' PAGE EIGHT. ' . tDAlLY'EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, PRlDvY, pULV 22, 1,004- ,' ..' fi Wlh'-. i t 1 -iaaBBHf a. i u n m Mil m m The Eagles Carnival j ! Is Over I BUT OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE IS STILL ON, AND I WE ARE GIVING TftE BEST BARGAINS IN SHOES, OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS, IN THE CITY. ! DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. I 7 . GOOD SHOES CHEAP. L LESSEN RATES INSURANCE PI.EMIUr..- ARE NOW LOWER. Improvements to the City Reduce the Fire Insurance Rales In Many Dis tricts Brewery Improvements Cut Rate From 4V2 to 3 Insurance Ad juster Criticises Pendleion Back Yards Says Great Amount of In flammable Litter Is Dangerous. C. A. Craft of Spoknno, the special representative of the Board of Un derwriters of the Pacific coast, has been in town for some days, examin ing the fire risks, estimating the de gTeo of protection against fire, and the liability of different properties to have fire, and the possible degree of damage, that might result from fire under ordinary conditions of weather and water supply. . Air, Craft mentions as a fact that all property owners would do w.ell to remember right In the start, that every gasoline engine and gasoline tank and gasoline lamps adds some what to the risks of Insurance, and Buch an Increase has been noted and incorporated during this visit. The additional risk when there was any heretofore, was made a separate one; now it Is added, as a percentage, to the cost of Insurance. The value of brick buildings Is em phasized by the experience of William Hoesch, the brewer, who finds his rate of insurance on the now brewery to b,e much reduceu. On the original franio structure It was 4Vi; on tho AVOID CHAPS If we know anything batter .han F. & 8. TOILET CREAM, for healing chaps, cracks and roughness, and keeping the skin smooth, soft and fair, -we would have it. Those t.uo try it say our Toilet Cream is the best proposition thoy over used nnd we bollovo thoy aro right. Keep F. & S. ToUet Cream on hand and use it, and your face and hands will bo froo from summer skin discomfort. Daintily perfumed, pleasant to use, heals quickly, and costs little. 25c Per Bottle. Tallman (2b Co. LEADING DRUCCISTS NEW GS ... ... ... 4. .. ... i R. C. BEACH, President. W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier. No. 7301. Commercial National Bank OF PENDLETON Stockholders Liability, JEO.OOO. Capital; 150,000, A FEW FACTS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION First. That systematic saving pays. A deposit of 35.00 a month for flvo years, with 4 per cent interest computed semi annually, will yield you $332.27. Ten dollars a month for tho same length of tlmo will yield SCC4.60, while In ten years you would havo $1,474.76. Second. Tho safety of your money. Tho well known char actor and ability of tho board of directors and officers is a suf flclont guaranteo of honest and capable management. Third. That wo tako any amount from fl.00 upwards. Fourth. That your money is payable on demand. Fifth. That wo pay 4 per cent Intorest.on certificates of deposit and savings accounts, crediting the interest on tho sav ing accounts on tho first day of Fobruary and August in each year. Sixth. That wo oitond to our patrons ovcry courtesy and accommodation in our power, consistent with good banking, and L Seventh. That we aro under government inspection. Wp respectfully solicit your business. W. L. THOMPSON, Cashlor. 'Phone Main 1131 now brick building It Is less thnn 3 per cent. Tho rote on the Methodist church adjacent to tho brewery Is not de creased, because tho church adjoins that portion of the brewery plant which underwent no changes. The cold storage building and the saloon on tho corner nro still tho franio structures they were before tho new brewery was erected. The rote on tho now Cottonwood street laundry hns been reduced 5 on the 11,000. Mr. Craft found "back yard condi tions" bad In Pendleton, nnd does not hesitate to say so. An Immense amount of litter and debris, much of It intlnmmable, has accumulated In the alleys and on the back lots, nnd he advises drastic measures to get rid of It, as It constitutes a menace out of all proportion to tho Indifference with which people In general regard It. Tho condition Is worse since the ordinance was passed prohibited burning debris. Jlr. Croft says: "The people tell me the trash Is taken away regularly, but It Is not, and I know It is not. At tho same time Its existence constitutes a menaco that Is sure to be reflected sooner or later In the insurance rates. "Even should the rate not bo rais ed, the existence of these piles of debris should be Impossible, and will be as soon as the people realize the vlskB of fire from them. The people should be nctuated by a sense of self protection." Rib Broken. The aged father of Hon jamln .Mor ton, who lives 10 miles north of Pen dleton, had a rib broken this morning and sustained other, but slight, Injur ies, by the railing of a large barn door against him. The door was lift ed off Its roller by a strong wind ns Mr. Morton, Sr., was opening It. with the result mentioned. Dr. McFaul has tho case In charge and left the prtlent resting quite comfortably con sidering his years. Afraid to Tell the Facts. L. J. Anderson, a reservation wheat farmer, refuses to divulge the prob able or actual yield of grain on his holdings this year, because "the grain speculators use these Inflated esti mates to bear down prices with. U Is bad enough for everybody to tell It when they tell Just what Is true about the big yields; but nine-tenths of them lie about It, anyhow." Downs-Graves. Miss Minnie Dowtu nf Free .in u and 11 H. G-.ves of Weston, were married today In the parlors of the Hotel Bickers, Itev. Jonathan Ed wards officiating. Drink ORESCENT REAM It Is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SCALED TINS ONLY T. G. HA1LEY, Vice-President, THE PENDLETON J. J. KELLY BUYS UNEXPIR ED LEASE ON HOTEL. Well Known Pendleton Landlords Dis pose of Their Business for $6500 Sale Was Made Because of Caspar Van Dran's Continued III Health Hotel Has a Wide Reputation and Will Be Enlarged to Accommodate Its Patronage New Proprietor Now In Charge. The Hotel Pendleton changed hands this morning, .1. J. Kelley succeeding to Van Dran Brothers' unoxpireu lenso, which has four years more to r,un, their renewal dating about one year ago, for a live-year tenure. The consideration Is ?G500, tho purchase Including tho saloon stock nud fix tures, a portion of tho itirnlshlngs of tho house, nnd tho good will. Tho transfer is already mane and sir, Kolley Is in possession. Tho change of ownership carries with It no change in tho personnel of either the barroom force, or of the working force of the hotel. F. H. Gardner will remain ns clerk and Frank Collier and E. It. Ferguson as bartenders. Xelthor is there any change In the dining room force, or in the hall employes and housekeep ers. J. J. Kelley will bo the manager ns well us proprietor, and his oroth.er, F. N. Kelley, will be night clerk, a po sition which has been vncnnt for some time. Ho will be assisted by his son, Bliss Kelley. Mrs. Kelley accom panied her husband and son to Pen dleton on their first trip, nnd Is hero now. Tho family will reside In tho hotel, Mr. Kelley has a record ns a land lord In different parts of the country, and the Ins nnd outs of the business in Its heat phases are familiar to him. At one time he ran a hotel In San Bernardino, Cal., coming from that place to Tacoma In 1900, where he managed the Tacoma hotel for sever al years'. He was onco manager of the Park hotel at Great Falls, after wards of a hotel at Bozcman, and for a time was manager of a hotel in the Yellowstone Park. He was In the hotel business in Montana a total of 14 years. Tho Van Dran brothers retire with a fixed reputation as first-class hotel men. They leave the Hotel Pendle ton with a patronage that Is up to tho limit of th.e capacity of the house, would-be guests being turned away o,very day for months past.' They leave It only because of Caspar Van Dran's continued ill health for months past he had slept sitting In a chair, heart and lung action being such as to make reclining Impossible. He has been In very poor health over slnco he first came to Pendleton. Shortly after his arrival here, and im mediately after taking charge of tho Hotel Pendleton, he was stricken with typhoid fever and was hed-rlddon three months. He has never fully re covered from Its effects, In fact, his present poor health results directly from that Illness. George Van Dran has no present intention of leaving Pendleton, but he has not yet decided In what busi ness to engage. The hotel company contemplates extensive Improvements and altera tions to the building within from one to two years they cannot now tell just when they will undertake them, but tho general purpose of enlarging nnd remodeling is established, and tho details of putting them Into exe cution is merely a matter of tlmo. Tho Intention Is to add two stories and put In nn elovator system. Tho company expended 517,500 last year upon tho present structure, Im mediately alter the lire. WILL EXAMINE STUDENTS. Prof. J. B. Horner, of Agricultural College, Will Be In Pendleton Mon day, July 25. ' ' Prof, J. B. Horner, of the State Ag ricultural College at Corvallls, will bo at Hotel Pendleton on Monday, July 25, for tho purpose of examining applicants for entranco to the agri cultural college at the beginning of the next term, which begins In Sep tember. This is ona of Oregon's proudest in stitutions, tho attendance last year be ing 530. There have been 500 grad uates from this school since Its or ganization, and many of them hold the best positions on tho Pacific coast. There aro 33 Instructors In tho col lege,' In which all tho agricultural as well as tho literary and scientific branches aro taught. Ample dormi tory facilities aro provided, board costs ?2.75 per week, tuition Is abso lutely free and books cost about $10 per year. Tho collego accepts students from high schools and other institutions and furnishes one of th.o beat oppor tunities In the Northwest for young men and women to secure a literary nnd scientific education at a modorato cost. Prof. Horner will be here hut one day, Monday, July 25, having Just completed a tour of tho Eastern Ore gon counties nnd he vory much de sires to meet all the young peoplo of this vicinity who may havo any intont (Ion of attending this school. GOTTLIEB 8WANK DEAD. Death 'Caused by a Cancer on the Lower Lip Had Long Been III. flattllnh Rwnnk whn wna flK vnora of ago last January, died last ovonlng nt St. Anthony's hospital from ex haustion caused by the Inroads of a cancer 'on his iowor Up,- upon his vi tality. Mr. Swank had been afflict ed with this cancor for a number or years, and fof tho past two years had leen almost constantly In tho caro of physicians. Mr. Swank was a qormnn nnd had been In this country Tor about 30 years, but had novor learned enough English to be able to convorso in that Inngungo, His only rolntlvo liv ing In America Ib his son, Gottllob, a well-to-do farmer living near Free water, This boh has over beon solic itous about his father's welfare, and has ovcry month for years past llqul .In, ml nil lillln Inrurrpil for thn keen ing and medical attendance upon the old gentioman. The latter is sain to have been not easy to got nlong with, and would not llvo with his son. Mr. Swank, Sr., was an nrtlllery- man In tho uormau army ror u years, and sorv.ed In tho last Danish Gcrrann war which resulted in Den mnrk losing n province MENAGERIE INCREASED. Three Whelps Born to Lioness While on the Parade Yesterday. During tho parade of the Floto shows yesterday, three whelps wore born to tho monster African lioness, and n fow peoplo who learned of tho fact and secured permission to view the little kings of the Jungle, saw a sight never before witnessed In Pen dli'ton. The whelpfa were about the bb.o of larpo sized cats, and wore all sprlght ly, strong nnd healthy. Tho cngo was closed to the public, as the lioness was cross and fretful, only a fow friends of tho management being nl lowed to peer through a crack In the cage to view the fnmlly. Tho threo young niombors of tho Floto menagerie lay In n Biiug bundle In the middle of the cage, stretched out full length, enjoying the hot eve ning, nnd seemed to be In their prop-o.- element, ns Pendleton wenther yes terday evening very much resembled that of their native jungles, about this season of the year. While the lioness was asleep, the sightseeing wont on uninterruptedly, and the whelps were not disturbed, but the mother awoke while a fow people were peering Into her cage, and she Immediately became fretful, picked up enc of her babies in her mouth and paced the cage and grum bled, As .she had killed two other former babies by this procedure, tho management took h.or cage out of tho tent, where she would bo undisturb ed, us they vory much deslro to rnUo tills family. One of her offspring, an lS-mnnths old youngster, was exhibited to the spectators In a nearby cage, this be ing the only one of her eight families of whelps that has lived to become a permanent fixture with the menag erie. If the management can rnla.e these three youngsters,, thoy will add J5000 to the property valuo of tho show. BIG SHEEP 8HIPMENT. Gus La Fontaine Sells 1200 Yearlings and Dry Ewes Other Shipments to Follow. Gus La Fontaine hns returned from Meucham, where he helped look after the loading and shipment of 1200 sheep yearlings nnd dry owes, which he sold to Carstcns. These sheop are now on their way direct to tho East ern mnrketB. Thoy nro a choice lot and all ready for slaughter. The price received for them could not be learned, but Mr. La Fontaine express ed himself as pcricctly satisfied with his returns. During tho first few days In August Mr. La Fontaine will dollver to tho same firm for shipment between 2000 and 3000 lambs, also fat and ready for tho shambles. The J. E. Smith Company Is today loading for Redman 3000 sheep at Meacham. These sheep will pass through Pendleton, but whether thoy arc destined for the Sound markets or will excntually gp East ovor tho Northern Pacific could not bo learn ed. Attends Carpenter Wedding. .Miss Nellie Cameron, accompanied by Nenl nnd Tootsie, will leave for Portland tonight, to attend the wed ding of Homer V, Carpenter and Miss Edith Itnnaom. which will take place tomorrow night. After a day In Port land, Miss Cameron, Nenl and Tootsie will go to Ocean Park for a week's outing. Received Title to Land. K. o' Warner has received from the state lnnd board a .patent to 1G0 acres rof land in section 36, township C south, range 34. Tho land lies dl rectly smith 'of Pendleton, vory close to the southern lino of tho county, on a branch of tho North Fork of the John Day rlvor, In the Summer. During tho summer month some member of tho family Is suro to suf fer from Cramps, Bowel Complaint or Diarrhoea. Always keep a bottlo of Hosteller's Stomach Blttors in tho house for such cases. A doso at the first symptom will afford prompt re Hot. Then it always cures Headache, Belching, Poor Appetite, Nausea, In digestion, Dyspepsia and Malaria Try one bottle, Tho genuine has our Private stamp over the nock. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Biliousness is a common complaint, very annoying and often serious If the proper remedy be not administered. The secretive organs must be put in a thorough working condition. If you would like to have a relief act as if from n charm, just use Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and SEc. Arrangements 'Made for ;Ser)e -of Summer 'Meetings. Arrangements have boon mado for a series of Union sorvlces on Sunday evening, during tho remainder ot tho Bummer. Tho meetings will bb hold with thq various churches, Joining in. tho movement. All the details as to places and preachers lino not yet boon arranged owing to the .absence of some with whom consultation hr desired, nnd some necessary changes In tho schedule' already appearing. The first Jorvico or tho series will bo hold In tho M. E. church next Sun day, July 24, at 8 p. ra. Tho Bormon I will be preached by Prof, W. D. Ly man, of Whitman College Tho mem bers nnd friends of oil churches and thoso having no church home, nro cor dlally Invited to these sorvlces and urged to find some place in tho work they are Intendod to accomplish. Tho meeting on July 31 will bo held In the Baptist church, Sermon by ncv. W. L. Van Nuys, of the Presby terian church. Tho "sanest Fourth" wns whore It rained tho hardest. "WE DO THE BUSINESS BECAUSE WE HAVE GOODS," BOSTON STORE. EAGLE WEEK IS BEING OBSERVED AT PENDLETM BIG BOSTON STORE BY A SPECIAL LOW PRICE ARGl CRD VfttlB ATTCMTIAM A . , n . . . i-wn i wwn r I ieiiiiui, niiu I'M I riUNAUE, CAN WE I SELL YOU The Boston Stoi MI,,tM,l,,4M,l,IMIHMI(MMtHMtM' Hot Weather Sped Nncllrreo RlilrlH 50c to I Golf Shirts EOc to ,!i Cool Underwear 506 t0 z " Uroftw Vnl,ti,nr 25C" stviui. nnH 25c, 50o nd I Fancy Hoslory' 15e 200 ,rA ! BOYS CLOTHING SPECIAL DISCOUNT. lnn'o t1 Krt al,c vnAnnnA In ,.- mens fiii.uu ouua reuueuu iu poys' Wnshablo Suits 25 ' " 8TRAW HAT8, all there arc loft, at Half Price. BAER. DALEY One-Price Furnishers and Hatters TmTJr TTJft? DT TTMftl Has moTfid to Cottonwood atreot, between water better prepared than ovor before to do high-class piuw bio rates. Estimates cheerfully given. If you nave wo linn ..n him Uafnra vnu rn olaawhnrA. UUD BCD UI(M WW.W UU O " v... - - H BECK, the Reliable Modern School of Coma1 A DualnoBS and Shorthand Training Scncw. Write today. ELATERITE IS MIINHKA "' We properly temper it for each particular ?lm&! juto canvass we ouua up ft nre, waier uu - hset ot d"!T il a ground mica surface and a wool felt paper drj ' , mZl WE'LL lay tho goods, or you can. It Tpretw' 1 toll you some mighty interesting things. They w" " book from shrlvellne ud. Write Ufl. . rw(iM.V The Elateriie Roofing Co., 10 Worcester mi. W -Mason Jar,. Large slw-i"- WhltB Plates, eachi. OWL TEA H HATS SUITS SHOES Shoes and Clothing . j rVinrt. Car Fare Free. Two Month.' Tuition r..- at dttrBER