East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ft ('
"Tho Kodak" season Is now
on and wo have tho largest nnd
most completo lino profession
al and amateur photographic
goods over shown In the city.
Don't forget to take n camera
or kodak with you on your vacation.
X Brock & McComas
Cor. Main and Court Sts.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Hill Military Academy
A private- boarding
and day school. Man
ual training, military
discipline, college pre-
ago admitted at any
time. Fall term opens
September 14, 1904,
And mall to Dr. J. W. Hill, Hill Mili
tary Academy, Portland, Or,
I havo .... boys, whom I want to
send to n military school. Their ages
are Pleaso send
me prices and terms; also Illustrated
descriptive catalogue of your chool.
St. Helen's Hall
EST CLASS corps of teachers, loca
tlon, building, equipment tho best,
Send for catalogue.
Opens September 15, 1904.
$2,250 will buy one of the most con'
venlcnt 9-room houses In tne city,
Sewer, bath, etc.; good cellar nnd
barn. 3 lots, comer; a bargain.
(4,000 Elegant new 9-room house,
Just completed; sower, bath, toilet
2 lots; eastern exposure; corner,
$2,500 Nice residence
eastern exposure.
and C lota
Let mo show you three quarter sec
tions of the best wheat land. All un
der cultivation; extensive Improve
ments, plenty of water. Can be
bought for a llttlo less than Its mar
Jcet value.
Successor to E. D. Boyd.
Insurance, Real Estate, Loam
111 Court Street Pendleton
and the Joys of carrlago riding are at
their best, provided you have the
right vehicle. You will if you make
your selection at Neaglo's. Wo have
carriages to suit every fancy, from
puaeions 10 uucauoarus, and every
ono mauo rtgnt in stylo and finish,
guaranteed to give tho easiest riding
anu most uuraouity.
Wo have the celebrated Winona
wagons, hacks and buggies. Made for
this climato, Call and see them.
Wo set your tiros whllo you wait,
on mo nyuauuc macnine. No bruls
Ing or burning of wheels. Adds to
life of wheels. Try It and be pleased.
Bio Brick Shop.
Shoe Repairing
I have moved my shop to the second
door east of tho Sa ings Bank, no
pairing of all kinds dono in a work
manllko manner at reasonabl rates.
Aa I havo been In business hero 17
years, I need not speak of tho qual
ity of my work for It speaks for Itself.
My stock of shoes was somewhat
damaged by water and tho insurnnco
company told mo to sell them for
what I could got, so I will sell them
for less than wholesale price.
Judging from figures published In a
recent Issue of tho Chicago Livestock
World, tho wheat crop of tho middle
and Northwest this year will not fall
below that of last year. That paper
says It Is too early to forecast tho
corn crop. Kansas, Nobrnsltn nnd
other states arc complaining that wot
weather has prov.ented cultivation and
hindered growth, hut thcro Is ample
chance before noxt September to rec
tify this. Forgetting for n mlnuto the
alarm of Kansas and her neighbors,
It may bo said that the farmer of tho
I west is in a ciieerful frame of mind
J 1 over the prospective returns of his
labor. If thcro be any campaign de
pression In business thcro seems lit-
tlo roason why it should originate In
that part of tho country.
I From figures gathered from tho
leading wheat states and territories;
from computations based on tho gov
ernment report of conditions slnco
that time, it is found that he figures
for tho yield this year aro 033,120,000
I bushels, against C37,821,835 produced
last season against G7j,063,OOS bush
els In 1902 and against 718,100,218
bushels In 1301, when all records wero
I Kansas Howls Calamtly. '
Walls of distress aro coming from
Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri nnd parts
of other trans-MlssIslppl states on nc
count of tho recent rains and floods.
It will bo borne In mind that Kansas
was singing a similar mlsorero a year
ago. Its wheat and corn crops had
gono to the bow-wows, accordlngto tho
calamity howlers. The other doy the
bank commissioners of tho state an
nounced that tho hank deposits of
tho state had Increased $12,000,000
during tho year and wore away be
yond the hundred million mark. For a
stato that depends nlmost wholly on
tho soil for Its wealth, thnt Is a pret
ty good proof that ho floods wero not
such disaster-producers, after all, as
tho pessimists bad painted.
Oklahoma wheat, being earlier, was
nearly all out of tho wny .of harm by
tho rains of last week, and unless
there Is a rainfall so persistent as to
rot stack, thcro will be little damago
In that territory. There was so much
wheat plowed up In tho "now coun
try" last spring that it is difficult to
arrive at n satisfactory estimate of
tho total yield. Tho estimates have
been running as high as 40,000,000
Nome Follows Yukon With Over Three
Millions Seattle Assay Office Has
Handled Over Eighty-Six Millions
Since Its Establishment Six Years
Ago Over $300,000 in Sliver Re
ceived. Seattle, July 21. Assayer Frederick
A. Wing, of tho local government as
say office, stated that tho gold depos
its in tne local offlco for tho fiscal
year which ended Juno 30, 1904,
amounted to $17,449,989.89. The
weight of thes.o deposits Is given as
35.15 avoirdupois tons, while tho num
ber of deposits totaled 4029.
Alaska Leads.
Yukon territory heads the list, with
a total of $11,711,907.39 whllo Nome Is
second with $3,582,130.99. Tho latter
Is far In excess of any other sources
of gold supply. Th.o remainder of
Alaska, $881,539.07, a total for tho ter
ritory of $1,460,670.00.
Tho amount from British Columbia
was $1,043,773.80. Tho total deposits
from Washington, Oregon. Idaho.
Montana nnd adjoining states amount
ed to $227,038.58.
Part Goes Elsewhere.
Tho figures given do not Indicate
the total output of thoso districts. QS
?Jurt,l0o. 'f sulPI'!d year to the
""cu oiuica imms ami omer unueu
.jit.iv-a HOOrtJ U1UU'3, 1UU 1UCI11 UI11CO. ,
however, receives a generous amount
tlons each year, and tho total amount 1
or deposits received hero slnco tho cs-
M,,",a,,u,v"1 o .iovo,
"You seem unhappy, my child."
"Yes, sir, I sometimes wlsht I had
bushels. Probably 30.000.000 bushels
la linnrnr dm mnrlc. -Last voar Okln-
linmn rnisn.i 24.4S2.000 bushols.
On an acreaKo three nor cent small-
.or than that of n year ngo Missouri
oxpects confidently to rnlso 31,000,0011
bushels, or an Increase of 9,000,000
bushels. Tho quality of tho grain Is
generally good, though Impaired
somewhat by rain nnd rust. Tho hnr
vesting season was bad on account
of the excessive moisture in tho ilelds.
Minnesota and North Dakota.
Minnesota and tho Daltotas expect
t to urinc co,llont to tho farmers of
that region with a total yield of 201.-
000,000 bushels of spring wheat, as
compared with 172,000,uuO bushels a
year ago. Generally' speaking tho con-
dltloiiK In tho Northwest aro moro
satisfactory than they wero a month
ngo, although thcro has been somo re
tardation of growth on account of
cuol wenther. Reports indicate that
the quality of ihe wheat from this fa
mous "granary of tho West" will bo
qulto up to the standard. Minnesota
takes her plnco this year ahead of
Kansas as the premier wheat-producing
stnt.o of tho union. Even North
Dakota has hopes of showing tho
Kansans n few things In tho agricul
tural line.
Nebraska is timid annul making
guesses because it has been deceived
In other years In the yield at thresh
ing time. Latest estlmntes aro that
tho hnrvcstablo acreage Is about tho
samo as It was last year. Italn and
floods havo caused considerable dam
age, and just now tliero nro sonsn
tjonnl stories of damago by rust. Im
plement men who keep in closo touch
with conditions and havo no specula
tive axes to grind think tho yield will
reach 10,00,000 bushols. Burlington
railroad ofllclals report that wheat
has been damaged, In small localities
only, by rain and flood. Elevator men
agree with Implement men that 40,
000,000 bushels Is a conservative es
timate of tho harvest returns.
Good News From Texas.
Texas, Iowa and Illinois send cheer
ing advices. Tho Iono Star stato re
pudiates recent estimates of 12,000,
000 bushels anil promises to contrib
ute at least doublo that amount of
wheat to tho nation's store. "Tho
yield In overy section," says ono dls
patch," will bo largely In excess of
' tho yield of 1903. Tho season has
just six years ago, shows that Mr.
I Wing and Ills staff of assistants liav.o
I been kept buy handling tho precious
I mineral,
j Immene Aggregate Deposits.
j Tho total amount of deposits made
I In tho local office since Its establish
ment up to tho first of tho present
month is $80,314,780.07. ' Of this
amount Alaska Is credited with tho to
tal of $17,906,678, of which Nome sent
In $14,308,102.07, and tho remainder
of Alaska, $3,638,576.S6. Yukon ter
rltory has yielded the enormous total
of $02,554,051.7r, and British Colum
hla, $1,112,554.33.
Some From Washington.
Tho stntes of Washington, Oregon
Idaho, Montana, etc., hav.o turned
over to the local offlco, $1,381,495.05 In
tho six years.
Tho number of tons given In tho
report for tho total Is 117.8. Tho num
her of troy ounces Is $5,187,733.52, and
the total number of deposits 28,815,
Tho mineral yield for tho stato of
Washington for tho calendar year 1903
was $862,433.76. Moro than half tho
total was gold, which amounted to
$460,364.38. Tho silver total was
$394,801.93. Tho value of tho copper
is given at $12,102.22, and lead $9
Tollman &. Co.
ask tho readers of this paper who aro
suffering witn indigestion to got
bottle of Kodol Dyspopsla Curo. If
you know tho value of this remedy
us wo know It, you would not suffer
nnother day. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
is a iiiorougn ciigestant nnd tissue
building tonic as woll. It Is endorsed
wlmm linn mitvwl f li.itrrnAi
dyspepsia, palpitation of tho heart and
stomach troubles generally. Kodol
1 lvnnnnaln Hum illnnalA -....
It is pleasant, palatabio and strength.
Lovo oft runs a madii'nino- ,irn
iuammony, alimony and then divorce,
boon boiled when I wus a egg."
novor been better in tho history of
wheat cultivation In Texas nnd th.o
farmers nro Jubilant
Iowa has a smnller acrcago than It
had last yenr, hut expects to Increase
its yield by 1,000,000 bushels, this
is tho prophecy of Director Sago of
tho stato service. Thoro Is no rust
In the stato, tho heads liave filled woll
and tho grain is standing up, which
means much In gathering time,
Illinois will produco something
over 20,000,000 bushels of wheat this
year," says a dispatch from Spring
field. This .estimate Is based on re
ports received by tho state agricul
tural department. Conditions greatly
Improved in tho last 30 days, nnd as
11 result an nvcrago yield of IB hush
els of high grndo wheat Is looked for.
Tho .excellent quality of tho grain,
which is uniform In all parts of the
stato, Is a fcaturo of tho crop."
In the Northwest Territories.
Oruln ralsros of tho states aro moro
and moro Interested In tho competi
tion they havo In tho provinces nnd
northwest territories or Canada. Win
nipeg crop statistics and the condition
of tho wheat fields generally indicate
that Manitoba will produco 05,000,000
bushels this yenr, ns compared with
40,000,000 bushels In 1903. Crop pros
pects never wero brighter In tho cen
tral districts of Mnnltobn, according
to advices from thcro. Tho right
quantity of molsturo and warm weath
er havo compensated for tho Into
spring weather. Italn has damaged
southeastern fields slightly, whllo
there nro complaints of drought in tho
northwest territories, The dry weath
er, howovor, Is confined nlmost entire
ly to ranching districts. Manitoba Is
counting on nn average yield of 22
bushels to tho acre.
Asslnlboln, Saskatchewan and Al
berta havo 1,054,212 ncres In wheat.
and they glvo promis.o of producing
20 bushels per acre, or 21,000,000 In
tno nggregate. Yankeo farmers aro
prono to look with Incredulity on Cn
nadlnn reports of nvcrago yield, but
Theodore Knappon, secretary of tho
Western Canadian Immigration Asso
ciation, Ib authority for the statement
that conservative statistics show that
lie yield per acre in Mnnlobn In 1901
was 25 bushels, and In 11,02 It was 20,
while tho figures for tho northwest
torrltorl.es, respectively, were 25 and
The Washington & Columbia River
For tho World's Fair at St. Louis
tho following rates aro announced:
To St. Louis, going via St. Paul
or Billings, roturnlng any dl-
rlct routo $60.00
To Chicago, going vlt St. Paul
or Billings, returning any di
rect routo 65.00
To St. Louis, returning from
Chicago, or
To Chicago, returning from St.
Louis 62.50
To St. Louis, returning via Chi
cago, or
To Chicago, returning via St.
Louis 65.00
Children of half-faro age, half the
above ratos.
Tickets will bo on sale May 11, 12
and 13; June 1C, 17 and 18; July 1,
2 and 3; August 8, 9 and 10; Septem
ber 5, 6 and 7; October 3, 4 and 5.
Good going ton days from date of
sale, returning. 90 days from date of
Good for stopover at any point
within tho limits.
For full information regarding
routes, sido trips, etc., call on or nd-
S. B. CALDERHEAD, Pendleton,
Oonoral Passenger Agent, Oro.
Walla Walla. Wash.
Annual meeting Grand Lodco Bo-
novoloiit and Protective Order of
Kins, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 23d-28th,
Imporial Council Ancient Arable
Order Mystic Slirino, Atlantic City,
N, J July 13th-15th. 1904.
Nntionni Encampment Qrnnd Armv
ai mo Jiopuunc, tioston, Mass., Aug
list lutil-ZUtn, 1904.
ruiiguis oi ryiniaa National en
campmont. Loulsvlllo. Ky.. Aucnst
mm, isu4.
lor tho nbovo occasions the O. n
& N. makes a rate of $71.50 to De
troit and roturn. Tickets on snlo
July 2d. Limit 90 days from dato of
To Cincinnati. Oh b. and return.
$69.25. Salo date of tickets July 10th.
11th, 13th and 14th. Final limit 9n
uays irom dato of salo.
To Atlant c City. N. J.. and return
$83.25. Tickets on salo July 7th, 8th,
Final limit 90 days from dato of salo.
Boston. Mass.. and roturn. $84. kk.
iickoib on saio August 8th, 9th, 10th.
rinai limit uo uays from dato of salo.
Loulsvlllo. Ky.. nnd return. SfiRoc
iicueis on saio August 8th, 9th, 10th
Final limit 90 days' from dato of sale,
For particulars call on or address E,
C. Smith, agent O. It. & N.. Pnmiin.
ton, Ore.
It Will Be to Your Interest.
If you contomnlato vlsltlnc tbn at.
i-ouis imposition, to socuro rl nhln
Information as to railroad sorvleo. thn
lowest rates and tho host routes. Also
as to local conditions in St. Louis;
hotels, etc., etc.
If you will wr to tho undorslcnnd
tatlng what information VOU dnnlrA
tho samo will bo promptly furnished.
If wo do not havo It on hand, will so.
curo it for you If possible, and with-
out any .oxponso to you. Address
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street,
Attention 8heepmen.
Bang to lease and can locato
somo good rango and water. Address
box 44, La Orande, Or,
. 1 IHVI J . I .Ml' II II I'll
k V XI A
11 y
SorgenntJudgo, I strongly suspect tlm nric .
woman's clothes. 11 1,10 Pris"er to a
Judk.o Knox Why?
Sergeant Sho rofusos to talk.
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
Tho Denver & Rio Grando, in con
nection with tno Missouri Pacific, will
rnu a series of personally conducted
excursions to tho World's fair during
june. rneso excursions . will run
through to St. Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princi
pal points on route. Tho first of theso
excursions will leavo Portland Juno
7th, nnd tho second Juno 17th. Tho
rate from Pendleton will bo $60.00 to
St. Louis nnd return. Excursionists
going via tho Donvor & Bio Grnndo
havo the prlvllogo of roturnlng via a
different routo. This Is tho most
ploasnnt wny, as woll as tho most de
lightful ono, to cross tho continent.
Tho stops nrranged glvo an opportu
nity or visiting tho various points of
Interests In nnd nbout Salt Lako City.
Denver and KansaB City. If you wish
to accompany ono of theso excursions
writo nt ono to W. C. McBrldo, 124
Third street, Portland, for sleoplng
car reservations.
World's Fair Rates.
Tho O. It. & N. Company announces
tho following low rates:
From Pendleton to St. Louis and
return, $60.00.
From Pendleton to Chicago and re
turn, $05.00.
To Chicago, returning through St.
Louis (no coupon bctweon Chicago
and St. Louis) or vlco versa, $62.50.
To Chicago, roturnlng via St. Louis
or vice versa, $66.25.
Tickets on salo Juno 7, 16, 17,
18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sep
tember 5, 6, 7, October 3, 4, C.
Tickets good going within 10 days
from dato of sale; final roturn limit
90 days from dato of sale.
Btopovors allowed In either direc
t i it. a i mil- Dnnnd ronl A thil
nun uuuu iiio iruuu ul our uuiu muiv. -
ai.u ui iiiu Biuru, aw uuiuuur ui uieinn guiimyvu v.
-1.. - 1L. il. - v.. nmn nvnH ni thO ft M Dl
o luck curnuri iihh miLiunir lu iiu wilil i iu wvuvj
i I . I 1 1L A- .1.. itU Ihn mrtnAv fliUTinE VL
given. Its tho quality of tho goods and tho low prices place!
each article that counts.
The compulsory salo moans a great deal to the bujeri
cioimntr. ir mnnnn tun nnsr riiiis ill lower utitco u"" v.-
ed in Pendleton.
Thi Hlil tim on t nf rinthimr snnt us throuith an error on
nun tir rrin mninrv nnmrn w iirii icuu iui ib
tlvo that wo got rid of It at once. In order to dispose d w
shipment liko this It is necessary to give great Inducement!
make tho prices so low and tho values so big that people
bo compolled to buy becauso the bargains aro Irresistible.
Anil nonnln nuhn hnvn rnllnd havo found We greai'i .
Oregon. We propose to close out overy articio oi -month,
Clothing nnd furnishing goods. Its up to you to
vnntaco of 'thin nnln.
Tho manufacturers of tho clothing who made w
... , -u .i , i h. tnies to them.
Don't hesitato, but como In and see this roagnloceni
clothing and soparate trousors. Tho prlco Is the msm w
you, but on that score we are positive to please
Prices on 'furnishing goods aro more wonderfully lo
over. Wo are doing It. Como In nnd see.
areatost bargain In ponuioion s -- - jae
pants, bect grade, regular army make, for only
and lot tho goods and prices talk to you.
Sullivan Sb Bond
Compulsory and romoval sale.
Ing all bargain records.
tion within the trtoit
'.rU-er informal
The Washlnnt ...
tJ-tl - vgiu
Beclnn in? .Tnno it ....
C. n. railway, K,V2V
"'", I'luvvi. uearhnrt
f iv, lor me round trip
For children nf tii ,'.J
nan mo auovo rate.
Tickets win I,. ....
For full Information
...o J. lb. OC fl. vffl.
cioso of season, hate
leaving here at 5:15 p, a.
J u. III., Slop ai some put)
morning. This arrangement
In effect Saturday, May 11.
e. n. RMITB
Excursion Rates to Portland
1.1 4nnA r r. ,..
w., .WW I. WI.UWII ft.CIUU
sociatlon Meeting.
n .1 I rt- . i .
r-urudiiu. urc. mubuh Q in
For the abovo occasion tie
N. makes a special rate ol
tho round trip. Tickets on i
Continuous passage both
Final limit August 4, 1901.
tlculars call on or address R
Agent O. It. & N.
D .. . L.. it., anil Of
. . .. u. miifl tore in" "
i(IU II..-'