East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight fair anil cooler; Wed
nesday talr nntl wnrmer.
. iim nubile
Bte! it will ft".
S' money for
.Demand of Pack
er Wages for
j laborers.
(jTECTED by police.
. .... .1 All
Ittnke l AT" u" "
GrtJt Packing Centers,
und Going Out at Kan-
L Three Thousand at
.Cnpanlei Will Employ
Union Men row.p.o
.,d Bitter War Is
Steamer Humbolds Arrives Down
From Skagway.
Scattlo, July 12. With $500,000 In
Klondike gold ibo Humboldt Steam
ship Company's steamer Humboldt ar
rived In port from Skagway last night.
The gold Is from the Canadian Bank
of Commerce of Dawson, and Is con
signed to the branch of the same con
cern In this city.
This makes the third consecutive
trip of the Humboldt In which she
has brought gold, the threo shipments
aggregating $2,450,000. Prior to this
trip the vessel brought a consignment
of $1,200,000 nnd on the trip before
that $750,000.
This gives the Humboldt the rec
ord for carrying of treasure from the
Klondike this spring.
She brought 25 passengers, many of
whom were from the Interior.
I Mr 12. Promptly on the
U Our OI .I, ovvv v."-
C. liner racking houses,
f dockyards quit work to
time causing 10,000
Umira out of work. The
I lit big whistles was mo
j upon for beginning mo
Ltj thousand employes of
tnt Kansas City. St. Joe,
In City and St. Louis also
bwike order.
U io far as known has
tetalkout. Five hundred
lire massed in the neign-
kiiktam peace, hut their
It 101 requireu.
i to and four hundred
hen are said to have been
cJtots placed for their use
Inspiration Is made by the
meet every emergency,
Wig determined to fight
t ditcb.
feirer the wages paid un-
r precipitated the trouble.
Ltontracts expired last May
i tadertook to reduce the.
liciUlIed men to IT A cents
liiile the union Insisted
a lire 1814 cents. Friday
lata vas notified by the
J to concessions would be
I lie strike was then de-
Out it Kansas City.
m, July 12, Eight thous-
ijes of the flvo great pack-
J struck at noon: today, pur-
pu order from .too Butchers'
Twelve unions arein-
lig the action the packers
citock today. Stockmen say
Ills Inopportune, as the re
iki put the plants nractl-
Ftf business, and tho demand
"slight. Thcro Is no dls-
)0ut at 8t. Louis.
July 12. In symnathv
Piaskilled laborers who do-
Mije decreaso, 3000 packing
JWs struck at noon.
m made preparation to stop
im the strike Is very peacc-
h being taken Into tho Ar-
PI I0r thO USn Of nnn.llnlnn
. - M...W..
ww Here.
1 Out at Omaha.
JWj 12. Six hundred men
"fir um,e checks at tho
Dacklnir tilnnta nt
"Orlt. Everv nn.ni,llnn l
Prevent iiui. i...
! l.SuWlary labor
Summer Glass-Making Opposed.
Cleveland, O., July 12. Keen Inter
est Is manifested In tho convention
of tho United Glass Workers of Amer
ica, which opened here today, owing
to the fact that the meeting may de
cide on a general strike. The glass-
workers are much disturbed over tho
reported purpose of the American
Wlndowglnss Company to run Its ma
chine glass manufactories during the
summer, Tho union Is greatly op
posed to tho operation of the glass
; machines during the summer, as they
bollevo itMfr'ottm Injure the market.
Should the? manufacturers adhere to
their purpose It Is probable that tho
union will decide to call out Its men.
Belfast Holiday Exercises.
Belfast, July 12. Thousands of Or
angomen participated today In the
cclobratlon of the anniversary of the
battle of Boyne. Tho presence of ex
trn pollco, reinforced by a contingent
of regular troops, served to prevent
any serious disturbance between tho
Orangemen nnd the Nationalists.
Much Destruction of Property
and Two Persons Are Re
ported Missing.
o wr
Plan to make Much Capital Out of
Democratic Dissensions Fair
banks Will Make Speeches In the
Doubtful States Photographers
From New York Are Busy at Roos
evelt's Summer Home.
UOO at St. j.u
u..v :
hu. """80 employes
. toatlBloux City.
lw wont out at
.wen here nu.,i
S It PM. .
kb. "-so, out struck in
Train Blown iir.
innno . -
Proved "
! July 1 TK
,lS.no.ebua resor.
P0lnt8, bo-
" leln; ""'WU. AI-
lhtolw,paPr men hnm
imCZ ' town, and
tTCHK yve possession
rOP tho law!
Oyster Bay, July 12. Cortelyou and
Fairbanks loft at 11:15 this morning
after a conference with the presl
Tho veil of secrecy Is not lifted
high enough this morning to reveal
np.y of the campaign plans discussed,
but It Is said the president and. his
advisors went very thoroughly Into
tho subjects of attack and defense,
and It Is understood the republican
spcll-blndors will be ordered this fall
to lay particular stress on the con
diets In the democratic convention,
Fairbanks will mako a number of
speeches In doubtful states, ncconv
pnnicd by a number of the most force'
ful sp.eakcrB to be secured.
Before Fairbanks and Cortelyou
left Sacamore Hill two New York
photographers took a number of neg
atives of thorn, singly and In groups,
with tho president, on a vorauda.
The pictures will b,o sold to all news
papers that care to have them.
Former Govornor Hunt, of Porto
Rico, arrived at noon and passed the
nftcrnoon at Sagnmoro.
Miners In Idaho Camo Eat Some
Deadly Poison In Their Food and
Follow Each Other to the Grave.
Boiso City, July 2. Four well
known citizens engaged in mining
near Resort, a few miles from this
city, aro dead from eating somo slow
polsqn in thoir food. U C. Drlggs, his
son Charles Drlggs, Andrew Larson
and Charles Sysher, followed each
other in quick succession to death.
and William Mason is in a critical
condition from the samo cause that
killed his partners.
Tho men liavo died from ui.e same
unknown horrible cause, no medicino
or skill being able to relievo them.
They have cated common, roughpro
visions of tho mining camp boarding
house, and nil the physicians aro at
a loss to know what Is tho cause of
tho trouble.
Tho gcnoral impression Is that
somo poisonous drug or vegetable
.has ' como in contact with their pro
visions whllo in transit, tho beans
nnd coffoo having come from Mexico,
Full analysis will bo made of the
stomachs of tho men and also of tho
remaining food supply in tho camp.
Looking for Location.
F. J. Cavnnaugh arrived in Pendle
ton last Thursday evening to seok a
sultablo location for a shoo business.
Ho is a partner of William S. Flood,
a nonhew of Judge Balloray, in a storo
at Taunton, nnd another nt Wnltham,
Mass. Thoir Intention is to dispose
of their two Eastern storos and locate
in tho Woat. Mr. Cavnnaugh will
leaVo for Bolso, Idaho, this ovonlng.
Valley Devastated for Many Miles,
and There Were Many Narrow
Escapes Two Lives Lost at Mitch
ell, and the Town Swept Away
Great Damage Done at Hood River,
Including the Wrecking of the
Spencer on the River Bar Waves
on River Ten Feet in Height.
Hcppner. July 12. (Special to East
Oregonlan). A terrific rainstorm oc
curred here last night and caused
considerable damage along Willow
and Hlnton creeks.
The storm started at about 7
o'clock with loud peals of thunder,
and the atmosphere was heavilv
charged with electricity. The rain
commenced to fall In torrents, which
caused considerable alarm among the
citizens or Heppner. The people gen
erally went to higher ground.
The main body of water came along
Willow creek at .about 10 o'clock, in
some places going out of the basks
and making a great roar There was
considerable loss to ranches along
the creek by taking away fences and
washing away hay.
At about 12 o'clock another rush of
water came down Hlnton creek, 'and
this caused considerable damage to
bottom ranches. Several bridges
were washed out.
Railroad Bridge Gone.
The railroad bridge at Lexington
was washed away, and the train was
unable to leave Heppner today.
Apparently there were three differ
ent cloudbursts. The first raised a
wave but a few feet high, thus warn
ing the inhabitants. The second was
nearly as great as last year.
Crops and cattle down the valley
for 45 miles were destroyed, nnd
there were many narrow escapes.
The railway is destroyed for a dis
tance of 12 miles, and two persons
aro reported missing.
Mitchell Swept Away.
Shanlko, July 12, Private messa
ges say a cloudburst last night swept
away Mitchell, 50 miles from here.
Two lives are known to be lost, and
tho list may be heavily increased. A
courier from that vicinity says a great
wall of water swept down toward the
town from above. All wire commu
nication is destroyed.
Spencer Wrecked at Hood River.
Hood Illver, July 12. A terrific
wind storm this morning m this sec
tion did great damage to crops.
Buildings were unroofed and the big
river steamer Spencer was wrecked
on the bar in the Columbia and will
be a total loss. The passengers were
panic-stricken, but all were rescued
with difficulty. Waves on the river
were 10 feet high.
Statement of County Court for Six
. Months Ending June 30, 1804.
The following semi-annual state
ment of the finances of the county
was issued yesterday by the county
State taxes , $ 30,012.50
State school fund 3,523.36
Tax redemption surplus , . . 176.15
County school fund 22,593.21
School districts 15,817.00
Cities 5,MC2.13
Library fund 8.31
Institute fund tu,uu
Warrants outstanding .... 141.469.C9
Tax rodemption $ 4,142.62
Cash in treasury 35,031.64
Tax sheriff's 121,016.93
Real estate 25,000.00
Coyote bounty 3,570.66
Indebtedness 30,851.10
Russian Version of Fight.
Choe Foo. July 12. A copy of a
nowspaper, tho Novl Krai, of Port Ar
thur, received here, contains account
of fighting to tho seventh. It says
tho exact strength of tho Japanese
besieging forco Is about $30,000. "Not
suinciont against a fortress like this
unloss they expect assistance."
After three days' fighting tho paper
says the Russians rotalnod thoir posi
tion on tho left flank originally occu
pied provlous to tho forcing of the
right flank. The paper adds:
Of courso, this is not won without
losses, somo of which will strlko tli.o
hearts of our countrymen."
Has Recovered From His In
disposition and is Again at
His Home in Lincoln.
Wall Street Bets Run Two to One
Against Parker Being Elected
Esopus the Center of Enthusiasm
and Congratulations Ulster Coun
ty Democrats Will Hold a Ratifica
tion at Esoplis Bourke Cockran Is
.Entirely Satisfied With Candidate
and Platform.
Si. Louis, July 12. Bryan Is much
better today and Is remaining with
his cousin. Dr. Jenny, who said this
morning that all serious symptoms
had been warded off, nnd that Bryan
Is now suffering only from cold and
hoarseness. He .expects to leave to
night for Lincoln.
Bryan sent word to callers' that he
has no statement to mako at this time
as to the ticket selected.
Practically all the democratic lead
ers have left St. Louis. Those hero
today seem to feel assured that the
adoption of the Taggart resolution
Sunday by the National commission,
Insures the Indlnna man s position as
chairman when the committee meets
officially In New York.
Bryan Is Reticent.
Lincoln, Neb., July 12.7 Bryan,
none the worse for convention wear,
arrived this morning carrying his
own luggage from the Pullman. His
wife and daughter greeted him as did
a small party of intlmato friends. He
declined to discuss the convention.
Odds Against Parker.
New York, July 12. On tho curb
Wall Street, betting on the election
Is 1 to 2 on ParKer, In small lots.
Bourke Cochran's Position.
New York, July 12. Bourko Coch
ran has sent out a communication
dated Indianapolis, July 11, explain
ing why he "declined to address the
National democratic convention.
He says he left St. Louis at noon,
Saturday, becauso he did not want to
be in the convention when the vice
presidential nomination was reached.
At that time he could not make a
speech and say truthfully Parker had,
any chanqe as the pltaform stood.
But when at Indianapolis ho was ad
vised of Parker's telegram on the
gold plank, tho whole situation
changed. He ordered a special train
and hastened back to St. Louis, feel
ing free to tell the delegates, If In
vited to speak, that Parker would bo
overwhelmingly elected.
Cochran's train arrived at St. Uniis
at 4 in the morning, after the con
vention had completed its work..
Parker Is Losing Sleep.
Esopus, July 12. With tho excep
tion of the night he stayed up . to
learn the effect of his famous gold
plank telegram, Judge Parker lost
more sle.ep Inst night than since he
entered the presidential race, duo to
his horses breaking loose.
With the aid of a candle and Sec
retary McCausIand, tho candidate
captured tho animals and returned
them to the stable.
County Judge "Van Ktton, of Ul.
ster county, and' wife, drove to Rose
mont this morning nnd chatted with
the nominee on tho front piazza. Su
preme Justice and Mrs. McLean, of
New York, nre expected this after
noon. Tonight Ulster county democrats
will make a demonstration, their del
egation to tho convention arriving
there this morning. Parker was im
mediately apprised, as their enthusi
asm is at tho bursting point. A
special train has beon chartered to
carry the democrats to Esopus sta
tion, whence tho parade will form and
proceed to Rosemont. Parker had
accepted an Invitation this evening
with Sheehan, but the dinner was de
ferred. Fellcitlous telegrams continue com
ing, none however, from Bryan.
Rear End Collision Brings Fatal Re
sults. New York, July 12. Sixteen per.
sons wer.o killed and about three
score Injured In tho rear-end collis
Ion botween trains on tho Greenwood
Lake division of the Erlo railroad at
Mldvale, N. J., yesterday. The offic
ial liBt given out here shows that 14
adults and two children lost their
lives. Many of tho injured are seri
ously hurt nnd some of them may
No Chinese coinn linvn nvnr linen
minted outside of China.
Creates a Panic and Destroys Much
St. liuls, July 12. A furious wind
and thunderstorm broke over St.
Louis shortly before 3 p. m. nnd raged
for about an hour. Dnmago to build
ings Is reported from all sections of
tho city, but no loss to life.-
Residents of tho city w'ero panic
stricken, fearing a repetition of the
awful cyclone of 1894. Tho wind
blew over GO miles an hour, blowing
In plate glass fronts and overturn
ing wagons In the strj-et. Hailstones
of immense size fell.
Considerable dnmngo was done to
tho World's fair, nnd thousands of
people on tho grounds wero terror
stricken, as well as natives of tho
Tho full extent of damage to prop
erty Is not known at this time, but It
Is estimated at many thousands of
Storms In Illinois.
Chicago. July 12. Klerco storms
rage in the central portion of the
state this afternoon nntl havo Isolat
ed that section and St. liuls, whore
gales nre also reported. Tho .oxtent
of the dnmago Is unknown.
Can't Interview Roosevelt.
Oyster Bay, July 12.-A labor com
mittee from Carbondale, I'n repro
sentlnc the miners, came today to
preseiit to the president rnsolutlona
urging him to investigate tho Colo
rado situation. Secretary lxob said
a personal Interview could not bo ar
ranged, and tho committee rcfusod
to leave the resolutions with Loeb.
Killed by Lightning.
McKe.esport, Pa., July 12. Charles
Jeffries, short stop of tho Johnstown
baseball club, was struck by lightn
ing nnd killed and the second base
man stunned. A large crowd was
It Will Be the Best Power Producer
In State Outside of Oregon City
The New Walters Mill May Be
Built Just Above O. R. &. N. River
Bridge Much of the Race Has
Been Cut Through More or Less
Solid Rock.
Fred Walters, proprietor of tho
Farmers' Custom Mills, sltunt.cd on
the north Bide In the western part of
the city limits, Is building u mill into
which, when completed, will give a
fall of 56 feet tho greatest hurncBsed
water power In iho stuto outside of
Oregon City.
Tho now raco will furnish power
for tho largo mills planned by Mr.
Walters, and, If necessary, would
supply enough electrical energy for
the city of Pendleton and the entire
surrounding country.
Several ycarB ago tho Oregon Rull
road & Navigation Company survey
ed out u water course to commenco
at the point where Main street
crosses jtho river to a point on tho
flat on tho northwest cornor of tho
Oliver farm, a dlstanco of two in Hub.
Upon tho acquisition of tho milling
property Mr. Waltors gulned poshoB'
slon of the beginning of this course
and has been excavating tho raco for
the paBt year. Tho first mllo of tho
new ditch is completed. The first
half had to bo rut through solid rock
and with this part out of tho way,
the rest Is .easy sailing as It runs
through even soli for tho groater part
of tho distance which can be easily
scooped out with teams and scrapers,
Some difficulty has been oxporlcn.c
ed In getting a right of way from
one or two of tho small property own
ers through whoso property tho ditch
would run. If this obstacle proves
B.erlous "Sir. Waltera will erect his
new mill on his property just above
the railroad bridge. Power will bo
generated by electric dynamos and
used to run tho old mill.
The owners of the small tracts
along the rduto through which Mr.
waiters proposos to run his new raco
would havo all tho necessary water
lurnisn.eu them for Irrigation pur
poses, It would ho necosBary to fur
nlsh water to- those along tho way
wno nave riparian rights alotig tho
Labor Statisticians.
Concord, N. H., July 12. Tho As
sociation of Bureaus of iJibor Statis
tics of America began Its annual
meeting in tho senate chamber of tho
Btate capltol horo today, Nearly
everv state In the Union na wnll nn tlin
national government Is represented at
tho meeting. Tomorrow's sessions of
tho convention will bo held in Man
chester. Prominent among tho sched
uled speakers aro Carroll D. Wright
of Wnshincton. and President Tucker
of Dartmouth college.
Tho Japanese Land Another
Staggering Blow Below the
Giant's Belt,
Japanese Are S,uspected of Demand
ing Annexation of Korea nnd R
turn of Manchuria to China as the
Price of Peace Japanese Capture
and Occupy Another Interior Town
Chinese Report That the Russians
Are on the Run All Through Manchuria.
London, July 12. Tho Central
Nuws bureau this evening says that
In the latest torpedo attack on Port
Arthur tho Japanese torpedoed an
other Russian cruiser last night. Tbm
sixth torpedo flotilla npproached. a
boom constructed by tho Russlansv
just outside. A cruiser of tho Diaaa.
type wns on guard and was torpedoed
before she could escape. Tho Japaar
ese did not wait to see tho effect of
their shot.
Japan's Conditions' of Peace.
Berlin, July 12. Information baa
renched tho foreign olllco that Japan
n few days ago unofficially Informed
the friendly powers that sho was wil
ling to ceaso hostilities upon the coa
(1 It Ion that Japan's right to annex
Korea is recognized and Manchuria, tit
bo returned to China. Tho sugges
tions, It Is said, wero conveyed to
Russian ofuclals, who reiusod to
slder tho mnttcr.
Japs Capture Sal Chow.
I.ondon, July 12. Lloyd's Ni
Chwnng correspondent reports thai
Gcnoral Oku has occupied Sal Chow,
encountering no resistance. Tho Raa
slauB under Stackclberg retired am
Tal Shi Chao.
Torpedo Boat Attack.
Toklo, July 12. Togo reports aa
attack made on Port Arthur by tor
pedo boats, Monday. Rosult net
known. Tho Japanese veasols www
not damaged,
Explosions Off Port Arthur.
Chee Foo, July 12. Tho Junk which
urrived toduy reports two torrlflc ot
pIohIoiih wore heard In tho direction
of Port Arthur Monday.
Russians on the Run.
Nlu Chwang, July 12. Chinese from,
tho Invested country report that the
Riissluns aro ovorywhero rotlrlug be
fore tho Japnu.eso.
Reported Japanese Defeat.
St. Petersburg, July 12. It In im
ported u telegram rocelvod by tbe
general staff via Chco Foo tolls of a
laud attack on Port Arthur Sunday
night In which tho Japanese wero ra
ptilBed with tremendous loss. Ttu
Japnn.oso loss is cnlculatad at 30M
killed and wounded. Tho losses wer
Inrgely Increased by Russian subter
ranean mines.
Charles Kreft, aged 16. was drown
ed in the Columbia at Thp Dalles
Monday, whllo swimming,
Petitioners and Remonstrants Prepare
Ino for a Fight,
All tho papers In connection wita
tho application of freeholders IIvIbc
near Weston for a chango in th
Scrlbnor road, so as to havo It rua
around Instead of over a steep hlH,
have been placed Jn tno hands at
Doputy District Attorney Collier kqp
tho county court.
This action, wus taken this more
Ing, nftor a bond had boon filed by
tho petitioners, guaranteeing tho ex
pense of viewing nud surveying la
caBO tho apllcatlon la rojectod. A re
monstrance against tho granting of
tho petition has been filed by a nasa
ber of 'property owners, who dabs
tho proposed chango in tho courso nt
the road will cut their lands in each
a manner as to Injure thoir value.
Asphalt from tho valley of SldiJla
floats down Into tho Dead sea.
New Steamer Burned.
Chester, Pa., July 12. Tho
now steamship San Jacinto,
recently built for an ocean
steamship company, was al
most destroyed by firo this
morning whllo In Roach's ship
yard drydock. The flro origin
ated In a compartment where
oils wer.o stored;. The flames
menaced tho shipyard for a.
tlmo. Three workmen asleep
In tho ship, wero overcome
with smoko, The st.eamor was.
launched two weeks ago.