i! PAGE EIGHT. The Last Week of Our July Clearance Sale Special prices on all our shoes, Oxfords and slippers and now is your change to get BARGAINS. You will need some new shoes next week. Why not buy them today and save money7 DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. YOUTHFUL, YET UNHAPPY. Bride of Ywo Months Brings Suit for Divorce Against Lyle Calvert, of Weston. .Married less than two and one-half months, tho strl wife of Lyle II. Cal vert, or Weston, Is seeking a divorce. The defendant and husband has not yet reached his majority, yet he is accused of cruel and Inhuman treat ment toward his wife, and is alleged to have called her vile names and ac cused her of Immoral conduct. Lyle It. Calvert and Alma Hall were married in this city May 1G, 1304. Soon after their marriage the plaintiff alleges that her husband be gan a series of abuses against her, such as accusing her of unlawful re lations with other men before and after she took her marriage vows. In tho presence of tho plaintiff and her mother, it is alleged, Calvert called the former's sister vile names. The complaint states that the de fendant is the owner of ICO acres of wheat land near Weston, valued nt $S000. has money and personal prop erty to the amount of over $2000. and has a valuable wheat crop, yet to be harvested. The plaintiff, who is but 17 years of age, declares she is destitute and in a delicate condition. She desires an absolute divorce and $50 a month during the pendancy of tho action. Airs. Calvert believes that a one-third Interest In tho real property of tho defendant and $1000 in monoy should bo hers, and that she be allowed $400 for attorney and witness fees. Nellie M. Rlcnmond, who holds the property of Lyle It. Calvert In trust for him, is named as defendant In lw sn t T in mmn .lint wns f led In the state court this morning by Car ter & Italoy. PHOTOS FOR THE FAIR. Major Moorhouse and A. F. Miller Take Umatilla Harvest Pictures, it is the Intention of the statu AVOID CHAPS If we .nan know anything better F, & S, TOILET CRHAM, for healing chaps, cracks and roughness, and keeping tho skin smooth, soft and fair, we would have It. Thoso vuo try It say our Toilet Cream Is tho best proposition thoy over used and wo believe they are right. Keep F. &. S. Toilet Cream on hand and use It, and your face and hands will he froo from summer skin discomfort. Daintily perfumed, pleasant to use, heals quickly, and costs little. 25c Per Bottle. Tallman b Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS R. C. BEACH, T. G. Commercial National Bank of Pendleton I- I ! commission of the Lewis and Clark and St. Louis fairs to renew tio Ore gon exhibits at tho ixnilslana Pur chase Exposition, and Commissioner A, F. Miller, of Sellwood, is at pres ent (engaged In making tho collec tions. Mr. Miller was in Pendleton this morning and has gone to Cayuse, accompanied by Major Lee Moor house, the well known photographer, for the purpose of taking a picture of a section of growing wheat. "I am securing photographs whor over possible," said Mr. Miller, thh morning. "These w.il ho hanged alongside the exhibits to show just where tho grains and grass.es came from. I expect to secure a picture to day of two combined harvesters at work In the 5000 acre grain fields of r. P. Temple, near this city." Th,e now exhibits will be sent to St. Louis this fall and at the close of tho exposition will bo brought back to Portland for display at tho Lowis and Clark fair. Mr. Miller Is making a collection of grains and grasses, for the most part. Ho has a wagonload awaiting shipment at Echo. SUPPLYING THE DEMAND, Dally Output of ..eston Brickyards Is Fifty-five Thousand. Clark Nelson, mnnager of tho Wes ton brickyards, was in town yester day and today. For the first time in several years the yards are able to supply all demands anil has, In fact, 1,500,000 surplus now on hand. Rath er, these brick are not surplus, but are stock in hanu. The output now is 25,000 pressed brick dally and 30,000 plain brick, and "" at Will Camp in the Woods. P. P. Collier and wife, J. P. Win ter and wife and P. E. Collier and wife will all leave Monday next for Meacham. From that point they will go south for about seven miles and camp out tor about three weeks Either Mr. ColUer or Mr. Winter will return after three or four days' ab senco to resume charge of their law business, the others remaining in the woods. Visiting J. M. Bentley. J. W. Tullocb, a prominent farmer and capitalist of Oakualc, Cal Is In tli,e city visiting .1. M. Bentley and looking over the country. Mr. Dent' lev and Mr. Tulloch were old ac mialntances In California, hut had not met Blncc 1870. until Mr. Till loch's arrival here. Mr. Bentley will accompany his friend through the Umatilla county wheat bou and It Is possible Mr. Tulloch will Invest here. Suit on Note. H. A. Brandt today brought suit In the state circuit court against F, It. Blair to collect $75, alleged to bo duo on a promissory note. Tho prin cipals aro residents of Weston, and tho complaint was fileii by carter i Holey, Whitman Gymnasium. Contracts were let yesterday for the construction of a $15,000 gymna sium for Whitman College. It will bo of brick anil wl.. be finished about October 1. Pr03ldent. HAILEY, Vice-President. W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier. Prosperous Days THESE ARE PROSPEROUS DAYS. AND NOW 18 THE FITTING TIME FOR YOU TO LAY ASIDE A FUND AGAIN8T A TIME OF NEED. WE 8UGGE8T THAT YOU COME TO THIS BANK AND OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. A DOLLAR IS SUFFI CIENT TO START. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1904. DEATH DUE TO L i HAINEY Klui-ED BY DRUNKEN MAN'S AWKWARD ACT. Revolver Dropped From Scabbard to the Sidewalk and was Discharged Halney Thought He Was Being Fired Upon and Grabbed the Smok ing Pistol to Defend Himself Holverson and Johnson Under Ar restFuneral Arrangements. Carelessness on the part of (Jus Johnson, whllo in an Intoxicated con dition, resulted In tho denth at Leh man Springs Wednesday night, of Arthur E. Ilaluoy, Is the verdict of this coroner's jury. The Inquest was held at Lehman Springs yesterday afternoon by Cor oner T. M. Henderson, of this city. Tho coroner returned homo early this morning, and Sheriff T. D. Taylor, having in custody Johnson, and his roinpanlon, Neils Hnlversoij, who will lie held pending further Investiga tion, will arrive lat.e tills afternoon. The body of Ilalnoy was brought to Pendleton last night, and Is at Baker & Folsmu's undertaking establish ment. A peculiar incident of the shooting of Halney was brought out at tho In quest Johnson and his companion arrived at tho springs early In the evening. They hail been drinking, and lelt a bottle of whiskey at Hal ney's stable. About 8 o'clock John son started down to the ham to give Halney a large revolver for safe keeping. He carried the weapon, a 11-callbro Colts, which was in n scabbard, In his right hand. Tho top of tho scab bard was unfastened, anil as ho walk ed Johnson swung his arms and the gun dropped out. Ho was within a few feet of Halney when the weapon struck the ground and was discharg ed. The gun fell behind Johnson and the bullet passed through Ills left trousers' leg, sotting the garment on fire, and then struck Hained In the atjilomon. Both men thought thoy were being fired at from the stable door and Johnson started to run. Halney pitched forwnrd when tho bullet entered his body, and seeing the revolver in front of him, grasped It in his. hand and raised himself to face what he supposed was an am bush. When picked up and carried into the house, Halney still held the smoking weapon in his hand. "Tho shooting was. .undoubtedly an accident," said Coroner Henderson, this morning, "but just' what action will bo taken by tho courts In regard to tho matter I am not, in a position to state. I did not hold an autopsy, the jury not considering It necessary The bullet that cnus.ed Halney's death entered the loft sido of the abdomen low down and ranged upward, ovl dontly piercing tho smaller lntestln.es and finding lodgment In the back.' Tho coroner's Jury was composed of tho following: W. W. Campbell, W. M. Scott, J. D. Shipp, Frank O'Hara, James H. Wood and Edward Bestliorn, The remains of Halney have been embalmed and will bo shipped sun dav to Kansas for Interment. Defl nlto funeral arrangements have not been perfected, but It Is the intention of tho members of tho I. O. U. f. nnd Modern Woodmen of America lodges, of which Huinpy wns a mom her, to escort the body to tho train CHINESE RESIDbNT DEAD. Funeral Conducted After True Orien tal Custom Today. Sliony Ylng. n Chinese resident of Pendleton, nged Cfi years, was burled this afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late rosiilence In Garden street. Sho ey Ylng's death occurred Wednesday night anil was duo to dropsy. The deceased had lived in this city for soveral years anil his funeral was attended by nearly all tho Chi- nose residents o I'eniueion. th.o funeral was under tho direction of Baker & Folsom, but wns conducted In truo Oriental fiishlon and accord ing to the rites of tho Chinese. The ever present roast pig was in evidence during tho ceremonies. Pre ceding tho hearse to tho grave rouo a Chinaman who throw away bits of Inown paper, punched with holes. It is n Chlnoso belief that the devils that always pursuo tho unburled dead must pass through tho holos In theso papers and aro thus delayed In reach ing the corpse until It Is snfo In tho soli. At tho gravo tho personal effects, such as clothing and bedding of Shoey Ylng, wero burned, Then tho mourners returned to their homes, nfter first leaving tho food on tho gravo to appease th.o wrath of tho evil ones, who had beep cheated of their proy. BYERS MAKES A DEED. School District Becomes Owner Land For East End Building. of Thfl papers, whereby Iho hoard of directors of tho Pendleton schools acqulro title to tho Dyers slto, whero tho cast end school Is to ho located, wero signed yesterday oftornoon. Tho work of excavating anil laying tho foundation for tho building will uciiu u Biiuii an i;ijiivuiii.:iil iifi uiv contractors By tho articles of agreement, W. S. Byors. from whom . tho slto wns pur chased, will fill all sloughs on tho property ami .got tho land In condition for tho builders. Excavation work on tho west end school foundation Is nrotrrosslnK rapidly and It Is thought tho lay of' CM ESSNESS tho masonry will next week. commence early Surveying a New Road, foimtv Snrviwor Klmbrcll is at Athena today, and In company with F. H. Ilentho and Robert Jumolson will view a rond petitioned for nrounii tllo hill about a mile and n halt oast of Weston. The road now runs over tho hill, and It Is a difficult and unprofitable route. The proposed road will bo approximately a mile and a half long, nnil while considera ble grading and occasional Jfllllng will ho necessary to get It ready for travel, It Is bolloved It will be a prof itable Investment In tli.o saving of horse flesh and of wear nud tear to vehicles. Valuable Threshing Outfit. It, Raymond, of Stnntnn Station, has bought nn entirely now $5000 threshing outfit, and will uogin op erations with It at once. He has 0,00 acres of his own wheat to thresh and 1100 acres of his neighbors wheat contracted. Mr. Itnymond dis carded a wornout threshing plant, which he has used for ninny years. W, O. Hodder has just returned from .Mr. Raymond's ranch, whore he did all tho carpentering necessary to put the now threshing plant into commis sion such as building a now cook house, now hcailor boxes, etc. Will Attend Lecture. Miss Sadie Baum left on last night's train for the w.o st. At Portland she will take the steamer for San Fran cisco, and will spend a month or so it Berkeley, attending lectures wnicn aro a part of tho summer course nt tho university. During the nionin she will also take post-graduate studies on tho piano of Prof. Mans- t'eldt. In San Francisco. HIi,o will re turn by rail and stop nt Eugene for a visit of a few days during tho early part of September. Has 300 Acres Fine Wheat. J. W. Brock, of Portland, arrlveit last night nnd this morning wont to Athenn. Mr. Brock has 300 acres of very flno wheat near Hillsdale, and will remain In that neighborhood for a month or more, or until the crop Is out of the wny. Mr. Brock was u resident of Wulln Walla for 20 years nnd wns superintendent of tho city schools there when graded schools were instituted. His son. W. F. Brock, Is circulation mnnager of tho Oregoniaii. Looking for Location. H. C. Thombs, of Colusa, Cal is in town today. Tills is his first trip into the district, and he Is highly pleased with tho business outlook generally. Ho Is looking for a loca tion for u saloon and Is nlreaily tho proprietor of two saloons In Califor nia. From hero he will go to Walla Wallu. nnd may Invest In that place, as It has been highly recommended to him. Good Wheat Around lone. C. T. Walker and wife, of lone, were tho guests yosterduy of S. P. Hnn.ey nnd wife, of South Main street. Mr. Wnlker Is engaged In tho gen eral merchandise business nt Iono. Ho stntes that the wheat crop In that district Is much better than Inst year. Th.o rango in tho neighborhood Is badly eaten off. Mr. and Mrs. Walk er have Just returned from a visit to Spokane. Insurance Adjuster Goes Home. H. Bryant, a Hpeclal firo insurance ndjuster, left last night for Albany, Or. Ho enmo to Pendleton to adjust tho fire loss of L. L. Rogers, whose grain field near Adams, was destroy. ed by fire a day or two ago. Whllo hero ho also adjusted tho loss of J. F, Thompson, whoso resldenco nt Bingham Springs was burned Tiies day, Has Bought on North Side. Superintendent -elect F. K. Welles has bought of Prof. Nowlin tho let ter's north sido resldenca on Garfield street, and wnl occupy It ns soon as It Is vacated, which will bo when Mr. Nowlin's now residence is com pleted. Mr. Welles' family consists of himself, his wlfo and his aged father. Union Meeting Sunday Evening. Tho Epworth Lenguo, Baptist Young Peoples' Union nnd Christian Endeavor societies of tho city will unito In n sorvico at tho Baptist church n.oxt Snndny ovonlng at 7 o'clock. AH young peoplo are Invit ed. Good music, good fellowship, good thoughts. Rev. Warren Will Preach. Rev. John Wnrron, of Heppuor, will arrive tomorrow evening nnd will hold sorvlces, morning nnd even ing In tho Church of the Redeemer. Mr, Wnrron will bo tho guest o US. T. Marshall and wifo. Drink ORESCENT REAM. OFFER II Is Fine IN 1 AND 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY NOTICE Tho Van Alstlno Gordon & Co. Alorcnntllo Agoncy has established at fcefJ ,n Pj0nineton and will conduct a gouural niorcantllo agency buslnoss, making a specialty of collecting slow accounts, nml publlsning delinquent debtors. For full particulars, call at 119 East Court street, or 'phono Main 311 and our solicitor will call ana . explain our mothoilB. H V LIPE & CO. Managers. LABOR PLENTIFUL. J. C. Spoonemore C ,s There Are Four Men to "ach Job. "Thcro aro four men to every Job " remarked J. C. Spoonomoro, a local omploymont agent, but ho explained tho labor situation fully, by adding that of tho four men for every Job only threo of them would work when positions were offered them, "Tho farmers," ho continued, "are .cxporionclng but llttlo troublo In se curing an mo neip tuey need, and on tho other hnnd, most of the men who desire employment nro not dlsau- polntcd." Postofflce Robbed. Th.o postofflco at Knappa, on the Columbia River below Portland was robbed by snfo blowers Thursday morning. Ono hundred dollars In stamps was secured. Hospital at Burns. Mrs. M. A. Fry has rented her daughter's residence in this city ana proposes starting a hospital. Burns Tlmcs-IIernld. Now spring shlrtB. Tho Boston. Roosevelt' THE HOT WEATHER STORE IS PREPARED WITH ALL THE SUM MER NEEDS IN SHOES AND CLOTHING. ft ft The Boston Stf Better Shoes and Clothing Hot Weather Sp Ncgllgeo Shirts Golf Shirts Cool Underwear Pretty Neckwear ,5C j Stylish Bolts 15fti Fancy Hoslory BOYS' CLOTHING SPECIAL DISCOUNT. Men's $12.50 Suits reduced to ,'.!""-K ! Men's $13.50 Suits rcmiceu w Boys' Washablo Suits STRAW HATS, all there ore RARIt m DALI . One-Price Furnishers and Hattert I Modem School of Cot Gives- Free Trial. Eight Months Attend tho Best. . . nnffh narllCUl" . WO propeny vuiuyoi . - - and 8CU ";tj of 1 . .. WE'LL lay the .goods o -you W H toll you somo raiuui? '"'Vit.iia ,, ' . , Del book from shriveling UP- Write . . rjl The Elalerile Roofing Lftjitf Shoe Repaying I have moved my shop to tho second door oast of tho Sa Ings Bank. pairing of all kinds done In a wor manlike manner at roasonab rat As I have boon In business hero 11 years, I uoed not speak of the qui Ity of my work for It speaks for IU My stock of ehoos was CSSce damaged by water and tho company told mo to sell then . i what I could got. so I will sell tnou, for less than '"fcv t Mason jar,; ruDDers aa4 of jars. lop,l T,7 ions Ck 0WI TEAHf wwwin KUUl ll,c. mil 1 Ix a m 25 ''al left, at H'SJt Tuition at Price of ! .. ... minute. LOjiT, sin From 27, tw ""ft. The OH" J m 1100. on i -v.,!. right 8Do'-; ofi JlM I Will me t "wrdt J5 lor