DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1904. PAGE SIX. wwTOwwwwww,PwTreTTTVTTrereTvvTTYTTTTTTTVTT YTTITT ITTTTTT TTTYYYYYYVYtt lilllllllimillllli 1 kk kkkkk kkkkklkkikkkkklkkkkkkkkkkkk AilAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.,M w A A a . A Sensational Announcemen THE LAST DAYS OF THE ST. JOE STORE Grand Ten Days Pre-hwentory and Dissolution Sale WE ARE NOW BEQININQ TO INVOICE, AND WITHIN TEN DAYS FROM DATE THERE WILL BE NO MORE ST. JOE STORE IN PENDLETON AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED IN ORDER TO MAKE THE LAST TEN DAYS OF OUR LIFE IN PENDLETON THE BANNER BUSINESS DAYS OF THIS STORE, WE WILL INAUGURATE A GRAND PBP.mu,.' .. ... . .. ...truuHY AUnl SOLUTION SALE. N0 . . . . . . . . i Mill ..nr-.r-.pa- r- . . - r. . . n n . I n r- r-. . I Ir n A nTI r n II 1 1 I n tIAttr rtri.wnAlipifrl F?n l" A I A DnC M tT A MnnCRAI OT-,-.r r- r- I . . . - I WE HAVE-. V.UIN I KAU IbUWIln IMtlNCW "uncA I uo I tit IN iiunocnii! ( i nc run i ico nu n v c. uurM i nun i nui run - -.nnut-, '-i mvi-nii o i unc uuiLDING ON MAIM I hiiii neiMn CDen-rcn nv inuu QPUMinT Ci-iD TUr Dllnonocr nc nDPNINn AN IIP.Tn.nATF MnnFI AND MODERN DEPARTMENT STORED. FOR OUR STORK or nnnnr. . " fil i,v. . - " i i. -""- - - .... . -. . . - -uuuo and STORE .1 ING UNTIL THE NEW QUARTERS ARE COMPLE'ED. Bl THEIR OBJECT BEING TO CLOSE OUT THIS STORE AND USE THE PRESENT QUARTERS WITH THEIR NEW FALL STOCK UNTIL THEIR NEW STORE ROOM ON MAIN STREET IS run i c u. WITHOUT RESERVE WE PLACE ON SALE THIS ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS FOR 10 DAYS ONLY AT 20 PER CENT. OFF Dci-icuncn it nncs not matter what von nnv. anv article prom a spool of thread ii b to a rii.k drersa. you GET IT AT the regular oninc Ann . , . . -- - - - - - "iiu i nsN THE Ml . . . r- r i r -r- r- r i r- imiin rill a .ml ll-ri. -r- n I rr X r n I I r. 110 nn- If 1rM t n nil I A ln I HIT- -r" n rr r- nr llni I n l I I r- r.. tr T "T" " r- T ATUCn limnnn -... -.. UtilNl I o Ubuuui cu, ir ruun u i u l. hiiiuuiho iu -? I .uu y uu r r uo oul, i r iwur. DiLi,muwi,io i u -pcj.uu, I uu r t uo t.w, & i i v. in umnn nunuo, ruu UASJ USE. YOUR : PAY FOR A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOODS, AND AS MANY OF THEM AS YOU LIKE AT THIS STORE FOR TEN DAYS. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY CONCERN IN THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. rucDu itcm nw -rule qubpt ic a q P P p. I a I ii Tuntir.u Ar uavp space enn ONI V A efwj nc tuc mamv rum ic a unc ncr nni I ars wneTu nc nnnne mr. .r.. ....... " ,-, ., . . .. .,,,,,,, .,, ,t UhFER DU1 THIS SALb. ruu muo I nnu lsc uunvinbcu I MM I wt rvitAiN uuomuoo, FINE STOCK OF Clothing for Men and Boys A chance to savo just about half and get the very newest styles and most satisfactory garments. This Is undoubtedly the best clothing offer you have over been made. You Never In All Your Life Saw Such Over whelming Bargains In Men's Clothing. Suits at $14.90. Your choice of all our Men's lino suits, in plain, black or fancies, that sold for $22.50, $20.00 and $18.00, during this sale $14.90 Suits at $11.50. Your choice of all our $16.50, $15.00 and $13.50 suits, including a beautiful line of spring novelties, during this sale $11.50 Suits at $8.75. 500 Men's suits, strictly high grade goods that sell regularly at $12.50 and $10, your choice during this sale $8.75 Suits at $6.75. Men's all wool casslmero and worsted suits, new spring patterns, also lull line black clay worsted suits, prices range $10, $9 and $8.50, choice during this sale $6.75 Boy's Clothing at a Big Discount. Boys' $10.00 Suits, now $8.00 Boys' 7.50 Suits, now 6.00 Boys' COO Suits, now 4.80 Boys' 5.00 Suits, now 4.00 Boys' 3.50 Suits, now 2.80 Boys' Knee Pant Suits. The celebrated Kantwearout Suits at a special discount. Boys' $6.00 Suits, now $4.80 Boys' 5.00, Suits, now 4.00 Boys' 4.00 Suits, now 3.20 Boys' 3.50 Suits, now 20 Boys' $2.50 Suits, now .. 2.00 We are solo agents for the celebrated Kup penhelmer fine clothing for men. Shirt Waists In all the latest and most up-to-date styles, tailored by tho leading manufacturers of the United States. Our 50c value colored waists 25c Our 75c value whlto waists 35c Our 75c value colored waists 35c Our $1.00 valuo white waists 48c Our $1.25 value whlto waists 84c Our $1.50 value whlto waists $1.17 Our $2.00 value white waists $1.34 Our $2.25 valuo whlto waists $1.60 Our $2.50 valuo whlto waists $1.67 Our $2.75 value white waists $133 Our $3.00 value white waists $2.00 Our $3.50 valuo whlto waists $2.34 Our $4.00 valuo white waists $2.67 Our $4.50 valuo whlto waists $3.00 Our $5.00 valuo whlto waists $3.34 Our $6.00 value whlto waists $4.00 Children's fancy Chambray drosses, nicely trimmed with braid and considered a good bargain at 76c, during this sale, to closo, they go at 39c Misses' Chambray dresses, worth $1.25, go at 90c Nono of these Items can bo returned or exchanged after leaving tho store, but wo will be very careful in giving you desired measurements. Big Shoe Sale for Ten Days Twenty per cent off of overy pair ot shoes In our storo during this 10 days' sale. Wash Goods Specials French ginghams, 12V&c and 15c values ....10c 25 yards dark standard dress prints for . .$1.00 30 yards good quality bleached toweling for $1.00 60-inch Turkey red table Damask, worth 40c during this sale 22c uS-iuch bleached tablo Damask, worth 40c, during this salo 28c Very best LX, Muslin, fine quality, for 5c Gold Medal blenched muslin, lino soft liuish, a bargain at 10c per yard, during this sale, 14 yards for $1.00 Fancy figured dress ducks, worth 10c, dur ing this sale 8c 500 yards fancy covert cloths, all colors, worth 15c, Uuriug this sale they go at ..10c Our entire line of turkey reds, indigo blue, Simpson's grays and Simpson's black prints, worth T&c, during this sale they go at 5c 500 yards very best quality Amoskeag apron ginghams 5c Good outing flannels, worth 8 1-3 c, during this salo 5c Our entire lino of very best outing flannels, worth 10c, during this salo 62c Our entire lino of French dross Percales, worth 10 and 12c per yard 8c Fine bleached "Perperell" sheeting, tho best made, wide enough for a sheet . .20c Fast color apron ginghams 4c 5000 yards wash fabrics. The greatest line over shown in Pendleton. 500 yards lino French Lawns, worth 16c por yard 9c 1000 yards Chameron fancy Brilliants, (pretty as silk), worth 12c, during this sale 8Jc 1000 yards lino dotted Swiss Lawns worth 20c, during this salo they go at 10c 100 yards Persian designs printed Silks, worth 76c, during this salo thoy go at . .45c You can't afford to miss getting ono of theso. '500 yards fancy Sllkalines, very wide, and good value at 15c, during this salo ...,9c Notions Carlson Currier's spool silk 8c 1000 yards No. 5 all-silk ribbon, worth GUc 4c Our entire line of No. 7 silk ribbons, worth 10c, go at 5c Our entire lino of No. 9 silk ribbons, worth 15c, go at 8c Aluminum thimbles 1c Lead pencil, rubber tipped 1c Good scratch tablet 1c Pins, per paper 1c Child's school handkcrchlof 1c Child's purse 1c Wire hair pins, 20 for 1c Slato pencils, 3 for 1c Pearl buttons, per dozen ....3c 144 Agato buttons 4c Pearl trimming buttons, worth 10c and 12c per dozen 7c Needles, per paper . 4c Envelopes, per packago 4o Child's school companion, filled 3c Ink, por bottle '. 4c 400 pago scratch tablet 5c Curling irons 5c Kid curlers, per dozon 6c Good rubber hair pins, per dozen 6c 7-inch motal back horn comb 8c A sample lot of dress shields, 30c kind, at . ,15c Alarm clocks , 75c Sample lot ladles' kid gloves, worth $1.25, at 76c Children's handkerchiefs, 2 lor ...6c Ladles' white cambric handkerchiofs, 6 for 26c Ladles' white, all linen handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c Ladles' linen hand-drawn handkerchiefs; 2 tor 26c Ready-to-Wear Garments Enormous Sale, Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Dress and Walking Skirts. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. One-Half Price One-Half. $1.00 Worth of Goods for 50 Cents. Peerless groups of spring gnrmeilts con cerned In a special 10 days' uudorprlccd Bale, and in each group the values aro nnmatcha ble. It's a clearing of nil spring suits. No room for quotations on skirts. Como and see them, wo nro sure you will bo pleased at the prices in force during this sale. LADIES' DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS. Any of them in our store, 20 por cent Off. And some of them 50 per cent Off. WOMEN'S WEAR BARGAINS TAILORED 8UITS AT ONE-HALF PRICE. Wo offer, until nil aro sold, forty of this season's best suits at Just ono-hnlf their for mer price. This means that you can got a Tailored Suit for less than cost of making. $47.50 Suits for $23.25 $39.00 Suits for 19.60 $35.00 Suits for 17.50 $30.00 Suits for 15.00 $25.00 Suits for 12.50 $20.00 Suits for 10.00 $15.00 Suits for 7.50 $10.00 Suits for 5.00 Dress Goods and Silks 500 yards fancy silks and silk flannels. A snap, which wo purchased at 50 cents on tho dollar, worth from $1.00 to $1.25 per yard. During this salo tho entire lot, your cholco at 50c Double width brocade worsteds, nlco stylos, and all tho leading colors, worth 20c per yard, during this salo thoy go at 2yc 500 yards doub.o width twilled half wool serges, worth 20c per yard, during this sale 12c 500 yards fine 36-inch Henriettas, worth 35c per yard, all colors, during this salo. 19c 200 yards satin berber black brocades, full 38 inches wide nnd good valuo at 60c, during this sale thoy go at 29c Our entlro lino of silk finish all wool 38 inch Henriettas, Including blacks and all colors, worth 76c por yard, during this salo thoy go nt 45c Our entire lino of fancy worsted dress goods, in some of tho newest and most up-to-dato goods, worth 50c, go during this salo at 25c Our .ntf'-o lino ot fency now spring stylo dress goods, worth 75c per yard, during this sale 45c Our entlro lino of now fancy dress goods, worth from $1.00 to $1.25 por yard, dur ing this salo 76c oS'inch black silk warp I.ansdown, worth $1.25, during this sale 85c Furnishing Goods 25 dozon Men's heavywolght working shirts worth 50c each, during this salo 35c 25 dozen men's oxtra quality working shirts, reinforced and good fitters, regular prlco 65c, during this salo they go at 45c Men's fine dress shirts, nlcoly made, with or without collars, regular prlco 35c, dur ing this sale 65c Men's fine flannel (lightweight) silk striped, tho best golf shirt wo havo evor bad at $1.25, during this salo .....90c Men's summer weight, good quality ribbed underwear, good value at 40 cents, during this salo , 29c Men's fancy balbrlggan underwear, regular price 75c, during this salo 49c Odd Lots 75 Per Cent OFF 75 Per Cent LAUlts- AND CHILDREN 0 HAT8.I We piuco on sale our entire line el ladd unci children's millinery at 25c on J fi.iiiuf ii..... ...ii ... . . 1 umu t ,uu iu a uai lor ml or little gin worth $1.00 lor I MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW HAT8.1 1U0 Men's and boys' odd straw hats, vrortl lrom 35c up to Sl.vU, etioico 1 All men's and boys' nice, now, clein stral nats, one-naif 1 Men's or boys' 50c straw hats Men's or boys' $1.0U straw hats 75 Per Cent off Millinery LADIES' ' CHILDREN'S HATS. Wo pluco ou sale our entire line ol 1 nery til 20 cents on uio donu. Don't lail to get u il.W hat tor .... Men's, boys' and children's straw bud ODD LOT SHOES. 150 pairs ladles', misses anil childrai uroucn sizes, ouu lot snues, some c thorn worth irom $1.25 to $:.w, to cieai tnem up 150 pairs ladles' odd lot Oxfurd and shot some ot them ?2.50 and $3.50 tnoed broken lots, kronen sizes and oil nhmif.R. A ttltr Hn:lli 150 puirs men's und uoys' ouu lot tooei broken sizes, but good snanes; oru irom $ l.ou to tJ.uv. 11 yuu mm a ; tn tit vim. vnn aat them for 1 IJrown's 5-eiar shoes, ladles and men's, ul loading $2.50 shoe of America, duriil this salo , llrnum'a H.Htnr dimes, lor ladies' and Mil thnlr lnnrllnir J3.50 shoes. Your mOtej back for overy pair that does not ji'J satisfaction. .During mis saia Wo carry a complete line of the celebi RhneR. For ladles, men, and chlldron, consisting ol the celelH Ttinn Unuinn itooiIr for boys and stria. White House shoes for men, women I ...ii,!..,,,. mi, vnn i'nt them at 20 perl oft tbey 'aro cheap bejond comprehension. I nMlilrnn'o 7f, ,llatrlft S110D3 dUtiOS I salo; your money back for every pair noil isfactory. Light or heavy weicni. Sizes 8 to 12, worth $1.50, go at .... 13 tn wnrth CO at .... No. 8194 Children's Queen City box frht fine t)0X fl fenn.r. nv.nnln.1 CAlA Tint 3, Willi U UVtt ,Jl clumsy shoo, but a noat dress shoe, as ii a good wearing shoe, during aizus o 10 iys B" a sizes s 10 ix gu ui ji Dizeu is 10 - K" ui. r . , 1 . iu iothnr thrfracDOOl. I warromeu tsunu ,tu...v. and a hummer at $1.50 at our regaur I j . 1 v.ln coin nnlv ........ "1 price, uuriiiK imo - -- .M - . . 1 .inn .mi i bid snoesi heavy extonslon soles, fair very sightly shoe, and warranted w ' . ranar ne shoe wear wen; u ireuci - . more stylish shoo is not known in rw dloton at $2.00, during tb s sale No. 6022-Ladies' flno Dongola Wd. turw solo, mat quarter upper shoes, a o i tit tVtla onln N. 8293-Ladles' Queen City shoe made ot an oxtra Heavy nuumj r -.. : kid, fancy heavyweigni , der fancy trimmed soles, our 2.M W during this sale ..':. vtlt i No. 4151 Ladies' Ben",u "7"v:Ba the shoe, no seams to hurt the Jeet, only genuine wen snuu " -.7. for less than $3.00, during this n special at ' '." 'aM j 50 pairs ladles' flno turned so a . kid.. uadclltr shoes, advertl ! ' leading journals m -if,i salo .:iV'..V'ed W "Hiawatha" ladles' tine nnnu shoes, regular j.ou b"". - p salo ''"JV'vM shoe. I "Lily" children's fine Dongola Kia , turned solos. If you doi it say bargain at tho price, - ono PLEASE DEAR IN MIND THAT WE HAVE THOU6AND8 OF ARTICLES IN THIS 8TORE NOT MENTIONED ON THI8 8HEET FOR WANT OF ROOM. WE 8IMPLY DESIRE TO STATE TH flNYimnu in tmh oiurtt u ran uum uri- up mahiscu ckiuc uukinq THIS BALE. ALL OOODB ADVERTISED ABOVE IS FIGURED NET AFTER THE REDUCTIONS ARE MAW THANKING ONE AND ALL OF OUR MANY FRIEND8 AND PATRONS POR XUPIR I inPDAI DlTpnuinr I (J tuc riAo-r- ... . .. . " .... n.nc POR THE - .... ... , ,, ,-r.wi, nnu OUUIUII INU A CDNT NUANCb OF inc o" NEW DEPARTMENT 8T0RE. , f. m. Mi THE WHITTINGHILL MERCANTILE COMPANY Doors Opa from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. every iay excepting Suniays....Doors Closed all day SM 126-130 COURT STREET