DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1904. PAGE FIVE. V BREVITIES Ui tO- Get Sunny. , a tie Boston. Listen at KunKeis. ri el McAdam. . for re extlnguisners. i jjt harrows at Kunkel's. i. jweaters. The , ui HtEM shoes. The sail bits for $4.75. Lee (ta in tie city served at BJZMt. -It ofeclag oysters at the iieiinj to raise mules i o Bis Ben. iter, order meals, all hours, Itetam Orster Cafe. bii carbonated drinks, Sulpcre. 'Phone 951. i ?X satisfaction at How- sstr Eees' cigar store. snjcM, rubber tired bug- s and backs at Hunkers. IliSawtell, Vlavl manager itoontj, 620 Cosble street. Ijc Homes cleaned ana kr. Josser's, 126 west Court s fan Panama Hats Just re- . : 13 be closed at reduced r l. resort at Long Beach - Pendleton neoule all jtl&eit terms of the New its reasonable; accommoda J. 0. Wlckham. nro- f. W Quantity. WATCH 2RS rare tie best assortment i la this section of X We sell reliable P''iW$2.00 ud. We sell X I'". W.17, 21, 23, 24 Jew- rmtaes in thn 'slckel, sterllnir X W isd ll-k solid gold t ft 'Pftate all wQth pfOTft fillHv f mm Ufc We Will fnllv ra. 'Mr IZIKER ""$fmlv. Jeweler. Main Street. EPPENS A- C. KOEPPEN & BROTHERS he Shirt Waists All mis ween we wm give away absolutely free, a shirt waist with every sk'1 boA. With every -$4.00 skirt a 75c waist Tree. With every $5.00 skirt a $1.00 waist free. With every JG.00 skirt a $1.25 waist free. With every $6.50 skirt a $1.50 waist free. With every $7.00 skirt a $1.75 waist free. With every $3.00 skirt a $2.00 waist free. With every $10.00 skirt a $2.25 waist free. With evory $12.00 skirt a $2.50 waist free. Don't fall to visit our shoo depart ment. We are closing out several lines In slippers and Oxfords, Just the thing for hot weather. Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets Ice cream, the Delta kind. Get Sunny. U. C. Rader. Cash registers at Withee's. Get a'top coat." The Boston. The Delta ice cream Is delicious Closing out dry goods. The Bos ton. Fresh crawfish from the Quelle, at me uoiumuia. Chicken dinner and Ice cream Sun' days at uratzs. Toke Point oysters any style, at the ranmeon uyster cafe. Good Japanese cook wants situation In city or country. Fuji, Box 34. Clearance sale at Mrs. Campbell's. Closing out of all pattern hats. Ice cream, confectionery and cl gars at Hatton's, 304 Court street. me ai. ueorge restaurant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprl etor. fancy moiling paper, 14 new shades. Isolf's book and stationery store. Summer underwear, linen dusters, oeits and straw hats at Baer & Daley s. Hohbach s bakery has moved to 221 East Court street, next to Hotel nickers Try the hot free lunch at the Mer- chants' Care, 12 to 1 at noon; 4 to C p. m., and at midnight. itoom wanteu Furnished room. close in; wanted permanently, by young man. Inqiilre at this office. I Anvnna wtti(nf aIM,, in iomn i - -ipstalrs of new building fnr hnrvoatinw r,i.,oir, n,Qm . ittoawood and Webb. R. lyil)g. t0 tne Newort construction Company. Echo. Or. ItoleotSCh. n-ucn-niciw weaning. .'fct-SUroom furnished , f"cJJ.f?f li0 tmtA . hoif mnnt.o t "", "um ui x-cuuieiou, were isL married the evening of Saturday last. ItBdiMerwars not full sets, J i,ome Qf S. H. Hicks, in this place. r- " " vun.ui.aB ui air. ana Mrs. Hicks win make their h-it.oic auu lump, homo In Peni ctnn In the u-nctorn : rap free. See window I .,,, . m. i.u , p-i, i H4 i lunui 1 11c uuue lo a bibici r - - " ... Hlnkle Speaks in Portland. J. T. Hlnkle Is In receipt of an In vitation from the Portland aerie of Eagles to address the order at that place on Friday evening next, tender ed him by the secretary, Louis Dam masch. He has accepted, although pressed for time, and will meet the engagement. To Portland for the Summer. Mrs. J, F. Robinson, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. H. F. Johnson, will leave next Saturday for Portland, wiiere they will spend the summer. They enjoy the Portland climate much more '.than that of the coast una win remain in toe metropolis uu til after-the; Warm season. Government Agent Here. The 'supervisor of Indian schools for. tills district, was In town for a few1 hoars yesterday on his way from Washington to New Mexico. He did not visit the agency or the school here, being merely en route and In a hurry. Marriage License. A marriage license was granted this morning to Ulysses G. Ham and Miss Theresa M. Porter, both of this place. Suspect Arrested. Sheriff Taylor last night brought to town one "John Doe," and lodged blm In the county Jail, charged with rob bing the Sones-Wnlker store at Helix, LOG CABIN ICE CREAM I 1 k ff Iw CreM1 M Kin be obtained at the old fa- "Ca&ln Soda w,.i 'Z The Popular Price1 DRUG STORE PERSONAL MENTION h rlSli W D,.,rkhnr. of Albany, is Usltlng friends in Pendleton. Mrs. Edith M. Davis, of Ridge Is 'n the city a guest of the nickeS' Mrs B a. Bishop has returned Wart,! th,S hCr dnnh,cr er. ."r .?.h0.!' very in i .V "t"tr wno nas been very rlcoverlng.11331 WCeks' Is sl i'";J' w- MnrtlMdnlo and son. of ton todiy? R"0StS ot Hotel Penille- unn",i!" ?V,,ri!h5' anaser of tho Grand onnb,?s.ne"sb?r ,S 1,1 frMn8lS iBneS re,ChCr 19 Vl8ltlnK wfS?'?: Smlth Henderson, at Mrs. E. C. Smitii . ... . .. " .lis. J, flic- I-aughlln are spending the hot weath- v-i tit x Ui UUUU, ,i Ir'nR Ha,rr'"Ston is confortablo at UnVsTrlUcal "1 '"S Cm,lt,0n COn' Mrs. S. R. Thonmsim to i,-t a visit from Miss Daphne Ixlsure, of i uiuuiiii. uer niece. v,,iuues uarneit s oprum-W 1.1 new-residence on tho lielshts In tho ouuiiieru pan ot town. J. W. Mulr. brother nf Mr t nn 1 ..: . . irnea to hTeewnter after nonius wun nis sister. ."IS. 1. It. liaileV lma rannnmJ from nn Illness that mnfimri hat- r. uie nouse lor several days. o. u. tienuev is exnerteil nn this evening's train from Modesto, Cal., to vin wun ins urotner, J. M. Bentley. William Smothers, of m.iiiin n town in tne nelgliborhood of Rose burg, Is the finest of 1! P s.it mi wife. Miss Carrie Stafford, of Union spent the Fourth of Julv with imp uncle, Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee, return ing home yesterday. Fred Crawford, wife and children. started this mornlnc overland with complete camping outfit for Wallowa i-aue, ror a month s outing. E. T. Hansen, formerlv bookkeeupp for the Morning Tribune, has accept ed a position as timekeeper In the roadway department of the O. R. & N. at La Grande. George McDowell, formerly fore man of the water service gang on the O. R. & N on this division, under O. E. Hult, Is now located at Telocaset, where he Is running the pump. Seibert & Schulz, the tailors, have moved to 222 East Court street, the quarters they occupied on Main street so long being torn down to make room for the new Schmidt business house. John McNerney. who Is section fore man nt Cayuse. has finished two new residences In the west end of town, which will be ready for occupancy as soon as Sharp completes painting and papering them. G. H. Carter, the crack rifle shot and representative of the Peters Cart ridge Company, has returned from an extended visit through the Blue Mountains In the southern portion ot Umatilla county. Mrs. Cora Wilson, of Pullman, Wash., chairman of the board of grand managers of the Women of Woodcraft, Is expected In town this evening to confer with Mrs. Van Ore dall and J. L. Wright. E. J. Harllngton and wife have ar rived from Butte, Mont., where they have resided ever since returning to Butte from this place after a short residence here three years ago. Mr. Harllngton Is a painter and paper- hanger. Robert Fletcher, one of the foremen of the bridge and fencing department of the O. R. & X.. left yesterday for Winona, Wash., where his gang will be employed for a time, or In that neighborhood. His family will follow soon. O. D. Teel Is having the two resi dence properties owned by him on Johnson street, between Court and Alta, repainted and repapered follow ing extensive alterations In the ar rangements of the Interiors. C. C. Sharp had both contracts. Z. B. Ford, of Kansas City, arrived unexpectedly a few days ago and Is visiting his brother, C. P. Ford, of the O. R. & N, bridge and building department. They had not met since the latter left Kansas City for the Northwest, 17 years ago. Police Court Program. There was a short program In po lice court this forenoon. C. J. Dent, vagabond, was given one hour In which to leave town. P. N. 'Welch, for giving liquor to the Inmates of the city fall through the bars of the door, was given permission to pay those, same prisoners an Involuntary visit ot five days, George Mansfield, charg ed with conducting a game In the State saloon, was put under a $75 bond to answer the accusation in the police court tomorrow. He gave a cash bond. Redmen Delegates. The order of Redmen last night elected delegates to the great coun cil, which meets July 2G, at Seaside, and also Installed an entire new corps of officers. The delegates are as fol lows: W. G, Bogart, Thomas W. Murrell, J, Roach, Thomas Fltis Ger ald; alternates, J. A. Devlin, August Stangler, CarJ Guyott, R. Keegan. The new officials are James Doty, sachem; O. W. Gibson, senior saga more; C. F. Cook, junior sagamore; R. Keegan, prophet. . Real Estate Transfer, Robert Laluir this morning purchas ed through the E. T. Wade agency, of Alex Waugb, Jots 7 and 8 in block I, South Pendleton, paying therefor $2, 190- Bill Night at City Council. Tonight Is "bill night" with tho city councjl. Other matters way he caueu up, out not necessarily. Go Buckle on Uniform The Peoples Warehouse The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade EAGLES ARE SATISFIED. Local Aerie Has Wired Cities Where the Dixie Carnival Company Has Been With Good Results. The committee In charge of the Eagles' carnival, which opens In this city on next Monday, has wired sev eral cities at which the Dixie Carni val Company has presented Its at tractions, and in every Instance has received the assurance that tho com pany is first-class In every respect and that Its attractions are clean and honest and deserve the patronage of the public. The local committee has decided to hold a voting contest through the lo- cal press to decide on a king for the carnival, and coupons will he run in the papers continuously until next Thursday, when the result of the vote will be announced. The only restriction on the voting Is that the candidates voted upon must be members of the local aerie of Eagles, this being a sufficient guaran tee that the office and functions of king will bo gracefully discharged. Runaway Accident. A party of four Pete Howard, Fred Kees, Joe Kolf and Shep Cameron, underwent an experience last night about midnight, which none care to ever have repeated. They were re turning from the reservation celebra tion In a two-seated rig, whon a wheel ran Into a washout, the rig upset, the horses ran away, and the entire top of the vehicle was torn off. Tho oc cupants were thrown out In tho utter darkness without anyono receiving the slightest Injury, although the horses broke Into a run as soon as the buggy upset. The team ran about a quarter of a mile and tangled up In the harness without being Injured In the least, nor was the buggy hurt be yond the top being torn off. Professor Haw Locates Here. Professor Wi M, Haw, the expert horse trainer, after years of wander ing, has concluded to locate In Pen dleton, or at least to make this" place his home. Since entering upon his present profession, although traveling most of tho time, he has not until now "met up" with a town wherein he cared to make bis home. He has bought lots on Garfield street, on tho north side and will at once proceed to build thereon a five-room cottage, frame, and with all the modern Im provements. Professor Haw has a family and they will occupy the new house before fall. Po.toftlce Clerk Needed. July 23, 'at this place, will be held an examination of applicants for tho position made vacant In the Pendleton postofflce by the resignation of Miss Edith Isaacs.. The applicants will be examined In spelling, arithmetic, let ter writing, penmanship, copying, United States geography and reading addresses. The age limits, minimum and maximum are 18 and 45. There will also be an examination that will test tho physical soundness In some particulars, while male applicants must be not. les sthan five feet, four inches In height and weigh not less, than 12G pounds. Other particulars will be furnished on application to the postofflce authorities In this place. Visiting In the East. A. C. Funk,, chief clerk In tho sher Iff's office, has gone East for a visit of about two weeks' duration. He will visit I;awrence, Kan., and Kansas City and may go on to Pennsylvania. Win Johnson, during the absence Of Mr, Funk, Is helping keep the records In the sheriff's office. The mystery of tho rain tree .0 Canaries Is a cloud that hovers about It constantly;- this Is condensed to water, which saturates the leaves and, falling from them in constant drops, vaUon beneath them always full of water. IF YOU WANT TO; IF NOT COME AND GET A SUIT THAT'S COMFORTABLE, THAT LOOKS WELL, THAT FITS WELL; THAT HAS A WRECKING PRICE ON IT. LEST YOU FORGET, WE'LL AGAIN INFORM YOU THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HAMILTON-CARHARTT WORKING CLOTHES AND OVERALLS. WE EXPECT YOUR TRADE Becauso our prices are cut Just as low ns It Is possible and do business. You got tho benefit of conservative buying and our small margin of profit. Wo havo spoclnl sales every day. Our goods are mnrked In plain figures and will compare with any houso of our kind. Come In. Let us convince you. 1 Workingmen's Clothing Co. The New Store. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST. CLA8S WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE 8EWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." BYERS' BEST FLOUR Ismado from tba choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when Dyers' Best Flour la used, Bran, shorts, steam roll ed barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Prop. Its Rich and Delicious j Our cold storage meats aro always right; always tender, always ; Juicy. ' ' f ' m Try our mild cured Hams,' They are freo from that strong taste, The Schwarz & Greulich Meat Co. 607 MAIN 8TREET. I 1 Your TO' Corner Main and Webb Sts. 741 MAIN 8T. A NICE EASY COLLAR Is appreciated by evory man who ever woro ono on a hot summer day tho kind without rough and raw edges tho soothing summer kind. No matter how fino tho collar la, It can be rulnod by tho wrong laundry. Wo claim ours to bo a right laundry ono to add to rather than detract from, your summer pleasure. Prove us as far as you like. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY J tin