East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The general Idea prevails that Tam
many is ruled by drinking, carousing,
noisy hoodlums, which Is not the casa
Here is one of the most remarkable
temperance sermons ever preached,
and It comes from a leading light In
Senator George V. Plunkltt. the
Tammany sage, delivered from his
bootblack rostrum in the county court
house recently a temperance lecture
-which Is out of the common. "I told
you some time ago how to succeed In
politics," he began.
"I oughter have said then that no .
matter how well you learn to play the .
political came, you won't make a last-1
"Look nt the great leaders of Tam
many hall. No regular drinkers among
them. Richard Crokcr's strongest
drink was vlchy, Charlie Murphy
takes a glass ot cnampagne at .dinner
sometimes, but he don't go beyond
that, although he has been a saloon
keeper. A drinkin' man wouldn't last
two weeks as leader of Tammany
"Nor can a man manage an assem
bly district long if he drinks. He's
got to have a clear head all the time.
I could name ten men who, in the last
few years, lost their grip In their dis
tricts because they began drinkin'.
"There's now 36 district leaders in
ia' success of It if you're a drinkin' Tammany hall, and I don't believe a
man. I never take a drop any kind nan aozen oi tnem ever annK any
of intoxicatln' liquor. I ain't no fa-(thing except at meals. People have
ratic. Some of the saloon keepers I got an idea that because the liquor
are my best friends and 1 don't mind j men are with us In campaigns our
gain' into a saloon any day with my idlstrict leaders spend most of their
lrlends. But as a matter of business time leanln" against bars. There
I leave whisky and beer and the rest i couldn't be a wronger idea. The dis-
of that stuff alone. It's a matter of trict leader makes a business of poll
expected It. and you never saw a
more disgusted lot of waltors when -they
got our orders: Crokcr, vlchy;
and bicarbonate of soda; Carroll,
saltier lemonade. Sullivan, apolllnar-
Is; Murphy, vichy. PlunkltL ditto. Be- M
fore midnight we were all In bed and
next mornln' we were up bright and
other men were nursing swelled
heads. Is there anything the matter
with temperance as a pure business
proposition?" New York letter to
Boston Transcript.
business, too.
"I take for my lieutenants in my
district men who don't drink. I tried
the other kind for several vears. but
.ti -TH.. M nmnh tnnri 'T.fttl,, Tim RnlHvnn
11 U1UU I - luci n "."v..- . - ....... - . ........ ...
For instance. 1 had a young man who ! known all over the country
tics, gets his livin' out of It. and, In
order to succeed, he's got to keep
sober just like In any other business,
'Just take as examples "Bib Tom
as the
was one of the best hustlers in town
He knew every man in the district,
"was popular everywhere and could in
duce a half-dead man to come to the
polls on election day.
"But regularly two weeks before
election he started on a drunk and I
Bowery leaders and, as there's nothln'
but saloons on the Bowery. eople
might think that they are hard drink'
ers. The fact is that neither of them
has ever touched a drop of liquor in
his life, or even smoked a cigar. Still
they don't make any pretenses of bein
had to hire two men to guard him i bettor than anybody else and don't
day and nlcht and keep him sober ! go around dellverin' temperance lec-
enough to do his work. That cost ajtures. 'Big Tim" made money out of
lot of money and I dropped the young liquor sellin' It to other people,
man after a while. I That's the only way t5 get good out
"Maybe you think I'm unpopular of liquor.
with the saloon keepers because 1 1 "Look at all the Tammany heads of
don't drink. You're wrong. The 'city departments. There's not a real
most successful saloon keepers don't drinkin man In the lot, although
drink themselves and they understand , there's a saloon keeper or two.
that my temperance Is' a business' "Oh, yes, there are some prominent
proposition just like their own. I men in the organization who drink
have a saloon under my headquarters.
If a saloon keeper gets into trouble
he always knows that Senator Plun
. kltt is the man to help him out. If
there is a bill in the legislature mak
In' it easier for the liquor dealers I
am for it every time.
"I am one of the best friends the
hard some times, but they suit the
men who have power. They're orna'
ments, fancy speakers and all that.
who make a fine show behind the foot
lights, but ain't in it when it comes
to directln' the city government and
the Tammany organization.
"The men who sit in the executive
saloon men have out I don't drink committee room at Tammany hall and
their whisky I won't go through the , direct things are men who celebrate
temperance lecture dodge and tell you on apoumaris or vlchy. Let me tell
bow many bright young men I've seen you what I saw on election night in
fall victims of Intemperance, but I'll , 1897, when the Tammany ticket swept
tell you that I could name dozens the city: Up to 10 p. m. Croker, John
young men who had started on the F. Carrol, Tim Sullivan. Charlie Mur-
Toad to statesmanship, who could car- phy and myself sat In the committee
ry their districts every time and who rooms receivin' returns. When nearly
could turn out any vote you wanted at , all the city was heard from and we
the primaries. ' saw that Van Wyck was elected by a
"I honestly believe that drink Is the ! big majority, I invited the crowd to
greatest curse of the day, except, of 1 go across the street for a little cele-
course, civil service, and that it has I bration. A lot of small politicians
driven more young men to ruin than i followed us, expectin' to see magnums
anything except the civil service ex-1 of champagne opened,
aminations. "The waiters In the restaurant also
Has been the trade at our little store. People realize that the
size of the store, the number of clerks employed or the size of the
stock carried has nothing to do with the money saving values
given. Its the quality of the goods and the low prices placed on
each article that counts.
The compulsory sale means a great deal to the buyers of
clothing. It means the best suits at lower prices than ever quot
ed Id Pendleton.
This shipment of clothing Bent us through an error on the
part of the factory before we are ready for it makes it impera
tive that we get rid of it at once. In order to dispose of a large
shipment like this it is necessary to give great inducements and
make the prices so low and the values so big that people will
be compelled to buy because the bargains are irresistible.
And people who have called have found the greatest, grandest
and most convincing money-saving prices ever offered In Eastern
Oregon. We propose to close out every article by the end of this
month. Clothing and furnishing goods. Its up to you to take ad
vantage of this sale.
The manufacturers of the clothing who made the error, wJred
us to get rid of the goods and charge the loss to them.
Don't hesitate, but come in and see this magnificent line of
clothing and separate trousers. The price is the main thing to
you, but on that score we are positive to please you.
Prices on furnishing goods are more wonderfully low than
ever. We are doing It. Come In and see.
Greatest bargain In Pendleton's merchandizing. Coat and
pants, best grade, regular army make, for only $1 sulL Come in
and let the goods and prices talk to you.
Sullivan 8b Bond
Compulsory and removal sale. The little store that is break
ing all bargain records.
The Washington 4. Columbia River
For the World's Fair at SL Louis
the following rates are announced
To SL Louis, going via SL Paul
or Billings, returning any di-
rict route $60.00 C3
To Chicago, going vit St. Paul i 4
or Billings, returning any dl- f5
rect route 65.00
To St. Louis, returning from
Chicago, or t-4
To Chicago, returning from SL !
Louis 62.50 P
To St. Louis, returning via Chi-
cago, or , 3
To Chicago, returning via St. '
Louis 65.00
Children of half-fare age, half the
above rates.
Tickets will be on sale May 11, 12
and IS; June 16, 17 and 18; July 1,
2 and 3; August S, 9 and 10; Septem
ber 5, 6 and 7; October 3. 4 and 5.
Good going ten days from date of
sale, returning, 90 days from date of
Good for stop-over at any point
within the limits.
For full information regarding ' 3
routes, side trips, etc., call on or ad-1
dress, WALTER ADAMS. AGT., ! 5
S. B. CALDEEHEAD, Pendleton, '
General Passenger Agent, Ore. ,
Walla Wnlla. Wash. . 5
World's Fair Rates.
The O. R. & N. Company announces
the following low rates:
From Pendleton to St. Louis and
return, $60.on.
From Pendleton to Chicago and re-1
turn, $65.00. i
To Chicago, returning through St. ,
Louis (no coupon between Chicago1
and St. Louis) or vice versa, $62.50.
To Chicago, returning via St. Louis ,
or vice versa, $66.25.
Tickets on sale June 7, 16, 17,
IS. July 1, 2, 3, August 8. 9, 10, Sep-.
tember 5. 6, 7. October 3, 4, 5. ! M
Tickets good going within 10 days 1
from date of sale; fisal return limit ' J
90 days from date of sale. !
Stopovers allowed In either diree-
tion within the transit limit. For :
further information call on or ad-jp4
dress E. C. SMITH, AgenL ;M
Special Excursion to the World's Fair )
The Denver & Rio Grande, in con- M
nection with the Missouri Pacific, will I
rnu a series of personally conducted !
excursions to the World's fair during I 2
June. These excursions will run t4
through to SL Louis without change
of cars, making short stops at princl-j
pal points en route. The first of these
excursions will leave Portland June
7th, and the second June 17th. Thej
rate from Pendleton will be $60.00 to 1 J
going via the Denver & Rio Grande
have the privilege of returning via a
different route. This is the most
pleasant way, as well as the most de
lightful one, to cross the continent. I
The stops arranged give an opportu
nity of visiting the various points of
interests in and about Salt Lake City,
Denver and Kansas City. If you wish
to accompany one of these excursions
write at once to W. C. McBrlde, 124 1
Third street, Portland, for sleeping
car reservations.
Baptist Young eoples Union of
America, international convention.
Detroit, Mich., July 7th, 10th, 1904.
Annual meeting Grand Lodge Be
nevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 23d-2Sth,
Imperial Council Ancient Arabic
Order Mystic Shrine. Atlantic City,
X. J., July 13th-15th, 1904.
National Encampment Grand Army
of the Republic, Boston, Mass., Aug
ust 15th-20th, 1904.
Knights of Pythias National en
campment, Louisville, Ky., August
15th, 1904.
For the above occasions the O. R.
& N. makes a rate of $71.50 to De
troit and return. Tickets on sale
July 2d. Limit 90 days from date of
To Cincinnati, Ohio, and return,
$69.25. Sale date of tickets July 10th,
11th, 13th and 14th. Final limit 90
daya from date of sale.
To AtlanUc City, N. J and return,
$83.26. Tickets on sale July 7th, 8th,
Final limit 90 days from date of sale.
Boston, Mass., and return, $84.55.
Tickets on sale August 8th, 9th, 10th.
Final limit 90 days from date of sale.
Louisville, Ky., and return, $68.25.
Tickets on sale August 8th, 9th, 10th.
Final limit 90 days from date of sale.
For particulars call on or address E.
C. Smith, agent O. R. & N., Pendle
ton, Ore.
The Washington . Columbia River
Railway Special Summer Excur
sion Rates to Coast Points.
Beginning June 15, 1904, the W.
C. R. railway will have on sale tickets
to Westport, Long Beach, Clatsop
Beech. Tokeland. Ilwaco. Ecavlew. Tl-
oga. Pacific Park, Ocean Park, Nan.
cotta, tiavei, uearnart and return at
$10.00 for the round trip.
For childrca of half fare age, one
half the above rate.
Tickets will be good retnrninr until
September 30th.
For full information call noon or
Since the Slocum disaster 26j000
new life-preservers have been added
to equipment of excursion boats in
Eagles Fre
Street Fai
and carniv
July II to July I
All attractions furnished by the famous Dixie Carnival Co. featurina Dana Thompwn, the
uiMu k u.. u . .. .. : j -1 1 . . . l 1 1 -. . . ,m . . uink. infn a ur -v
W - 11111 Mivt.1, wivuiy inibG Udll irVIII IUIIJT lUVTCr IW ICCfc M.yi, -
three feet of water.
The Berger troupe of world renowned tumblers, equallbrists, head and h
and free.
nd balane"' t10
... .jiMd
Ten Dig nion-ciats, moral shows. The blc Ferris wheel, big brass bancs, me ...-
, See the Swisa village.
See Dixieland.
See the alasselowera.
See the dog and monkey circus.
8ee the laughing palace.
See Esau, the Egyptian wonder.
See the Electric Palace.
See the statue turning to life
See the eruption of ML Peitt.
See Luna Luna.
See Samson, the ,klng of reptile
See No Name, the Malay Wonder.
Meet me In the Midway. This means on the streets of Pendleton. No enclosure.. Absolut
Don't forget the date, July 11 to July 16, one week.
New York alone.