PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1904. PAGE THREE. Clearance Sale At lust onhnlf the regular value- tjjf arv t" - Fte value summer dross goods 5C yapd P -.- ...inn onmmer dre IS cootls 7t. fcurix: " - value summer dre;s goods 10c yard if 55c valuB summer dr0is Eds 12'4c yard lir JOC value summor urn5 buuus 15C yard ir 35c value summer are3s gooas 17c yard F cummer droits rnnda OA- , Llf 4vC Vtti"C w ... a ' , twc jriru iS 'P1"011 chcck Einghavns, all sizes checks and colors 5c yard X, ire showing a new line of ladles' neckwear In all the latest tlne frnm 5Kp tn $1.(10 Ita noe"'c" - - 0JJi and ends broken lines of ladles' shoes and Oxfords, at one- Alexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES X DEMOGRATS OF H0QG1ERDQM 3?J iSfandard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship, Hand MadeXlear Havana FIYNN& CO, Makers. HARVESTERS' SUPPLLIES, BUILDEfS' HARDWARE, I UNIVERSAL STEEL RANGES, GENUINE CHRISOLITE GRAN ITEWARE. A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING TOOLS AT THE Mdman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. WE FURNISH IrOUR WORK, ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND SOLICIT PABST Milwaukee Beer ON DRAUGHT AT HE STATE SALOON J. E. Rutsell & Co, Props. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK ' HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOOD8 AND FIRST. WORKMEN; AL80 MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. E8 ATEs FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR 1 HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. & Van Dtfsen &Co. work. I- Mttln- .... - . uu are places 10 WBWagg manner. Bot irr . y, renaieton. GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds ' Flouring Mills IT W bar.. I ft day. for wheat. t nave good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINIMIS Leave orders at Neuraan' INDIANA DEMOCRATS NOMINATING TODAY. Lively Contest for Various Places on the Ticket National Election Gives Some Interest to the Local Cam paignHearst Manager Will Proba bly Be Named for Secretary of State. Indianapolis, Ind., August 3. The democratic state convention .was call ed to order In Tomllnson Hall at 11 o ciock mis morning. The conven tion will nominate candidates for gov ernor, secretary of state, treasurer of state, nuditor, attorney general, re porter of the supreme court, state sta tistician, superintendent of public In struction and two Judges of the su preme court. The convention opened with 'a pros pect of lively contests tor the various places on the ticket Prior to the St. Louis convention there appeared to be a dearth of aspirants for places on the democratic ;ate ticket, but with the nomination of Parker and the selection of Thomas Tnggart of this state for chairman of the na tional committee the party leaders believe they will be able to swing In diana Into the democratic column this fall. Those most prominently mentioned for the various nominations are: For b-overnor. O. V Menzies of Mt. Ver non, W. W. Stevens of Salem, Judge I Samuel X. Hench of Fort Wayne, W. A. Cullop or vincennes. Xelson J. Bo zarth of Elkhart. Samuel Halston of Lebanon, and Thomas H. Dillou of Petersburg; for lieutenant governor, F. E. Herring of South Bend, and U. S. Jackson of Greenfield; secretary of state, J. O. Henderson; treasurer, of state, Henry C. Berghoff of Fort Wayne, and E. W. Menau of Salem; auditor of state, James H. Blgga of Sullivan; superintendent of public in struction, Samuel E. Scott of Jeffer son; reporter of the supreme court, Henry C. Yergin of Newcastle. Strong efforts are being made to have J. O. Henderson nominated for secretary of state. Henderson was the Hearst manager In Indiana previ ously to the democratic national con vention, and It is argued that his nom ination would go far toward bringing about a complete reconciliation of the two factions of the party In Indiana. state convention hero today for the nomination of candidates Tor govoi- nor and other statu officers. The! Hrvan element Insists that only a regular" democratic or. In other mwrtcil the nation al ticket In 1S9R and lSKiO. should! NEW BUILDINGS ARE BRIGGSQN ITEMS IN head the state ticket, but as the con servatlvc wing or the parly, headed by D. J. Campau, Is In supremo con trol of the convention the demands of tho Bryan men aro llkoly to receive but scant consideration. Kdwln F. Swecl, mayor of Orand Rapids, Jus tus S. Stearns of Ludlngton, and Geo. D. Jackson of Hay City, aro among those whose names aro mentioned In connection with tho gubernatorial nomination. Grazing Commission Meets. Denver, Col., August 3. Tho spe cial land commission appointed by President Itoosovolt last December began a three days' meeting In Don ver today to discuss tho question of grazing on arid lands ana rorest re serves: with a view of making a ro port to the president which will be the basis for a bill to be presented to congress to settle theso questions, The commission consists of W. Richards. F. H. Xewell and Clifford Pinchot. Bcforo presenting its re port to the president the commission will consult with a number of repre sentative stockmen who hftvo been In vlted to attend the present meeting. PROCESS OF ERECTION. Miss Booher Is Recovering Death of Child Caused by Green Apples Child III With Dropsy Blackleg Among Cattle Huckleberry Crop Is a Failure Coyotes Numerous and Troublesome. OREGON'S INSANE INCREASE FOR AUGUST WAS SIXTEEN PATIENTS Total Number Now In the Asylum 1,371 Fifty-Five Patients Received During July, Largest Month's Ree ord In the History of the Instltutio Eleven Discharged as Recovered, MILLIONAIRE BY CHANCE. Unknown Young Man Made Legatee for a Million on His Birthday. New York, August 3. This was a happy day for Alfred C. Bourne, son of Frederick G. Bourne, whose home Is at Oakdlae, L. I. The young man became of age today and as a birth day present he received $1,000,000 left to him by Corman Clock, who acted as sponsor at young Bourne's baptism Mr. Clock was president of tho Singer Sewing Machine Company, of which Frederick C Bourne was also an official. The latter, upon the death of Mr. Clock, assumed tho of fice of president of the company, which he still retains. The fortunate young man who be came a millionaire over night cele brated his good luck by giving a re ception today at his parent's homo, Indian Xeclc Hall, Michigan Democrats. , Grand Rapids, Mich., August 3. Michigan democrats are holding their T iat Shall We Have for Dessert? qac. l.o-i ..r m the family . i-c'. us aiijWcr it to-aay. ury 9 delicious and Jxa'Hiful dessert. Pre, aaredin two minutis. No boiling I no jafcinrr! add boilinir water and set to eool. Flavors' Lemon, Oranrco. Kasn- Jerry and. Strawberry. Got a paclcajre i your jjtocu s to-cay. jo cis. To Eat and Sleep you must get your liver, stomach and bowels right. iteechams fills act like a charm in settine vou rieht. The appetite of youth comes witn all its old relish after using Beecham's Pills. Nat ural sleep is the result of a short course of this famous remedy. To Work and Play use- Beecham's Pills. Vou will find a vm and life which adds xeu to both work and play after using Beecham's Pills. You will feel like a new person with a clear eye, sweet breath and a keenbrain. Toenjoylifetake BEECHAM'S PILLS. Salem, August 3. Superintendent J F. Calhrenth of the Oregon Insane Asylum yesterday made his report to tho asylum board of trustees of th work and business of the Institution for the month of July. Dr. Cnlbreath Btimmcd up conditions as follows: "The general health of tho Insti. tutlon has continued to bo good throughout July. The of patients received tills month has been the largest tn th history of tho asylum, being C5 51 of which wero new commitments, and four readmlsslonsi. Number discharg ed, 27; died, 10; elop.ed, 2; making an Increase In population of 1G, "I find It necessary to furnish and cnulp tho upper ward of tho new cot tagc; which we hope to do within the next two or three weeks. "Wo are getting along quite well with harvesting, and, while tho yield of both hay and grain will bo short wo will have enough to supply our own needs for tho coming year." inc average daily number of pa tlents at the asylum during tho month of July was 13C9 2C-31, and there were 1C8 officers and employes, making tho total dally number of boarders at the Institution 1037 3G-31 M. F. Total No. patients June 30... 940 415 1355 Rec'd during July 33 Returned escapes .... 2 Under care and treat ment 975 Discharged, recovered. 7 Discharged, much Imp Discharged, Improved,, Discharged, not Imp... Number died Number eloped Discharged, died and eloped 23 22 65 437 1412 10 18 41 No. remaining July 31 952 419 1371 Will Be a Missionary. Rov. W. R. King preached his lust sermon at tho Baptist church In Mos cow July 31. Ho handed In his reslg nation some time slnco, and It was accepted. After an outing ho will leavo for Oregon, where ho expects to do evan geiistlc work next winter. Stock Sheep Sell. Kmll Scharff, tho Monument sheen man, was in town Wednesday trans acting business, the naturo of which was tho buying of 1700 head of sheen from Leonz Ilattlg of Pino Creek, paying 3,za4 therefor. Ijpk Creek r.agio. Heavy Growth of Grass. Reports from tho Izeo country statu lhat th onallmo meadow and timothy hay has grown larger than for many years. The height of tho grass Is In some Instances, as high as a man's head, and almost hiding him evon when riding through It on a fair-sized horse. T?io section may bo oxpocted to turn out noma choice fat stock by the end of tho season. Grant County XMOWB. Races at Long Creek. Arrangements havo ueen inado to hovo three days' races hero beginning August Ti, There Is already a fow race horses gathering hero from oth er localities. W. T. Hamilton is sec retary, James Turner, treasurer, D. D. Hlnton, J. H. Cassady and J. W. Hamilton, directors of the meet. Jyong Creek Light. COMING EVENTS. August 15-20 National encampment Grand Army, Boston. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. Sopt,einbor 4 Conclave ICnights Templar, San Francisco. September 1518 Oregon Irrigation Association, Ontario, Mainour coun ty. Inland Kaiplre Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19. 20 and 21. Ilrlggsnn, August t. Mrs. lloohor was called to Athena last week by tho Illness of her daughter, Kiln. At tho present writing she Is very much Improved. Henry Golbcrg la erecting a very neat and substantial log house on his recently purchased farm. Julius, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pomhurn was burled nt Athenn Inst "Friday. Death was duo lo eating green npples, which caused chnlerh morbus. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross' baby la very low with dropsy, and Is not expected to live. It was taken to Weston Sat urday, where It Is hoped It will soon recover. Mat Mattsou Is erecting a largo barn on his ranch. When completed it will bo one of tho finest and larg est barns In this vicinity. Blackleg Is making its nppearnnco In this community, L. J- McAtoo hav ing lost out- young calf, nnd O. A. Hrmchcr, four yearlings. The youngest child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Henderson, Is recovering very rapidly from Its recent Illness. On account of showers Interfering with logging Mr. Smith was compelled to shut down ,..s sawmill for a fow days last week. John Fa Ik Is hauling Inutbcr for n barn, which ho Is intending to creel this fall. On account of loto frosts tho huck leberry crop will bo a complctu failure around this plnce. Coyotes aro becoming too numer ous and of Into have beon making the nights hideous with their serenading. Several farmers report having lost a number of chickens by them, Mrs. James Compton Is able. to b up and around again. Sho wns 111 for a few days with a sov.ero cold on her lungs. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Egg and Phosphate BAKINQ POWDER BIJTTICR THAN THE OLD-TIME CREAM OF TARTAR POWDERS. There la more Cutnrrh In thin nectlnn of the country than all other dlieasca put together, anil until tho nst few yeum was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It n 'ocnl 1 U case and prescribed local remedies, cud by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence lias proven catnrrh to be a constitu tional dlseasa nnd therefore requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh nire, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitution al cure on the market, It Is taken Inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea. spoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They ofer one hundred dollars for nny case It falls to cure. Hcnd for circulars and tes timonials. Address : K. 3. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggist, price 70c. Take Hall's Karntlr I'llln tnr rnn.lh.n. tlon. ' i If you nre Intorosled In Oil Painting, see us, Our line Is complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' SAfI -8 BLENDERS SKY BIIUSHICS PLAQUES TUBE COLORS Wo mnko a specialty of framing PICTURES. Nowcst stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera Houso Block. The hedgehog run the roads In Eng land freely. Ho Is u quaint little fel low, our hedgehog, having far more Intelligence than people give him credit for. It 1b curious, as you stand per fectly still In the middle of the road, lo see him come running along, then stop ping to siilfT and whine and examine the high, strange object that hardly breathes lest he sturtlo tho little crcu turc. Then, with a gentle grunt, he will pass you by, A very low yet de cided grunt he gives, and he whines as well. Blackwood's Magazine. a most painful custom at French funerals Is the posting at the exit door of the church wherein the ceremonies take place of the male head of the do- censed person's family, tho widower or the eldest son or brother, whose duty It Is to shako hands with every person who has been present at the ob sequies when once they ant over uud people are going awuy. It Is not eti quette for the gentleman lo speak to anybody, hut If he Is moved to team his weeping Is considered a most ap propriate action. REAL ESTATE $2,250 will buy ono of tho most con venient 9-room Iioub.cb in tho city, Sowor, bath, etc.; good collar and barn. 3 lota, corner, a bnrgaln. $4,000 Elegnut now Oroom house, Just complotod; sowor, bath, tollot; 2 lots, oastorn exposure; corner. $2,500 NIco rosldcnco nnd six lots; eastern oxposuro. Lot mo show you thrco quartor sec tions of tho best whoat land. All u. dor cultivation; oxtonslvo Improve ments, plenty of water. Can bo bought for a II. Uo loss than Its mar ket vnluo. W. E. Davidson & Co., Insurance, Real Estate, Loans 111 Court 8treet. Pendleton. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In Ind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles, C. F. Colesworthy 127-120 East Alta 8L Agent for Leo's Lice Killer. Mr. Deepe I want you to sit right down and write to Mrs. Jeuks Inviting her to view the parade from our house. Mrs. Dccpe I thought yon said Hie routo was almost sure to bo changed, so Unit our house will bo cut out? Mr. Deepc It will l chunged. nnfl Ihe parade will pass her house now. Philadelphia Ledger A young wlfo's rainbow smile. I in. kind that comes nflern shower Is beau tiful, but It Is also the most cxpenslv., bit of scenery produced on the human rtco. New Orleans Times-Democrat. I Kvery mail has nt times In his mln.1 the Ideal of what ho should be. but i. cot You can not break a bad hnblt i,v trying to bond It, t i; Building: Material f OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa. per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta Street, Opp. Court House, --T-f-.-M.4 SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. The Fatal Herat and lis Itemed? Sort Vatim of flcieuee. It la the rarest thins In the world for man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair Is not dead at the roots, need to bald If he will use Nowbro'a Herol. i clde, the new scalp antiseptic, Herpl-' clde destroys tho germ that cuts the hair off at the root; and cleans the scalp of dandruff and leaves It In a perfectly healthy condition, Mr. Mannett, In the Maryland Block, Butte, Moat., was en tirely bald. In leas than a month Herol. clde had removed the enemies of hair KTOwin, ana nature did Its work bv mv. . erlny hla head with thick hair an inch 1 , Eaet Oreoonian E,rfl Of lenjr, and in six weeks he had a normal e0n representative paper, It lad suit of hair. Sold by leadlnir di-uirirfu and the neonle anoreclata It and ft1"1 c In stamps for sample to The hw It by their liberal patronage, rt INSURANCE. Fire, Life and Accident JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard ware Store.