DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1904. PAGE SIX. -Ml S TEETH Per set, J5.00; gold crowns, $4.00; silver filling, 60c; ox trnctlng, 60c. We arc thoroughly equipped with nil modern methods and nppllances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stan dard, and our prices the lowest consistent with first-class work. White Bros. Dentists. Association Block. Phone Main 1661. College Place Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark Positively the best beer made. Any quantity you de sire. Delivered to your home. Always call for Olym pia. A. NOLTE 'Phone Main 181. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AtooIufePuriry, FinesfFhYor, OrtatarShtnh.fleasorvable Prices. CL05SET&DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. F. E. Van Dtisen & Co. CONTRACTORS OF BRICK WORK. Boiler setting and fire places done In first-class manner. Address Box 456, Pendleton. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building Material Dimension lumber of all de scriptions. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper. BRING YOUR BILL TO US AND GET OUR FIGURE8. Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Opposite W. & O. R. Depot OLD NBWBPArBUS tO POT tJNDHH carpeU, on ibeWc, wall or for wrsp bX pnrpoeei. Old newspapers In terse bandies of 100 each t as cents a bundle t the BABT OIIEOONIAN offlce. l'endls too, Orefea. France Reveres Her Journalists I "There Is no place on the face of 'the earth where the genuine journal j ists and newspaper men are as high- ly respected or have many favors shown them as In Paris," sayB Carlo Maria Count de For.iB, one of the fore moBt editors nnd correspondents of ; the French republic and a dlsclplo of the Henri Hochefort school of Jour- iiuusiu, wiiu hub juui uvuii uii u uiii through the United States, and Is now in Mexico. In comparing the condi tions of journalism in France to America, he says: "I have traveled through the United States and have made thorough ob servations of the effect of the Ameri can papers upon the public, but I must sny that the Influence of the papers of Paris upon public opinion far outwolghts that of the Journals of the lending cities of the United States. One can not reallzo the ex tent to wjjlch their influence is felt, unless he hns lived in Paris, and felt the public pulse through Its various vibrations. "The life of the Paris newspaper man who attends strictly to his duties is one which is to bo envied. He re ceives n magnificent salary, has ex cellent opportunities to replenish his pocketbook through contributions to his paper, for which he receives ex tra compensation, nnd lives and works ns n part of the body of the journalists in the great cnpltnl. "There is a press club at which all the newspaper men congregate for their meals, and which is for their ex clusive use. There, at almost any hour, one may find congenial asso ciates, all of them gentlemen of edu cation nnd refinement. A man is well tested before he is admitted to membership In the club, for he must have had a probation of three years in Paris, and his qualifications as a gentleman must he of the soundest nature. "There Is one thing about tho French journalist which I think has a great deal to do with the high dtandlng he maintains In his country nnd thnt Is, that he must be a man of education. Ho must be possessed of a good literary style In order to enter the ranks, and In addition it is almost necessary that he be a college or university graduate or have had experience which has been calculat ed to give him thought training. "Accuracy and truthful assertions are absolutely essential to the suc cess of the newspaper men there, as everywhere, but he must be a person who Is so entirely reliable as to his assertions that his copy can be hand ed to the machine operators without the slightest rovlslon by the copy readers or editors. "When he has demonstrated that this standard has been attained, there Is nothing too good for him. As a member of tho club he may enjoy all Its privileges and by the payment of Its dues he may be entitled on retire ment from active service, to a rea sonable pension. Thus his latter years are always assured of a comfortable end, for his former associates take care of him. "But these are only a few of the privileges of newspaper men in Paris. They have the entree to the best so ciety, and at' all the places of amuse ments there are boxes especially re served for the press. These are nover sold, and, no matter what the event, there Is always a box In every theater for the press every night of the year. At the buildings where the session of the National Deputies are held, there is a press gallery, which Is reserved and never Invaded by any person outside of the fold. The crowning virtue of the life of . the newspaper man in Paris Is his I ability to get the news and the most accurate reports through tho police. The law requires absolutely that In case of a crime of any sort, tho first duty of the prefect of a police de partment, after the crime has been discovered. Is to notify the papers ! through a gendarme, who goes to the , office and makes a report of tho crime. , 'Thus all tho papers receive a sim ultaneous report of the crime, and , reporters are sent at once to the I scene at once. The newspaper men get all their reports In common, and compare notes, so that there Is ab-j solutoly no question ns to the accur-. acy of tholr statements, and then re-1 turn to tholr respective papers to make their reports. "Thus' there Is always a feellntr about the craft which the more close ly cements tholr relations as profes sional men, and makes them, as I said the ball of wool, bound together by the srongest of ties of business and personal affinity." Tho Deaf nnd Dumb Beggar A friend told mo this momlnir that th police nro going to stop begging on 'tho Tliu Blind Beggar Yea; I road that THE DALLES MURDERER. Norman Williams Is Now Anxious for a Speedy Execution. D. Norman Williams, the man sen tenced to be hanged on the 22d of this month, seems to bo perfectly in different to his fate, and since n stay of proceedings lias been decreed by the supreme court, there Is no appar ent change In his actions, says Tho Dalles Chronicle. He refuses to bo Interviewed re garding the crime of which he hns been found guilty, nnd If ho Indulges In any conversation, It Is about ordi nary nffnlrs, and carefully avoids any reference to the murder of the Nes bltt women. Ho has received n letter from tho brother of Alma Nesbltt, bogging him In tho most pathetic manner to dis close what became of tho bodies of the victims of his diabolical crime, but this does not nffect him In tho least. U he Is hanged, nnd It is very likely he will bo, the details of the terrible crime will go clown with him to tho grave. He has been visited by persons of religious Inclination, who hnvo prayed with him; but recently ho expressed n desire not to recoivo visits from preachers of any religious denomina tion. After taking his exercise it, the cor ridor of tho jail ho retires to tils cell, where lie spends tils time reading re ligious books, nnd one in particular ho has read through four times. After perusing the contents, he told the Jailer tlint anybody who would read that book and not be thorough ly convinced of the absolute truth of Christianity was beyond hopo. Fre quently ho can bo heard rending the Bible, nnd sometimes apparently praying. Ho has repressed tho desire thnt his fate be definitely Bottled as quick ly as possible, and If he were to bo hanged he didn't core how soon It might happen, ns ho was becoming tired of the suspense. HONOR JAUREZ'S MEMORY. He Was One of the Founders of the Republic of Mexico. City of Mexico, July IS. The mem ory of Ilenilo Jnuroz, the liberal par ty president, and one of the founders of the republic, was honored today as usual by memorial exercises on the occasion of tho anniversary of his l birth. A long procession mnrched to j the cemetery of San Fernandlno ! wherein lie the remains of tho Illus 1 trlous soldier, who led the successful I struggles against tho Maximilian em pire. The participants In tho celebration I included representatives of scientific I bodies, worklngmen's societies, mem bers of the liberal patriotic commit tees nnd members of the federal, dis trict and city government. The speak ers included President Diaz, Senor Corral, tho now vice-president of the republic, members of the cabinet and a number of other public men. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps nover been equaled. Joo Gobollck of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 15 years I endured Insuffcrablo pain from rheumatism and nothing reliev ed mo though I tried ovorythlng known. I camo across Electric Bit ters and It's tho greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A low bottles of It completely relieved and cured me." Just ns good for liver and kid ney troubles and gonoral debility. Only COc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tailman & Co., druggist. Fearful Sandstorm. Condon had a tearful sandsturm on the first, the worst over experienced In this country. Coverlnpr a space from east to west as for as tho eyo could see, a great wave of dust sud denly arose from a southerly direc tion and enveloped the town and sur rounding country for about an hour. Several hundred people who wore nt the ball grounds were forced to re main on tho grounds, huddled up with their mouths closed and backs to the storm, until It subsided. Some almost died from suffocation, nnd it was al most providential that no accident took place. Prlnevlllo Journal. Workinn Nlnht and Dav. The busiest and mightiest llttlo tlllnc that ever wna mniln la Tir 1.' I New Llfo Pills. Theso pills change wcuKueas into strength, llstlossnoss Into enerev. lir.iln.fnr- int - ' o MUMIU, liowor. They're wondorful In building up tho health. Only 2Ec per box. Sold 1... fT'll tt f I, 4UIIUJUU AC UU. . When a man has so much monoy umi no uoes not know what to do with It, he generally starts out to do inner people. streets. In tho papor yesterday. PUZZLE PICTURE. Where Is tho girl's imprisoned swoothenrt, to whom she Is taking the flowers? Kicking About Sheep. heop are crowding In on the range of some of the mine operators with persistence, nnd there is marked ac tivity among mining men nnd the ninungemcnt of the Similiter Water Compnny this week to keep the pest off territory where they do not be long. Th,e water company heard that several bands were ranging In on McCully's fork, this side of Bnldy K S wcair Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and bo prepares tne system lor tue ordeal that she passes hrough the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $i.oo per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. IMC BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. Truly Wonderful Has been the trade at our llttlo store. People realize thnt the slzo of tho store, the number of clerks employed or the size of tho stock carried has nothing to do with tho monoy saving values given. Its the qunllty of tho goods and tho low prices placod on each article that counts. Tho compulsory salo means a great deal to tho buyers of clothing. It means the best suits nt lower prices than ovor quot ed In Pendleton. This shipment of clothing sent us through nn orror on the part of tho factory beforo we nro ready for It makes It Impera tive that wo got rid of It at unce. In order to dispose of a large shipment llko this It Is necessary to glvo great Inducements and mako tho prlcos so low nnd tho values so big that people will bo compelled to buy because the bargains nro irresistible. OUR OFFERS ARE IRRESISTIBLE And people who have callod liavo found tho greatest, grandest and most convincing money-saving prlcos ovor offered In Eastern Oregon. Wo propose to close out ovory article by the end of this month. Clothing and furnishing goods. Its up to you to take ad vantage of this salo. Tho manufacturers of the clothing who made tho error, wired us to net rid of the goods and charge the loss to them. Don't hcsltato, but come In and see this magnificent line of clothing and separate trousers. Tho prlco is tho main thing to you, but on that scoro we aro positive to please you. THE REMOVAL SALE Prices on furnishing goods are -more wonderfully low than over. We aro doing IL Come In and aoe. KAHKI SUITS $1.00 Greatest bargain in Pendleton's merchandizing. Coat and pants, best grado, regular army make, for only Jl sulL Come In and let the goods nnd prices talk to 70U. Sullivan Compulsory and removal sale. Ing all bargain records. mountain, but further Investigation failed to prove It. Tom C. Gay camo In through that section Thursday to loam If thore were really sheep whore indicated, and, while finding u little blgn, did not find tho herds reported, nnd believes thnt the mat ter has I eon exaggerated somewhat. Similiter American. New spring shirts. The Boston. Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant other must pass usually is so full oi suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with aoorehension and drearL FrlCIHl (3b Bond Tho llttlo storo that Is break- IU1ISh. orZt i - - wnj. t Rtfinl. IV is I r t IIUI PAil Z Cat. m.u . . 4) .".in ina fend eton nrsi . $2,250 Will hnv .. venient 9-room h01 Sewer, bath nr. $4,000 Elegant Just completed; sever mis. onctAM - 1 vhuiviu eirm $2,500 Nice residence eastern exposure. Let me show you thr I nni. U i UK I I-IIII1 V.HTIflTl A.t. "am. Iirttirrlit - nni . . kct value. 111 Court Street tliolr heat, nrovlded ion your selection at Neaglei carriages to suit every iilinntnn, in htlPkbOflrdS. one made right In style frunrnntpprl tn C1Y6 tHe o.,,i moot diirahllltr. WIS BUV juu, - on the hydaullc macDiae. . hnminir nf wheels life of wheels. Try It m Bis Brick Shop. . . 41 Tailors ...nf Of tne enji . MfMAVed SchUlU, nac " ' Court street . A ..MX I Ul Bickers, wntn , well maoe prices, call on wem. rr-uC RPST I III. - II I IIC VH"--- Ilnnr IDlf 1U . a nnnltrr and if nn.l nfllc iur im - . . IB a fltnelc poultry - Kow Kure Mo. 12M8 E"1 An.nt for Ltrt t-w t I have door en cast of tnsj-"-. h pun nt manlike he manus. , AS 1 vnnrfl navo of 1 neeWr W r w My stock by.n damaged r toM J" Virfl wimi ' for less ""cuius to I i-tjre. J Company,