East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Lcpettta. low ol strength.
tfreneral debility, sour rb
l0, .1 .1,. Kiomach are
' Mloverv repre-
P0, ' . ...i-.. i dlrestlon
LCffifee not only cure in
lr. ..... ,tih!s famous
Kt1 . .t.n n and
L puritywg. 5w b
Cinj the mucous membranes
,.HUh the s,ck "n
Btfenjth to the Weak.
Idf. 51.00 She holdlnt 2K tlmaa
jjtjE. C. DeWitt & Co., CUeaxo.
by Tallman & Co.
t . .
I I lunerea wun curouic cod- I
(Mariaf thli tlm 1 had to take in
Emu action on my bowela. Happily 1 ,
fcmu. and today I am well man.
Emamharr with Internal pllea. Thank j
Best For
The Bowels
Ll,PtJUbl.Potnl.TiteOrod.Tor.ood, I
tin, weien or unpe. iuc sac. vc. hatoi
iX. iB (iDHIDv IBUIBI 1UCU l rf I
. to ear. or roar money back.
ki&l Remedy Co., Chlcieo or N.Y 603
jcl, refreshing and lnvigorat-
Our drinks go right to the
fl Call for Soda Pop, Sarsa-
m, iron Brew. Dr. Pepper s
tosphates. Mineral "Water,
t Beer, Ginger Ale and
fa, and all kinds ot Eoft
fcks. Our drinks are Dure.
Id only distilled water, made
1 condensed Bte m, is used
mfactured by
flnrr .,nrini Ct r!-v-. tj i
1 ..hmw Ui. ()C J.4ULd
Ire d
1 .
'gnizod as the best and
:(&t economical fuel. We
r Prepared to contract with
'w tor your winter's supply.
ffe deliver coal or wood to
'f part of the city.
J aT
II I n I 1 1.
1W M aaaw-
v pi j sr .
this In Inrl wrViAn van
jv"' ua siock supplies
for thn IntArnntlnnal
-1 auu shock Food. Dae
Kur tor your cow trou-
? Colesworthy
,127.190 p.. 4 a,. A.
'or Leo's Lice Killer.
f . a-
kl '""lUjlullttUUll W
A hill Ukaa,AB( VU
tlffl . ful you through In
It u4 wim more comfort
Uilw "X. S "no. Leaving El-
amves, ana
Joseph at K-sn .
IM . """7 DVUUICB ill
Wk. (KM a v
WiUoWT you mke a trip through
1b. "oyon, try the Tender-
Battle of Conflicting Interests and
Policies In the National Democratic
Convention Complete Uncertainty
Attends the Outcome Both In Rela
tlon to Platform and Candidates
Will Probably Be the Most Dramat
ic Political Episode In History of
the Party.
St. Louis, July 5. An even thous
and delegates will assemble in the
Coliseum tomorrow to name a
candidate to. run as the democratic
party's choice for president of the
United Stntes. These delegates rep
resent 53 political divisions 45 states,
four territories, Alaska, Porto Hico,
Hnwaii and the Philippine Islands.
The number of delegates exclusive ot
the territories and Insular possessions
is twice the number of United States
senators and members of the house of
representatives. There is no doubt
ihat the national committee will de
cide that the six delegates from
Porto Rico are, entitled to seats In
the convention.
Each delegate to the national con
vention represents a section of the
country peopled approximately by
80,000 people, ot" whom at least lfi.000
arc male adults of the voting age. So
the whole convention represents the
democratic party of approximately
1G.000.000 voters, or SO.000,000 peo
ple. The delegates will assemble In the
Coliseum at noon on Wednesday.
They wll be called to order by ex
Senator James K. Jones, of Arkan
sas, chairman of the national com
mittee. Secretary C. A. Walsh will
then read the official call for the con
vention. Senator Jones will make a
brief address, presenting to the con
vention John Sharp Williams, of Mis
sissippi, who will be introduced as
temporary chairman.
The -choice of Representative Wil
liams for temporary chairman is
made at the suggestion of prominent
democrats of all factions. Though he
comes to the convention as an in
structed Parker delegate, ,the Bryan
and Hearst element offered no objec
tion to his selection." Mr. Williams'
chief duty as temporary chairman will
be to deliver a speech which will
voice the general party policies, and
will be what Is popularly termed a
"key-note" speech.
William J. Bryan, who is here as
a member of the Nebraska delegation,
is understood to desire the chairman
ship of the resolutions, or platform
committee. His selection wil natur
ally be combated vigorously by the
"conservatives," who are mostly sup
porters of Judge Parker. The plat
form committee will have a difficult
task on its hands to satisfy the oppos
ing elements and draw up resolutions
that will be acceptable to a majority
of the delegates. The platform will
discuss trusts, labor, immigration,
statehood and other subjects.
There are numerous contests to en
gage the attention of the credentials
committee, among the most important
being the cases from Illinois and the
District of Columbia. The recom
mendations of the national commit
tee, which has been considering the
contests for several days, will govern
in most of these cases brought before
the credentials committee. The com
mittee on order of business prescribes
the rules and order of business which
will govern the convention and names
the permanent officers who will have
charge of the convention's delibera
tions. Senator Bailey of Texas, Thomas
Barkworth of Michigan, Patrick A.
Collins of Boston, and James Hamil
ton Lewis of Washington,, are among
those mentioned for permament
chairmen. John W. Martin will be
sergeant-at-arms, and C. J. Gavin, of
New Mexico, will be reading clerk.
Thursday the convention will be
called to order by the temporary
chairman, who will receive the re
ports from the committee on creden
tials., and permanent organization,
and order of business, and these re-
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered tliat only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all disea&os
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these int important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood
T wiuv .... ---- -
. .1.Utii.vsnrp wejllc
There ore. wnenju..
jiow every organ
duty- , , . . IukIIv." becln
Jffite kidney "remedy, Dr.
as your kidneys are well they wiU lieip
all the other organs to healtli. A inai
The mild ana ine
Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Kooi, me K"J
r i 1. ... rtifcirebauiK "
Ul UH- V'7V
on its merits oy
druggists in irnjwi
rA i nne-dollar sue
bottles. , r-rt
SSSffi tp SwKoot
miM D,K been a1Pted, a com
..! .u 1,1 be MmcA t0 PSwt to the
chair the permanent chairman. The
alter will then deliver a speech sim.
ilar in character to that of the torn
porary chairman, dealing wi.h the is-
t.nSi.f ,h.e can,naisn- This speech
will later form an important part of
11 ft. Y""'"'sn I'lcraiuro and be pub- '
lished in the .official partj publication
known as the "campaign text-book " i
Following the address of the perma
nent chairman will come the report ot
the committee that has framed the.
Platform. At this stage of the pro
cedlngs the convention . 'il i:,.
and many interesting speeches ' and '
ucumes may do looked for
Friday will be the big day of the
convention, the day to which all ot
the previous sessions and proceedings
are but an introduction. It will be
the day on which candidates for pres.
ldent and vice-president will be
named. The candidates will be plac
ed in nomination, but few believe
that the convention will be able to
make a selection before Saturday and
probably later. This Is the part of
the game when heated debates and
fiery oratory are In order.
The roll of states will be called
alphabetically and each state will be
asked if It has a chsdldate to pre
sent. Arizona or California might
present the name of Hearst, but it Is
probable that no response will be
made until Delaware is reached, when
the leader of the delegation from that
state will present the name of Judge
George Gray for the presidential nom
ination. It Is probable that Illinois,
with Its 54 delegates, will be selected
to present the name of Hearst. Mas
sachusetts will present the name of
Richard Olney. When New York is
reached the name of Parker will bo
formally presented to the convention.
The speech nominating Judge Parker
will be made by Martin W. Littleton,
president of the borough of Brooklyn.
Missouri will cast the candidacy of
her favorite son, Cockrell. upon the
turbulent wHters and Wisconsin will
place In nomination Wall of Milwau
kee, whose can.-.-iacy succeeded In
preventing the Badger State from
fallng Into the hands of the Hearst
column. The Gorman candidacy will
be presented by West Virginia, which
is the onlv state instructed for tho
Maryland senator, though this fnct.
not by any means indicative of his
real strength in the race.
With the selection of the ticket the
national convention will adjourn.
The national committee, however,
will remain in the city to choose a
chairman, who will be the manager of
tho campaign, a vice-chairman, and a
secretary, who will be his assistant,
and an executive committee, who will
act with him In an advisory capacity.
The selection of a chairman will de
pend upon which wing of the party
gains control of the convention. The
chairman will noturally be one who Is
personally acceptable to the presiden
tial nominee. In any event, it is
stated definitely that ex-Senator Jones
the Incumbent, will retire and a new
man chosen for the place. Should
Parker be nominated it Is rumored
that Thomas Taggart, the present na
tional committeeman from Indiana,
and a practical politician of recogniz
ed ability, will be selected to head the
After the new committee Is mado
up the chairman and his assistants
will proceed to open headquarters
for the campaign. Headquarters will
he maintained in New York, and the
Western end of the campaign will
probably be directed from Chicago as
In former years,
How to Judge
lajer'e to fW It In most
bottled beers, because their
preservation it gained through
chemical adulteration.
Bottled been, as well ns food products, arc ottcn itdul
tcrntcd with chemical picservatives, etc., which tor awhile
keep them from routing, but ore injittioui to the stomach.
A. B. C BEER is Rimrantcctl to be ebsolutely pure ami
free ftom any niiultcrnnt vhntevcr. It i never exposed to
the air (which is germ-laden) but is br.wed, fermented and
aged for eight months in air-tight compattmcnls, then piped In
tin-lined pipes direct to the air-tight bottling machines, where
It is bottled, scaled, pnstcurized and packed tor shipment.
A. B. C.
The only beer bottled exclusively at tho Brewery,
therefore the only Iwttlcd beer that can be absolutely guaranteed.
The American Brewing Co., St. Louis, U. S. A.
boasting of these 12,000,000 pounds of f
Mt'i'il wil, mill il iiii-imn mi duiitiu
wo protested.
Since Japan Is fighting the battle
of civilization, mid moro particularly
the battles thnt will restore England's
prestige and influence in the Hast, it
Is hardly fair for England's people to
steal Japan's markets while the la.
iniuliTrt me busy baltiing. .
Wo besought that planter to turn
trom the evil way of robbing an ally, I
and assured hlin that tho swlftne.su
with which Secretary Gage put a ,
countervailing duty on Russia's Ik)uh-
ty-fed beet sngnr might bo equaled
by Secretary Shaw's mailed fist fall
ing hard on this ti-cent bounty-fed
green ten of Ceylon.
With an abundant supply of cheap
labor, this beauslful clluiato and (
beautiful scenery, few insect pests,
and a steady market, one would think
the ten plnnters In Ceylon much en
vied mortals.
They have pretty bungalow homes
In the midst of their estates and tho
country llfo of England is kept up ns
nearly as tho climate permits. Ev
eryone rides and drives, plnys cricket
and tennis and there is an Immensu
lot of visiting back and forth and up
and down the Island,
Everyone knows everyone elso on
the estates, and each winter there Is
an influx of visitors from England
who bring tho world's news and last
notions to these pleasure loving,
strenuous young planters.
But while they grumble In Ceylon
and pine for home, .their visits to thnt
delectable place always end before
the time set and they come back to
the sunshine and the exquisite tea
fields, to the easy outdoor life of the
unending spring, and to tho gentle
black folk In their brilliant and pic
turesque dress with a thankfulness
beyond expression.
The culture of tea is Ceylon's one
great Industry and a visit to the
fields, crowded with native pickers,
with their queer wicker .baskets. Is
well worth the tourist's while. When
the baskets are filled or the field is
picked clean of young leaves the tea
pickers turn In their crop to be weigh
ed and credited to them, and by a
good day's work these women make
as much as 8 and 10 cents a day, says
Eliza It. Scldmore, in Chicago Gro
cers' Criterion.
Besides money wages these coolies
are provided with quarters, rations of
rice, medical attendance, and care In
sickness. There Is a constant coming
over of Tamil coolies from India to
earn these big wages and a going
home of the provident oneB who bav
accumulated enough to return and
take up Independent agriculture In
India, to become landed proprietors
In their old homes.
The tea leaves are carried to the
factory, a two-story building with a
tall stovepipe and many windows.
Any large leaf or twig is sorted out,
the leaves are spread on tiers of
shelves or trays on the upper floor
and left to wilt over night.
Twelve or 18 hours are required to
wilt the leaf until it can be put In the
roller, that the cells of the leaves may
be broken, the tannic Juices freed,
ready to be eliminated by the next
process of fermenting. Tho moist,
withered leave, which have been
roiled and crushed Into no semblance
of a green leaf, are spread again on
trays and covered In the higher tem
perature until by fermentation they
have turned to a bright reddish cop
per color . .
For many years the Ceylon planters
have been anxious to make green tea
and capture the Canadian and Amer
ican markets, since they cannot con
vert those people Into black tea drink
ers, but their efforts were not sue
..i Tha fevlnn ereen tea did
not look like either tho Chinese or the
Japanese green teas, ana me
tea nerve wreckers would havo none
of It; but by diligence the tea makers
learned to make the big long Assam
or hybrid leaf look like the needle
like Japanese leaves when cured, and
a moderate success has been at
tained, i. ,.!, u.na offered and last year
12,000,000 pounds of Ceylon green tea
earned the oouniy o
each pound before It reached a mar
ket. One tea planter, who had been re
joicing over Japan's naval successes
and the "biding" she is giving Rus
eia, as all the British elegantly term
the afflictions of tho hear, took to
Professor Richard T. Ely figured
out some years ago that the Missis
sippi valley alone is capauie oi Blip
porting a population of 600,000,000 and
that all the necessaries and luxuries
of American life at Its very best
could he produced on a labor bnsls of
four hours a day. .
Of course it was set down ns a 1
"pipe dream" by those whose nar-1
cotic Is n thousand times worse than 1
hnshheesh ; hut now comes Professor I
llerlzka. the famous Austrian slntls-1
ticltin. who has been looking Into the
same problem. Head his figures: ;
"1 have calculated how much labor
tiud time are necessary v the aid '
of the present mechanical .i. pllances '
fn nrmliirii wlint Ih remilreil til Hlllinort I
In enso and comfort tho 2t'.,00O,O00
luhnbltniits of Austria vU: food,
clothing and shelter, consisting of n
live-room house to a family, and In
cluding fuel, medicine, furniture and
"I llnd it would require 20.,00O,O0O
acres of arable land nnd about 8,000.
ooo acres of pasture, or about one and
one-half acres per capita, nnd 015,000
workmen, working 11 hours per day
300 days In th year.
"These 0.15,000 are hut 12.3 per
cent of thn jiopulutlon able to work
excluding the women, children below
U years of nge, nnd men nbove 50
yenrs of age. If Instead of these C.16,
000 men t lie whole 5,000,000 men
nhln to work were engaged, they
would need to work but 37 days in tho
year, or If they were to work 300
days In the year they would need to
work only one hour ami 22 minutes
per day.
"Again, If till the luxuries of lire
wore included It would require 5,000,
000 workmen, or 20 per cent or the
population able to work, two hours
and 11 minutes per day 300 days In
the yenr. With this working power
20.000,000 Austrlans would bo sup
plied with all their hearts could pos-
Biuiy ueniri.
"But if, again, the whole 5,000,000
men were employed three hours and
12 minutes per day they would need
to work two months or the yenr only.
Behold whnt time could bo spared for
study and plea mires, while the cares
of life, in so far as wealth Is con
cerned, would be obliterated altogether."
Published Every Day cl the Year,
In those essential elements of enter
prise and progress which
go to make up
Designed Especially
Is Ably and Carefully Edited.
lit cotumni in replete with brljht, iplcy
(Olllp ol Cctlt tear. I indcOlei
It Woiksfor the Welfare of the Stale.
A Blitatn ro ri)r.
ConUlnlrf ftf Of I ot tre nk I kiJInj
nti ttitjrei rd miry ipecill luturei lor
the titirtr ird Hock riliir
MEND 1-OR BAafriiEB.
Subscription Pile (Always In Ad-
7a.se), Including- Poat
xlthltl tli L'nlla.1 Hiatal, 1,'anaiU or
Mail, u
Dally, On,- yrar (Imlu.lln Sun
day Call). m.imi
Dall), li muntl.a nn. tu.llriaC Sun
day fall) .
Dally, tin month ilncluJInit Sun
day i-iilll T5
SomlAy rail, on yar 5l.riO
Wrraly Call, nn yrar I.OO)
rnralim fl'0y. ,M.N( I'ar yr utra.
i!fiVl-l Sunday. -I. in Pr ar "
j"oia vrkly. l.oo r,r yr atr
Traction of yr lu proportion.
Get a "top coat." Tho Boston.
I'luuin .
rS, . pJlrAtAWHM
V-Tr ' , Mou in Your.
Fire, Life and Accident
Room 8, Over Taylor's Hard
ware 8tor.
i a
....... ....... . . ...--.-
The Columbia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat and com-
fortablo looms, Kood beds. Bar
In connection, where beat
goods are served.
Main street, center of block,
between AJta and Webb
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day. '
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped FeM.
etc., always on hand,
At th Clot of Business, June 30, HHM
Loans and discounts f 822JJ
Warrants , 8,59
Bank building and furni
ture 30.O09J&W
Other real estate t,15.4
Due from banks 112,761.10
Cash In bank 04,452-W
Capital 100,00.M
Surplus 75,000-W
Undivided profits ., 10.399JC
Duo to banks 2,740.30
Deposits ,,. 83,002.7