ft' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1904. PAGE THREE. laRTLAND, OF PORT BE HERE FOR K-CONSIDERED BY THE BEST AND TWO HEMIS tjou enter his parlor seu wiii ie you what rthcmt asklnc a sin- jrJtell you the name of E.jmir living or depart fct, anything that may ""i oi your condition. aaJilr of Importance ' future hut whnt i Cortland's occult eye ne win nomt nut M-H lead to success In auon, lnrestments, i "ammony. divomn. M may be In trouble re truthful n pruinr from vn ha it la you leave him. r-u usoDier. w scr in4 r.ue with th .m . - nuuu, lnus to accent monev POWER, force. ! force odlc Force. W Baron von Reich 'WRTLAND, and Tranr. 'Palmist JIImayW the op T Van ConiAnrt ,!- "reduced this week sum of ' la loreT F AUGHN : 'Mll kin. : t C01,D. ; ; - w w W W July earance Sale REMNANTS. SHOE BARGAINS. or Oxfords, clearances price $1.95 pair itocs or Oifords, clearance price $1.65 pair hoes or Oixorus, ciraroiuu' iiutu us pair ! ,hocs or Oxfordr, clearing price $1.15 pair pxander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES Ml T ft Mllf Do you lose In speculation? Have you a lawsuit? Is your mind undeveloped? Do you wish this power your- seir? If separated from a loved one? Cause of Illness unknown uncured. An Invention Incomplete? No matter what your trouble may .be, the application o fthls power will help you. Reunites the separated, re stores lost anection; win marry you to the one you love and admire; it gives good luck In .business, specula Uon, or financial affairs. In buying or selling a business. By Us Aid You Are Told Your FULL NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION, WHOM AND WHEN YOU MARRY. HOW TO WIN THE ONE YOU LOVE. WHAT BUSINESS BEST ADAPTED TO. NHERE TO LO CATE; WHEN TO GO. Advice on all affairs of life. Van Cortland has been educated by the adepts of India and Initiated Into the secrets of the mysterious power they possess. Crowds visit and re ceive benefit. Trouble and doubt leave you. Never before have you consult cd ono possessed of this mysterious occult power. Call and be convinced It Is not only what Van Cortland tells you, but what can bo DONE for you by tho use of the mysterious odic force or power which he possesses that makes him master of bis proles slon. Revelations aro reliable. Predictions exact and to the date, Advice Is correct and never falls Thorough In his occult examination of your affairs, he can and will de velop your personal magnetism, clair voyance, occult medlumshlp. lias an entirely new method, by which sue cess Is absolutely guaranteed, con suit Van Cortland. Consult Van Cort land. Room 26. The Arlington, C18 Main htroel, Pendleton, Oregon. MINING CAiiET I rtrlL FIYNN&C0.7 I MAKERS. INSURANCE. Life and Accident Fire, JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor' Hard ware Store. SECOND E IS DECISION REVERSED IN INDIAN LAND CASE. ...r.or department Says L. Nelson Cannot Hold Reservation Land Bought In Second Land Sales, Be cause the Law Prescribes Amount of Land to Be Held-La Grande Land Office Is Not Sustained and Other Cases Will Be Tried Out. Judge Lowell has received advices from the Interior department Inform ing Mm of a decision by the secretary of the Interior in a land case brought by parties Interested In the lands sold from the Umatilla reservation under the supplementary act of July 1, i- The decision affects the interests of quite a number of litigants, and has such n direct bearinc tinon nthnr cuses now pending as to be virtually a decision In those cases, nr m lnoot presaging the determination of those uuiiT cases. in this instance L. Nelson bought .u iovi miiu (o wmcn lie lias since held an undisputed title, because he in every respect complied with the law. After the supplementary act was passed in 1002 Mr. Nelson bought under its provisions, more land Tho La Grande land office accepted his tender for the land, but his right to buy was disputed by Del Davis, who filed a contest, claiming the right to purchase the laiui because, as he held, Nelson was not entitled to two purchases. His contest was filed by Judge Lowell, who has since repre sented Mr. Davis at evcrv stad of me controversy. ine L,a urando land office, of course, adhered to its decision, but the commissioner of the general mnd office reversed the local land office, holding that Nelson expended his rights in the first purchase he made. In detail the decision of the commis sioner was to the effect that no ner- son Is entitled to more than 160 bcres of non-timbered and 40 acres of tim bered land. From this ruling Nelson appealed to the secretary of the In terior, whose opinion sustaining the contestant, Is referred to above. Col. Raley represents the contestee. Another case, exactly similar In the conditions. Is said to be that of Chas. E. Hoover, contestant, vs. George W. Jones, contestee, and still others will be affected by the decision. In tho Hoover vs. Jones case the attorneys are the same as in the case in which the decision has been rendered. Weak Hearts are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if you are sub ject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach expands swells, and puffs up against the heart. This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease Is tho final result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach and contrib utes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by Tallman & Co. CARELESSNESS ON SLOCUM. Captain Warned of the Fire Seme Time Before He Investigated. More testimony of rotten life-pre servers and the antics of a Job lot of deck hands'was brought out yesterday the second day of the investigation oi the Slocum horror by the Federal Commission, says the New York World. Captain Van Schalck was on the stand several times. He said again that there had been no fiii drills aboard the Gen. Slocum during TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM, la ht Only lolbIr Way of Having An Effrctlte Cure. If you tee a woman or a man with lux urlant glossy hair, you may be sure not ther has dandruff to amount to anything. Jn nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe it to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep aratlons that "claim" to euro dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that dandruff Is the result of a germ burrowing into the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and its conse quent falling and baldne?p, can only bo had by.kllllng the germ; and there Is no other' preparation that will destroy that germ but Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., .Detroit. Mich. F, ;W. Scnmldt. special agent. TEETH Per set, 5.00; gold crowns, 94.00; silver filling, 60c; ex tracting, SOc. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern methods and appliances, and guarantee our work tq be of the highest stan dard, and our prices the lowest consistent with first-class work. White Bros. Dentists. Association Block. Phone Main 1CC1. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheaL Flour. Mill Feed, Chopped Food, etc., always on hand, INVALID th season, and that tho crew were all new men. Asked whnt were tho requirements of a deckhand, ho said: "We take them It they are strong nnri healthy. That's nbout all. Tho season Is so short It Is Impossible to get an experienced man to take the Job." Tho captain positively denied the story of a boy, Krnnk Prlwdilck, 12 years old, of No. SB Third street, who said that the flro started nt Eighty sixth street, and that ho Immediately told tho captain. "How did you know It was Eighty- sixth street?" tho boy was asked. "The East River park la there. 1 ran to the top deck and said to the captain: "The boat's afire!" and he said: 'Shut your mouth and mind your on business..' " "How did you know It was the cap tain?" "He had It on his hat." Capt. Van Schalck testified that no one warned him of the flro until the boat reached Sunken iwendows, nearly two miles from Eighty-sixth street. Then the warning came through the tube, from the mate below. "Captain, did you see any attempt on the part oi any of the crew to reach their stations In case of fire?" "No, sir." August Jntjens, of No. 101 Clytner'al brigade, and prisoners of wnr In street. Brooklyn, said he called the crew to the hose nt Nintleth street. but the hose wouldn't work, "What did the crew do when left the hose?" was asked, they "They went overboard." Adolph Hotter, 14 years old, of Division street, told of pulling down a string of life-preservers which rrnnihlml In hla hnmla Thnmnfi Tlv. an, who was working nt the chowder) table, said ho put a life-preserver on the stewnrd and helped him over- board. The steward was drowned. Nothing definite was learned as to the cause of tho fire. The hearing will be continued this morning. GOATS AT THE t-AlR. Spokane Exposition Will Make a Spe ciaity ot Angoras. Angora goat meat may prove to be the fad in Spokane during the Inter - state fair, which Is to be held this year from October 3 to 9. The Carbon Cattle Companv of Orting. Wash., will send at leas't ono and perhaps two cars of Angora goats to the .exposition. The company will have these animals on exhibition and also will have a number of them fat- tened and killed from day to day dur ing the exposition, nnd the goat ment served at one of the lending restaur ants of the city. Visitors to this exhibit will be given tickets for a meal of Angorn meat. In this way this meat-will be introduced. Experts say there aro mnny local!- Ites In the Inland Empire where goats could be raised to great advantage. Mountain sides covered with small timber aro among the localities of this kind. This company may prove to be a public benefactor, by thus Introduc ing Angora goats. MANUFACTURERS' TRUST, Steps Being Taken to Curtail Produc tlon. The cot - nrppnvltln R " Tiilv !fi . ton manufacturers of North Carolina, ' South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama met here today to definitely settle what the curtailment of production shall be. At a meeting of leading cot ton mill men two weeks ago. It was agreed that no goods he sold up to the present date for less than a re duction of 8 3-8 cents per pound from what print cloths were selling at four months ago. The manufacturers contend that it is of the utmost Importance that they should take united actloA to relieve the depression which has existed In cotton goods for the past three months. COMING EVENTS, Organization Oregon Development League Portland, August 2 and 3. August 15-20 National encampment Grand Army, Boston. August 22-27 American Congress. Portland. September 4 Conclave Mining Knights Templar, San Francisco. , Inland Empire Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Texas, November 16-18. Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate of Alexandria, Ind.; "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If 1 walke'd a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, thrco $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery wholly cured mo and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaran teed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles freo at Tallman & Co.'b drug store. It Will UO to TOUT interest, If vnu rontemnlatn vlnlHnir Ibn Rl ' Iu!s Exposition, to secure reliable. Information as to railroad service, tho lowest rates ana mo uest routes, aiso as to local conditions In St. Ixuls; hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undorsigned, stating what Information you desire, the same win bo promptly furnished, If we do not have It on hand, will se cure It for you If possible, and with out any .expense to you. Address B. H. THUMBULL-, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. Stockholders' Meeting. The regular annual stockholders meeting of the Oregon Building & Loan Association will bo held at tbo offices of tho association In this city Tuesday, July 20, at 7:30 p. m. . ALEXANDKH, W- BHOWNKIKLD, President. Secretary. Misses' 12.00 shoes for 11.00, Teutsch'g. Y TO P IT BOSTON THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM . HAS BEEN PROMULGATED. Six Days Devoted to an Exposition of the Work of the Order and Its Aux iliaries, the Women's Relief Corps, and the Sons of Veterans Excur sions WIII Be Made to All Points of Interest Around Historic Boston. Boston, Mass., July 26. Tho prepa rations for tho Grand Army national encampment In Boston next month nro practically completed with tho excep tion of a few minor details connected with tho plans for tho cntertnlnnient of tho veterans. Tho official program as finally arranged Is as follows: Monday, August IB, tho parade of United States sailors and marines, na- mo ioronoon. uorepi.on io oomnian- der-ln-chlef by the Women's Relief Corps nt Hotel Vondomo In the even ing. Tuesday, August lli, tho annual Grand Army of tho Republic parade; 30,000 civil wnr veterans expected to bo In line, in tho evening there will bo a great onmpllro In Mechanics bulluiug. Wednesday. August 17, tho conven- tlon will open, in tho evening the on tiro delegations and ittvli.M guests j will go to Wnlthnnt to witness n river carnival, Thursday, August 18, tho convuntlon i will bo In session during tho foro- noon. In the afternoon tho voternns. will bo taken on an automobile trip In Cnnrnnl nnd l.pxtnptfin. An nl,c. Ilrl,nl mirnili, r-n,l ti ,nm nflr.i if tin, Women's Relief Corps' will be tho feature of tho ovonlnir, Friday. August 19, and Saturday, 1 August 20, Loth days will bo devoted to harbor and coastwise excursions, I with opportunities to pnrtako of fish dinners and view tho United States warships In Boston harbor. Plies Upon Top of Piles. Piles upon plica of pcoplo hnvo tho piles, and DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures them. Thoro nro many different kinds of piles, hut It you got tho gen uine original Witch Hazol Salvo mado by E. C. DoWItt & Co. of Chicago, a euro Is certain. H. A. Tlsdalo of Summerton, s. C, says: "I had plies 20 years aud DoWltt's Witch Hnzol Salvo cured mo nftor everything olso failed." Sold by Tallman & Co. Pistol for Sale. Thero Is a 32-caubro Smith & Wes son revolver for snio at tho East Ore gonlnn ofllce, which Is practically as good as now, ns It Is in perfect ro pair, never having been oiu of repair, nnd from which not over a dozen rounds hnvo been fired since Its pur chase from tho retailer. Can be bought for Just one-halt whnt It cost 'the present owner entirely now. . .1 . . . rm II IDEM For over half a century wc have maintained our reputation as roasters and blenders of coffee that it always uniform in quality. J. A. FOLGER n CO. San Francisco Importers of Fine Coffees Sour Stomach ten a iuffcrer from dyipepiU nil tour ttutntch for tn Uat lwu rears. 1 have been laklaif medl- cine ti4 other druii, but could flii.l for ft ibort tlma. I will rnciimmaiiii (Ua.af.le .J. lei o my friend mi thn on) thing for Indfgeitlun nod j win recommend ouriwrnaCM ana w Keep m a Uiweia u ood con ine nj very nice to eat, lUrrr K tuck ley, Mauch Chunk, la. 6 est for tl- n - i iiwuuweia CAHtfi CATHARTIC Pleiiaol, Palatable, Potent, Taita flood, I)o flood, e,eec umimwm w ui ,uir utuntr uu,( Sterling Remedy Co,, Chicago or N.V, SM ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark BHD ARM CI SI THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Egg and Phosphate BAKING POWDER BETTER THAN THI3 OLD-TIME! CREAM OF TARTAR POWDERS, Refreshing and Healthful The City Brewery Bottled Beer. Tho greatest summer drink. It goes right to tho spot. Always hnvo this superior boor !n your homo. It gives youth nnd vigor to your tlrod system. Physlclnns recommend beer thnt Is pure. City Brow cry Bottled Boor is always good nml always tho same. It Is mndo In Pendleton nnd not subject to changes of temperature In being shipped. Put up In quarts, pints nnd hnlf pints, and delivered In any quantity desired. 'Phono 2981. REAL ESTATE $2,250 will buy one ot tho most con venient 9-room housos In tne city. Sowor, bath, etc.; good cellar and barn. 3 lots, corner; a bargain. $4,000 Elegant now 9-room house, just complotod; sower, bath, toilet; 2 lots; eastorn exposure; corner. $2,500 NIco rosldonco eastern exposure. and ( lots; Lot mo show you throe quarter sec tions of tho best wheat land. All un der cultivation; oxtonslvo Improve ments, plenty of wator. Can bs bought for a little Ions than Its mar ket value. W. E. Davidson & Go. Successor to E. D. Boyd. Insurance, Real 111 Court 8treet Estate, Loans Pendleton WATER TANKS We inako a Specialty of Round or Sauare Building WATER TANKS Also Header Beds all sizes and kinds. Wo mako them right and thoy always give satisfaction. Our work I Is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FOR8TER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. Building Material OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa. per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta Street, 0tp. Court House. Dally East Orenonlan by carrier. only 15 cents a week.