... . T1)0 niotlV(? ,)0Wer for these pumps
chine shops and foundry, the year is n horse, cow or ox. The animal is
A corresiKindent writins
East Oregonlnn says:
"Pendleton. July 31. another point offering greater Induce
"Edltor East Oregonlan:- Since the ments and suffer the consequences of
beauties of public ownership are be-, having It said that the commercial
ing widely advertised by a few crack- center of the Oregon wheat belt
brained politicians, will you explain . would not support a home manufac-
now 11 is mat it cit nut ST.yi
per tory of harvesters that are in de-
capita to run the United States gov- ma ml.
ernment. where government owner- Freight rates largely discriminate
snip is not In force, and yet the cost against Pendleton, in
per capita, of running the govern-! the freight on a Rigby-Clove harves-
ment of New Zealand was S33.3S per ler from Pendleton to Moro.
annum? Yours,
The government of the United
States cost the people J7.97 per capi
ta, in actual taxes, during the past ,
year, and in the month of July a Ue-jferring with the railroads, in securing
fie. of $17.0U0.tlii0 was piled up for j a more reasonable rate, to induce the
future congresses to deal with The tactory to remain here, instead of go
government operated nothing but the ing to Portland or The Dalles, where
nostofflce. and raised the expenses ( there Is water competition,
of the different departments by an 1 ,.
indirect tax on the consumers. i- THE SIXTH SENSE.
Every man. woman and child in thv !
. 1 uy tnis strange '"sixth
blindfolded so he may not know If the
driver should leave him for a time.
Should the driver on his return find j
the animal stopped he pounces on him
and gives him a severe drubbing. The
fear of this keeps the nnlmnl patient
ly plodding along without much at
tention One of those "plants" gets
out very little water. I think two
acres of rice would be the limit of ,
their capacity ,
Another wa of Irrigating is draw
ing the water from the well in n buck
et by hand, two men often drawing
Irom the same well, using the old
fashioned well sweep, attaching the
rope that is fastened to the huokot on 1
the end of a long pole that is bnlauced
over a high post or rather out of bnl-
ance enough to aid the lifting of the
water j
Two men at one well will raise as
much water as the "ox wall." although
one would suppose the ox was cheaper
power than the two men. Moat of the
cattle we saw In use were the water
buffalo They are black cattle, large
nnd usually well built. Their horns
lmsfc back along the neck for a few
Inches and then curve outward nnd '
upward. They seem to enjoy wallow
ing in the mud and water as well as
the averace hug.
The Nile lands are ver valuable. '
Wtihin a reasonable distance from
Cairo they are worth from $f!U to $1.
5iio iiet acre. Rentals are sometimes
this matter as' s" 1 r "Lre- A" llle I'-'
I iiuuis. 01 me sou are grown including
1 grain and liav and are transported to 1
a dis-' the market on donkeys and camels
tance of L'OO miles, is $i3u. while the No wugons used for this purpose. The
freight on a Best machine, from '""-'thing Is done by treading of cat
c,nn,.llm ,,, , ,, , tie drawing a rig that looks like the
Stockton. Cal.. to Moro. a distonce , ha,f a (1,8p harrow.-CorresonIonce.
of about S00 miles, is hut $127 The j
citizens can lenu assistance by con-
around. The company will manufac-1
s j ture at least 40 machines the first
j year, as the emaud for them Is con-
! stantly increasing. There are now 15
standing orders for machines in Uma-
tilla county as soon as they can be
f manufactured, nnd a like number
will be used In Sherman county and
the state of Washington.
While It Is a plain, private business
deal, and nut interesting to Pendle-
ton capital further than its profit-
1 making features are concerned, it
, I seems that an extra effort should be
made to finance tin- concern and keep
It where It belongs, in the wheat belt.
1 to grow as the demand for its product
j Increases and to become a permanent
fixture in the manufacturing enter-
The City Brewery Bottled Beer.
It goes
Dimension nam-. .. .
wrlptlon. Sash, rl- 111
Mouldlne. B,,nlr'0rBiiI
U4 T(B
chairman of the Hoston police board
stopped the sale of the magazine In
Boston on account of the American
flag s being on the cover. This Incl-' The greatest summer drink
dent is noted by the printing in this ! right to the spot.
Department or n "pome' by A . .1. Always have this superior beer In
I n 111 nlrm Mh I fit In i..,iti,mi .1,1.1(1
,b ii-i,,.-uiiuii; "fUl- ...,. .,, If ,... ..,,, ,, ,.,.
j J W HUUIV, A I fj'l.O J WUSM U1U bWt
I to your tired system.
' Physicians recommend beer that Is
priseR of Pendleton
the j The cltlstens of Pendleton can keep
, it here, or they can see it moved to
in it'll to Judge Emmons:
Oh say.
The Eagle Bird is gay.
And his scream
Is a dream:
A surprise:
A show
To fill the world
That Old Glory unfurled
Is a terror to tyrants,
A joy to the free.
And Liberty's only
And sure guarantee.
For the Nation's Natal Day
What a maga.ine 1
Everybody's is!
Ain't it?
A Costly Cup of Coffee.
When Ur Ilichter. the greatest Itv
ing conductor, finally adopted the
baton, he burned all his compositions,
making with them, he said, "the
sweetest cup of coffee I ever tasted "
London Truth.
pure. City Brewery Bottled Boer is
nlways good and always the same.
It is made in Pendleton and not
subject to changes of temperature In
being shipped.
Put up in quarts, pints and halt
pints, and delivered in any quantity
Bottling works telephone 1771.
Residence telephone 1831.
Utr 0Uf FlGUREl
j Gfays Hark
i Commercial Co,
j Opposite W. 4 0. R.
- - - - - 1
Hill AliiitaiTA
A Private hM
'"i tra ninr
discipline v1
Pararion. EojJ
age athnlttejrl
time. Pali t- J
September it kI
nuu man to Dr J. W Hill !rJ
tary Academy. Portland. '
.u a military scnool. Ttiju
re Hu.
me pnres and terms also E-jsl
descriptive catalogue of yoarcbal
Om- of a young man's gravest errors
is to mistake foolishness for courage.
"Vhi:re the c.iiiiel's hcau r,i.- his.
bod follows," sayi. an Oriental proverb. ,
It's the same uu with disease. A small
ojwiiiii' will K'-'t 11 al1 entrance at.J ,
when disease once has u place in the(
body a lure nmnlier of tils um follow it. ,
The open llf lor disease
Is often fouu I in a weak"
stomach When the
stonucu is "wealc" tlie
boli alv liecouies weak
ened bv la.-k of
nutrition, and
United Stm i., inv..,i tM "J ""s strange sixtn sense
o.,-. , -- ... . ... always Know about wliere you are. It
sum of ,.9. without the BllBbtat 1 1 to some dosree a memaiV for back
remuneration from any of the great tracks and land marks, but to a
utilities owned by New Zealand. The ' greater extent an instinct for the lay
millions in profits arising from the ; ?r th JUn0'. for relative bearings
express companies, railroads, tele-1 !ZVZ JZ
graphs, telephones, post roads and 1 place. It is not an uncommon facul
other public utilities went into private l)- "et somc lack It utterly If you
hands, while the neonle ualrt ihnir ,.v. nro 01,0 r ,lle la,er class do not ven
ture. for you will get lost us sure as
shooting, and being lost in the nioun
! tains is no joke. '
Some men posses It. others do not.
Tlie distinction seems 10 be almost i
, arbitrary. It can be largely develop
I cd. but only In i.,oso with whom
; original endowment of the faculty
' makes development possible. No
tortlon. In aumtfon to paying the run
ning expenses of the government.
In New Zealand, the actual expen
ses of running the government
amounted to $33.38 per capita, as
stated, but this included the total ex
pense of running the railroads, ex
press, telephone, telegraph, post mat,er how long a direction-blind man
It has been pointed 0111 that the '
original ctwt or the territory inclutl- j
ed in what is known as the Louisiana .
purchase could be repaid each year j
I by the contribution of 1 per rent of '
I the agricultural productions in the!
I country named. This astoulshlnc but !
! truthful statement is dwelt upon in j (i,v,JW attacks
' n ICC 1L U.IVU Ml Lllllll Lllf lldllll Lllltllll l.u.., 1
..,,111 . . 1 111-.,,, 1,1 .1,
nf enmmorre anil labor entirtnit "Tor. 1 ..
ritorfal and Commercial Expansion of I ami other -i-ns
, It may be news to some that the Golden Medical Dicov-
land area of the Louisiana purchase ,
was 875.01'S square miles, or nearly j
CS.tHIO square miles greater than the 1
area of the original 13 states The !
population of the Louisiana purchase ;
in lSiitl was H.'OS.UIG. and at the i
time of its purchase less than 100,000.
The total area is nearly ono-third '
that of the union, nnd the opulatlon
nlout one-fifth thereof 1
We make a Specialty of Building
Round or Square I
Also Header Beds all sizes and
kinds. We make them right and tbej '
ilways give satisfaction. Our work
Is never slighted or botched. 1
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
Corner Webb and College.
parcels posts, and all these
public utilities.
But here is tlie beauty of the sys
tem. The income of the government
uf New Zealand for the year was
$r,3.S0 per capita, a per capita profit
to tlie government of $10.42. while
the millions in America went to pri
vate corporations and the people paid
out $7.97 each, and then the govern
ment sustained a doflcit of $17,000.
000 In July alone.
The only tax paid by the people of
New Zealand was for school, county
and municipal expenses, tho income
from the public utilities paying all
the other expenses, and leaving a
clear profit from the operation, of
$10.42 per capita.
In addition to paying ,(.07 each, the
people of the United States pay
double, and In some Instances 10
times the cost of public accommoda
tions in New Zealand, the corpora
tions are reaping tho profits and the
government will Increase taxation to
make up the continuous deficit.
The surplus accumulated by the
operation of public utilities In New
Zealand Is oxpunded In Internal und
seaport Improvements, tno govern
ment making these Improvements vol
untarily, without endless petitions
from the people.
The East Oregonlan was Influen
tial In bringing 'he IMgby-Clove har
vester factory and foundry to Pou
dleton and has been proud of its
frequents the wilderness, he Is never
sure of himself. Nor is the lack any
reflection on the intelligence. I once
traveled in the Black Hills with a
young fellow who himself frankly con
teased that, after much experiment.
It hat' come to the conclusion that he
could not "find himself."
He asked me to keep near him and
this I did as well as I could, but even
then three times during the course of
10 days ho lost himself completely in
the tumultuous upheavals and can
yons of that badly mixed region.
Another, an old grouse hunter,
walked twice in a circle within the
confines of a thick swamp about two
miles square. On the other hand,
many exhibit almost marvelous skill
In striking a bee-line for their ob
jective point and can always tell you,
even after an engrossing and wander
ing hunt, exactly where camp lies.
A brilliant writer said to me the
other day that the world seems to bo
reverting to the old Oreclan love of
physical prowess and admiration for
the body beautiful. Of course, we
are a long way from this yet. Fancy
our hollow-chested, pigeon-toed wo
men with their square hips and hour
glass waists dressed as the Greeks
used to dress. Fancy our average
business man with his protuberant
paunch and skinny arms, posing as a
Gre.ek hero. Sad as this thought Is.
thore is room for oncouragoment. Our
people, both men nnd women, uro im
proving in size, figure and carriage,
and will continue to improve. Wheth
er the .general intelligence and mcntnl
development will ever reach as high
nn average among us as It did among
! i
When I Urll I win all rmi-iluwn ami liaii a 1
verv unnlrauni ,.,., In .. ........ i. .
choked up, and at timr it ni very hard for nie
to breathe I had aevere lieadachea and cutlmic !
paint in my knee joint Wan ao vreaL I could I
not attend to ray work nnr walk up or down
auira without the anit4ii-e of rov ttrotlier or
1S03 was more than $103,000,000. their! TnT, h. X",aK1r
loans and discounts more than $500,- ; I can go up and down Uir and perl'urm my 1 4
000,000. aud their total resources, mXZ?1?'? .V".: ' t
,.. rA rv.n . , , t a 1 ona-nirr. an 1 can aMtire you that Ufa (a
nearly $l,i 50,000,000, while the Indl-i worth living ' il
,T . I . .. I- . , , I ' i . - L..?. . r 11 . IT
In the It states into which the
Iiulsiaua purchase has been sub-dl-;
vfded the value of the farm animals
alone, on Januao' 1, 1903. was $1,119.-:
ery makes the weak
stomach strong. It cures
diseases of the- stomach
and other organs of di
gestion ami nutrition,
and so enables the body
to resist or throw off other diseases.
Men and women who are sick are in
vited to consult l)r Pierce, by letter, free,
and so obtain without charge the opinion
of a specialist on their ailments. All cor
respondence strictlv confidential Ad
drew Dr. R. V. Pierce, UuujIo, N .
."For the pat two veara r luve htm a verv
atek woman wrllea Mr. Cliealev uf los V,ud.
Und Ave Cleveland. Ohio. -I tried luedionri
from doctor aud to 110 avail. At lat I derided
"The Kodak" season Is now
on and we have the largest and
most complete line profession
al and amateur photographic
goods ever shown in the city.
Don't forget to take a camera
or kodak with you on your -cation,
512.000. The mineral wealth OUtptlt 1 '?..,ry Ur MrW Golden Medical UiKovery
in 1002 shows :ili,0W),.,j(i tons of coal, '
13.839.000 tons of Iron, $37,837.5713 In I
silver (at coining value), and $39.
S41.50S In gold.
The capital stock of the batiks In ,
Brock & McComas
Cor. Main and Court St,
Pendleton, Oregon.
vldual deposits In national banks In
1903 reached the gratifying totnl of
$471.220,000 an Increase of over 50
lier cent within a single decade. In
newspapers nnd periodicals the num
ber Increased from 4789 In 1890, to 5,
741 l,n 1903; the postofllcea from 13,
474 to 10,437, and the railway mileage
from 51.823 to 62.403, the latter being
nearly 31 per cent of the total rail
way mileage of the country
Accent no substitute for "Golden MmL
iratl Discovery." There is nothing juat
u good for dyspepsia or debility.
fiiliousnead is cured by the tue of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
nltias ataM I anvasa4j ah.l. u
lilMlUaaaddorinc tbU tlm 1 bU to Ak n
What may we not expect trorn , i.".0
country whoso area Is only about 2000 i"? cau. and ioj;r i.m w.il
square miles less than the combined S&WS.fi&J?,
area of the United Kingdom. Nether- &i?$a3g&.-"
lands, Belgium, Germany. France, b. r. riakr, koaaoU, in.
Spain, Italy and Switzerland, when we ,
remember that the present population
of the Louisiana purchase Is but 14,
708.61C. and that of tho foreign conn-'
tries named is 202.363.573? I
Beat for
The Dowels
Eight-Hour Law Sustained.
George Gloa vs. J. C Broad, sewer I
contractor. Is an action that came upt
before Judge Bolt today for the pur-1
jKise of deciding the validity of the
eight-hour ordinance. No. 1114. passed
by tho city council, says tho Spokane
Press. The ordinance requires that
a man employed by the city must
work olght hours per day at 25 conts
per hour ami overtime to be paid at
he rate of one and one-half. Gels
tins beon working nine hours a day
taaaw ineuuweis
Plaaaant, Pali labia. Pounl, Tula Good, Do Good.
Havar blckju, Weakan or Orlpe. ltc. Sc. We. Navar
aold in bulk. Tba aannlna tablet autnpad COO.
Quran laad to ear or roar inouej tack.
Sterllof Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603
Columbia University
Wafers, fruit crackers, cream
sticks, nut butter and salted
Despam & Clark
St. Helen's Ha
EST CLASS corps of teachers, 1
tlon, building, equipment-tie I
Send for catalogue.
Opens September 15, 1901
Rock Spring Co
Recognized as the belt nl
most economical fuel V
are prepared to contract I
you for your winters rW
We deliver coal or weoiul
any par' of the city
Laatz Bnw
Collegiate. Preparatory. Commcrc
for 37 days nnd the Judge decided 1 lal and araramnr Orade Courses. Ap
Hiat he be allowed the extra time. 1 nly for cataloKue. Boarding school for
tue Aineninns is quite anomer ques-j inereuy sustaining tlie decision of young men and boys,
tlon Ur U. C Nowtort In Medical 1 Supreme Court Justice Hnrlon and Box 344, University Park Station.
j favoring M10 eight-hour ordinance
Portland, Oregon,
Prompt attention given and all
work executed properly.
Kleotrloal Supplloi of all klnUi
(Tribune Dulldluc)
PCflltlvely the bet r
Any quantity J00 4
sire. Delivered to Jf
Always call to'
Mais HI-
j The French
I Restaurant
Beat 25 Cent Meal
in the W
mis LaFONTAlN&
Main 8trt-
Oreflonn -
only 15 ecnt.