East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Sheen
reflected from perfect teeth can
easily be destroyed by Improp
er doutlfrlccs. There are many
preparations that will whlton
teeth, hut few that preserve the
cnamui while they whiten.
suves teeth while It beautifies
them. It arrests decay, hardens
the Rims, removes dlscolora
tlons, swet'tons the breath
and stops there.
Price 25 cents.
Portland Commercial Club Will Enter
tain the Delegateo From Oregon
Who Attend the Meeting on August
2 and 3 Women Clubs of Portland
Will Entertain All the Women Who
Accompany the Delegates Large
Attendance Urged.
PoatotOce Block.
'Phone Main 851.
There aro now 15,000 Jows In the
Russian army in Manchuria.
The widow of the late Henry George
died In New York City Friday, aged
GO years.
Ex-Senator George G. Vest Is very
weak nnd there Is little hopes for his
The battleship South Dakota was
successfully launched at San Francis
co, Friday.
Eleven million dollars have been
appropriated for improvements to the
Trans-Siberian road.
The rebellious Caucasus and Bourat
tribes on the Ttussian frontier, worry
the czar mor than the Japanese.
G. M. McKlnuey. head of the immi
gration bureau of the Hnrriman lines,
has resigned an the bureau Is now
without a mannger.
The Chinese Commercial Steamship
Company will found a colony of Chi
nese on the coast of Old Mexico to
be called "Little China.
The fruit exports of the United
States for 1904 will exceed $20,000.
000. In 1894 the exports amounted to
hut $3,000,000. and In 18S4 less than
Medals and St. George crosses were
distributed by the Russians to Cos-
The following olllclnl cnll for the
mass meeting to bo held In Portland !
on August 2 unci 3 for the organlza-j
tlon of the Oregon Development '
League has been Issued by the Port-1
land Commercial Association. The!
features of the meeting nnd Its pur-
i pose have not been ful(y set forth be-;
Portland. July 20. A convention for
, the purpose nf organizing an Oregon
' Development League will bo called to
, order promptly at 10 o'clock a. m.
, Tuesday. August 2 ut the Mnrquam
Grand theater. Portland, Or., under
the auspices of the Portland Commer
cial Club, which will have for its pur
pose the development and upbuilding
'' of the state of Oregon.
Every editor in Oregon is a dole
gate at large.
The governor, United States sena
tors and congressmen nre also dele
gates at large, and nre expected to
be present.
The mayor of each nnd every city
anil town in the state, ns well us the
county judge of each and every coun
ty. Is urged to name 10 delegates.
The president or executive ofllcer
of every commercial, Industrial, agri
cultural, horticultural, livestock, dairy,
Irrigation, mining or other similar or
ganization having for Its purpose the
development of any industry, Is urged
. to name 10 delegates, and to add him
self and secretary to the delegation,
as active workers are especially desired.
lu order to secure the best results,
1 every element of boom should he
eliminated. Exact reports as to what
, individual growers have accomplish
1 ed. are what is desired. Plain nnd
direct statements are wanted giving
, actual results ns to cultivation, growth
and marketing In all agricultural pro
j ducts, fruit and livestock, accompa
' nled by the namo of the grower nnd
location of the land generalities, no
' maf.er how delightfully put, are of
I little value.
' The great railroad systems travers
ing Oregon, have several thousand
men actively engaged In securing Im
migration, and these same railroads
1 have industrial departments which
will co-operate with cities and towns
The St. George.
G. S. Smith, John Day.
William Connnlly, La Grande.
F. R. Hankc, t'ortlnnd.
S. Sternberg, San Francisco.
J. A. Allison, Portland.
F. .T. Gardner. Portland.
E. E. Whcll, Chicago.
Norton Nelson, Denver.
O. Hurt, Chicago.
C. II. Atchison, Portland.
C. T. Peterson, Detroit.
N. 15. ICronsb Seattle.
F. F. Relnhold. Denver.
Miss Lunn, Athenn.
Mrs. Luna, Athena.
Miss Oortle Luna, Athenn.
J. Valentino, Portland.
J. D. Holoran, Burlington.
Mrs. C. Fourberg, Vancouver.
J. C. Wood and wife, Knnsns City.
It. J. Drlscoll, Pornand.
Oeorge F. Thomas, New York.
F. B. nolbrook, lrrlgon.
The Hotel Dickers.
Mrs. M. J. Langley, La Grande.
S. J. Hemmlngwny. Spokane.
Miss Hattie Bennett, Elgin.
Charles E. Lum. Jr., Kennewlck.
J. P. Newell. Portland.
A. La Roy. Portland.
William Gruy, Portland.
G. W. Anderson. Garfield.
Charles Llndley, Spoknnc.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
L. E. Hnklll, Stnrbuck.
Mrs. T. J. Montgomery, Boise.
G. W. Vnnlandlnghnm, Adms.
It. C. French, Weston.
Miss Nora Smith, La Grande.
S. Alnsley, Portlnnd.
E. E. Harwood, Trlmvllle.
Mrs. Myrtle Hill, Helix.
Fred C. Hanson, Portlnnd.
C. F. nicnnrd8on, Portlnnd.
J. R. Thomns, Baker City.
C. H. Brussles, La Grande.
.Mrs. M. L. Hurlhurt, Echo.
We are now cleaning up all spring and summer goods and prices
are made that will speedily move the goods. Come In and get your
share of the bargains.
Clothing at big reductions.
Shirt Waists cut 20 per cent.
Shoes of all kinds reduced 10 per cent.
Special prices all over the store.
! continued nt the urgent request of nu
merous patrons, but the real spirit
and effort of the Institution will cen-
sack soldiers who i-arrlnl fin nf tlinlr
wounded comrades 530 miles after the ' on their lines In the location of man
recent raid Into Korea. , ufacturlng enterprises, and they want
The estate of the late ..arles S. to 1:nmv J,,st whnt lms l,een accom
Dewey. of Wheeling. W. Va which PHnnml und reports will be asked for
amounted to $1,000,000. will be snunn- ri,m 1111 liferents represented through
dered in litigation, his heirs having , "'"legations nnd no feature of the pro
Record of Church Extension In One
Spokane. July 23. Dr. W. O. MiutZ'
or, presiding elder of the Republic
dlctrlct of the Columbia river con
terence of the .Methodist Episcopal
church, has returned from n trip
umong his churches. He said: "Ev
erything is ready for the erection of
n new church at Downs, Wash. The
people will expend about $1800 for the
building. Two lots have been se
cured at Riverside. Wash., and a
church will he built there this fall.
"At Weuatchec the $4000 addition
to the old church Is about completed
and will bo occupied soon. The
church at Newport, Wash., Is to have
a new bell. An eastern friend of the
pastor donated $100 for the bell. The
dedication of the church at Sandpolnt,
Idnho, Is postponed until after the
conference. The congregation hopes
to secure the services of Dr. Forbes
of MlnneuiHills. for the dedication
1 tor In the purely ncndomlc work,
owing to tho sharp demand for this
grade nnd clnss of training, In Eastern
1 L, W. Damon, formerly of the Mod
' eru School of Commerco of La
, Grande, who now represents tho Itom
Ington typewriter people, hns traveled
1 extensively over Ensten Oregon this
....nun.. n,1 enva ttiA TiiYionnMia fnr I1T1
begun suit now for redistribution.
A 100-barrel flour mil. Is to be
erected at Hood River this season.
Portland ticket scalpers are reap
ing a harvest now from the tourist
travel coming io the West.
gram will bo more advantageous and
interesting than this.
If you haven't a business organiza
tion in your community, or some
other body through which you can be
represented, organize at once, and It
your meeting Is only large enough to
elect tho delegates, name yourselves
and come, for It Is the willing work-
I ers who are to do the most for Ore-
Louis Anger, a German farmer aged 1 gon.
SO, hanged himself nt Colfax Friday. Be sure to tiring your wives, daugh
whllc In a fit of temporary insanity. ' tors, sisters and sweethearts, for
The Lewis and Clark fair commis-' wllll ,lle ")CD a bs"y u,nea,ged in
Eion is preparing to issue another de- V,le fm,entl',n th, oman s Club of
scrlptlve pamphlet on Oregon re-!'1''"- Ian(I wl afler tno comfort
sources I tne women 'f Oregon.
. , The Oregon Water Power &. Rail-
,.5 r8Ja,",e!!- ",nman: E"Kc"e-! way company has tendered the use
shot W. W. Korn, Wednesday night. n, ,,,,. ,, ,. , , . f.0.
ui.u is lit juii UL uufsi.liu. iijmt. 4!niUh
cure ijfiuiiHiuuii.
The Polly Rlv.er Indians aro now In j
destitution, according to reports from
their reservation. Great suffering pre
vails among them. '
The first altar ever built In a Cuth-1
lie church in Oregon, Is being pre-,
served In the destruction of the old i
church building at Oregon City.
The Grand lodge of the A. O. U. W.
park, beyond Oregon City, one
of the most delightful trolley rides In
America. A committee from the Wo
man's Club of Portland will have
charge of this party, and It will be re
stricted to the wives, daughters, sis
ters and other ladies accompanying
delegates to the convention. These
special cars will leave from the cor
ner of First nnd Alder streets exactly
at 3 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, August 2.
An Informnl reception for tho la-
now In session, gave $1000 toward a Miles nnd gentlemen by tho Portland
fraternal temple to be built In Port- Commercial Club ut Its rooms on tho
land for the Lewis and Clark fair. eighth floor of the Chamber of Com-
; merce building, Tuesdny evening, from
S to 11 o clock. During both duys of
the convention, and at all hours, tho
' rooms and especially the tower of the
Mrs. William Walker, of Tacoma
swallowed carbolic acid Friday with
suicidal Intent, the acid burning her ,
throat she cried out and wasc saved
by prompt measures.
Rudolph Witter,
Commercial Club, will be open for the
use of the delegates. Portland nnd Its
a Salmon river environs from this elevation Is
miner, killed Chris Wain and L. D. i thought by many to be the most do-
Long and fatally injured Long's 14-, llghtful birds-eye view of the city to
year-old son In a row over mining he obtained anywhere in this country,
claims at Secesh Meadows, near i The railroads have Joined, for the
Grangevllle, Idaho, Friday morning, j first time, In making the extraordi
narily low rate of one faro for the
William McFnll, of Union, Is sup
posed to have been drowned in Snake
river Friday. His horse has b.een
found and bloodstains on the rocks on
the hank of tho river have also been
found, showing that an accldont has
If you want to buy wheat land, a
stock ranch, town property, vacant
lots or anything In tho real estate
line, Just drop In and seo us.
Office in E. O. Building, Pendleton,
Or. 'Phone Black 1111.
round trip from all points In Oregon
In order that this convention should
represent not only all tho Interests,
but that all portions of tho state
should bo represented among Its del
egates and participate in Its delibera
tions. The railroads show by this act that
they aro heartily In accord with the
formation of the Oregon Develop
ment League, and aro willing to do
their part In adding to tho population,
wealth and industries of tho stato.
Immediately upon choosing dele
gates, please notify your local papers
and send notice to tho Portland Com
mercial Club.
A program of brief but explicit
speeches on vnrlous subjects will bo
arrangod In advance, and every pos
sible effort will ho made to have this
convention result In bringing the Or
egon people together and In forming
plans which will result to tho bonoflt
of every portion of this great stato.
Vory respectfully,
"Peggy O'Neal" In Town.
A. G, Howard has secured the solo
agoncy for Pondloton for tho famous
"Peggy O'Neal" cigar, handled by Al
ton & Lewis, of Portland.
American Bride for English Lord.
London, July 23. The marriage to
day of Lord Batemun and Mrs. Honry
C. Jinnpp, an American, proved to be
a most brilliant affair. The ceremony
look place in St. George's church,
Hanover Square, und was attended by
a host of prominent society people.
Including all of the prominent mem
bers of the Amcrlcnn colony now In
town. Following the reception nnd
wedding breakfast. Lord Bateman
and his bride left for Shobden Court,
where the honeymoon will be passed.
Lord Buteman's full name Is William
Silencer Batcman-Hanbtiry, and he
was bom In 185G. He was formerly
a captain lu the Second Life Guards
and served In Egypt. Lord Bate
man's bride, who Is very beautiful,
was formerly Miss Marion Graham,
daughter of James J. Graham, of San
Francisco. She has lived in New
York the past few years, ami has a
splendidly nppolnted home In East
Eighty-second street, thaj city
Piles Upon Top of Plies.
Piles upon piles of people have the
plies, and DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo
cures them. There aro many different
kinds of piles, hut If you get the gen
uine original Witch Hazel Salvo made
by E. C. DeWItt & Co. of Chicago, a
cure is certain. H. A. Tladnlo of
Summcrton, S, C, says: "I had piles
20 years and DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve cured me after everything else
failed." Sold by Tallman & Co.
Cardinal Gibbon's Birthday.
Baltimore, July 23. This was Car
dinal Gibbons' 70th birthday and In
the course of the day he received a
basketful of congratulatory telegrams
from archbishops, bishops and prom
inent members of tho clergy In all
parts of the country. The cardinal Is
In good health and spirits and shows
few signs of his increasing years.
Cardinal Gibbons was born In this city
July 23, 1834. Aftor spending a part
of bis early youth In Iroland he re
turned to Maryland and was gradu
ated from St. Charles' College In 1861.
In 18C8 ho was consecrated bishop
and vicar apostolic of North Carolina
nnd four years later was transferred
to Richmond, Va. in 1877 ho succeed
ed to the see of Baltimore and 10
years later he was elevated to the
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
lly local applications as they can not reach
the dlaeaad portion of the ear. There
la only one war to cute deafness, and that
la by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of tbe
raucous Hnlns of tbe Eustachian tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you bare a
rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and
when It la entirely closed, deafness Is tbe
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, bearing wll be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which Is iiotlmi; but nn In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will glre One Hundred Dollars fnr
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CIIKNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by all druccsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Tills are tbe best
v Notice.
Billy Loathe! 's express wagon is
now at Howard's cigar storo. 'Phone
main 2S41. Itesldonce, rod 333.
Pendleton Academy Issues a Cata
logue Twice as Large as That Issu
ed In 1903.
Enterprise, prosperity, progress,
push ami vim arc exhibited in tho
catalogue now being from the press
ut the East Oregonlnn, for Pendleton
Academy for tno year 1904-5.
This catalogue is double the size
of lust year's book Is more
largely patronized by business men In uxcellent school year were nover hot
the way of advertising, nnd n much , tnr hnn now. on account of the gon
lurger edition will bo issued. It will ern prosperity, and feeling of thrift
bo placed In the hands of every young nmong all classes of peoplo, nnd pro
man nnd woman In Eastern Oregon ( cis a strong nttondnnco for Pen
nnd Washington, who would be Inter- (nt,ton Acadomy, from the beginning
estod in this school and the prospects 0f the term.
nre bright for a heavy attendance nt R w H Bleaknoy, principal of
the very beginning of the school year. , lll8tlttltloI1 lB n0w In Pennsyl
The Academy has been strengthen-, , vst nls fntlleri who Is very
ed In many ways for the future. In , bnl wl rGtHni ,)0mo , a BUOrt
the first place, more Intense Interest 1 1, , w1, mnl;e n tll()r()UKll cam.
will be centered in the purely ucad-1 , ' for BtlltlontB.
emlc work, its forces have been add-1
cd to, and centralized, and that will
be the prime feature of the Instltu- Chluf John Lone Dog, or the Man
tlon. dan Sioux Indinns, is dend at Poplar,
The preparatory grades have been , Mont.
: The Co W
j Lodging He
: nrt8ble ood a
" - io Burred.
Main street, center of
between Aita m
LeBsee and Manager
Week commencing Monday, July 25. Popular prices 25c, 35c
and 50c. Change of play Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Seats on sale Monday nt Brock & .McCoraas'.
W.e aro agents for the cele
brated Bacycle bicycle. It has
many features of merit not pos
sessed by othor wheels. We
also handlo the Columbia and
Crawford bicycles. Let us
show you one of our wheels and
explain Its merits if you are
thinking of buying a wheel.
The fact that wo do tbe bulk
of the wheel repairing Is a good
testimonial for our work. Wo
also repair sewing machines,
Make keys and make all kinds
of light repairs.
3H East Court Street
Grand Balloon Ascension
Broncho Breaking
Sunday, July 24th, 5 p. m.
Al J. Hurtubls.o, of Pendleton, will make a balloon ascension to
a height of 6000 feet. On the way up ho will do some fancy .trapese
Four expert rldors:
W. H. REEVES, of John Day;
2. Y. HARRIS, of Long Creek;
JOHN SPAIN, of Wallowa;
JOHN GEORGE, of Susanvllle.
will rldo unbrokon bronchos. If you havo any "outlaw" horses,
bring them along. They will ride them for you. It you want to boo
some clover riding, don't miss this exhibition.
Cool, refreshing and latlJ
iug. uur annus go right I
SnOt. Call fnr Snrla TV- ,
parllla. Iron Brew, Dr. Ped
rnospnates, Mineral
Boot Beer, Ginger Ale
uiuer, ana all kinds ot
unnKs. our drinks are
and only distilled n-ni. .
from condensed ste m, 's j
Manufactured by
Factory under St. George 1
All Kinds
i nave good sound woo
which is delivered
reasonable prices
For Cash.
Leave orders at Neumi
Cigar Store,
I The Frem
I Restaurai
Best 25 Cent Meal In the
Private Dining Parlon.j
Eleaant Furnished Roomri
633 Main Street.
Per set, 15.00; gold croij
U.0Q; silver filling, SOd
trading, 50c.
We are thoroughly equip!
.with all modern memuus
appliances, and guarantee
n ,o nt thi hleheat
ilnnt 'inil our nrlces the lo
consistent with arnt-cla "fl
White Bros.
Association Block.
'Phone Main 1CC1.
F.E. Van Dosi
& Co.
nnlirDATHRf) OF D"'l
Boiler setting and Ore P'
done In flrat-class manu.
Address Box 455. Pendletfl
Tenderfoot Transportation!
t. t... ..( nut in a newi
we uave jusi y'--. ftj
line from Elgin to .-te
points. We have cOTtorUWJI
cood horses and careim
".-. . .iii vnll mm"
scueuuie wi ,--
faster time ui u . - T aTll
than by any oiner
gin dally after the train arriM
leaving jowj r BtaWa
morning. .pea
Joseph nnd Los ine w 7
date commercial u tB
times. When you make a trip
the Wallowa conyuu.
foot line.