East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    luir hill ii in
in b
. . ,mia on J"
S'SoSo want, but
about tnem.
S,Be.'" 0,1 nt mind-
Tonight nml Tuesday probably
show.ors; cooler Tuesday
NO. 5108.
niTT I
Hours' Engagement
Tsche Kiao Last
loss sustain
u. Arrinva.
iytr oeu" i-
tf.ted Near Toklo Bay-
,, me Outlook for a set-
.. . &H9ii Ic
f the DardanellE
Before The Hague
j, J3.-The Evening
Lr..n roresnoiidcnt says
Kli Tithe Klao last week
Lewiston wheat prices.
Club Selling at 53c, Bluestem at 58
Lewiston, July 25. The quotations
for the opening of the grain market
wee made yesterday." Wheat Is quot
ed at 53 cents for club and 5S cents
fo." bluestem; barley has been materi
ally advanced and Is quoted at f7V
cents for feed barley and 75 cents for
brewing; oats changed at 90 cents,
and flax has been advanced from 90
to 92 cents.
It Is probable that no further
clfanges will be made until the de
livery of the new grain commences
and the exporters enter the market.
At the present time the coast export
ers are entirely inactive but a very ac
tive season is expected as soon as the
ninrket opens. Conditions are consid
ered very favorable for good prices
and a very prosperous year Is pre
dicted for tho farming sections of the
l.ewlston country.
Over 35,000 Employes Walk
Out of New England Fac
tories. CAUSED BY A CUT OF 12
Conference of Packers and
Strikers Resulted in No
Mills Claim That Falling Off In Busl- Clash In Fort Worth Shows Bitterness
First Carload Lot Left Walla Walla
Walla Walla, July 25. The first car
load of peach plums was shipped by
the Walla Walla Produce Company
yesterday. The season will be short
this year, .but a largo prune season is
looked for this year. This will be at
its height about the middle of August.
Tho peach plums are rather soft and
tinrrt i chin tlitc v,nr flnlnnc nra
still coming in In large Quantities and ! thls morning.
....... - I . v. rn..i
c!tj of the war It lasteu . n carload of mixed vegetables is ship-
de losses on uotn siues j VCI every day.
lit Russians were com- (
Their position, wnicn .
i le one or immense
tut untenable
ness Demands Retrenchment Em-:
ployes Say They Cannot Live on !
Less Wages Both Sides Determln-'
ed Several Conferences Have Fall-!
ed Employes Can III Afford a Long
Strike In Beginning of Winter Sea-!
son Political Influences Expected.'
of Situation St. Paul Is Working
With No Sympathetic Strike In
Sight At Kansas City 4000 Men
Are Working, While at East St.
Louis the Coopers and Cattle Handl
ers Quit, Paralyzing the Entire
Packing Industry.
Fall River, Mass.. Jtilv 23 The hie
textile strike began in earnest here
An attempt to operate
Steamer Seized.
Isli-The British steamer
tisrel late last week by
utolunteer cruiser, Smo
sErf Sea, arrived here to-
ot a prize crew.
ei Squadron Sighted.
17 a The Vladivostok
tinted at - ociock mis
iifosiua province, on the
!okio Bay
Lte Seas for Contraband.
tH) 25. It is understood
Ifesjiu auxiliary cruisers
I Irom Germany are
; It the .North sea and
trkiEel to seize vessels
enrrjlng contraband.
ifrccuite Niu Chwang.
July 25. Conger,
Ins! at Pekln, cables the
: ait the Russians are
kSjj Chwang this morning
Ixcred a British steamer.
tef the Dardanells.
U'r !5. Premier Balfour
as to the rightful
lihsjlan vessels through
i would not be submit-
art It Probable.
p; 25. In the house of
itlternoon Balfour stat.
Hfoacca Incident is still
Wrament great anxiety,
pi we signs portend to n
iDitwOvers Naked Baby
I Irrigation Ditch.
r.-D. L nand, a farm-
' "iree miles down the
' Krewsnmn fln.l ill,
rU he fnnnil lnf..i
r. mii imam
JW against an obstruc-
pa Known as the Boise
tympany's ditch. The
w decnmnncn.1 i, i
wing been dead for
F" once removed the body
rf tfitl tilan.! 1. ...
ffc.tovered It up and no-
ew, who Immediate
'fharge of th mmnio
unable to determine
"V ha.4 been murdered
" Md thrown into h
IT' Band In his account.
w It near the head
1 Wterts water nnd .
1 there todnv nr ho
"toi it uotore.
' hf Governor.
N?krJhoma8 Maloncy
"i nas return t.H t-
mtionai ...:.
W,,?n?y wet to
..7" nashlnirtnn
".'am nnndnlnh
"t. He ftnlrl
altered m ,n
the very stronir.
ftt can nomlnato
he la nom
ln, frill bo elect-.
the city
tioo for
'i'rU la now ilin
j'l'ijUe plenty
Chicago, July 25. A committer of
packers and allied trades met at 10
o'clock this mornluir at Kelson Mor-
the factories failed on account of In rls ofllce at the stockyards for a final
sufficient help. The crowds hooted a conference with the object of avert
few workers mat responded, but ing a sympathetic Btrike. The condl
there were no other demonstrations, i tlons at the yards are qdiet. Tho lm
The cause of the strike is th at- jyortatlon of non-union help has con
tempt of the mills to reduce wages tluued without violence.
In all the textile trades about 12 per ; '
nnr-MI tin n n r ! Not,cc of tne reduction was given Packers Are Hopeful.
liULm III M nil II DL Is ome wee,:s a8 and several confer- Kansas City. July 25. It is cstimat-
1 1 1 I" ll IV 1 1 III I 1 1 II M ence8 between the employes and the ed that 4000 men went to work In
Ul Lll II U III U II L mills have been held in an endeavor the tmckine houses this morning. The
to adJiiBt the matter without a strike, packers are confident of winning tho
rue mills are firm in their stand struggle. There is a well ueiinea mi
and claim that falling off in business
demands retrenchment on their part,
while the am ployes are seemingly
just as determined and they claim
they cannot live on less wages than
they are now receiving.
The strike will affect 35,000 textile
workers, most of whom can 111 afford
to withstand a lung strike late In the
The strike Is expected to spread to
other trades and unless political In
fluences are brought to bear to adjust
the matter. New England faces a seri
ous condition.
A. O. U, W. Grand Lodge Refuses to
Raise Its Rate.
Portland, July 25. Tho grand lodge
of tho Oregon . O. U, W. re
fused to change tho assessment rate
as advocated by tho ftupronui lodge
nnd adopted by mnny states of the
A "new plan" providing for n sink
ing fund, nnd n slight Increase In the
rate nt which members above 50 yonrs
are assessed was adopted.
Noted Temperance Worker Struck by
a Saloon Man.
Kllzabothtown. Ky July 25. Car
rie Nation's career wn temporarily
but violently Interrupted tonight whun
A. It. Neighbors, a saloon koopcr,
struck her twice with a chair, knock
ing her down and producing n sculp
wound. Tho assault occurred nt
Neighbor's saloon, nfter Mrs. Nation
nnd berated Neighbors.
Burned Child Died.
l.n (Jrande, .Italy 25. Kd ward, tho
12-year-old sun of Jack Dllllnger, who
was horribly burned In tho destruc
tion of tile Dllllnger home by tiro,
Thursdny night, died Sunday from his
Chicago Grain.
Chicago. July 25. Old July wheat
opened 95, closed 90; new July opened
9S, closed fit1)!. July corn opened
19-, closed 49 V4-
Within an Hour on Saturday Evening
the Town Is Converted From a j
"Wide Open" Proposition to the
Piety and Quietude of a Quaker
Village Big Gamblers Close With
out Protest All Placed Under $100
Bonds Sheriff Means Business.
Tho Oregon Sunday Journal of yes
terday gives the following graphic ac
count of the closing of the big gambl
ing houses In Portland on Saturday
In less than an hour Saturday eve
ning, says the Journal, Sheriff Tom
Word transformed Portland from a
"wide open" Into a "closed" town. At
4 o'clock six large gambling houses
were running full blast at 5 o'clock
every establishment was deserted ex
cept by the proprietors and a few
Where an hour previous was heard
the rattle of dice, the monotonous
chant of the crap dealer, the click of
the ivory ball dropping on the rou
lette wheel, the shuffling of cards at
the faro table and the steady hum of
conversation, an ominous silence pre
vailed, the .equipment of the betting
establishment was covered with can
vas and the watchers had abandoned
tholr vigil at the doors.
presslon the packers combine may
may a special effort to break the
strike here, as local plants can sup'
ply the country's trade by running
No Sympathetic Strike at St. Paul
St. Paul, July 25. There was no
sympathetic strikes this morning and
two-thirds of the normal force is
working with no disorder anywhere.
Faculty Will Be Increased by Addi
tional Instructor.
Walla Walla, July 25. The faculty
of Whitman conservatory of music
will be strengthened by the addition
of Miss Alice Reynolds to the piano
She has just been appointed as In
structor in piano and will have special
charge of the Juvenile work. Miss
Reynolds Is well known here having
been on the faculty of St. Paul's
school year before last. Last year Bhe
took advanced Instruction In San
Packers Hopeful In St. Louis,
j St. Louis, July 25. The East Side
i plants are all in operation this morn
ing with no violence. The packers
1 assert that the allied trades won't
quit, but a representation from each
union will probably obey the orders.
New Military Post.
Tacoma. July 25. Parties in a po
sition to give credibility to the story
say it is quite probable that the gov
ernment may nurchase a tract of 40,-
000 acres, Including the southern nor
The action of the sheriff was taken tion of American lake, for a permn
wlTtaSa asking anybody's adv.ee, he nemt site for a ,-t is unde
unva nml vnn iiuo to a desire iu re- VJ"-"-' "- : .
move himself from wnat no regurueu
as a false position -a tho eye of the
There was no raid. The sheriff
went personally to tho proprietor or
manager of' each of the gambling
houses and ordered him to close. Ho
made no threats, and In not a single
histnncn did anv of the gamblers de
mur at his order. Every gambler re
alized that the sheriff could have
raided tho houses and seized all the
rrambliiiL' apparatus.
Shortly b.efore noon yesterday sev
eral-members ot the iuuuicumi
form Association called on District
Attorney Mannlnc with witnesses and
laid complaints against evory house
. . i i . i i .. t . Tu
rn tn city except juck
formations were drawn up by Mr,
Mnnnlnir analnst A. Shapiro, propria-
.tor of the Maze cafe; Peter Grant,
Nathan Solomon and Harvey Dale, of
the Portland Club; Fred rritz, Aug.
ust Erlckson and Eugeno Blazler.
They were filed In tho circuit court at
3:15 o'clock and bench warrants were
Issued. , .,
AH the warrants were served by the
sheriff In person, and the men arrest
ed, with their bondsmen, repaired to
tho court house, where each gave
bonds in tho amount of $100.
Asbestos Curtain for Theater.
Lewiston, July 25. The asbestos
curtain for the new opera house has
i.oon rnpoivnii and nlaced In position.
The curtain weighs about 1000 pounds
anil was secured at a cost of 3&o.
The curtain Is hung directly In front
pf the aceno curtain and .will always
be Ipwerod except whllo a play is In
progress. Alter mo seauug y
dlence ,tho asbestos curtain will be
mbd and will not be lowered again
Until itW closo of tho performance ox-
jMut m casta oi r. x u uu.ij
vmLfa viia ranteed to be of the
bift'fttf N .stand a blow-pipe test.
be, directly mmmmvimm' , "
ence. - '. . .
acre would be a good price for most
of the land. The government w win
ing to pay a fair price, but will not
be held up.
Fitz Gerald Sustained.
In the appealed case of J. G. Myers
vs. Mary English, Judge Ellis today
affirmed the Judgment of Judge Fitz
Gerald In the justice tourt, giving the
defendant possession of tho colt, an
animal valued at about 120. The case
was tried hy Judge FUz Gerald by
consent of the litigants, last bummer.
Fine Reservation Wheat.
The wheat on George Porringer's
reservation farm is hald to have
yielded, so much of it as lias yet been
tnreshsd, between 35 and 40 bushels
per acre, nnd all of P of excellent
quality. ,
Clash at Ft. Worth.
Ft. Worth, July 25. Eight hundred
men are working. The packers claim
to have a full force by the end of the
week. Guards drew their guns on the
pickets this morning when they at
tempted the Interference with non
union arrivals.
Strike Gains in Strength.
Chicago, July 25. The strike con
ference adjourned at noon without
results. Golden, president of the
teamsters, said It looked like war.
The labor leaders departed to talk
over the situation with the butchers
and union officials In hope of secur
ing concessions from thorn which
might make another. meeting with the
packers possible,
In the interval the various trades
began to walk out of their own voli
tion. Six hundred stock handlers
quit, paralyzing that part of tho In
dustry, while 400 coopers also quit.
Will Try Airship.
Lewiston, Idaho, July 25. First Of
ficer Wlnslow, of tho steamer Spo
kane reports that tho finishing
touches of the flying machlno will Ixj
State Hotel at Walla Walla Robbed
by a New Clerk Who Had Served
But a Short Time Left Barkeeper
In Charge for a Few Minutes and
Skipped With the Funds.
Cowboys and Indians in a
Bloody Battle at Fort Belknap.
Drunken Crowds Meet and Camp To
gether, Engage In Games and a
Running Gun Fight Results Four
Are Dead and Several Wounded
Were Carried Away by .Compan
ionsAll Swam the'Mlssourl to Es
cape Arrest.
Wnlla Walla, July 25. The safe In
the State hotel was robbed about
midnight last night of ;136.25 in
checks and coin. W. C. Darlce, tho
night clerk, has disappeared and u
warrant la out for his arrest, charg
ing him with the crime.
Darico Is a stranger In Wnlln Walla
and had been ut work at tho hotel but
a few nights. I-aat night shortly be
fore 12 o'clock, Darico Informed tho
bartender at the hotel that he was
going out for supper und asked him
to watch the hotel office during his
absence. That was the last seen of
the clerk.
This morning when W. A. Koontz,
the proprietor, was Informed of liln
clerk's ubsence, he opened the safe
and discovered $m(.25 missing.
Ilolunn, Mont. , July 25. William
Drown, u half-breed, Aloysus Chand
ler, an Indian cowboy, and an un
known Indian are dead nnd several
Indians nnd cowboys are wounded ns
ii result of n battle nt Rocky Point In
tho Uelkunp Indian reservation. Tho
news reached the agency Inst night
A baud of Imllnns en route to tho
Crow reservation stopped nt Rocky
Point nnd met n party of cowboys nnd
engnged In u poker gnmo In which
liquor was abundant. In a qunrrol,
Drown struck n cowboy, tho latter
shot him nnd n Imttlu followed.
lloih sldcH withdrew, several Indi
ans wore badly wounded and two cow
boys wero supported In their snddles
by comrades.
Major i.ognu and a dulachment of
soldiers are now In pursuit of the
cowuoys. Tho Indians and cowboys
swam the Missouri river and arc now
In the bnd lauds,
Pendleton Invests $70 In Modern Fire
Fighting Fixtures.
Tho city lately Invested In two
brass noz.l.es which cost it $35 uucli,
but in the opinion of Fire Chief
Withee and tho council they are a
profitable Investment.
The nozzle Is ii patented duvlco
which accomplishes some novel and
hitherto unaccomplished results. It Is
fitted with vulves which can be man
ipulated by the pressure of either
hand, Just back of tho orifice. Then:
Is nothing complicated about the du
vice, either it Is simplicity Itself
The nozzle will either throw u straight
stream at varying dimensions to or
der, or u spray of varying dimensions
Two Adams Men Lost Heavily Both
Were Insured,
Two men havo lost heavily by grain
fires since Snturday nfternoou last, at
Adams. The first woh L. L. Rogers,
who Is said to have lost 110 acres of
grain Saturday, and 50 acres on Sun
day. Five hundred socks of threshed
grain were in Mr. Rogers' loss,
In the fire of Sunday Loulo Atldctto,
whoso place adjoins Mr. Rogers', lost
80 ncres of grain In the field.
There Is not oxnet uniformity of
report about the origin of olthor fire,
hut children and matches aro said to
hnve caused tho first and tho second
Is suld to havo been started from
smouldering embers of the first. Tho
children ore said to havo been playlnff'
about the cook house, and to havo
lighted und dropped matches from
pure childish Ignorance of the risks
Ferguson, of Adams, wrote the In
surance which both men carried, nnd
which Is said to havo been about tho
average amount as to estimated valuation.
luuuiiua wi iud jiuiK uiutlilliu will irtj i , ' , , ,, ,, i
made today aud tho trial trip will bo at w 11 f, "mn, l"l'""K 'I'd
made Saturday, July 30, The wings
are now In place, but tho final con
sections have not been made and will
occupy the attention of Mr, Wlnslow
today. Next week the parts of the ma
chine will be tested and every part
put Jn shape for the trial (rip Satur
day. The date has been selected on
account of the steamer Spokane lying
over on that day when more tlmo can
be devoted to tho trial trip.
A mass meeting of citizens will be business men and farmers of this city
, . ,.. rmr.mPT. anu community, tie represents me
held at the parlors of the Commer Commerc,al cfub of Po,rtland tho
clal Association this evening at 8 iunliinl, commercial association of the
o'clock, at which tlmo Tom Richard- Northwest and comes to extend the
son manager of 'he Portland uoin- bibu umu w miraiuwn in wiu imuio
meVclal Cub. will speak -the ob- of that or?nl.ttoD.
j i I,,. f lr tiffin 1JUY ClUUUlUHl. no " wwvv v vv muum w
liacue which Is to be organized in fits to bo derived from this great state
S ?,n Aiieiist 2 I organization about to be formed In
Portland on August i . ih ico.i i,.,0i,i i
Mr- Richardson has been m me cuy "-""j . iUl.v..v- ...
r. JlltllUrUBUll iip u ,,.,l n.o mmmnrMg Infei-oiita nt
Association and visited the wheat
belt this afternoon in company with
Secretary J. F. Robinson, of tho Com
mercial Association,
He Js enthusiastic over the city of
t,iiot,n nni tho wonderful county
and .district supporting it and Is es
pecially pleased'w-Hli t he air of pros
pety and push seen and felt op every
bnd. .
JIls object lu visiting iue "
this time Is to talk uusinei
hose, or It will tnrow both spray and
stream. Further, tho spray can bo
thrown at different angles -either
slanting to the front, or at right
angles with I he hose, or backward ho
the man at the nozzle is enveloped by
the spray. Also, either or both spray
and stream can be shut off Inutuiitly
at the nozzle, or turned tin instantly;
the operator Is not dependent upon
the man ut the hydrant, or engine for
water, or to havo the water shut off,
Tho advantages of the device up
Vpal at once to every person who has
had the least experience In lighting
the state and bringing about a better
understanding among the people of
all parts of the state will bo keenly
Interested In this meeting.
It Is o be a plain business talk,
Interesting to everybody who takes a
pride in Increasing tho commercial
strength of Oregon.
AH members ot the association aro
urgently requested to be present with
as many more frlepds and Interested
business men as pesiblj , $
Trying to Shut the Saloons on Prohlb
ited Days,
The case of tho Htate vs. J. A. Coop
er, charged with keeping his saloon
open on Sunday, July lu, occupied the
entire tlmo of Justice Turner's court
Saturday, und the Jury was not dis
charged until almost midnight. A
vedlct of guilty was returned after an
hour's deliberation, aud defendant
will be sentenced tomorrow.
The case, like the one against J. P.
Rogers, will bo appealed to tho circuit
Ten cases remain undisposed of,
nlno for keeping open on Sunday, and
one for selling liquor on election day.
The defendants expect to make u sim
ilar fight In each case, and It will
ako soveral week to conclude the
hearings If the samVtftctlcs pur
sum in the oJfcer cases as In the
firs' two. Salem Journal. - J
Pitiable Condition of a Family Strand
ed in Baker City,
Mrs. James Whitehead, the crnzy
woiiiuu tnkim from tho early train
bound west yesterday escaped iato In
tho afternoon from her quarters ut
tho Sherman house and was found hy
Deputy Sheriff Jesse Snow near tho
depot, where she was attracting a
largo crowd of persons, says the Bar
ker City Herald. ?'
Tho sight wiis the most pitiful wJtt
nested In this city for many wooks.
Tho woman und her children woro'sb
lllthy that one could only remuln In
their presence for a short tlmo. ,
Tim ilmmtv sheriff hrouuht them to
tho court house nnd Judge TravllllQUjf '
made arrangements with some Hal; art
fill., iimmnn Inltn ...i rt t it n .f.tttflT
Into family The woman and . her
children wore taken through a bath
lng process and given clean undo-,.'
clothing after which they proaontod '
a better appearance last night.
England's Crown. '
The crown of England Is u costly
"bauble" bedazzled with Jewels
enough to found several public chari
ties or collegos, There aro 40 dia
monds round tho circle, worth 17,500
each, making $160,00(1; (wo large'.een
tor diamonds $10,000 each, hiaKlair
120.000: CI smaller diamonds nlaesd
at the anglo of the former, each $EU)fV
rVinr cmRHoe. each com nosed of26V " v
diamonds, $60,000; four large dhw
IIJUI1UD (ill LI1U LUM Ul till-- WWBOVnr tWA
000: 12 diamonds in Iho flour ,Ot ,Jd, '
$50,000; 18 entailer diamonds contHlN-'-s
ed In tho same, $10,000; pearls- dMH,1
monds, etc., on the urchea' and.
crosses, $60,000; HI small diamonds,
$25,000; zo diamonds in mo upper
crosB, $15,600. The total value of Um,
stones, exclusive of (ho metal," ifd
nearly half a million dollars, . .
, 7
Making 'Prexs Brick.
C E, Nelson,. ula&gr of the Went-
on brick yard, re now turning out a
superior 'i?Of priWd brick and
was In WUWt1billa! Saturday waking
urruiiKUUHMBWiHce pari or,
output .Jn tbaFy- ,
w 1 V
mm l
, 'fir y itf