East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 13, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Fair tonight nnil Thursday;
warmer Thursday.
S, if so, then Its
SO. 601)8.
111 JAIL
Nearly Dug His
Liberty With a
f PLin lC
.it. nr.. nut
Twoand a Half Years
tt the Penitentiary
... . ,ii.h When the
USl my -
Kire UCKta in nic ui-
vPUnned and Execut-
. i. in ...,4 Dl.ntv nf
ulilln an ace of mater-
Hirine break on tho
-l.. nrtcnTiAra nf f ho
Dff Ul
it nlzht was avomen
ntrhfulness of Deputy
I 1 n tHrt
hi arnvuu uu
j. - intiantiirnrinn
DiauB au ii,.Dt)'
I align! noise, JUSl as
Itte, sentenced to servo
nif rears In tho pennon
i br Circuit Judge wins,
itt of cutting his way to
, ,L . . ..... tl ,,f thn
Shears ana Frauron.
lilt White had accom
tool used In breaking a
mt cell door and in tun
lia a neavy liaurun
ud been lying around
crridors for a long tlmo
br tie nrisones lor bov
tint Ihft authorities urn
lie (hears wero smuggled
ue omcr prisoners.
Sheriff Davis, who
tariff's office, went to
tie man was ovorlookod
That he was overlook
k Questioned, rno cons
PC lrril n vo: In flora nnn
feet nn stairs and rllmh.
u u. . mm in, riiiir. nnn
iiue ine other prisoners
in tne r mils.
TU Still And io wnn maK
. . l-"u)'i w vul
IT. r inn tnn nW ml.lk
Into the cell was open.
4fl fftAtnnntl h n
Thlft 11 II J Tmlatnit n
. ' "OlVU UUl Ul
no inaovn
OH thft Fast AM
i and began to tun
oaaer a window. Hn
part of tho window out
1 14rzr hnln Tr.
lift ft AI ... J
v uuiou a uuasinin no
r bV ui Liuiii nrminii rhn
lurars ana then drovo
cutting through tho wall, yet thoy did
riot attempt to notify Deputy Davis
.of what was going on. For this rea
son It Is hollcvcd that White may
havo Intended returning and attempt
ing to overpower Davis and secure
keys with which to liberate othor In
mates. If he had outside help, as
seems probable, weapons may have
awaited the liberated men.
Doputy District Attorney Collier
was notified of the circumstances to
day and w.ent to the Jail and made
n personal Investigation. He is said
to bo. convinced that the attempted
break was tho outcome of a plot in
which outsiders wero Interested and
may file an Information against
White. Mr, Collier hlmsolf refuses to"
discuss the affair, oven going so far
as to deny that ho had been notified
of an attempted break.
White claims to b.c 18 years old.
His father has stated that he is 20.
Ho was charged jointly with Joe
Duffy with stealing two steers and a
cow from Sol Memory. Tho tv
steers wore sold at Walla Walla, but
w.crc recovered by tho owner. White
was sewtenced last Monday, at that
tlmo breaking down and weeping bit
terly in court. Duffy l's out on bonds
and will bo tried nt the next term of
In Chicago the Packing Trust Has Been Paying Lower Wages
Than the Independent' Companies.
.engaged in this work
wakened liv tim
latently, and then hoi
I brent? . .
PJ dressed and wont
" ,' wciai deputy. Tho
"""wugauon of tho inii
" eaaa on wmi.
td 111 Ihn Vrn.l. IT ...
uii inrirort n
. ,u iii ii k i n I'
Kt.rlJ ...
I OUCCftitafiil
HI-.-... .
,, uutcs Eft tunnirl
uurrv mi.
n fem.i rauroaa
i o ma iTiiiininD.
leet l. v
tip if,? . . "a uruwi
. - a lir inn nt. i
ine was dven thn
terni:, '. "" "" say
t '""'.nea. Tho othor
was engaged in
hy i
aM it
Oil k -" U4 1110
"v UUCStlnn.
l M that h V,7n
m. M 8 round
track Vi Ta au
iff."1 his brothor
m. a ....... -
.. lad
-;'v jbiii.
Mi ...
Airship Ascends Over Harbor
Montpeller, France.
Montpoller, France, July 13. Count
Dolavaul ascended in his new airship
this morning and remained for an
hour over the sea, watched by tor
ppdo destroyers. Tho experiment
reported as succfossful.
Fourth St. Louis Alderman to Take
That Step.
St. Louis, July 13. John H. Sennet
tier, tho aldorman convicted of brlb
cry and released by the supreme
court on a technicality, entered a pl.ea
of guilty this morning. Sentence was
Murderer Attempts Suicide.
Walla Walla, July 13. Frank Hott
man,, wh(?'was taken from here Sun
day to. Kansas City to answer
ci'Utgt- ot murder, attempted suicide
whilo confined in the Denver Jail be
tween trains. Ho twisted strips of
his blanket into rope and was found
by the Jailor in the act of hanging
Chicago Grain.
Chicago, July Id. Old July wheat
opened 03, closed 95!; new July
opened 93, closed 94. July corn
opened 48, closed 48.
Water Users Association of Malheur
County Will Be Formed to Make
Way Clear for Construction of Gov,
ernment Project People Have
Every Hone That Harper Basin
Project Will Be Constructed Ad
vice of Government Engineers Will
Be Heeded.
Ontario, July 13. Beforo tho gov
ernment will accept tho Malheur ir
rlgation project known as tho Harper
Basin schomo. tho citizens or wis
county must organize and secure all
tho posslblo water rights necessary
to th,o construction of tho scnome,
from nrivato parties and make tho
way clear for tho government in other
This is tho gist ot tho information
given out to Malheur citizens by F.
Now.oll. chlof hydrographor, and Mor
ris' Boln. his chief logal advisor, who
have recontly visited tho Harper ua
sin project on a tour of Inspection.
Following tho advico of Mr. New
toll, a Water Uaors' Association will
bo formed lor the purpose oi acquir
ing wator rights and romovmg uim
cultloB now in tho way of tho con
structlon of tho proposition.
Tho people of this county aro on-
thusiaatic ov.er tho prospects and
havo no foars that tho government
will abaudon tho plan, as tho wishes
of tho engineers will bo complied
with in ovory detail, so far as lies
In tho powor of tho united people.
American Peaches for England.
Now York, July 13. England is In
tho American market for peaches,
and arrangements aro und.er way for
tho oxnortat on of part of mo largo
crop that has boon produced horo.
Tho peaches from tho Ozark moun
tains seem to bo most favorod for
Crippled for Life.
Hood Itlvor. July 13. William Ec-
cles, tho 21-year-old nophew of David
Eccles, presldont of tho Sumptor
Vnlloy railway, and also of tho Oro
Hon Lumber Company, was horribly
mangled in a sawmill hero yostorday
ovonlng. His right hand was cut In
atrlns and his arm may havo to bo
Price of Meats In New York Advanced Two Cents Per Pound Standstill
at Kansas City, With No Effort to Operate-"the Plants Vigorous Ef
forts at St. Louis and Omaha to Secure Scab Labor, Packers Arrang
ing to Board and Lodge the Strike Breakers In the Plants Compa
nles of Policemen Detailed to Keep the Peace.
Chicago, July 13. Peaceful was' sorted this mornlnc. N'o extra police
tho condition of affairs in the stock- arc on dtuv.
yarns territory mis morning. Knots
of strikers were to be soon looking
over tho situation, but there was no
disorder except a case where a num
ber of Poles upset a couple of cinder
Eighty negroes were taken into the
plants last night to assist In trans
ferring beef to coolers. Most of ttho
work being done is in the naturs of
a cloan-up, getting tho odds and ends
Several hundred police are within
easy reach of tho yards should turn-
bio appear,
Hiring Strike Breakers.
St. Louis, July 13. Despite tho fact
that 4500 employes of four large
packing houses havo struck, Ar
mour's manager claims the company
will continue to slaughter: that
enough men will be secured in the
courho of the day to fill tho places
of the strikers. Other packers make
similar statements. Th.oro havo been
no demonstrations by the strikers,
but the police are prepared for trouble.
President Donellv. of thn Htitrhprfs' .
Union, this morning said to the1 Premium for Strike Breakers.
Scrlpp News, that all that Is being Omaha. July 13. Fifty-five hundred
united of the packers is that 1814 strikers are now out from the packing
cents per hour bo maintained for la- plants here. Tho packers declare
borers, and in view of tho fact that they will run the plants and aro said
the average working tlmo in nearly to be offering 19 cents, board and
all departments Is less than 40 hours lodging for men. Cots and dishes
per week, it could readily be seen nre being unloaded. Generally the
the union's demands was reasonable, situation is quiet though one man was
All the Independent compaules, Don- beaten up this morning while seeking
nolly said, are paying a much higher work
rate than the union asks the trust
companies to pay.
Kansas City Peaceful.
Kansas City, July 13. There w.ero
no desertions from tho packing strik
ers' ranks this morning, nor did the
New York Butchers Strike.
New York. July 13. Thirty-four
hundred butchers and other employes
Joined the meat strike this morning.
The packers called on the police for
protection, which was granted. Tho
packers hire laborers. The packing retailers lost no time boosting prices
house district is comparatively de- two c.ents.
Indian Territory Confidently Promis
ed to Parker.
Esopus, July 13. Muskogee, Indi
an Territory, unfurled the first flag of
the campaign yesterday, if a telegram
from three citizens this morning is
rightfully understood, which says:
"Muskogee, In Its first election
aftor your nomination, is dalcid by
the republicans, but will go demo
cratic. Tho territory is on fire with
unconquerable democratic zeal."
Tho humor of tho messago lies in
the fact that no one in tho territory
can vote for president. (Save for this
telegram and tho arrival of 200 let-
tinue the entire week. The decora'
tlons of the city will be on an .elabor
ate scale and no expense will bo
spared to contribute K the entertain
ment of the visitors.
Thirtieth Annual Session of Imperial
' Council.
Atlantic City, July 13. Atlantic
City surrendered to the nobles of tho
Mystic Shrine, who were in practical
possession of tho -city today. The
30th annual session of the imperial
council of tho order met this morn
ing, but at 4 this afternoon, when
adjournment was made to tomorrow
ters. Parker spent, as UBual, a quiet afternoon, very little business had
jjny uuen uune. iiujireseniauves were
Sheohan left for New York this present from all of the 89 temples in
morning, anil while there a dato for I the United States.
the meeting of the national commit-
teo will be fixed. Practically all the , '" ,,,,'ur'u' ueorgo n.
Intervening time until election will Green, of Dallas, Texas, made his
l.o .i,i,,t l.v tlm nnmllrlntn nt KfinnllH. """", "" luut miu mil
There will be no swing around the f .eloquent remembrances of the dead
circle, but toward tho last ho will
visit a few of tho largest cities,
where the fight is hottest.
Clevoland will deliver ono address,
but Bryan's intentions hero are un
known. To dato no congratulations
have come from tho Nebraskan.
of tho past. Tho tlmo was then oo
cupled in the receiving of reports,
none of which was mado public. The
nobles today not entitled to seats In
the council spent the time upon tho
beach and enjoying the pleasures of
tho popular coast resort. Tho zom
zem wells are full to overflowing and
camel's milk Is as free as salt wat.er.
Gathering at
Next Week.
Cincinnati. July 13. Applications
for rooms at tho various hotels indi
cate that tho national gathering of
tho Elks to bo held In Cincinnati
next week will bo tho largest and
most representative convention In tho
history of tho popular oraer. uoie-
Rations of largo slzo will be present
from almost every state and territory
of the Union.
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois
and neighboring states will send
thousands of members to the conven
tion. Tho Pacific coast will be
largely represented, and tho South,
particularly Texas and Georgia, will
havo big delegations on hand. Tho
program will open Monday and con-
Coal Miners Lacked the Required
Court Manners.
Oyster Bay, July 13. No visitors
came to see the president this morn
ing. Secretary Loeb explained that
the Pennsylvania miners' committee
that called yesterday would have been
enabl.ed to see the presldont, but tho
spokesman was dictatorial and ugly.
Echo Couple Wedded.
John Oliver and Miss Myrtle Mitch
ell, both of Echo, were married at
2 c 'clock Uila afternoon in the parlors
of the Hotel Bickers, the liov. Dr.
Jonathan Edwards officiating. Onlr
the relatives of the young couple wit
nessed tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver will rosldo at Echo,
Shanlko, July 13. Twenty-eight
hous.08 and aoveral barns wero de
stroyed at Mitchell,
Tho known dead aro Mrs. Bethuen,
aged 90, and Martin Smith, agod 91.
One Man Missing.
Portland, July 13. Tolophono com
munication has been To-established
with Mitcholl, tho county Boat of
Whoelor county, which was recontly
nearly destroyed by a cloudburst ycj
terday. So far no othor doaths aro
reported than Martin Smith and Mrs.
Tho man who rodo ahead warning
tho inhabitants along the gorge is
still, missing.
The damage estimates aro crawl
ing up and show that crops and farm
housos w.ero swept away in the valloy
for many miles,
Bureau of Navigation Reports New
Vessels and Tonnage.
Washington, I). C. July 13. Tho
bureau of navigation reports thnt 137
vessels of 61.007 gross tons were built
in the United States and officially
numbered during tho month or Juno.
The largest steel steam vessels aro
the Minnesota of 20,718 gross tons,
built at New London, Conn., for thQ
Great Northern Steamship Com
pany; tho Sahara, of 5785' tons, built
at Lorain, O., for the Globe Steamship
Cbhipnny; the City of Atlantn of 6,
433 gross tons, built at Chester, Pa.,
for the Delaware River Shipbuilding
Company, and tho Martin Mnllen "of
4C3B tons, built at Clovolnnd, O., for
the Ijjkewood Steamship Company.
The bur.ean of navigation also re
ports that 1092 sail and steam ves
sels of 439,573 gross tons, wero built
in the United States and officially
numbered during tho year elided Juno
30 last, as compar.ed with 1215 sail
and steam vessels of 376,502 gross
tons, built hero in 1903.
Will Be 1100 Miles Long and Entirely
in the Open Sea.
Washington. July 13. The cnblc
ship HurnBlde, engaged to lay tho
war department cable from Sltkn,
'Alnskn. to Seattle, bus reached a
point several miles south of Sltkn,
according to advices received horo,
and the laying of tho cable will be
begun immediately.
This section will bo 1100 miles
long over the route which tho cnblo
Is to follow, which Is outside Vancou
ver Island, and entirely outside. Brit
ish Jurisdiction.
Tho war department's proposed
Sltka-Valdez cablo is now bolng man
ufactured In New York, and will prob
ably be laid lato this summer. This
cablo Ms about 750 miles long. Near
ly 500 miles of tho cablo havo already
been finished by the' manufacturers
and shipped by rail to Seattle
Murdered by Thieves.
New York, July 13. Georgo F. Ah'
bott. aged C8, a Junk dealer, and W.
H. Vanhalster, his employe, w.cro
found murdered today in their dingy
sifop. The bodies Indicated the crime
was committed two days ago, by
Giant Steamer Launched.
Glasgow, July 13. Tho new dinar
der, Caronla, 21,000 tons, tho largest
steamship ever built in England, was
launched today. Mrs. Choate, wlfo
of Ambassador Choate, officiated at
the christening.
Deed to Court House Property Pro
vides That Grounds, Buildings and
Appurtenances Must Revert to
Original Owners When No Longer
Used for County Purposes Steel
Vaults and Cells Cannot Be Taken
Out of Buildings Hannah Heirs
Will Bring Action to Recover Prop'
Cloudburst In Philippines.
Manila, July 13. Two hundred
lives w.cro lost and $2,000,000 damage
as tho rosult of a cloudburst at San
Juau Dalmonte, Rain fell Incessant
ly for 20 hours and reachod tho un
precedented aggregate of 17 inches.
In San Juan boats aro tho only meth
od ot communication. People aro
Booking eofoty In tho hills.
La Grande, July 13. A now phuso
of tho county spat removal question
now confronts thu people of this
When the deed was mado to Union
county for the present court houno
grounds at Union, by Samuol Hannuli
in 1874, It stipulated thut tho tltlo to
the property should remain with tho
county only bo long as it should bo
used as a court house site, but when
it should cooru to be so used, then it
and all uppurt.cnances should revert
to tho heirs of tho Hanna estate.
Now that the county neat will coma
to La Grando, and tho building on
tho Hanna property will ceaso to bo
used as a court hous.o, tho heirs havo
already begun action to recover the
property and prevont tho removal ot
the vaults In tho offices, and tho steel
cells in tho county Jail, to La Grando.
claiming mat by tho provisions of
mo ueea, wobo are "appurtenances"
ana belong to the real estato.
Steel vaults and cells havo been
placed in the court bouse and Jail at
a cost of about $25,000 by tho peoplo
of tho county and this n.ow phuso of
tho question has bad a cooling effect
on tii.o enthusiasm over tho county
seat removal.
Tho now city hall at La Grando.
which Is to bo used as u court bouse.
has not boon provided with vaults,
by the builders, and this additional
expense to b.o borno by tho county
may havo somo effect on tho removal
ot the county Beat, as tho law pro
hibits a county from Incurring more
than $5000 indebtedness.
Th,o Hannah heirs resido In Baker
county, where Mrs. Hannah married
Joseph Kenuison, after Mr. Hannah's
death, many years ago, and has sev
eral living children from her union
with Mr. Hannah.
According to tho law, nothing but
tho books, records and movable ef
fects of tho county can be removed
from the buildings,
Unsuccessful Attempt to "Cap
ture by Assault a Strong
Russian Position.
Later Dispatches . Announce the Po
slblllty That the Same StronghoUfl
Was Afterward Captured Russfcm
Dispatches Claim the Japanese
Lost 30,000 Men In the .First A
sault Japanese Are Making Mater
ial Progress Toward investing Citjr
of Llao Yang.
London, July 13. Tho Evenlac
Star Tien Tsln correspondent repcatc
tho report thnt 1000 Japanese were,
killed in an unsuccessful attempt ta
tnke Port Arthur from tho land aJd.
Advancing on Llao Yang.
St. Petersburg, July 13. To Gr
zotto today reports thnt Jnpnncso pa
trols have reached a point 12 mllpo
from Llao Ynng.
Extravagant Russian Claims.
St. Petersburg, July 13. Tho Ilra
slnn general staff 'officially states that
Viceroy Aloxioff has been informefi
that tho Japnn.eso nttack on PortiUr
tlmr positions tho night of tho lOtte
were repulsed with enormous lowest.
It stated tho casualties on tho Japajsr
cso sldo w.ero 30,000.
Renewed .Attack Successfully.
London, July 13. St. Potcrabuir
telegraphs a sonsationul rumor to Utsu
effect that tho Japancs.o, aftor a tt
rible repulse (Monday night, attackeC
the same Port Arthur positions wills
a new force and succeeded In taklnc
them. Tho message concludes, "The
rumor seems incredible"
Five, Thousand Homeless.
Berlin, July 13. Five thouaajrfl
persons are homeless and 400 housess
destroyed as the results ot flro la tko
town of Prozysuscha, Russia,
Not Clear That He Had Any CrlmfosO
C. P. HruWiti, nllas Johnson, arret
c 1 on suspicion of uttering a forxpff
diHck, - was roieused 'V Sheriff Tay
lor yesterday on tho advlcu of i)opi&y
District Attorney Collier. Ho van
said to have given Gus La Fontaine a
check for $10 on tho First NatlonaC
Dank of Denver when ho had no awer
count there.
An Investigation has convinced lb
authorities that tho man had no crim
inal intent. Ho showed them that tab
had used thu namo of Johnson r
permission of tho man bearing ttal
nume, who is a resident of Portlands
Ho also gavo them names of peopatt
to whom they could wiro in hja mm
for several hundred dollars, provlnc
that he did not need to resort to for
gery In order to securo monoy. Ttm
check will bo sont Kust, and BrlUos
says t will bo cashed on reaching Itn
This Amount Is Now 8tored In Byet
Tho movement In this season's,
wheat crop has hardly started. At Bi
ers' mill two loads of n.ow whetft
havo bcon received. It will bo a week
or two before a lino of teamB attadfr
cd to wagons loaded with wheat wtffi
be scon on tho streets.
At liyers' mill 40,00j barrels of flour
uro on hand. Three warehouses ix
half full of flour at this tlmo, whfl
about half the spaco In another yet
contains old wheat, Tho prices x
Jow, but thero Is a tendency towsrf
tho upgrade, b'evoral slilpmonts tr
flour have been mado to Portland re
cent ly by Mr. Dyers.
German Society Event.
Borlln, July 13. Whilo the
crown prlnco was riding from
Potsdam at the head of the
guards today, an ologantly
dressed young woman carry
ing a buby, throw herself be
foro tho prlnco's horse. Asked
what she desired, she said she
was an officer's orphan, and
that a promlnont courtier had
betrayed nor, nnd besought
tho prince to compel him to
marry her, Frodorlck William
promised to report the caBo to
tho kaiser, oud placed tho 'pe
titioner In care of the chap
lain's wlfo.