1 if 1 PAGE THREE. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1904. f ' BIHIS HAS Clearance Sale Summer dress goods at just onp-hRlf the regular value: Regular 10c vauic summer dross goods 5C yard Regular 15c value summer dross poods 7jc yard Regular 20c value summer dress goods 10c yard Regular 25c valu.e summer dre ,s goods 12J4c yard Regular 30c value summer drejs goods 15c yard Regular 35c value summer dress goods 1714c yard Regular 40c value summer drois goods 20c yard Amoskeag apron check ginghams, all sizes checks and colors 5c yard We are showing a new llnj of ladles1 neckwear in all the latest Eastern novelties from 35c to $l.no. Odds and ends broken llnei of ladles' shoes and Oxfords, at one half prices. Alexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES HEARD THE NEWS VICE PRESIDENTIAL CAN DIDATE IS NOTIFIED. to the effect lhat no man absolutely needs a vacation from business start ed a controversy that swept over the entire country. Whether or not the veteran financier lias cnangeu nis views in this particular It Is certain that, since his. illness of n year ago, ho has been persuaded by his wife and his physician, Dr. Munn, to re lease himseir from the cares of busi ness almost entirely. Ho now visits his office at very rare Intervals, spending almost bis entlro time at his summer home at Lawrence, 1a I. L Outlines His Political Views and Ex presses Great Hope for the Success of His Party Calls Attention to Seemingly Demoralized Condition of Democracy Will Make a Regu lar Speech of Acceptance Later. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 4. In a largo tent in the middle of tho beauti ful grounds surrounding the candi date's home, and In the presonce of a distinguished company of his fellow partisans. Fairbanks was notified of his nomination by tho republican party to tho high office of vice-president, last evening. Two hundred guests participated in the Fairbanks notification In luncheon which was served In a tent. ANTS KIDNmP THEIR FOES. Raid Neighboring Villages and Carry Off Many Prisoners. Dr. H. C. McCook' tells of a species tf kidnaping nnts which make organ-1?.-1 attacks on other ant villages for I iho purpose of capturing slaves. Hero is nu account or Uio attacu "At last the muster Is complete. Mysteriously, but effectively, the signal Forward!' is given, ami the column moves from the hill. There is no regu lir alignment, but n show of solidarity, I holding of the ranks within close compass ami touch a 'rout step,' In fact. There Ic no general: there are no Mibortllmtto olllccrs, but such Is the iviniiiitlietlc unity that they seem to Replying to Hoofs address, tho sen-1 move in npuitso to one will ami com ntor said he nccepted tho commission with a profound sense of tho dignity and responsibility of the exalted posi tion, and plunged into a review and discussion of party politics, beginning with the gold standard and other monetary economy and liolicies so nmnil. If every warrior Is a law unto himself the law so binds mid animates tud compels all alike that the ends of Hi organized cohort are served. "Assault, hat tie anil pillage follow uuickly upon tho sortie. The objective point of the inarch Is not far away 4 AStandard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship., Hand MadeXlear-Havana.' FLXNN& CO.. Makers.' forcibly reannounced, ho snld llo at , hundred ynrds dlWiint Is a Ftiscan the very foundation of our Industrial tiiii The route thereto lies ncros-. HARVESTERS' SUPPLLIES, BUILDETS' HARDWARE. UNIVERSAL STEEL RANGES, GENUINE CHRISOLITE GRAN ITEWARE. A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING TOOLS AT THE Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. WE FURNISH YOUR WORK. ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND SOLICIT PABST Milwaukee Beer I ON DRAUGHT AT THE STATE SALOON J. E. Russell O. Co., Props. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK t HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN.- 741 MAIN 8T. F.E. Van Dtfsen & Co. CONTRACTORS OF WORK. BRICK Boiler setting and fire places "we In nrat-class manner. Address Box 465, Pendleton. Iters' flouring Mills Jfwclty, 150 barrels a day. Ja' whanged for wheat ttifiM,u reeI. Chopped Feod, '"ays on hand. GOOD DRY WOOD AH Kinds i nave good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar Store, life The republican narty since It preserved the Integrity of the repub- ulc never rendered a more Import ' ant srvice to the country than when j it established tho gold standard. J The enemies of sound money were ' powerful enough to suppress all men- i tion of the gold standard in tho plat-' form lately adopted by the democratic national convention, and the demo-j cratle leader in two campaigns had j declared that after tho campaign Is I finished he will undertake the reor-1 panl7.nl Inn of the democratic party for the purpose of advancing the rad ical principles for which his element of the party stands. Therefore, It is not the part of wis dom to abandon vigllanco in safe guarding the integrity of our mone tary system. The wisdom of the protective policy finds complete Justification In tho In dustrial development of tho country. When altered conditions made chang es In schedules desirable their modi fication can he safely entrusted only to the republican party. The convention was wise, not only In Its enunciation of party policies, but In the nomination of a candidate for president. Tho charges made against lilm In the democratic plat form find an irrefutable answer In his splendid administration, never surpassed in all the history of tho re public and never equalled by the par ty which seeks his discredit. We have ample record of deeds done, of beneflclent things accom plished In the public Interest. We have peace, great prosperity at homo and are upon termB of good neighbor hood with the entire world. These conditions constitute the strongest possible assurance for the future. Later he would avail himself of an opportunity to furtner express his views concerning the questions now In Issue, and thanked the members of the committee. the edge of a grove, over u footpath, along u fallen tree, under whose shelter and shaded by tufts of grass is the devoted commune. It Is feeble In num bers, and there Is a bare hhow of ilo- i feline us the freebooters burl tliem ! selves upon the hill and plunge Into 1 the open gules. The villager llee at the tlrst onset through unassallcd or secret passages. Some run the gant let tnrough the 'assailing ranks. All who can carry n part of the family treasures cgg-. larva; and inip:e. I.Ike their IJrobdlngnaglaii brothers of the human nice, when disaster befalls their first care is for their offspring. 1 In fugitives mount Into nearby clumps of low wood plants, whence they look down upon the devastation of their lioines w th whnt feelings.' bar one must suppose that the midgets do feel though sometimes he would falu hope otherwise "Meanwhile the Invaders Issue from the gates, bearing In their Jaws the Tuscan young and occasionally nu adult. They take the home trail, but not In ordered ranks. It Is go as you please now. They 'are welcomed back by their black confederates, who receive the captives and take them their very own sisters perhaps Into the domestic iniaiters. The soldiers hurry buck to the scene of action, for their work is not yet finished;" Harper's Magazine, A Sweat Breath. Is a never falling sign of a healthy stomach. When tho breath Is bad, the stomach Is out of order. There is no remedy In the world equal to Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure for curing Indiges tion, dyspepsia and all stomach disor ders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of Whlto Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse By tho use of Kodol I began to Improve at onco and after taking a few bottles am fully restored In weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like." Kodol digests what you cat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Tallman & Co. LIFE OF FAIRBANKS. Half Million Copies Will Be Dlstribut ed Immediately. Indianapolis, Ind., August i. To the campaign literature being dlstrlb utod by tho republican national com mltteo there will bo added this week a volume containing the biography and speeches of Senator Fairbanks, the candidate for vice-president. Tho book was prepared by W. If. Smith, a veteran newspaper man of Indiana, A half million copl.es of the book In paper-bound form will be distributed throughout the country during the campaign Just begun. The author says that the biography of Senator Fairbanks was a hard ono to write as far as variety is concern' ed. "His boyhood," Mr, Smith said. did not offer the incidents that the boyhood periods of other men offer. Ho was Just a fanner boy of very or dinary life. At college he was Just a good student, while his rise In politics has been so rapid that it does not givo much material for tho biographer." DeWitt Is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Hazol Salve look for the name DoWItt on every box. The pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel Is used In making Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is tho best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo, duo to Its many cures, has caused numerous worth less counterfeits to bo placed on tho market. Tho genuine bears tho name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. Sold by Tallman & Co. RU88ELL SAGE NEAR NINETY. He Is Now Compelled to Rest, and Works But Little. Now York, August 4. Russell Sage. dean of American financiers and one of the most widely known men in the country outside pf public life, is on the threshold of four score and ten. Today he entered upon bis 98th yoar, looking every bit as young and as vig orous as he did a decade ago. But even a man of Uncle Russell's remarkable vitality and energetic temperament is forced to pay atten tion to the mandates of Father Time when he gets near the 90-year mark on life's Journey, It has been Mr. Sage's favorite boast that he never took a vacation during his long busi ness career, oyd his recent statement Falls City Chautauqua. New Albany, Ind., August 4. Bright prospects exist for tho success of thlB year's session of tho Now Albany and Jcffersonvlllo Chautauqua Assem bly, which opened today at Olenwood Park. Tho ten days' program is re pleto with attractive features. In ad dition to address.es and lectures by such men of noto as Cnamp Clark, Congressman Charles B. IjukIIh, Wil liam J. Bryan nnd Bovoral others, there will bo a series of concerts In which well known rauslcluns and so loists will take part. A Summer Cold. A summer cold Is not only annoy-' ing, out li not relieved rnoiimonla will bo tho probablo result by full. Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo clears tho phlegm, draws out tho Inflammation heals, soothes nnd strengthens tho lungs and bronchial tubes. One Mln uto Cough Curo 1b an ideal remedy for the children, it Is pleasant to tho tUBto and perfectly harmless. A cer tain curo for Croup, Cough and Cold. bold by Tallman & Co. UN Butter Fat Profit. Here Is an item that will interest eastern farmers: Dan Ingalls, during tho month or Juno, received 12G from tho sale of butter fat from 10 cows. In addition, tho milk fed to tho hogs amounted to fully $10. East ern pooplo Interested In dairying will do woll to paste this Item in their hats, and when they become discour aged with tho prospects for dairy farming where the aro at present located, they can recal tho fact that Clatsop county is the paradise of the dairy rancner. Astoria Dally Nows. COMING EVENT8. August 15-20 National encampment Grand Army, Boston. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. September 4 Conclave Knights Templar, San Francisco. September 19, 20,21 Oregon Irriga tion Association at Ontario, Malheur county. Inland Empire Toachers' Associa tion Pendleton. October 19. 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Texas, November 15-18. Some men quota the scriptural phrase, "Charity begins at home," as an excuse for loving themselves above their fellows. OF ELECTRIC ROAD UNION COUNTY TO BE EN CIRCLED BY A LINE. Electric Road Aggregating 100 Miles Supplied With Power From Mlnam Creek in- Blue Mountains, One of the Immediate Possibilities of Grande Ronde Valley Company Now at Work on the Plan Fran chise Is Atked From County Court Line From Summervllle to Pen dleton a Vague Possibility. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT E and Phosphate BAKING POWDER BETTER. THAN THE OLD-TIME CIIBAM OF TAItTAU rOWDEUS. One hundred mll,es of electric lines, every town In tho comity connected by electric road, nil tho country dls-1 .,. trlcts brought Into Immediate com- . niunlcntlon with tho county sent, fac-1 torles furnished with cheap electric J power, lights for nil the towns nnd hamlets and crossroads In (.ramie J Hondo valley, and thousands of stir- , plus horso power to sen to new enter prises in tho future, Is tho possibility , . that lies In store for Union county. If tho county court grants tho franchise . J now nsked by a company o fenpltnllsts headed by Thomas II. Crawford of , I nlon. I A company Is now at work on a plan to encircle Union county with a J chain of electricity, generated at a waterfall on tho Little Mlnam, 15 J miles north of Union, nnd convoyed to Cove and Union on n lino of poles. The plan contemplates vile con- J structlon of n line of electric road ng-' gregatlng nearly 100 miles, beginning at Union, in the south end of Ornnde . Hondo valley, nnd from thorn to ex- and to the Cove, eight miles distant around iht foothills, from tho Cove 12 miles to lniblor, then four miles to Suniiii.-rvllk, thenco "2 tulles to l.n Orande. then 12 miles to Union, with n cross lino direct from Covo to La Orande, tho county Hent, n dis tance of II miles. The waterfall at which the monster plant would be located will furnish nn unlimited amount of power. It Is high up on the Mlnam, wheru tho strenm of water does not diminish during the dry months, and whero tho Installation of u power plant would be very Inexpensive. Thu towns mid hamlets of Union county all lie ill such a contiguous territory that a chain of cloctrlu road could encircle the foothills and touch every placo of Importance In the county. All that now lies In the way of tho consummation of the plan Is tn.o fran chise from tho county court, permit ting the uro of tho county roadB for tho electric line. From Suinmervlllo to Pendleton, across tho llluo mountains, Is only to miles, and n line to this city, tap ping mo main power lines ni summer- ( Alls' ilesi 1 1 If you nro interestoii m uu Painting,- see us. Our lino la complete. I ACADEMY BOAKPR STRETCHERS UltUSHKS ARTISTS' SAi-1 S BLENDERS. S1CY BRUSHES PLAQUES tube coi.ons We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera Houso Block, vlllu would be mi Hire, owing to the convenience of the poles to the line. Such a move Is possible Thcro In more Cntnrrti In tills noctlua nf the coutitry than all other dlacaaea put together, nnd until the net few jcms wan Hlllinnftml In 1m. Inrilmliti. 1,'nr n irr.tnf many years doctoin pronounced It a local! 111 Court Street. dlaeaae and preacrlbcd local remedies, mid by conatnntly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence linn proveu catarrh to be a constitu tional Olaense and therefore requires con stitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured for F, J. Cheney ft W. E. Davidson & Go. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans Pendleton. Co,, Toledo, Ohio, la the only constitution al cure on the market, It Is taken Inter nally In (losvs from 10 drops to a tea Bioonfiil. It acts directly on the blood and mucous aurfncei of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any caae It falls to cure, Kcnd for circulars and tea tlmonlota. Addreaa , I'. J, CIIHNI3Y A CO., Toledo. O. Hold by DriiKulat, price 75c, Toko Hall's Family l'lllg for conatlpa-tlou. SHIPPING WOOL TO THE EA8T. Elgin Sheepmen 8endlng Product Boston Market. Jesse O. Forney hns returned from nu extended trip through union mid Wnllowu countlos In Oregon, snys tho Walla Wnlla Statesman. Mr. Forney HtuioH that there Is n big inovonient of wool lo tho just nt Elgin. Nearly all of tho sheepmen In those two counties this year sold their wool to buyers from Boston, who offered them a hotter price thun thoy could obtain from tho coast buyers, As n result all the wool In Hint suction of the country Is now being delivered at Elgin in sacks, Upon Its rocolpt It Is then baled and shipped direct to Boston. It is estimated that thcro will ho fully ICO carloads sent from Elgin within Ox next 30 days. Crops In tho (Jrando Rondo vulluy aro reported by Mr, Forney to bo much below tho average. During tho early spring thoro wore Boveral very heavy frosts which destroyed many thousand acres of wheat, 1 HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in Ind when you need poultry nnd stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry nnd Stock Food, Uao Kow Kuro for your cow trou bles, C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer. to , - Honestly, now, If you saw a real live woman who looked anything llko the pictures In tho fashion papers, wouldn't you call for hplpT HEALTHY PLANTS Uequtre th Moat direful Attention Well a Good Hull, Did you over boo a rosobuali which deaplte the moat beneficent environment of tsoll-of Hunahlno and of atmoaphera, -ueemed never to achlevo a healthy rrowth. A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a canker eating- out Its heart, i Vou must deetroy the cause before you can remove the effect. Tou cannot cure Dandruff and Bald nees by rubbing on hair lotions, and rubbing in vaseline, etc, i You muat look to the cause of the trouble It's a germ at tho roots of your nair wiucn causes It to fall out - Building Material OF A U DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa. per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood outtora for barna and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta 8treet, Opp. Court House. 4 -H--f-4 Fire, INSURANCE. Lire and Accident. JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard ware Store. The East Orenonian I Po.i.n KT...I . TT j..-. .. . '" vr- i hoof.r . "Z T . "et"y ne germ, egon's representat ve paper. It leads and healthy hair Is the sure resu t, I nd the, n.nnl. n..-i,. i. .-J Sold bv leading rim-ri... n.n in . a.na l"c. Peoplo appreciate It and Sold by leadlnir drula stamnji for &mnli tn Th n.mi.M. r Detroit, Mich. " I Is the advertising medium tsenn iuc. in unlA, t u .u.l. iiu' . i. or tnia REAL ESTATE $2,250 will buy ono of tho most con venient 9-room houses In the city. Sower, bath, etc.; Rood collar and barn. 3 lots, corner, a bargain. $4,000 Elcgnnt now 9-room house, Just comploted; sower, bath, toilet; 2 lots, enstorn exposure ; cornor. $2,500 Nice rcsldmico and six lota; enstcrn oxposuro. Let ma show you thrco quarter 8eo tlons of tho best wheat land. All urn- dcr cultivation; oxtonslvo Improve Incxpcmiiva von- incuts, plonty of wator. Can ba bought for a ll.ilo less than Its mar ket vnluo.