PA0E8. DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. PAQE THREE. STATUE MIRACLE July Clearance Sale REMNANTS. M just one-half the regular value. SHOE BARGAINS. . .... .hnM or Oxfords, clearance price $1.95 pair W ' , 6lloe8 or Oxfords, clearance price $1.65 pair Pjjjj ,JM shoes or Oxfords, clcaranco prlco $1.35 pair ladles shoos or Oxfordr, clearing prlco $1.15 pair j r c Alexander uepi. aiore THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES Pure Ice from Pure Water BY Pendleton Ice and Cold StoragelCo. Telephone Main 1781 'e first mako dry hi earn the steam Is condensed to water uteris frozen Into pure crystal Ice. No Impurity from the river or alf can possibly remain. The b. M It slowly molts, In your refrigerator gtyes you Ml. ure warer iram rare ipp M M J ft M A m m r WILL BE CROWNED BY ARCHBISHOP FARLEY. HARVES-ERS' SUPPLLIES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, UNIVERSAL STEEL RANGES, GENUINE CHRISOLITE GRAN ITEWARE. A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING TOOLS AT THE toodraan-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. WE FURNISH ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND SOLICIT YOUR WORK. PABST uwaukee Beer ! ON DRAUGHT AT E STATE SALOON J Ei Huatell & Co., Props. Aa a a " . . . . nun ?u YOUR WOOD FROM K. B. CUMMINS Th u.-j ... - - ua unipper of Kamela, Oreaon. siWt!88011 fr YU Bav0 tho doalor8' Proflts ftnd eot mm flr and tanar!l. u ooara cars at Spring Spur. CUMMN8, Kamela, Oregon. Peculiar and Extremely Infrequent Observance of the Catholic Church -Function Will Take Place Out of Doors, Before Fifty Thousand Spec- lnc i-rown Is Livid With Precious Stones and Comes From Home, J'tnX' Jl"y 9--W"at Is expect ert to bo the most imM.. i to En "ST func,lon evcr neld by Italian Catholics In America will take place tomorrow, when the mlrac- Carrnel, In the church of that name, in East 116th street, will be solemnly crowned by Archbishop Farley. It will be the first time such a cer emony has ever taken placo in the United States. It s of raro occllr. rence anywhere. According to church procedure, to have a statue crowned t must possess antiquity, bo tho oh Ject of extraordinary devotion on the part of the people and have caused tho granting of extraordinary tem poral or spiritual favors. The author ities m itome, having decided that this statue, which Is renowned not only in "Little Italy," but all over the United States, possessed the neces sary conditions. Archbishop Farley was especially designated to perform tho ceremony. Owing to the impossibility of get ting tho thousands who will want to witness the ceremony into the church It has been decided that tho function Bhall take place In the open air in Thomas Jefferson park, a short dis tance from tho church. Tim stntno will bo carried In procession to the park, where the archbishop, in full rlontlflcals and surrounded by the mon slgnorl and other dignitaries, will per form the ceremonies. The statue, es corted by the parish societies, will then bo carried back to the church. It is estimated that at least 50,000 persons will bo present. Tho crowns for tho statue, which represents the Virgin with the child Jesus In her arms, were brought from Rome, where they were made by one of the pope's Jewelers. They are of solid gold, blazing with precious stones, the gifts of pious clients of the Madonna. The larger of the two Is about six Inches In diameter and 18 inches high, Under the cross In the front part Is a large solitaire dia mond. Below this Is set a big emer ald, surrounded by diamonds, given by the pope, and Just above the cir clet Is a valuable emerald In a hoop of pearls, the gift of Archbishop Far ley. Both crowns are lavishly orna mented with rubles, amethysts, sap phires and garnets. Katherlne Are there any monuments to his skill as a doctor. Kidder Sure. Tho graveyards aro full of them. Growing a Race of Sprinters. This county seems destined to ob tain a world-wide reputation as a breeding place for crackerjack sprint ers. Tho bright particular star who has lowered the colors of all competi tors so far In his career Is Joe Pear son, a Starbuck boy. At the coast college athletic meet at Berkeley, Cal recently he broke the coast rec ords In the 220 yard race, and the 440 yard race, the first he made In 22 1-5 seconds and the last In 50 3-5 seconds At Vancouver, B. C, July 2d, Mr, Pearson carried off the first prize In the 100 yard race In 10 seconds, the 220 yard race In 22 seconds, and the 440 yard race In CO 3-5 seconds. Another Dayton sprinter who has already won out from a strong field of competitors at the Pullman col lege and elsewhere Is Hoy Godman son of Judge Godman of this city. At Walla Wnlla July 4 he won first prize In the 100 yard race, the 220 yard race and the COO yard race, beating the best sprinters of wnlla Walla, Dayton Courier-Press. The CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, su perintendent; sermon, 11 a. m.; class meeting, 12:16 p. m., Rev Q. W. Rig by, leader; Epworth League, 7 p. m.; evening sermon, 8 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all these services. Robert Warner, pastor. Congregational Church Services on Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 10 o'clock; morning worship and preachlDg at 11, subject, "Man's Dis tinctive Characteristics." A cordial welcome to all, Jonathan Edwards, pastor. West End Mission Corner West Webb and Maple. Sunday school at 3 p. m. All Invited. J. Edwards su perintendent. Baptist Church Tomorrow will be held tho usual services: Sunday school at 10 o'clock, public worship nt 11 o'clock, Young People's prayer meeting at 7 p. m., and prayer and praise service at 8 o'clock. You uro cordially Invited to make these serv ices your own. If you are a Baptist and not, a regular attendant at our church, thjls Is your Invitation. Come. M. E. Church, South Sunday school at 10; preaching nt 11, subject, "Beware of Idols," John 5:21.' Ep worth League at 7. Preaching at 8 p. ni. COMING EVENTS. Natlonnl Guard Encampment, Washington, Idaho nnd Oregon, American Lake, Idaho July 7-21. ' August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. National Irrigation Association, El Paso, Texas, November 15-18. He Is Now a Strictly Sober Man. Portland, Ore., April 2G, 1904. . Our druggist here asked mo to write you about "TRIB." My son took "TRIB" about 18 months ago and has been a sober and Industrious man since. Ho hnB taken the cure, but commenced drinking again soon after, it cost Ills $160 to tako tho euro and $12.50 to tnko "TRIB." Ho says "TRIB" is by far the best cure of the two. He has sold many treatments for the drug gists slnco he took "TRIB." Wishing you success, I am your friend, J. L. STONE. For snlo by Tnllman & Co. Attention Sheepmen. Range to lease and can some good range and water, box 44, I. a Grande. Or, CEREMONY AND 8ENTIMENT both demand n ring, and as tho occa sion Is an Important ono, get a Hug of lasting quality. Our nssortinont of WEDDING RINGS contains every kind known to tho JEWELRY trade. Plain band rings of 14 karat gold In nil widths. Solltalro diamond rings nt all prices. Size and quality govern tho price. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postofflce Block. TEETH Per sot, $5.00; gold crowns, $4,00; sllvor filling, EOc; ex tracting, 50c. We nro thoroughly equipped with all modern methods nnd appliances, nnd guarantee our work to bo of tho highest stan dard, and our prices tho lowest consistent with first-class work. White Bros. Dentists. , Association Block. Phone Main 1601. -.- Recommended by Physicians Enjoyed by All Tho City Brewery bottled boor. Tho locate "overage mat snouiu bo in every, Address home. It Is puro, wholesomo, dollc- luus nnd sparkling. This beer Is made of tho choicest hops nnd barley by superior browing All water Is stornllzod bo In order to nccommodnte fishing nnrttoa iha fi Tt fir TJ fVv will linHl .U.o onoanr, t-nln Kin O ! PrOCCBB, leaving hero at 6:45 p. m.. stop at for0 entering this beer. North Fork on Saturday evonings, Good beer is henlthful and this been and train No. 1, due In Pendleton nt Is always good. 9 a. m., stop at somo placo Monday morning. This arrangement will bo Don't try to keep house without Jt, Get a "top coat." The Boston. COMPETENT JUDGES. Beauty Doctor Endorse Hrrplclde. VTomen who make a business of hnmu tlfylng other women come pretty near knowing what will bring about the best results. Here are letters from two. con. cnrning iierpiciae: I can recommend Newbro'n TTamt. clde," as It stopped my hair from falling out; and, as a dressing' It has no superior. '(Signed.) Bertha A. Trullinger, "Complexion Specialist, "234 Morrison St., Portland, Ore." "After using one 'bottle of "HernlcM-,- my hair has stopped falling out. and mr scnlp Is entirely free from dandruff. (aignea.) Grace Dodge, "Beauty Doctor, "195 Sixth St., Portland, Ore." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. College Place Health Food Wafers, fruit crackers, cream sticks, nut butter and salted peanuts. Despain & Clark MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So. 7 Pott St.. Sptkana, Gen.Agt.DENSM0RE TYPEWRITER Supptlst ... Renting ... Eipert Repairing MORROW WILL EXHIBIT. In effect Saturday. May 14. E. C. SMITH, Agent. Lewis and Clark Club Organized at Heppner for Purpose of Collecting an Exhibit for the Fair. Through 'the efforts and energy of Jefferson Myers, president of the Lewis and Clark state commission, and with tho hearty co-operation of the people of Morrow county, a Lewis and Clark club has been organized at Heppner, for the purpose of collect-1 Ing an exhibit of resources of Mor row county for the Lewis nnd Clark fair. ! County Judge Thomas Ayres was elected president of tho club and E C. Woodson secretary, and It starts out with a charter membership of 300 The objects of tho club aro to make a creditable exhibit of Morrow coun ty' resources and to thoroughly adver tise tho county nt tho fair by statlsti cul publications as well as agrlcultu rul and other exhnlts. Piles Upon Tod of Piles, Plies upon piles of people lmvo tho piles, and DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures them. There are many different Kinds of piles, but If you get the gen ulne original Witch Hazel Salvo made by E. C. DoWitt & Co. of Chicago, a euro 1b certain, II, A. Tlsdale of Summerton, S. C, says; "I had piles 20 years and' DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cured mo after everything elso ianea." sold by Tallman & Co. Catholic Societies to Meet. Columbus, O., July 9. Many dele gates are arrlviug here for the annual meeting of the Federation of Catholic Societies of Ohio, to be held toraor row at tho Chittenden hotel. The meeting will be attended by promi nent Catholic laymen from all Darts of the state, to discuss Catholic topics and elect delegates to represent Ohio at the fourth national convention of tho American Federation of Catholic Societies, which will be held In De troit next month. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mlehtlest little thing that ever was made Is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Theso pills change weakness Into streneth. Hstlessness Into energy, braln-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c. per box. Sold by Tallman & Co. Bids Wanted. Bids wanted for excavating for tho now Schmidt building on Main streot. Bids will bo opened Tuesday noon. July 12. Call nt John Schmidt's at Louvre saloon for particulars. New Boston. line men's sweaters. The crescent owderj & ss cents Tho' reputation of this powder Is built on RESULTS. Tho Croscent does more than Is claimed for It. 25c per pound. Of all urocers, LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building Material Dimension lumber of all de scriptions. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper. BRING YOUR BILL TO U8 AND GET OUR FIGURE8. Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Opposite W. & C. R. Depot, Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 100 barrels a day. FJour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed. Chonnod Feed, Put up In quarts, pints and half pints nnd delivered frco In any quan tity desired. 'Phono 2981. WATER , TANKS We make a Specialty of Building Round or Squaro WATER TANKS Also Header Beds all sizes and kinds. Wo innlto them right nnd then alwnya glvo satisfaction. Our work Is npvor slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. j The French I j Restaurant i Best 23 Cent Meal Private Dining In the City Parloro, Elegant Furnished Rooms Connection. In QUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Street. Fire, INSURANCE, Life and Accident. TOE ELL Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard ware Store. etc, always on hand.