East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Sheen
I of Pearl
reflected from perfect teeth can
S easily lie destroyed by Iniprop-
4 cr aenutrices. mere ore many
4 nrenaratlons that will whiten
teeth, but few that preserve the
roame! while they whiten.
saves teeth while It beautifies
them I; arrests decay, hardens
the gums, removes dlscolora
tlons. s wee-ens the breath
and stops there
Price 25 cents.
The Pendleton.
Bessie n. Burkhart, Albany
W. U Gazham, Crystnl Springs.
Weran Trasey.
G. W. Babcock and wife. Walla
4 . Mrs. Dickenson Gets Out of Sickbed to
J Attend Husband's Funeral C. E.
' Simonds Elected Director of Dis-
iriet No. S3. Near Freewater, for
Third Term T. W. Dickerson,
Aged Pioneer, Died at Hudson Bay
Pos'office Block.
"Phone Main Sol.
Hudson Bay. July 5. Royal Ann
cherries are a thins of the past, on the
' John Shaver has leased a threshing
machine of Hugh Walker for the sea
, son. and will do the threshing In this
W S. Mayberry put In .the county
bridge on Pine creek las't week, In
,' District No. 4.
The usual number of people from
this section stent the Fourth in Wal
i la Walla, looking fur the sights that
; are never seen there.
At the school meeting in District
No. SS, C. E. Simonds was elected
school director for the third time and
J H. Gentry, clerk.
Mrs. Henry l.ongly of Hilgard. Is
spending the summer with her (laugh-
ter. Mrs. C. E. Simonds. on Pine
' creek.
Howard Wheelock of Boston. Mass..
, who has been stoppiug in this vicinity
for the past three months, has gone
to Kamela to work In a lumber yard. ,
The Fruit Vale church, recently or-'
gnniied by Rev. Hereford this spring,
with nlwiiit Hi) memiwrs was rproivpi!
After 10S days in Jail. Charles H. un(er tne cart, of the ,,resbytery last
Mc-yer. president of the Colorado Krldav evening and an elder appoint
Winers Union. Is out on SlO.nOU ea Revs Vall Calen of Dayton, and
Bmicls Lamb of Walla Wttlln, assisted In the
Otto Hanson, whose relatives were work. ,
a on the steamer Xorge. has com- .Mrs. Martha Dickerson of North
atuUed suicide at Chicago, through de- Milton, who has been at St. Mary's
apondency. hospital for the past four weeks with
At Sheepehead Bay. New York, typhoid fever, was able to attend her
Tuesday. Mlneola made a new world's husband s funeral Wednesday,
accord for furlongs, making the T. D. Dickerson. a pioneer of Uma
.distance in 1-1S2-5. tllla county, died at the home of his
John Dobson, a Philadelphia mil- daughter. Mrs Anna Sanders. Tues
ataaire. is being held for manslaugh- day evening of old age and paralysis.
er for the death of three persons by u"u ,u iu-
Aaron Vanderberg. aged S,
The Fourth tot July was appropri
ately celebrated on the Isthmus" of
ffnuania bv the American marines
was kill-
on" lay his aunt at Paterson. N. J., who
TO wueurauug lUe rourio u uwus nmnia?. two huckster wagons down
j ptstor from an upper story window throuch thig amUm and on th(f mw
Jnto tne back yard. ne jor tne accommodation of the
The Russian newspapers are now puoi,c. ana a benefit to themselves,
denouncing Count Tolstoi's recent ar- This, with the rural telephone and
aide in the London Times, in which jree ruraI man delivery, brings the
3w criticised the czar and the Rus- outside world almost to our doors,
sum government for causing the pre- Follr years ag0 anv man wno WOuld
tan Japanese war. have "mentioned either of the above
Because he could not return home tacts would have been a fit subject
2d fight for his country. George Karu- for the asylum.
asa a Japanese, committed harl-
tori at Los Angeles. Tuesday, by
jflmiing a long knife Into his bow
a&v dying almost instantly.
A. dispatch from Seoul says the Ko-
traans are on the point of uprising
against the Russians, whenever they
Largest Serpent in Captivity Will Be
Seen Here Next Week.
The Salem Statesman has the fol-
I (nv i M f m oai- nt t hi. 1 v 1 11 Pornlrnl
ltave sufficient assurances that Japan Company. whIch comes here for tUe
Eagle carnival beginning July 11:
Kill win in the war and protect them
Brum the fur' of the Russians.
3lrs Frank Wade, of Spokane,
Wash., was killed by lightning Tues'
iury in her dooryard.
XmO Schenk, aged 10, was drown'
ad near Eugene Tuesday, while play- merit of the shows.
Sas In the Willamette river.
Thirty delegates attended the Idaho
socialist convention which nominated
j. Sail state ticket at Weiser, Tuesday.
.Sohnatban Riley and son John, aged
21. both Iron moulders, were drowned
5s the Jordan river, near Salt Lake,
Hugh Armstrong, a Great Northern
HmctwalUer. was run down and killed
ay a train near Everett, Tuesday
Henry Yates, of Portland, was ren- record he leaves behind for his adver
diered speechless by being hit In the tisement and has found that this
snath with an exploding candle fire- method pays.
cracker on July 4. The great attraction of the carnival
C R. Hamblen, of McMlnnville. was last night was Sampson, the mam-
accidentally shot with a 22 rifle near moth man-eating snake. This Is the
Wwtlanrf Tneadav. The hall entered largest snake in captivity in the
Mrs. J. W. Martlndale and son. Wes-
I ton.
A. W. Tlckner, Spokane.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
John M. Sinclair, San Francisco.
F. 1 Carter, Cincinnati.
R. A. Wright. Spokane
M. F.. Read, Umatilla.
Walter C. Lewib. San Francisco.
. H. P. Trucks, Chicngo.
; H. Hlllls and wife, Walla Walla.
J. T. McDufflo, Grayville.
' Mrs. D. C. Murphy. Calumet.
Mrs. Mlnton, Spokane.
J. M. Deros, Spokane
John Beaton, Kansas City
William Maher. Portland.
C. M.'Sralth, Portland.
H. Brash. Portland.
H. L. Buddemer, Portland.
W. A. Campbell, Pittsburg.
M. A. Farln, Pittsburg
J. M. Robinson, North Piatt.
W. R. Glendennlng, Portland.
A. D. Chase. Portland
W. P. Allen. Portland
Albert E. Cohen, San Francisco.
A. H. Walte, Colfax.
R. C. Baker, Seattle.
William Slusher, city.
Mrs. Slusher, city.
Mrs. Sheridan, city.
.Miss suieriuau, cu. y
Miss Slusher. city.
O. P. Ralner, Seattle.
R. Wlnkleman, Walluln.
J. D. Sheaff, San Francisco.
G. S. Youngman. Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
Charles Isaacs, Spokane.
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
R. Alexander, Spokane.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
C. W. Ekand, Spokane.
E. H. Clark. Spokane.
Harry Reed, Huron.
Thomas A. Purdy. Portland.
R. O. Yeager. New York.
A. Roderick Grant. Portland.
The St. George.
P. H. Shannon. Oakland.
D. K. Smith, Spokane.
Douglas McDonald, city.
D. C. Schaffer. San Francisco.
F. V. Martin. Billings.
A. Burch. Spokane.
R. B. Stanfield, Echo
Frank L. Hunter. San Francisco.
L. W. Brown, San Fraucisco.
William Dunn. Portland.
D. Ackerman, Louisville.
A. W. Coflin and wife. Louisville.
A. P. Donahue. Spokane.
George C. Barton and wife. Minne
apolis. R. O. Yeager. New York.
A. P. LanEe. Spokane.
F. J. Yanilerslice, San Francisco.
J. C. Currle. Walla Walla.
J. P. McMinn. Walla Walla.
John M. Spiel. Walla Walla
H. M. Berry. Walla alla.
Mrs. J. Schultz Bingham Springs.
John Byron. Spokane.
W. Crathers, Spokane.
J. A. Allison, Portland. (
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
W. J. Snodgrass. Okanague Falls ,
H. Connell. Umatnla. !
The Bickers. '
Charles McDevitt. Boston
Mrs. Henderson, Baker Cl'y
D. J. Wilson, Spokane. 1
Adam Tanscher, Portland.
L. M. Watrus, Adams.
Mrs. Wellington. Seattle
Alfred Roesch. Seattle.
George F. Denison, Dayton.
.Mrs. Edith M. Davis. Ridge
Sam .Lee. SpoKane.
W. A. Russell, Sokane I
I. H. Myers. Arlington.
J. H. Buttler. Arlington.
O. C. Beck, Athena.
James McCoy. Freewater.
M. N. Brlgger. city.
J. M. Stanton, city.
J. A. Lieuallen. Weston.
H. R. Lorenzen. Cold Springs.
J. L. Perkins, Cold Springs.
E P. Hammersmith. Ottomwa.
S. Gable. Walla Walla.
D. H. De'.zell. Lewlston
G. D. Wltimer. Portland.
G. E. Marsh, Weston.
H. Graham, Austin.
M. X. Warren, Weston.
I Men's Harvest Supplies
We are headquarters for hnrvest supplies for men.
Gloves from "8c n pair to $1.558 pair
Straw hats, all shapes and prices. ,
Underwear 25c, 30c 45e, 50c, 75c and $1.00 a garment
Socks for hot weather 5c a pair
Shoes for men 1-. M0 1-75. $2.00, $2.25 and up
Shirts, heavy black striped, double front 45c each
Striped Overalls 50c, 60c, 75c and 90c a pair
Jumpers to match overalls above- 50c and 75c each
Whatever your needs for your harvest work, come hero and let us out
fit you.
Stone had
charge of the obsequies. Rev. R. L.
' Cartwright of Walla Walla, preached
the funeral sermon.
J. Lynd & Co. of
AhcIufePuriry. FmesffW
Greater 5torh. PemM Mct-
: t
"The crowd of happy revelers In the
streets along the midway last night
was Immense. Certain of the streets
were absolutely Jammed with people
for hours, which shows that the car
nival spirit Is increasing and the poj
ularlty of the Dixie Carnival Company
Is daily growing on account of the
By the time they are ready to leave .
Salem, people will discover what a
good thing they have been enjoying, '
and It Is predicted that on Saturday
the large show tents will not be suffi
cient to accommodate the cnish of
Manager Simpson Is a genial young
man. and a genuine showman, and
will leave behind him a large circle'
of friends won by his courteous treat-,
ment during his short stay In the
city He depends a great deal on the
She towels and he cannot live.
Paddy McMahon, an aerlallst, was
KBed at Hoaquim on July 4. In mak-
but a high aive into tne rtver. He !"
3saz Ala balance, striking the water
b his back, with a report like a can-
In the Drowsy Weather.
In the drowsy weather, when you'd
world, and weighs 310 pounds. t rather be away
He lives on chickens, and takes a Where the winds are in the blossoms
meal only about once In two months. an' the green leaves are at play,
. In
the glory of the gardens.
red deeps of the May,
The drowsy sort of weather
you'd rather be away!
In the
Last night the
monster reptile showed signs of hun
ger and was fed Ave live chickens.
He was very Blugstsh about the oper
ation, but atealthl y and surely crush-,
Lillian E. Nlckell, of Concully, ed the life from Its prey In Its clammy , Sleep, my honey.
, a seventh grade public school embrace, and then swallowed It whole 1 Shady days an' sunny;
qui, won the $100 prize offered by without even covering It with slime, : Rather roll In clover than work away
(Oagressman Cushman, of Washing- as it is supposed to do. for money!
Urn, for the best essay on Lewis and Several chickens were thus devour-1
dark- from Washington public ed during the evening, but as the rep-, The drowsy sort of weather when
schools. tile has not yet eaten its usual you'd rather be away
An accidental fir In the sunnlv of amount an effort will be made to feed Where the birds are slngln" sweetly
Ak,,e0nu dlsolayed at Wright ' asan tod8r- 11 u on'y once ,n a the fieIdB an'
STt J Monday evening an opportunity is given An' the golden bee, are harin' of a
.?JJ,J.,nt ,h: to see such a sight, and the crowd 1 honey holiday.
rrr :iiln;r, . L was so large last night that at no time! The drowsy sort of weather when
5b versons In the 30,000 audience
injured by flying missiles.
were all able to see tne gruesome
, sight.
1 The popularity of "Dare Devil"
; Mangels In his high dive is increasing
1 and he Is beginning to entertain bis
i audience by witty repartee as he
! stands on the lofty heght before tak-
' ing the plunge. Yesterday afternoon
! he called to Mr. Zlnn for an ice cream
3 soda, and last night appeared dressed
! I In a jaunty outing suit, and divested
himself of the surplus after climbing
X you want to buy wheat land, a j to the dizzy height, casting them pro-
atecx ranch, town property, vacant miscuousij iu iue ",ur"-
Monte Cristo act, of being pushed
from the tower while sewed up In a
bag and cutting himself out before
reaching the water.
The carnival management Is well
pleased with the returns In this city,
saying they have so far been greater
than was anticipated, and the best the
shows have enjoyed since leaving Sac
ramento, about two months ago.
or anything la the real estate
Oat, just drop In and see us.
tce In E. O. Building, Pendleton,
r. 'Phone Black 111L
Try the hot free lunch at the Mer
chants' Cafe, 12 to 1 at noon; Jk to
6 p. m., and at mldnlehL
you'd rather be away!
Sleep, my honey,
Shady days an' sunny;
Rather roll in clover than work away
for money!
In the drowsy weather when the buds
begin to swell
An' you're teelln' for the shadows of
some old. forgotten dell.
When a fellow falls to dreamln' at the
tinkle of a bell,
In the drowsy sort of weather when
the buds begin to swell!
Sleep, my honey,
Shady days an' sunny;
Rather roll In clover than work away
for money!
Atlanta Constitution.
Those Indebted to me for wood and
coal will please settle the same by
July 5th, and save cost. P. P. Collier.
Love Is an appetizer,
pays the check.
but money
Mr Collier Downe The man who dojsn't get vexed Is no man. at all
Mrs Collier Downe That's right He s an angel.
And many ' her painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
1 MOlBtrs Ffisad. This trreat remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain-
No woman who uses ''Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also nealtny, strong and
good natured. Our book
Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
wo man, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Rr ad field Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
refreshing and lnvleorit'
Our drinks go right to the !
Call for Soda Pop, Earn-
parilla, iron Brew, Dr Pepper'j
Phosphates, Mineral Yfater,
Root Beer, Ginger Ale and
Cider, and all kinds of toft
drinks. Our drinks are rare.
and only distilled water, made :
from condensed ste m, Is used
Manufactured by
Factory under St. George Hotel ,
Recognized as the best and
most economical fuel. We
are prepared to contract with
you for your winter's supply
We deliver coal or wood to
any part of the city.
Laatz Bros.
i Milwaukee Beer I
: Shoe Repairin
J. E. Russell & Co, Props.
I hum mnvnil mv shOD tO the
dnnr past of the Savings Bant
pairing of all kinds done in a '
mnnllL-o mnnnpr at reaSOnaN "
As I have been in business' here
years, I need not speak 01 iu w
in- nf mv work for It speats for iw
Mr alnnV nf shoes Wa SOBie
damaged by water and the Insar
..... in sell them 11
what I could get, so I will sell uW
for less than wholesale Pc;trj
We properly temper It for each particular climate. Then, upon a
jute canvass we build up a Are, water and acid proof rooBng material, with
a ground mica surface artd a wool felt paper dry sheet or backing.
WE'LL lay the goods, or you can. If you have to use a roor, wo can
tell you some mighty Interesting things. They will prevent your pocket
book from shriveling up. Write us.
The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon
Oregon State Normal School, Monmoti
Begins Us twenty-third year September 20, 1904. Four terms In
each school year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course
In September, November, 'February and April.
Is the Normal course, with Its assurance of good positions at good
wages. Write for new catalogue containing full InformaUon concern
ing courses of study, training In actual teaching afforded under real
conditions In town and country schools, and full details about the
advanced course of study With the additional advantages attached
Addres Secretary J. B. V. Butler, or President E. D. Ressler, '
Monmouth, Oregon.
Bear UJa In lnd r
need poultry and stock iuPPWJ
and ask for the WJ"
Poultry and Stock Food. V
Kow Kure for your cow
C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 Et AlU t
A0nt for Lee'. Lie. KM-
- -m
Tenderfoot Transportation to
We have Just put in a new
line from Elgin to Joseph, wo
points. We tat.te'jWj.o,
gooa norses aua -- b m
nhtntn will DUt you throui" 1
faster time and with B
than by any other line. fffV
gin dally after the Win arrlrw
leaving Joseph nt 6:30 hw i
morning. Having f'jSU'
Joseph and JLostlne, we can sew
date commercial men wltb f
times. When you make a trip i
tne waiiowa cu"
foot line.