East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 20, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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tig July Shoe Sale
. .1.. nnn month of the year wo desire to clnnn nnf nnr
! fl" v Dispose 0f nil odds and ends regardless ot cost. We
rest success bo rar wis monm.
IT,,,.L nrlces we arc asking for good stylish, serviceable shoes
! ,l th vou can't afford to pass us oy.
rhllilr.en's shoes In sizes 8 to 2: recular nri
$150, $2.00, ?2.25 and $2.C0, all go during sale at
$1.00. See outsldo display.
Ladles' slippers In sizes 3 to 0, all widths In
patent kid nnd kid. Many nobby styles, regular
values $1.75 to K00. July sale price 75c to $2.00.
Ladles' nno shoes In light or heavy soles, our
regular ?3.60 to $5.00 linos; broken lines and not
many of a kind, but can glvo you a 'good assort
mi'iit to choose from. They are selling now for
from $2.00 to $2.50.
Men's flue dress nnd work shoes, about 700 pairs
In all, are bolng closed out regardless of cosf
$1.25 to $2.00 now buys a $2.00 to $3.50 shoo.
nest of all. The Royal Tlluo $3.50 shoo for men.
We have them In 10 different styles. Exclusive
agents In Pendleton.
,ee Teutsch's Dept. Store
Corner Main and Alta Streets
t orders at Oratz's.
J Rider, Get sunny.
bats at the Boston.
threshers at Bunkers.
lb (rait dally, at Mar.tln's.
I md coal see McAdam.
., Tha Tlnatnn.
II "top CUttt.
mtkee for fire extinguishers.
dons raspberries at Hawley
Ms and Hanan shoes. The
fcmmer Clearance aie ui
aer dress goods sale at
ti melons, water melons, at
I Bros.
i meals In the city served at
I; restaurant.
lou wishing to raise mules
Itues to Big Ben.
i! clue fi.tiu ana $ .uu suues ui
tiitsch's. Best on oarth.
kinds carbonated drinks,
I ud pure. 'Phone 951.
Ite! get satisfaction at How-
I formerly Hees' cigar store.
I (mm, confectionery and cl
t Hilton's, 304 Court street.
jj out sale of all summer
i it Mrs. Hose Campbell s.
ISeat Upstairs of new building
r ot Cottonwood and Webb. It.
Rent Six-room furnished
I for two and a half months. In
lit this office.
I Sent The room formerly oc
f kj the Pantheon theater. Ap
bfladolph Martin.
of our dlnnerware not full sets.
i jrice with cash purchase of
r and glassware and lamu
I din lamp free, See window
f. C. Rohrman.
I popular resort at Lone Beach
K S'twton. Pendleton neonln all
pumgnest terms of the New.
lEites reasonable: accammnda.
t best. J. O. Wickham, pro
W'f, not Quantity.
save the best assortment X
fWaes In this section of
MUte. We sell rellnhiA
(from $2.00 ud. W sa11
I'.'", 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 'JeV-vt
icues in the .dlfferfltot X
' nickel. Bterllne.ttlWtf'
1 tur&ntee ail
'., er prove faulty from
Wp. we will fullv re.
P m money,
IhM,R)flf..lv. J.weier.
'".Mala Street.
Ice cream, the Delta kind.
Get Sunny. TJ. C. Rader.
Cash registers at Withee's.
The Delta Ice cream Is delicious.
New corn, roasting ears, Hawley's
Drag and disk harrows at Kunkel's,
Fresh, pure groceries, Hawley Bros.
Closing out dry goods. The Bos
New line men's sweaters. The
uxioru ana slipper sale at
Chicken dinner and Ice cream Sun
days at Gratz's.
Flower pots, plain and glazed, 8c to
26c. Noll's fancy goods store.
Moline wagonB, rubber tired bug
gies, carriages and hacks at Kunkel's,
rue St. ueorge restaurant, open
Jay auu night. Mrs. Cooper, proprl
a tor.
Get your clothes cleaned and
pressed at Joerger's, 12li West Court
Lost Elk tooth charm, Initials J
J. L., No. 433. Leave at mis offlce for
Wanted Woman to do cooking In
hotel. Address Mrs. J. P. Navln,
Helix, Or.
Twenty-room hotel, furnished, two
lots, good business, $1800. Great bar
gain. E. T. Wade & Son.
Canvass shoes, overalls, jumpers
and comforters for harvesters, lowest
prices, at Baer & Daley's.
J, W. Moloney has Just put new
electrical fixtures Into his remodeled
residence on South Main street.
Fred Temple Is having his remodel
ed residence on West Alta street, wir
ed for a lull complement of electric
Making a child happy requires a
very small Investment, but ,is divi
dends beat the Standard OH Com
pany's stock.
Somehow we have a great admira
tion for the woman who likes onions
iinil would rather cat them than go to
a social function,
T. G. Montgomery IS huvlng his
residence rewired throughout and
provision made for an Increase of
lights at such a time as the company
can put them In.
They Are Doing Considerable Dam
age Thirty Miles From Town.
J. N. Suiste, who lives on Buttor
creek, about 30 miles out, reports that
grasshoppers are becoming a serious
lest upon his place and upon the
l'nrnis of others as well. Nearly all
the gardens, much of the grain and
some of the alfalfa Is already badly
The alfalfa Is damaged the least, as
yet, but the- hoppers are iu it, and
their numbers are increasing dally,
with no indications of growing fewer,
A disagreeable feature of the case Is
the abundant crop of young hoppers,
This 1b unprecedented, as never be
fore, during tho greatest abundance .of
hoppers, has there been more than
one crop of the pests In one year.
Piles Upon Top of Pile.
Plies upon plies of people havo the
piles, and DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve
cures them. There are many different
kinds of piles, but If you get the gen
uine original Witch Hazel Salve made
by ,E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, a
euro ,1a certain. H. A. Tlsdale of
Summerton, S. O., sayB: "I had piles
20 years and DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve cured .roe after everything else
failed." Sold 'by Tallman & ,Co., t
& ! 1 w
l.iiil. lB.0!? Ic 'Crewacari lanlB-.be obtained at the oldOC-A
it ,' Wn Soda FWHiuiD.' A '
Soda FowUln.
ffiPPFlSlQ The JRopalar Price , j
KTi ' Htt,lc 's in Portland on legal
lto,today?Wman' 0t H"sard' Is a vls
W, A. Fellows, of North Yakima, Is
C. H. Allen, ot Adams, Is her on
business for the day.
N. D. Swearlngen wont to Echo this
morning on business.
, ?,Iru' A' Hl Smlth an(l Hert Camp
bell have gone to lone.
J. O. McFadden, of Portland, Is the
new barber at Prlvett's.
Mrs. n. n. Cunllrf, of Kamela, Is In
tho city on a visit to relatives.
h-J- Temple Is having his residence
on West Webb street remodeled.
.J. F. Fllnn, plain drunk, was this
morning given three days in tho city
Mrs. B. K. D.1VIS Will pn tn niicl,ln
about August 1, to remain for about
a inomn.
Tim Donovan, lineman of the O. It
& N., Is In the city on a tour of In
Mrs. Alice M. Sheridan and dnugh
icr mauae, nave gone to Boise for
week's visit.
Mrs. Dean Tatoni has gone to Wal
lace, Idaho, to be the guest of Mrs,
.lean moure.
Mrs. D. Morse returned to Echo this
morning. she has been visiting
inuiius uere.
James Estes has gone to La Grande
to visit an uncle, a Mr. Mathews, who
is uungerousiy in,
AlUOrt facott and C. A. Wnener. nf
Elgin, are Hotel St. Georeo
a snort visit to tlie city.
w. j. Leggett. of Josenh. Wallowa
county, Is In town today. He will go
10 aua waiia tomorrow.
ur. iuwaru w. Jinc cr. nmnacer
or tne bumpier Sme.ter Company, is
guest at Hotel St. George.
T A Til . .. -
j. iv. mt-w, oi iiarrisuurc. ur.. a
menu ol A. W. Nye, Is a guest of
Hotel Pendleton for a few days.
Mark Moorliouse succeeds Miss Ida
Boyd, resigned, as clerk of the vestry
of the Church of (he riedeemer.
Mr. and Mrs .Joe H. Parkes will
go to their mountain ranch near Hot
Springs, In a few days for an outing.
Fred L. Earp. Blue mountain cor-
resiiondent of the Spokesman-Review.
with headquarters at Walla Walla, Is
In the city today.
Edward W. Mlelke, the genial and
most popular representative of the
Blake-McFall Paper Company, of Port
land, Is In the city.
J. M. Blair, a well known freight
brakeman on the O. R. & N., has re
signed his position and gone East to
work for the Union Pacific.
J. F. Halllgus and family, and E. D.
Halllgus, who have been in business
In Athena for the past year or more,
will return to Lewlston Immediately.
Captain S. V. Richmond and wife,
of tho Salvation Army, are expecting
to be transferred to other work on ac
count of .Mrs. Richmond's poor health.
Active work has begun upon the
new residence of Prof. Haw, the horse
breaker, on the north side of tho
river, not far east from the Walters
R. C. Mays, a prominent woolbuyer
of Lostlne, Wallowa county, and a
brother of Contractor William Mays,
of this city, Is here on a business
A. Gustafson, bwltcli engineer in
the O. R. & N. yards, is ill with rheu
matism and may go to the Hot Iake
sanitarium. D. W. Jackson, of La
Gremle, Is In his place
Sherman and l.ouls Kunkel are the
guests of T. S. Gibson and family, 12
miles above Pilot RocK. They will
spend their vacation liHhlug, camping
out and rusticating generally.
Adjutant Howell and wife, the well
known Salvation Army workers, are
San Francisco, awaiting orders
Summer Wash Goods
One-Half Price for Two Days
Pink, blue and tans; 35c yard; sale
price 17yc yd
Finely finished, colors blue, white,
pink, 35c yard; sale price 174c yd
Know the 'value ot goods. Cornp
and see If prices nro not cut Just In
Pinks, blues and greys, 20c yard;
sale price 10c yd
Dllio, red, grey and green, 26c; salo
prlcp 12!c yd
Pink, bluo and white, 36a yard; sale
prlco 17!c yd
Dross lengths, skirt lengths, waist
' lengths, 10c to COc yd., salo prlco
5c to 25c yd
torneys with. Tho affidavit states
that Cheney admitted to her that ho
was guilty of adultery In numerous
Instances, both in San Francisco and
In Pendleton.
The sheriff secured personal serv
ice of this affidavit and notice by Mrs.
Cheney upon Choney, tho terms being
that Cheney should make Immedlato
response to the service, by an appoar
ance in court. Ho has since disap
peared, however, and his present
whereabouts are unknown, at least
to the authorities and to his family.
which will be issued, transferring
them to active service in a short time.
L. E. Ferguson, engineer on a Ka
melu helper engine, was in the city
this morning on his way to The
Dalles on a visit to his brother, Engi
neer George Ferguson, of The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tuttle are at
home at 718 Twenty-first avenue, So
attle, arriving there after an extend
ed wedding tour. Mr. Tuttle is em
ployed by the Kennedy Drug Compa
ny, ot Seattle.
Mrs. G. M. Rice and son are In Spo
kane, and are expected in Pendleton
about the end of the week. Some
time next week the family will beglu
housekeeping In one of the new Whit
aker residences at the corner of High
and Garden streets.
Professor C. B. Roberts, of Colfax,
formerly principal of the Colfax pub
lic pchools and later a teacher in the
State Agricultural College at Pull
man, who has been visiting at the
homes of John E. Bennett and L. E.
ffarbett, for several days, returned
home this morning.
District Attorney Phelps writes to
Assessor Strain that he will be In
Pendleton soon to confer with him
about the disputed railroad assess
ment, and also to examine the rec
ords in his office. Mr. Strain expects
Mr, Phelps to arrive In a fow days.
In .fact, dally.
Is Served With Papers In Divorce Suit
and Disappears Again.
In an 'affidavit filed last overling by
her attorneys, James A. Fee end Car-
ter'& Haley, Mrs. Zella Cheney pre
sents statements upon which she
bases a potltlon for the reinstatement
of the case at tho point It was left
when It was dismissed somo days ago
at her request.
She asks that property belonging
to her husband, L. W, Cheney, to the
value Of $6000, be diverted for her
ownership and use, and asks also that
$500 bo secured to her to pay her at-
Frank Robinson Visiting Here From
the Thriving Idaho Town.
F. Robinson and family, of W.elser,
are In town, coming down yesterday.
Mr. Robinson comes to look after
four residence properties which ho
rents In this place. He Is engaged
n the same business ta Welser as
here general amusement parlors.
Business Is good in Welser and tho
town is growing rapidly. Four brick
business houses are In course of erec
tion there now, and three more will
be built this summer and fail, and a
proportionate number of residences
are to be erected.
The completion of the 70-mlIe gov
ernment ditch whlcu will covor
thousands of acres of land In that Im
mediate vicinity, will add greatly to
tho yearly output of agricultural
wealth there, and Its anticipation
adds considerably to. tho present bus
iness prosperity there. A steel bridge
costing $70,000 Is In course of erec
tion across the Snake rlv.er there
now, Immediately adjacent to tho
tract of laud which will be covered
by the government ditch.
Because our prices aro cut Just as low as It Is possible and do
business. You get the bonoflt of conservattvo buying and, our small
margin of profit. Wo havo special sales ovory day. Our goods aro
marked In plain figures and will comparo with any house of our kind.
Come In. Let us convince you.
Workingmen's Clothing Co.
The New Store.
Corner Main and Webb 8ta.
Will Work Over Old Dirt.
The news leaked out yesterday that
J. 11. uavey and son, Frank Davoy,
the assay.er, had purchased the tall
lugs at the old Virtue mine. When
Interviewed on the subject Mr. Davoy
said the deal had been closed, and
that they estimated there were at
least 100,000 tonB of tailings In tho
pile and that It might reach 160,000
tons. The Daveys will .erect a cya
nide plant on (he ground at once ca
pable of handling 60 tons a day, and
In the spring will double the capacity
of the plant. They would not state
the price paid for the tailings, but
mining men familiar with the situa
tion believe it to be In the neighbor
hood of 60 cents a ton. Baker City
Teachers' Examination.
The next examination of applicants
for teachers' certificates will be held
at. the court house August 10 to 13,
Inclusive. The examination will ho
he;d In sections, viz.: for stale papers,
for county papers and for primary
Sunday School Picnic.
Tho boys comprising Miss Edith
Boyce's class In the Methodist Sun
day school, accompanied by their
teacher, are enjoying themselves at a
picnic In a grove adjacent to the river
near tne county bridge east of town
Are you not acquainted with a lot
of peoplo who aro contluually putting
meuicine into tueir stomachs in the
nope ot curing a diseased lmaelna
It l Fine
IN 1 and 2 LB.
Oregon State Normal School, Monmouth
Boglns Its tw.onty-third year Sep
tember 20, 1004. Four terms In each
school year, nffordlng opportunities
for beginning u courso In Soptorabor,
November, Fobruary nnd April.
The Best Tralnlnrj for Teachers.
Is tho normal courso, with Its assur
ance of good positions at good wages.
Wrlto for now cataloguo containing
full information concerning courses
of study, training In actual teaching
afforded undor real conditions In tow
naa country Bchools, and full details
about tho advanced course of study with the additional advantages at-
lV 11 vUi
Address Secretary J. B. V. Butler, or President E. D. Retsler,
Monmouth, Oregon,
of cleanliness and neatness Is on
each individual piece of linen or other
wash good b entrusted to our careful
hands to undergo tho process knows
as laundering. First, we wash clean;
aocond, we starch rightly and onlr
where starch Is needed; third, our
Ironing Is really second to none la
"bold-to-the-last" finish. Tersely told,
this Is a completo firat-clasa laundry,
Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good broad Is
assured when Dyers Beat Flour Is used. Bran, shorts, steam roll-
ed barley always on hand, 2
W. 8. BYERS, Prop.
alogae of them. A foil supply always kept ta stock.