East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight nnd Thursday fair.
ffirc is between peo-
iv - nr between
NO. 5110.
L Hundred Enthusi-
Delegates in Session
, I, Made Temporary Chal'r-
L. Harry Gaines, Secretary
Uitll of Pendleton Is Chosen
, t(,e Vice-Presidents Com-
,cn Organization Appointed
L by E. L, Smith the Only
Kh of the Day G. A. Hart-
icrii of the Needs of Eastern
lL aueus- J -About 500 del-
Im dU.ercru parts o Ore
Ted af a meeting of the
ETt.opmtn' League and the
for 'h unlan on thevv
,jr the union and advance-
I the differ a' Interests of the
ibj grca
I rt,i nrcsideu' of the Port-
mcniai Cub was elected
I7 chairman and Col. Harry
, F:res urove. temporary
charge of the convention
1 Cake raauo a few stirring
Ion the need of such a move
lie state of Oregon to stlm-
h. commercial and Industrial
a state and expressed hearty
Idos at ".he excellent attend
fa erery quarter
ilireases made before the
: lere plain, business-like
hJout any hint at booming or
: and the outcome of the
I is confidently expected to be
to Oregon, in a way not
lia'.fd by any of the promoters
nmittee on Organization.
a committee of 11 was
by the chair on organlza-
1 follows W j Virgin. Ash-
Q. A. Bowlby, Astoria; Mr.
fctir, Mars-iield, J. G. Gra-
.m Dr James Wlthycombe,
, George A. Houck. Eugene;
pJieley Iloseburg; Mr. Wlrtz-
raaetiUe W C. Cowgill, Bak-
a. Benne t. Irrigon: E. L.
iHood River Tom Richardson.
ti, M. L. Casey. Union county.
Into of names of delegates as
the various counties and
i the state, and others who
I tie convenMon register today,
iptea as members of theft
Vtt Presidents Named,
iftwlnp men were selected as
sweats Judge P, J. Good-
k-ona V W Calkins. Eueene:
fcMey K mrg M S. Wood-
Corral Colonel Harry
fores' Grjvc Peter Logglo,
km N Davis flf-nno: w r.
I Wo J 1 Johnson. War
'r .1 r Cooper, McMlnn-
vwra.dun. The Da es:
laaa J n Williamson; Wal-
. inae -n c.nce, H B Thlel-
f 0 H Byland. Vale;
I-"!' .and- .1 M. nhllroh.
P R . J R N Boll. Baker
luCr ,.ns Cohure: Judge
! P r.(ii. -.on. Hon. E. L.
1a Ki,-er
yair i r .gram for yesterday
;uaaartss by E. L. Smith,
RlTer On rfimnntrrl!il rtm.
f& the farm of a lettnr "Tn n
fW.' wturh proved to be one
unique and interesting
f "Maed tn In PnrtlnnH tnr
61 A. Hartman's Plan.
K Wp .1...., i -
W Uvfl In Pool,... -, I..
V "!er so that we can mar-
-a ag K anould be market.
G 1 tr.
It rw '""'man, or una city,
f fon Daily Journal. "At
h rV. aDle t0 dispose of our
" Chicago at a profit of 10
con the bushel than we can
4 If ,f " to Por"an- ' This
r k, ""r is aue to tue fact
Llur grain Into Portland.
KtSiSt? aEitat0 this so that
frh,7 1,1 "ecomo interest-
itaf help U8 wl11 help
itoiM ",, Bciung every
lron...7." we wore QU'ckly
PWi." n 10 00 tne nec.es-
Kourl Valley TennIg
mJ:i .llu- August 3. The
I'ftiier t :uuui- ui iuo wis
l fir,,-i.r"""';lon courts un
acJadl .lbl ausP'ces. The en
jwu the tnnnl. i.
ifl Qf Yi aaa lli0 compeU
""oalir T.eventB Promises to
Atnh?etec0ned hf
Donnelly Expresses Confidence of
Winning Out.
Chicago, Aug. 3. With a glut of
cattle, hogs and sheep this morning
the packers faced what the strikers
term a serious situation and serious
losses through inability id handle.
The Importation of non-unionists con
tinues without violence.
Long Fight Ahead.
Kansas City ug. 3. President
Donnelly spent today here. There
was a parade of several thousand
strikers and speeches by Donnelly to
open air mass meetings. Donnelly ex
pressed the opinion that the strike
will continue for a long time, but that
victory for the strikers was the only
thing ho could see.
Probate Judges' Meeting.
Charlevoix, Mich.. August 3. The
Michigan Probate Judges' Association
began its annual meeting here today
with about one hundred members in
attendance. Today and tomorrow
will be devoted to convention busi
ness and Friday, the concluding day
of the meeting, will be given over to
entertainment. Needed legislation
will be discussed by the convention
and n number of addresses will bp delivered.
15 DISftST
Hundreds of the Czar's Sol
diers Are Perishing From
Hunger and Heat.
Robbers Robbed.
Silver Bow, Mont., Aug. 3. While
four masked men were holding up a
saloon last night, a second crowd
stole the highwaymen's horse and
buggy. The saloon robbers secured
about $300 and made their escape
Rumor That the Japanese Cruiser
Kasuga Has Been Sunk Kuropat
kin Reports That His Forces Have
Yielded the Defenses of Haceng
Japs Capture Six Field Pieces and
Many Prisoners at Tomu Cheng
Russian Loss 150 Left on the Field,
Japanese Loss 100.
Agreement by Counsel to
That Effect Was Reached
Today Before Judge Ellis.
Action Is to Annul and Not Amend
the Assessment, Which Is Held to
Be Excessive Prosecuting Attorney
Phelps Thinks the CasWIII Be De
cided by the Supreme Court During
Next November This Case Was
the Object of Mr. Phelps' Present
Trip to Pendleton.
Calls Herself Michael Smolko and
Has Played Brilliant Part in Man
churian Campaigns in the Past Year
At the Head of Brave Cossacks
Has Made Daring Exploits for Her
Rome, August 3. The Glornale
d'ltalla's 1-iao Yang correspondent as
serts that conditions among the Rus
sians nt the front are disastrous. The
army correspondent says they are dy
ing of hunger. After a march lasting
48 hours they were given nothing but
a piece of sugar.
They have no bread or provisions,
which arrive at long Intervals, only.
Under these conditions the work of
the troops Is truly heroic.
1 Hundreds of the starving troops
fall down nlong 'he line of retreat
and are carried to the ambulances or
left lying by the roads. Very little
complaint Is heard from the stoical
Russians who accept this feature of
war as one of the accompaniments of
Russian citizenbhlp.
The retreat of the Russian forces
has been marked with the most terri
ble suffering trom hunger, heat and
St. Petersburg, August 3. The
doughty deeds of a brave Russian
girl, said to be a Karaim Jewess, are
graphically reported from Mukden.
This courageous Hebrew, who is only
20, dresses as a man, calls herself
Michael Smolko, and has played a
brilliant and helpful part as scout and
Recently, when some specially dan
gerous work was necessary, and qual
ified military men were called upon
to volunteer, she was the first to offer
her services and reconnoitre the Jap
anese position In the forest.
Several weeks ago she headed a
small party of Cossacks, and not only
obtained Information needed by the
Russian commander, but successfully
drove back a large number of cattle
which, having been looted by the Jap
ances were being taken to their camp
by Chinese auxiliaries.
Nominate Tlcket'and Indorse Parker
and the Platform.
Indianapolis, Aug. 3. John W.
Kern, of Indianapolis, was by accla
mation nominated for governor, and
Wardner Stevens for lieutenant gov
ernor by the democratic state conven
tion. The platform omits to mention
gold and indorses Parker and Davis
and the full St. Louis platform.
Mrs. Maybrlek Coming.
Rouen, Aug. 3. Mrs. Maybrlek left
here the night of July 25 for Havre
1 alone, with several trunks and is now
probably aboard the St. Paul or the
Kaiser WllheUn bound for America.
Centenary of the Indian Pow-wow
Which Oave Council Bluffs Its
Omaha, Neb., August 3. Under tho
auspices of tho local and statu histor
ical societies suitable exercises were
held today In celebration of tho 100th
anniversary of tho first conference
with Indians ever held west of tho
Missouri river. The council wns held
August 3 and 4, 1801. at old Vtt
Calhoun, 1G miles north of this city.
Colonel Merrlwoather Lewis and Gen
eral Win. Clark, of tho I-uwIh and
Clark expedition thero met tho In
dians, and tho pow-wow which ensued
furnished the name for Council Hlnffn.
just across the Missouri river, which
has now grown Into a city of 26,000
Kuropatkin Still Retreating.
St. Petersburg. August 3. Kuropat
kin reports that the Russian troops
have retired from Haceng along th,e
road to Anschanchan. The retreat was
In perfect order, despite the heat,
which caused many sunstrokes. He
adds that no serious news have been
received from the Eastern front.
The stilt of the O. R. & N. company
against Umatilla county for the an
nulment of tho assessment of $12,000
a mile, mide by Assessor C. P. Strain
will be heard in Circuit Judge Ellis'
court sometime during tho latter pnrt
of tho present month.
District Attorney O. W. Phelps, or
Heppner. is In town today and con
ferred with Judge Ellis and James A.
Fee, who Is assisting the cqunty. for
the purposo of setting tho time for
hearing. The exact dnto has not yet
been determined upon.
"It Is almost assured," said Mr.
Phelps this morning, "that the case
will not be finally disposed of until
November. It Is apt to go to the su
preme court, no mntter what the de
cision of tho circuit court may lie,
and tho supreme court does not con
vene until Nov.cmber."
The action of the railroad was oc
casioned by tho advancement of tho
J assessment from $4000 a mile last
jvur 10 inpic mill uiuuuui huh yeur.
Mr. Phelps will return to H.eppner
tonight. "I cntne to Pendleton," ho
said, "principally to see about tho
railroad matter. There is no other
business just now in Umntlllu county
that requires my attention."
W. H. Hussey, of Dixie Flat Near
Walla Walla, Passed Away.
Wnlln Wnlln, August 3. Wllllnm H.
llusaey, f Dixie, died nt tho Wnlln
Wnlln hospital it 5:10 o'clock yoster
dny afternoon, llussoy hnil been a
sufferer for several years, Ho had
been receiving medical treatment for
several weeks nt the hospital and ro
turnd to his home nt Dixie a week
ago last Satttrdny, but returned to tho
hospital Sunday, suffering from a re
lapse. The deceased was horn In Sanga
mon county. 111.. July 2S, 1818. Ho
canto to Oregon In 18(15, In Linn
county, ISCfl he wns married to Miss
Emilia Lewis. He Is survived by a
widow nnd nine children.
Changes in National Features.
Whether we look at portrait gal
leries, like Hampton court, or turn
over illustrations In old books, it is
evident that some physiognomical
change has been taking place. The
stout, plethoric, muscular, ruddy
faced man of stolid expression Is be
coming exceptional, and his place is
being taken by a thinner, more alert,
active typo. Th.a modern face Is more
keen, leaner and of less coarse mould
than that of the older pioneers who
laid the foundation of their country's
greatness. Aspects of Social Evolution.
What Becomes of Cardinal's Hats.
When I visited tbe new Roman
Catholic cathedral In Westminster re
cently, tbe official who accompanied
mo pointed out Cardinal Vaughan's
hat depending high In mid air on tbe
Ieit hand side, near to but outside tbe
chancel, and stated that It would hang
there uutll in time it became dust,
this bolng the usage with regard to
all cardinal's hats, as the hat Is the
symbol of the rank with which they
are invested. Notes and Queries.
Sixty thousand coal miners are Idle
in the Pottsville district of Pennsyl
vania, owjng to a ehortaga of cars.
Japs Still Gaining Ground.
London, August 3. The Japanese
legation has Issued the following To
klo official reports:
"The army which occupied Slmu
Cheng reports that on July 30 they be
gan an attack uon the enemy, who
were occupying a strongly Intrenched
position on the heights around Tomu
Cheng. 15 miles southeast of Hay
cheng. Fierce fighting continued
throughout July 31, when our left
wing expelled the enemy before them
and threatened the rear of the main
body of the enemy who were there
upon compelled to retreat during the
night toward Haycheng.
"The enemy consisted of two divis
ions of Infantry and seven batteries
of artillery.
"We captured six field suns and
some prisoners. Our casualties were
100. The enemy left 150 corpses on
the field."
Japs Lose a Cruiser.
Rome, August 3. Tbe Glornado d'
Italia published an extra with a Tokio
dispatch announcing that tho Japan
ese armored cruiser Kasuga formerly
an Argentine warship has been sunk.
Russians Driven Back.
London, Aug. 3. A Llao Yang dis
patch dated Tuesday, says Sunday at
Kuklats, northwest of Mao Yang, tho
Russians oncountered a superior force
of Japanese and after a hard fight
were driven back with a loss of near
ly 1000.
Vast Increase In Consignments to
Japanese Points.
Washington, Aug. 3. On account of
the Russo-Japanese war more than
half a million dollars worth of flour
were sent the Japanese from Pnclflc
coast points In the 12 months which
ended June 30, in excess of the ship
ments of the previous year, itccording
to statistics published today by the
department of commerce.
The figures show the exportH of
this commodity from Portlund, Seat
tle and Tacoma for Oriental ports In
the last fiscal year amounted to 2,
338,701 barrels, compared with 1,780,
708 barrels the previous year.
Deterioration and Lessening of the
Amount Discussed.
San Francisco, Aug. 3. A meeting
of vital Importance to whoatgruwprH
on the coast. Is being held hero this
afternoon. Representatives of tho
wheat industry havo met to discuss
wheat and wuys and means of Increas
ing the crop and tho amount of glu
ten In tho wheat.
Speakers pointed out tho fact that
not only are crops gradually decreas
ing, but the gluten Is disappearing at
1111 alarming rat.e.
Chief of Staff of United States
Army Passed Through to
Expressed Regret at Not Having
Seen Oregon Militia In All His
Wide Travels Has Seen Nothing
That Impressed Him More Than the
Wonderful Wheat Belt of Umatilla
Is n Kindly, Approachable Man
Who Came Up From the Ranks.
Club Brings 60 Cents and Bluestem
C5'2 Quotations Remain Station
ary Today at Those Prices Harvest
Well Advanced Farmers Are Sell
ing Early Big Sales Expected at
the Last of This Week.
eighty thousand bushels of wheat
changed hands in Umatilla county
yesterday, nt prices ranging from CO
cents for Club to CCV4 cents for
Illiiestetn. Most of tho gram sold yes
terday was Club. According to the
figures of the various grain compan
ies thero was purchased 30,000 sacks
of Club at GO cents. Fifteen tliotisaud
bushels of llltiestein brought about
CrVi cents. Tho quolutiuiis on the
local market today arc aboiil the
samo as yesterday.
Furnieis are getting well through
tho harvest now, and many of them
nro taking advatitngo of the early
markut to dispose of their crops. Ho
fore tho week Is ended It Is predicted
that soveral huudrud thousuuil bush
els will have boon disposed of.
Summary of Losses.
London, Aug.. 3 The list of casual
ties Incurred by the Russians and
Japanese in the present euvelopraent
movement In Manchuria says that
slnc.e June 15 with the battle of Va
fango combined, the losses of the two
forces have been over 10,000 killed
and wounded, tho Russian losses be
ing tbe -heaviest, approximating 4000
known killed and wounded.
I Operators' Strike Effective.
! Parsons, Kan., Aug. 3. Tho Katy
operator's strike continues effective.
Hut one freight camo through today.
All passenger trains aro four and five
j hours late.
Raising Another Corps.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 3. The gov
ernment Is arranging for the mobili
zation of a new army corps to he dis
patched to the Far East.
Six Suspects Arrested.
Chicago, Aug. 3. The police today
have six men under arrest as sus
pects In the Illinois Central robbery.
Two have been trucked from the
scene to a west side house. The pas
sengers and train crew have been
sent for to Identify them.
Mahoney Died.
Hutte. Aug. 3. Patrick Mahon,ey,
shot Saturday by Jerry Slattery, the
pugUUt, died this morning. Slattery
Is In Jail, charged with murder.
A hot wavn struck Thn r)albH Tih-h.
day, the mercury running up to 100.
One of the Finest In the Northwest at
The contract for tho building of tho
now I. O. O. I and Knlghtu of Pyth
ias building was let at Athena yester
day. Tho total cost of tho structure,
which was designed by T, F. Howard,
will he $7,413.21.
Tho contract Iw lot in two sections,
Dan Mays agreeing to complete tho
concrete, brick work, plumbing and do
tho stono cutting for $3815. Ho will
break ground Monday next, and will
complete his part of the contract as
soon as possible, In general terms.
Terhune & Norville, of Athona, havo
1 ho contract for completing all tho
carpentering on the building for $3,
5S8.21. To tho Forster planing mills,
of this place, was awarded tho sub
contract for doing all tho mill work
for $1073.86. Tho mill work Is not an
outside contract, but la Incorporated
In Terhune & Norvlllo's figures. Tho
Forster company hid against Walla
Walla and Portland mills,
The Intention and expectation. Is to
navo this building ready for occu
pancy by November 1, It will bo tho
finest fraternities building In Oregon
or Washington outside of Seattle, Ta
coma, Spokano and Portland. ,
Increase In Number Approved Over
the Last Year.
Dining the fiscal year ended Juno
30, 1U0I, the public lands division or
tho general hind office approved 58,
307 cases for patenting. This Is an
Increase over tho previous your of 18,
G22 cases. This division has also
written during thu your 40.101 letlers
and decisions, an IncreiiHo of 'M'M
over tho preceding year.
Hot li of theso Items uru in excess of
any previous your in tho history of the
division, notwithstanding tho fact
thnt there havo been more clerks em
ployed thuro at different tlmcm In tho
In addition there was sold on De
cember 5, 1003, 378,000,000 feet of
pine timber on tho Chlppovva Indian
reservation In Minnesota for $2,050,
003 of which 20 per cent has hoeu
paid to secure bids. During the y.Our
thero lias been cut and puld for Um
ber to tho value or $2i0,100.
Instructions and schedules were al
so Issued during tho year ror tho dis
posal, under tho homestead law (ex
cept tho (Iriindu Rondo, which Is by
salo or tho following agricultural
land: Red Luke, mlnn., 1,017,018.12
acres; Chlppowa, Minn., 250,1 13.68
acres; Rosebud, H. I)., 386,887.11
acres; Devils Lake, N. 1) , 88,018.38
acres; (Irundo Rondo, Or., 2C,2G1.U5
ai ros. Totul, 1,771,801.86 ncros,
Instructions were ulso Issued under
tho Klncald hill for tho disposition of
8,000,000 ucres of grazing lands in
Nobraska under tho homestead law,
Natural Counterfeit of a Snake.
Marshul Way has a peculiar curi
osity In tho Bhow window of Hobo's
confectionery store It consists of a
maplo root about six feet long, Tho
root has all tho appearances of a
largo snake. Tho colls aro natural
looking and tho hoad resembles that
of a rattlesnake In ovory respect. Mr.
Way Intends sending specimens to u
museum and where It will undoubted
ly attract much attention. North
Hend Evening Post.
Yinkow has been oneneit tn nil
neutral shins and to all commprr y.
cept contraband traffic.
A pair (if broad shoulders and a
yard or more of the back of n whlto
shirt wns what Pendleton saw of
Lieutenant (lencinl Adim R. Chaffee
chief of stuff, United Slates army,
whun tho noted soldlur tarried In this
city for 10 minutes last ovonlng.'
General Chaffeo arrlv.ed In a prlvato
car from Wnlln Walla, and it wns Im
mediately attached to tho east-bound
O. It. & N. train and tho gonernl con
tinued 011 his way lo llolso barracks.
Hcneral Chnffoo spent yesterday at
Fort Wnlln Walla, revlowlng tho
troops, Inspecting the post and In
lunching with United Stales Senator
Levi Ankeny. Ho caino to Pendleton
on the afternoon passenger.
When It was learned' that the rank
ing officer of tho United Stntes nrmy
would be In Pendleton u crowd gath
ered at tho depot to gazo at him
Hut tho general was busy. Through
a dust covered window of his car,
thu gunoral was seen Healed at u.
writing desk, his coat off and only
his hrond shoulders and tho back of
his Hhaggy head visible.
An Hast Oregonlun ropresentutlvju
found General Chnfrco hard at work,
but when Introduced by nn aid, thu
generiil pushed back his work, turn
ed around In his chair, and with a
cordial clasp of the linuil, mado his
guest welcome.
"Whoro am 1 golng7" hu Bald. "To
inspect llolso' barracks. I havo Just
conio trom Walla Walla, whero I in
spected tho burracks thero. I was
sorry not to havo been able to soo
your Oregon mllltla at tholr annual
onenmpment at American Lake 1
hear good rcportH of thulr work nnd I
regretted not bolng nblo lo s,eo them.
"Oh, yes, 1 hove seou qulto a hit
or tho world In my army Borvlco, Out
west here and In tho Philippines nnd
In China.
What Impressed Him Most.
"I'll tel lyo uwhat Impressed ran ns
much nH itnylhlng I havo Been tor
Hiiinii tlmo, and that Ih tho abundant
prosperity lo bo scull oil all sides III
tho West. This afternoon lu riding
from Walla Walla to Pondloton, I wns
linprossod with your wonderful re
sources, especially In tho lino of
wheat. I do not remember of having
soon finer wheat fields or n moro
prosperous looking section uf country
than 1 havo Heon today."
(leii.oral Chafreo's features bcuiu
rather stuni In roposo, but when ho
looks up, his kindly nyos nnd timllo
tnako one feel at ease at ouco.
He Is cordial and pleasant and un
like, many men high In public llfo,
ho Is very "iippioachablo." Ono run
readily understand, after 11 moment's
talk with tho kindly, rosoluto, blurt
old soldlur, why tho soldiers sw.unr
by him. Ho has been 0110 of them
and has carried a musket. Ho Is u
man who hua como up trunx tho
ranks to his piosunt position of lluu
tenant g.euerul.
Ho liiis proved In 11 hundred fights
IiIh disregard of danger and his brav
ery. Ho hns the rupututlon of look
ing out for . his men. Ho visited,
whllo ut Wallu Walla, tils old com
mand, tho Ninth Cavalry.
Dsllcate Wooden Post Cards With
"Wood" Talk Printed on Them.
Tho Kast Oregonlun has roc.olvod
from frlondB at tho St. Uiuls fair,
several of tho novel wnodon post
card souvenirs sold ut thu grounds.
Tho cnrdB nro tho bIzo of 11 post
curd, and aro mado or u light varloty
or wood, composed or two layers, tho
grain running each wny, to prevent
warping or splitting. Tho curds uro
carried In tho mall at 0110 cent, ns an
ordinary post curd and hoar tho fol
lowing "wooden" legend on tho lottor
"All a-hourd for tho fair. Arrived
safe. Exposition Is moro than ouk-n,
It Is aBh-tonlshliig; you cedar Bights
or your liru. Tho Plko Is rir-strulght,
moro than pear or peaches, und tho
Bplol.ors don't bark liko a Ireo,
Hoard und (B)lumbcr at poplar
prices; no need to ulna for what yon
plank down. Dlrch-nnco tho last
great show for many years, Moro
fun than tho beech, I wood spruce
up and como. You walnut reget it.
Huttornut delay. Sincerely,