son PAGES. ' EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1904. PAGE THREE. July Clearance Sale REMNANTS. At Just one-half the regular value. -s SHOE BARGAINS. ,300 ladles shoes or Oxfords, clearance price $1.95 pair 250 ladies' shoes or Oxfords, clearance price $1.65 pair MOO Iadles Bll0CB or fords' clearnnce nrlce 1-35 pair l60 ladles shoes or Oxfordr, clearing price $1.15 pair IS II LOST MINE FABULOUS FIND BY A SOUTHERN OREGON BOY. the Oregon Dally Alexander Dept. Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES Pure Water from Pure Ice FOH ONLY SIX CENTS FEK GALLON. The beautiful crystal Ice Is made from distilled water. When melted again the water Is puro as the Ice. You cannot afford to drink the Impurities and contagion that makes a part of the river water. Take our product and YOU HAVE BOTH ICE AND WATER. Pendleton ice and Cold Storage Co. Telephone Main 1781. HARVESTERS' 8UPPLLIES, BUILDErS' HARDWARE, UNIVERSAL STEEL RANGES, GENUINE CHRISOLITE GRAN ITEWARE. A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING TOOLS AT THE Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. WE FURNISH YOUR WORK. ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND 8OLICIT PABST Milwaukee Beer ON DRAUGHT? AT the state saloon J. E. RumoII & Co, Prop. J' L. VAUGHN h2M ill.-..- o .V,-Mloa Blv.n and .1. I i,Ku """WM Of .11 mod, ITrtt," Building, Hit., ' "u' INSURANCE. Fire, Lire and Accident JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor Hard ware Store. A Pioneer of Southern Oregon Thinks the Ledge Found by Young Briggs Is a Mine Found During the Indian War of 1855, But Forgotten and Lost Afterward One Man Spent His Life und Fortune Trying 10 Kelocate It. om-uu smmitt, a Jackson county ....... , WI10 ,s n (ieeEato (0 tlle A .. . I, Brani1 0(,R meeting, says that the fabulous .strike made by tho Briggs family on Sucker creek. In bouthern Oregon. Is another case of a lost bonanza found, and avers that iuu Muiiueniu ledge was first dlseov crcu in 1S55, savg Journal. "as lor many years been a resident of Jacksonville, the u.ucsl anu m Its day the richest mln g camp in Oregon. Ho Is a cooper u umiu. mil in his old age ho fol lows horticulture and carpentering In meir respective seasons, and be tween times be goes prospecting. This lias been his linhlt for vonr and bo has In his career met nearly all the mining men of note in the state. This is bis siory of the first buckcr cieok strike: 'When the Indlnn trnnlilns nf 1SKR Megan, two men named Belleville, nnd Miller, who were coming to join the Indian fighters, crossed a ranee of jiiuuinnins auout in miles southeast of Jacksonville, and thero struck a icufcu 1 rum which tney tool: somo qunrtz that was nearly pure gold. Each man carried away n small piece, Intending to go back after the Indian war was over and work the mine. On their way next day they got lost and afterward they never were able to ro-locate the place. Belleville was the only man who came Into Jacksonville with his specimen. It was about a quarter of a pound. He got ?100 for It. Ho told me, in de scribing the place, that on tho top of a high mountain near the quartz vein the) could see the ocean." This is exactly the description trlvon of tho Briggs ledgo and It Is tho only place In that district where tho ocean can bo seen, .icllovllle spent the remainder of his life and all tho monov ho could earn trying to re Innntn the ledge, but died without findlnc it. Miller also Is dead. Hu, their ledge has at last been found accidentally by a farmer boy out hunting, who probably oven hnftrd nf Belleville or Miller. The Urlgga have at present $65,000 In gold In tho bank at Grant's Pass, and enough more In sight at tho ledgo to make fortunes tor an 01 mem. TO CURE ANY DISEASE. Tlie Cmifce Must be Ilemoved, Same AVnr With Dandruff. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, nnd your hair must grow luxuriantly. Newbro's Herplcldo not only contains the dandrufT germ doRtroycr, but it is also n most delight ful hair dressing for regular toilet use. No other hatr preparation is on this scientific basis of dcstoylng tho dandruff germs. It stops all irritation, keeps th scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Ito member that something claimed to lie "Just as good," will not do the work of genuine Uerplclde. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps for sam ple to The Uerplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. SAMURAI AND JIU-JITSU. The Most Wonderful System of Ath letlcs In the World. More than "J.500 years ago there Mining Into existence In Japan nn or der of knights who were known as the sntminil. To them was Imparted all the learning, the polite breeding and the fornw of superiority that mark Ihe geiitleniun. They were skilled In arms and versed In the nrts of war, for they were the emperor's lighting men, nnd none but they were allowed to bear arms. As thero could not nhvnys be war ou Imnd, anil as It was considered be neath the dignity of the samurai to go into any ordinary callings, It came about naturally that these little knights found much Idle time on their hands. Being men of war. they turned their attention to athletic, feats. One niuong the samurai conceived the Idea nf learning by practice the location of every sensitive nerve nnd muscle In the body. After that be dis covered nil the Joints of the bones that could be seized In vueh n way as to give momentary power over tho mus cles of an adversary, lie practiced with his fellow samurai, and thus by degree-, was developed the most won derful system of athletics known In the world. The Japanese call tills work Jlll-Jltsu. The deft pressures applied in the prac tice of Jlu-Jltsu produce only momen tary pain, but do not really Injure the muscles or nerves. In all other things the Japanese are the most polite peo ple In the world. So It follows that even In their lighting they have de veloped a humane yet effective method of self defense. They do not strikeout with the clinched list and seek to bruise, as do the Anglo-Saxons In their boxing contests. A knowledge of Jlu-Jltsu enables one almost Instantly to convince bis oppo nent that It Is useless to light. There are now schools of Jlu-Jltsu everywhere In, Japan. Every soldier, sailor anil policeman Is obliged to perfect himself In the system. A Japnnese policeman, possessed of the nrt, has been known single handed to reduce to submission and to take to the police station four sturdy sailors of 11 foreign Asiatic squadron. St. Nicholas. srs suDDJies If you are Interested In Oil Painting, see Us. Our line Is complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' SAl-irS BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, HJWORtNG EXTRACTS! AtolurtPtjrfty. FlneslFlavor, OrtaM Sf revtfh, ftMonibk Prices. CL05SET ft PEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. LO8T, 8TRAYED OR STOLEN rom my place at Juniper on June 27, two mares; one a sorrel mare, weight about 1200 pounds, 6 years old, branded CH on left shoulder; she has crookod front feet. Tho other is a G-yearoId bay more. weighing 1100, branded R over a bar on left hip and T within a circle on right shoulder. I will pay $10 for Information lead- Ing to tho recovery of both horses, or J5 for elthor of them. Address, A. LARSON, Juniper, Oregon. TrienniaJ Conclave Knights Templar, San Francisco, Sept. 5-9th, 190-1 Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 19-25th, 1904. Account of above occasion tho O. It. & N. makes a round trip rate, of $31.85 dates of sale, via steamer from Tort land August 2-28th, and September 1 and 2. Via rail, September 1, 2, 3, 15, lu and 17. Continuous passago on go ing trips, with final return limit Octo her 23, 1901. Stopovers will bo allow ed In California only, nnd only on re turn trip. For particulars call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N, Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Gobolick of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 15 years I endured Insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing rellev ed me though I tried everything Known. I came across Electric Bit tors and It's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A fow bottlos of It completely relieved and curod me." Just as good for liver and kid ney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tollman & Co., druggist. COMING EVENT8. Organization Oregon Development League Portland, August 2 and 3. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. Inland Empire Teachers' Associa tion Pendleton, October 19, 20 and 21. National Irrigation Association, El Paso,, Texas, November 15-18. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bidn will ln ronrt vnrl fit thn office of C. E. Troutman, nrchltect, until ttaturdavi Jnlv sa inni nt m o'clock p. m., for the excavating and brick and stono foundations for three school houses to bo built in P.endlo ton. A certified check for 5 per cent nf tho nmnnnt rf Hi. 1.1,1 mi.c n- h.hvuh. yj I IH W UU WUSk " company each bid, ttf bo forfeited In case, contractor falls to enter Into bonds to com Dlfi to hln work. Thn board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. The plans and specifl. cations can bo seen at C. E. Trout man's office. JOHN JIAILEY, JR., Clerk. Working Night and Day, The busiest and ml phi lout llttln thing that ever wnn mnrin Id Dr If Inca New Life Plllfl. fhnnn nllln nhnnira weakness Into strength, Hstlessncss nuo energy, Drain-rag into mental power. They're wonderful In building UP the health. Onlv 2R nor tint Rnlrf by Tallman & Co. MARGARITA FISCHER. Popular Company Coming to the Fra zer Next Week. Manager Taylor, after n grcnt deal of correspondence, has nt last In duced tho Mnrgaritn l lschcr Company to play a roturri engagement here. Beginning on Monday, July 25, Miss Fischer's company will give nn en tire now hill overy other nlgiit that Is, Wednesday, Friday nnd Sunday. Those who saw Miss Fischer last spring when sho was hero, will re member her sweet face nnd charming manner, nnd those who did not, should do so. Miss Fischer Is the youngest leading lndy on tho stage, being but 16 years of ago. Tho price will bo 10c, 20c and 30c, and seats will bo on sale Monday. Ambassador Storer Coming Home. Berlin, July 2. Bellamy Storer, the American ambassador at Vienna, sailed for Now York today on tho Hamburg-American liner Deutschland. Mr, Storer has been suffering from In termittent fever, nnd his visit to the United States nt this time is nken chiefly with the idea that the sen voyage and n few weeks of rest will bring about his complete recovery. The Washington & Columbia River Railway special summer txcur slon Rates to Coast Points. Beginning Juno 15, 1304, tho W. & p i? mltwnv will havn on salo tickets to Westport, Long Bench, Clatsop Beech, Tokeland, llwnco, Scavlew, Ti oga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park, Nnh cottn, Flnvel, Ooarhart nnd return at $10,00 for tho round trip. For children of half faro ngo, .one half tho above rate. Tickets will bo good returning until September 30th. For full Information call upon or address, W. AUAM8, Agent. In order to nccommodato fishing parties the O. It. & N. Co. will, until close of season, have train No. 2, leaving here at 5:45 p. m., stop nt North Fork on Saturday ovonlngs, nnd train No. 1. duo In Pondleton nt 9 a. tn., stop at some plnco Monday morning. This nrrangement will bo In offect Snturday, May 14. E. C. SMITH, Agent. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Egg and Phosphate BAKING POWDER BETTER THAN THE OLD-TIME CREAM OF TARTAR POWDER8. Have It In Your Home The City Brewery Bottled Beer. It's the most delicious and purost beer made. It Is superior to all other boverngos. It is wholcsomo and satisfying during this hot weather. Tho City Browery Bottled Deer la always good. It is not spoiled by changing of tempcraluro. You'll en- Joy this beer nnd will bo benefited by drinking it. Put up in quarts, pints and half pints. Deliver to your homo free in any quantity desired. 'Phono 2981. Excursion Rates to Portland August 1st, 1904. Oregon Development As-' sociatlon Meeting. Portland, Ore., August 2d and 3d '04. For tho nbovo occasion tho O. R. & N. makes a special rate of $0.85 for the round trip. Tickets on salo Aug ust first for trains Nos. 1 nnd 5 only. Continuous passago both directions. Final limit August 4, 1904. For par ticulars call on or address E. C. Smith, Agent O. R. & N. T w o w a r tl s. Schilling's Best: and one more that is moneyback stand for the best in trade: bsst goods and best dealing. Your (ro:trt ; mon.ybftcfe. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building Material Dimension lumber of all de scriptions. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper. BRING YOUR BILL TO U8 AND GET OUR FIGURES. Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Opposite W. & S. R. Depot. Household Goods for 8ale. I Will Offer fni- anln mv unllra household goods, lncludl nor now nlnnn organ, steel range, two bedroom suits, extension table, ore. Pnri nnfntt riv Clay street Attention Sheepmen. Ranee to lease and can tncntn SOme COOd rail ire and wntnr. Artrlraaa box 44, La Grande, Or, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in Incl when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food, Use Kow Kure for your cow trou. bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta 8L Agent for Lee's Lice Killer, College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts, Despain & Clark GLASSES THAT DO NOT FIT aro much worse than uono nt nil. Oo to an OPTICIAN when tho eyes aro weak. Thon the glasses will bo absolutely corroct. No chargo Is mado hero for tostlng tho sight and vory little for supply ing SPECTACLES OR EYEOLAS8ES for reading or general purposes. Wo carry a full lino of gold spocta clo sand eyeglasses. Prices nro mod erate. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician- Postoffice Block. WATER TANKS We tnnko a Specialty of Building Round or Square WATER TANKS Also Header Beds all sizes and kinds. We make thorn right und they always glvo satisfaction. Our work Is never slighted or botched, Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FOR8TER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. Building i Material I OF A 1.1. DKSCMPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard i Alta Street, Oap. Court Ho" T 44rHr