East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 09, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Sheen
of Pearl
reflected from perfect teeth can
eimlly bo destroyed by Improp
er dentifrices. Thoro are many
preparations that will whiten
teeth, hut fow that presorvo tho
enamel while thoy whiten.
saves teeth while It beautifies
them. It arrests decay, hardens
the gums, removes dlscolora
tlons, sweetens the breath
and stops there.
Price 25 cents.
School Districts Are Badly In Need of
Money for Improvements Work Is
Delayed Because O. R. & N. Taxes
Are Not Paid Mr. Strain Says
County Court Should Employ Law
yers and Force the Case to a Finish.
Postofllco Block.
'Phono Main S51.
Russian authorities claim that their
losses since the present war began
havo been SOOO men killed nnd wound
ed. There were In use In Franco Janu
ary 1 last. i,3iu,2a mcycies, an in
crease of ,14 per cent within
The proportion of Illiteracy Is seven
times greater among tho negroes of
the United States than among tho
John D. Rockefeller has given
$100,000 to the Denlson Baptist Uni
versity at Newark, O. He hl previ
ously given $250,000 to the instltu-
j Owing to the falluro of the O. n.
! & N. to pay Its taxes for last year,
lending to litigation ami tho prospect
i for still further delay, many of tho
school districts are tumble to sottlo
i for n number of Improvements which
havo been made, nnd others contain
I plating Improvements are uuable to
begin work.
County Assessor Strain Is writing
tno assessment roll for this year nnd
expects to hnvo It In readiness by tho
time tho board of equalization meets,
' the last Monday In August. In about
10 days ho will reach tho railroad US'
sessmcnt for this year, which presents
. to him u serious problem. The Inde
clslon shown In forcing tho matter of
railway taxes to an Issuo hns placed
him lu a position where ho hardly
! knows what to do.
I In v.tow of tho circumstances tho as
1 sessor desires the county court to
take action Immediately. Tho plan
proposed by him is to employ n com
petent lawyer to dovoto his time to
the rallwny caso and bring about a
settlement of the difficulty as soon as
"Tho rallwny Is now practically tho
three OI1,J' tnxlavor fulling to meet the as-
suasmuiii lor nisi year, saui dir.
Strain. "I ask that a lawyer bo em
ployed to hurry the mntter through
tho courts ns soon as possible, not
only to prevent mo from being handi
capped In making future assessments
as I must have a basis on which to
work but also because soveral school
districts are badly In need of tho
money which Is duo them from tho
tax that shall arise from the Inst
The Pendleton.
Frank Loo, Portland.
E. W, Brlgham, Boston.
William Newman, New York.
Alex Cohen, San Francisco.
Georgo Qreoiibnum, Now York.
W. Neiibaner. Portland.
S. G. Dunn, Portland.
It. A. Seeds, Spokane.
A. D. Chnso, Spokane.
It. Alexander, Ann Arbor.
J. 12. Anient, Ann Arbor.
J. II. Klockner, Spoknue.
W. It. Glcndonnlng, Spokane.
II. W. Cameron, Spokane.
N. T. Shlploy and wife, Spokane.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
H. Curroy, Portland.
S. I,. Jones, San Francisco.
J. B. Crosfleld, Portland.
Frank McFarland, Portland.
II. L. Moody, Spokane.
F. H. 13. Bartholomew, Iloppnor.
J. Green, Portlnnd.
E. J. Hubbard, Portland.
The St, George.
James A. Howard, Sumptor.
E. V. pnvls, La arnnde.
P. Martiuey, Tampa.
H, It. Reynolds, Now York.
J. L. Jackson and wife, Dayton.
Mrs. Ruth Sprlpgor, Dayton.
Dr. A. I Richardson, .n Grande.
Dr. M. K. Hall, La Grande.
C. McKcnnon, La Grande.
Miss Squires, La Grnndo.
L. E. Chennult, La Grande.
G. V. Nelson, city.
Georgo A. Crulx, San Francisco.
J. HK nichnrds, San Frnnclsco.
George S. Bold, Portland.
J. A. Allison, Portland.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
M. E. Heath, Portland.
James E. Annent, Michigan.
J. A. Leeland, Portland.
J. Byron, Spokane.
Mrs. M. Mosgrove, Milton.
M. F. Kwlck, Seattle.
Charles Gould, Portland.
A. D. Smith, Portland.
M. J. Lee, Portland.
C. H. Mover, president of tho West- year's railroad assessment,
em Federation of Miners, Is at lib-, iv nositlon In this mntter or em-
erty under $10,000 bonds to nppear ploying special counsel is' this: I do
nnd answer tho charge of murder and
Cholera Is raging In Persia. It Is
stated that In Teheran are 300 deaths
dally, and thoro is consternation
throughout the empire and In adja
cent Russian provinces.
not desiro to cast any rollectlon on
Mr. Phelps, tho prosecuting nttornoy,
but the question of a railway assess
ment is an Intricate proposition nnd
would require the whole time of n
lawyer for a brief period. That Is
something, perhaps, that Mr. Phelps
Everv man. woman and child in the could not give. Tho question requires
Osage tribe Is worth $11,500 in his or careful attention, and n good deal of
her own right, owning $4,614 cash on
deposit In the government treasury
vaulU at Washington, and S57 acres
of land.
Horace A. Horton, a San Francisco
man, attempted to cut a short-circuit
it. It is necessary, therefore, to em
ploy a man who can dovoto his whole
time to the case.
"In a number of school districts the
principal revenue is derived from
railway taxes. Tho failure to pay Is
ed wire to stop tho Incessant ringing 9aU3'"K that have already made
....... imnrni'nniAnta In tnl'n itti rlwili una I.
Marlow, Portland.
O. WVst, Portland.
E. Starr, Portland.
of a telephone bell In his house. Ho
was Instantly killed by 5000 volts
going through his body.
A small cannon exployed In tho
midst of a group of small boys nt
Yonkers, N. Y., July 4. The calf of
one boy's leg was blown off, and tho
ramrod of tho cannon was shot
through another boy's head.
Asa D. Johnson, a laborer of Port
land, was found dead In bed, Friday
The school population of Portland
improvements to take up their post
Hon on the anxious seat. Other dis
tricts needing improvements badly
cannot see their way clear to making
them so long as there Is uncertainty
about what tho railroads aro to bo
! compelled to do. As for myself, how
can I go ahead and assess tho roads
lor this year until I know on what
valuation thoy shall bo based? For
! these reasons I am convinced that
anything like a reasonable fee paly a
j lawyer to take the matter up and
force It to an Issuo would be money
well spent."
All told, tho taxes of tho O. R. & N.
for last year amounted to nhout $50,-
for 1904 is 14.909. an Increase of 70S 000. Trie previous year thoy were
over 1903. $24,000. Mr. Strain assessed tho road
Isadore Brucker, aged 30, died from !?" a,bEsls f 2-000 to tho ,mlI(;- ,"e
cramps at Bellingham, Wash., Friday, i """"reu, nl slxty-soven miles or the
while swimming In tho bay. 11,10 " ' this county.
Patrosman G. L. Richards, of Port'
land, was fined $30 and costs Friday
for getting drunk whilo.on duty. I Brother of Jt Mi Bentley Arrive8 ,
A cloudburst on Crow creek, In j Pendeton on a v,slt After Nlr)e
Wallowa county, destroyed roads and ,
bridges for a distance of eight miles, I Years.
Friday. J. D. Bentley, a brother of J. M.
H. II. Tinker, a prominent farmer , Bentley, of this city, and Georgo Bent-
living 12 miles cast of Wnlla Walla. lo'. ' A,1fams. ?" yed n tho city his
fell 40 feet from his roof, Friday. ! n;or"lnS from California, on a v sit.
fracturing his skull. J,r' Bentley visited Pendleton tho last
,,,,, .i . time nine years ago, nnd Is greatly
Frank Hawkins, a smallpox patient. BllrP,P.i to nnt t, rh.min th
has escaped from tho pest house in
Corvallis, scattering tho disease all
over tho rural district.
Seattle Is starting a crusado against
the billboards in the residence dis
tricts. Several of the largest in tho
city have been torn down.
The Sound freight bark, City of
Denver, burned to tho water's edge
with a cargo of hay on board, Friday,
near La Conner Flats; loss, $12,000,
While being taken from Lowlston,
Mont., to the penitentiary, Friday
morning, Henry Kelly jumped out of
the car window while handcuffed, and
made his escape from tho sheriff.
A steam yacht belonging to Million
aire James V. Coleman Is six days
overdue at San Diego, and Is believed
to have been lost. It carried six per
sons on a pleasure cnilso from San
Frnnclsco to San Diego.
If you want to buy wheat land, a
stock ranch, town property, vacant
lots or anything In the real estate
line, just drop in and see us.
Offlco In E. O. Building, Pendleton,
Or. 'Phono Black 1111.
surprised to note tho changes in the
city and country In that time. Ho
came by boat from San Francisco to
Portland, and enjoyed his trip very
much and expects to spend soveral
weeks In Oregon.
J. D. Bentley went to California in
1850, from Missouri, and has made
that state his home since. When his
brothers, including J. M.., of this city,
crossed the plains In 1864, tho emi
grant train ran short of provisions and
J. D. met them with food and fresh
stock and piloted them Into the Gold
en state, from tho desert where ho
found them.
Mr. Bentley served under General
Prlco In tho Moxlcan war, having left
Boono county, Missouri for the war in
1847. Tom Nyo, formerly of this city,
uow of Portland, was also a member
of Mr. Bentley's company In tho Mex
lean war, and Mr. Bentley will visit
Mr. Nyo beforo returning to Califor
Ho says tho stato of California Is
rapidly changing, as aro all other
Western states. The largo tracts of
farming land are being cut up Into
small farms, each supporting a rami
ly and producing more and more va
riegated crops and fruit each year.
Ha loves California, having spoilt 54
years thoro, moro than halt n century.
Ho will remain thoro as long as ho
The Bickers.
J. C. Sowell, city.
Jerry St. Dennis, Athonn.
M. D. Swift, Baker City.
George Berrlman. Southwlck.
W. S. Paddock, Union.
J. D. McCulley. Portland.
Miss Anna Bnrnett, Adams.
G. W. Soper, Portland.
W. E. Harvoy, Portland.
D. F. Mobh, Pendleton.
C. I). Rlnker, Spokane.
J. L. Jones, Walla Walla.
J. V. Ba.e, Portland.
S. II. Klstner, Portland.
Mrs. S. H. Klstner, Portland.
Nell J. McDevItt, Heppner.
J. A. Cchtdesteo, Spokane.
E. C. Smith, Portland.
W. C. Blend, Portland.
J. W. Haley, Salem.
W. Bentley, Mnce.
R. B. Haggard, San Francisco.
Brutally Tortured.
A case camo to light that for per
sistent nnd unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equaled. Joe
Gobollck of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For
15 years I endured Insufferable pain
from rheumatism and nothing rellov
ed mo though I tried everything
known. I came across Electric Bit
ters and It's the greatest medlclno on
earth for that trouble. A few bottles
of It completely relieved and cured
me." Just as good for liver and kid
ney troubles and general debility.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Tallman & Co., druggist.
Hamilton Anniversary Observed.
Now York, July 9. Members of his
torical nnd patriotic societies of Now
York und Now Jersey gathered across
the river on the heights of Weehaw
ken today ami took part In Interesting
oxerclses held In observance' of tho
100th anniversary of tho death of Al
exander Hamilton, following his famous-
duel with Aaron Burr. Tho ex
ercises wore held on the exact spot
whore tho dual was fought, and which
Is now marked by a huge boulder,
said to bo the same boulder on which
the great statesman rested his head
after receiving tho fatal bullet from
his antagonist's pistol.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
lly local applications as they can not reach
the diseased portions of the ear. There
in only one war to cure deafness, and that
is oy constitutional remeuieu.
mucous lining of
Wlien this
InUamed condition of the
)f the Eustachian tube.
tuoe is inuamed you have
Funeral of Mrs. Cunningham,
Tho funeral of Mrs. Charles Cun
ningham, who died Thursday after
noon, following nn operation for tho
removal of a tumor, was hold at 9
o'clock this morning from tho Catho
lic church, tho Rov. Father Van dor
Veldcn nfllclntlng. A solemn requiem
mnss was colobrated for tho roposo
of tho soul of tho deceased woman.
Tho Intermont was In tho Catholic
cemetery, Tho church was crowded,
and many attended tho services at tho
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the
result, and unless tho Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which Is Dotting but an In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will gle One Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars free.
V. J. CIIRNHY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Bold by all druggsts, 7Dc.
Hall's Family Mils are the best.
Seo the fire at 7:30 this evening
on Alta street, west of Main. See It.
S. Johnson at Hotel Bickers, for
agency Umatilla county for Acmo Dry
Powder Fire extinguisher.
Billy Leathers oxpresa wagon Is
now at Howard's cigar storo. 'Phone
main 2841. Residence, red 333.
Congressman E. D. Crumpackor, of
i.u roriu, inn., is expected to succeed
Charles W. Fairbanks in tho senate.
F. E. Van Dusen
Boiler sotting nnd Are places
done In first-class manner.
Address Dox 455, Pendleton.
Men's Harvest Suppj(
Wo are headquarters for harvest suppllos for mon.
Gloves from 8c a pair to $l.5n
'k Straw hats, nil shapes and prices.
1 ; Underwear 25 30c 45c, 60c, 75c nnd $1.00 a garme
Socks for hot weathor Sc "j
Shoes for men $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 nnd '
Shirts, heavy black striped, double front 45 J
Strlpod Overalls 50c, 60c, 75c nnd 90c a niTi
.Jumpers to match overalls above 6oe and 75C each
Whntover your needs for your harvest work, come horo and let us out
fit you.
Hns been tho trado at our Ilttlo storo. Peoplo realize that tho
size of the store, tho number of dorks employed or tho slzo of tho
stock carried has nothing to do with tho monoy saving values
given. Its tho quality of the goods and tho low prices placed on
c?.eh nrtlclo that counts.
Tho compulsory sale moans n great deal to tho buyers or
clothing. It means tho best suits nt lower prices than over quot
ed lu Pendleton.
This shipment of clothing sent us through an orror on tho
part of tho factory boforo wo are ready far It makes It Impera
tive that wo get rid of It at once. In order to dispose of a large
shipment Hko this It is necessary to glvo groat Inducements nnd
make tho prices so low and the values so big that peoplo will
bo compelled to buy hecnuso tho bargains nro Irresistible.
And peoplo who have called havo found tho greatest, grandest
and most convincing money-saving prices over offered In Eastern
Oregon. Wo propose to clo3e out ovory article by' tho end of this
month. Clothing and furnishing goods. Its up to you to take ad
vantage of this sale.
The manufacturers of the clothing who mado tho orror, wirod
us to get rid of the goods and charge the loss to them.
Don't hesitate, but como In and seo this magnificent lino of
clothing and separate trousers. The prlco Is tho main thing to
you, but on "that score wo aro positive to please you.
Prices on furnishing goods aro more wonderfully low than
over. Wo aro doing It. Come in nnd see.
Greatest bargain in Pendleton's merchandizing. Coat and
pants, bc3t grade, regular army make, for only $1 suit. Como In
and let the goods and prices talk to you.
Sullivan (lb Bond
Compulsory and removal sale. .Tho little store that Is break
ing all bargain records.
THe Coltimb!
Lodging Hoti
Well ventilated, neat u
ionanie rooms; good bejl
m connection, herj
goods are served.
Main street, center ol
between Alta and
Cool, refreshing and Intlj
mg. uur urinKa go right t
Sliot. Call for Soda Pot. ?
parilla, Iron Brow, Dr. Pei
i'liospnates, Mineral VI
Root Beer. Gineer Ala !
Cider, and all kinds cl
drinks. Our drinks are
nnd onlv distilled water.
from condensed ste m, Is
Manufactured by
Factory under St. George I
Wfl nrnnnrl v tomnnr If fnr nh nnrHiiioM AftmntA mu
a- " " whuu i4tivUIH UIWHICi X UUU UyUU ti
Jute canvass wo build up a Are, water and acid proof roofing material, with
a ground mica surfaco and a wool folt paper dry sheot or backing.
uu mjf uiu kuuuo, ui jrou uuu. it you nave to use a root, we can
toll von soma mlcrhtv Intnraatlni? tlitnuc Tho.. ..,111 .,.,,...,. i.t
book from shriveling up. Write us.
The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon
clear Havana.
When you call for a TRIUMPH.1 ri vmm
GET IT, Don't accept a substitute.! 1 r
Rock Spring
Recognized as the best
most economical fuel.
are prepared to contract 1
you for your winter's tw
Wo deliver coal or woofl
any part of the city.
Laatz Bro
Shoe Repalfj
r i mv ahnn toU
door cast of the Havings j
nn nr nil iriniis cuuo u
manltko manner at reasons
. . , in hns ness
AS 1 imic - ,
years, i nreu uui, pF-- --,
Ity of my work for It ivemm
My stock of shoes vu J
damaged by water and tie urn
compauy told me to teu vm
what I could get.
for less man "g,'
Lot him do the work and you will bo satisfied. His work Is always
first-class In every particular.
Alwaya let us figure with you on plumbing.
BECK, the Reliable Plumber
Court Btreot, opposite Kotol BIckors.
I I IE. Ui""
Bear this in , . I
need poultry ana ".J
and ask for the
rouiiry uuu -Kow
Kure for your co
C. F. Coleswort
127-129 East AIM 8t
ADnt for Lee'. iUc
Tenderfoot Transportatioi
t,r i,n lust put In . B!l
lino from Elgin to JWgJ. ;
points. We have coo tW
good horsos and carenu
schedule will put joojj ,
faster time nnd wl h T
than by any other rfrJ
gin dally after the W J
leaving Joseph at B.
morning. Having '""' cf
Joseph and Los Ine, ' J 1
date commercial meuJ ,p J
times. WhonyoumaUeat a
the Wallowa canyon, W 1