DAILY EA8T ORE QONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. Sfi THE EXCHANGES njj, rf.fi hoit the coun- l"m be more man rnallybeenreacnoo V P0 timlts of Bak-: constantly increasing Traffic fltiin "vcr gido'j which hns far Biirpassod all estimates -.ni - - , TMa mnr n iiv r.np nnmnnnv nr-nnra nt tha " -airtipreci. - . -- road for heavy traffic. The entire section was being graveled and light rails wore being replaced by heavy onos. This work was planned the first of the year and was being systemat ically carried out under tho general Improvement appropriation. The work was necessary in view of tho that country, BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES TRANSPORTATION LINES. PHYSICIANS. D1t ,JJ: a C0LE- OFFICE IN JUDD 1V1 . m- TelP'0Mf : office main 1371; residence, main 1881. i. cuuot. , , 7Yhe country. wTme the matter in' . rvMimv run v iitlon yesterday com K ' labors. Monday holders will meet at C-l organ-, I 01 lnrlnn time tho road was built. Tho road to be built from Lowlston to Rlparla will be operated Jointly by the O. R. & N and N. P. and a branch Is to be built to sorvo tho prairie country cast of Lewlston. Starbuck Star. 5I8 be. Ill DP1 m -.nrimion of ?iroo appropriation iVused in coi. Farmers Will Co-operate. Thirteen representative wheat far- .1 fit E Ot-t p nnt(1nnnl.A TS!. ... - . f" , pcutlve ofllccrs. Fletcher school houso Monday after noon and discussed at. lengm me an vlsablllty of erecting a farmers' warehouse at Washtucna. Those present were Messrs. D. P. Berry, A. J. Clovor, John Allen, D. M. Snyder, Tt, A. Holme, J. S. Helmo, Samuel Olonn. Isaac Hoskln, Georgo Little, Martin Clever, Robert Wset, D. 13. Huffman, T. W. Martin. John Allen was chosen chairman of the meeting and A. J. Clevor secretary. It was the sonso of tho mooting that by soiling shares a warehouse could bo constructed at Washtucna In time to handle this year's crop. Tho opin ion was expressed that a warehouse operated by farmers would tend to In crease the price of grain at this point to such an extent ns to warrant the Investment. If erected, It will bo op. crated by tho farmers, for tho far mors, with tho solo view of securing for themselves the highest market price attainable for wheat. The mooting decided that tho most economical and suitable size of warehouse would be RO by 250 feet and tho cost of such a houso was es tlmatod at $5000. It was further de elded to fix the value of shares at $25 each, and solicitors were appointed to canvass tho wheat mon that market at Washtucna and report on the amount of stock that can be Bold. A committee also appointed to invest! cato and roport on location of tho building, side trackB, lumber, etc Wnshtucnn Enterprise. he new race trac . ..u ITfalr is expected to . state money win mr nrcmliims In tno 'iicij " ml rtml. .....tmoniN. iiii i" - Events will be pro- .intlnn. The VI Northwest will be " . ... j .,, I, irr nr. r .. Kill he arranged wiit railroads uu.u ... 8,ter Democrat. " il. OntL-s i Down uic 0..r- 111UU -" " .ii worn Eiven tin Indefinitely bubiiuhu wwTement won; umi hum ... I ha rtfiri mi;i ii x i Pullman and uoweii. with these Instructions A has been sioppcu. j. u terpreted by railroad mon L...k. Vnrlhern Pacific has mediately lmlld down j... f-nm T.PWlRtOIl tO RI- act this statement can be ... hand n railroad cir- riiij .iork between i'liiimnn nnu n nntilti run IDltUUCU lu Dns. the phone 1591. BiJfiIE S,N.00' OFFICE OVEH , TinEi uanit. Tele 801, residence telephone, main ATTORNEYS. BKAN & rEIlItY. ATTORNKT8 AT LAW. Office over Taylor' Hardware store,, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. t.?,tFIED' U- D- HOMEOPATHIC building. Telephonea: Office, black nil; residence, black 24. DH. D. J. M'FAtJL, JUDD ULOCK. TELE phone, main 921; residence, black 101. DnT-. M' nEf5IFnsoN, rnvsiciAN and surgeon. Office In Savings Bank but dine, room 1. nfri. .. ' ? ...... t (iuuuc, uiniu 1411 ; residence, red 1223. VR; iLHN K' I"'AKF.SI,Ki:. OltltOXlC and ncnroiis dlsennes and diseases of women. Juud bulldtnir. pim.c t.i Court streets. Office 'phone, main 721: residence, red 1153. X-ltay Theraneutlcs. DK. LENA ALLEN BOONE, OSTEOPATH. ItftHlripnrft. Thnmnann t... ; ' ' titccit uvinetru Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a anerlnitv Dlt. L. FRANCES THOMPSON, OSTEO nathlc nhvslclan. pmritiflta a t ohii school, Klrksrllle. .Mo. Office, ifntei nirv. crs, side entrance; office days, Tuesdaj-s. Thursdays and Saturdays. MltS. M. N. SAWTKLIj, COUNTY MAN- oner or the Northwost vinvi fn n-m Cosble St.. Pendleton, Oregon. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SUItGEON DIl. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman'a drue store. I IEHEWED Inst AVAnlntr rtinolv. iWTll Iftat t... ...... .wv... I. it.. ...l.nlnnln tn Att entrfii. ttnoa iiti nnfv. i Mil a pound In answer to tenanas. inis win nut collate canning in tho art by those housewives lonmuie enougu 10 nuve nw pn mm. es ami iruiiH ill iiiih iiih- are seasonable are abund- luitr an active local de- "ffirttpir nnr pltio nntntnee lid vastly nmireclatcd. crop is abundant this mi apnie. a tlioueh the 'Mfinn nnrl fl a wtermelona will be on ! wd, as they have reached j M'ot wi una yuui o ui- i uin arn riiit nnri i nmnm i tah conditions will relax VEGETABLES. Carrots, 3 bunches 10c. Potatoes, old, J1.50 sack; now 34c pound. Cabbuge, 3c jier lb. Onions, 4c nor lb. Groan onions, Cs per bunch, 3 for 10c. Lettuce, hothouse, 2 bunches Cc. Turnips, 2bc bunch. Peas, 10c. String beans, Z lbs 25c. Tomatoes, 20c lb. Popcorn, shelled, 10c lb, 3 for 25 FRUITS. Bananas, 40c dozen. Lemons, 40c dozen. Oranges, 3050c dozen. Strawberries, 3 boxes 25c. Cherries, 10c box, 3 for 25c. Hnspberries, 1 c box. BfhcUberries, 10c box. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY. The following prices are paid by dealers to the producer: Chickens, hens, Sc; $34 per doz en; roosters, 4Cc. Butter, 50C0c, good. Eggs, fresh, 25c. RETAIL GROCERY PRICES, Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb.: next crado 35c per lb: lower Mm now are nominal, but ' package coffee, 20c per lb. w uuiug us soon a8 UIO .jubui glUUUIUlCU, UUBk f u.uv . lu I VUILIGU ' "111 be nomlnnl nlsn. naeiarmers don't iiivr to hllVOPa Mnnmll.. . promises to bo lively M a bear market before . uutut, null lllLlti- U this rftol.l.l !.. .1 l . " ttiontti, IUUUUU t"uc nunuwest 91 II-. t 0- "Ml means PICM uaiuj ai iair P&8ITIVI? riu- Uirf t ouei at HANDWOMEM. -."THtt"" nay, Seam, ier sack; do 12 lwunds $1. Itlce Best head rice, 15c per lb.; next grade, 12c per lb. Salt Coarse, ?1.00 por 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B., $4.25 per barrel; Walters', $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 1422'c. Ham 1722c. Lard 70c 5 pounds; $1.40 pounds. Stock salt $1 sack, $14 ton. 10 CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, ETC. Steers, $3Q3.30. Cows, $2.5002.85. Hogs, live, GG. Hogs, dressed, CG7c. Veal, dressed, C7c. Sheep, $1.50 1.75. HAY AND barley, $25 FEED. per ton; Chop per lb. Chopped wheat, v 1.40 per Bran, COc por sack. Shorts, $1 per s ik. .Oats, lc per i . Alfalfa, loose, $15 per ton. Wheat, loose, $15 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton $20. 100. Weak Hearts are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if you are sub ject to attacks of indigestion, tho stomach expands swells, and puffs up agaitist tho hoart. This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is tho final result. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach and contrib utes nourishment, strongth and health to ovory organ of the body. Sold by Tollman & Co. Prank Lodger, a pioneer merchant of Seattle, killed his two partners In a raining claim on the Koyakuk river, Nome, about threo weeks ago. One other man In the camn was also in jured, and Is now In tho hospital at Nomo City. Tho mon quarreled over a division of tho proceeds of tho claims. DENTISTS. Dlt. M. S. KEUN, DENTAL SUItCEON. Office, room 15, Judd building. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN Judd building. 'Phone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIItST NATIONAL J'ANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, K,CO0; surplus and profits, $12,500.00. Interest on time de posits. Deals In torelcn and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry c. Adams, president; T. J Kirk, vice-president; V. S. I.eOrow, cash ier; i. m. Kemp, assistant cashier. IIA1I.UY & LOWELL, ATTOHNEYS AT law. Office In Despaln block. BALLERAY & M'COURT, LAWYERS, AS .soclatlon building. CARTER & RALET, ATTORNEYS AT law, office In Savings Dank building. WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS OF flee, rooms 7 and 8 Association building. AARON TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to pVactlce In United States patent oi Ikes, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HART.MAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property, lluys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokersge business. Pays taxes and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, auy bank In Pendleton. G. A. 1IARTMAN, Pres. O. A. II A HTM AN, JR., Vice Pres. J. M. RENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest und most reliable Are and acci dent Insurance companies. Office wltb Ilartman Abstract Co. JOHN IIAILEY, JR.. U. S. LAND COM missloncr. Specialty made of land fll Ings and proof. Insurance and collec tions. Office in Judd building, room 10. mm. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROI1LE, DEALER IN SECOND baud goods. If there Is Anything you need In new and second-band furniture. stores, granlteware and crockery, call and get tils prices. No. 212 Court street. WANTED. THE FARMERS' HANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank ing business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. It. Jameson, president ; George W. Proebstel, vire-presiuent ; J. n. Kiigore, cashier; di rectors, G. A. Ilartman. M, M. Jones. T. J. Price. Q D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Rob ert Jameson, u, v, rroebstcl. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, l'cudleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, ibs'.i. capital. $iuu,uuu; Burplus, 1.5, 000; Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. . Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president ; T. J. Morris, cashier; J, W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIItST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital, f 70,000; surplus and un divided proQts, $125,000. Transacts a geuernj banking business. Exchange bought and sold ou all parts of the world. In terest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president ; W. F. Matlock, vice-president: G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart man, Jr., assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE, No. 2S8. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In La Dow block, Court street. G. A. Ilartman Sr., ii. it. ; t. E. Bean, secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, in cluding library and reading room. Terms $1.00 to Join ana 50c a month dues. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. K. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, ivoiu 12 Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent. Makes complete and re liable plans for buildings In the city or country. Room 17, Judd building. SHEER & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnlsbed on short notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on Bluff street, near Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD- er. Estimates furnisnea on an tunas of masonry, cement walks, Btone walla, etc. Leave orders at East Oregoniao of fice. T. H. KELLER, PLASTERING AND CE- mentlug. Cement walks a specialty. Estimates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Badley & Zebner'i cigar store. Main street. P. O. box 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TELEPHONE LIVERY STABLE. COURT Street, opposite court bouse. Bowers & Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts. l',ubtJo-.si!alea. 'Phone, main 381. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FItCOME proprietor. Fine horses, good rigs, beat care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 161. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA 8TREBT, Carney & Kennedy, Props., livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone, main 701. BOARDING AND LODGING, WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE use of these classified columns. It you hare something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for.a cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse, loc or 20c want ad will probably do the business. OREGON StfoigrLiNE and union Pacific TWO TRAIN8 TO THE EA8T DAILY. Through Pullman standard and Tourist r, I . -1.1).. .a Hmnli. nn.1 Phlnirn! tourist sleeper dally to Kansas City; through rullman tourist sleeping cars, rago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EA8TBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 2, Chicago Special S :30 p. m. 5 :40 p. m. No. 0, Mall A Express 4 :35 a. m. 4 :4B a. m. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 1, Portland Spe cial 8:D0a. m. 0:00 a.m. No. 5, Mall and Ex press 11:00 a.m. 11:05 a.m. SPOKANE DIVISION. Arrive. Depart. No. 7, Pendleton Pas senger 1 1 8 :33 p. m. No. 8, Spokane Pas senger 0 ilO.a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart. No. 41, Mixed train, 1:30 p.m. No. 42, Mixed train B :50 p. m. No. 7 connects with No. 2. No. 42 connects with No. 2. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates Bubject to change. For San Francisco every Ave days. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Rlparla dally, except Saturday, 4 :05 a. m. Lenve Lewlston dally, except Friday, 7:00 a. m. E. C. SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOR EN. graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc.: 100 engraved visiting cards with Dlate. Jl.no ; additional cards In future, $1 per iiuuureu. ino uast uregonian. FOR RENT. FOR RENT GOOD FRONT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen or two la dles. Call nt 010 Willow atreet. FURNISHED 1IOU8KKEKPINO HOOM8. , East Conrt street, low MISCELLANEOUS. SEWER CONTRACTOR JOS. REED makes connections with the sewer for uusiues8 uouscs and private residences, Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T. C, Taylor's Hardware Store. FOR BALD AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office large bundles of newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers, can be obtain ed for 25 cents a bundle. DRESSMAKING, CUTTING AND FIT ting a specialty. Prompt work. Halls faction uttflrnntiMiri Mlsa ' M Wliltlav 012 Main street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 730 Cottnnwnnri iitrttpf ri..nlnff and repairing. Goods called for and de livered. 'Phone, main 1691. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF YOU want to subscribe to magazines or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net pub Usher's price of the publication vou de sire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remlttlne yon can deduct 10 per cent from the pub Usher's price. Address KABT ORE GONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton. Oregon. HOUSE-CLEANING BY THE JAPANESE House-Uleau ne Co. Work done br the day, hour or Job. Window cleaning a specialty. Prompt service at low prices. 604 Garden street. 'Phone Main 1171. WHITE HOUSE LODGING HOUSE, 301 south Main Btreet. Clean. large, wen- kept single and furnished housekeeping rooms. Mrs. u. u. uuntington, ivop. THE STANFIELD HOUSE. 313 SOUTH Main street, Mrs. L. Michael, prop, arce. clean, comfortable rooms : best meals, all home cooking. Board, $4 ; also furnished housekeeping rooms. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates, J3.75 and $4.7Q per week, Mrs. L. Neff, Prop. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Men. pro prietor. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN the city, $1.00 to 1.50 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL UNDER NEW MaNAGE- ment. Good meals and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-comlng. uuir wtine ueip empioyeu. i-peciai at tention given to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mra. J, P. tavln, proprietors. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO umatllla atop at the Cottage Hotel. White belD. borne cooking, ererrthlnir neat and clean. Mrs. James O'Conueli, proprietor. c DR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME f TREATMENT This wondtrful Chi nes doctor Is called treat becauu ke cures ixopU without opera tion that art ilvu up Iodic, II cur with tno wondtrful Chi nes htrtx, roots, buds, barks and vtgtuble that ar sntlrtly un known to mftdl.al .,'1. enc lu this country. Tbrouf to tli uiaoMhoi hurruleu remedies tbls famous doctor know I he action or over too different remedies, which be successfully uses In different dlteuts. II guarantee to cur catarrh, asthma, luss, I Itiront, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach. llver,klduer,elc.! tiaabuailnda of testimon ials, Charges moderate. CaU and se him. J'atlents out of the cllr writ for blanks and THE C. SEE WO CKiXESE MEIIB1NE 6H. 263 Alder St.. Portland. Oregon. Mention paper. bbHiiIbbV Ladles' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted. Safe, reliable.. Absolutely guar anteed to cure Jeucorrhoea and fe male weakness. For particulars ad dress Mo. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock Boi 323, Kansas city, Mo. For sale by A. O. Koeppen & Bros., Pendleton. SCHEDULE OF PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage Line Tn.?a."y tr,P8o oe'ween Pendleton and Uklab, except Sunday, Stage leaves Pen dleton at 7 n. m., arrives at Uklali at 0 p. m. Return stage leaves Uklah at 0 a. ui., uiiiruif ui 4'euuietOD a p. tn. Pendleton to Uklah, 3 ; round trip $5 ; Pcnd etou to Alba, 2.75; round trip, S l end eton to Itldee, 2; round .trip, S3.B0 Pend eton to Nye. 1.60; round trip, 2.B0. Peud eton to Pilot llm-lt i . .,.i - 1 t 'wuuu ...V, ti.ao. Office at Brock & McComaa' prug Store. Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only 15 cents a week, Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland and Points on the Sound .... HOTELS. TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, 1:45 .p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally, eastbound, 11:00 p. m. Arrive Walla Walla dally, westbound, 10:45 a. m. For Information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. H. II. CALDERHEAD, U. P. A., Walla Walla, Washington. fib RUNS .'ULLMAN 8LEEPINQ CAR8 ELEGANT DINING CAR8 TOURIST 8LEEPING CARS ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII FAnQO TO QIIAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNEPEQ HELENA and BUTTE, THROUGH TICKET8 TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOltK BOSTON And all points East and South. TbrouKh tickets to Janan and Phlns via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steam ship Co. and American line. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PROPRIETOR. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. Tho Hotel Pondloton lias Juat bees roflttod nnd rofurnlsliod throughout. 'Phono and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Bathe In suites an Blnglo rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Msr Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Spoctal rates by week or month. Excollcnt Culslno. Prompt Dining Room Sorvlc. Bar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dallr eirent Sunday, at 7:00 p. m. For further Information, time cards. maps and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, Pendleton, Oregon, or A. U. C'UAIHI'UN, Tblrd and Morrison, Sts Portland, Or. DELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDES IZZY CRAGS EBP QANYONS A Goldon Opportunity See nature, In al' her glorious beauty, and then tho acme of man's handiwork. Tho first Is found along the lino of the DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, tho lat latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be ono of pleasure make the most of It. For Informa. tlon and illustrated litera ture write W. C. M'BRIDE, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. Hi .European plan. Everything first class. Accommodations tho best. All modern conveniences. Steam heat throughout. Rooms on-sulto rvith hath. Largo, now samplo rooms. The Hotel St. Georgo Is pronounced ns of tho most modern and modol hotels of Oregon. 'Phono and (Ira alarm connections to oITlco In all rooms. Rooms 50c to $1.50, "I CORNER MAIN AND WEBB BT. Block and a half from depot. THE Hotel Bickers (Formorly Goldon Itulo.) COURT STREET. VslBsvVsRsnlHsaaPBsS Romodolod and refurnished through out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Steam heat and olectrlo lights. Dest cuisine. Prompt servlsc. H. E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. American olan. 13 ner dar and UDward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial1 travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The management win oe pieaiea si an rimes to snow rooms and glvea prices. A modern Turk ish bath establishment In the hotel. II. C. HOWEllH, Manager. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at tho head of tho list. Assets. Hartfori Fire Insurant Co., $13,259,071 Alliance Assurance Co .. 29,039,981 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,683 North British & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co. 22,897,163 FRANK B.CL0PT0IN AGENT, 112 EAST COURT STREET,