East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Ann Turn
ffrnii rrnm npnprr if.f.rn f:in
1.. 1. 1... Im ..,..
c . m B. A 1
Bums, removes dlscolor.v
ns. sweetens the Dream
stops there.
Price 25 cents.
Total Cost of the Campaign for the
Law Was $1710.53 Subscriptions
Amount to $1580, Leaving a Deficit
of $130.52 to Be Raised Dill Was
Adopted, by a Vote of 39.851 for
It and 16,354 Against It.
f'ostofflce Block.
SPhono Main S51.
! The following statement of the
1 cost of tho cntupnlgn to the Direct
! Primary Nominating League litis been
i issued to the public, lu order that It
i may be known how the campaign was
conducted, and also to show the
i sources of financial aid;
' Portland, July 2, l'Jj-i. Tho follow
ing Is a statement of the oxpensos
1 and subscriptions of tho Direct Prl-
1 mnry Nominations League of Oregon,
from its organization to this day, bills
I for winch have been regularly audited
and allowed, showing that the total
1 expense amounts to if 1710.5.
' Postage $ 281.35
Legal services, E. C. Iiron
augh, S. 11. Huston nud V.
It. Hyde 100.00
(.. 1 .. it. - .1 1... I.i l
I VH 11 Hill IIH Vl?ri' CILUHt'll II V IltJilL III
i vnfir i 'it woiinnonni'
it 1 rn Iti rr ilnmncroii t in Mnvinnn
4 duty.
ILh ItULUIl ....111? Llll? UIJIIII1 (It'I'L .1
amendment to tho theater ordl-
iiut mis HHt?n iiiiMstMi nv iiiLt 1.11 u'iiuii
uncll. which will nermlt nearlv all
i Telephone and telegraph sen-
i ices
. Traveling expenses, W. S.
1 Traveling expenses, C. E.
I Printing
20.00U envelopes
I Canvassers for signatures
for Initiative petition
KKi tolders from iMlciugnu
J League
Mailing folders, circulating
and folding 1)0,000 S-page
1 folders, and folding 12,000
j circulars into the primary
' bills for Multnomah county
Office and miscellaneous expenses
Miam tit rtiaiti rtti Cnntnniliiii 1 rPl I "
lliUlIJall UlilalUailtJaaa. III II V ItltTM 111! " f I
rVempn nlwm-s In nttPtulnnrn nt nvorv , We have distrlblltod Since tho 21st
KTJ ' , - , ,
i, ,,u.i nf .. circular letters aim miners, as snown
EV-ifsrs m Iho If rmnhiiii rnsnrvnMnn J(I 1 w
erks are employed In tho reglstra
our statement nearly .all of this
has been done by mnll.
on. Tho total number of rogistra- , V. .i " .
ons Is now 10,000 and Is expected, " contribute not to exceed ?10 each,
! !irarmnt nf tlif alllworlnHnn hnlnr 1 .
A consignment of nonunion butch- 55 '
rs which arrived at Clilcaco Wednes-i ' 1 m. r, n 1.
v.ujr iu iyuik ,u um nciuii, .uuiriH 1 n,. iinPrv i. k v. Tionnt, it n
.uuiim.ij jnuiiu, imucu uicaa ami Klliiitnil n M rirlmi n T.' H Wni,l
v-WCS, IUIC hiaDOCa ilUU lUUlCtl IIUC A r Smith HTlintiinci n nrnnmi T,.l,i
h . :aused much merriment among tho Y IIarrv. . Livingstone. A. H. Dev.
J, j. limners. I rs 1 iir. Nnwltlrk. Martin WIiipIi.
:,y- oeveniy-nve ueiegaies representing uiiarles 13. Laild, Thos. Scott Hrnoke,
1 ,. I Tt AAA T .1 .. t 1 a 1.. t I . n n 111. n. ...
M'lodge at Detroit Wednesday. .Mrs. W. Cotto'n, Henry Halin, William
unian m. nouister. 01 ueiroit, was wai hams. A. K. Davis. C. II. (Irani.
.elected supr.eme commander; record 1 William MacKenzle, L. A. Lowls, J.
keeper, Mrs. Delia M. West, Port Hu-1 C. Moreland. Itlchard W. Jlontacue.
ron; finance keeper, Mrs. C. V. Hep-! Albert Tozler. Lee M. Clark. F. ile-
v. 1 ivercuer, iuiis u. viurni.', ijurnuni
, NORTHWEST NEWS. Edward Lang, Edward Cooklngham.
Thomas N. Strong, .T. A. Cook, Cbas.
The long expected salmon run has I E. Lockwood, Oeorge W. Holcomb,
at last begun on tho lower Columbia. I Den Sallng, A. H. Harding, Slg. Slchel,
Primaries held In Idaho so far are ' Thomas A. It. Iawton, Henry
favorable to the nomination of (iov-1 K- Mci;ln' A- ,K1"B )vila'"- . Al1
ernor Morrison again. j anls' ,C S. Jae tson, Jonathan Ilourne,
11., J . 11. i vai, uuiitui it tin .ivn, 1 m-
cent Cook, W. C. Alvord, W, M. Ijidd,
.1. Wesley Ladd, L. Oerlinger, John H.
j Mitchell, Alfred F. Sears, Jr., Franklin
S. uaKor,
C. H. Dye, Frank Schlegel, J. E.
Hedges, J. T. Apperson, T. A. Mc
Urlde, G. H. Dimlck, S. M. rtamsby,
Thomas F. Hyan, N. It. Lang, It. C.
Ganong, C. G. Huntley, W. II. U'Hen,
Charles Albright, H. L. Kelly. C.
Schcuhe, George A. Harding, W. S.
U'Hen, W. A. Huutloy. fieorgo C
Hrownell, H. Scott. V. E. Carll, I.lvy
Stipp, H. Llesmau, E. G. Cnullelil,
Charles II. Caulleld. C. A. Johns, Wm.
J. LaCliner, Georgo H. Footer, H. E.
Courtney,. II. T. Potter, P. Dasche,
The Pendleton.
G. T. Swoney, Portland.
Miss Grnco Lludsey, Portland.
0. E. Hays, Portland.
J. If, Cunningham, Portland.
Lulu Ueardsloy, Arlington.
William Mnhcr, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
Moses J. E. Henrietta, Portland.
Moyor Abraham, rortland.
a. S. Liechtenstein, Portland.
A. Slnaholm.or, Portland.
J. W. Mnrnn. Portland.
Ed Hlackburn, Halter City.
George F. Hoborts, Portland.
Frank Leo, San Francisco,
It. A. Seeds, Spokane.
F. S. Rogers, Portland.
H. N. Staullold, Echo.
A. Nylnnder, Portlnnd.
Joo Dockmnn, Saxo.
Uoy Alexander, Saxe.
Daphne Parker, city.
Mrs. I). H. Williams, Portlnnd.
G. S. Youngmnn, Portland.
L. Allshoff, Portland.
O. T. Wllllnms. P6rtland.
13. A. Jones, Portlnnd.
A. Hacknoy, John Day.
Mrs. A. Hackney, John Day.
The St. George.
E. J. llurdlek, Portlnnd.
L. 1). Hay, Seattle.
F. F. Itlnehold, Denver.
S. II. Hoveudcn, Portland.
George A. Hamilton, San Francisco
J. n. Sanders, Dutte.
Jnmt's F. Parsons, Knnsas City.
Mrs. S. French and daughter, Spo
J. H. Waters, Syracuse.
J. W. White, San Francisco.
L. U Littiotleld, Seattle.
J. Ackonnan, New York.
J. W. llrndy, Spoknno.
E. V. Mlelkc, Portland.
M. H. Thomnson, San lYanclsco.
Charles Halman, Portland.
H. H. Winslow, Portland.
Ed Levy, Portlnnd.
G. L. Ilurke, Portland.
J. E. Cameron, Portland.
W. O. Hill, Portland.
J. J. Wllllnms, Portland.
Louis Cook, Portland.
.Mr. nud Mrs. It. V. Steele, Portland
Mrs. Jennie Hlackhurn. Portland.
George Harris. Portland.
F. H. Hnnko, Portland.
A. II. Veach, Pomeroy.
We are now cleaning up all spring and summer goods and prices
are made that will speedily move the goods. Come In and get your
share of the bargains.
Clothing at big reductions.
Shirt Waists cut 20 per cent.
Shoes of all kinds reduced 10 per cent.
Special prices all over the store. t ,
The Columbia
Lodging House
The Hotel Bickers.
C. C. Pennington. Union.
J. F. Weaver. City of .Mexico.
Miss Lulu Hay, Weston.
Mrs. Thompson, city.
Miss Minnie Downs, Free-water.
Simon Helvis, Salem.
J. S. Hnniioy, Salem.
F. It. Vose, Portland.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
O. (J. Allen, city.
H. N, Adams, city.
Joseph Kollln, Pilot Hock.
J. W. Hoynolds, Chehalis.
A. E. Ufggs,. "
T. H. Yerger, Haker City.
W. J. Hayes, city.
W. P, Andrews, Portland.
G. H. Grigsloy, San Francisco.
H. C. Adams, Weston.
Mayor W. II. Davis, of Albany, has
Just secured a divorce from his wife
on the grounds of Intemperance.
An old cache of counterfeit colnjx. Griffith, C. U. Moores, !
consisting or 510 and ?20 gold pieces,
was found near Oregon City Wednes
day. The bandit killed nt Divide creek,
Colorado, last week, was not Harry
Morgan, the Montana train robber, as
at first supposed.
Rev, N. Swarlout, a Presbyterian
missionary of Vancouver Island, was
drowned while visiting his Indian
wards, by the overturning of his boat
m ... . . 111 .. e 41.,.
, , t,. ' i n , JUmmctt Callahan, Joseph J. Hellner,
Idaho ml If.a companies were left by , c , MaIlvlllo, ,,, c. young. W. Q.
heir train between Pendleton ami . ,)row, wmiam 8mMh A. c. Me.
Huntington on their return homo from
American Lake.
Nate Solomon, Harvey Dale, Eugeno
Dlazler and August Erlckson, all big
Portland gambling club owners, Imvo
been nrrosted tho second time for op
erating their games.
J. P. Hogers, a Salem saloon keep
er, has been convicted for keeping
his placo open on Sunday. This was
a test case and Is tho beginning of a
crusade for Sunday closing,
A daring attempt was made by
Harry Kelso, on Wednesday, to saw
out of the Marion county Jail. When
discovered he had tho last bar saw.cd
half off with a clock spring saw.
Linn county reduced her school ox
nenses from $87,001 In 1903, to $77,'
G19 in 1904, Tho reduction is due to
economy In supplies and salaries and
In not adding any now rooms to
It you want to buy wheat land, a
stock ranch, town property, va'cant
lots or anything in tho real estate
line, Just drop In and see us.
, E. T. WADE & SON.
Office In B. O. Building, Pendleton,
Or. 'Phono DIack 11X1.
Clolland, J. I. Sturglll, I. S. Evans,
E. E. Philips, E. V. Carter, A. M. Mc
Callen, Frank Williams,. E. J. Farlow,
W. H. Mowatt, C. U. WUtson, J. W.
Markshury, It. P. Holso, T. T. Gcer,
John A. Jeffroy. H. J. Hendricks, W.
T. Slater, W. H. Dilyou, J. S. Van
Winkle, H. M. Palmer, Percy H. Kelly.
H. D. Edwards, .1 M. Shelley, E. U.
Leo, II. H. Klncald, L. f. Harris, J.
C. Hostetlor, J. H. Wood, Malcolm
Moody, J. H. Worsloy, Henry L. Kuck,
E. L. Smith. A. B. Lake, J. N. Wil
liamson, N. J. Slnnott, W. J. Furnish,
Walter M. Pierce, James A. F.eo, Dert
Huffman, John McCourt, C. Taylor.
T. G. Halloy, Itobert Stanflold, Ste
phen A. Lowell, J. H. llaley, G. A.
Hartronn, O. D. Teel, I). L. Eddy, A.
E. Ileames, Will H. King, J. W. Knowl
es, C. D. Huffman, J. C. Cooper, J. F.
Welch, Max Uurgholzer, J. A. Han
dolph. George W. Riddle.
Of this amount $G54,70 has been
paid in, and assuming thut all tho
subscribers pay up In full there will
bo a deficit of $130.52, which must be
in do up by somo of the members of
the league. Wo wish to pay all tho
hills and close up by tho first of
August If possnilo, and hope as many
as can do so will remit something to
apply on the above defilclf.
The bill has beon adopted by tho
people by a majority of 39,851 in a
total vote of 72,559, only 10,354 voting
against It.
On behalf of tho league wo b.eg to
express to the editors of Oregon os
neclally. as well as to all other frlonds
our grateful appreciation of their of
(ectlv.o work In favor of tho direct
primary nominations law. Tho de
mand for this measure as well as the
very largo majority by which Jt was
adopted Is duo moro largoly to tho
unselfish work of our newspaper men
during tho past six years than to any
other cause. A. L. MILLS,
Attest: President
W 8, -U'HEN, Secretary.
Everything But Freight $10 Higher
If Other Lines Are Used.
Spokane, July 21. Tho O. H. & N.
has Issued a schedule of Its rates fen
refrigerator service to eastern points.
They apply for shipments deciduous
fruits, and include the use of the re
frigerator car, the' cost or tho Initial
Icing and the relclng The rates are
$35 to Helena, Mont., St, Paul. Kan
sas City, and Winnipeg; $15 to Chi
cago and St. Louis; $55 to Cloveland,
Toronto and Detroit; $05 to Ualtlmore,
New York and Montreal, and $70 to
Boston. These rates apply from all
points on the O. R. & N. and over
the Oregon Short Line and the Union
Pacific, ir rival lines are used the
rate is $1(1 higher.
Satan Those men over llioro don't s.eem to mind tho bent nt all,
nre they?
The Janitor They enmo from Wnlla Walla.
Well ventilated, neat an
fortable rooms, good beda. n.' J
it, ........ 1 . ai .
Goods ore served.
Main Btroot, conter of
between Alto and
Mock, J
Webb !
Cool, refreshing and Invlgorat
las. Our drinks go right to tho
parilla Iron Brew, Dr. Popper's
Phosphates, Mineral Water
noot Beer, Ginger Ale and
Cider, and nil kinds of soft
drinks. Our drinks are pure
and only distilled water, made
from condensed ste m, Is used
Manufactured by
Factory under St. George Hotel
Chickasaw Brigade Reunion..
Sulphur. I. T July 21. This place
Is guy with (lags and bunting today In
nonor or the veterans of the Chicka
saw Brigade, United Confederate Vet
erans, which Is In session. Tho Sons
of Confederate Veteraus and the
Daughters of the Confederacy are par
ticipating, and the reunion, . which
lasts until tho end of the week, prom
ises to bo unusually successful.
Exposition at Grand Forks,
Grand Forks, N. D., July 21. Grand
Forks Is thronged with visitors to-
uny as seldom before lu her history.
Tho occasion Is the opening of tho
Red river valley exposition, which
will continue for three days. For sev
eral months tho various committees
have beon hard at Work arranging for
tho exposition and the result Is-one of
tho largest and most comprehensive
displays of tho products of farm, fac
tory and rancli over seen in this section.
Battlegrounds' Meeting.
Lafayette, Ind July 21. Tho thir
teenth annual session of the Battle
ground camp-meeting Association bo
gnu todny at the Tlppecanoo battle
field, seven miles north of this city,
and will, continue for 10 days. Tho
Rev, Henry Ostiom of Grooneastlo,
Is In charge of th" meeting, nnd John
Hlllls has direction of tho music. The
program Includes tho names of a
number of noted speakers nnd lecturers.
Sumpter Smelter to Start.
Information hns ljeen received from
n rolltiblo source that th6 Sumpter
smolter will start up July 31, Thoy
aro buying ores steadily nnd havo
been for soveral weoks, paying cash
at tho smolter for the samo. Every
business man nnd mining man in this
section realizes th.o importance of
this move. It Is slncerolv hnnnil ltv
all that .the mines will produco suffic
ient oro to keop tho smelter running
steadily. It is boll.oved that this can
be done If all work together. Sump
tor 'Reporter.
Tho broader tho smlla th
tho task.
Former Walla Walla Man Sells
In Sumpter District.
C G. Green, formerly of Walla Will
11. and step-father of J. H. Duncan
of ibis city, who sold a mining claim
In tho Sumpter district for n nent
sum. Tho Baker City Herald, speak
ing or the deal, says:'
C. G. Green reports a big strike on
the Oregon Freo Gohf Mining Com
pany's property, live miles southeast
trom Durkee.
He brings In samples of ore to
prove It. Ho crushed a pl.ece of rock
this morning nud took out tree mill-
; gold to tho nr.10, nt that would
iverago $2000 per ton.
Mr. Green states that they struck
1 ledge IS inches wide of this freo
milling ore, nnd thut It has an in-
eflnlti; length. It will average ti .
uirl at many points it pnns out even
better results.
J. W. Hughes is president of the
company nnd John L. Hughes Is sup
erintendent. Thoy already have- a
roller mill, but are tearing that awny
nnd will put in n stump mill at once.
Shipm.ents of ore will ho made to
Sumpter in the meantime. Tho first
shipment will be mudo next week.
Seven men are now at work and a
larger force will bo put on next we.uk
Tlie mine Is located in Lost Basin,
three miles from the Gold Ridge mlno.
C. G. Green closed tho sale to the
company todny for thr.ee claims lying
neur the property of the company, for
which ho received tli sum of $(i(Alil,
Brutally Tortured,
A caso camo to light that for por
slstent nnd unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equaled. Joe
GoboIIck of Colusa, Cnl., writes: "For
15 years I endured Insufferable pain
from rheumatism and nothing rellov
etl 1110 though I tried everything
known. I camo across Electric Bit
ters nnd It's tho greatest medicine on
enrth for that trouble. A fow bottles
of It completely relieved and cured
me." Just as good for liver and kld
noy troubles and general debility.
Only 50e. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Tullman & Co., druggist.
Organization Oregon Development
League Portland, August 2 nnd 3.
August 22-27 American Mining
Congress, Portlnud.
Inland Empire Tenchem' Assocla-i
Hon Pendleton, October 19, 20 nnd
National Irrigation Association, El
Paso, Toxas, November 15-18.
All Kinds
i.nave good sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
lly local applications an thoy can not rcucli
tlio diseased portions of the ear. There
U only one way to cure ileafiiess, and that
Is by constitutional remedies.
caused by
mucous lining of
Special Rate of 52i2 Cents on Wheat
From Spokane to Chicago Removed.
Spokane, July 21. Tho Northern
Pacific, which a short time ago made
a through rato of 52' cents per cwt.
on wheat from Spokane common
points to Chicago, has removed tho
rote as far as It applied to points on
tho Washington & Columbia Hlver
That leaves the rrito to Chicago
from tho Walla Wulln district 55 cents
per cwt. unless (ho Union Pacific
system gives relief.
Raises Passenger Fare.
The round trip rato from Missouri
river points to Spokane', and vlco
versa, nre raised $5. Tho round trip
rato from Spokano to St. Paul or Kan
sas City was $70, and Is Increased to
$75. The samo change Is mndo in
tho rate from Walla Walla. Tho rato
from Wonatchoo wnu $75, and Is tin-cbnngod.
Deafness is
tnllunie'l condition of the
if the i:uHtaclilnn tube.
When this tube Is Inllnmed vou have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the
result, and unless the lutlammntlon can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten aro caused
by Catarrh, which Is nothng but nn In
named condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not bo cured by Hairs Caturru
Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druBssts, 70o.
Hall's Family Tills aro tho best.
Notice to Water Consumers.
All persons having water meters on
their premises are horoby notified to
put them in Immediate repair it thy
are not now, and to also cluarr out the
meter boxes wher,over thoy are dirty
and fouled, so the motor can bo read.
If Hie owners or. lessees do not havo
this done, tho wntor superintendent
win tnlio steps to have It done;
Water Superintendent.
For Cash.
Leave orders at Neuman's
Cigar Store, ',
I The French j
I Restaurant I
Best 25 Cent Meal in the City I
Private Dining Parlort. !
Working Night and Day.
Tho busiest and mightiest little
thing thut over was made is Dr. King's
Now Llfo Pills. These pills chango
weakness Into strength, llstlessnoss
Into energy, brnln-fag into mental
power. Tlioy'ro wondorful In building
up 1110 Health, only 25c per box. Sold
uy Tnnman & Co.
Billy Leathet's express wagon is
now at Howard's cigar store. 'Phone
main 2841. Hesidonce, red 333.
"U7 ruber had bn inffartr from tlak bdub
for lbs Iftlt lnnlfl vaara anil ntv.r fAunil mr
1 muni ua uemn nun your uaxarati. Bine
I ..' two taking CaicareU lie bu naTor haJ
nt neajacbe. Tbay bate antlrelr cored him.
Caaeareti do nbatyou racommaad Ihtm to do. I
will sire rou tlie prlvlUg of mloc bit name."
Beat Tor
n . . a
I lLJf ine d owe 13 f
PL...-. B.i.t.vl. -. . fr.-.-n A r- n---
Vrntt Sicken, Woakea or Orlpe, 10c. Uc.tfe. Ntytt
old (a . built. The eenalDa tablet tamped 0 00.
uuaranieea to euro or your money baok.
Sterllnf Remedy Co., Chlcigo or N.Y. 59a
Plies Upon Top of Piles.
Piles upon pllos of people have the
piles, nnd DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salvo
cures them. Thoro aro many different
kinds of piles, but If you got tho gen
ulno original Witch Hazol Solve mado
by K. O. DoWItt & Co. of Chicago, n
euro is certain. H. A. Tlsdnlo of
Summorton, 8. C, saya: "I had pllos
20 yoars and DoWitt's Witch Hazol
Salvo cured mo after everything olso
failed." Sold by Tallman & Co.
Uneasy lloa tho head whoso tonguo
Ilea hnrdor.
The Leading
Of the city, 8IEBERT &
8chultz, havo removed to 222
Court street, opposite th Hotel
Bickers. When you want a
well made suit at reasonable
prices, call on them.
Elegant Furnished Rooms
633 Main Street,
Per set, $5.00; gold crowm,
$4.00: Bllver filling, EOc; ex
tracting, 50c.
We are thoroughly equipped
with all modern methods-
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the hlgbes t W
dard, and our prices the Iowmi
consistent with first-class wow.
White Bros.
Association Block.
'Phone Main 1001.
F.E. VanDusen
& Co.
Boiler setting and fire p!
done in first-closs manner.
Address Box 5, WBdM-
Tenderfoot Transportation J
Wo havo Just put in B..d
linn frnm K Cin I" :.
i .. . Tun rinvti l"- .
nn.i lmraos and careful u.
schedule will pui com
fnstor tlmo on wi u w
,iniiv niter iuo . m.
loavlng Josoph at 5:80 WeJ
Joseph aud Wn. wt SI tlgt '
nnin f'liiiii.iu.v.M. . tnn Li"
limes. - tr uie
the Wallowa cuiiv, r
foot line.
mi4i in