DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULN 27, 1904. Bn.. -uhT I The Eagles Carnival ! Is Over I BUT OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE IS STILL ON, AND WE ARE GIVING THE BEST BARCAIN3 IN SHOES, OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS, IN THE CITY. i DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. TO HIDAWAY SPRINGS. Three Stageloads Left at Early Hour for Mountain Resort Three stngeloails of Pendleton peo ple, left this city tit 4:30 o'clock this morning for Lehman nml Hltlaway Springs, on the Downey stage line. The continued hot weather is sending many persons to the snado of the mountains and beiore the week is ended the popular resorts will bo crowded. Those who departed this morning for Hldnway on the Downoy stages are: Mrs. Smith and four children, Mr. nml Mrs. John McCourt and son, (luo t0 jealousy of the continued sue Mr. Flshman and wife, Mr. Wilson, of CC3S hc s cnj0ylng in official circles the Peoples Warehouse, Mr. and Mrs. nn,i n n8 profession. William Daker and son. For Lehman , Springs: Mr. and Mrs, Joe Easier and children, Mrs. William Mack and Mrs. W. C. E. Pruitt. DIVORCE GRANTED, I Work of .excavating for tho foundn- Mrs. Cheney Also Gets the Children tlon of the new west end school bulla and Four Thousand Dollars. lug was commenced this morning. A conclusion has been reached by agreement in the Cheney divorce case by the granting of Mrs. Cheney's pet.- lion lor n uivorce, graining ner niso the custody of the two minor child- ren, and dividing tho property. The decree and other decisions were ren- lered yesterday afternoon by Judge Ellis. Mrs. Cheney receives $4000, of which $1000 is cash and $3000 Is se- cured to her by a mortgage on what is commonly known as the Fanning place, near town. Half of the entire amount remains Mrs, Cheney's Indl-, vlduaj property, tho remainder is to be managed and held In trust by her lor tne cnuaren. t DR. CHRISTIE OBJECTS. Says the Article Copied From Pacific Homestead Was Misleading and Un just. Dr. J. Christie, deputy stato veteri narian, takes exceptions to an nrticle AVOID CHAPS 3 If we knew anything better ,han F, & 5. T0ILET CREAM, for healing chaps, cracks and roughness, nnd keeping the skin smooth, soft nnd fair, wo would have It. Thoso vuo try it say our Toilet Cream is the best proposition they over used nnd wo believe they aro right, Keep F. &. S. Toilet Cream on hand and use it, and your face and hands will be free from summer skin discomfort. Daintily perfumed, pleasant to use, heals quickly, and costs little. 25c Per Bottle. Tallman Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS It. C. UEACH, T. O. Commercial National Bank of Pendleton copied by the East Oregonlnn, from the Pacific Homestead, reflecting on his ofllclnl acts In dipping tho C. 1). Wade cattlo In this city Just prior to tho auction of tho herd last spring. Ho says the tuberculosis test made by him on this herd of cattlo was thoroughly scientific and in regular order, and that the charges mado for the service were fixed by Dr. McLean, state veterinarian. Theso tests, ho claims, aro more niattersiof Judgment and exorciso of common sense in observation, than in fixed formulas and rules of procedure. Ho says the attacks upon his pro fn.anl rnreor nml acts 'nro larirolv WORK ON FOUNDATION. j Excavation for New School House Be gins In West End. ' The laying of tho stone will begin """" " , . , . " ."fhl'dStfi scn ------- : , - ,, 7:. river wi l commence, It is the intention of the school bard, ami Architect C. E. Troutmnti. wlio l.as charge of the work, to push ? b"'ld "B as fast ?8 v3a b!e' U ls th"Ght the contracts for the super- 8t" c urw ?' ' - ZrTn I S wln havc becu lQ- bofore thc base' monts aro completed, I,y the flrst ot October it is tho de- slre OI ule at"uul "o.iru 10 nave me now buildings ready for occupancy, "It Is better to have the children In the new houses," said Director Lee Teutsch, "before the cold weather sets in." Gone to Seaside, Jessn Falling, in charge of his nurse, E. W. Warnell, left for Seaside on last night's train, where he will re main several weeks, more or less, or until he tires of the change, when he may return or go to some other place. Mr, Falling is not yet able to bear his Vi'.zti upon" his right leg, the thigh of which ls broken. Drunks Are Fined. For begging drinks of bartenders, Mat Murray was this afternoon sen tenced to serve five days in the city Jail. John Stanford and A. 13. Davis appeared before Justice Fitz Gerald this morning and were sentenced to serv.o three days each in the city jali for drunkenness, Enlarging Residence, f.ux Langlver is having his resi dence property on Jane Street, near tho W. & It. C. depot, remodeled and enlarged, and will move therein ns koon as Mrs. Lnnglv.er and the child ren return from tho mountains. J. II. Means Is doing tho work. Two Carloads of Beeves. Two carloads of fat beev.es wore shipped last night over the W. & C. It. to Frye-Druhn, which wero gathered in during the past week by J. C. Lon ergan. President. HAILEY, Vice-President. W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier. Prosperous Days THE8E ARE PROSPEROUS DAY8. AND NOW 18 THE FITTING TIME FOR YOU TO LAY A8IDE A FUND AGAINST A TIME OF NEED. WE 8UGGE8T THAT YOU COME TO THI8 BANK AND OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. A DOLLAR. 18 SUFFI CIENT TO 8TART. FOUR PER CENT INTERE8T ALLOWED. Til CELEBRATE LABOR PENDLETON UNIONS WILL ARRANGE PROGRAM, Trades Council Will Take Steps at Next Meeting Looking to the Prop er Observance of Labor's Annual Holiday Business Men Will Be Asked to Assist In the Matter Suc cess of Last Labor Day Celebration Is Remembered. While no dellnuc arrangements have been made, It Is an. assured fact that the Pendleton Trades nnd Lnbor Council will observe Lnbor Day. Tho first Monday In Septomber Is tho date of this holiday of tho labor unions. President U. D. Trnmpleasure, of the council, and Vice President Ed Ebon, are both utit of the city. Secre tary Lou Wenhnm snld: "I don't know Just when tho next meeting of the council Is to occur. Delegates are to bo chosen by most of the unions before tho next session. "That we will observe Labor Day is assured, hut no plans hnvo been mapped out Tho occasion will ho ob served by a parade, sports and speak ing.". There are In the neighborhood of 400 members of tho various Pendleton labor organizations. Tho business houses will be asked to assist in tho celebration nnd It Is expected that many of them will close and display decorations. The success of tho celebration last hold by l'endleton unions gives an Impetus to the movement now on foot. FIRE IN THE FIELDS. C. Friedley Has Narrow Escape From Serious Grain Loss. A very destructive fire was yester day afternoon narrowly averted on .the A. C. Friedley farm, nine miles north west of Pendleton. The threshing crow on the Temple placo adjoining, saw tire In tho stubble nnd trash near thc sack pllo on the Friedley placo, where was stored tho product of sev eral hundred acres of wheat. They Immedlateiy rnn over to tho Friedley place and after a vigorous struggle extinguished tho tiro after It had burned within three feet of tho sack pile an oxtr.cmeiy narrow escape from a heavy loss. Tho fire ls known to hnvo started In the embers leu from threshing op erations of the day before, the ma chine having been moved Monday evening to a neighbor's place. The outfit Is owned by a man named. Sny der. Mr. Friedley has threshed only a portion of 900 acres of wheat, and thc average yield from tho acreago so far threshed ls known to be from 28 to 35 bushels per "ere, nnd the quality is first-class. In the Immediate neighborhood ard tho Temple nnd Perkins wheat fields, the former comprising 1200 and tho latter 200 acres. Therein tho yield is known to be, so far as threshing has proceeded, as heavy as in the Fried ley fields, and the quality as good. ECHO'S DELEGATES. Mayor and Commercial Body Appoint Twenty Representatives to Portland Meeting. Mayor L. A. Esieb, of Echo, Is de termined that his llttlo city shall be in tho forefront at tho organization of the Oregon Development League at Portland, August 2, and accordingly has apolnted the following well known citizens as delegates: W. H. Poyd, F. D. Van Cleave, II. G. Nowport, W. E. Drown, Fred Andrews, O. D. Teel, W.lllam Olasson, Cloyd Ollv.er, Jo rome Gulllford, .loo Cunha, with the mayor as a delegate at largo. The Echo Commercial Association and push club has also appointed 10 delegates as follows: W. O. McCar ty, Asa H. Thompson, It. N. Stnnflold, It. B. Miller, It. C. Judson, Frank Spike, Hurry Itogers, D. Cj. Drownoll, J. B. Saylor, with It. B. Stanflold, chairman. Most of these delegates will attend tho meeting nnd hope to assist In or. gnnlzlng a leagues wnlch will bo of especial benefit to the country (lis tricts of Oregon, Echo nnd vicinity included. NEW MERv....TLE AGENCY. A. R. Morgan & Co., of Portland, Es tablish a Branch Oulce Here. Alba It. Morgan, of tho firm ot A. U, Morgan & Co., Portland, Oregon, gen eral managers of the Northwest for tho Van Alstine, dordon & Co. Mor candle Agency, is hore for tho pur pose of establishing a branch oflico lit tins city. This agency has a world-wldo mini tntlon, having been boforo tho public for tho past 28 years. Their systom of doing business Is somewhat differ ent to that ot Dun, or Brndstr.oot agencies, ns they hanuie not only tho business of Jobbers, manufacturers and wholesale- dealors, but also look after, tho affairs of tho retoll mer chants as well. Their offlco will bo at 119 East Couprt street. H. V, Llpo will bo tho local manngor. EYE BADLY INJURED. Possibility That the 8lght Will Lost and Eye Amputated. Be John Kelly, a harvest hand work Inglng in tho D. K. Boll threshing out fit on Mr. Bell's placo on Tutullla about threo miles southeast of town had his loft oye badly Injured yostor day while at work about tho machine, Ho slipped and fell, and a projecting hook caught him squarely across tho oyoball. Tho corona and tho Iris wore both torn ontlroly across, but not so badly mutilated as to necessitate blindness, though that Is very Hahlo to tin thn result should inflammation sot In, which can hardly bo avoided. It Is also an oven ennnco, when all the conditions aro measured, that tho ovohall will hnvo to ho eventually taken out. Mr. Kelly suffor.ed oxtromely from the time of tho accident until after tho wound was dressed. Mr. Kelly Is quite well known nmong tho wheat raisers, being n valuable and steady hand. Ho Is nbout 30 years of ngo HAND HORRIBLY CRUSHED. Will Wyrlck Loses Thumb and Two First Fingers on Left Hand. Will Wyrlck, tho well known young farmor who resides In town, was bad ly hurt Monday ovening nt 7 o'clock, on tho Prospect ranch, ot which ho Is tho lessee, nenr Echo. Mr. Wyrlck was oiling tho separator while It was In operation, nt tho snmo tlmo resting his left hnnd on tho ma chinery. Tho v.ory edge of his blouse sleove caught In a set of cogs and his left hnnd followed tho slcovo before ho could mnko the slightest effort to oxtrlcnto himself. Ho partly jerked himself looso before the machinery could ho stopped, but not quickly enough to savo tho hand, which was crushed and torn. Mr. Wyrlck enmo Immediately to town, to St. Anthony's hospital, and the wounded mcmuer was attended by Dr. Cole. It was found necessary to nmputato tho thumb nnd tho first two fingers back of tho knuckles. Tho third finger was badly torn nnd bruis ed, nnd tho llttlo finger was also mu tilated. It Is possible that the two fingers yet upon tho hand may bo saved and yet bo serviceable. The lac orated parts were, ns Is usual In such cases, filled with dust, machlno oil nnd other forolgn matter, Increasing the liability of blood poisoning. Mr. Wyrlck Is 23 years of age. Prof. Nowlin's Residence. Prof. J. F. Nowi.n's now residence at 012 Willow street, will probably bo ready for occupancy by ooptembor 1. It Is a two-story structure with a full basement and will havc all thc mod cm improvements nnd finishing touches. Finished tho structure will cost about $4000. J. W. Horn Is tho contractor. An unusual detnll in 1U construction ls that it will not be plastered In any part, but will bo lined throughout with shlplap, which will be covered with cloui nnd paint ed. Seaside Resorts. Among the seaside resorts adver tised In the columns of the East Ore gonlnn nro the Seaside Hous,e, Sea side, Oregon; The IJrenkors, Long Peach, and Locksloy Hall, and Pen dleton people visiting the coast nr.e cordially Invited to patronize any of these popular resorts,. Final Settlement September 2. The last report of Mrs. Maggie Tay lor, administratrix of tho estate of Samuol Rose, deceased, of Weston, was filed this afternoon. Tho hearing of tho report and final settlement of the estate will bo maue in the probate court September' 2. New City Editor. Fred L. Earp, of Walla Walla, a well known young newspaper man, has accepted a position as city edi tor with th,o East Oregonian, and Is cheerfully commended to the peopio of Pendleton ns an aflame, oiucient young man. Final Title Received. Bernard 0'lt.eliiy has received his final title from the state school land commission to the south half or section 1C, township 3 north, rango 31. Tho Innd lies flv.o miles north of Barnhart station. O'Garra-Robblns Building. Tho expectation Is thnt tho new O'Garra-Robblns building, at the cor ner of Johnson nnd Court, will bo ready for occupancy by tho first of Soptember possibly a llttlo later. Tho work Is being prosecuted vigor ously. Ill With a Carbuncle, Peter Uudio Is 111 from tho effects ot a carbuncle upon his face. Tho ailment cannot bo but temporary and in no wise dangerous, but it Is very painful and annoying, Jack Matthorn, a 17-year-old boy, wub drowned in Snnko river Pea: Pittsburg Landing, Tuesday, Drink DESCENT REAM. It Is Fine IN t and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY Special For prices, quality and quan tity, our "Medicated Sanitary 8Uk" tollot paper cannot bo beat. Por roll, 10c; 3 rolls, 25c; dozen rolls, 05c; case lots of 100 rolls, $0.90. Phono Ked 1101. Frederick Nolf & Co. "WOODMEN DAY." State Fair Has 8et Aside September 13 for Prize Drill Contests. Woodman of tho World nnd mem bers of tho Women of Woodcraft will bo nt Snlem, Ore., Soptombor 13, to compete for prizes. Tho Oregon Stato Fair Association has sot aside Soptombor 13 ns "Woodraon Day," nnd has hung a purso of $B00 for tho best drilled team from olthor tho Woodmen camps or tho Woodcraft circles of the stut,o, Tho lodgo men themselves hnvo of fered prizes to tho camp and clrclo bringing tho largest number of candi dates for Initiation. It is estimated that fully C00 tyros will bo escorted into the mysteries of tho order. Sold Many Horses. E. J. Connor, of Union, has returned homo after having sold about 45 work horses in this city during th,o past month. Ho bollovoB Pendleton Is tho best homo horse market In tho Northwest, nnd will horenftjor mnko regular trips horo with work horses for salo In harvest tlmo. Mr. Coupor owns a line stock farm and raises a superior grade of farm horses. u Roosevelt THE HOT WEATHER STORE IS PREPARED WITH ALL THE SUM MER NEEDS IN SHOES AND CLOTHING. Better . Shoes and Clothing M SB W W V . 58 ST Negligee Shirts ' rinlf Rlilrtn Cool Underwear 50c ' Pretty Neckwear .. atr1lol. Unite - ' "v" 15c. r uuuy xiuaiui y BOYS' CLOTHING SPECIAL DISCOUNT. Men's $12.50 Suits reduced to XTr.n' tit Kn Q.ilto t-nrlnrnrl in STRAW HATS, all there aro ion, m n BAER. DAL1 One-Price Furnishers and Hatters - r mn j a HT n .si Free Trial. PT ATRHITE 1 IVIUNEInxw Juto canvass We build up n Are. water wfl : v 8h t or " O" . . - . n Tf VOU UUV n m-nunfi micu jjunuuD uuu t " " in u """ -.i-Wi- iian.atinf? things. v ' . ion you uuiuu uiifcuij - . , m .i.,it .... TXJritn llfl. n... nii !i nf.-.. r ill wnrccsici ui"t - I lie UlUll-l lib iwuuiij, y - Shoe Repairing I have moved rny shop to tho second door oast of tho Sa Inga Dank, no pairing of nil kinds done In a work manlike manner at reasonabl raw As I liavo beon In business here 17 years, I nood not speak of the qual ity of my work for It speaks for JUeir. My stock of shoes was aomownat damaged by water and the Insurance company told mo to sell thorn for what I could get, so I will noil them for loss than wholesalo price. OHItIS RANLBY. WE fl 1 Economy n. . Jars on hand. Also Mason Jar,, je, rubbers and . ot Jars.. Trv n . . "-u U10 kind with .... - Qlves Mnnthn' Tuition at Price of Six. ; T Til IM cvm mv place 'ttv -ft on two bjui" - . r. ,11 ILIIUUl, branded . mi.. hnr in " n.Alfi Tiff llUVi v .7 r-7ii mb oao UU ww . . . ,.D .() i0t jf. lor enuoi v.,-