East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 13, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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i mmim i n n iiiw
flbsolurePuriry. Finesrmvor,
Greatest Stanch. RiMorublePrices.
Drought In Western Portion of the
State Continues to Threaten Crops
Oats In Many Places Will
Out Short Spring Sown Gral
Willamette Valley Will Be Cut
Hay, as It Did Not Fill Sufficient to '
proved mul will ho very much hotter
thnn expected; rnlns Improved v,oge
tntion generally. i
I AdnniR, Umatilla county, L". fc. iur-Riison--Varm
ami sultry; grain doing
'well; corn, potatoes and alfalfa
making excullent growth; harvest!
, will ho delayed on account of damp
' weather, hut grain will he hotter for
It; buying bold hack on nccount of
I rains. ,
R 75 fit!
mm m r . FZl -J!
'it &
Make Grain.
i 1904 1J4,500 TONS.
crop ,
Per set, $5.00; gold crowns,
$4.00; sliver filling, 50c; ex
tracting, 50c.
We are thoroughly equipped
with nil modern methods and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the highest stan
dard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with first-class work.
White Bros.
Association Block.
Phone Main 1CC1.
Poor Crop Conditions and Lack of
Rain in California Has Reduced
Yield In That State Many States
Are Increasing In Beet Acreage
Every Year.
Following is the government
report for the week:
During the past week the rainfall
in the eastern sections of the state
hn6 been ample, and In some limited
areas It has been excessive and at
tended by high winds and hall, which :
have done considerable damage to
the crops lying within the tracks of t
these storms, in the western section '
of the state drought rontlnues and no The possible yield of sugar beets In
rain of consequence has occurred I the I'nlted Statos. based on the aver
since June 2d, except In some of the ; age output of the last two seasons,
coast counties and in the high level ! sIiowh some Interesting comparisons,
sections of Southern Oregon, where 1 Although the Haures of the prospect
local rains have fallen and greatly ; ve vield at present show up some
Improved late crops. ! what smaller than last year, the
Fall wheat Is tilling nicely and Its , fuel should be taken Into consldeni
barvest will become general this tlon that the weather conditions dur
week. Fall barley Is also maturing 1 inK the growing season may mn'.erial
and promises to yield above the aver-1 v alter the prospects.
No womnn's tioppu
ness can be complete
without children; it
is her nature to love
ami want them
ns much so ai
it is to love the
benutiful and
pure. The critical wdenl through wlncli the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension nnd horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to bo cither painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
tho coming event that it i safely passed without any danger. Thii
great nntl wonderful
remedy is always
has carried thousands
r .i . t.
vi women mruugu emu'lM m
uic irymg crisis wiuioui Butni.B. !TS2CT,
flnA f.ir rn.,. hnnt nnnUlnlnK Information
I prletlna vIuo to 11 expotnt molhen.
Tb Dradfteld Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga.
ir 10 fCTi
Wafers, fruit crackers, cream
sticks, nut butter and salted
Despain & Clark
age. Karly sown spring grain Is rip-;
enlng and n fair crop will be harvest
ed. Late sown spring wheat In the '
Wlllametto valley Is very poor; some I
of it has already been cut for hay and
some will not pay to cut oven for
, this purpose.
j Rood rains within the next few
days will help some fields of lato i
sown spring wheat, but most of It Is
too far advanced to bo benefited, ami i
this part of the wheat crop, which,
fortunately, comprises hut a small !
proportion of tho whole. Is consider-1
c-d n failure. Oats are heading short
and yields below the average are ex-!
Handy to Have About the House
Prospects in Oregon are considered '
very favorable, though In California
the outlook is not so good. Beets In ,
Michigan nre doing vory well us ,
compared with the early part of the
last two seasons. j
Poor crops of late in .Michigan and
lack of rain In California account for
the tailing ofT In the acroage of these
two Important sugar boot producing
states. In other states the weather
conditions havo thus far boon about
normal, and the crops have made a .
fair start.
Tlie factory at Grand Junction. Col.
Of fill
A Pill in time is n wonderfully good thing and saves
many n fit of sickness. Every person, young or old,
needs a little help often to put thqir systems right.
If there's Biliousness Constipation or Indigestion a
dose of BEEC HAM'S PILLS will generally set things
right. Si.- k Headaches are cured as if by charm, and
you will
and be enabled to enjoy many a pleasure heretofore
made impossible.
BEECIIAM'S PILLS make life worth living by
putting you- system in condition to enjoy it.
Any trc'Ublo arising from derangement of the organs
of digestion and secretion is quickly set right if you
j Brock ft a
t Cor-pMln and K
OF All J
will be started up again this year, one
new factory is building In Idaho and
three are being moved, one from
New York to Idaho, one from Michi
gan to Wisconsin and ono from Cana-
nearlv finished, and the oron. nltlinimh ! da to Wisconsin. The figures for
light, was secured in excellent condi
Hops, potatoes and gardens are im
peded. Corn Is doing fairly well. '
Pasturage is drying up. Stock gener
ally keep in good cundltlon, but there
Is a falling oft In the How of milk
among the dairy herds. Haying is
! ttifu Lti.-iaoii ulinu' mi naf Ittin lr,l rinllln.
' tlon from those of Inst year of one
Sold Everywhere in Boxes, lOc. and 25c.
oven; where rain has fallen they are
doing well; where drought provalls
they are from poor to good, depending
upon their cultivation and the capaci
ty of the soli for retaining moisture.
Peaches are beginning to get ripe
and a fair crop will be picked. The
factory, 40,195 acres sowings and 23,
(133 tons of sugar.
A leading sugar firm of Now York
published In Mny a preliminary esti
mate of the sowings, showing a total
oi 2."1,000 acres which, on tho basis of
last year's out-turn, Indicated n pro
duction of about 179,0(10 tons sugar,
cherry season Is drawing to a close, 1 with the prospect of a slight Improve-
and the yields aro much better than i mem on inese ugures.
Positively the best beer
Any quantity you de
sire. Delivered to your
Always call for Olym
pla, A. NOLTE
'Phone Main 181.
F.E. Van Dtisen
Eoller setting nnd Are places
done In first-class manner.
Address Dox 155, Pendleton.
Dimension lumber of all de
scriptions, Saab, Doors, Blinds,
Moulding, Building and Tar
Plateau Region.
Baker City. Baker county. W. C
McGulness Nearly a third of an
Inch of rain has fallen in Baker City
the past week, and thunderstorms
; have occurred In the vicinity ovory
day; there have been heavy rains In
Powder River valley, and in some
places so heavy that grain has been
prostrated; the lato frosts damaged
parts of wheat fields, some of which
have been cut and used for feeding
stock; pasturage good and stock In
fine condition.
Union, Union county, John W. Jiln
nlck Hot days, with thunder showers
in streaks, doing an Immense amount
of good Is offsetting tho effects of the
late frosts; haying has just begun;
the crop so far Is reported light;
early grain Is beginning to ripen;
spring grain greatly Improved by tho
lato showers.
Clarno, Wheeler county, L. H. Hale
Heavy showers have damaged tho
second crop of alfalfa, and hall
knocked some of the fruit off; uncut
hay is badly damaged.
Westfall, Malheur county, J. D.
Falrman Haying retarded by thun
der showers; heavy rains at beads
of creeks have raised them greatly
and made plenty of water' for second
I crop; fruit crop heavy; gardens poor;
i freeze In June hurt them; bay crop
leood: trass fine: stock fat.
Columbia River Valley.
KIngsloy, Wasco county, G. .1.
Friend Weather fine first of week,
with a nice shower Friday; haying
well along; wheat well headed and
filled and will be ready to cut soon,
cherries ripe; gardens looking fine
yet; grass drying up.
Gooseberry, Morrow county, C. EJ.
I.undell Beneficial rain Wednesday;
will help late grain and garden truck;
fall grain too far advanced to bo
helped very much, and tho berry will
bo small and shrunken; barley ready
to be harvested.
Olox, Qllllam' county, Georgo W.
.Marvel Fr.equent thunder showers;
harvesting commenced; fall wheat is
a fair crop; spring wheat has lin-
Grays Harbor
Commercial Co.
Opposite W. & S. p. Depot.
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day.
.Flour exchanged for wheaL
Flour, Mill Feed, Choppod' Food,
etc, always on hand.
Tlie usual time for planting having
passed, they now give th.o following
eloso estimate, based on thoir latest
Information, received from tho best
sources, showing tho acreage of sow
ings of tb.e now beet crop by states:
Sowings, sugar,
acres, tons,
1904-5. 1904-5.
Now York 5,000 3,000
Wisconsin 13,900 12,500
Ohio 4.C50 3,200
Michigan 84,600 41,500
Minnesota 3,500 2.G00
Nebraska 14,150 12,000
Colorado 49,700 39.000
Utah ..1 109,100 19,000
Idaho 10,800 7,000
Oregon 2,800 1,800
Washington 4,000 2,400
California 41,300 40,500
Totals 252,100 184,500
A Human Paradox.
The Prince of .Monaco, who derives
immense revenues from th.o gambling
casino nt Monte Carlo, dovotes all his
money to deep-sea marine explora
tions. Ho has Just Invented a now
trap for catching deep-sea creatures,
over which his enthusiasm knows no
While this man Is robbing the
sport-loving and novelty-seeking trav
elers of Uie world, ruining homes,
bankrupting business, filching Inrge
fortunes, he Is devoting Ills Ill-gotten
gains 10 scientific discoveries, A rob
ber and a philanthropist, a dcspollor
nnd a benefactor, a contriver of pit
falls for the unwary and nn Inventor
of apparatus for the enlargement of
human knowledge. A human para
dox, a curious blending of morality
and Immorality.
What wero th.o stars doing when ho
was born? What would tho palmist
say of his hand? How would tho the
ologian account for his genesis?
Marclo Marotto shot and killed his
especial friend, Joseph Davotchl, nt
Sacramento, claiming that his wife
and Davetchi woro too Intimate.
He- - What would you do If I kissed you?
She- Is that n threat or a pi'omlse'
Has been tho trado at our little store. Pcoplo rcalizo that tho
steo of tho store, tho number of clerks employed or tho size of tho
stock carried has nothing to do with tho monoy saving values
given. Its tho quality of tho goods nnd tho low prices placed on
each artlclo that counts.
The compulsory salo moans n great deal to tho buyers of
clothing. It means the best suits at lower prices than over quot
ed In Pendleton.
This shlpmont of clothing sent us through an orror on the
part of tho factory beforo wo are ready for It makes it Impera
tive that wo get rid of it at once. In order to disposo of a large
shlpmont like this It is necessary to glvo. groat inducements and
mako the prices so low and tho values so big that people will
bo compelled to buy because the bargains are Irresistible.
And peoplo who have called have found tho greatest, grandest
nnd most convincing monoy-savlng prices over offered In Eastern
Oregon. Wo proposo to clo3e out ovory artlclo by tho end of this
month. Clothing and furnishing goods. Its up to 'you to take ad
vantage of this sale.
Tho manufacturers of the clothing who made tho error, wired
us to get rid of the goods and charge the loss to them.
Don't hesitate, but come In and see this magnificent lino of
clothing nnd soparato trousers, The prlco Is tho main thing to
you, but on thnt scoro wo are po3ltlvo to pleaso you.
Prices on furnishing goods aro moro wondorfully low than
ovor. Wo nre doing It. Como In and boo.
Greatest bargain In Pendloton's merchandizing. Coat and
pants, best grado, regular array mako, for only $1 suit. Como in
and lot the goods nnd prices talk to you.
Made to order. I
per, lime, eemed
sand, wood guttd
and dwellings a j
Alta Street, 0pp. i
$2,250 will buy one c
venicnt 9-room hi
Sower, bath, etc.;
barn. 3 lots, corsej
$4,000 Elegant new I
Just completed; seJ
2 lots; eastern eipj
$2,500 Nice resldencJ
eastern exposure.
Lot me shov you
tlons of the best vti
der cultivation;
monts, plenty of
bought for a little lei
ket value.
Successor to
Insurance, Real 1
111 Court 8treet
Sullivan (8b Bond j
Compulsory and romoval salo. Tho llttlo store that Is break- J
Ing nil bargain records.
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
Tho Denver & uio Grando. In con
nection with tho Missouri Pacific, will
rnu a sorleu of personally conducted
oxcurslnnc to tho World's fair during
June. Theso excursions will run
through to St. Louis without chnnco
of cars, malting short stops at princi
pal points on route. Tho first of those
excursions will leavo Portland Juno
7th, and tho second Juno 17th. Tho
rnto from Pondloton will bo $00.00 to
St. Louis nnd return. Excursionists
going via tho Denvor & Wo arnndo
havo tho prlvllego of returning via a
different route. This is the most
pleasant way, as well as tho most do-
llghtftil one, to cross tho contlnont.
Tho stops arranged ghw nn opportu
nity of visiting tho various points of
Interests In nnd about Salt Lake City,
Denvor and Kansas City. If you wish
to accompany one of theso excursions
wrlto at once to W. C. MoDrido, 124
Third street, Portland, for sleoplng
car reservations.
T nnlnr in nppnmmnrlntn fishlttg
partlos tho O. It. & N. Co. will, until
closo of season, havo train no. t,
leaving hero nt 5:45 p. ra., stop t
North Fork on Saturday evenings,
and train No. 1, duo In Pendleton at
9 a, m stop at somo place Monday
morning. This nrrnngoment will be
In offect Saturday, May 14.
and the Joys of car
ttolr best, , prortW
your selection at m
carriages to suit er
phaetons to tackWJ
one made right h
e-ranteed to
a,,We have tSe
w?.s".i", roach
on tue . ,
ing ur I. i. Trf It I
1Kb of wheels. Try ' 1
Bin Brick i
. nave good so;
.s deli
Willi-" . j
reasonable H
W. c 0.