East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 02, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Sheen
reflected Irom perfect tooth can
easily be destroyed by Improp
er dentifrices. There nro many
preparations that will whiten
teeth, but few that preserve the
enamel while they whiten.
skvos teeth while It beautifies
them. It arrests decay, hardens
the sums, removes discolora
tlons. sweetens the breath
and stops there.
Price 25 cents.
Lutz, Kerr and Shafer Suffer the Loss
of Nearly 30 Head Band Was
Driven Into the Willamette Valley
and Turned Loose by the Thieves,
Who Were Afratd to Try to Sell
C. L. Lutz and V. W. Shafer, of
Holdmnu, were In town this morning,
, Both gentlemen had horses stolon
during the general raid throughout
that country of May 30. Mr. Lutes
had two taken, Mr. Shafer six and
Tom Kerr 14. The Shafer aud Korr
horses were takon In one bunch, be
1 Ing on the range together.
There wore some peculiar features
of the theft and Inoiuent to It. In the
first place, Mr. Lutz saw the horses
thoy lost, nt 5 o'clock in the morning.
An hour and a half later th.ey wore
gone, and as events proved, they
were picked up and driven away with
the drove stolon earlier lu the night
from Iyerr and Shafer.
Further, all the stolen animals
not one was missing were found in
the neighborhood, or enmo voluntarl
ly home, early in July. All were tired,
' fagged and gnunted and their hoofs
split and feet jammed, nud few of
them will be unserviceable for some
time yet ou nccount of the treatment
they had been subjected to. Ono of
Kain quenched a disastrous forest Lutz's horses was a mare which was
flro nn Hip niln river forest reserve a work horse pure and Blmple. She
Postofllce Block.
'Phone Main S51
In Arizona, Monday.
The ornamental Terra Cotta works
of Philadelphia were destroyed Mon
day by fire. Loss. $15n.nou.
Wii Ting Fang, formerly Chinese
minister at Washington, has perma
nently retired from politics.
Rounmnia has prohibited the o.xpor-
came home with saddle marks that
she will never outgrow, and evidences
of having boen spurred. The 24 hors.es
were not In one iiunch when found,
but they had scattered some upon
arriving near home, and were graz
ing. Every indication is that the entire
24 head had been driven Into the
tation of corn or maize because the "Willamette valley and turned loose
drought in that country has ruined when the thieves founu thomselv.es
the crops this year. hard pressed, probably by Sheriff Tay-
Frank Benedetto, of Chicago, who lor, although Mr. Taylor could not
murdered his wife last week, hanged find any of the stolen horses while In
himself In Jail Monday, with a rope the valley. When he was there the
made from bed clothing., horses wore probably hidden, and
The total amount of coal mined In ,wor? turned loose Immediately after
the United States during the past n, or I'ossniiy wnuo ne was
year was 359,421.311 tons, or 19 per u,r-
cent more than last year. T"e report is accounted as absurd
t,,i' i , , iv, , , . that the animals were on the range In
The St. George.
I. G. FIsk, city.
T. A. King, Everett.
V. II. Zimmerman nnd wife, Port
land. J. K. Thompson nnd wife. Portland.
C. Anderson, New York.
G. II. Charlton. Elgin.
Mrs. A. Walters, Walla Walla.
F. H. Haratlon, Portland.
J. P. Hayden. Portland.
A. Stenger, Portland.
J. Harris. Detroit.
T. S. Johnston and wife, Wnlln
F. M. Burnlson, Portland.
D. H. Hunter, city.
I). B. Ballon, Portland.
U. J. Churchill. Spoknno.
J. M. Beard, San Francisco.
F. U. Blair, Weston.
T. II. Crawford, Union.
T. It. Berry, Union.
I). Heady. Los Angeles.
Edwin Purdy, Athena.
George C. Boswell, Salt Lako City.
Arthur T. Cranston, Chicago.
J. B. Scamore, Portland.
H. C. Cramer. San Frnuclsco.
Hoy J. Dobson. Portland.
The Hotel Bickers.
Mr. McClure. Hoppner.
Mrs. McClure. Hoppner.
A. E. Hnyesty. Eugene.
I). C. Jeans. Eugene.
J. S. Conner. Walla Walla.
W. M. Shaw. Baker City.
Mrs. W. M. Shaw, Baker City.
J. H. Evans, Nestle.
Mrs. J. R. Evans, Nestle.
Miss Liza Mosgrove. Atnena.
F. H. Norwood, Pasadena.
Miss Stella Brown, Portland.
Mrs. J. A. Jones, San Francisco.
S. .1 Day. Spokane.
Mrs. J. H. DecKor and son. Moscow.
Mrs. M. J. Conklln and family.
J. S. Cunningham, Portland.
D A. Edwards. Milton.
J D. Oregorle. city.
; ' - " ' "ftATTHfi
; From Saturday, June 30, to Saturday, August 6
Buy n man's dress shirt and got a Bilk tie FREE.
; Buy u pair of shoos and got a pair of hose FREE.
Buy n shirt waist and get fancy collar or ribbon FREE
Buy a skirt nnd got a belt FREE.
Buy a child's dress and get a ribbon FREE.
Buy a suits of clothes nnd got n good hat FREE.
Buy n pair of pntfts and got susponders FREE,
v Buy ?3.00 worth of dry goods and get. FREE, any toilet anln ,
, -. case worth SOc 1 e Ia our
House lining, good grndo ., "
Good muslin, 7c grade, 10 yards for ,'' 2C l""l
Ladles' wrappers 20 Per cent oVf'reeiiiii' J9e
Men's GOc nnd (SOc dress shirts, for ono day b " pe
Misses' and children's shoos, good and strong, sizes 8 to 0 onlv io"
surround the highwaymen who rob
bed and shot Paymaster Campbell,
near Portage. Pa.. Saturday.
The Russian volunteer fleet Is be-
the western part of the county from
the time of their disappearance until
they were found, over a month later.
Kerr, Lutz and Shafer had compe
tent men ride every section of the
ing strengthened dally at Sebastopol, u,,en range m tjie western part of the
and will prey on commerce without county for a week after the horses
discrimination. In hopes of finding disappeared, and no trace of them
contraband. could Ue found.
The Oregon building nt the St.
Louis fair cost $10,000. and Is a rep- FISCHER COMPANY GOOD.
Ilea of old Fort Clatsop, which Lewis
and Clark erected at a cost of about "Won on a Wager" Well Received and
200 days labor, all told. Howards Are the Usual Favorites.
Three magnificent paintings loaned Margarita Fischer and her compa
ny Helen Gould to the St. Louis fall;, ny "Won on a Wager," nt the Fra
and valued at $100,000. have been bad-' zor theater last night, pleased all who
ly damaged by remaining packed too sau. the performance. The play Is a
long after arriving at St Louis. , f0Ur-nct comedy, and as the man
A Rock Island train was boarded hater. Miss Fischer's work was as
by seven masked men near Logan. N. clever as when she attempts tragic
M.. but failed to rob the express, be- roles.
cause of their Inexperience in the , Frank ClayUm, and the entire cast,
use of dynamite They shot away for that matter., appear to better ad
ail their explosives and then rode into t vantage In comedy than in something
the darkness disgusted. , of a more serious vein.
The Fischer company will appear
.PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS, 'each night this week, changing the
, hill each evening. Tonight the four-
The hottest day registered In Salem ' ?t,,meJjr- "In iivmAa'" W'" be
thls year was Monday, when the mer-1 The a. ,, are Heen , spec.
cury went up to .to. ,ate8 jetween ac,S) Iiring ,iown tne
The total number of scholars in I house, as usual. They are the clever
Polk county Is 3594. or an Increase i est vandevtlle people ever seen In
of ISC over last year. Pendleton.
The body of Hope Clayton, who sul-
elded at Astoria Suturday. has been , LIGHT DEATH RECORD.
recovered, after dragging the bay for,
two days. Pendleton Shows a Low Mortality
The fish packers say the prospects 1 During July.
areKT(ta,r'!ru'n,n1!fl,l' During the month of July only
mon although the .rl run has been nm occlirrwl , tlu! o(
a la,lure- ; Pendleton or Immediate vicinity. This
The exhlhitB of Oregon at St. Louis : lg ,e Itghtet death rato for auy
are divided Into six departments , ,mmtn during the past two years,
mining, educational, agricultural, hor-, jjllrnK the month of July last year,
ticultural, forestry, fish and game. I Ul0 record was 15 deaths.
The Clackamas Salmon hatchery,1 The months of January and Febru
heretofore a state concern, has been j ry are generally the heaviest death
turned over to the government and ! periods. Last January 22 persons
will bo operated as a government died In Pendleton,
hatchery hereafter. 1 The undertakers of this city have
A Japanese sawmill crew at Olym-'to do with the furnishing of funoral
pla got into a fight among themselves .supplies and the embalming of bodies
Monday and wrecked the lodging 'for not alone the city but the coun
house completely, destroying about I try ns far north as Adams.
$1000 worth of property.
I. H. Taffe, of The Dalles, says the Observance at Notre Dame,
portage road could be built In six South Bend, lnd August 2. The
months. The damage suit of Taffe annual nrocesslon of tho nortluncula
against tho state has now delayed It was held today In the Church of the
more than six months
The receipts of tho state land of
fice for tho month of July was $4G,
585. of which amount $36,000 wont In
to the Irreducible school fund and
$8000 into the interest fund.
If you want to buy wheat land, a
stock ranch, town property, vacant
lots or anything in the real estate
line, just drop In and eeo us.
Office in E. O. Building, Pendleton,
Or. 'Phono Black 1111.
Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. This
s.orvlce, which Is held August 2 each
year, commenced yesterday and con
tinues until sundown this evonlng.
The Church of the Sacred Heart is
ono of tho few churches in America
not maintained by the Franciscan or
der. In which tho procession Is held.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results In
death. Thus a mere scratch, Insig
nificant cuts or puny bolls havo paid
tho death penalty. It is wise to havo
Bucklen's Arnica Salv.o over handy.
It's the best salvo on earth and will
provont fatality, when burns, sores,
ulcers and piles threaten. Only 25c
at Tallman & Co.'s drug storo.
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to Icaso and can locate
some good range and water. Address
box 44, La Grande. Or.
The Pendleton.
W. R Glendennlng, Portland.
O. D. Gnlley. Portland.
H. F. Frankhnuser, Portland.
G. W Smith. Portland.
A. D. StUlman, Portland.
F. W. A. Fromberg, Portland.
R. A Seeds. Spokane.
B. G. West. Chicago.
E. E. Nelson, Weston.,
G. B. Atkinson. Spoknne.
E. H. Carr. Spokane.
E. Costello. Starbuck.
J. Jessie. Starbuck.
I). F Elsfelder. Portland.
J. H. Kloeckner. Portland.
N. L. Tooker, Portland.
A E. Paddock, Portland.
H. M. Hart, Portland.
G. S. Youngmnn, Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
W. N. Casey. San Francisco.
T. Johnson, San Francisco.
T. Johnson, San Francisco.
B. M. Korn, San Francisco.
Sol Harris, San Francisco.
G. R. Ingles, Kansas City.
Miss Delia A. Kline.
W. Noble.
J. Frost.
.1. C. Llndsey. Portland.
Brains and Good Deportment a' Win
ning Combination.
Whistler was one Uaj visited oy i
foreigu artist, an old acquaintance
with whom Whistler bud not as yet
quarreled. He was received with gen
uine cordiality, and. artlst-IIke, be run
round the studio looking at everything.
One small picture seemed to charm hlui
especially, and he said, "Now that Is
one of your good ones." "Don't look, at
It, dear boy." said Whistler airily, "It's
not finished." "Finished!" said the
visitor. "Why, It is the most carefully
Mulshed picture of yours that I hnve
ever seen." "Don't look at It!" per
sisted Whistler. "You are doing In
justice to youmelf. you are doing In
justice to my picture, and you nre do
ing injustice to me!" The visitor looked
bewildered, when Whistler, In a the
atrical tone, cried out; "Stop! I'll liulsn
It now!" Then be procured a very
small camel's hair brush, fixed It on. a
long and slender hnndle, mixed a. little
speck of paint on his palette, dipped
the tip of his brush Into It, aud then,
standing off from his picture and' with
the action of a fencer with his rapier,
he lunged forward nnd touched the
picture in one spot with his pigment.
"Now it's finished," said he. "Now joa
may look at It." This was all highly
dramatic, and Indeed very well acted,
but, as lu the case of some stage plays,
the final act of Whistler's performance
proved to be nn anticlimax. The- for
eign artist took his leave, but, finding
that he had left his umbrella behind
him, called for It next day. The serv
ant, recognizing him, told hlro that Mr.
Whistler bad gone out for the day, but
Invited him to go to the studio and
seek his umbrella. He went there and
found It, but also took the opxrtunlty
of having ono more look at tho picture
which had been "finished" for his spe
cial benefit the day before, and then
ho saw that the little dab of wet paint
which Whistler had so dramatically
put on he had afterward scrupulously
wiped off again! Frederick Keppcl In
The Header.
Texas Democrats Nominate.
Houston, Texas, August 2. Tho
Toxns democratic convention mot
horo today and confirmed tho results
of tho recent primaries, which re
nominated Govornor Lanhanra and
indorsed Charles A. Culberson for re
election to tho United States senate.
Tho stato convontlon also passed res
olutions indorsing tho ticket and plat
form of tho St. Louis convention.
Notice, California Knights Tomplar aro pro-
Billy Leathoi's express wagon Is paring a special souvenir copy of tho
now at Howard's cigar store. 'Phone proceedings of tho conclave at San
main 2841. Residence, rod 333. Francisco, to bo bound In California
J silver nnd artistically engraved, as
It ain't no reason Just because a a gift to King Edward of England,
woman says "Fudge," th't It's tho word who will havo a special roprosenta-
she's thinking ur. tivo at the conclave
Tenants of the Big Sky Scrapers
Never Get Acquainted.
The financial agent of n large In
surance company In New i'ork City,
who find his office for 12 years In
the same building with the banking
institution with which he transacted
business daily, uutll recently, was not
personally known to the bank offic
ials. J. H. Owinu, of this city, tolls
this peculiar story regarding Treas
urer Splolman, of the New York Life,
Spielmnn has his offices in the
building of the Chase National Bntik.
ivltli which hp trnnsnct thousands
of dollars worth of business yearly.
"During a recent trip io rvew orK,
"said Mr Gwinn, I was compelled to
send home for $200. It came to tho
Chase National, and I w.ent to Spiel-
; man for Identification.
"He scratched his head, and solemn
ly Informed me that ho was not per-
, sonally acquainted with any of the
bnnklng employes, although for a
dozen years ho had been In the same
building with them and done business
with the ChaBO National. Ho smiled
at my exclamation of surprise and
added that while his signature was
as good as tho gold at tho bank, his
face was unkuown at the windows. I
finnlly managed to secure identifica
tion by Mr. Splolman taking along
the guardian of the vaults to first
Introduce him to tho paying toller."
Victor Emmnnuel of Italy, spends at
least three hours each day In his study
busy with current literature of every
C-j-LJ s vK lDl-T LEND ME YbuR
' A
Allow me to returm Your
Bat nay pear eph! iHANit
are much worse than use it J
when thp iivdb .n.L
.c nwi.
-uouiuicij CWK
ro charge Is made here tor -j
me oibut uuu very mtie lot i
ior reauing or genera pa
Wo nirrv n full -
cle sand eyeglasses. Prices!
Jeweler and Optlt
rosiomct Block.
STS - S-V iV" ' mm
and broke if into splinters, Wl
been the fa;e of your camm i
It was run Into by sometila;!
"there Is balm In Ulleaar ore
pleasure In knowing that b
vn rnn imvp It made COM'
We do all kinds of carriages
and blacksmithing in a
aimni-W manner We set I
i,,lr-o,i1l- nressnre: does it
.i...... i, .M!a vnu wait dees t
or deface your wheels aad ja
.... It,. .., .1... rv Pall tKI
work. We have Wioow W
Hacks aud Buggies, and Stomt
line Engines, ..,
The Blackimitht.
gold trof
Per set.
$4.00. silver tWInt,
tractlug, SOc,
We are thorough! e'H
wltU all modern ;
appliances, BU"
work to be of the U0"JI
durd. and our prices i : WJI
consistent wltn tiH ml
White Bros,
Association BloA
'Phone Mala
The ColmV
Lodging House
Well ventilated,
fortable rooms, P-
In connection, -goods
are served.
. ktock,
, center " . .
, shoes
Idard !
I W0