East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 16, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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yi ,.rt-y" ".' "y ' ":;
Per set, $5.00; gold crowns,
$4.00; silver filling, 60c; ex
tracting, 50c.
"We are thoroughly equipped
with all modern methods and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to bo of the highest stan
dard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with flrst-class work.
White Bros.
Association Block.
'Phone Main 1GC1.
Wafers, fruit crackers, cream
sticks, nut butter and salted
Despain & Clark
Positively the best beer
Any quantity you de
sire. Delivered to your
Always call for Olym
pia. A. NOLTE
'Phone Main 181.
"Formoothi I bad treat t ronb I o with sir i tonne
ud vied all kind of xnedieio.es. Uy toarn bu
)md actually u rreen aa ctui, mr breath bavlnr
bad odor. Two week ao a f iind rveonunendtd
Caeart aod after tulnr ibezo 1 can wllllorlr asd
ebearfollr aar Ibat tfaey bar entirely eared me. 1
tberefore let yon know tbat 1 ball recommend
them to any one suffering from eneb troubles."
CUi. U. (Ulpan.m KtTfnpoo St...NwYork,N.T
Best for
r ineoowets
CAMOY cnwmc
Pleural. FtHUbU, Potonl,TlOoo!. DoOood.
Xmr sukeo. w.kn or a rip, lie. Sc. Me. Kmm
Mid In balk. Th (analne ubfol lUmpl COC.
iinjirscVd to tan ar joar snonr bck.
Bteillog Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 596
F. E. Van Dusen
Boiler setting and Are places
done in first-class manner.
Address Box 455, Pendleton.
j Building j
! Material I
Dimension lumber of all de
scriptions. Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Moulding, Building and Tar
Grays Harbor
Commercial Co.
Opposite W. &. C. R. Depot
carpets, on ibelre, walls or for wrap
pine .purposes. Old newspapers In lame
beadle of 100 each at 23 centa bandit
at tbe EAST OHEOONIAN office. I'eodle
tea, Oregon.
The following little story is from
the pon of Ambrose Blcrce, In "Can
Such Things Bo?":
The time, a pleasant Sunday after
noon In the early autumn of 1861.
The place, a forest's heart In the
mountain region of "Western Virginia.
Private Grayrock of the Federal army
is discovered seated comfortably at
the root of a great pine tree, agalnBt
which he leans, his legs extended
Btralght along the ground, his rifle
lying across his thigh, his hands rest
ing upon the barrel .of his weapon.
The contact of the back of his head
with the tree has pushed his cap
down over his eyes, almost concealing
One seeing him would say he slept.
Private Grayrock did not sleep; to
have done so would have Imperiled
the Interests of the United States, for
he was a long way outside the Hues,
and subject to capture or death at
the hands of the enemy.
Moreover, he was In a frame of
mnld unfavorable to repose. The
cause nf his perturbntlon of spirit
was this: During the preceding night
he hnd served on the picket guard,
and had been posted as a sentinel In
this very forest.
The night was clear, though moon
less, but In the gloom of the wood
the darkness was deep. Grayrock's
post was at a considerable distance
from those to right and left, for the
pickets had been thrown out a need
less distance from the camp, making
the line too long for the force detail
ed to occupy It.
The war was young, nnd military
camps entertained the error that
when sleeping they were better pro
tected by thin lines a long way out
toward the enemy, than by thicker
ones close in. And surely they need
ed as long notice as possible of an
enemy's approach, for they were at
that time addicted to the practice of
undressing, thnn which nothing could
be more unsoldierly.
On the morning of the memorable
Gth of April, at Shiloh, many of
Grant's men, when spitted on Confed
erate bayonets, were as naked as
civilians; but it should be allowed
that this was not because of any de
fect In their picket line.
Their error was of another sort:
they had no pickets. This Is perhaps
a digression. I should not care to un
dertake to Interest the reader In the
fate of an army, what we have to con
sider Is that of Private Grayrock.
For two hours after he had been
left at his lonely post that Saturday
night, he stood stock still, leaning
against the trunk of a large tree, star
ing into the darkness in his front and
trying to recognize known objects;
for he had been posted at the same
spot during the day.
But all was now different; he saw-
nothing in detail, but only groups of
things, whose shapes, not observed
when there was something more of
them to observe, w.ere now unfamiliar.
They semed not before to nave
been there. A landscape which Is
all trees and undergrowth, moreov.er,
lacks definition, is confused and with
out accentuated 'points upon which at
tention can gain a foothold.
Add the gloom of a moonless night,
and something more than great natur
al Intelligence and a city education
Is required to preserve one's sense of
And that Is how It occurred that
Private Grayrock, after vigilantly
watching the spaces In his front and
then Imprudently executing a circum
spection of his whole dimly visible
environment (silently walking around
his tree to accomplish it), lost his
bearings and seriously Impaired his
usefulness as a sentinel.
Lost at his post, unable to say In
what direction to look for an ene
my's approach, and in which lay the
sleeping camp for whose security he
was responsible with his life, con
scious, too, of many another awkward
feature of the' situation and of con
siderations affecting his own safety.
Private Grayrock was profoundly disquieted.
Nor was he given time to recover
his tranquility, for almost at the mo
ment that he realized his awkward
predicament he heard a stir of leaves
and a snap of fallen twigs, and turn
ing with a still heart. In the direction
whence It came, saw In the gloom the
indistinct outline of a human figure.
"Halt!" shouted Private Grayrock,
peremptory, as In duty bound, back
lng up the command with the sharp
metallic click of his cocking rifle
"who goes there?"
There was no answer; at least
there was an instant's hesitation, and
the answer, if It came, was lost In the
report of the sentinel's rifle.
In the silence of the night and the
forest, the sound was deafening, and
hardly had it died away when It was
repeated by the pieces of th.o pickets
to right and left, a sympathetic fust
lade. For two hours every unconverted
civilian of them had been evolving
enemies from his Imagination, and
peopling the woods In his front with
them, and Grayrock's shot had started
the whole encroaching host Into visi
ble existence.
Having Bred, all retreated breath
less to the reserves all but Gray
rock, who did not know In what direc
tion to retreat. When, no enemy ap
pearing, the roused camp two miles
away had undressed and got Itself
Into bud qgaln, and the picket line
was cautiously re-established, he was
discovered bravely holding his
ground, and was highly complimented
by the officer of the guard as the one
soldier of that devoted band who
could rightly be considered the moral
equivalent of that uncommon unit of
value, "a whoop in noil."
In the meantime, however, Grayrock
had made a closo hut unavailing
search for the mortal part of the In
truder at whom ho had fired, and
whom he had a marksman's intuitive
Henso of having hit, for be was one of
those born experts who shoot without
aim by an Instinctive sense of dlrec-J
tlon, and are nearly as dangerous by
night as by day.
During a full half of his 24 years
he had been a terror to the targets of
all the shooting galleries in three
cities. Unable now to produce his
dead game he had the discretion to
hold his tongue, nnd was glad to ob
serve In his officer and comrades the
natural assumption that not having
run away he had seen nothing hostile.
His "honorable mention" had been
earned by not running away, anyhow.
Nevertheless. Private Grayrock was
farfrom satisfied with the night's ad
venture, and when, the next day, he
made some fair enough pretext to
apply for a pass to go outside the
lines, nnd the general commanding
promptly granted It in recognition of
his bravery the night before, he pass
ed out nt the point where that had
been displayed.
Telling the sentinel then on duty
there that he had lost something,
which was true enough, he renewed
the search for the person whom he
supposed himself to have shot, and
whom If only wounded he hoped to
trail by the blood.
He was no more successful by day
light than he had been In the dark
ness, and after covering a wide area
nud boldly penetrating n long dis
tance Into "The Confederacy" he gave
up the search, somewhat fatigued,
seated Himself at the root of the
great pine tree, where we have seen
him, and indulged his disappointment.
It is not to be inferred that Gray
rock's was the cruel chagrin of a cruel
nature balked of Its bloody deed. In
the clear large ' eyes, finely wrought
Hps and broad forehead of Hint younjj
man, one could read quite another
story, and In polut of fact his charac
ter was a singularly felicitous com
pound of boldness and sensibility,
courage and conscience.
Private Grayrock, overcome at last
by the languor of the afternoon and
lulled by the stilly sounds of Insects
droning and prosing in certain fra-
grant shrubs, so far forgot the Inter
ests of the United States as to fall
asleep and expose himself to capture.
And sleeping he dreamed. He
thought himself a boy, living In a
far. fair land by the border of a great
river, upon which the tall steamboats
sped grandly up and down beneath
their towering evolutions of black
smoke, which announced them long
before they had rounded tbe bends
and marked their movements when
miles out of sight.
With him, always at his side as he
watched them, was one to whom he
gave his heart and soul in love a
twin brother. Together they strolled
along the banks of the stream; to
gether they explored the fields lying
farther away from It, and gathered
pungent mints and sticks of fragrant
sassafras in tbe hills overlooking all
beyond which lny the Realm of Con
jecture, and from which, looking
southward across the great river,
they caught glimpses of the Enchant
ed Land.
Hand In hand and heart In heart
they two, the only children of a wid
owed mother, walked In paths of
light through valleys of peace, seeing
new things under a new sun.
And through all the golden days
floated one unceasing sound the rich,
thrilling melody of a mocking bird
in a cage by the cottage door. It per
vaded and possessed all the spiritual
Intervals of the dream, like a musical
The joyous bird was always in
song, its infinitely various notes
seemed to flow from Its throat, effort
less, In bubbles and rills at each
heart-beat, like the waters of a puls
ing spring.
That fresh, clear melody seemed,
Indeed, the spirit of the scene, the
meaning and interpretation to sense
of the mysteries of life and lov.e. But
there came a time when the days of
the dream grew dark with sorrow In
a rain of tears. The good mother
was dead, the m.eadowside home by
the great river was broken up, and
the brothers were parted between
two of their kinsmen.
William (the dreamer) went to live
in a populous city In the Realm of
Conjecture, and John, crossing the
river into the Euchanted Land, was
taken to a distant region whose peo
ple In their lives and ways w.ere said
to be strange and wicked. To hlra,
in the distribution of the dead moth
er's estate, had fallen nil that they
deemed of value the mocking bird.
They could be divided, but it could
not, nnd so It was carried away Into
the strange country, and fne world
of William knew It no more forever.
Yet still through all the aftertlme
of his loneliness Its song filled all the
dream and seemed always sounding
In his ear and in his heart. The kins
men who had adopted the boys w.ere
enemies, holding no communication.
For a time letters full of boyish
bravado and boastful naratlves of the
new and larger experience gro
tesque descriptions of their widening
lives and the new worlds they had
conquered passed between them; but
these gradually became less frequent
and with William's removal to nn
other and greater city, ceased alto
gether. But ever through it all ran the song
of the mocking bird, and when the
dreamer opened his eyes and stared
through the vistas of the plno forest
the cessation of Its music Drat ap
prised him that he was awake.
The sun was low and r.ed In the
west; the. level rays projected from
the trunk of each giant plno a wall of
shadow traversing the golden hazo to
eastward until light and shade werje
blended In undlstingulshablo blue.
Privato Grayrock roso to his feet,
looked cautiously about hlra, ahoul
dored his rifle and set ofT toward
camp. Ho had gone perhaps a half
mllo, and was passing a thicket laurel,
when a bird roso from tho midst of It
and perching on tbe branch of a tree
above, poured from Its Joyous breast
so Inexhaustible floods of song as but
on.e of all of God's creatures can ut-
J tor In His praise. There was little
: In that It was but to open the beak
land breathe: yet the man stopped as
If struck stopped nnd let fall his ri
fle; looking upward nt th.o bird, cov
ered his eyes with his hand and wept
I like a child.
j For the moment ho was. Indeed, a
child In spirit and In memory, dwell
'lng again by the gr.eat river over
against the Enchanted Land. Then
with an effort of the will he pulled
himself togothor, picked up his weap
on and audibly dnmnlng himself for
nn idiot strode on.
) Passing an opening that reached
Into the heart of the thicket he look
.cd In, and there, supine upon the
! earth. Its arms all abroad, its gray
.uniform stained with a single spot of
blood upon the breast. Its white face
turned sharply upward and back
ward, lay the Image of himself; the
body" of John Grayrock, dead of a
gunshot wound, and still warm. Ho
had found his man.
As the unfortunate soldier knelt be
side that niBBtcrwork of civil war,
the shrilling bird upon the bough
overhead stilled her sound nnd, flush
1 ed with sunset's crlmsou glory, glid
ed silently away through the solemn
spaces of the wood.
, At roll call that evening in the
Federal camp the name Grayrock
brought no response, nor ever again
Tutullla, July IS.
s2maitLlUiW! i ! III BM
f novt.LrES , DEcoPaitk
wrm favoxs mSR.
- - - - HtntH ni
tumea, represented Japan: D
Soottand and Amertoa. """H ln7sV
AC It-jWmVz-jr
-11. V
Tallman & Co.
ask the readers of this paper who aro
suffering with indigestion to get a
, bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If
'you knpw the value of this remedy
as wo know It, you would not suffer
another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
, is a thorough digestant and tissue- J
building tonic as well. It is endorsed 1
personally by hundreds of people t
dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart and
stomach troubles generally. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cnt.
It Is pleasant, palatable and strength
Quaan ol tha
la now
; tha only lady
Dafylno ths lawa el gravitation, and aoorna to
moka uaa of tha aolld loop and lh period bleycla.
Introducing Ban Hur and troupa ot Salambo Dona
In tha wondarful D'Markla act.
Famoua flva (avorllaa ol Franoo Acrobatlquea
Extraordinaire. Supreme amnio feature ol the age,
without a parallel In the annala of olroua hlatory.
Mississippi Chautauqua.
Crystal Springs, Miss., July 16.
Arrangements are complete for the
opening tomorrow of the annual ses-!
slon of the Mississippi Chautauqua
assembly. Many visitors are on the
grounds and the meeting promises to
lie most largoly attended in the his
tory of the assembly. An attractive
program has been arranged. In addi
tion to religious services and ad
dresses by noted divines, evangelists,
educators and other public men, there
j will be a variety of lectures, concerts
uuu uuier lunns ui eiueriuwuueui.
Cxaoutlnn bizarre feats as amaxtna In their darina conoanilan - .
porlormanoe by tho world's hupheet beaete, particularly featuring aUmmilinl
Frieda. Abaolutely tha only trained mother and baby Uphnl Inis.-.TT1!
sugimoto's mm
llandum Cattil
Savage wild beaats lions, tigers.
leoparaa, paninere iigni tor
her careaaaa, and become
quiet at her command.
Piles Upon Top of Piles.
Piles upon piles of people havo tho
piles, and DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
cures them. There are many different
kinds of piles, but if you get the gen
uine original Witch Hazel Salve made
by E. C. DeWltt & Co. of Chicago, a
cure is certain. H. A. Tlsdale of
Summerton, S. C, says: "I had piles
20 years and DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo cured mo after everything else
failed." Sold by Tallman & Co.
League of Press Clubs.
Toledo, O., July iu, Toledo and
the nearby lake resorts will be the
Mecca for newspaper men throughout
the country during the coming week.
The occasion will be the annual meet
ing of the International League of
Press Clubs, to be held at the Hotel
Victory, Put-In-Bay. About 200 repre
sentatives of the leading newspapers
of the United States and Canada will
be in attendance. The convention
comes to Put-In-Bay on the invitation
of the Toledo Press Club, this being
tb.e first time 'the league has met In
the central part of the country.
Weak Hearts
are caused by indigestion. It you eat
a little too much, or If you are sub
ject to attacks ot Indigestion, the
stomach expands swells, and puffs
up against tho heart. This crowds
tbe heart and shortens the breath.
Rapid heart beats and heart dlseaso
is the final result. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat, takes the
strain oft tbe heart, cures Indigestion,
dyspepsia, sour stomach and contrib
utes nourishment, strength and health
to every organ of the body. Sold by
Tallman & Co.
A hundred Shetland ponies,
monkey theatre of fifty mon
keys, and beautiful birds, to
gether with
Neok breakers, fllp-flappara, twleters, upside,
down people, flyover and baok.traokers, lc-
apllHlnp gymnaaiio oomiquea.
Black Belle, the Smallest E
a hunHMit f.tnr. beautiful woman maonllloenliv oeetumeo In lOua I
modele and atatuaryi athletlo men, the peraonltloatlon of bravm end mKa,
entertainments oaity aa marvelous aa ma numan y nu mm m
i. ' - nVRU'WI ewi. '
Yeur special attention Is called t "King Ed
ward," genuine black-ma ned African lion.
ine largaai anu wniy v,w w, -- - :
oountry. Royal Siberian tiger, Royal Bengal
tigress, leopards, panthers, kangaroo , Uamaa,
white Siberian oamela, dromedaries, inan
alaylng apes, baboons, monkeys, etc eto.
Pr4lf I Mrial nm
lpiiMr mJtmm " m
muyinp up paiw.ro, mwwiwyi - T-rr? IT TO
pPEE 1 'wt MoimmQ at io o'clock CRAMP STREET r
Thursday. JULY
Admission, Children 25c, Adults auc
New Rural Route.
E. C. Clement, of Portland, Inspec
tor of rural mall delivery routes, ac
companied by Robert Sunderland,
went over the proposed Spring Creek
route yesterday. One hundred and
twenty families will be served by this
route. Goldendale Sentinel. I
St. Helen's Hall
EST CLASS corps of teachers, loca
tion, building, equipment the best.
Send for catalogue.
Opens Soptember 15, 1004.
Postoffice at Tipton.
The postofTlce at the new town of
Tipton will be ready for business this
morning, the building which R. W.
Cecil, the postmaster, arranged for
having been completed. The tele
phone service will begin at once.
Sumpter Reporter.
$2,250 will buy one of the most con
venient 9-room houses In the city.
Sewer, bath, etc.; good cellar and
barn. 3 lots, corner; a bargain.
$4,000 Elegant new 9-room house,
juat completed; sewer, bath, toilet;
2 lots; eastern exposure; corner.
$2,504 Nice residence and C lots;
eastern exposure.
Lot me show you three quarter sec
tions of the best wheat land. All un
der cultivation; extensive Improve
ments, plenty of water. Can be
bought for a little loss than Its mar
ket value.
Successor to E. D. Boyd.
Insurance, Real Estate, Loan
111 Court Street Pendleton
Bear this in lnd when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 East Alta 8L
Atjent for Lee'e Lice Killer.
Shoe Repairing
I have moved my shop to the second
door cast of the Savings Bank. Re
pairing of all kinds done in a work
manlike manner at reasonabl rates.
As I have been In business here 17
years, I need not speak of the qual
ity of my work for It speaks for Itself.
My stock of shoes was somewhat
damaged by water and the insurance
company told mo to sell them for
what I could got, so I will sell them
for less than wholesale price.
Anyone wishing eight or 10 teams
for harvesting can obtain them by ap
plying to tho Newport Construction
Company, Echo, Or.
, -,,.!.. hii. beautlfnUr
,,,.vp i.f rme. wlthia I
old ocean, is an Ideal pl!
Lonkslcy Hall, uner"
ship of Mrs. u a.
,nioio renoM
gone a luu,i",(" , ti.
spring, and in addition oj
out rooms that were
tlon of tbe house. n -
s - J Art tllCfll
have been aaoe -
and furnish. n ---
have been
house ana a ,teii
age has Ueen put f
been engaged flw -0u
have charge of the
the guests otlrgj,
arranged for each Sa'uiw
good orcbeatra u J" 1
ntirn summer Altoow J
i. open tho entire JJI
w in music buu --- lw8 u
ley jian, .-..inn it w
spend a happy
Carriages meet all l
Special rates to
. Address, for furtber
Mrs, L. a. ' -
Walters' Flouring
Capacity. 0 barrel'
Flour exebansea i
miii Feed, t
etc., always oa nn-