East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    V I ! DAILY EVENING F-DITli ' j jl
SoSs ami,
i fcv the size ot
vnn want your
f J&ched. Pinch on
. .
t Tells of the Won-
Resources of the
IpTIVATE ALL v.oi.n.
L visitors Registered With
L.i Information Bureau
.Umatilla Should Be Hep-
a rr..
, That Permanent c.
fc,,,e ASK inoueii
L About the County, But
LCI Available Tells of
I uinnrierful Mines
Llrd,Excellent Exhibits
From Echo.
ILeRor. who '8 liero ln tho
of the Oregon Information
Us entertainingly of the va-
! he has visited luring the
Ir 'and I was surprised and
r" .. - tt l i l
I it the resources ui wui. vi-
scared a spionum exnioii
through the courtesy of Mrs.
iho peaches, oerries
Uere especially fine.
thing that Is wormy or
l!i the fact that I secured an
liillblt of grains and grasses
i raised without irrigation.
I compare favorably with
Ota 1 have seen that were
Irrigation. Echo has
I m set of officers for its
I and on next Wednesday
j 111 hold a meeting to re-
I trill be present and glvo
.! to m.eet the Commercial
i here before I go to the
JFreewater country and ar
t-secure & good exhibit or
grasses and other pro
hibit Helps Oregon.
likibit I am gathering will
pot the regular exhibit of the
formation Bureau. I am ea
rns to have a full exhlb-
I tule's resources by August,
lie Oregon Development
pilch metes in Portland Aug-
1 1, may see what wo are
I attract a desirable class of
ha to this state.
line I go to Athena, Wes-
Pi and Freewater to cot
Iiflhelr products. I am very
It let as comploto an exhibit
wets of this county ns pos-
w permanent exhibit.
(no Idea of the Interest It
i those who have lust nr-
ue East. They buy their
h to Portland und then
M around for a location, :
or toe resources of each
iW helpful to them in de-
f e to go.
past year more than
seekers havo registered
Ides a very larirn nnmlinr
lmlned our exhibits with-
as- We are trying lo cet
i all over th.e state.
N Oregon Outlook.
fat visited Southern Ore-
' ""ere I vUlteti tho mag
wiflf Olwoll Bros., ,nt
l In snlto nf h i...
"ought they have oxper-
have an avorace
Bros, orchard n nvnop.
er hailstorm last Satur
considerable damage
Li. ,n Bnlte of 8Uch
M the valley looks very
i magnificent sped
L nines in Southern
mere I visited tho
ulna nn mi.
In v.. . ' '"uiupsun
79'topped taklne ihn
'&Zoay as thoy say it
ft k,0f.U,lr. cab'n stowed
"Vo 0 a cann. Thv
" MOO.000 from a Mr.
will possibly nc-
fully equal to anything you will see
Irt the Alps. One need not leave Or
egon to see beautiful sconory or to
find matchless undeveloped resources.
When I travel over the state I cer
tainly think that the person who lives
ln Oregon has good cause to be an
Labor Leader In Seattle.
Seattle July 22.-W, P. Jones, gen
eral organizer and formerly first vice
president of tho Hotel and Restaurant
Employes' International Alliance and
Bartenders' I.cngue, Is In the city and
will remain here for a few weeks ln
the Interest of his organization. Spec
ial me.etlngs of tho different crafts he
represents will bo held during his stay
In tho city.
Portland Aids Mitchell.
Portland, July 22. Five hundred
dollars has been sent by the city of
Portlnnd to Mitchell, Wheeler coun
ty, for tho relief of the flood sufferers.
Mayor Gilliam, of Hoppner, has noti
fied Portland that Hoppner will also
send substantial aid to Mitchell.
' Fourth of July Lockjaw.
Seattle, July 22. Alu.e Jones, the
fl-year-old son of Mrs. M. Jon.es, who
lives on Falrvlew avenue, died at a
local hospital at 8 o'clock last oven
lug of lockjaw, resulting from a
wound from a toy pistol sustained on
tho Fourth of July.
0. R. & II. BUILDS
Old Line Abandoned In 1894 Will Be
Immediately Rebuilt and Put In
Operation Was One of the First
Pieces of Railroad Built in Wash
ington Terr.iory In 1880-1, But Was
Abandoned Because of Unsettled
What Is known as the "Connoll
branch" of tho O. R. & N. is to be re
built ln tho 'Immediate future. Word
comes from that vicinity that the pre
Iminaries are ln progrcs now and It
Is believed, from - the Indications of
activity along the lino, that the re
building is to be completed during the
latter part of the present summer.
What Is known as a certainty Is that
th.o .road Is nctully to be rebuilt and
left at the dimensions It had prior to
being abandoned ln 1894.
Tho "Connell branch" comprises a
portion of the very first railroad built
ln the present limits of the state (then
territory) of Washington. Tho orig
inal lino was built in 1880-1, and .ex
tended from Moscow, Idaho, westward
and southwestward to Connell. The
Spokane branch of the O. R. & N.,
when It was built, crossed the Mos-cow-Connell
line at LaCrosse.
That portion of the "Connoll
branch" between LaCrosse and Wash
tucna, a distance of 25 miles, was
never abandoned. From Washtucna
to Kahlotus, a distance of 15 miles,
was abandoned in 1894, but was re
built and put In operation three years
ago. At this time that portion of the
line between Connell and Kahlotus ro
mains dismantled, and Is that portion
that will bo Immediately rebuilt and
put ln commission. From Kahlotus
to Connell Is 1C miles. The total dls
lance from LaCrosse to Connell Is,
therefore, CG miles.
That region has developed until tho
rebuilding of this line has become lm
peratlvoly necessary. Tho old routo
will be followed closely, and It Is sup
posed that a largo part of the old
grades and cuts and fills can b.e utll
Chicago Packing Plants Grossly Vibjated The iyArbit rat io n
, J
When the Strikers Returned to Work They jFound Gross Discrimination
Against the Members Leaders Were Ignored, Friendly Members
Were Selected for Favors, Thousands Wefe Not Able to Secure Em
ploymentPacking Plants Are Now Tightly Closed, as All the Non
Union Help Left When the Unions Returned to Work Entire Difficulty
Is Now Opened With Increased B Itterness-Publlc Sentiment Is With
the Strikers. '
Chicago, July 22. The stockyards ' packing Senters: "Order the men out
strike was .declared on .attain this (today lnlatl departments." Tho rca-
morning. When the butchers returned son Donnelly assigned for his extra-
to worK tney fount) conditions which onllnttrymcllon was mat mo pacKt-rn
prevented many from getting employ- had violated their agreement uy niS'
Grada Will Reach Tipton In
Weeks More.
rtobn niiv. .tnlv 22. TmeklftvlnB
on tho extension of the Sumptcr Val-
lev railway Irom wnitney to Tipton is
completed to within about ono mile
nn.l a iiiinrtnr nf Tlnton. A 1)1 fill
will requlro n week or 10 days, and
when this Is done trains win no run
nlng- Into Tipton In two woeks from
The mercantile store or unrton
MI1W nt Whttnov. will bo moved to
Tipton In tho near future. i
Other buslncsR houses, saloonB, ho
tel and livery stable will ho .establish
ed nt once.
criminating. The wildest excitement
prevailed about tho yards although
there were no riots.
ment and other alleged
tions against the unions.
When a committee of strikers, sent
to Interview the superintendent of the
Armour plant, reported the situation,
howls of rage went up and the pack
ers were cursed roundly.
Then the great army of strikers
turned and filed out of the yards.
Now the strike places the packers In
a worse plight than ever, for practi
cally all the non-union, men left last
night, fearing to face the returned
The packers immediately complain
ed to Donnelly, who said: "The su
perintendents of the various .plants
walked in among our men and picked
out a few whom they felt assured
were friendly to them. The rest they
Ignored.. At Armour's plant Nicholas
Gotr, president of the Packing Trades
Council, was passed by four times.
"At Swift's Foreman Murphy was
ignored. At the Anglo-American plant
they reinstated only 10; at Nelson &
Morris', four.
"It Is a clear case of discrimination
and violation of the agreement, and .- . . .
an attempt to disrupt the union. I I 2000 RP"d ha.
had no recourse but to order another Omaha, July 22. Two thousand re
strike." i Bixinded to th.e strike order and walk
Donnelly has called upon President 1 t at noon.
Golden to bring out the teamsters ana
Another Conference Called,
Chlcagp. July 22. At 1 o'clock this
afternoon tho officials of tho Butch
ers' Union and th.e affiliated unions
met at tho down town headquarters
for a conference.
This meeting will be followed at 3
o'clock by a conference between the
representatives of tho unions and the
1 packers ln which tho entire situation
will be gone over.
The packers this morning confer
red at the yards and Issued a state
ment of surprise that the men were
ordered out again and asserted their
Intention to carry out the agreement
In every particular,
i In compliance with the second or.
der to strike, every member of the
union at the packing houses struck
this morning. A meeting will be held
at 2 this afternoon to form a plan
' of net ion; - - -
the mechanical trades
called out today,
Packers Grossly Violate Pledge.
nhlnnirn .Tnlv 22. Fiftppn or twen
ty thousand men reported for work ! strike.
at th.e packing bouses to discover
that a few were to be taken back.
In anger they sent a committee to
demand reinstatement without, dis
crimination. Falling ln this, they
marched away.
Rhnrtlv nftni- tlita Prpulriant Tlnn-
- I
will also be 6000 Cut Again at Kansas City.
Kansas City. July 22. Practically
all of tho G000 members of the meat
unions struck at noon. Loud cheers
greeted the order to resume the
A vast majority of the strikers did
not get back to their old places this
Quiet Strike at St. Paul.
St. Paul, July 22. No disorder
characterized the second walk-out of
nelly officially ordered the men out, the packing house employes here this
sending the touowing telegram to an morning.
fair i.
uj lift . .
'Bun. ""iiuoriui
at'i,mn tbat toul U
w """ of . miles
U struck down
wV'e toIJ. the dog
Mil tii I ref"sed to
'"Cli S??? Up R ploco
l TV" it at tho doe. Tho
Projecting ,
l lam It was seam.
1 specimen of tho
ie Alps.
Kith th
7aJ ,havo traveled
i!lMll I can frat.bi
Chinaman Executed.
San Quontln Prison, Cal., July 22.-
Chew Lan Ong was executed this
morning. Th.o crime for which he
died was tho murder of his nephew, a
boy of 12. Ong had a quarrel in
China with his brother over dlstrlbu
tlon of a third of bis brother's estate,
He came to San Francisco and killed
the boy for revenge.
Wilson Barrett Dead.
London, July 22. Wilson Barrett,
tho actor, and dramatist, is dead.
Prayer Meeting Converted Into Beau
tiful Marriage Ceremony,
Last night at the close of the prayer
meeting at tho Methodist Episcopal
church, tho pastor announced tbat a
wedding would take place at once in
the main auditorium of tho church.
This was quilfl a surprise to tho com
pany gathered for prayer.
The bridal company entored and
the sorvlce was changed Into a beau
tiful and impressive marriage cere
mony, when Mr, Charles Marshall and
Miss Laura McAf.ee, both of this city,
were united In the bonds of wedlock.
Tho young couple are woll known
here and will make their homo In tho
Mauuel MIL of Sheridan, Wyo
stubbed to death a Flnlandor named
Konstor Syreen, Tuesday In a drunk
en row.
C. Taylor Has Disposed of 1800 Baker City Paper Asks Some Peril
Pounds of Seed This Season. nent Questions.
,"""'' i ,1 in V,i' wh the prov sions of the Eddy hill,
2C, rUnBcls thefivayfraonm '-
five to ICO pounds was sold In a lot. "tD, ' " 'S,v n'moora '
This seed w , sown all the way from ,5?.
dGoZirTaUBt I7waSe9drshaattt!Di
except that it Is the product of .see l,ruW'W
irom auana wmcii hub uwu mi
a succession of years on lands which
wore seml arld, and as a result it has
become "acclimated" to hazardous
and unfavorable conditions of soil
and moisture, and for that reason Is
perhaps more hardy and will with
stand drouth better than the product
of seed grown where there Is an
abundance of moisture.
A mass meeting of Irrigators wilt
bo held at Ontario, Malheur county,
on August 8,
cent of the companies of the state
nave gono out of business,
Knapp Case Before Pardon Board,
Columbus, 0 July 22, An appeal
in .behalf of Alfred A. Knsnn. tho
Hamilton strangler who Is now ln tho
Ohio penitentiary annex .awaiting
electrocution, waa presented to tho
Biaie uoara or pardons today by hi
lawyer, Thomas Darby. There Is be-
novea to oo little chance of a comma
tatlon of sentence.
A mass meeting of citizens Is called
for 7:30 this .evening at the council
roomr for the purpose of discussing
the question of donating from tho
treasury of the city of Pendleton, to
old tho people of Mitchell, Wheeler
county, which was almost totally do
stioyed by a cloudburst last weok.
Mayor Matlock has received a com
munication from the peoplo of Mitch
ell, asking aid, and as other cities ln
the state are contributing liberally to
the fund, Mayor Matlock desires a
public discussion of the matter before
granting' the request of the stricken
A large attendance Is requested as
tho question concorns the entire com
munity and a full and free discussion
of tho matter is desired. Mltcholl is
tho county seat of Wheeler county,
and was visited by a severe cloud
burst last week, which destroyed 28
houses, killed two aged people and
loft about 80 homoloss, and there Is
said to be great need of assistance.
The country around Mitchell Is
sparsely settled and thore can be no
possible relief from the immediate
neighborhood, tho bulk of It must
come from voluntary subscriptions
and donations from the cities of tho
Battle of the Prohibitionists for the
Presidential Campaign.
Indianapolis, July 22, "Redeem the
rnnntrv from bunco. boodlo and
tioozi!." Is the battle cry of tho pro
hibitionists in this campaign as laid
rinvvn liv- Sltns Rn-nllnw In Ills RCCODt-
nnco speech after his notification of
tho vote this afternoon.
Three-fourth of the delegates to tho
convention here witnessed tho notl
flcatlon. Swallow expressed confi
dence ln being elocted to tho presi
dency nnd was loudly choored. Nom
inee Carroll also spoko.
Gasoline Pumping Plant Will Be In
stalled on Property Purchased of
J. H. Koonti In Edge of Town
Reservoir Will Be Built and Pejma
nent Wells Dug Abundance of Liv
ing Water Found at a Distance of
26 Feet.
J. P. Nelson, the Mlnnesotan who
"has the trancliIso'fo'r putting In water
works at Echo, was In town yesterday
and today, returning to Echo this
morning. Mr. Nelson has invested
heavily In Echo and nftor a year's
residence thero has tho courage and
faith of his convictions that the town
has an assured futuro hofore It. Ho
bought what Is known ns the "Koontz
property," and a half Interest In the
Hnlstcad addition, and has other
smaller holdings In town and vicinity,
Mr. Nelson has sunk prospoct
holes, and tho results conform oxact
ly with tho findings In tho old wells
of the vicinity, in all of which an
average depth of less than 200 fcot
Is found an abundance of tho finest
The central well and the pumps of
tho writer works will bo situated In
tho edge of town, on tho block first
mentioned tho Koontz proporty. Tho
pumps will ho operated by a gasoline
engine of 20-liorse power, Tho reser
voir will bo situated 2000 feet ap
proximately east of tho wells nnd
pumps, and on a point 120 fcot nbovo
the general uverago of tho clty'B
level. It will bo 30x40 feot In diam
eter and approximately 12 feet doop.
This Is (ho size that Is probable
the minimum size, whll It Is moro
liable to bo larger than of tho dimen
sions mentioned. Tho figures given
Imply n capacity of approximately
100,000 gallons.
Mr Nelson Intends to have tho sys
tem in operation by the first of No
vember, although It Is possible that
It will not be completed until next
Russia Apologizes for Her 'iM
Insult to John. Bull's Dig- WMM
Box- ' vHH
One Continental Party Says Rusita
Had a Perfect Right to Search Mr
Vessel During th,e Scrap Bei
England and Russia Felt the Pufea
of Europe With Regard to a Wa
England Will Make the Passage (f
the Dardanelles One of the Items, off
the Settlement Confidence Is Restored,
Berlin, July 22. It Is stated hums
that tho complications arising fnaas
tho seizure of tho xlnlnccn have
sottled mi tho following terms: "
land has acknowledged tho Ilusslssai'
right to search the Malacca and fiar
thcr, gave Russia a formal assuraano
that the steamer's cargo consisted aS
English government properly. Haarifa
admits tho seizure was an error On
Judgment and will pay an IndoranMiK,
and says that more circumspectlcn fit
to bo used In tho futuro."
Tho stntus of tho volunteer licet cm
mains undefined. The passngu of Uau
Dardanelles did not figure In tho pra
tot. llnioro i hi' settlement nvbb obtsinnll
tt Is stated that Russia sought Kw
poan support agnlnst England, tatt
failed. England, on the other hung.
Informed the powors that sha wqbM
recapture the Malacca forcibly uaban
liberated. The expectation now Is Ikatt
England -will raise tho question ot fltrn
passngo of the Dardancllea by volnw
tecr steamers.
Seeking the Captured Liner.
Alexandria, July 22. No word kan
been received from tho Malacca afaro
she cleared Port Said yesterday. Tfa
British cruiser Venus, loft hurrhsUr
after receiving a long tolegrana Bit.
cipher from Ixnilon nnd tho Impcw
slou provails that sho has gone Hat
search of tho captured liner.
Malacca Incident Closes.
Ivondon, July 22. An Exchange
egraph from ParlB wires that Ftsjbsd
has Intervened directly botwoen fUluu
land and Russia with tho result tftatt
tho difficulty between the two oium
trles nrlslng from th.e seizure of Utm
Malacca has bcon satisfactorily aw
Drunken Mexican Alcade Assassin
ates Two American Lawyers.
Washington, July 22 - The follow
ing message has been received from
Consul Kaiser at Mazatlan, Mexico:
"Americans telegraph mo that Alcal
de Torres, a nophow of (lenuiul Tor
res, while intoxicated, went on busi
ness to Clarence Way'H office, wlio
requested him to return when sober.
H left nnd sent subordinates to ar
n'st Way nnd Ed I-attmor, but In
stead of arresting them, the officials
assassinated them. Tho governor has
promised rne his uld and a thorough
Investigation Is In progress,"
Tlio department telegraphed Kaiser
to lr""divc:y send some ono t Investigate,
Penn's Descendants Coming.
Vancouver, B. C. July 22. Tho Earl
ot Ranfurly, governor of Now Zealand,
and his secretary, Major Dudley Alex
ander, aro expected to orrlvo hero en
routo to England next week. Tho carl
Is a descendant of William Penn.
After visiting tho St, Louis exposition
no win go to Philadelphia to see the
points of mtorest and various relics
connected with his great ancestor.
McFadden to Fight Langford,
Manchester. N, II.. July 22. The
Pastime Athletic Club of this city haa
arranged a good card for Us boxing
snow tonigut. xne star event will be
furnished by George McFadden and
Sam Iaugford, who are scheduled to
meet In a 15-round bout at catch
Malacca Formally Released.
St. Petersburg, July 22. Tho Urtfr
lull umhassador, Hardlnge, this alitor
noon received from tho Russian Wid
elgn office n noto agreeing that tJUo
Malacca shall not bo brought hefusw
a prize court und to provont furlfoa
Ah u matter of formality tho Ma
lacca's cargo will bo .examined at Sta.
da Bay, Island of Croto, In tho prw
enco of tho British consul. The cap
tain of tho steamer Petersburg Inw
as tho reason for capturing tho MSir
luocn that hor captain r.cfusod to
hi hit tho manifest of her cargo.
A Mitchell Victim Is Recovered-
The body of Airs, Agnes Dethmuq,
lost 111 tho Mitchell flood lust Monday
a wook ago, was found and IdenUJMt
Sunday. Tho discovery was made Bar
Farquhur McRae, on a pllo of djtat
high and dry of. water. Ho IrnauW
ately dlBpntchud a messenger to Ab
lope, which was rospondud to by PtaB
Martin and P. A. Kircunoliior, TU
body, which was Identified by Mta,
Murtln and Mrs, James Oakea, mm
bo badly decomposed that It was Sn
possible to remove It to Antclop Oo
be Identified and claimed. It waj
hurled on tho Wasco sldo of the rtast
a hair inllo from Mr, McRao's ho sue
ABhwood Prospoctor,
Habeas Corpus Denied.
A writ of habeas corpus was axtatdt
tor In tho circuit coiirl by the atbur
neys for William McDonald, who Ug
accused of tho burglary of the Bomm
& Walker store at Helix on July S.
Judgo Ellis heard arguments on & mo
tion this afternoon to quash tho wnC
which was done. A bench w&rrssK
for McDonald's arrest was then Issue
and he Is still In Jail, and must stasd
trial at tho next term of the clnsiB,
court, Th.oro Is said to be very
strong circumstantial evldeaw
acatiiHt MnDnnnlri tnnHln.r in
that he committed tho housebrealdiax
ami luijuuiy uieiuiunuii.
$137 Ppr Acre.
j. u, hoo nas soia u s farm, a.-
and a half northwest of Fr,mJkM-
to W. L. Powell for xii nnn nZ
place comprises 80 acres, all hjbSht
running water nnd set to nlfiWii.
Spme fruit Is raised upon It, but nfl,
much as yet. it Ir nnn nt thtk il i.adl
small farms In tho county, natursJBr,
1 -t. -