DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1904. PAGE THREE. Urn,- tlel, i.e in our ST6 c yard 40e 7 "9 Pair ' itilatct .... i ueai i.i. ' served. AJta nil ' SCHEMpp . rprefof J RY wooj Kinds ' sund wood , 1 delivered at prices Cash. UNNIS Did croful w, a-, 4 July ;iearance Sale I PLEHVE (1 BRUTE ' CHARACTER HAS CHANGED OF LATE YEARS. REMNANTS. one-half the regular valuo. SHOE BARGAINS. Idles shoes or uxrorus, clearance price 51.95 pair llidles' shoes or uxiuruu, crenco price i.B5 pair Indies shoes or oxroras, clearance price 51.35 pair Idles shoes or Oxfordr, clearing price $1.15 pair llexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES Was Personally Known to Andrew G. White, Former American Ambassa dor Plehve Took Part In Horrible Butchery and Abuses of the Jews Does Not Wonder at the Assassination. Post-Stanrinril tomorrow will The say: Former United States AmhaKsnHnr White was seen by a Post-Standard reporter at the residence of his brother, Horace K. White, In James street, Just before he left for Ithaca yesterday. When asked If lie had the acquaintance of M. von Plehve, Rus sian minister of the Interior. Mr. White answered that ho know him y i well, having met him frequently In tho course of official business durliiK ' his stay at St. Petersburg In 1S92, X! 1898 and 1894 as minister of tho Unit- States to Russia. 1 In discussing Plehve and tho assas J slnatlon, Mr. White said: Ifandard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship. and MadeXlear Havana. FLYNN & CO.. Makers. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST- LASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. Mr. White's Statement. "At that time Mr. Plehve had not arrived at the position of full minis ter of Interior, but was first assist ant minister In that department an,d in that capacity took up various American tnntters. especially tho dealings of the Russian government with some of the great American In surance companies. The Russian gov ernment had made tho companies a great deal of trouble, and I was In-' structed from. Washington to discuss the matter, General Patchelor. now judge of tho International court In Egypt, very ably representing the matter. His Whole Character Changes. "I think both General Ilachellor and myself found Mr. Plehve very ngreeame anu apparently, as far as land In which the opposite of all these characteristics Is more highly dovcloped than In any other part of the empire. Other things done by him wcro also calculated to bring most bitter hatred against him. "He attempted to help his cause by a defense of his conduct toward Fin land which was published In an American magazine. But It certainly must have failed to convince any thinking man at all aware of the cir cumstances. During two summers I ltv.ed main ly In Finland, coming frequently to St. Petersburg, and the transition In passing from tho cultivation and civ ilization of Finland to tho atmosphere of Russia was the most depressing I have .ever known. "I do not wonder at tho assassina tion, although I deeply lament It, Among other reasons for this regret, It will doubtless bo made a protoxt for now oppression and new cruelties toward tho Jewish population and to ward the Flnlandcrs. Assassination always defeats Its purpose, and this will be, I fear, no exception to the rule. Atrocious, Reactionary, Despotic. ,. "I can only account for Mr. Plehve's atrocious, reactionary nnd despotic conduct since ho came to the position of minister of tho Inter or on the the ory thnt he felt that tho clique In u-i.iiel of the winter palace, men nnd women, who seem to have brought the present emperor Into subjection to them obliged Mr. Plehve ns n condi tion of his tenure of office, to do their will. "Ills ambition doubtless led him to adopt their racial detestation nnd religious hatred for anything like constitutional government." IDAHO M E ISSUE FARMERS MAKE VIGOROUS PROTEST ABOUT HUNTERS. SELLING WATERED MILK. The town Pump Does Duty on Several Portland Dairies. Just lieenttso the cows are running dry and reed is getting high, some of Portland's highly respected citizens would have been drinking milk-colored water these days Instead of the pure lacteal fluid, had it not been for the fact that J. W. liailey, state food and his government allowed him, reasonn-1 ,,n,r-v commissioner, has been up and i,to 1 nisn mot him ,nni.n.. ;., .i.! about doing some clover detective nun flUV.KIIll UL IU11 ous times and found him agreoahlo and interesting. I was therefore, I greatly surprised at learning, when ho was promoted to first place, that his whole characted seemed to change. "Ills part In the horrible massacre . ana plunder of the Jews, men, women i and children at Klshineff, caused him to be regarded with abhorrence by tho 1 whole world. Even more frightful 1 h. 'i been his connection with the de struction of the liberties of Finland. In my mind that Is the most wicked thing In the history of the last two centuries. There is no time to go in to details here further than to say that It has turned the best, the most civllzed, the most educated and most loyal province In the empire, into a Clearance Fire Removal Wrecking In addition to our present large stock of vehicles, we have bought and are now moving the stock from Athena to Pendleton, we need more room and to get it we will sell for the next thirty days, at actual COST any buggy, hack, carriage or road wagon we have in stock. A. KUNKEL & CO. work, says tho Telcgrnm. As It Is, Mr. Bailey says, Portland Is getting more puro milk to tho square foot than any other city' In the United. Stat.es today. This admirable state 01 affairs was not brought about without a great deal of dffllculty, however, and to some the experiments proved qult.e costly. During the past two weeks Mr. Hal ley has caused tno arrest of no fewer than a dozen milkmen, and of these nearly every 0110 has been glad to pay a liberal line, ranging from $2G to $50, rather than havo his customers learn that ho wbb trying to sell them water out of tho old rellabio farm pump for Eweet milk, tho best that good feed and thoroughbred stock could produce. CANADIAN TARIFF CHANGES. All Canadian Machinery on Free List and Bounty on Canadian Oil. A number of Important changes havo just been mado In th.o Canadian tariff by the Dominion government. Among me most important differences an nounced Is tho placing of printing presses and various other machinery, Including all for tho manufacture of imen and brass goods, and also well drilling machinery, on the free list. In general, all machinery not munu- iactureu in uannda is placed on tho free list, as also is whale oil, soap, etc. An Important requirement Is attach ed to the tariff law, Intended to reach articles imported Into Canada at less price than said articles aro Bold In tho country where they are manufactured. It says: "Tho expression 'export price1 or 'selling price' shall bo held to mean and include tho exporter's prlco for tho goods. excluBlvo of all rhnrpnfl thereon after their shipment from tho Place wnence exported direct I v ti, Canada." It Is also announced that on nil crudo petroleum produced from wells In Canada a bounty of 1 cents a gal lon will bo paid after Juno S, 1004. Abraham 13. Smith. Consul. Victoria C, June 20, 1004. Game Birds Very Plentiful, and Ag gressions of Trespassers Very An noying Farmers Are In the Har vest and Cannot Protect Their Wild Birds Danger of Fire From Gun Firing In Grain Fields. Farmers report that parties aro now hunting prairie chickens nnd grouse In the sections where tho set tlements are scattered and unless this Is stopped prosecutions will fol low. Tho reports come from Isolated districts where the danger of discov ery except by farmers who own the land. The law protecting the game birds will not expire until August IB, nnd the farmers propose to have the birds protected until that time, says tho Union. A largo number of birds nre re ported In nil sections of tho country nnd sportsmen anticipate fine shoot ing ns soon ns the season opens. From the attitude taken by tho far mers It Is evident that permission from them will be needed In most lo calities, as It Is proposed to protect the birds ns far ns possible for tho late fall shooting. Last year the far-mel-a In many of the dltsrlcts posted notices and kept n close personal watch to see that hunters did not tres pass upon their lands. The result Is that the fields are filled with game birds this senson and the fanners stnte that the vigil will be moro close lykept this year than ever before. The fanners contend that nt the opening of the season they aro en gaged with the harvest, and by the time they enn enjoy hunting the city sportsmen have killed most of tho birds and have scared the others un til It Is Impossible to hunt success fully without n trained dog. The far mors contend that nt the time the season opens little of the grain has been moved from the fields nnd tho strnw will Ignite like powder. To protect their crops they believe thnt shooters should bo excluded from the grain fields and 011 account of the careless shooting In the stock pas tures the exclusion will .effect all parts of the farms. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Egg and Phosphate BAKING POWDER BETTER THAN THE OLD-TIME CllBAM OF TARTAR POWDERS. COMING EVENTS. August 1D-20 National encampment Grand Army, Boston. August 22-27 American Mining congress, I'ortiaml. Sopt.omber 4 Conclave Knights icmpiar, Ban iranclsco. September 1G-18 Oregon Irrigation ;ijuauuu, umano, Mainour coun ty. inland Empire Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 nnd 21. National Irrigation Association, Paso, Toxas, November 1C-18. EI MAKING PLANK ROADS. western Oregon Has No Deeo Dut But There Are Other Troubles. The North Bond Post trlvi'M lhn fnl lowing account of road Improvement 1" that district: C. P. Barnard, thn nmnrlr.i fir tt ttirt jwbouurK-joos uay eUgo line, went 10 ioquiiie this morning to mako proposition to the county court to pianK worth Fork hill. Mr. Barnard is wining to defray $1000 of tho ex- penso personally and will ask tho county to pay $2000 toward tho im prov.ement of tho much needed high way. Soveral miles of thn nisnhn re rnnrl nave already been Dlanked nnd it in now in excellent shape except for th.o imu 11111 Deioro reierred to. In previous years the mall was not lnfrnnnntiv iwu uuu mreo aays late on account of tho fact that at North Fork hill the roaa 18 Simply Imnasaahln nt llmo. during the winter months. II tne road were nlanked this rlnlfiv of the overland mall would not occur, o iuo mug,o wouia bo enabled to got iuiuuku in z nours. which latter Mi- Barnard guarantees In case tho road is planked," Excursion Rates to Portland Aunimt 1st, 1004. Oregon Development As sociation meet nn. Portland, Ore.. Auauat 2d and 3d 'ft. For the above occasion tho O. 17. A- N. makes a special rate of $6.85 for tho round trip. Tickets on sale Aug ust first for trains Nos. 1 and C only. Continuous nassnen linth rilrnoHnna Final limit August 4. 1801. For par ticulars call on or address E. O. Smith. Agent O. It. & N. Misses' I Teutsch'a. $3.00 shoes for $1.00. Big Shoot at Fort Riley. Fort Illley, Kas., August 1. Begin ning today and contlnuo until near tho end of tho present month Fort Riley will bo the scene of some nota bio shooting matches In which tho best shots of the northern division of tho army and representatives of tho marine corns, tho stain rnlllt National Rifle Association will con test for supremacy. Tho matches will bo shot on tho now target ranuo. rn. cently completed nt a cost of $10,000, Tho matches aro under tho general direction of Brigadier flpnnral Vrnn. els M0010, U. 3, A. To tho wlnncm of tho various events will bo nwarded cash prizes and medals aggregating several thousand dollnra In vulue. End of Bitter Fight. 'Two physicians had a loriL- mill stubborn fight with nn abcess on mv right lung," writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, (in,, "and gave mo up. Every-i body thought my tlmo had come. As last resort I tried Dr. KIiic'h Nn Discovery for Consumption, Tho bon-' cflt I received wus Btrlklnu anil ! was on my feet In a fow days, Now I I've entirely regained my health." It 1 conquers all coughs, colds anil throat ' aim lung troubles. a11nr1111lnr.il l.u Tallman & Co.'h drug store. Prlco iiuc nun ij.wi. Trial bottles free. In order to accommodate fishing parties tho O. It. & N. Co. will, until close of season, have train No, 2, leaving nero at b:4& p, m stop at norwi iorK on Saturday evenings, and train No. 1, duo in Pendleton at y a. ni,, stop at some place morning. This In REAL ESTATE $2,350 will buy one of thn most con venient 9-room houses In tho city. Sower, linth, etc.; good collar nnd barn. 3 lots, corner, a bargain. $-1,000 Elegant now 0-room house. Just completed; sowor, bath, toilet; 2 lots, eastern oxposuro; corner. $2,500 Nice residence nnd six lots; eastern exposure. Let me show you three qunrtor soc Hons of tho best wheat land. All un der cultivation; extonslvo Improve ments, plenty of water. Can bo bought for n 11 tie less thnn Its mar ket value. W. E. Davidson & Go. 111 -Insurance, Real Estate, Loans Court Street. Pendleton. If you aro Interested In Oil Painting, boo us. Our lino Is complote. J ACADEMY BOARDS a STUETCHER8 ! BRUSHES J AUTISTS' SAH.IS BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES I PLAQUES J TUBE COLORS J Wo mako a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest I stock of frames. C. C. SHARP I Opera House Block. Fire, INSURANCE. Life and Accident JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard ware Store. Monday will bo arrangement effect Saturday. May 14. E. C. SMITH, Agont. A Hot Weather Ambition. "Pa." "What Is It, Jimmy?" "Can't y' buy m a season ticket to some o' these lea cream wuin hum. tains'" Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Building Material OF ML DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa. per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta 8treet, Opp. Court House, f A slight earthquake shock was full 1 imjm.. T A, Tl'.w wl I .. . I I r. 1 . - " -v ...uiuuu, i.ai,, aunuuy morning. GOT HIS HAIR BACK. W VnUeUr Bold When He HUried to I' Xnbro Hcrpl'lde , Frederick Manuell. Maryland Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of Now. bro's 'Herplcide. April 6. '&. anil liptran fn use it for entire baldness. The hair fol licles In Ms scalp were not dead and In 20 dayu ho had hair all over tllM ImniY On July 2 ho writes, "and toduv mv tmir Is as thick and luxuriant could wish." Nowbro's Herplcide works on an old principle and with a new d'B covcry destroy tho cause and vou re. move tho effect. Herplcldo destrova the germ that causes dandruff, falling- hair, and finally baldness, so that with the CaU80 Hone tile ftttfi Minnni ....n(n Stops 1 falling: hair at once nnd a new growth starts. Sold by leading-d'H??la'a,- sfn,2 10!- 1" stamps for sample to Tho Herplcide Co., Detroit. Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special naent. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Boar this in tnd when you noed poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta 8t. Aaont for Lee's Lice Killer. The East Orenonian Is Eastern Oi enon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronaoe. It Is the advertising medium of this section.