PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. AN INDEPENDENT KEWBPAI'BK. Published every afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Dally, sunscitnvriox iiatks. one year sltlon of Hues would moan tho wreck liiK of many llttlo homes, whero poor moil nro Just HtnrtniE to pay on prop erty or are nearly paid out nnd yot leniency with some people means li cense. It Is a dellcato matter for tho committee on sowers to handle. On tho wlso and conservative action of this conimltteo depends the future of I many a homo In this city, for small as oy man J.voo (i,,, SOwcr hill may Bcom to some, yot uatiy, pix niomus j hiuh Dally, three month by mall 1.215 Dally, out' month by mall f0 Dally, per month by carrier t. Weekly, one year by mall 1.30 Weekly, six months by mall 15 Weekly, four months by mall SO Semi-weekly, one year by mall .. . 2.00 Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . . l.uo Ueml-Weekly, threo months by mall . . .50 Member Scrlpps-Mcltae tlon. News Asaocla The Kast Oregonlan Is on sale at 11. It. Rich's News .Stands at Hotel Portland anil Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon. San Francisco llurcnu. -I0S Fourth 8t. Chicago Ilureau, 000 Security Htilltllng. Washington, D. C. Ilureau, 001 Htli St., N. W. Telephone. Main 11, Entered at Pendleton postoltlce as second. cla matter. 1 o God Is not far; man Is not far From Heaven's porch whero paeans roll. Jinn yet shall speak from star to star In silent language of tho soul! Yon star-strewn skies he hut a town With angels passing up and down! Joaquin Miller. It means all to others. Whero the monthly Income Is already claimed by the property Installment and living expenses, this additional expense can not ho mot without disorganizing tho fixed plans upon which doponds tho homo. Sower connections are ex tremely expensive. Lnhor Is costly and fixtures como high. All theso things must ho considered In every caso hoforo prosecutions are made. The Hast Orogonlan would much rath er see tho sowor ordlnunco violated hy 10 men ahle to hear the expense, than to know that tho enforcement of tho ordinance would wreck tho finan ces of one poor man In Pendleton. It also helloves tho sewer committee shares this sentiment. LAND OFFICE REMOVAL. STOP WHISKEY PEDDLING. A false Idea of economy In tho con duct of tho federal court In Oregon is denying Pendleton a deputy United States marshal, when such an nfllco Is needed here every day In tho year. The penurious federal court will not nllow pay to tho city marshal for making the arrest of whiskey ped dlers, It will not nllow for tho hoard of federal prisoners whllo under ar rest and In custody of tho city nuth- or I ties and seems to takp about as lit tle Interest In suppressing violations of federal statutes as It Is possible to take. There are about 1200 Indians on tho Umatilla reservation adjacent to Pen dleton and this tribe is a fertile field for whiskey peddlers and "boot log gers." Not a day passes that does not witness drunken Indians on tho streets. Dives exist In this city for no other purpose than that of reaping a harvest from the Indians, and yet their license Is renewed regularly without a protestation from any part of tho community. Very few arrests are made for sell ing whiskoy to Indians and tho trndo Is flourishing. The city authorities have more than tho present force can do to nttend to the city's business, A deputy marshal should bo appointed for Pendleton for the purpose of breaking up the Indian whiskoy traf fic. Then the community should do Its part and when the owners of certain dives apply for a renewal of license such a storm of remonstrance should bo visited upon the city council that that body would deny tho application for license. There aro enough home-loving, mor al people In this community to shut up the dives. Will they stand respon sible for tho present condition? Will a saturnalia of vice now bo continued in this city, or will tho peo ple co-operate to check it? Tho Pilot Itock Uerord, speaking of tho removal of the ha. Grande land ofllce. porilnontly says: Tilers' ''IsMnIk of consolidating tho Burns nnd I-n Grande land offices, nnd locate tho olllco nt Dakar City In the now government building at that place. This would bo an unwise niovo on tho part of the government. Land ofllces nro supiHised to bo lo cated where most convenient to In tending settlors. Thcro Is no government land that will over bo homesteaded In tho neighborhood of linker City. Tho bulk of the business of tho I .a Grande land office comes from Northern Grant nnd, Southern Umatilla coun ties, nnd If n change Is- to bo mnflo nt nil from I.a Grande, In tho Interest of Intending settlers nnd thoso who hnve already (Hod on land, It should bo removed to Pendleton. Baker City is simply the center of a prospective mining country. It Is not an agricultural country nnd Is not accounted n very good stock country. Thoro Is no Justification whntovor for the establishment of n laud ofllco at Baker City. Pendleton can bo moro easily reached by the citizens of Grant nnd Harney than Baker City, nnd besides, It is contiguous to a largo section of country that has been filed upon nnd thousands of acres of government land yet open to settlement or thoso looking for a home. There nro no In ducements to the homeseeker In tho vicinity of Baker City. Land olllcos nro not supposed to bo changed about for tho purpose of benefiting tho railroad or helping out some town Hint depends upon tlio nniouut of money that Is annually thrown away In wildcat mining schemes. Tho land ofllco at I.a Grande, if re moved nt all, should bo placed at some point in the district wliero It will be most convenient to tho ma jority of those who hnve business to transact at tho ofllco. Hnpsburg goes back to 052, nnd tho house of Bourbon to 804. Tho de scendants or Mohammed, horn G70, nro nil registered cnrofully nnd author Itntlvely In a book kept In Mecca by n chlof of the family. Little or no doubt exists of tho ubsolute authen ticity of tho long line of Mohammed's descendants. In China thoro nro many old families, also among tho Jews, hut In point of pedigrees the mikado of Japan has n unique record. His place has been filled by members of his family for moro than 2500 years. The present mlkndo Is tho 122d In tho lino. Tho first ono wns contemporary with Nebuchniluezzur, 6fG years beforo Christ. EIGHT HOSPITALSECRETS, Nurso Says i "Po-ru-na Is Tonic of Efficiency." ha . GERMAN RAILWAYS. OLDEST FAMILY ON EARTH. Bather than vote for n Cleveland-Parker-Wall street democrat this fall, there aro thousands of democrats In Oregon who will either stay homo In disgust, or vote for Hoosovelt In desperation. Boosevelt represents something. Ho Is young nnd venture some and vigorous and has shown n solid friendship for tho West In urg ing Irrigation nnd forest preservation and In ferreting out land frauds, among his own nppolntees. Theso things have not been forgotten by the West and the democratic voters of Oregon will vote for Boosevelt on these slight qualifications rather than hitch their chariot to tho dummy star of Wall street, A. B. Parker, or to the Inexcusable abortion of democracy, Grover Clovelaud. Tho East Oregonl nn has been In favor of W. It. Hearst, even though his candidacy may have j been ridiculed and his motives scan- j dnllzed by the sluggish-blooded press of the land. Ho represents an ag gressive principle of antagonism to the trusts and would 'in no Instauco compromise with them. This is suf ficient platform for any party and If the cold-blooded trust democracy of 1 1,.. l.-.,ut l,.,i,,,l, .,.! 1 cholce of a trust democrat or a trutt ""CMerM "rortheirwoncitrruiconiiioiitioii. vim,.. ia n ituai uiiiiuiiai ui a trust I hare taian numeroai other so-called remedies ropuuiican berore the people, the East Oregonlan will choose the trust republican. Of the 400 barons in tho British house of lords about n dozen of them date back to 1400, the earliest being t204. The oldest family In tho British Isles is the Mar family. In Scotland, 1093. Tho Campbells, of Argylo, be gan In 1190. Tnlloyrand dates from 1199. and Bismarck from 1270. Tho I Grosvenor family the duke of West minster 10GB, the Austrian house of DYSPEPSIA "IlaTinff taken ymip wnni!rrnl llr..tii m tin. three mouth and belue entirely cured or ttomaeh Tlio German govornmont railroad exhibit at the St. Louis fair shows the block system and switch slgnnls now in uso in Germnny. More than 1500 feet of track, In the construction of which both Iron nnd wooden ties wero used, have been laid. Thoro aro a station house, two switch towers and ono Intermedlnto block signal post. Ono of tho switch towers Is fitted with mechanical and ono with electrical signal nppnratus, The block system makes It Impossi ble for a train to run Into nn open switch or for ono train to run down nnothor trnln between stations. The double track prevents collisions. By moans of electrical apparatus all switches excopt tho ono opening the do.ilred track nro locked, making an error on the part of the swltchmnn Impossible. As the Inst wheel of the train passes, tlio switches nro all re leased by rail contact, making wny i for tho noxt trnln. At Intervals or nbout seven miles nrc placed Intermediate block posts, with n similar signal nnd switch ap paratus. By nutomntlc arrangement tlr- lovers aro all locked, so that ono train cannot leave the station until tho train ahead has passed the next post, thus preventing ono trnln from running down nnother. All thq mn used In construction wns brought from Germany. New York Tribune. 5 -.--V Wytsaci-fi- (IT I MRS. KATE TAYLOR. S i Mrs. Kato Taylor, a graduated 1 1 nurse ot prominence, gives her ex- li perlencc with Pcruna In an open i', J h; letter. Her position In society and , J professional standing combine to, T 1 5 give special prominence to her i $ II Leo Chapman, Boy Harris, Fred Oredennlng nnd Ralph Hester, .of Bloomlngton, 111., loaded a smnll can non July 4, using a broomstick for a ramrod and pounding It with a base ball bat. When fired the cannon ex ploded and nil four boys were bndly Injured. CHICAGO, ILL., 127 Monroo Btreot. "As far ns I liavo obsorvod, Poruna is tho finest tonic any man or woman can uio who is weak from tho after effects of any serious Illness. "Peruna seems to restore vitality, Increase bodily vigor and renew health and strength In n wonderfully short tlme."...MRS. KATE TAYLOR. AildrosH Tho Peruna Medluluo Co., Columbus, Ohio, If youdeslro fruo litera ture on catarrh. "TilO Ifn.1.1,. ou and . t. " Ui"e ths i,-. IP 'r'ttoUVa. or knrtnk " ; Willi T0n . RrnrL- JC n Company Cor- Main and Court Nature's plan Is not unwise In bringing tho drought to Wyoming and tho inundation In Kansas nt tho same instant. It Is 'man who Is unwise In not completing and controlling na ture's blind forces. Tho flood can be controlled and the stored waters used .In bringing fruition to the drought-stricken districts. Man must bring equilibrium to nature's unbal anced plans. Tlio foundations for perfection have been laid deep and strong by nature's God; It now re mains for man to lay tho walls to per fection. When there Is excess of any force It must bo saved and distrib uted where there Is dearth. It Is not Impossible. It Is not Utopian. Somo day It will rain at man's will Just as the electric flash now carries his thoughts around tho globe, nnd in that day tho river floods will be at man's command, Just as the shimmer ing mountain brook now oboys his skill. It is not Idle prophecy which gives birth to those thoughts; It Is an unfaltedlng belief In tho evolution which has mado tho 20th century world better and nobler than tho 16th century world. It Is a difficult matter for tho city council to mako an Iron-clad rulo to apply to all citizens alike in tho en forcement of tho sowor connection or dinance. Each Individual caso of vio lation of tho ordlnanco demands a specific treatment. Wholosalo proso cutlons by tho council and tho Impo- The appeal of tho people of Upper McKay creek for moro permanent county road Improvement should not go unheeded. Temporary bridges, grades and fills aro extremely costly In tho end, because tho expense of repair must bo repeated after overy storm. There Is a way to build ner- mancnt county roads. This is not a frontier pack train country any longer and the people aro Justified In their demands for good roads. Umatilla county could do nothing of moro pub lic benefit than to buy a rock crush er nnd road roller and begin some per manent wor. The settlement ot tho county and the rate of taxation de mand more conveniences In the coun try districts. Tiring of tho celebration a 10-year-old son ot John Krlcson, of Butte, crawled Into a loaded coal car, and whllo he was asleep the coal was dumped Into tho Northern Pacific blinkers, burylnf tho child and crush ing mm 10 ucain, ills body was found Friday after all search had been given up. but without atail and I Unit that Caicareti rellera more In a dar than all the othera 1 liaie taken would la a rear." Jamei McUuue. 101 Mercer St., Jeney Cltr, N.J. BesT For Ti n i i lie LJuweis j CANOVCATIURT1C Pleaianl, Palatable. Poten,Taat Good. Do Oood, Ne w Sicken, Weaken or Orlpe. lvc. 25c. We. Neer old la bulk. The genuine tablet elampcd UOO. Uoarantcea to cure or your xuouey back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. joi ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed properly Blestrleal Suppllet or all ktndi OFFICK-I2I WKST COURT ST. 'Tribune RulMIng) Modem School ot Commence A Business and Shorthand Training School. Car Fare Free. Two Months' Tuition Write today. Free. Pendleton, Oregon. DOCTOR J. MAN FOO THE CELEBRATED B.OOT AND HERB DOCTOR, has moved to lOVj First street, between Washington nnd Stark. Graduate of medl -1 university in China. CURES LIVER and KIDNEY diseases, Consumption, Rhoumatlsm, STOMACH troubles and all diseases of the hum an body by tho use ot HERBS os pecinlly prepared for each case. BEST OF CERTIFICATES IN OFFICE. HOME CURrJS BY MAIL If you connot call at his office, write your symptoms fully. Many cases can bo cured at home. Will gladly advise you regarding your caso, free of chargo. Send for pamphlet Consultation FREE. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 9 p. m. The J. Man Foo Root and Herb Medicine Co. No. 104V4 First street, between Wnshlngton and Stark, Portland, Or. LEGAL BLANKS Write the East Ore; gonian for a free cat alogtte of them. A full supply always kept in stock. " wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice though I thought surely I would die." "After my batyjreawe In January, looo." wrl tea Mre. Nancy Abocr.of 81. Paul, Ark., I niffcrtd severely from alt aorta ache and pltM, until the following; May, when I read oat of your pamphlet!, treating on female ilUeaaca. X wrote to Or. Pierce tor adTke, although I throghl aurcly X would die, as our phyaiclan told me 1 waa more liable to die than to get well your fatherly advice caused my health to be restored 1 took five bottlea of Dr. Picrce'a favorite Pre scription, three of MlolJen Medical Diactv and three vials of ' Pellets,' together "If. other remedies, ud lam now able to dot... uf work." Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, frte, and so obtain without charge or fee the advice of a specialist upon diseases peculiar to women. All correspondence la held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. The invitation to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Is not to be confused with offers of "free medical advice" made by irresponsible persons who are not physicians and arc professionally and legally disqualified for the practice of medicine. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of womanly ills. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals iuiiamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. FiutE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth' bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HARVESTERS' HEADQUARTERS OUR RESPECT. 8T0CK OF SUPPLIES FOR THI3 HARVE8T 8EA8ON IS NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY IF IN NEED OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, VIZ.; FORK8, HOEDOWNS, RAKES, 8CYTHE8, 8NATH8, WATER BAQ8, ' , , WATER KEQ8, CURRY COMBS, DRU8HE8, MACHINE OILS, AXLE QREA8E COMPOUND, LACE LEATHER, CAP 8CREW8, 8ET 8CREW8, 8MITHINQ COAL, BAR, BAND AND 8HEET IRON BABBIT, ROPE, WHIPS, OIL CUPS, VALVES, PIPE, 8TOVE8, RANQE8, QRANITE AND TINWARE, ETC. .'PHONE MAIN 211, OR CALL ON W. J. CLARKE k CO. 211 COURT STREET IBuildi Materi fir t T nr-KM.... C A PITT iiiauc iu oracr, mills DCr. IIITlrV rnatnt L. . I ' T vwiMblltf yrj sand, wood gutters ......Sh .WCVII M . 'T T 1 TT Alta Street, Opp. Court $2,250 will buy one of the sowor, uain, etc.; goon uaru. 2 lots, comer; a At.UUU'HilllL I1HW Just completed; sewer, eastern exposure. JLet me buow you tnree tlous of the best wheat las dor cultivation; extensive meuts, plenty of water. het value. MISS RflY CiwneanF tn T. D. insurance, ni tnn, 111 Court 8treet 0 1. - "NOW UIYIlt" 11 fiwrn v '.'vMAd you tOMw . T-1aVt your --:, prT carriages to --v nhaotons to bucUboardJ, ,,,n,lfl rlKht In iff" www - , .h. , guaranteed to k .. ...lAnri Wn hnve tun .--- nmrniu nacKs OH" ' 0 . on ana this climaie. .. vf B" J":.i mschlae. I-., nr lmrniuK " , Ufe of wheels. W NEAuueo - Big BrlCK 1 GOOD DRy wood sound 1 IlttV B ...i,;-h is " reasonable p"s 1 w - W. c. R.1 1 1 at orders BVO rTcar Store, V a,' "US