East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 11, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Tuesday partly
cloudy ami occasionally threaten
Ing. . i.nntl lilt' IPil"'"
"..amine I""'"- T
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STO. 509
lor as Such by the
ocra(ic Leader in the
f DnnrocfintatlUfiS.
e oi nopiw
. Pat With the Re-
on the Primary Issue In
Dmhlems. and the
Nolhlnn Is to B
. .i.u.kiMn nuer old Straw
.... nlfnates Broke Even
, Question of Endorsing Par-
Irnll JUIT 11. " Liv.v,
of a spectacular convention
. p.i..tiv nftnrnnnn. when
KDaiui"- .
. that .imitrn Alton li.
tanocratlc nominee for pica
wta telegram to Mr, Sheehan
... ...Iffon nn ths rnlll Rtfltl.
for i time It threatened to ais
it coDTcntlon, aim it was con
Miilble that a new nominee
k chosen. The matter was
nr. Bryan and his following re
iind unwillingly accepting
np ni inn Lumuuuii.
titaed to William P. Shee-
nniiam i. ouuiiuii i re
told standard as firmly and
nTpsiHniiHni.il mill Hiiiin iifi
today shall lie .ratified by
f. as mo Diauorm is sucm
nbject, my views should he
to be unsatisfactory to the
I request you to decline the
mi we uuiuiutuuu uuiure ku-
Cka.n.,. If mil -a
the democratic leader in the
tTipn (n(rn1iitA1 ln fn1tnn.ln
PUT nr HflTlfftfa a nnr In Vn
luwraon to l'nr knr?
plttlorm adopted by this con-
UliVUMBfU l Ifl
tlBlDalen. nnil nnlv "lrnnfilim
vera mentinnpH in thn io
TflPrefftro t i-1
( V, jo IU
JUL retHlVPfl nrh nh ntmilrl n
cuieriaininir tnem from
i nomination on said plat-1
S fDanliilUn t
nninna rinhnin ...i. ..i. i x
mUWIA(.w iiiLii iani
ur ins in nw nn
an mil n xinm . .
v. uu tviiuuiiiH ieie
-j u to. iiiH inunn nvna
W 4, Does fi! nnnnantlflnt
"T ayes 54; Tml I.
hhuucxy. nvno nr., t
"r Maine, avea 7. nnna 9.
' U h I - "MIUUI,
N. V s NOW York.
jcb Til. J . .
I- ,.;.V "uuu. tsiand, ayes
Cii,. "'" "ouna, ayes 18:
:Tp. ; ? lennossoo.
uii-. " ' tirKinia. nves
yes 10! Wnar VI,.
III Tlrj - ..-wv -
nycs 2, noes 4; Porto Rico, ayes 6.
Total, official, ayes 744, noes 191.
Williams' Defends Parker.
In Ills speech advocating the adon
tion of tliio reply to Judge Parker's
message to William F. Sheehnn. Mr.
Williams said:
"My friends, wo purposely made
this platform silent on the question
of the monetary standard. Wo made
It silent because we all agreed that
it wns not nn issuo In this campaign
(applause) and wo all were of the
opinion that nothing should be plac
ed In the platform that was not a
campaign Issuo, and in the resolutions
committee motions weiyj made to
tablo nnd thoso motions were carried,
every resolution on both sides which
tended to bring up In this campaign
the question of the monetary stand
ard. "Now, my friends, Judge Parker
expresses his opinion for fear some
body might think that you did not
know It. There was not in nil this
vast assemblage one single, solitary
man who did not already know that
Judge Parker was a gold standard
man. 1 have been one of the most
consistent, porsistent nnd perhaps
radical silver standard men In the
in the United States, and I know ho
Wns a gold standard man and ho
nevpr mndo any attempt to conceal it
fro manybody. Ho had supported our
candidates and bad said that although
he did not agree with us on this
plank, be wns still a democrat. (Ap
Tillmnn, of South Carolina, and
Bryan led an Ineffective but vigorous
fight against the Williams resolution,
with how much avail the vote above
glvion shows.
Was for Twelve Years in the United States Senate
Railroad Magnate and Very Wealthy.
Is a
Davis is 81 Years of Age and for Many Years Has Been a Valued
Counselor In His Party and Influential In Financial Circles Has Been
a Delegate In Six National Democratic Conventions, and Declined a
Second Re-Electlon to the United States Senate Started In Life as a
Brakeman and Is Now a Railroad President.
Montana Wool Sales.
Great Falls, July 11. Wool sales
here today were as follows: Floweree
Sheep &. Horse Company, 90,000
pounds at 16c, to Thayer, for Whit
man, Farnsworth & Thayer; Floweree
Sheep & Horse Company, 95,000
pounds at 18Uc to Thayer, who was
tied with Ilaraclough at that bid, and
was secured by him on the toss up;
Ray & Fredericks, '50,000 pounds at
17c to Thayer; Conrad Stanford
Company, 30,000 pounds at 15c to Bar
raclough; Great Falls Meat Company,
15,000 pounds at 17c to Holden, for
Dewey, Gould & Co.
St, Louis, July 11. At thn .11th
hour, by request of the nominee for
president, the democratic convention
switched Its unexpressed but under
stood allogianco from Harmon, of
Ohio, lo ,ex-United States Senator
Davis, ol West Virginia.
.secured' a position as brakeman. He
rose to the position of conductor and
Inter was made agent at the little sta
tion of Piedmont, W. Vn., on the B.
& O. railroad. Ho wns later a machin
ist and n leading collier. Ho project
ed and carried to success the West
About 10 o'clock In the mornlnc it Virginia Central & Plttsburc railroad
was learned by a telegram from of which bo Is now the president. In
Judge Parker that he had decided recent years his rise has been rapid
mat ne wanted Henry G. Davis, ex-1 nnd substantial.
sonntor from West Virginia as his Besides thp presidency of the West
running mate and the convention did , Virginia Central & Pittsburg road ho
tno i'aiKer bidding. Ho was elected holds a similar position with the
on the first ballot which resulted, Piedmont & Cumberland railway. He
Davis, 044; ex-Senator Turner of is also at the head of the Davis Na
Washington. 100; Congressman Wll-1 tional bank of Piedmont.
Hams of Illinois, 115, and ex-Senator i It was after he had achloved pro.
Harris of Kansas, 58. uounccd success in thp business
John B. Anderson of West Virginia , world that he entered Into politics to
presented the name of ex-Senator any extent. Ho was made n member
Henry G. Davis of the same state for , of the house of delegates of West Vlr
viqe-president glnla, tbo first political position ho
lix-Senator George Turner's name . ever held, as early as 18C5. In 18C7-
was put In nomination by Fred C. ' 09 be was state senator, and was
Uobbins of Washington. Senator Du-' United States senator from Virginia
bols of Idaho seconded It. from 1871 to 18S3. Ho declined re
Judge Parker sent no further mes-, election.
Harvest Will Be General In District
North of Pendleton- This Week.
It. M. Alcorn, who resides about
eight miles north of Pendleton wns In
the city today making final arrange
ments for cutting a hnlf Bectlon of
winter wheat which is now ready for
the harvest.
Mr. Alcorn's wheat will nvcrnge
about 25 bushels per acre this year,
this being nn extraordinary yield for
that locality ns the average crop
runs from 17 to 22 bushels.
The grain In thnt district Is nil
about ready for the machines, and
harvest will bo general there In a few
dnys. Norton nnd Tomey, who oper
ate a combine hnrvester will cut Mr.
Alcorn's grain and will begin at once.
The price charged for cutting grain
with a combined harvester this year
is $2 per ncro, which Is satisfactory
to farmers nnd machine men alike, as
this price Includes tbo cutting nnd
sacking and relieves the farmer of
any expense for feeding men or mak
ing extensive preparations for thresh
ing, ns nro necessary with the sta
tionary machine.
The price of sncks Is starting off
at 6U cents, which Is somewhat low
er than U8Uol, the average price rang
ing from C to 7 cents. Most of tho
Umntllln county sncks are Imported
from Calcuttn, India.
Everything Doing This Week
Has Some Relation to That
Council Barred the Shows From-Maln
Street, But They Will Be Easy to
Find, Nevertheless Doors to All
Amusements Will Be Opened This
Evening at 7:30 O'closck Tho
Week's Festivities Will Close With
a Ball at Music Hall Twelve Attractions.
sage, but his leaders on thp floor
urged Davis ami this was taken as
an indication of the nominee's desires.
Wealthy and 81 Years of Age.
The early life of Henry Gassaway
Davis, democratic nominee for vice
prescldent, was spent In obscurity.
He wns born of humble parentage at
Baltimore, November 16, 1823. He
received bis primary education at the
country schools, but was compelled
to e.case his educational pursuits
when quite young because of the death
of his father.
He began farm life and worked his
way up to the superlntendency of a
plantation. Tiring of that occupation
he determined to try railroading and
Three Hours Heavy Firing In the
Night Explained by a Russian Na
val Sortie Followed by a Retreat
Japs Said to Have Invested the
Main Road to Mukden Return
Missionary Predicts General Chi
nese Uprising.
a.. ifintr ri nr
JW T-.1, -
eil, " " ."" t, noes
j; u uKianoma,
0 Hou
11. Tho
of 4ft nnn
the nacklnp
ni "lumia ana
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k .. ."' BO ly. No
i When at th ...
li.! 10 omnlnvoa ,i
t. JncreriHA in
.-"" th
U J.l r.ecent ad-
ili..t. ." OI n.irlln
Home, July 11. Agenzla Llberas
Chee Foo correspondent reports that
Citing Tao, tho key of tho Port Ar
thur detenso has been captured by
Japanese. Fighting proceeds along
the chain of hills between Clung' Tao
and Port Arthur. The report adds
that the Russian battleship Rotvlzan
and other battleships were destroyed
No details are Included in the report
Afraid of Cholera.
St. Petersburg, July 11, It is fear
ed the cholera reported in Manchuria
may roach European Russia this year.
It is approaching from the Far East
and Persia.
Tho I.lao Yang correspondent of
the Novostl roports that a Japanese
column has appeared in the main road
to Mukden.
Heavy Firing Heard.
Chee Foo, July 11. Heavy firing
was heard In the direction of Port
Arthur last night, which lasted from
midnight to 3 this morning.
Believes Russia Will Win.
Paris. July 11. "I think China, will
revolt within five years, and all Chris
tlnns in the kingdom will be mass.
crod," Is the opinion of Rev. Kenne
dy, head of American missions nl the
Far East, who has just arrived after
three years' work in Japan, China
and Manchuria,
"The Japanese have been prepared
for war for moro than throe years,
but must nocessarlly yield before the
superior number of tho Russians,"
continued Kennedy. Ho was receiv
ed by tho mikado, KuropatKin, em
peror of China and other Eastern
Debouched But Retreated.
Tokio. July 11. Togo reports that
four Russian cruisers, two gunboats
and spven torpedo boat destroyers de
bouched from Port Artnur naruor
Saturday morning, procedod by
steamora clearing away mines. In tho
afternoon, having reached a point be
tween sonsikat and urn wen Tang,
th,o Japanese torpedo boat doatroyers
attacked, whereupon the Russians re
treated Into the harbor. No damage
was sustained by tho Japanese.
Tho true soldier It. always ready to
help put a atop to tho fighting.
In the democratic party of his state
he has been a leading figure for years.
In tho democratic party of the na
tion he has been recognized as a man
of broad Intellect ad wide Influence.
He has been honored In many ways
by tho national party. He has been
a delegate to six national democratic
conventions and was one of the Amer
ican delegates to the Pan-American
congress. He Is at present a member
of the United States intercontinental
railway commission.
When 30 years of age he was mar
ried to Miss Kate A. Bantz, a daugh
ter of Judge Gideon Bantz, one of
the most distinguished jurists of tho
Precocious Youth From Birch Creek
Has the Roaming Mania.
Little Willie Fletcher, aged 7
years, is a "natural born rambler."
Because li.e has no brothers or sis
ters and nobody to play with living
near his home on Birch creek, he ran
away last Saturday and came to Pen
dleton. He spent Saturday night in
a box car in company with a hobo.
The child was found wandering
around the streets yesterday by Mar
shal Carney and taken to the sher
iff's olilce. Shenrf Taylor notified
County Judge Bean of the circum
stances and that official in turn com
municated with Deputy District Attor
ney Collier. Mr. Collier advised the
sheriff to communicate with tho boy's
parents, and If they did not show a
disposition to take proper care of
him to send him to Portland to be
placed in custody of the Boys' and
Girls' Aid Society.
As soon as the parents learned of
their precocious son's whereabouts,
the mother came to Pendleton. She
took the boy down town this morning,
but said she would return to the sher
iff's office before leaving for Birch
creek. The boy is said to have run
away two or three times.
beautiful and well filled that It at
once attracted bis attention. He sav
ed the eight heads for seed and
planted them separately each suc
ceeding year, until the crop this year
amounts to 97 acres which will yield
at least 40 bushels per acre.
The straw does not grow so pro
liflc aB the red chaff. The new wheat
grows about two feet high on land
wnich produces red chaff four feet
high, but tho heads are much better
niieii nna tne crop heavier than any
variety or wneat grown in tho coun
ty. Mr. Dale has been unable to find
a grain that compares to this In any
oi me agricultural reports or seed
catalogues and has not yet named It.
Accused of Drawing Worthless Check
on a Pendleton Bank.
P. C. Johnson was taken Into cus
tody by Sheriff Taylor yesterday on
suspeclon of obtaining money by
false pretenses. No charge has yet
been placed against him.
Tne man is accused of drawing a
check on tho First National Bank of
Pendleton In favor of Gus La Fon
taine for $10 and then marking out
the word "Pendleton" and substutlng
Denver." When La Fontaine notic
ed the substitution he made com
plaint to the authorities and the bank
at Denver was wired, wnen an an
swer was received that Johnson has
no account there, he was taken into
custody pending an investigation.
W. H. Dale, -of Helix, Has 07 Acres
Produced From Eight Heads In
Four Years.
W. H. Dale, of Helix, was In the
city today with samples of a npw un
known variety of wheat now growing
on his farm.
Tho wheat has a deep red hull, Is
heavily bearded and has a largo
nlumn berry that is rounder than any
of the known wheat kernels.
Mr. Dale found eight heads of this
remarkable wheat in his red chaff
flold four years ago, and it was so
New Proprietor Will Occupy New
Schmidt Building.
B. F. Nicholas has bought tho stock
of the Whittinghlll Mercantile Com
pany m tho St. Joo Store at Court
ana uottonwood streots, and the for
mal transfer of tho property will take
piaco in about 10 davs. aftor nn In.
voice of the stock has been complet-
eu. Auout tnrce weeks ago Mr. Nich
olas, who wns In the mercantile bus
iness at Colfax, Wash., and was re
cently at Bolso, Idaho, leased a part
of the building now being erected by
John Schmidt at Main and Alta
streets, and It was In order to have
a place in which to store hls'goods
until tho building Is completed that
he purchased the St. Joe stock.
In tho Schmidt building Mr. Nicho
las will have a frontage of 50 feet.
Galleries will be constructed arouVl
tho store. All the stock which is not
sold out at the St. Joe store will be
removed to tho new location and a
large stock of the newest goods on
the Eastern market added. U Is ex
pected that tho new store will be oc
cupied about October 1.
j i
Three Day In Jail.
iBaao Parr and John Davis Jiad
pressing business engagements out of
the city when brought before Police
Judge Fitz Gerald on charges of
drunkenness this mornine. Thov are
still under pressure, as the court sen
tenced both to pay a fine of $5 or
serve three days in the city bastile.
Noither could show a color and went
to Jail. Parr was arrested by Police
man Coffraan and Davis by Policeman
Thompson yesterday afternoon.
Cloudburst In Baker County.
Baker City, July 11. A cloudburst
occurred on Sundny afternoon, at
Wlngvillc, 10 miles west of hero, de
stroying crops, leveling fences' nnd
rendering roads lmpassnble over a
large scope of farmnlg country.
Chicago Gnln.
Chicago. July 11. Old July wheat
opened 89, closed 90; now July
wheat opened 89, closed 90 y. July
corn opened 4816, closed 48.
"Golden Rule" Jones Dying.
Toledo, July 11. Injections of sa
line solutions are keeping Mayor Sam
Jones alive, but death Is a matter ot
but a few hours.
Hearst Sees A Democratic Victory
Ahead Cleveland Admires His Ex
hibition of Honor and Courage
Ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri,
Believes He Has Said Enough and
Said it Right and All Should Be
Esopus, N. Y July 11. Among the
telegrams this morning to Judge
Parker were one each from Cleve
land, Francis and Hearst. Tho latter
Bald: "I hopo and believe that battl
ing for the people and for such prin
ciples, you will lend democracy to vic
tory." The Judgo answered this In a
personal letter saying: "Just n word
to thank you for your very kind mew
Bage of congratulations, and to as
sure yon of my grateful appreciation."
Cleveland said: "You must permit
me to express my gratitude and ndml-
ration for the splendid manifestation
of honor and courage you have given
to your countrymen and to tho democ
racy In your St. Louis dispatch."
President Francis, of the St. Louis
Exposition, said: "Those who have
been asking that you announce your
position on Issues, can no longer have
any question as to your convictions
or your courage to express them."
Side Show Man Charged With Larce
ny by Bailee.
Acting under Instruction of Chief
of Police Wood, of The Dalles, the
sheriff's olilce today informed Marshal
Carney that B. P. Cobb was wanted
ut that point on a chargo of larceny
iy oaiiee. uarney located Jus man
erecting a small tent for a side show
to tho carnival attractions on Rail
road istreet, near the Uenot. and nlac-
ed him under arrest. He Is now held
at the county Jail, awaiting the nrri
val of an officer from Tho Dalles.
Holmes Not Badly Hurt.
W. A, Holmes, who was struck on
the head with a shovel during an nl
tercatlpn in the O. R. &. N. yards
Saturday proves not to havo bnon
seriously injured. He expects to leave
me nospitai tills evening.
Entertainment Tonight.
St. Mary's Council. Y. M. I., will
give an entertninment this evening at
.tummey nan. u will bo an invita
tion affair. President J. P. Winters.
of the council, will officiate as chair
man anu announcer, The entertain
ment will consist of musical and liter
ary features, and refreshments will
bo served. An interesting feature of
the program will bo songs by Miss
Bessie Klnsclla.
Will Operate Tomorrow.
Mrs. F. A. Paddock, who is now
awaiting an operation at tho hospi
tal, will not be obliged to undergo
the ordeal until tomorrow. She Is a
resident of Union.
This Is tho Hngles' day to shlno.
The Dixie Cnrnlvnl Compuny, which
will furnish the attractions for their
week's festival, arrived In town yes
terday afternoon, and nil Is bustle nnd
activity In preparation for tho open
ing tonight. Every member of tho
local aerlo can be told by tho air of
Importance he wenrs and tho sorlous
look on bis fnco indicative of tbo
weight of responsibility ho Is parry
ing. Tho cnrnlvnl company reached hero
by special train at 2:30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, eight enrs being re
quired to carry performers nnd para
phernnlln. Owing to the refusal of
the city council to permit Main street
to bo used for tho attractions, railroad
street, near tho depot, was solectod
as the next best site, nnd all tbo
shows will be grouped In crescont
farm at either Bide of Main street.
There was some tnlk of utilizing Gar
den streot, but at a meeting of tho
carnival committee with tho manage
ment of the company last night It was
decided that that thoroughfare Is too
narrow and would not allow sufficient
room around tho entrances to tho
' Rushing Preparations.
The Industrial chorus In tho vicin
ity of tho depot Is ringing out loud
and clear today. Tho clang of ham
mer nnd rasp of saw nro punctuated
by shouts and tho commands of thoso
directing tho work of erecting tho
tents nnd installing tho various feat
ures of tho shows. By ovenlng all will
be in readiness, and the grand con
cert which opens tho carnival will be
gin nt 7 o'clock. A half hour lator
the doors will be thrown open to tho
Tho contest for king of the carnival
will not closo until midnight Thurs
day, and the next day the merry mon
arch selected to presldo over I ho des
tinies of tho city for tho romalndor
of t)io week will take his soat on tbo
throne, while all tho Eagles will flap
their wings and send up piercing
screams of Joy and satisfaction. Tho
citizen not having the distinction ot
wearing wings may rendor obodlonco
In such manner ns finds favor with
tho Eaglo potentate.
Saturday night will bo marked by
n grand bnll at Music hall. Exton-
siv preparations nro making for this
evont nnd it promises to bo tho load.
inc fnaturo of tho festival ponoa.
Music for dancing will bo furnlshod
by a special orchestra of sovon plooos,
tho personuel consisting oxcluslvoly
of members of tho local aerlo of
Eagles, Tho street pnrado Is sched
uled for tho latter part of tho week,
the exact tlmo having not boon se
lected uh yet. Thp confottl battlo,
which will taku placo on tho carnival
grounds, is billed for either Friday
or .Saturday night.
Magnificent Athletics.
With the shows nro two notablo at
tractions, which will bo given twice
dally, beginning tomorrow. Mastor
John Mangels, bptter known as "Daro
Devil Mangols," will dlvo from a 90
foot tower Into 36 inches of water at
4 o'clock In tho afternoon and 10
o'clock at night. Tho performer la
only 18 years old, and Is said to hold
tho world's record for diving f-om a
135-foot towor Into thnio feet "f wn
ter, Anybody who desires w'll hvo
tho privilege of measuring tli'i depth
(Continued on page 8.)
Mayor Weaver, of Philadelphia, re
fuses to allow Bob Pitzslmmons and
Jack O'Brien to fight in that city on
the one ground that it was to bo a
prizo fight pure and simple.
Shot by Brother-ln-Law.
Chicago, July 11. Andrew
C uiio, of Cuno Brothers,
wealthy fruit brokers, wns
shot aid probably fatally
wounded at noon at his place
of buslnoss, by Antonio Cres
ceo, a brother-in-law. Family
troubles nnd business rivalry
are said to bo tho cnuso, Cres
ceo barely escaped mobbing
at the bands of a crowd
which soon guthered. Tho po
Ilcp rescued the man after ho
was soverely beaten, All nro