DAILY EASTiOREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1904. PAGE FOUR. AN INDEPKNDKNT NEWSPAPER. t'ubllhcd every ntlernoou (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUllSCIUl'TION HATKS. Dally, one year ny man Dally, fix months by mall Dully, three months by mall Dally, oiio month by mall Dally, per month by carrier .... Weekly, one yir by mull Weekly, nix months by mall .... Weeklv. four mouths by mall .. Scml-Weekly, one year ly mall . SinMVeekly, six months by mall Semi Weekly, tuico months by mall .00 :.50 1.23 .30 .03 l.oU .75 .30 U.OO 1.00 .CO tlio community by tholr Intoxication,' thoy become actual menaces to -ovory man coming In contact with them, through tlto unwise custom which per mits .uvery man, responsible or Irre sponsible, lo carry weapons. Tlio whisky or the gun alone, Was either a dangprous foo to the peaceful set tlement at l.uhman Springs. Tho combination of tli.e two bad elements could not fall to cause suffering and loss In tho community. A PUPPET KING. Member Scilppi-Mcltac News Association. The llast Oregonlan Is on sale nt 11. II. Hlcirs News Stands it Hotel Portland ami Hotel l'crklns, l'ortlaud, Oregon. San I'ranclsw) Uureau. 40S Fourth St. Chicago Ilure.iii, 001) Security llulldlug. Washington, I). C. llurenu, 301 Hth St., N W. Ttleplume, Matn 11 Entneil at I'emlletou postoflflcc as second cla matter. A preacher from Wisconsin reached Oakland this week. Struck by tho evident necessi ties of the situation, he at tempted to immediately hold a street meeting for tho bene fit or th,e Inhaoltants. Of course, he was arrested, and when asked to produce his per mit to preach tho gospel in Oakland's streets, he replied that he "had secured the spe cial permit of Jesus Christ." This was promptly held to be 'unconstitutional, and the man whose desires to uplift the Oaklanders was greater than his knowledge of their peculiar laws and Institutions was sent to jail for the night. San Kranclsco Star. o o FAIR NEEDS ADVERTISING. Governor Chnmberlain touches the the I.owls and Clark fair people in a tender spot when he says tho exposi tion Is not being sufficiently adver tised in (he Bast. The ignorance of the Bast concern ing (ho history, immensity and scope of the West Is on,e of the first start ling facts that greets tho westerner In the Hast. Talk about the unsophisticated westerner being unpolished and un learned! The western ranchman Is an erudite scholar, compared to the ossified specimens of humanity cling ing to tho ragged edge of the little would-be aristocratic circles of the .eastern cities, when It comes to American history, and especially the history of the conquest of tho West. The advice of Governor Chamber lain to advertise the fair is correct, it is a glaring mistake for th.o fair management to think that because the Lowta and Clark expedition orig inated in the Bast, that all easterners know about it or have over heard of the great empire It added to the Union. What Is needed to advertise tho fair Is the personal co-operation of every man and woman in the North west. Western newspapers contain ing references to tho fair or some of its special features, .acts and statis tics concerning the Northwest states and personal letters should be sent to friends In the Bast. This sort of education and enlight enment will uerv.o to inform tho de luded Bast on th.o fair and the coun try It represents, better than any per sonal canvass of high-salaried com missioners who only see tho gover nors of states and perhaps a dozen other officials on their missionary visits through the Bast. Unless the fair management can get (ho1 common people interested, and can arouse a personal pride in scattering abroad tho news of tho coming exposition Its attendance from the East will be no heavier than tho Sunday school attendance In .Monte Carlo. The Lewis and Clark fair manage ment can do nothing of more value to tho fair than to furnish Northwest nowspapers with list of subscribers In tho Bast and ord.er the leading pa pers sent lo that list at regular sub scription rates until tho doors of tho fair opens. Such an Investment will bring 10 times more people to tlio fair than flvo times tho same amount of money invested In hot air commissioners, who only seo tho big officials. Whisky and Its right hand imp, criminal recklessness, lias caused tho death of another estimable, Inuoc.ent man in the killing of Arthur Hniuey at Lehman Springs. Tho men who are responsible for the accidental death of tho young man, doubtless thought u was smart to "Jag up" and mak.e an oxhlhlt of ignoranco ana brutality In a civilized community In addition to becoming offensive to Tlio Bast Oregonlan "launches" no fight against ,1. B. Uenn, tho present stock Inspector, as asserted by tho morning paper, it simply gives tho Hews of tho contest and quotes tho reason given by his opponents for Mr. Dean's removal. The East Ore, gonlnn Is not opposed to Mr. Uean or any other official ns long as ho docs his duty and protects the Interests of the people. The office of slock Inspector Is one of the most Import ant In Umatilla county. It being one of the leading sheep and cattle coun ties in tho slate. Incalculable dam age can be done to the stock Inter ests of the county through neglect and all that tho people Insist upon Ir rigid enforcement of tho law to keep up the livestock standards of the county. Tho personality of tho stock Inspectt" I? the last consideration. United States Consul Dledrlch, at Uromeii. Germany, has been making a close study of German universities as compared with those of the United States. Mr. Dledrlch, who was long a college professor in this country, declares most emphatically that In his judgment "tne United States of fer today facilities for collegiate, aca demical anil post-graduate studies equal In quantity and quality to those offered by any country in the old world." American attendance at Ger man universities Is growing smaller continually. There Is less potency to day than there used to bo In tho ex pression. "He was educated abroad." American students havo learned to appreciate tho advantages offered by American educational institutions. Tho islo or llnrdsoy off North Wales, Is the r.omoto home of n sin gulurly Isolated community, nnd some of tho Interesting features connected therewith are noticed In the Field Naturalists' Quarterly. The dimen sions of Hardaey are, roughly, two miles In length by one In width. The Inhabitants, who occupy some dozen well-built and comfortable farm houses, divide the callings of farm ers and fishermen. They form a shy and reserved community, gradually thawing under the Influence or in creased facilities of communication with tho outer world, but still hold ing aloof. Ilariisoy boasts n "king." nnd the history of tho Dardsey throat Is somowhat remarkable. The Island Is tho property of Lord Nowborough and was a favorite re sort or his grandfather. He It was who Instituted tho offlco of king. Se lecting from the Islanders one of su perior parts nnd character, ho Invest ed him with the general authority which he himself possessed as land lord and appointed him as head man, bidding the rest lo obey Ills ruljng. abide by his decisions In case of dis pute and In genornl respect his au thority. Partly in jest, partly no doubt to strengthen ills vice-regent's position, he conferred upon him the title of "King of Hardsoy," and he stowed also upon htm n crown, a treasure and an army. .The "crown" was a gorgeous dlndem of brass, wondrously embossed nnd wrought; the "treasure" a silver casket brought from Italy and the "army" a wooden figure painted to represent a soldier. For many years the "king" ruled In Uardsey under the guidance of his , munificent patron, and tho title and regalia are still held by his son, a picturesque old peasant. Lord Now borough died (u 1SSS and was burled on the Island. THE OTHER FELLOW'S JOB. Thero's a craze among us mortuls that Is cruel hard to name, Whoresoe'er you find a hiimnn you , will find tho case tho snmo; You may sock nmong the worst of i men or seok nmong the best, j And you'll find that ov.ery person Is precisely like tho rest. Bach belloves that his real calling Is along some other Hue That tho one nt which he's working lake, for Instance, yours and mine; Kroni tho meanest me-too" creature to the loader of tho mob, Thero's n universal craving lor the "other fellow's Job.'! There are millions of positions In tho busy world today, Bach a drudge to him wio holds It, but to him who doesn't, play; Every farmer's broken hearted that In youth he missed his call, Whllo that saiuo unhappy farmer Is th,o envy of us all. Any task you care to mention seems n vastly better lot Than the one especial something which you hnppen to have got. There's but one sure way lo smother Envy's heartache and her sob: Keep too busy, nt your own, to want "the other fellow's Job." S. W. Glllllan. Three .Mexican prisoners chnrgeit with murdering anil robbing Ameri can prisoners In Sonora, escaped from Jail at Agua Prlota, a border Sonora town. A woman furnished liquor to tho guards, who became drunk, the woman releasing the prisoners while they were In this condition. IN CASE OF A TIE. Pendleton has escaped public con tributions this year In a remarkable degree. No Fourth of July fund was raised, no baseball team was sup ported, the carnival that has just been held revised lo accept a public donation, and with the exception of the Mitchell flood subscription of $230, the business men have not been called upon for funds. In vlow of this dearth of public charity the city ow.es It to Itself to collect about' $2000 with which to put a public park In shape for next year. It will be a long time until Pendleton gets off ns easy in the way of public subscrip tions, as she has this year. Slit should do something lor herself while she Is rejoicing. THE MISSOURI WAY. "Itube" Oglosby of Wnrrensburg, Mo., was a kid railway freight brake- man 15 years ago. Tho train rnn away down grade, at 75 miles an hour. Itube" lost his leg while bravely set ting brakes. After years of litigation a Jury nwarded mm $15,000 for his leg, but the .Missouri supreme court threw the case out on technicalities. A Warrenshrug newspaper criticis ed tho court severely. The editor was arrested and fined for $500 contempt. Tlio fine was paid by tho townspeople by telegraph. Yesterday "Itube" was nominated by the democratic state convention at Jefferson City for state railway and warehouse commissioner. A galaxy of Warenshurg's prettiest women went to the convention In his behalf. This phalanx of loveliness melted all reposition. Folk the master In Missouri; tho legless l-rakotnan tho railway commis sioner verily. It was a great day, with tho St. Louis "Indians" very qule' and tho Missouri farmers stick ing both hands In their hip pockets and exclaiming: "Who said 'Injuns'?" Denver Post. MAGNIFICENCE. A Sheffield firm has received from an Eastern potentato an order for a bedroom suit in solid silver. The de signs are of Oriental character and of a most elaborate description. It Is to bfs of solid silver throughout and In cludes a bedstead, a cabinet, a dress ing table, a dozen chairs, three foot baths and threo hot water cans. Tho bedstead Is of tho most oruat.e char acter. Bach of the four pillars will be surmounted by gracefully molded female figures nearly threo fept In height. The molding of the room and other decorations will nlno be In sterling silver. Franco has n now process for reduc ing milk to a dry powder. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in tho family everyday. Let ua answer It to-day. Try a delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes,! Noboilingl no baking I odd boiling water nnd set to eool, I'lavorsi Lemon, Orange, Hasp, berry and Strawberry. Get ft package t your grocers to-day. io eta. Those who think tho presidential election will be closely contested will be Interested In tho fact that the re publicans might secure only one-hnlf of the votes of tho electoral college nnd still their candidates would bo chosen president nnd vice-president respectively. There are 47G votes In the electoral college, of which the democrats must havo 239 a mnjorlty of one to elect. The republicans can get along with 238, as in case of a tio tho con test would bo thrown Into the house of representatives. Under the constitutional amend ment in such case tho voting Is done by states, each having one vote. The vote of each state would bo deter mined by the partisan majority In the house delegation. In case of a tie In tho state's delegation one-half a vote would b.e given lo eacn party. m m In the present house 2!) states have a republican majority In their delegations, against 15 for the demo crats. Rhode Island-has one republi can and one democratic representa tive, and each would throw one-half vote. Under tho constitutional amend ment referred to a state Is not com pelled to vote In case of a houso elec tion, hut two-thirds of tho states must take part, and a majority of all tho states Is required to make a choice. Holso Capital News. When the o tongue Is eimt ed, a pilot I te poor and sleep restless, vou will llnil n tw doses of the Hitter will do you a world of good. It tones up t In; stomach and cures Indlqrslion, Uyspeptlrt, 5 CELEBRATED To My Friends and Patrons: I Having sold to (Messrs. J, S. J Deckwlth and W. E. Davidson e my Insurance and real estate business, and all other bust- ness Interests conducted by me as successor to E. D. Boyd, de- ceased, at No, 119 East Court street, Pendleton, Oregon, I earnestly recomnund them to J your patronage, and assure you J that you will receive fair treat- J ment at their hands. J Thanking you for past favors, ! and hop ng that the new firm of W. E. Davidson & Co. will re- celve a continuation of the same I beg. to remain, Yours very sincerely, IDA BOYD. WATER TANK We make a Specialty of Dulhllng Round or Square WATER TANKS Also Hender Beds nil sizes and kinds. We make them right nnd tliej always give satisfaction. Our work Is never slighted or botched, Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. Serious rioting between the Orange men and Catholics took place at Ar maugh, Ireland, .Monday, following the dedication of the new Armaugli Cathedral. Bloodshed was narrowly averted by the Intervention of the papal delegates presou.. Tubingen Is tho latest or tho Oer man universities to open its doors to women. The Joy of Eating is common to all humanity until the organs go wrong then joy is turned to sorrow and food does the body little or no good. If you would return to the ability to enjoy food use Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 25?. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in Ind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry nnd Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworlhy 127-129 East Alta 8t. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer. College Place Health Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark J. L. VAUGHN Electrician MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So.'7 Pott St.. Spkane.Gin.AgL0ENSM0RE TYPEWRITER Supptie ... Renting ... Eipert Repairing Prompt attention Blven and all worK exeeutod properly. Bleetrleal Supplies or all klndi OFFICE-121 WBST COURT ST. J (Tribune Building) t HARVESTERS' HEADQUARTERS OUR STOCK OP 8UPPLIES FOR THIS HARVE8T 8EA80N 18 NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. IF IN NEED OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, VIZ.: FORKS, HOEDOWN8, RAKES, 8CYTHE8, SNATH8, WATER DAQ8, WATER. KEQ8, , , CURRY COMD3, BRUSHES, MACHINE OIL8, AXLE GREASE .COMPOUND, LACE LEATHER, CAP SCREWS, 8ET 8CREW8, SMITHING COAL, BAR, BAND AND SHEET IRON BABBIT, ROPE, WHIP8, :t OIL CUPS, Jj VALVE8, ( fi PIPE, ,v . STOVES, i I RANGE8, ' 7 " GRANITE AND TINWARE, ETC. RHONE MAIN 211, OR CALL ON W. J. CLARKE & CO. 211 COURT STREET LET US 8UppLy Voul Buildim nater ANn nt. ... "l Gfays Had Opposite W, t K Hill Military Acai PORTLAND A print, ar"l day id. ?1 tralaC discipline Daratlnn n. a8e admitted time f.ti 1 Sentembf, ill '"ii 1 THIS OUT, I And mall to Dr. J.W.HfflJ tary Academy, Portland o-l I t,n.. , ' " ".c .... Doys. whom ii send to a military school ll " iniuugue or your (Name I (Address) Oregon St. Helen s A GIMLS SCHOOL OF THEl EST CLASS corps ol teacheri tlon, building, equlpment-tltl Send for catalogue. Opens September 15, 1901 COA LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Recognized as the best t: most economical fuel are prepared to contract tli you for your winter's njpl Wo deliver coal or ww t any part of the city. Laatz Bros MAIN STREET. NEAR Ml 1'csltlvely the beat b made. Any quantity W sire. Delivered to jo home. Always call for pla. A. NOLTE Pbone Main til. The Frenct Restaurant private m GUS UFONTAINRW C33 Mta StrWt nallv EaTorcflor.' only IB cents n W In I orders at aider. G lit! at tl trait dal I corn, roa? ind disk lg out dr loss raspl tl and tour toot to. melons, Eros. I steals li Irsstaurai blue (3 Luch's. tlnds t! and p tti get tmeriy Rent- l: mo a i this ot kent Tl r the i Uolph We A 1 htdletoi oa, 1'e. I our dii price r and m lan C. Ri