East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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July !
jearance Sale j
Says the Wall Street Inspired Candi
dacy of Parker Is Abominable He
Prefers the Americanism of Roose.
of this resort today were scores of
men of prosperous appearance and
distinguished from the others In the
crowd by the bright red fezzes that
crowned their heads and afforded lit
tle, protection to the burning sun.
These visitors formed the advance
guard of the host of pilgrims that are
converging on Atlantic City for the
annual meeting or tho Imperial Coun
cil. Nobles or tho Mystic Shrine,
which Is to begin its sessions tomorrow.
It will bo the thirtieth annual meet-
e-half the regular value
. r nxfords, clenranco price $1.95 pair
I" . kn or Oxfords, clearances price $1.65 pair
I .lines or UXloruo, " i
j2 Ihoei or Oxfordr, clearing price $1.15 pair
jexander Dept. Store f
, , , t
ire Ice from Pure Water
band Cold StorageCo.
Telephone Main 1781
pint make dry steam the ateum Is condensed to water
fitter Is frozen into puro crystal Ice.
So Impurity from the river or air can possibly remain. The
L u It (lowly molts, in your refrigerator gives you
lire Water from Pure Ice
vclt and Borah Many More West-' lnB of ,he ancient and Arabic order,
em Democrats
Will Follow His
fan-Thompson Hardware Co.
WR work.
Iwaukee Beer
J. K. RimmIi A Co, Preee.
Th wd Shipper of Kamela, Oreflon.
Jon tor it You sate tho dealera" proflta and got
Ittd s. ...... .
( -- " ooara ears, at Spring Spur.
fcvCUMMIN8, Kamela, Oregon.
A special to the Lewiston Tribune
from Grangevill.e, Idaho, gives the rol
lowing account or the departure or
Avery C. Moore, a prominent politic
ian, rrom the democratic ranks:
"Avery C. Moore, member of' the
legislature rrom Idaho county, has
lert the democratic party and has
Joined tne republicans. This an
nouncement was made today by Mr.
Mooro to a largo number of citizens!
and when seen by the Trlbuno report
er, he confirmed the report. As ground
ror a change In his political belter and
affiliations, he authorized the Trlbuno
reporter to say:
'"The Wall street Inspired candi
dacy of Parker and the Inquisitorial
politics of Dubois are more than I
can assimilate. I prefer the Amer
icanism of Roosevelt and Horah.'
"That Mr. Mooro has changed his
politics comes as no surprise to tho
leaders of tho democratic party here.
For several days It has been sug
gested he was about to tako the step.
"Mr. Mooro Is well known In the
stnte on account of the prominence
he secured In the last session of the
legislature. He was also a prominent
candidate for tho congressional nom
ination on the democratic ticket two
years ago, being defeated lor nomi
nation by Joseph Hutchinson.
"Ho is a public speaker of much
ability. Mr. Mooro has been promi
nent In the faction lights of the party
In Idaho county for the past four
years, and was known as tho leader
of tho Moore wing of tho party. Of
late he has strongly opposed the Du-boIs-Heitrelt
control of the party in
the state, claiming that it was a mix-
turo or populism and anti-Mormonlsm
Instead or democracy.
"Ho recently returned hero from a
trip In the East and announced that
he would begin the publication or th.e
Inland Domocrat, a democratic paper.
With his change of projects, how
ever, thU project has been abandon
ed. It is believed that Mr. Moore, will
be asked to stump the state this fall
ror the republican ticket.
"Mr. Moore has also been a conspic
uous figure In the state as the sup
porter or the labor union contentions
and he has a large following In la
bor circles. He made the fight In the
last legislature ror the eight-hour
law and has frequently delivered ad
dresses at the labor demonstrations.
"Mr. Moore Is also very ambitions
as regards public office and has had
an up-hill nght In the democratic par
ty. It is not improbable that aside
from tho strong views he holds In op
position to the Dubois democracy, he
also reels that the republican party
offers better opportunities for reward
to a young man who Is ambitious to
remain in public lire. '
Many other Idaho democrats will
rollow Mr. Moore's example.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly al) night
long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate
'of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly
get any sleep. I had consumption bo
bad that ir I walked a block I would
cough frightrully and spit blood, but,
when nil other medicines failed, three
J1.00 bottles or Dr. King's New Dis
covery wholly cured me and I gained
58 pounds." It's absolutely guaran
teed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe,
bronchitis and all throat and lung
troubles. Price COc and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Tallman & Co.'s drug
Hundreds Gather From All Over the
United States.
Atlantic City, N. J., July 12. Con
spicuous among the throngs seen on
the board walk and about the hotels
May De StylUb Our, But It Hakca
1 mnn tunnllv buva a hat that's "In
style," but the modern hat for men has
lots to answer for.
Baldheads are growing' more numer
ous everv aay. iiaia znuno cAtcon
breeding placee for the parasitic germs
which eap tne we irom me rouia ui mo
When vour hair begins to fall out ana
your scalp Is full of Dandruff It Is a
sure sign that these countless germs are
busily at work.
There Is but one way to overcome the
trouble and kill the germs that way Is
to addIv Newbro's Herolclde to the
acalp It will kill the germs and healthy
nair is sure to result.
floM v lABillnr rfrucrists. Send 10c, In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt, special agent
Per set, 35.00; gold crowns,
14.00; sliver filling, 60c; ex
tracting, 60 c.
We are thoroughly equipped
with all modern methods and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the highost stan
dard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with first-class work.
White Bros.
Association Block.
'Phone Main 1C61,
nnd from all Indications it will be one
of the most successful ovor held. The
faithful will attend In largo numbers
from all of tho eastern states mid
good-sized parties are also on their
way from Texas, Colorado, California.
Minnesota, Iowa. Indiana, Ohio, Mis
souri and other stntes. There is
considerable business to be transact
ed during the three days of the meet
ing, but the program has been so ar
ranged as to leave ample time for tho
delegates nnd their ladles to enjoy
tho pleasures of tho seashore.
They Will Be In Convention for Two
Days at Ottumwa.
Oltnmwa. Iowa. July 12. Nearly
overy county of the stnte Is repre
sented at the nnnunl meeting of tho
Iowa State Association of County At
torneys, which began at Ottumwa to
day. President U. O. Whitney of
Sioux City, called the meeting, to or
der nnd delivered his nnnunl address.
Seneca Cornell welcomed tho visitors
nnd Joe Morton, of Sheldon, respond
ed. ' During tho two days' session J. A.
Dovitt, or Osknloosa, will read a pa
per upon "Desirable Changes In the
Criminal 1-aws," and L. J. Klrklnnd
or Vinton, will, discuss tho questlqn,
"Should There l)e a Law Permitting
Amendments to Indictments?" Other
papers and addresses will be present
ed by county attorneys from differ
ent parts or tho stnte and by other
prominent members of the state bar.
Discuss Financial Issues From
Their Standpoint.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 12. Sev
eral score of representative bankers
and financiers were present this morn
ing nt the opening of the thirteenth
annual convention of tho Georgia
Bankers' Association at Lookout
Mountain. The meeting was called
to order by President S. B. Brown, of
Albany, whose annual address was
tho Initial feature of tho program.
Following the address or the pres
ident the convention listened to tho
reports or the other officers and of
the standing committees. Clark Wil
liams, vice-president or the United
States Mortgago & Trust Company
of New York city, read a paper on the
subject, "An Element of Danger to
Banks In Municipal Bonds as Securi
ty," and A. Kavanaugh, assistant
cashier of the National City Bank or
New York City, concluded the morn
ing session with an address on safo
and unsafe banking. This afternoon
the bankers paid a visit to the Na
tional cemetery at Chlckamauga Park.
The convention sessions will conclude
The Washington & Columbia River
Railway Special Summer Excur
sion Rates to Coast Points.
Beginning Juno 16, 1904, the W. &
C. R. railway will have on sale tickets
to Westport, Long Beach, Clatsop
Beech, Tokeland, Ilwaco, Soaview, Ti
oga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park, Nah
cottn, Flavel, Gearhart and return at
$10.00 for the round trip.
For children of half faro age, one
half the above rate.
Tickets will bo good returning until
September 30th.
For full Information call upon or
Special Excursion to the World's Fair
Tho Denver &. rtlo Grande, in con
nection with the Missouri Pacific, will
rnu a series of personally conducted
excursions to the World's fair during
June. These excursions will run
through to St. Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princi
pal points en route. The first of thoso
excursions will leave Portland June
7th, and the second June 17th. Tho
rate from Pendleton will be $00.00 to
St. Louis and return. Excursionists
going via the Denver & Wo Grande
have tho privilege of returning via a
different route. This is tho most
pleasant way, as well as the most de
lightful one. to cross the continent.
Tho stops arranged give an opportu
nity of visiting the various points of
Interests in and about Salt Lake City,
Denver and Kansas City, If you wish
to accompany one of these excursions
write at once to W. C. McBride, 124
Third street. Portland, for sleeping
car reservations.
August 22-27 American Mining
Congress. Portland.
National Irrigation Association, El
Paso, Texas, November 16-18. ,
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured.
Jlj local applications as they can not reach
the diseased portions of the ear. There
Is only one way to care deafness, and that
Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by mi Imturaed condition of the
mucous lining of ttie Eustachian tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you bare a
rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and
when It In entirely rlosed, deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and thin tube restored to Its
normal condition, bearing wll be destroyed
forerer: nine cases out of ten are cauied
by Catarrh, which la notbng but an In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will giro One Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not be cured by Hairs Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars free.
, K. J. CHRNUY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggets. 70c.
Hall's family iHTls are the best.
We never try to eat strawberry
shortcake, at a restaurant without
thinking we have grounds for charg
ing the restauranter with obtaining
money under false pretenses.
Cattle Are Doing Well Frank Ellis
Has Moved to Milton A. S. Quant
Is III On a Visit From Southern
Oregon Mrs. Fisher Is on the Sick
List Colonel Berkeley Wishes He
Were Back Ir. Oregon.
Alba, July 10. Weather Is warm
and Bhuwery, making the Into grain
Wild hay and timothy arc very
short crops, rains coming too late.
Cottle are doing well, but the mar
ket Is slow.
J. C. Cl.omcr Is visiting in this neigh
borhood and will tnke In tho Wnrnt
Springs beforo ho returns to tho
Umatilla agency, whero he holds a
Frank Kills nnd family have moved
to Milton.
A. S. Quant has been on the sick
list for tho past two weeks.
The three schools now in session
in tho Prnlrle are well attuuded.
I.lgo aibbs, un old-timer or this
place, but now n resident or South
ern Oregon, Is here accompanied by
his wife, on a visit.
Grandma Fisher Is on the sick list.
A letter from Col. Berkeley, now or
Waterfall, Vu., but once n resident
of this place, stales that ho longs for
the green pastures nnd old hunting
grounds or Cnmas Prairie, and says
that he would sooner bo camped out
on tho bead or Cable creek with Undo
Jesse Beeves, than nt the World's
Wa3 an Inveterate Drunkard for 20
I.a Grande. Ore, May " 1001.
Your request for n roforonco ubout
"TIUB" recolved nnd will give you
tho words or prnlso that your treat
ment deserves, nnd that Is much, My
son was a hnrd drinker nnd tobacco
user ror 20 years nnd has tnkon ninny
advertised cures for both liquor nnd
tobocco, but never stnyod with it
longer thnn ono mouth nt any tlmo
until I got "TIUB" for him. Ho took
"TniB" about 10 months ago and has
cot used either slnco tho fourth day
he commenced to tnko your treat
ment. Ho has gained 20 pounds and
is home with mo evory night ho Is In
town. You may ubo my namo to toll
people that "THIB" Is all you claim
of it. Yours iruly,
For sale by Tnllman & Co.
World's Fair Rates.
The O. It. & N. Company announces
the following low rates:
From Pendleton to St. Inils nnd
return, $t0.00.
From Pendleton to Chicago and ro
turn, $05.00.
To Chicago, returning through St.
Louis (no coupon between Chicago
nnd St. Louis) or vlco versa, $02.50.
To Chicago, returning via St. LouIb
or vice versa, $CG.26.
Tickets on sale Jtine 7, 16, 17,
18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sep
tember 6, 6, 7, October 3, 4, 5.
Tickets good going within 10 days
from date of sale; final return limit
90 days from date of sale.
Stopovers allowed in either direc
tion within tho transit limit. For
further Information call on or ad
dress E. r. SMITH, Agent.
To be a successful wife, to I
retain the love and ndrniratMsi
of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. Iff
she would be all that she may,
she must guard well against (fee
signs of ill health. Ars. Brovra
tells her story for the benefit of
all wives and mothers.
" Dkaii Mns. I'inkham : Ijydla B.
rlnlclmm'.s VcKCtiiblo CompouadL
will make every mother well, stromr,
healthy ami happy. I drag-god through
iiino years of miserable existence, worn
out with pain nnil weariness. I them
noticed a, bttitcincut of a woman
troubled ns 1 wnst nd tho wonderful
results she. hnd had from your Vege
table Compound, and decided to try
what It would do for tno, and used it for
thrco months. At tho end of that
time, I was a different woman, the
neighbors remarked It, and my hus
band foil In lovo with mo all ovr
again. It seemed lllto n now existence.
I had been Buffering' with iuflamm
tlon nnd fnlllutr or tho womb, but your
medteliio cured that, and built up my
entire, system, till I was Indeed like a
new woman. Sincerely yours, Mac
Chab. 1 lluoWN, 21 Cedar Terrace, Uot
Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothers
Ulal) fSOOO forfeit It original of about I
proving gtnuintntu cannot o pnuueccr.
Have It In
Your Home
The City Brewery Bottled Beer.
It's the most delicious and purest
bcur made. It Is superior to B
other hovcrngcB. It is wholosorao and
mitlflfylnj; during tills hot weather.
Thu City Brewery Bottled Beer to
always good. It Is not spoiled bar
changing of temperature. Youll -I
Joy this beer nnd will bo hcuofltcd fc
drinking it.
Put up In quarts, pints nnd haJS
pints. Dullver to your homo free m
any quantity desired. 'Phono 2981.
Attention Sheepmen.
Range to lease and can locate
some good range and water. Address
box 44, La Ornmlu. Or
Billy Leathers express wagon is
now nt Howard's cignr store. 'Phono
mnlii 284 1. Residence, rod 333.
In order to accommodate fishing
parties tho O. It. & N. Co. will, until
close of season, have train No, 2,
leaving hero at 6:46 p. ra., stop at
North Fork on Saturday evenings,
and train No. 1, due In Pendleton at
9 a. m stop at some place Monday
morning. This arrangement will bo
In effect Saturday. May 14.
E. C. SMITH, Agent.
xs cents
We make a Specialty oT TJulldhig
Hound or Squaro
Also Hoador Bods all sizes utA
kinds. Wo make thom right and tbey
always glvo satisfaction. Our otb
is never slighted or botched,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
ROBERT FOR8TER, Proprietor.
Corner Webb and College.
i The French
i Restaurant
The latest application of sclentlfis
research applied to food.
26c per pound. Of all grocers.
F. E. Van Dtiscn
Boiler setting and Are places
done In first-class manner,
Address Box 455, Pendleton.
Best 25 Cent Meal In the City
Private Dining Parlor.
Elegint Furnished Rooms i
633 Main Street
Fire, Lite and AcoUknt ,
Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard
ware Store.
Dally East Orseonlan by carrWq,
only 15 cents a week.