East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 15, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.ii ti 4 rvVt
.... .ttAttttt
. i u tM .....a .ircfnl tpo
BHtneuunv v.. ........
vauchn :
. "HT cnnpT
ranee Sale
the nt'" value.
, oxfords, clearance prlco $1.95 pair
SOW or ,,,,. nHin $1.65 nalr
.... nr Oxionn., wi--'"-" --- : -- -
or Oxfords, clearance price puir
JJ or Oxfordr, clearing prlco $1.15 pair
annra v . i mm j r 1
npnt Store
Ice from Pure Water
and Cold Storage Co.
Telephone Main 1781
fe-ntT from the river or air can possibly remain. The
litowly melts, in your refrigerator gives you
nr j o I
m nnmnenn narnwarp i n
wa n tan Kfifir
d m m rm. sjj im w m m mm .mr mt m m m
J E. Russell & Co, Prop.
From niy place at Juniper on June
27, two mares: one a sorrel mare,
weight about 1200 pounds, 6 years old,
branded CH on left shoulder; she has
crooked front feet.
The other Is a 5-year-old bay mare,
urt.ic.hin, lino hi-nnrinil R over a bar
on left hip and T within a circlo on
right shoulder.
I will pay $10 for information lead
ing to the recovery of both horses, or
$5 for either of them. Address,
Juniper, Oregon,
rt r-M r- si -r-r-1- ...... I
Widow cf Henry M. Flagler Imagines
She Is Affianced Lover of the Crar
Spends Her Days and Nights
With Imaginary Royalty to Whom
She Is Greatly Attached A Hope
less Case of Insanity.
St. Augustine, July 15. Mrs. Ida
Flagler, once the wife of Henry M.
Flagler, the Standard Oil magnate and
owner of a large part of the state of
Florida, who had a special law passed
by the Florida legislature making In
sanity a ground for divorce In order
that he might be separated legally
from Mrs. Flagler and enabled to
marry his present wife, who was
Miss Mary Kenan of Wilmington, N.
C, Is back in New York again.
In a magnificent home. 353 River
side drive, surrounded by every lux
ury and with a view of the Hudson
spread out before her eyes, the unfor
tunate demented woman who had
been kept hidden from the knowledge
of the public for two years, was dis
covered today. She is under the per
sonal c"are of Dr. Carlos H. McDonald,
the celebrated alienist.
The woman, who was once known
as "The first lady in Florida." spends
her days and nights wltn the phan
tom royalties which people her brain.
It Is well that she can bo .surrounded
with all the evidences of lavish
wealth, for she bell.ves that she Is
Princess Ida Alice Van Shotten Teek,
and the affianced bride of the czar
of Russia.
Although she Is a whne haired wo
man 53 years old, she thinks she Is
still a girl and passes her long days
in waiting for the fiance that never
comes. She does not know that she
has be.en divorced from her husband
by a law made especially for the pur
pose. She does not know that she
ever had a husband.
It is reported that the unfortunate
woman in her distress has the active
sympathy of Mrs. John H. Flagler,
who has been personally Interested In
her care since the return to Now
York. Mrs. John H. Flagler, who cap
tured the affections of her husband
while singing in a New York church
choir. Is practically the mistress of
$50,000,000 and Is able to do much to
alleviate the sufferings of the woman
who now childishly babbles of .coming
events and coming honors.
Congressional Committee Opened It
in New York Today.
New York, July 15. The republican
congressional committee opened its
headquarters today In the St. James
building, Broadway, near Fifth avenue.
From now until election day in Nov
ember the headquarters will be the
scene of strenuous activity. From
here will be disseminated tons of cam
paign literature. Including copies of
the principal speeches delivered at
the Chicago convention, to which will
be added later President Roosevelt's
speech of acceptance to be delivered
at the formal notification the latter
part of this month.
Another duty of the congressional
committee will he the assignment of
speakers for the campaign. No plans
for this part of the work have been
made as yet, but the matter will be
taken up at an early date. It will be
early fall, however, before the stump
speaking will commence in earnest.
The various plans for the congression
al end of the campaign rill bo formu
lated by the committee as a whole
and the work of carrying them out
will be entrusted to Congressman
Babcock, chairman of the committee.
Congressman Overstreet of Indiana,
and William J. Browning, chief clerk
of the house of representatives, these
three being in charge of the head
quarters in this city.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night
long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate
of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly
got uny sleep. I had consumption so
bad that If 1 walked a block I would
cough frightfully and spit blood, but,
when all other medicines failed, three
$1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery wholly cured rae and I gained
58 pounds." It's absolutely guaran
teed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe,
bronchitis and al! throat and lung
troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Tallman & Co.'a drug
Hot Fight Among Ambitious Indiana
ludlanapolls. Ind., July 15.-There
aro prospects for a pretty fight in In
dlanu before a decision is reached as
to who shall fill tho senatorial seat
left vacant by Mr. Fairbanks in the
Ululucrr ham Proved that Dandruff U
C'uuartI by fierm.
Science l donlg- wonders these days In
nu-dlcinu an well as in mechanic. Since
Adam lived, tho human ruco has been
troubled with dandruff for which no hair
preparation hat heretofore proved a sue
cexsful cure until Koivbro'u Jlerplcldo was
put on tho market. It ls a scientific prep
aration that kills tin- germ that makes
dandruff or tcurf by dlKidnK into the
clp to get ut tli root of the hair, where
it flips the vitality, causing Itching ucalp,
falling hair, and Dually baldness. With
out dnndrun hair must grow luxuriantly
It is the only destroyer of dandruff.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c
in stamps for sample to The Ilerpi
cide Co., Detroit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt, speclcl agent.
event of national republican success
nt tho polls next November. The
Hoosler members of tho republican
host are not ready to admit tho slight
est possibility of defeat for the Roosevelt-Fairbanks
ticket and are shap
ing their plans accordingly. Already
In the tleld and being urged by their
friends are four "receptive" candi
dates, with still another Just dawning
above the horizon.
Prominent among those mentioned
for the toga aro Govornor Durbln,
whoso term as chief cxccutlvo of the
emir, nvntivis In .innnarv next; Con
gressman James A. Hemenwny, chair
man of the house committee on ap
propriations and tho rlght-hnna man
of Speakor Cannon; Congressman
Charles 1J. Ijtndls, and Congressman
Crumpacker, who wants the southern
representation cut down.
These three were Immediately men
tioned when it became apparent that
the vlce prsldntlal tide had set In the
direction of Senator Fairbanks. Tho
party leaders appear confident of hav
ing a good working republican major
ity In the next legislature The now
body will meet In January and will
then choose a successor to Mr. Fair
banks. In the event of a democratic success
In the state, however, it is believed
that the choice of that party for thw
senatorsblp would Ho between John
W. Kern of this city, and Hcnjamln
F. Shlvely of South Bend.
In the
Everett. Wash., July 15. Tho pro
hibitionists of this statu have put In
nomination tho ticket named below,
and confidently promise the liquor in
terests of this state the hottest run
this year for their money they have
ever had. Tho success of tho tern
nerance Interests in Oregon In the
1 fight for local option, and the quite
successful efforts In this state to sup
press at least the visible manifesta
tion nnd more glaring Iniquities of
gambling, has greatly encouraged tho
purists in government in this stnte,
ami they have strengthened their
lines and are making a vigorous anil
hopeful canvass for campaign funds.
The ticket nominated hero today Is
as follows; A. H. Sherwood, of Ever
ett, for governor: W. H. Shields, of
Spokane, for lieutenant governor;
James McDowell, of Olympla, for
secretary of state; Guy Posson, of Se
attle, for treasurer: C. C. Grldley. of
Vancouver, for auditor; V. H. Llchty,
of Palouse, for land commissioner,
and A. B. L. Gellerman, of Tncoma',
for superintendent of public Instruc
tion. The platform calls for direct legis
lation, denounces the system of fining
prohibited vices, and pledges "our
estate, our lives, our sacred honor,"
to the final overthrow of the liquor
New York Boats Are Thoroughly Over
hauled by Government Inspectors.
New York, July 15. There Is every
probability that the General Sloctim
disaster will cause a general shaking
up In the New York ofilce of the gov
ernment steamboat inspector. When
Secretary Cortelyou issued the order
that a relnspectlon of all pleasure,
steamers in this district was to be
made, it was not taken seriously by
the local officials and they were In no
hurry to comply with the order.
It seems, however, that the govern
ment did not Intend that order for a
mere Joke or hoax, but intended to
insist upon compliance witli It. When
the head of the department of com
merce and labor found that the chief
of the New York office paid no atten
tion to the order and tried to avoid
the task, he quietly Instructed a num
ber of Inspectors In other districts
and, quietly they camo to New York
and, without warning, descended upon
some of the largo pleasure uteamerH
and made a thorough inspection.
The result of the investigation was
quite satisfactory in a general way.
although many defuctlvo life pre,
servers, inelllcient -lire hoso, etc.,
were found, and in somo cases, an
absence of precautions against fire.
Regatta Will Be Held Near St. Louis
in July.
New York, July 15. Entries for the
coming annual regatta of tho National
Association of Amateur Oarsmen
closed today with Secretary Fred R.
Fortmeyer of this city. Tho regatta
is to be held the latter part of this
month on Crevo Coeur lake, near St.
Louis. It will be tho first tlmo In tho
history or tho association that tho re
gatta has been held in the West ami
tho entry list shows that the event
this year will be moro representative
of tho entire country han any of tho
previous meets.
Tho rowing clubs of Boston, Now
York, Philadelphia, Worcester and
other eastern cities will be represent
ed, and in addition thero will bo con
testants from numerous cities of tho
Middle West.
First Free Consumption Hospital.
New York, July 15, Tho first free
sanitarium for persons Buffering rrom
tuberculosis, tias recently been open
ed by tho New York health author!
ties. The official name or this Inst!
tutlon is the New York State Hospt
tal for Incipient Tuberculosis, It Is
located at Daybrook, Essex county,
about three miles from Saranac lake,
in one or the most beautiful parts or
tho Adlrondacks. It has cost over a
quarter or a million dollars. If this
institution should prove beneficial, it
is believed, that a whole chain ot
similar institutions wll be erected In
different parts of tho state,
Tuberculosis causes more deaths in
Illinois than typhoid fever, scarlet
fever, diphtheria, and all forms of
bronchitis, influenza, measles and
smallpox combined. During 1903 7000
persons died ot that ono diseaso in
that statie.
Expected to Be a Record Breaker In
Point of Attendance City Will Ex
pend $80,000 on Illuminations Will
Be Attended by the Earl of Euston
Is the 29th Triennial Gathering In
the United States The Smallest
Prize for a Competing Team Will
Be $1000.
Snn Francisco, Col., July IB.
Though tho 29th triennial conclavo of
the Knights Templar Is moro than a
month oft, tho plans Tor the reception
nnd entertnlnment of tho thousands
of visitors who will bo hero at that
tlmu aro already Hearing completion.
Advices received by the local com
mittees Indicate that the gathering
will he one of record-breaking propor
tions. Knr three vears tho oxecutlve
committee has been busy plnnnlng for
the conclnve. and tho plnns, wnicn
have now matured, promlso n more
olnbornto entertainment than nny
ever clven bv any community.
Thero will be only- one day of tho
convention set aside for business, tho
election of oillcers and competitive
drills. The rest of the tlmo will be
snent in the mirsult of pleasure. Tho
California Knights and Mnsons have
spared neither money nor tlmo In tho
preparation for thu .event, too illu
minations alone, which will form a
canopy of electric lights over Market
street for 10 blocks, will cost In the
neighborhood of $SO.O00. Ocean liners
have been chartered and tho visiting
knights will be taken on excursions to
(llqerent points of Interest.
The Grand onern house, with Its
Immense seating caplcty, bus been
hired for the week. An olaborato
Chinese play, with Chinese actors,
will be nut on. and the thenter will bo
turned over to tho knights nnd their
families, from whom no charge for ad
mission will be accepted. '
Tho competitive drills will be held
nt Golden Gate park. Tho executivo
committee lias mndu so liberal an ap
propriation for prl7.es that each com
peting drill corps will rocelvo ono
prize, nnd tho value of the last prize
will not bo less than $1000.
One of the most notnblo features of
tho conclnve will be tho official visit
and the recontlon, with the highest
honors, of tho most eminent and su
preme crnnd mnster of tho great pri
ory of Kngland and Wales tho Ear!
of Euston, who will como hero as the
personal representative of the King
of Englnnd. Tho earl will bo accom
panied by a party ot tiistinguisneo
Englishmen, including Charles F. Ma
tter, the great vlco chancellor, nnd
Charles E. U. Wright, past great prel
World's Fair Rates.
The O. R. & N. Company announces
tho following low rntes;
From Pendleton to St. Louis and
return, $00.00.
From Pendleton to Chicago and ro
turn. JC5.00.
To Chicago, returning through St.
Louis (no coupon between Chicago
and St. Ixmls) or vlco vorBa, $C2.50,
To Chicago, returning via St. Louis
or vlco versa, $06.25.
Tickets on sale Juno 7, 1C, 17,
18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sop
tember 5. C. 7, Octobor 3, 4, G.
Tickets good going within 10 days
from date of sale; final roturn limit
90 days from date of sale.
Stopovers allowod In either dlroc
tlon within tho transit limit. For
further Information call on or nd-
dross B. C. SMITH, Agont
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
Ilr local amitlcatlons as tlicv can not reach
the dlHcasciI purtlonH of the car. There
In only one way to cure dfafnens, and that
In by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
raimeii br fin liillanied condition of the
mucous lining of the iJiistuclilan tube.
Wben this tube is nnnmed voil have
rinnlilliiL- ounil or imncrfect lienrlnir. it it c
when It In entirely cloned, deafness Is the
result, anil unless the Inflammation can bo
token out ami this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing wll Im destroyed
forever; nine cases nut of ten aro caused
by Catarrh, which is nothng but an In
flamed condition of thn mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not ba cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure. Henil for circulars free.
K. J, CIIKNKY It CO,, Toledo, O.
Hold by nil drugKSts, 75c.
Hall's Family I'lils are the best.
August 22-27 Amerlcnn Mining
Congress. Portland.
National Irrigation Association, El
Paso, Toxas, Novembor 15-18.
Attention 8heepmen.
Range to loaso and can locate
some good range and water. Address
box 44, La Grande, Or,
You'll never run up tho hill of
progress by running down your
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
svery day. Let U3 answer It to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert, I'
pared in two minutes. No boiling) no
baking I add boiling water and set to
tool. I'lavorsi Lemon, Orange, Hasp
Deny and Strawberry. Get a package
t your gTocers to-day. jo eta.
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day,
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed.
I etc., always on band.
ifl. ss emit
The latest application el
scientific research applied to
25c per pound. Of all tjr
cers. GLASSES THAT DO tsui rif
are much worse than nono at an. Ca
to an
when- the eyes mo weak, Thc tte
glasses' will be absolutely correct
No chnrgo is made hero for lestfss
the sight and very llttlo for saprtr-
'"spectaci.es OR KYKGIASSBS
for reading or genernl purposcs.
Wi, (Miri-v it full linn of cold SXWCfis-
cle Blind eyeglasses, rriccs aro
Jeweler and Optician
Postofflee Block.
Have It In
Your Home
The City Brewery Bottled Bi
It's tho moBt dollclous and paresjt
beer made. It Is Biiperlor t
other beverages. It Is wholosoraii last
satisfying during this hot weather.
Tho City Browery Bottled Deer to
always good. It is not spoiled hv
changing ot tomporaturo. YouTI e-
Joy this boor and will bo bcnoflteil B$T
drinking it.
Put up In quarts, pints and
pints, Deliver to your homo fre m
any quantity desired. 'Phono 23CI.
We make a Specialty ot BuiMte
Round or Squaro
AIbo Header Buds all slzei aad
kinds. Wo make thorn right and tor
always give satisfaction, Our wirk
1b nevor slighted or botched,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
Corner Webb and College.
fThe French
i Restaurant
Best 25 Cent Meal In the CHr
Private Dining Parlors.
Elegant Furnished Rooms In
633 Main HtreoL
Fire, Life and Accident.
Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard
ware Store.