DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1904. PAGE EIGHT. EI6KT j The Eagles Carnival Is Over BUT OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE IS STILL ON, AND WE ARE GIVING THE BEST BARGAINS IN SHOES, OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS, IN THE CITY. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. CHART! MAKES MEN'S RESORT CLOSED. QUICK RESPONSE TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ' has after a few years Is a white face nlti..tt vttinllFv nr Dlnmlnn Mr. Johnson has been on the coast I win tiropen in ocpicmucr wun run CO years, and constantly In the cattle) Equipment, In Monterastelll Build- business lor a( years, tio siaies iuui t . . .!.. .1 i. -1 . . .. I .. . I. I 1 pnnni wiih iirivfMi iiinmizn (lining l.iu ' . . . . . . - ... 7 .i v. . iT Ai.i fnohiAnnri , uoors ror tnc noaioa season, nnu win i Ions horned Texas stock wffwi' 'on new "Brtor" nbo"t tho flre' Ka "heToXca Uonh.!feo:s V middle of September. The belong- The Increase In the number of Short- f L" ,5f?3 - . m,ii r,l(o,m fmm "-" " luiuiiur ruom ) UVIi III MO fc,HHt UUV Utlld'atl) . w ... The lion's RcBort has closed Its RAISED FOR MITCHELL. , lmU time until tho present. , of the Despaln building. Tho r.csolu- i 1 I'Z 1 "r';. ..,. r I tlon to change quarters was fastened 1 ca le now Tanged h! U? tlor 10 vears th n- which will ready for the market with-1 "cl" m,mf "vc " 10 "Ji""! i.. ,,, ., , t inniinn,i h f premises, an arrangement OWE DECLINES FORMER PASTOR CAN NOT ACCEPT A CALL. Episcopal Church of This City Offer ed the Pulpit of Rev. W. E. Potwine Now of Honolulu at an Advanced Salary, But His First Impression J many personal kindnesses In the past That the Field Needs Another Man Still Prevails Wishes His Former who will be able, as I am not. to weld Its various elements together in to a compact and harmonious body, a spiritual temple, such as the Master plainly expects His confessed disci pies to become. In view of this conviction on my part I am compelled to decline your call, earnestly praying that God will guide you to an early choice of one who will be able to lead you on .to the perfect fulfillment of His high pur poses In you. with grateful remembrance of your Charge Well, But Finally Declines to Return. and of this latest evidence of love. I remain. Faithfully your brother In Christ. W. E. PirfWINE. To R. J Slater, senior warden. Below ft printed in full the letter Irom Rev. W. E. Potwine declining the Invitation of the Pendleton ves try to return to the rectorship of tho Church of the Redeemer. This dee linntion by Mr. Potwine comes as a great surprise to many members of the Pendleton church, who thought he would probably accept the offer recently made by the vestry, which incorpoated a tender of an increased salary. .Mr Potwine writes as fol lows: Honolulu, Territory Hawaii, July 11. 1904. To the Vestry of the Church of the Redemer, Pendleton, Oregon: Dear Brethren: The recent cation of your meeting, extending to me a call to the rectorship of the Church -of the Redeemer, was communicated to me by your warden, and has been given careful consideration. I -need "hardly say that such an expression of -confidence and .esteem as the call im plies, has been received with grateful appreciation, and I am deeply thank' Jul to Gad for it. But cordial and unanimous as the call is, and generous as is the prom Jsed support, I am constrained to think, as I thought six months ago. that the parish needs another and different sort of a man as its head; AVOID CHAPS If we knew anything better .ban F. & S. TOILET CREAM, for healing chaps, cracks and roughness, and keeping the skin smooth, soft and fair, we would have It. Those v. no try It say our Toilet Cream is the best proposition they ever used and we believe th,ey are right. Keep F.&. S. Toilet Cream on hand and use it, and your face and hands will be free from summer skin discomfort. Daintily perfumed, pleasant to use. heals quickly, and costs little. 25c Per Bottle. Tallman 2b Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS MORE SHEER SALES. of Connolly Will Take 3000 Lambs His Own Raising East. Joe Connolly sold 750 yearling sheep to Frye-Bruhn. and Lee Butler 600 head of 2-year-olds to the same Arm. Both lots leave Mcnchani by the same train, and go directly east. About the middle of August Mr. Connolly expects to take 3000 head of lambs of his own raising east whether to Chicago or to Omaha, depends upon the market conditions at that time. Mrs. Mclntyre Holds Her Land. In the case brought' by Joseph Guy ett against Mrs. Mclntyre, to recover 160 acres of Reservation land, Guy ett claims the land as his individual holdings because at the time of the allotment, Mrs. Iclntyre was his wife and had an interest as Buch in the allotments of the tamlly. The United States courts hold, however, that the land which Guy.ett would hold Is .Mrs Mclntyre's individual property, her rights not being affected by the fact that she has been divorced from Guy ett and married to another man. Mayor W. F. Matlock and H. F. Joh son Circulate Petition foe. Flood In a month, but he is inclined to the Sufferers. Which Is Readily Signed heller that the present depression In .. ...in D e-.. prices will not be relieved within that -Money Will Be Sent at Once- nnd lhnl h(J w probnbIe hold Committee Finds Open-Handed t0 ,h0 nnlmals for some time. Tho Charity Everywhere. mountain pasturage In that country i is fine, and all stock are in fine condi- I tlon. DROWNED IN CISTERN. Some 20 .persons met at the city recorder's ofilcc last evening to take some steps toward raising funds for i the releir of the people made dcstl-l Six-Year-Old Son of George D. Eg- tute in different degrees by the cloud-1 erth of Co,d Springs. burst at Mitchell. i Louis Eggerth. aged 6 years and 6 i. .,r riaiiv.onfi..o i months, son or George D. nnd Louisa As a result of their de Iterations, , BKgerthi of Somh CoU, Sm.tngBi wa8 a paper is being circulated today by drowned yesterday morning between H. F. Johnson and Mayor Matlock. , and 10 o'clock, In the cistern at the which is being generally signed. j family home. At the time of going to press about I The child was last seen alive about $200 had been subscribed and the . f o'clock. About an hour later the committee was still at work. The : ;wo older children missed Louis, and amount will be sent to Mitchell at , Willie, the S-ycar-old brother, went once. jiu search of him, with tho result that Mitchell lies to the southwestward I he saw the body of his brother half of Pendleton some 15G miles, and at ' afiont In the cistern. The mother was the time of the (lood had about 25" immediately informed of the accident Inhabitants, of which about half were ' and lifted the body out of the cistern rendered homeless nnd practically , with whatever appliance within her destitute by the flood, which destroy- reach. Life was entirely extinct ed 2S residences. A large quantity when the body was taken out. of outlying property was also destroy- j The funeral will be held from the ed. But two lives were lost, but In i fnmlly home tomorrow morning, and liroportlon to the size of the town ! the interment will be made In the the suffering is as acute for the ne-,Cold Springs cemetery, cessarlcs of life and on account of de-1 which the trustees did ifot feel Jus tided In making. The present inten tion Is to open tho reading room, gymnasium and baths in September In the new Montornstolll building, upstairs. Postal Examination. Ton young ladles are taking the .ex amination today as nspirants for the clerkship In tho postofllcc made Ta cant by the resignation or Miss Edith Isaacs, and one young man Is taking the examination for carrier. The ex amination Is conducted by Ralph Howland. r UI As lone . ,vi. . , iny ..vi uouii jars. Large size Ju, nor dozen. 1 14 pounds cane uiass sauce dlihes, OWL & Jen. ni i "WE DO THE BUSINESS GOODS," BOSTON STORE. BECAUSE WE HAVE No Jurisdiction. A motion tor a restraining order is now pending in the case ot Mrs. Phllamme Smith vs. Huy-yuts-mll-ken, the plaintiff bringing the motion by her attorneys. Slater &. Hinkle, to prevent the defendant, Samuel Pam burn, Huy-yuts-mll-ken's lessee, from disposing of the wheat crop on the land in question. The crop 160 acres of fine wheat, is easily valued at $4000. In the hearing of this case in the United States court at Port land last w.eek, Judge Bellinger decid ed that he had no jurisdiction. Is Sweating in Ohio. A letter from Charles B. Sampson advertising manager of the East Or egonlan, who is now visiting in Dell aiice, O., says that he longs for the cool weather in Pendleton, where It Is only 107 In the shade. Judging irom the heated tone or the letter, Ohio Is not as cool as it might be. Mr- Samp son expects to return home about August 1. New Sewer Connections. The sewerage connections of the I. O. O. F. building are being laid anew. The old drainage was Insuf ficient In capacity and laid too nearly level. The new connections are larg er ana m every way more eniclont. R. C. BEACH, President. .T. G. HAILEY. Vice-President. W. L. THOAiPSON, Cashier. Commercial National Bank of Pendleton Prosperous Days THE8E ARE PROSPEROUS DAYS. AND NOW IS THE FITTING TIME FOR YOU TO LAY ASIDE A FUND AGAIN8T A TIME OF NEED. WE SUGGEST THAT YOU COME TO THIS BANK AND OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. A DOLLAR IS SUFFI CIENT TO 8TART. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED. ranged and destroyed sanitary condi lions, as at Heppner. The town was located In a canyon described as being approximately the dimensions of the Dry Creek canyon, in which is located Blue Mountain Station, beyond Athena. That is. as to length and width or the gorge. There the resemblance ceases, as tne walls ot the Mitchell canyon are very much higher and more precipitous. and almost completely destitute ot i vegetation. Very little grain or other crops are raised in that neighborhood, practi cally the sole dependence or the peo ple beiug cattle, sheep nnd horses. The various industries in the place are all supported by the men who fol low stock raising. Will Examine Students. Prof. J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agricultural College, will be at Hotel Pendleton on Monday, July 25, to ex amine students for entrance to the college next term. It is the leading agricultural college or the Northwest, beside rurnlshing a first-class educa tion in literary and scientific branches. Tuition 'is absolutely tree, board costs $2.75 per week nnd books about $10 per year, i oung men and women or I'matilla county wishing to enter this j school, should attend this examination I without fall. Weekly Weather Report. EXCITING BRONCHO RIDING. Baseball Park. About 400 people witnessed a very interesting exhibition of rough riding at the ball grounds last night. Not all the horses put up a very hard fight, nut several of them furnished a very strenuous five minutes for their riders and plenty o fun Xor the fipectators. There are comparatively fow cities where so many of the spectators could he found who know from exper lence wnat good riding Is Weather Observer H. F. Johnson reports the following maximums and mluimunis nnd rainfall at this point (during the past week: Max. Min. Rain 'July 1C il 30 July 17 76 50 .02 in July IS So 53 July 19 90 50 July 20 06 50 July 21 107 61 July 22 101 63 EAGLE WEEK IS RPIMR nnctnum - ' 1 I rkllUL, pin rostom smnr nv a cdcxii nn. - - rniit AHnu FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND PATRONAGE. CAN WE SELL YOU HATS SUITS SHOES Sumpter Papers Are Mad. Because the East Orcgonian "scoop ed" the Sumpter papers on the big gest Sumpter story or the year, con- rnmlnw tlia f ."(inl'intln n .1 Inn.n Probably ot the Golconda. those naners are p score or more of those in the grand- sulking hoyisuly nnd deny the report. stand could have roped, saddled and The East Oregonlan told of the trans ridden any horse handled during the exhibition. This does not imply that the riding was not of the best nor that the horses did not indulge in some hard bucking. It simply indicates that Pendleton has her share of the old- time riders, men who have served their apprenticeship on the range. nnd who have been on the hurricane deck of a bucking broncho long enough to stay there m spite of what the horse may do to prevent it. un taunaay atternoon the same riders will repeat the exhibition at the ball grounds and in addition to the riding there will be a balloon ascen sion. A. J. Hurtublse will make the ascension. ne Dosion 910 Shoes and Clothing action as It actually took place. The Golconda could disappear from the mountain side and the boys at Sump ter would not know about It until the Portland papers or the East Oregon ian arrived in ramn Wheat Farm Sold. , uai ib cuuiujuuiy miuwu us inc A "Rlgby place," a short distance east i of Saxe Station, has been transferred I by the First National Bank to William ; Duff, or this place. This farm com-j prises threo quarters 480 acres, Is ! X well improved and one or the .excop- tionally good wheat forms of the i county. i X BENEFIT PERFORMANCE. Howard Vudevllle Company Will Aid Mitchell Sufferers. The Howard Vaudeville Comnany will give a special benefit perform ance nt the Frazor theater tomorrow, ijumiay nignt, tor the benefit of the .Mlicneu noou sufforers. In response to the anneal for aid irom tho strlcl.en city, the members of the company sonorously volunteer- eu 10 iiuuate ou per cent of the gross recolpts of the performance to this cnaritabie object, reserving barely enough or the proceeds to pay the actual expenses of the night's engage ment in the way of labor, lights, rent anu otner necessary expenses. As Pendleton has responded gen erously to every call or charity, this mougniiui ann considerate offer of the Howard company. wh!li In the city, will appeal to the public in a stirring manner and the theater should be filled. Local talent Is invited to narticl- pate In the performance nnd ndd every possible Interesting feature to swell tho Mitchell fond from Pendleton. WERE NOT HEREFORDS. Burr Johnson of Hldawav Raises Nothing But Shorthorns. Burr Johnson, the uidawav stock. man, takes exceptions to the report that his cattle aro grade Herofords. Ho has no use for the Hereford n compared with tho Shorthorn, and his cattlo aro almost exclusively grade Shorthorns, there being hut ono ani mal In the recent sale ho made to a buyer from tho Sound, that was not Shorthorn. In his opinion, the best all-puiposo cattlo for this country is tho grade 8horthorn. On scant teed they retain tholr flesh and shape bettor, do not gaunt so easily, nnd they aro primo tavorltos with all buyers. Tho Hereford, he holds, "runs out" easily. Unless constant watch or tho atrain is kopt up, all that tho owner Baker Not Represented. So tar, Baker City nor Baker coun-1 X ty have neither appointed delegates ' to the mass meeting in Portland for J the organization of the Oregon Devel-1 opment League. iua sr uu Aif kah Negligee Shirts 50c to Onlf Shirts 50e to Coo Underwear 50c to $240 Ktviieii tinito 75e. ftUc ana Weston Farm Sold. . J M. A. Bryson has sold to J. H. Clark ! 1 his 1 fio-acre farm, one and a half ' 4 miles northwest or Weston, for $5500. It Is a wheat form and bench land and ! 1 well improved. BOY8" CLOTHING SPECIAL DISCOUNT. Men's $12.50 Suits reduced to Men's $12.50 Suits reduced to STRAW HATS, all there are loft, at Half Price. Don't Worry If your coffee doesn't suit, don't worry buy Golden Gate It may cost more per pound but think of the quality. High grade, grocers sell it. 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins. J. A. Folffer Co. Sun Frftfkclco Importora at Fin Cotttmm 1 A BAER. DALE I One-Price Furnishers and Hatters h n h . m mm - m m wm m m m w n jmm I HftR movMi to Cottonwood Btroot. between Water and Court hnfnrn in fin hleh-class plumbing t blo rates. Estimates cneenuny given, 11 you uuvc r". line see him before you go elsewhere. BECK, the Reliable Plom mj m mk Amm m. m m rmmrmmm A Business and Shorthand Training School. Car Fare Free. Two Months Tuition Write today. Free. Pendleton, ELATERITE IS MINERAL RUBBER w . . , v. nH,ior rflmate. lneu a ground mica surface and a wool lolt nanor nry auvm v. - - toll you somo mighty JntoreaUng things, Tney wiu v'r hook from shriveling up. write ua. . y MIC CIBlCrilC KUUIIUK W)., IU VYUnABICI -