ElOHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904. PAQE THREE. July j Clearance Sale I REMNANTS. At just one-half the regular valuo. SHOE BARGAINS. " -. 1 - nl.i.nl.n. I . A . M a(ie3 shoos or uiiuiun, uoaiuutu in i.sa pair mm ladles shoes or Oxfords, clearance price $1.65 pair !C0 ladles shoes or Oxfords, clearance price $1.35 pair 60 ladles shoes or Oxfordr, cloarlng price $1.15 pair hon WORK NATIONAL COMMITTEE MAN PRAISES .ANE. Alexander Dept. Store THE OIVERS OF BEST VALUES Pure Water from Pure Ice FOIt ONLY SIX CENTS PEH GALLON. The beautiful crystal ice Is mado from distilled water. When eeltcd again the water Is pure as tho ico. You cannot afford to drink the impurities and contagion that makes a part of the river later, Take- our product and YOU HAVE BOTH ICE AND WATER. Pendleton cp. arm Lorn Stnrflae Ln Telephone Main 1781. J "-ITS Says the Undeveloped Area laying Around That City Equals' Any Along the Colorado River Spokane Could support a Population of Half a Mil Hon If the Big Bend Project Is Car ried Out. "Spokane could expect to grow rap idly to a city of 500,000 population, it uie Dig Bond irrigation project now under examination by the government should he put through." That is the carefully expressed opin ion of C. B. Boothe. chairman of tho board of directors of the National ir rigation association, to the Spokesman-Review. Mr Boothe, who Is al so executive chairman of tho twelfth annual Irrigation congress, to be held In El Pnso, Texas, November 15, lfi, 17 and 18, addressed n special meeting of the Spokane chamber of commerce yesterday afternoon. Accompanied by his wire and daughter, he is on his way to his Los Angeles home. After a trip on the "Seeing Spokane" car. the ladles were entertained by aire. D. T. Hnm and Mrs. A. S. Crow der, while Mr. Boothe addressed the chamber of commerce. "One year ago today," said the speaker, "the executive committee of the National Irrigation Association de elded that the Irrigation idea ought to be pressed throughout the East. In Southern California throe years ago, when the Southern flallfnml of the association was organized, wo started with 250 members, and. with an executive committee of 17. I was made chnlrman of the executive com mittee, and it was decided that we would open head(piartrs In New York to agitate the irrigation Idea. i was asked one day at lunch BIG LEAD MERGER. Two End of Comoetltlon Between Great Companies. Now York, July 21. It is said on good authority that tho plan for the merger of the National Lead Compa ny and tho United Lead Company will be favorably acted upon at today's meeting of the1 directors of the Na tional Lead Company and that tho deal will bo consummated at an early date. Reports have been current at different times during the last two years that tho rival lead interests would get together. Negotiations have at times been hold looking to such a result. Each time, however, they came to naught, and tho rivalry became more bitter. It seems that It was this rivalry which was directly responsible for bringing the two In terests together. It Is bellved that In tho proposed merger tho National Lead Company will take over only tho manufactur ing plants or Its rival, and that tho mining Interests owned by the Gug-genheim-Uynn combine which also controls tho Unjted Lead Company will bo otherwise disposed of. It this plan Is carried out tho 'mining prop erties of tho United ijeaA Company will probably bo turned over' to tho NEWS OF ATHENA DEATH OF MRS. KING CAUSED BY CANCER. She Leaves Seven Living Children Marriage of Milton Younk Folks Small Boy Broke His Leg Sev eral Who Were III Are Convalesc ing visiting In Webfoot. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Athena, July 20. Mrs. B. F. King, known ns "Grandma" King, jmascd away Sunday, July 17. She has boon suffering for several months with n cancer. She lenves a hiiBband and .eight children and many other rela tives and friends. Flvo of her chil dren were at her bedside at her death two sons and threo .daughters. Her children wcro nil present nt her fun eral oxcopt one son and ono daugh ter, who live so far away that It was Impossible for them to get here. Tho funeral was conducted nt the M. 12. church at 1 o'clock yesterday after- American Smelting and Refining Com-' noon. Hov. Armfiold oillciatlng. The pany, which Is nlso controlled by tho Guggenheim-Ryan people. CATHOLIC SOCIETIES. Largest Gathering of Laymen in the United States. Detroit, Mich., July 21. The largest gathering of Catholic laymen ever held In tho united States will assem ble in Detroit next week on the oc casion of the annual convention of tho American Federation of Catholic So cities. Tho federation movement bns made steady progress since Its Inception three years ago and tho coming convention will bo ntt.endcd by thousands of delegates and visitors coming from every section or tho country. The gathering will bo formally opened Tuesday morning with pon tlflcal high mass at St. Mary's church, nishmi Fnlnv will ndlclato and the vis- what it would cost to maintain such ltlnc archbishops will assist. There HARVES ERS' SUPPLLIE8, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, UNIVERSAL STEEL RANGES, GENUINE CHRISOLITE GRAN ITEWARE. A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING TOOLS AT THE t mm 111! 'IH 1 m mm W 1 IF i mm v Bfe a m mm m-m m t - m v 643 MAIN STREET. WE FURNISH ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND SOLICIT wr work. PABST m - ON DRAUGHT? AT mmm. MR CT A Tr? OAT sfNsfVRT J. E. Russell & Co., Props. "Vaughn ""ODorly, " or .ii wi INSURANCE. Fire, Life and Accident. JOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard ware Store. Headquarters for one venr. nmi r. plied that it could be done for sr.no a month. I was next asked if I would take charge of the headminrtprs on a salary, and replied that I had never drawn a dollar salary and did not care to begin it then, but that If the association would ralso Uie money, I would give one year of my time to the worlc. "That occurred at 1:30 In the after- noon, and ut 3 o'clock tho same after noon the president of the crocers' k. soeiatlou called me up by telephone and asked me to pack my trunk and start for New York. He said tho nec essary money had been guaranteed to keep the office running for one year, in the work I have done the past year I have worked just as hard for irrigation in Washington, Idaho, MoAtana and Or.egon ns In California. When I went to New York we had 350 members there of tho national as sociation. They had been obtained among the business men of tho city by esiern customers Inviting them to id the movement, and of course their Interest in the work was merely nom- inal. My work has been to visit these members and arouse their practical Interest and co-operation, and In this way wo were able to interest the New lork delegation in irrigation measures in congress, That work was made possible by the liberality and .enterprise of the business men of Los Angeles. "I have been surprised," continued Mr. Boothe, "since looking over the map and noting Spokane's location, at the close parallel between your situation and that of Los Angeles. borne time ago, In connection with tho project to reclaim 1,000,000 acres of arid lands along tho Colorado river, l asiEeu air. Huntington, who has in vosted about $10,000,000 in electric lines In and around Los Angeles, and who was contemplating the invest nient of another $10,000,000, If he had considered the Influence that would be exerted on Los Angeles by this great work. He replied that he had; that ho had not Invested his $10,000,- 000 blindly? and that as a result of his studies and calculations he was convinced that this 1,000,000 acres could not bo put under cultivation without building I.os Angeles up to a city of 600,000 population "In tho country of which Spokane Is tho center you have more than a million acres of arid land that is Just as good and susceptible of reclamation and high cultivation as that along tho Colorado." will bo two nubile meetings held dur ing the week, and among Uie speakers will bo Rev. Thomas J New York, on "Socialism Paul Carpenter of Milwaukee on "The Church and Society," and Condo Pal Ion of New York, on "Christian Edu cation." Weak Hearts are caused by Indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or If you aro sub ject to attacks of Indigestion, the stomach expands swells, and puffs un against tne neari. xnis crowas the heart and shortens tho breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease Is the final result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat, takes tho strain off the heart, cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach and contrib utes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by Tallman & Cc. remains were Interred In tho Kecso cemetery. "Grandma" King has lived n noble Christian life for over tit) years. Air. and Mrs. Otis Beck hnvo re turned from their homestead -In Frnnk-ll-i county, Wash. They will remain homo until nftcr harvest. The ."l-yenr-old son of Louis llergovln fell nnd broke bis leg. Dr, Sharp was called and tho llttlo fellow Is improv ing rapidly. Mrs. Mark Johns and son, Mclvin, will leavo this week for Seaside, whero they will spend the summer for tho llttlo boy's henlth. William Cnmpbell relumed to Sprnguo, Wash., nftor n short ' visit ...1.1. ..1 A , IT....!. ... ..I I .. (Willi liuriill'l, .)!!.. UUIIK or tins city. "Grandma" Fountain is improving nfter a severo illness, nt the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Mnnsfleld. Hnnk Cnpllngcr returned Inst week from Salem, whero bo was called to to tho bedside of his aged mother, who was dangerously 111, but Is now pnti vn InaAnnt . Campbell of Hnrry Rosenzwelg Is homo from Ism;" Judge wnlln Walla. Thomas Ogle Is Improving from his Illness. Tho family of J. M. Oglo of Butter creek, left for a two weeks' visit to thcWlllamctto valley Monday. George-McQueen. Ernest McQueen and Miss Gertrude George were united In wedlock Sun day, July 17, nt Milton. Tho young people nro both residents of Milton. ftotiMl i and Eg; Phospstiie BAKING POWDER BETTER THAN THE OLD-TIME CREAM OF TARTAR, I'OWDERS. Have It In Your Home The Clfy Brewery Bottled Beer. It's tho most delicious nnd purest beer hindo. It Is superior to Ml other bevcrngos. It Is wholosorao nnd satisfying during this hot -weather. Tho City Brewery Bottled Boor ! always good. H Is not spoiled by ehnnglug of tompernturo. You'll on- Joy this boor nnd will bo bcnoDtcd by drinking it. Put up In quarts, pints and holt pints. Deliver to your homo free In any quantity desired. 'Phone 2981. NEW S. P. STOCK ISSUE. NIP IT IN THE BUD. Flrat Apprnrnnoo of Dandruff a lrore- rnnuer of Futnrr IluldnNM. That euch Is the case has been con clusively proven by eclintMo research. Prof. Unna, tho noted European sktn specialist, declares that dandruff Is tho burrowed-up cuticle of tho scalp, caused by parasites destroying the vitality In the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless, and, in time, falls out. This can be prevented. Newbro's Hemlclde kills this dandruff germ, and restores the hair to Us natural softness and abundancy. Ilerplclde Is now ured by thousands of peoplo all satisfied that It Is the most wonderful hair preparation on the mar ket to-day. Sold bv leadlnr drurelsts. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to Tho Ilerplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN From my ploc.e at Juniper on June 27, two mares; one a sorrel mare, weight about 1200 pounds, 5 years old, branded CH on left shoulder; she has crooked front feet. Tho other Is a 5-year-old bay mare, weighing 1100, branded R over a bar on loft hip and T within a circlo on right shoulder. I will pay $10 for Information lead ing to the recovery of both horses, or $5 for either of them. Address, A. LARSON, Juniper, Oregon. Proceeds Will Be Used to Refund, and for Betterments. Now York, July 21. The Issue of $100,000,000 of 7 per cent stock pro posed by the directors of tho Southern Pacific will bo authorized by the stockholders nt theelr special meet ing today. Of this amount only $40, 000,000 of the stock Is to be Issued at the present time. The proceeds will bo used to refund a large amount of obligations matur ing during tho next few years and will also enable the company to make large expenditures for betterments and ad ditions to existing lines, as well as for now equipment, now steamships and tho completion of tho piers at Gal veston and other largo improvements already under way. The pill that will, will fill tho bill, Without a grlpo. To cleanse tho liver, without a quiver, Take ono at night. DoWitt's Little Early Risers aro small, easy to take, easy and gentle In effect, yet they are so certain In results that no ono who uses them 1b disappointed. For quick relief from billousnoss, sick headache, torpid liver, Jaundlco, diz ziness and all troubles arising from an inactivo, sluggish liver, Early Ris ers aro unaqualod. Sold by Tallman & Co. New Railway In Indian Territory. Guthrlo, Okla., July 21. Tho Kan sas City, Tulsa & Southwestern Rail road Company has been Incorporated here with n capital of $2,000,000. Tho company will build a lino beginning at a point on tho St. Louis, Iron Moun tain & Southern In Cherokeo Nation, I. T., passing through the Cherokeo, Creek, Seminole and Choctaw na tions, Indian Territory; Patawotomio, Cloveland, Lincoln, Oklahoma and Co manche countios, in Oklahoma, and Clay and Wichita counties in Texas to Wichita Falls, Texas, a distance of 250 miles. "Trlb" Beats Anything I Ever Heard of. Falls City, Nob., April 17, 1004. About you "TRIB" I want to say It beats anything I over hoard of as u euro for tho liquor and tobneco hab Its as well as to glvo strongth to ono's nerves. I took "TRIB" about a year ago and will always spoak n good word for your treatment wherever I can. I havo seen enough of "TRIB to know that If n man wants a euro of liquor and tobacco ho can get It with "TRIU." Respectfully, S. B. BEAN. For sale by Tallman & Co. What makes the world go round in business ; almost the most serious work of man is business; and business aver ages rather crooked. There is no straip-hter thine in the world than Schilling's Best ; at your grocer's. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo received at the offlco -of C. E. Troutraan, architect, unni ouiuruay, juiy 23, 1904. at 12 o'clock p. nj., for the excavating and brick and stono foundations for three school houses to bo built In P.endle ton. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of tho bid must ac company each bid, to be forfeited in case contractor falls to enter into bonds to complete his work. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The plans nnd snoclfl. cations can bo seen at C. VS. Trout- man's ooice. JOHN HAILBY, JR., Clerk. Houtehold Goods for Sale. I will offer for sale my entire household goods, including new piano, organ, steel range, two bedroom uulU, extension tablo, etc. Carl Gulott, 612 Clay 8troet. . Oxford Toutsch'a, and slipper sale at If you are Interested In Oil Painting, see us. Our line is complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' SAM.ZS BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a special! v nf framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP O.iera IToune WocU, College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despam & Clark GLASSES THAT DO NOT FIT aro much wors.o than none at all. Go to nn OPTICIAN when tho eyes nro weak. Thon the glasses will bo absolutely correct. No chargo Is mado hero for tostlng the sight nnd very llttlo for supply ing SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES for reading or general purposes. Wo carry a full lino of gold specta cle sand eyeglasses, Prices are mod erate. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postofflce Block. WATER TANKS We make a Specialty of Building Round or Square WATER TANKS Also Header Bods all sizes and kinds. Wo make them right and they always glvo satisfaction. Our work, Is never slighted or botched, Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FOR8TER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. ! Building! i Material! OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order, Building pa- X per, lime, cement, brick and sand wood gutters for barn T and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard t Alta Street, Opp, Court House. T a.