East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight, Bhowora nnil thunder
storms; cooler Friday, probably
fair. ,
-T.cn 111 I
. w is niwi" -- -
in save .--
lure W 'B
a -. np voi r
NO. 5098.
Wrestles Vigorously
c-rai Difficult rrop-
liic cfssiON.
urfd and TWO oonnc-
... .. Past Quarter
H Be Taken to Force
0f All Requirements,
r... Will Work Indl.
-.-Attention Called
Aged Man Assaults Young Girl at
Walla Walla.
Walla Walla. July 7. Samuel
Mapos, whose partially stooped figure
and Iron gray hairs betoken an age
of between 60 ana 60, is held In the
county jail on a charge of attempting
to assault Rosa Valle, a slightly, del
icate girl of 15, at her home, 506 Al
der street.
Mapes Is said to be a laborer, whose
residence for the past few years has
been near Milton. Miss Valle Is the
daughter of the caretaker of the
county buildings.
;.An Extra Police-
. . it.n fnr the Hot
;Posi!ble exemptions as
. f tho ruse may (le-
, Muncll will in the
Celebration at Chicago Keeps Police
Busy 100 Arrests.
Chicago, July 7. Chicago's fatali
ties as a result of the celebration
numbered one dead, and 82 Injured.
Figures a year ago were 22 dead, and
117 Injured. Throughout the city the
Arc losses were generally smaller
than In former years. The police in
all parts of the city made nearly 100
arrests during the day.
in st mini; nnniurnTiriM
Platform' Will Deal With Irrigation, Statehood for Territories
and Election of Senators by Direct Vote.
Indications of Abandonment of thn Monetary Planks of 1896 and 1900
Will Denounce Imperialism and the Trust Postering Tariff System of
the Republican Party Tremendous Enthusiasm at the Sight of Bryan
The Parker Hurrah Is Machine-Made and Comes Slow and Hard.
The Philological Society.
Ithaca, JC. Y.. July 7. The Ameri
can Philological Association Is In an
nual session here under the auspices
or Cornell University. It Ts ihe par
ent society of the Modern Language
Association, the Archaelogtcal Socie
ty, the Semitic Society and various
others. Many Western men are at
tending the present meeting from the
University of Chicago, University of
tteps to see that all ' California, University of Tennessee,
nmnfrtv make University of Michigan. Vanderbllt
' " . TTnii-iiT-t-'ttT anrl nlhnr iroll l.'tinii'n In.
St. Louis, July 7. 1'nder a great port until 2 o'clock. Sheehnii of New
arched canopy of yellow cloth, ribbed York, moved a recess until 2 o'clock.
and fringed In white, the democratic
hosts assembled in national conven-
Parker Has Apparent Lead.
St. Louis, July 7. 'nio anti-Parker-
tlon today. The big Coliseum hall ' Ites "seemed quite 'demoralized early
never held so large a crowd animated
by a single purpose. The weather
outside was sultry and goomy and
the light which penetrated the hall
from the windows was Insufficient to
dispel the darkness.
A few brilliant electric globes, how
ever, helped the struggling daylight
and illuminated the gay colors of the
decorations, which, though simple,
were effective. There was no at
tempt to mass them In any one ceii-
today, but still made claims. They
conceal their fears over the outcome
oi the contemplated mooting of the
New Jersey delegation today, which
state the Parker leaders predicted
would declare for their candidate.
Bryan made no official statement
admitting defeat for the antls, and It
seems that he had reached the decis
ion to do his talking on the conven
tion floor. He bore no outward sign
of bitterness In the hour of apparent
political destruction.
New Jersey had a protracted meet
ing this morning, and Anally decided
stitutlons of learning.
the meeting of the t
iThL It was decided that Tibetan War. i tral point and no pictures were
-wt.i-n nnnld he made r-,.o ii -r Th n-itieh r.oo. plaved.
an i sewer system cost- uahles were one officer and three men ln lue '"""J oy wnicn tne seating ro cast us :m votes tor rawer, out
iri then permit citizens ' billed, and four officers and 23 men ! nf s,ate delegations was determined, j the decision had a string to it ln a
astcuons or not, as they i wounded. The enemy's losses were J 11 ""M'peueu mi some oi me largest reservation or tne rigni to vote ior
, muni luuuuuicij pidlCU, CW VlCtJUIlU Ul HUJ UUIU lilt? UI'1UU I IU11
York, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Mlchl- j sees an opportunity so to do. There
Ban are Immediately in front of the fore, in all human probability, Parker
speakers' stand. Alabama, New Jer-jwlll be tho presidential nominee of
sey, Illinois and Indiana are to tho ; the convention,
right and back. Ohio, Kentucky, Many petitioners.
Maryland, Texas and Minnesota
mint- tho ronlnr nf thD holl Vlr-lnlo 1 "c 1U"" ,a ""I'uuu.ll UCUrtuee
Louisiana, Massachusetts, the Dis
trict of Columbia, Carolina and the
territories bringing up the rear. Vlr-
not of Sewer inspector
I that there were oniy
with the sewers
; Quarter ending June
1 1 query from Coun-
who nresided In the
hare good intentions
e. hot are handicapped I
- - - - i
uswer inai ne Knows a
fjecple who are on Easy
tiagaom of finance and
ne nomine as an earnest
flat nentnnR in mv npich.
I to make connections, I
adiridaal action In the
im-iea launcnman .Mur-
EOT in H SvKTPfTl msiinp
lien let oeonle make con-
t'eanncen thoucht it
to KKest tost whatever
I be taken, the fact
u nan associations and
Tptm such the cost of
r connections would fall
NTden. His was filsn thp
nen Renn and Wells.'
oKtmifir Pit rnMt v..
-.. ULIUIU I JitVt
uu mar. anv iifrsnn
asi .2 a nay aiier-
m bis complied with the
. i t . ..
1 list nf nmnort..
. w vwiuijj wiiu me
e unanc al v a i p in
1 Police Needed.
Ul Cm.. . ..
ictjuesiea tne
KHE'T tha . .
- . ."t auuuiuLiueni nt
- w uu poi ce flutv dnr.
m or three months will
IDT A niiml,. m .
j ,- ' J mjiuc
"uii inn niinpto
t The new nffirtor
uu 10 mirtn iht oll
4 -v ocKtiea within
Chicago Grtln.
Chicago, July 7. Old July wheat
opened 8J"s, closed 90 ; new July
opened 89, closed 88. July corn open
ed 48!i, closed 4t ,6.
of the demands mado on their time
by petitioners of all sorts this morn
A cattle raisers' association sub
Five Thousand People Flee From
North Topeka, Which Is Half Under
Water, and Which Was the 8cene
of so Many Horrors Thirteen
Months Ago Big Packing Plants in
Kansas City Are Closed.
t..tn 1 I , , . , I V V.aillC uaDULiaiJuu BUU-
SL&Si'S hed K ! XJJX1S
., m, i, t..Jt , . . i oy interstate commerce and proven-
pear. Chairman Jones arrived at ' . ,,tff,or,i f,i,t
11 -iO clmllltnnonnoK- with tho turn. " ..v,b..w
lng on of all the electric lights In the
Kansas City, July 7. Heavy rains
fell again in various sections of Kan
sas last night and continue today.
The flood situation at many points la
critical. No loss of life Is reported.
The Kaw river here has flooded
Armourdnle and Argentine and the
big packing plants are being closed.
One-half of North Topeka Is under
water and 500 people are seeking
refuge in tho city proper. Train
service is seriously demoralized.
Jones' presence was not noticed.
Even the arrival of Senator Dubois of
Idaho, and ex-Senator Pettlgrew of
South Dakota, who walked down the
center of the hall together, failed to
attract any attention, but when the
Texas delegates marched double file
down bearing the lone star flag, the
crowd howled delightedly, wfclch
broke the Ice and from then on there
were sporadic bursts of applause as
distinguished men or delegations arrived.
Convention Called to Order.
I Ex-Senator Towne offered a peti
tion with 10,000 signatures demand
ing the independence o'f the Philip
pines. The committee approved the planks
dealing with irrigation, separate state
hood for territories, and election of
senators by direct vote.
Chairman Champ Clark's 'Speech.
Mr. Clark, upon taking the stand,
said: "Had King David been ln
Chicago while Lodge was reading the
republican platform, he would no
doubt have reiterated the opinion that
'all men are liars,' for surely there
never was more mendacity packed in
to the same space in any document
for June.
Ur II.
h.ttr. " Ul June
meetine of th
Throat hv oun ''r?
if11? t cases trlert
" 11? - . '
v court. ,.
knt . " "woivea,
toX0 Measurer's
Will ' "VO Ul
Mlary, j1; jn.
JM;. Policeman
, , -"mironir neA.
contained in
hSH2- heW at
iw miles on
M, Llchtenthal, Highly Respected Cit
Izen of Heppner, Ends His Life.
M. Llchtenthal, ex-county treasurer
of Morrow county, committed suicide
yesterday at the expiration of his
term of office.
The telephone line to Heppner is
not In order today and it has been
impossible to get any details of the
suicide, further than that he was
found dead at home, leaving no ex
cuso for the deed.
As far as is reported there Is noth
ing wrong with the accounts, and his
friends here arc at a loss to know
.why ho should take this course.
He leaves one marneu uuuguier
and one single daughter by a first
wife and one single daughter by his
last wife, who survive him. He was
a highly respected man, having held
the office of county treasurer for
three terms, having been defeated for
the office at the recent election.
He was formerly engaged ln the
boot and shoe business at Heppner
and is spoken of by Theodore Danner
and T. W. Ayres of this city, as a
model citizen and one wh6 would be
considered free from any thoughts of
Monthly Medal Shoot.
At the monthly medal shoot of the
Sportsmen's Association, next Sun
day, a number of aspiring marksmen
will endeavor to wrest the honor of
holding the association medal from
Fred walte. Ho has held tho medal
alnco the shoot last month. The at
tendance depends a great deal on the
weather, A number of members are
out of tho city. It is probable that
about a dozen members will take ln
tho contest.
Congress has had a shot at polyg
amy with the lid off in Utah. What's
tho matter with Utah having a shy
at polygamy with the lid on ln con
gress T
St. Louis, July 7. Tbe convention purporting to De a grave state paper,
was called to order at 10:12. Arch-1 "Our contention is that government
bishop John J. Glennon of St. Louis, shall be restored to the democratic
opened the convention with prayer. republican basis on which the fathers
Rules and Order of Business. of the republic Intended It to rest, In
Thomas F. Grady, chairman of the 1 f0 ,f nfJ0ernment of clnsaes' b'
committee on rules and order of busl-1 an.? , ,,,,?' , , ,. . ,
nes read Its renort ' Wc ,nslBt t,mt exorbitant taxation
ness read its report. shall be reduced to Just and reasona-
Delegates From Porto Rico. uie rateg. jBl extravagance In appro
The announcement that the com-. priations shall cease; that all depart
mlttee on credentials had given the meiits shall be thoroughly Invesilgat
delegates from Porto Itlco votes ln i ed from top to bottom by congresslon-
the convention, was received with
Mr. Grady said the courts had de
cided that Porto Itico is a part of the
United States. "Once a part of the
United States," he said, "It will never
be a part of any other country."
(Loud applause).
"The supreme court," ho continued,
"had declared the Philippines not a
part of the United States. It is for
those reasons tbe committee had ta
ken the action it did.
"South of Arkansas, declared mat
tho opinion of the courts had never
been approved by the democratic
masses of the country. (Applause).
South declared Porto Itlco, the Phil
ippines and Hawaii are all entitled to
receive recognition, and proposed an
amendment giving tho same rights to
the Philippines. His statement that
the PhlllDDlnes are as much entitled
to votes as Porto Itlco, was loudly ap
Objections to Amendment,
Congressman Handy of Delaware,
objected to the amendment on the
grounds tbat tho Philippines are not
a part of the United States, and made
a point of order against It
Delegate South protested, declaring
the convention could only reject the
report of tho committee seating tho
Porto Itlco 'members, and declined to
withdraw his own amendment.
Grady of New York, chairman of
Uie rules committee, denied the com-
mltteo had exceeded Its authority.
Handy took the stand to argue tho
point, when he said tho democratic
party hoped the Philippines would ln
time elect their own presldont. The
convention cheered lustily.
The question of adopting tho re
port of tho committee as made was
put to the convention and carried by
a viva voce vote.
Arkansas demanded a recall, which
was voted down, and the head of the
delegation from Porto Rico, Senor
Mollnad, proceeded to the platform
and addressed the convention,
The coramlttoo on credentials an
nounced ll would not be ready to ro
al committees, that ovll-dJers be
driven from public service and prop
erly punished; that trusts shall bo
proceeded against by Indictment, as
are common and smaller criminals.
"The doctrine that wherever tbe
American flag floats It should con
tinue to float, right or wrong; and
that the only patriotism is to support
Iloosuvelt's Philippine policy, if he
has any, right or wrong, Is the veriest
rot, as silly as a tale told by an Idiot.
President Roosevelt Is not the coun
try. The time has not arrived when
the people will accept tho arrogant
dictum of Louis XIV, repeated by an
American president, 'I am the state.' "
Democratic Crlngers.
Clark denounced the cringing dem
ocrats on tho other hand who said the
president should bo supported in his
Philippine policy oven if it is wrong.
Has Roosevelt a policy7 Ho denied
It, classing him as an opportunist,
waiting for something to turn up. In
the meantime our soldiers are being
killed and are dying of disease in
shoals, a president cannot be better
than his party, and he, Roosevelt,
could not find wdrso Swlitical compa
ny this year,
Clark denied emphatically tho
charge that tho democratic party
was in favor of freo trade. "Individ
ual democrats there are who are free
traders. Just as there are individual
republicans who are atheists."
Tariff Bolster for Trusts,
Where tariff rates aro so high they
enable American manufacturers to
sell their wares abroad cheaper than
they do to Americans hero at home,
they ought to be reduced. "If this be
anarchy or treason, make the most
of it."
Will some stand-patter explain why
Americans should bo mado to pay
one-third more for American steel
rails than do the citizens of other na
tions? He claimed tbat tho panic of 1893
was clearly a republican made panic
Turning to American shipping, he
said that "When tho American goes
abroad ho must sail under a foreign
flag on a foreign ship and under for
eign offlcers. Why? llocauso our
exorbitant tariff mado it lmposslblo
tor Americans to build ships In com
petition with tho British. Yet tho
republican gang has the inflnlto gall
to prnto about its patriotism."
Whacking away at trusts, Clark
enld that under republican inlsrulo
trusts have sprung up Mo mush
rooms. A Btraw that Indicated tho
trusts have nothing to fear from re
publican trust busters, was the ap
pointment of Knox to succeed Quay.
Another straw Is tho recent report
that Wnll street opinion has under
gone a change of opinion toward
Roosevelt. Has tho president chang
ed hta views or have tho trust mag
nates changed theirs?
Platform Will Be Conservative.
St. Louis, July 7. The platform
makers are proceeding with tho ut
most deliberation. At 10 this morn
lnc the subcommittco on resolutions
went to work again. It Is their ex
pectation to bo nblo to present tho
platform to the full committee this
afternoon nnd to procure Its speedy
Indorsement and glvo It to tho con
vention today, even though it bo
necessary to have a night session for
that purpose.
The platform will bo strictly "con
servative." without any reaffirmation
of an:- of ltR predecessors.
All Night Session In Sight.
The sub-committee, on platfjrni re
cessed from 1:30 until 2. It Is under
stood It wll report to tho full com
mittee at 5. This probably means an
all nlulit session, mid tho tip Is out
strong that the Parker people may
refuse to permit an adjournment to
night until nominations aro made.
Would Impeach Roosevelt.
James Fullerton, of Montana, ap
peared beforo the commltteo nnd de
manded a plank looking to tho Im
peachment of Roosevelt on tho alleg
ed ground that tho president con
dones the unlawful sale of liquor ln
Yellowstone' Park and rofuscs to re
move Superintendent Pllchor, who 1b
held responsible for tho alleged vio
lation of the law.
There was a short session this
(Continued on page 5.)
Wires Between. Salt Lake and St.
Louis Have Been Kept Hot Today
to Prevent the Adoption of Dubois'
Anti-Mormon Plank Assurances
Said to Have Been Received of Fa
vorable Action.
Salt Lake, July 7. At least a score
of urgent telegram have been sent
by democratic city, county and stnto
officials of Utah to David 11. Hill,
William J. Uryan and other promi
nent democratic leaders now at St.
Louis, as well as to members of dele
gations from other states than Utah,
strongly opposing tho insertion of an
anti-polygamy plank In tho democrat
ic national platform and urging them
to turn down the plnnk on this sub
ject which It Is understood Is being
urged by Senator Dubois of Idaho,
The telegrams to former Senator
Hill were especially emphatic. A
telegram was received from National
Committeeman Peery today stating
that a compromlso plank hail been
agreed upon, which will not bo offen
sive to Utah Mormons,
Idaho and Eastern Oregon Companies
En Route to Portland to Join In Ex
cursion. Two special trains of tho state mi
litia of idaho, and Eastern Oregon,
aro scheduled to pass through this
evening 6n route from Rolso City to
Portland, where thoy will Join tho Or
egon companies from the western por
tion of the state and proceed to tho
encampment of tho Idaho, Washing
ton and Oregon militia, at American
lako, Idaho, for throo weeks summer
The first train is scheduled to pass
hero at 5:. 10 and tho second at G;4G
this evening. Conductor Frank
Wleden, of Portland, will tnko out
the first train, and the second will bo
In charge of a frolght crow from La
Tho party will comprise members
of the Halter City and La Grande
companies, and other companies will
bo picked up at Tho Dalles.
The entire contingent will leave
Portland tomorrow for American
lako, where tho encampment will be
held until July 21.
A Mild Cloudburst.
The train crow on tho castbound
evening train last evening reported
a sevcro rainstorm, in tho shape of a
mild cloudburst, near Yoakum sta
tion, yesterday afternoon. Tho water
from several small canyons was (low
Ing against tho track, but was doing
no damage.
Sunk in Talien Wan Bay by a
Derelict Reminder of Rus
sian Occupation.
Russians Assail and Win First Round
But Are Driven Off and Badly
Flanked Japanese Losses Appar
ently the Heavier Battle Was
Largely Fought by Riflemen at
Close Range General Result Ad
vantageous to the Japanese, Who
Defeat the Russians' Purposes and
Fight 'Them to a Standstill.
Toldo, July 7. Tho Jnpaneso cruhv- (
er Kalmon was sunk by a mine la
Tail mi Wan bay Tuesday last.
Japanese Repel arv Assault.
London, July 7. The Control Now
reports n light between the Russians
under Knshtallsky and u forco of
Japanese near Lnntynsan. The Rus
sians mado a sudden attack ln the
darkness, during a heavy rain, on the
.1 u pn la-si! outposts. The Japanese
cnsunlttes are reported to be 1000.
Strong Jnpnncso relnforcoments ap
peared, but were twlco repulsed.
Finally tho 'Jnpaneso made a flanklns
movement nnd tho Russians narrowly
escaped being surrounded.
Russian reinforcements thon came
up nnd tho czar'H forces were enabled
toN retire. Tho Russian casualties
were 300.
Another report Is received of a bat
tle of Russians under Keller, but it is
apparently tho same tight. It gives
the Russian casualties nt 13 officers
nnd 300 men killed nnd wounded.
Report of Fight Confirmed.
St. Petersburg, July 7. A dispatch
this ovcniiig confirms tho report of
light botween Russians under Kollcr
nnd n forco of Japanese. Tho Russian
losses woro 100 klled nnd 17 officers,
nnd 273 men wounded. Tho Japs lost
heavily. The battle was tlorccly
fought betwon riflemen who woro at
close range.
One Vag and Two Drunks Get Jail
"1 guesH you aro tired. Wo will lot
you paBs Ilvo days resting ln tho city
This was tho comment of Police
Judge Kiti! Gerald this morning after
listening to tho plen of James Mo
Cormlck, n crlpplo, that ho had Just
arrived In town and would Itlco to gn
on through as booh as possible Mc
Cormlck was caught In City Marshal
Carney's dragnot this morning while
begging on the street.
John Ellis was also given flvo days
for being drunk. Ho Is suspected of
soiling liquor to Indians. Ellis main
tained that ho hail not "drunk a drop"
for throo days and had all kinds of
work to perform. Ho was not spoclfle
enough to suit tho court as to when
ho Intended working.
A lino of $5 was Imposed on Donnlo
Welsh for looking too long on the
cup that Inebriates, ,Ho pleaded guilty.
Said to Have Stolen From Fellow
Vaudeville Performers.
Three members of tho vaudovllla
company whoso engagement at tho
Frazer theater was canceled by tho
management, mourn tho unexpected
departure of C. M. Crosson, ono at
their professional compatriots, 'Ho Is
said to havo left tho city yostorday
with C0 and clothlns valued at 80.
which belonged to a few of thoso left
behind. Ono mcmbor lost f GO, an
other $20, while a third Is minus his
glad rags.
Crosson Is charged with larcony liy
ballno, It lias been learned that he
purchased a ticket to Huntington.
Tho shorlff's office is now endeavor
ing to apprehend him.
Taken In Custody.
Sheriff Taylor recelvod word from
Chief of Pollco Horn, at Rolso, Idaho,
this afternoon, that C, M. Crosson.
wanted for tho alleged larcony of
money and clothing from members of
tho company engaged for tho Fnuer
theater, has been placed undor arrest.
Deputy Sheriff Ulakley will go after
Crosson tonight.
Ff II Two Deputyshlps,
Tho nppolntmonts of Fred
Heildluv as denutv rncnrrlnr unrior
County Recorder Folsom and as dep
uty treasurer undur COlintv TrAlllinrnr
Sommervlllo, were filed with County
Clerk Baling this afternoon, Hondley
tias taken tho oath of olllco ln the
case of each appointment.