LJ DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1904. PAGE FOUR. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. 1'ubtlihetl every aftornoou (except Sunday) at i'enilleton, Orecou, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUlISCltllTlON l!ATi:S. IiaIIp niia vonr nv mnll J3.00 UMv, U months W mall T'Sn ! nf tin. Columbia river. Imt not ono of Plrtiires nrt nioro potent than words. Tlio cartoon has almost sup planted tlio cilllorlnl, tin the fir.eat motropolltan dallies, where art Is ac cessible and within reach ot the newspaper. Ten thousand editorial essays have been written on the ben efits of the portage road, and the draiuuin- features of the situation In Eastern Oregon, In vhlch an .empire lies Inched behind the closed gates ..-.it. .1.. ..,,., I... mnll iMiiy. one moniii oj man ImII.v. ier month by carrier .03 Weekly, one year by mall lo Weeklv. six months by mall Jo Weeklv. four months by mall .30 Semi-Weekly, oue year, by mall . . . f 00 ml-Veeklv, six months by mall . . l.oo Semi-Weekly, three mouths by mall - .BO Member Scrlpps-Mcl'.ac tton. News Assocla- The Cast Oresoulau Is on sale nt U. 11. Itlch's News Stands at Hotel l'ortland aud Uotel fetklns, l'ortland. Oregon. San Francisco Hureau. 40S Kourth St. Chicago Ilureau. 00!) Security Handing. Washington. V. C. Ilureau, Cut 1 1th St., W. Telephone. Main 11. Kntered at I'enilleton postofflcc as second cla matter. UNION ( jc.0 LAUl Were Joy to come, and say. so tenderly, "Dear friend. I have a little hour for thee. And thou. I know, hast long had need for me." The whole of life would thrill In that brief space. The past forgotten, though its cold, dead face Might catch n glamor from this later grace And I should say. "O Joy, thy feet were slow: I put my hand In thine, and whither go 1 know not, nor, rejoicing, euro to know." Charlotte Elizabeth Wells, in August Smart Set. these thrilling essays or editorials, has ever portrayed an lota of the meaning contained In a enrtoon on the first page of the Oregon Sunday Journal, of yesterday. The plcturu represents a strong stonu wall, high TMiii rorbldding, with an Iron tiluged gate, locked and barred, and sur mounted with frowning pillars. Over the gate Is written "Inland Empire," and from behind It streams the golden sunbeams of prosperity and progress, representing the spirit that seeks to rush out to the world, through the barred gate. Hehiiul that closed gate is crowding the traffic aud commerce or an empire, seeking egress to the world, but it is securely locla'd. In front of the gate stands Oregon, repre sented as a beautiful woman, holding Dawson City, some hundred miles awav. How, then, Is the Whirlpool published? An ordinary typewriter does It all, Mrs. Wright having earn ed her living In San Francisco by typewriting before going to Alaska. Capital letters do servlco lor display type, while small ndvortlsoinentB and reading matter go In lower case let ters. The first edition of the Whirlpool was a wonder. Not a sheet of whlto paper or even wrapping paper could be found In Hampart City. Finally, utter a tour of the place. Mrs. Wright discovered n quantity of red brown paper almost ns thick as paste board. With this and her typowrlter she got out the first paper of 10 pages, eight by 12 Inches, bound mid stitch ed by the editor herself on her sew ing machine. Every copy was sold as soon as bound, the miners standing In line before the office of the publisher waiting to secure a copy. .Manchester Union. JAPANESE NEWSPAPERS. The newsboys of Japan have been renplng a harvest during the past six mouths. The people of Japan are great read ers aud besides they are exceedingly patriotic and Intensely Interested in the war with Russia. You can see, then, how anxious they must be to get the latest news of the war. ! A Innntiiturt nim'HimtWM I'PllPttlll V bus In he.r hand a monster key marked onn hlR lssuo tho morning contain "Portage ltoad," and which fits tho lug news, cartoons and advertisements frowning lock, on that gate. Hesltat-' about like our newspapers. Then after In-lv timidly beseechingly she is ' tlmt cx,rns !,re rlntel1 aU ,ln' lo"S' ni. tinu.ii. ies.ecnmM, sue ( nlU somotlmes up to mltlnlelit. looking at the sunbeams pouring over the wall, and stands with the koy al- most entering the lock, asking herself, slips of paper apparently, whether she shall open the empire and give freedom to the worlds of commerce behind tho stone wall It Is a picture worthy nlnrt) In tVfrv llnmr, nml nvnp nvni-i' ... ... . ,',.,., ,-, , " i In Its regular edition all the ills i.,'i ill iiiv mi. .mi 14I111MII; MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. The experiment In Leeds, England, of government ownership of tramways shows oxcelluntly for Its last financial year. Wages were raised, the fares lower than In our country, and a sur plus was earned which goes Into the city treasury to reduce taxes. In de tail, the municipality owns and oper ates the tramways. For the year ending March 2ii. 11)01, the gross Income from them was $1, 3R3,l32.22 and tho operating and maintenance expenses $"2.1,(529.21, leaving a gross profit or $r,!).1.!)0ii.01. From this last sum were deducted various charges for depreciation, In come tax and Interest, leaving a not profit ot $110,019.70; and. after re demption fund charges of $128,115.4'.) were taken from this, a surplus of $208,071.30 was left and turned ovet to the city treasurer to bo used in re ducing the .city tnxes. That Is the largest profit over shown by the tram ways In any city In the Vnlted King dom. One of tho best operating reforms has been tho giving of bonuses every three months to motormen who ran their cars without an accident. This has resulted in a more careful serv ice, a reduction of accidents and an Increase of pay where. It Is appreciat ed. Taken altogetlior, tho experi ment Is going well in Leeds. Hut all municipal matters are th.o prey ot cer tain politicians. The test of this sys tem will ho its resistance to political domination. If a city can run a busi ness, pure and simple. It Is bound to succeed. Jacksonville Times. To My Friends and Patrons: Having sold to Messrs, J. s. Deckwlth and W. E, Davidson my Insurance and real estate business, and all other busi ness Interests conducted by me as successor to E, D. Boyd, de ceased, at No. 119 East Court street, Pendleton, Oregon, earnestly recommend them to your patronage, and assure you that you will receive fair treat ment at their hands. Thanking you for past favors, and hop rig that the new firm of W. E. Davidson & Co. will re ceive a continuation of the same I beg to remain, Yours very sincerely, IDA BOYD. just largo enough to contain tlio Item which la the cause ' of the extra. These little handbills i are only printed on one side of the paper, and some times an extra coiv of n slsts of no more than 20 or 30 words. Aml renched the heavenly port everv T,len ,l10 nuxl lla' .each I'alur Mrln,B I Just ns the clock struck nine. Had His Off on Time. An aged Ulllvlllo citizen engaged the town poet to write an obituary on a late friend of his, aud tne follow ing was submitted: He left this world of Horrow In another world to shine. rtnls It is WATER TANKS We make a Specialty of Building Round or Square WATER TANKS Also Header Beds all sizes and kinds. We make them right and thej Our work TI... nt,. i,.,ii,i ..i,,,,, i ,i,ni , nlu-nvs dvft satisfaction. n . HUM .... U.W.. UIU It uu (11 bit.. -D iinlcliOH limited in the limp extras the i i.i ....... i., ,i., i. ,u.i.. i.. I ,i.-i...i i.i.,i..i 3-Illll!l hv r.roi'l' 111., nni-tfumlsl Ihnl . i 7-i.i . , . ",c "u '" I iku u IS IIOVUi ll(imuu ui uuitucu, sci mon. d uregk. tlio cartoonist, tnnt , ;iv be ore. with the hour and minute i,,.-.. m i- a,i...,.., -.,.,, u..,i,,.. . , - 111! &h.(.U.ll V, . 110111 1I111JI1. BUTCHERY BECOMES ..r ....1.1 lnn 1 I .1 . I iii jiiiuiiL.iiiuii, iiiiu inns iiiu neui I tally on "scoops." Here Is a sample of Ilussiau civil- All day long crowds of men and Izatlon. contained In an editorial from i l)0's wait In front of the newspaper .I.,,., ,, .. rn.,t,., , n.. ulfices to get the extras. They wear .... I ' ? , , " a eUe' Af'Cr ""? .very ' clothing-just a short kl- this advice trom one of the most "en-! ,m,na. and trousers that look like ROMANCE. ' lightened" Russian papers. It will not i loose swimming trunks. Kach ono could not be preached In words. .1 Drinlt The irresistible cordon ot troops and warships, which the Japanese are drawing around Port Arthur. Is one of the surprises of modern history. When the Russians took a 25-years lease on that port, from China, a few be dirtlcult to understand the world's ' "s " "f cotton cloth tied around , unanimous haired of Russia: "Onr j !lls wnta1l- ",ul tllls '8 ""l"1 three' 1 . . ... tour and sometimes six anil seven or- groai iionerai suvaron, says tlio Cluzette. "when ho fought against the nivUtiml I.w.l. ..f..... .rn. ,1... 1 I i ivuvii, uiivii iiiu iiiiii;i to give no ipiarter to his troops. Tills dinar dinner hells. ESCENT OF FEB It Is Fine Pendleton Planing Nill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. years ago, sue urn not recKon on nian-wa8 n ecosSty and there Is neccsv ing any defense against that race of j slty , ,, war wh a ,mlf 8avage brown pigmies. Just across the Yel- barbarous nation to adhere to Suva low Sea, but she did reckon on mak- ( ro(f8 rie. In our war wlth Jamm ing it n fort of defense against (ler-. we are jke a man attacked by a viper, many, England. France and the United it ia not enough to frighten It and The bells hang on tho wearer's hip, I and as soon as he gets n bunch of ,, . . ' . . ,. , , V " I extras he sturts off with u dead run which is not cruelty or barbarlanlsm. ,,owll thL. ,,,,, of tho 8trout, Tho bells make a terrible clatter and the people rush out to buy the war nows. IN t AND 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY States. Siie little thought that this handful of despised barbarians, that scarcely claimed any attention from the civ ilized powers would ovoluto into a race of fighters, that would turn her contempt Into surprise and consternation. ior uiey Know tnat tne bells mean a fresh war extra. The extras go like hot cakes and the boys get all the way from five rln (which Is about a quarter of a cent In our money) to five sen, (or two cents and n half) for them. Tho f holltf Riivn thn hnva thn trnnliln f this in the present Instance without crying their papers, and besides notl considering whether England and a fy everybody at once that there Is then leave It to hide In the bush. It must be destroyed, and we must do ! cosmopolitan plutocracy objeet. Wo cannot burden ourselves with thous ands of Japanese prisoners, who will spread dysentery, typhus and cholera When she laid, deep and strong, among the Russian people. Perhaps, lhp frlllllllntlrm nf Vnrt Arthllp' fnr-' it . , , . . . tress, she had in view possible ag gressions from the Oerman, the Hrlt on, or the Yankee, but the Japanese; she scoffed the thought! Put the evolution of destiny has .changed the entire front of civiliza tion and history In the Orient. Tuissia bullded Dalney to become tho empress of the Orient, the tiueon of the eastern commercial world. She expended millions on the splendid docks, wharfs, jetties, port and har bor accommodations, thinking that the plumed and armed knight. Port Arthur, standing guard over this beau- j tlful queen, would be a sure safeguard against the jealousy of (laul, Uriton . or YanKee. no otner power came within the horizon of her fear, at that time. Then after equipping tills queen to acquire the commercial supremacy of. the Orient, she set about to conquer and Intimidate all the surrounding races, to make sure of a tributary ter ritory sufficient to guarantee abso lute safety and commercial security. China, she partially subdued and partitioned, to suit herself. Corea, she began to dlvldo to suit her own voracious appetite, when lo! the pig my rises to the stature of man, flings down tho gauntlet to tho Rear, and the whole destiny of the Orient Is shitted and the splendor of Russian hope Is dismantled and shattered. Dalny, tho guarded queen of tho East, falls Into tho hands of tho hated pigmies, nnd they swarm through the spUndld streets and de vastate the priceless harbor equip ments, to prevent any further uso by tho Russians, should they retake It. By a thousand piu pricks, and ag gravating covert attacks, the Japan eso have driven tho pride of tho Rus sian army from fort to fort, from hid ing place to hiding place, and from surprise to surprise, until a lino of half a million troops now almost en tirely cuts off tho boasted Port Arthur from all Russian supplies and forces, and It seems only a question of days until tho plumed knight, as well as the princess ho guarded, on tho far Oriental shoro, shall become tho prlzo of tho pigmy Jap, In tho strango turn of destiny In the Orient, tho butchery of tho strug gle bccom.es almost romantic. according to humanitarian principles, It would he very unwise to give no quarter, but. nevertheless, 'no quar ter and no prisoners' should be our motto." The Injustice nnd oppression of the modern express companion was never moro thrilling!- Illustrated than In the now parcels post agreement just closed between the United States and Japan. Under this agreement parcels weighing 414 pounds can be sent back nnd forth between these two countries at a maximum rate of 12 cents per pound, or a total of f4 cents for a 4'j pound package from Now York City, on tho far eastern border of the United Stat.es to Yokohama, a dis tance of 10,000 miles, while 23 cents Is the minimum express charge on a paper of pins for tho shortest possi ble dlstanc.e, under the express mo nopoly of this country, with a cor responding Increaso In cost according to weight and distance. Yet govern ment ownership Is hooted at by many sensible people. The Salem Statesman recently boasted profusely that it receives carloads of ready print news matter, debates, speeches and other llvo arti cles, and rather soveroly chlded tho East Or.egonlan because It was for gotten by tho ready print news fac tories. Tho Statesman uses its cart loads of ready print news promiscu ously and Is now entlroly off date and has certainly lost Its "notch stick" for It prlnt.ed "A Sermon for Now Year's .Morn" In Its Issue of July 31. How. over, thU may he ono way ot keeping ccol In Salon. SHE EDITS THE WHIRPOOL. .Mrs. Clara E. Wright, ot San Fran Cisco, enjoys tho distinction of being editor nnd proprietor of tho first and only newspaper published on tho Amorlcan sldo of the Yukon. Aud such a unique publication as tho Rampart City Whirlpool Is! Established In January of the pres ent year as a 12-pago monthly, Its ad vertising huslnoss has so increased that tho number of pages has been doubled, whllo tho circulation exceeds tho population ot tho place, nnd, this, too, with tho paper selling nt ono dollar per copy. Tho difficulties encountered by tho plucky .editor were many. Thoro Is not a slnglo font of typo in Rn'mpart City whllo tho nearest press Is at some big war news on sale The Modern Way To cure a weak stomach Is to take Hostetter's Stomach Hitters at tho very first symptom. It does away with s.arvlng and dieting yourself because it puts the stomach in proper condi tion to digest tho food In this wny It cures indigestion, dyspepsia, con stipation, biliousness, heartburn, In somnia, headache, cramps or diar rhoea. Nervous and sickly women also find the Bitters uneqiiulled as a regulator and tonic We urge a fair trial. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Refreshing and Healthful The City Brewery Bottled Beer. The greatest summer drink. It goes right to tho spot.. Always have this superior beer In your homo. It gives youth and vigor to your tired system. Physicians recommend beer that Is pure. City Browery Bottled Beer Is I always good and always the same. It Is made In Pendleton and not subject to changes of tomperaturo In being shipped. Put up In quarts, pints and halt pints, nnd deltvored In any quantity desired. Bottling works, tolophone 1831. Restdenco telephone 1771. College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark "-ET Us Mati NOW OF if nr orea'l id asor I on dlsPM Mouldi; Paper Bans, BRINn ,.. A Km 'UU Bid Grays H Opposite W. t , Hill MilitaryAi Shoes fol rPllUl I Grea r 'use 'A nair i l!" ::,, ladlesl KWrsn ner f 1 . , CUT THIS0U1 And mall in n. t . tary Academy, PomJ .... iu a luuuarjr sctool. ' are J me prices and temV; t' uvaiiipme catalogue otjri (Name , Lliader. Get I lu hots at the! t'..y fruit dally,! . . . I!f spring suini com. roastll gh, pure grocti Oregon 'Address) ...M,, rasl)ber t dry split w' St. Helen1 A OIULS SCHOOL or TI EST CLASS corps ot teitl tlou, building, equipment- Send for catalogue. Opens September 15, UCll J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work oxoouted properly. Blootrlcal Suppllet or all klndi OFFICE 121 WEST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) HARVESTERS' HEADQUARTERS OUR BE8PECT. STOCK OF SUPPLIES FOR THI8 HARVE8T 8EASON IS NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY IF IN NEED OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, VIZ.: F0RK8, HOEDOWN8, RAKE8, 8CYTHE8, 3NATH8, WATER DAQS, WATER KEQ8, CURRY COMD8, BRUSHE8, MACHINE OIL8, AXLE GREASE COMPOUND, LACE LEATHER, CAP 8CREW8, 8ET 8CREW8, 8MITHING COAL, BAR, BAND AND 8HEET IRON BABBIT, ROPE, WHIP8, OIL CUPS, Y' VALVE 8, PIPE, 3TOVE8, RANQE8, GRANITE AND TINWARE, ETC. PHONE MAIN 211, OR CALL ON i WW W. J. CLARKE & CO. 2 1 1 COURT STREET COA LET US FILL YOUKI BIN WITH Rock Spring Recognized as the test most economical fuel. are prepared to contnetw you for your wlntefi ? We deliver coal or tw any part of the city. Laatz Bros MAIN STREET. NEAR DE came: dress ifh's. .) Hiiord and 1st four-tout to's. L line men' ba. Iislt melons, ley Bros. ln Blue J3.&C iTeutsch's. Di kinds litul and pur kokers get si i, ormerly U' Item fc (or two an' U this ofll' Rent Tho bv the P: Eto Rudolph IrSale-AFi k Pendleton litdson, Pen m Wanted l:M room i eermansnt l ot our din p price v f ery and I tight lam Uj, C. Ro i puled Age Itra growi Ipild. Ca t today an Washi liltty, no Pcslttvely the beit U made. Any quantity yo" sire. Delivered to JW Lome. Always call tor Olym-pla. A. NOLTE fa. 'Phone Ml M- Tha Prencha Restauraitj Connection. QUS LaF0NTAlNE,Wj ...i- street ! 633 Jul" M W UtlO j only 15 e.nta