- - DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1904. PAGE FOUR. AN INDEPENDENT JCEWSPAPEIt. f'tibllstieil pverr afternoon (except Sunday) st Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. suiisckUtiox UA'rr.s. up by formers nlmost Immediately upon reaching town. Wages nre Identical with the fig tires lialtl a year ago and two years ago. Header-box drivers get from $1.B up, tho average bolng ?1.J0 : In fact, more than thnt figure Is Holdom paid for that service. Hook tenders, spike pitchers nnd header-box loaders nnd hoe-down men oeratic party, and first became proml- The Denver & Ulo Grande, on uent In politics when ho was mnUe a Thursday lot contracts for the con charter member of Jefferson chili, the strttctlon of 100 miles of road botweon lentlliiK democratic organization. He Mnrysvlllo and Cedar City. U ah, j Berved as president or the organlza- which will bo a part of tho Clark lino , Hon in 189S. '"" '-9 Angeles to Salt Lake City. , Dally nue year of man . Dally, six mouths by mail . riAllv thron mnnttis hv mnlt Dallj. uuc month by mall 30 Dally, per month by carrier . ewy, one rear uy man Weekly, six months by mall Weekly, tour months by malt .50 Semi Weekly, one year by mall ... . 2.00 Semi-Weekly, lr months by mall .. 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . . .30 Mr. Folk became more generally ,.., ... known to tho citizens of SL Louis PELVIC CATARRH through the prominent part ne iouk In the settlqment of the great enr sriko In 1900. :::::UJJ get S2 straight. On heavy machines - M uy some nre paying nnn u is ueueuu 11mi,I. nf hrlketakers of both branch there Is a chance of more being paw es f tj,e municipal assembly. Member Scrlpp$llcl!ae tlon. News Assocla- The Rat Oregonlan Is on sale at II. 11. Itlcn'x News Stands at Hotel 1'ortland and Hotel 1'etklns, I'ortlanil. Oregon. Han Francisco Ilureau. 40S Fourth St. Chicago llurenu. ami Security liulkllng. Washington, D C. Ilureau, 301 HtU St., N W. Telephone. Main 11. Entered at l'emlleton postoCTIce as second class matter. CURED. General Health Greatly Improved by Pe-rii-na. rSHSHSHSHSHSasaSHSHSHHS before the season ends. Sack sewers on statlonarles are gottlns from S2.50 to S3, hut the $3 Jobs arc scarce as yet. It Is be lieved that $3 and $3.50 will be paid later on. when the machines are all going. This happy condition of labor in this vicinity is being constantly re flected In added improvements to homos, the purchase of new homes, and other substantial evidences of prosperity. I .Mr. Folk's immediate fniully con sistB of himself and wife. Ho has four brothors living They are: Itev Dr. Edgar Estes Folk or Memphis, Tonn., editor of a Baptist pnp'er; Mr , Iteau Estes Folk of Knoxvllle. the present state treasurer; Mr. Carey I Albert Folk, president of the Iloseobel 'college. Nashville; Mr. Humphrey I Bate Folk, who Is studying for the ministry. A GRAVE MENACE. PLUMBIN and SEWER WORK "When strong desire grows In thy soul. And whispers In thy heart of some great deed. Grasp In thy baud the sword of thy strong will. And hew with might toward the goal. ' Let naught stand 'twixt thee And the sacred shrine. And if there be A thought, or thing, or man, which claims Thy strength, which takes thy talents, And which tries at length to lure thy spirit From its given task, thrust such aside: Nor pause to ask if thou should lend thine Ear to precedent. The light of One Design Unto thv soul is sent, like that which shone around The Infant Saviour whom the Wise Men found. Walk thou therein; bask in its sacred fire And Io! thy temple shall be ready for thy Heart's Desire. M. Josephine Conger, in The Light of Truth. In his speech in the Uulted Stutes senate In which he advocated the re- The big crop makes money and hap-' pent or the desert land act, the timber pinoss for everybody. : "tone act. ami me comminution 'elame of the homestead act, I'arls Gibson, senator from Montana, said. Wl 1111 111V U.IL19 IHIILIU U,'Utl ....... I , , . . i ii .1 I Our country s growth has been so that of the pope In excluding them romarkul)lei virgin soil and from choirs in Catholic churches is tj10 agricultural ivosslbillties of the 'the most strange and Inexplicable. Middle West, that we seem to have . , Why a religious service should lose taken ' time to consider what the i . , ' condition of the nation will be when . J any of its seriousness or sweetness th(, mm of hp t.entury t or pleasing features to the Creator miM. ), reached. The population of I by the presence of Innocent, lovable the I'nlied States In 1S5H was. 2.1.000. . i womanly women. Is something that t,nu. 81 ra " I UK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS Ann CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTION. WORK 0UARAN TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. E. VON STIENAU, K a needs more than a paslng Invcstlga- ! tlon In Anglo-Snxon lands, where " , woman Is esteemed and adored, their m ' very presence adds to the solemnity i nnd earnestness of all religions. In ' the first place, religion Is not a grim monster crying for martyrdom and m pennance and self-abnegation. It is a a sunshine thnt brightens and ele- In lar.o It should be 2oo.ooo.0U0. un less the nation shall be torn to pieces by Internal dissensions or by wars with foreign nations. Is it not there fore the part of wisdom and patriot ism to resolve now that what is 're maining of the public domain shall be held sacredly for our people who will make homes upon it? Jefferson. Hamilton, .laekhon, Denton, Lincoln PEKrECT HEALTH REGAINED. -mil rMfivulfitwl In fnnt nil flu irnt vates and softens the hard. Iron-clad j mun , om. ,.olmtry for the past 100 heart of the world. The more cheer- years have Impressed upon the tin fulness, sunshine and gleams of Inno-' tlon the dangers of landlordism and cence and tenderness, the higher It ' tne sHreme importance or preserv . , , . . ... lug the public domain for homemak- reaches toward t.o.l and the nearer, . nml' veI we mamtaln land acts It fulfills the Master's ideal. If It was in the Interest of the landlord and not intended for woman to sing praise not in the Interest of the freeholder, to her Creator, she would not have I lmnn .m,lmv,l with ., ..r Mil I 1B l,-',' "- iu mr iiiuiic ... a ! ing tenderness to uplift nnd Inspire the spirits of men. this eountrv when we make laws that I WAGES AND LABOR. enable capitalists and foreigners to ncqttlre vast bodies of public land up on which a svstem of tenantrv Is be- Blackwood's Magazine, speaking of ing established as absolute as any the coarseness and commercial spirit th?.t...(!an. bc r"U,ntl E"n!r.";. . . , ,,, , . I Will the people wait until it is too of the age, says: 'This is an age of ,ate to correct ths BraVu pvlI? Imll)tMl coarse effects, an age of advertise-1 we well may ask if it be not nlready ment. A poet could not conscientious- too late to accomplish very mucn. Iv olnn- nnn.- ol.nnt n w,.. ,n l,l I Bllt We OUgllt lit least tO Save tllO i cuiimiii ui nit- iiuuinc ty net nuu MRS. .5HSHHB5HS5J Mrs. K. Von Stlonau, JCK! Fifth street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: " I have been u nufferor fur years with female trouble, causing hnckiirhv nml nt times terrible ln'std iio lie.-.. I hull also i-umpliuatliuix from indigestion mid heart trouble, so that I ufleu hail to lie down. 1 tcok six bottled of reriiuu. 1 win) then in perfect health was regular, hud no mure heuduches, In fact, my health N now nil tbut I could wish." Mrs. E. Von Sticnuu. Kidney Trouble Cured. Mr. M. .1. Dunley, Treasurer of the llolieccu Lodge, I. O. O. I, writes from li!t First street, X., Miunenpolb,, Minn.: "I was alUIctvd for several years with kidney trouble which became (jiille ser ious and caused meciinsidcrableaiixiety. spent hundreds of dollars trying to be cured, but nothing gave me any permanent relief until I tried Peruna. It tank less than three months and only ten bottles tit effect a permanent cure." Mrs. M. J. Danlcy. . Address The I'crmia Medicine Co., f 'nlumliln, Ohio, for freolMxikon catarrh written 1 v lr. S, t:. Iliirtmau T. C. TAYLOR M-ruir uAnnwAnF MAN." I I I i v i" -jam Its Rich and Delicious Our cold storage meats are always right; always tender Juicy. Try our miUl cured Hams. They are free from that strong mi w m imju i r I llv kJWllYTUI. KJ U1VUUWU I ICfll Ji 607 MAIN STREET. GAINING Ck bin 6 Union iade, HAND MADL. CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. Whpn vnn mil for a TRI UMPH. E"B VMNAfH , ... . - . WW., GET IT. Dont accept a substitute! I makers. turn K -mm hk rm m at V mm It Is believed that five-sixths of the men out of employment who have drifted into Pendleton within the last six weeks have been renlly seeking honest .employment and were willing i to accept it at decent wages. In other words, that out of a total of 100 unemployed, not over 15 or lfi ' have been of the hoho class. Holmes are generally dirty, and have ways I that are conspicuous nnd disagreea hie. and the tendency Is to overestl. mate their numbers. unseen, for excursion trains would be sure to be arranged there at reduced rates. It is a confidential ago. and ' we demand a confidant as much as a j i matter of course as the heroine of the I old-fashioned Italian opera in fact, j we domain! the undivided attention of the whole world. We sing our songs i uiai iisieii greedily tor tue applause o the gallery: we meet with domestic to them. Shall we arouse ourselves suf ficiently to do so. or let the last vest ige of the public domain go to the land grabbers? Farmers Voice. LOW RECORDS OF i.-ORTALITY. The bulletin of Chicago's health de partment for the week ended June 11 says: Both New York and Chicago arc breaking all records of low mortality- this season. At the close of misfortune and we weep on the bos- j nfnce hours on June 11 a total of 1222 om of the divorce court, and the dally deaths from all causes hud been re naners ween with us. We ilo not ilo l'rted N'- York city furnishing good by stealth nn n.t.t.tnl pntn r.f IT.!' t.nc 1 1VM1 nt lie but rather In such a ,., . ' , '.i,i ., one . On thf nthnr linnd. mi linnpnt lflhnr. Pr U ..Mom llnm..rnl. n.mrn.1. ' WB' that We Bet 0 u'netcy or a dec- 24. uruiiuu. du wiicii uu nvu u nmu un j rur iiiu muhi jiuhuu u iikui tJi ttntllly with little stars and thlnRs wa reportml in Chlcago-an annual will know that he is always a I .,, ' n,i,,.v , , . some or noisy, and a dozen of his clase are not as much in evidence In 1 a community as one hobo, unless they become actually dependent upon char ity. Marshal Carney states that within the past four days 75 unemployed men you win Know tnat lie Is always a very great ami charitable man In- i,y the United States census bureau. deed, and charity is not only alms be-1 Tho lowest previous rate for Chicago slowed on the mmr. It In the lienulv was 12.1 of charity that it is not bigoted.' In this city pulmonary tu ' hercuIo8is Is now tho principal causo 1 of death, the da reported being exact have gone from Pendleton to Morrow ! One of the most peculiar breach or ! !' J,' Cmi '""..n!'.', "'.""i" "'r".'."1 i, -on .i n i.i . ., . . ''lie total, while pneumonia has fallen ww...... u..u a.. ,,, ....... ironnse cases on record is mat or. a to second n ace. with mv ts.a nor own railroad fare In anticipation of!yoimg Italian lawyer, of Montreal, rem.. or an eighth th total deaths, getting work In either harvest, or on ' Quebec, who Is suing the fathor of!1" JS'0W York tho disease still holds the stock ranches. ; tllt, ,.lri wi,u i1Uei, hlm a reaI,iont 1 the load 1-12 deaths from pneumonia No, one of these men had the hobo J vsbut it T characteristics. although none of L08 fl)r tne ,ime no Ioat )n cm,rtiug I L mem nan more man a very lew uol-; nn,i t10 money he was out In pre law, and in some cuses the fare otj8ems. Tle lawyer figures It out that the needy was paid by his compan-1 hp ..rtei the young woman 405 ions. Their leaving town left a very ,urs, at different times, or course, noticeable hiatus, and many are nml Umt tno tme , ,nlt in wag prone to say that there lias been with- worl, j nn 10Ur. ij,;sldes this, books, in the past week quite "a thinning dinners, llowers. candy, music, pic out of holMies." i tures. traveling expenses, engage As a matter of fact the thinning mmlt rllg ao forth, run tho ac out of hoboes Is going on all the c(mnt ,, t0 jo323 .19 wnch aum llf! time, under the direction of the po-' asks tho court to allow him. The lice. Many of them are chased out ,iea! Ho shouldn't gut a cent The of town, and others go through the 0,mg woman should get several grind of the police court, but very j tlmus tno amount for having to be few of them stay in town longer than c,,urted by such a chump as that fel a few days, while many are hero hut ' ow Is. a few hours One employment agency here has placed 157 farm hands sinco the hay harvest began, which was during the first few days In June. These men have gone Into nil lines of farm em ployment, and there are now very few idle men in town of any class. In fact, this same agency this morn ing had but five names on its list for which there was not, at that hour, employment in sight. Up to this time there has been an oversupply of men compared with the demand doveioped here for laborers, but tho probabili ties nre that when the harvesting nnd threshing are in full swing there will he a measurable scarcity of labor. By no means do all tho Moating la borers gut employment through the agencies. In fact, a vory large pro portion never wore on the books of the agencies. Scores of men simply rustled for and secured jobs without I the Intervention of a The czar Is said to have ordered 100,000 breast plates from a factory or culrassors at Milan. Italy, each breast plate being guaranteed to pro tect a Russian soldier from Japanese bullets, Ab the czar's men up to date, have been steadily on the retreat. It would scorn necessary for his majest ty to provide a rear guard as well as a breast plat.e for each of his soldiers. SKETCH OF JOE FOLK. Joseph W. Folk, the democratic nomlueo for governor of the state of Missouri, was born in IlrowusvUle, Tonn., October 2S. 18C9. His father is Judge Henry H. Folk of Browns ville, and his mother Is a descendant or the Estes family of Virginia. Mr Folk Is a grmliiato of Vundor hilt University or Nashville. Tonn . wiioro he finished his literary and le cal education Ho practiced law In Brownsville for middleman. I fw ?or8 c1nd uLon ."""'J" P.L11 Many are known to havo beon picked wlth the youneor element of tho dem I When the life of Mrs. Ruff wus banging in the balance she used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and wus restored to health. Her ex perience made her the firm friend of the medicine that cured her Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has no equal in its cures of womanly disease. It establishes regularity, dries the drains thut weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "Hive year iro whea my life wo hatiR Ine in the balance Ur !'itrce' favorite nocriplion wa UruiRht to my home." writra Mrs. Caroline KulT, Director or Ger man Orphan' Home, resoling at J.V) Kowe uu btreet. Detroit .Mich "I took tt. and, it won me back tn health liver aince that time, I have been iu Arm friend We fre quently have rooth'r come to our ' Home' who are aiiftcring with uterine trouble, in flammation, lumora aud ulceration. Our great remedy Tor a female trouble U Dr Tierce's I'avorite Inscription, and wc have found nothing so far which would tn quick ly .cure thc.iliftcase, relieve Inflammation and stop )iuk. It is a good friend to women " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Ad dress Dr R V. Pierce, Ihiffalo, N. Y. Special For prices, quality and quan tity, our "Medicated Sanitary Silk" toilet papor cannot he beat. Per roll, 10c; 3 rolls, 25c; dozen rolls, 95c; case lots of 100 rolls, ?C90. Phone Ked 1191. Frederick Nolf & Co. COAL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH t Rock Spring Coal Kecognlzcd as the best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to contract with you for your winter's supply. We deliver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. D MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. J MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So. 7 Post SL. Ssskane. Cen-AgLDENSUORE TYPEWRITER Supplies ... Renting ... Eipert Repairing Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc., always on hand. Urallll'DIV IhA flPST TIP made. home. pla. a. ram, ! 'Phone Main 181, .. . .,,,. i-iuT n: r "'i, ""t ,V of uewips tnlnlnc over 100 hie papers. Hi ror z. cents n ' . .......A..iiiiaaaasaassisii s i i in - HARVESTERS' HEADQUARTER OUR STOCK OF SUPPLIES FOR THIS HARVEST SEASON IS NOW COMr'i.ci t . - RESPECT. IF IN NEED OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, VIZ.: FORKS, HOEDOWN8, RAKES, SCYTHES, SNATHS, WATER BAQ8, WATER KEGS, pURRY COMBS, BRU8HE8, MACHINE OILS, AXLE GREASE COMPOUND, LACE LEATHER, CAP SCREWS, SET 8CREWS, SMITHING COAL, BAR, BAND AND SHEET IRON BABBIT, ROPE, WHIPS, OIL CUPS, ' VALVES, PIPE, 8TOVE8, RANGE8, GRANITE AND TINWARE, ETC. PHONE MAIN 211, OR CALL ON W. J. CLARKE & CO. 211 COURT STREET 1 m . i