EIGHT PAGES. PAGE SEVEN. , j n I 5 V SflB ! ., you are Interested In OH UW see us. Our Hue Is complete. ACADEMY BOAIIDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' SAl'LS BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS ffe make a specialty of (riming iWiUimo. ...t. ai rrnmm. ri w w a. C. U. onAjr Opera House BiocK. w" w BAKING POW PER, CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. D PcBltlvely the best beer made. Any quantity you de sire. Delivered to your home. 'Always call for Olym pic . NOI TR 'Phone Main E81. College Place Health Food fruit crackers, cream in The Beer That Is Pure uumea hup lmttiai "f Brewery Works' w , - nu healthful drink WW lottlln,, c ht from the brewery ' 1 ln bottles kcops the " Wses nnn - . changing of tem. 11 i alwnva 1. . Warts. i. ten-... ",lD and halt "viy in i . ; entity desired. a"' An nr,i. .... . . ji intention CE. ,nd Accident ELL Hard- AMONG THE fT? nnrrn ttt yr inn liNiAJND EMPIRE ' To End Range War. the meeting of the Antelope Wool- frrmvnfa AeannnnHn - - . m . ...... .uoiuru un mat iiiesuny, the meeting having been called for mo purpose or taking some steps to ward ending the ranco troithlrs ln, tween sheepmen and cattle men In the Blue mountains. Tho slaughter of sheep has begun early In the season, a report having just reached here of tno Killing of S5 head of sheep be longing to Alllo Jones on Mill creek, and the sheepmen are determined it shall stop. After a full discussion of the situation a reward of $500 In rid dltion to the reward offered by the state association or sheepmen, for the arrest nnd conviction of any person guilty of killing, maiming or injuring any member of the association, his herder or his stock. A committee con sulting of II. C. Roopor. J. D. Mc Andle and Joe Rnnnnn, wns then ap pointed to go to tho Dlue mountains and confer with the cattle men with regard to making lines for the sum mer range, with full power in tho premises. So far all effort at an amicable nd. Justment of the range question In this manner have boon unavailing, and the report of the present committee will be awaited with much Interest by lo cal sheepmen, and upon it will depend the future action of the association. The tone of Tuesday's nicotine was emphatic and determined, and as a guarantee of the earnestness of tho members now in attendance, the re ward which has been offered was sub scribed on tho spot. Antelope Her- uld. Loves Notoriety. An actress will do most anything to get a press notice. Every year dia monds and jewels worth thousands of dollars are stolen from this or that actress. The newspapers get the story and the actress get tho advertising. In Spokane It Is not necessary to have your jewels stolen. Just get some bad-looking man to hang around tho house and the rest is easy. Miss Frances Mount is the discoverer of this scheme. Miss Frankle has been on the board about five times. She is doing a specialty act at the Auditori um this week with the Shirley com pany. She trayied at the Reorgle IS WEATHER BUREAU SAYS SEC OND HAY CROP IS LIGHT, Fall Grain is Filling Nicely Pastures Are Beginning to Dry Up Early Po tatoes Are Being Marketed Heavy Frost on High Altitudes Damaged D.(,(. ' roiaioes , Crops and Fruit Some Nipped In Umatilla County Frosted Wheat Will Be Light. The past week has been dry, with cool nights and drying winds. AH growing crops need rain, and unless it conies soon spring grain and the second crop of hay will be unusually light. A heavy frost occurred Friday morning In the eastern high level sec tions, and tender vegetables were bad ly nipped and some grain was damag ed. On the same morning light frosts were reported In a number of locali ties west of the Cascades, but they .11.1 ...nt..nn1 t.n.n Ulll 1IU HlUll'llUl 11UII1I. I Fall grain Is filling nicely, but spring grain is heading short. Haying I has made rapid progress during the ! week, but nearly everywhere the re. j turns show a falling off from previous It pays to do business gener ously. The proof: Schilling's Best. Full-strength and pure, and the prices only enough to pay for the quality. Moneyback. Summer Drinks Cool, refreshing and Invigorat ing. Our drinks go right to the spot. Call for Soda Pop, Sarsa parllla, Iron Brew, Dr. Pepper's Phosphates, Mineral Water, Root Beer, Ginger Ale and Older, and all kinds of soft drinks. Our drinks are pure, and only distilled water, made from condensed ste m, Is used Manufactured by J. MARIN Factory under St. George Hotel F.E. Van Dascfl & Co. CONTRACTORS OF WORK. BRICK Boiler sotting and fire places done In first-class manner. Address Bos 455, Pendleton. NEEDED EXCHANGES .. Stone academy for this act She lives Alth her mother at E1M4 Third ave- Krankle hasn't been held up yet. reported today that on Sunday eve Cm If lh.ly VvTe returning home from he theater they were followed a tall and a short man." Xow hese two mc,n. from this description. iau w.th the men the police are sup posed to be looking for. There Is but pne conclusion to reach. Thev are the burglars. Thev did mi m,io0. kie ami her mother, but they might have done so.-Spoknno Press. Preparing for the Veterans. The magnificent arbor being pre pared for the Fourth of j,,ly celebra tion Is rapltllv mvirino- order that It may be used by pioneers and o a. R. veterans in advance of uie ceionrauon. The roor lias been almost com pletely covered with n thick layer of fir boughs which entirely cuts out the glare of the sun and the sides of the arbor will also ho encompassed by small lir trees making the arbor an Idealistic, cool and shadv place. The arbor will be used for "the orations nnd concert festivities during the cel ebrations and for tired mothers nnd children when weary of "seeing the sights."---!.:; Rranrte Observer. Adams County Wheat. John Wagner was in the city today from his ranch in Adams couutv. Ho says tho prospects tor a good' crop are excellent in that section nnd thnt harvest will be commenced next week. Mr. Wagner brought with him several heads of red chaff wheat which he cut from his fnrm. The samples are excellent and he estimates that it will yield at least 2." bushels to the acre. Walla Walla Statesman. Walla Walla Laborer Organize. Local Union No. 11.715 of the Amer ican Federation of Ijibor was organ ized last night ai Sons or Veterans hall by W. C. Christie, local organizer. Over -10 members were enrolled last night and there are 20 more who have signed up and will come In next Sun day. Meetings will bo held weekly for the first month every Sunday evening Walln Walla Union. expectations. Pastures are drying up. but feed Is still good and stock con tinues In excellent condition. Hops, gardens, field onions, pota toes and corn, although needing lain, have made fairly good progress dur ing the week. Early potatoes are be ing marketed. The season so wad has been remarkably free from Insect pests. The strawberry crop turned out fairly satisfactory, although It was not so heavy ns It would have been' had there been more rain earlier In the senson. Apples continue promising and the outlook for peaches Is fairly , . . ...... ftuuu. i lie jiuni ui vim nva 13 uviivi tlinn expected. Columbia River Valley. Hoyd, Wasco county. 1. P. Under wood Cool west winds have benefited all kinds of grain, but spring wheat will be a light crop: gardens looking well, also orchards; stock In good con dition; haying commenced; will be general next week. Wasco, Sherman county. John Hull Weather dry, with cool nights and high winds; spring wheat and oats need rain, but doing well under the conditions; hay harvest progressing well. Condon, Glllla ounty. John F. Hel . , . . ,,. """"". farmers are confident or a good c i P "t wheat, with the excep Ion ri iwlng In some places, wldch has been Injured by a few hot days and dry winds; frost damaged gardens; hay ing begun In a few localities. Lexington, Morrow county. Kdwln It. Beach Cool and dry; grain filling nicely; crop large, spring sown grain still green; haying In progress; crop large; fruit and vegetables of all kludH doing well; iiotatoes are ma tured sufficiently to eat. Pendleton, Umatilla county. 11. J. Taylor Weather dry and cool; light frost Thursday nipped potatoes on low ground; wheat doing very well; haying in progress, the frosted wheat will bo light crop, also spring grain; summer fallow In good condition. A BOOMING MARKET. Big Wool Satei and Hot Competition Among the Buyers. Butte, Mont., uue 29. Fergus coun ty clips this season will amount to 2, 000,000 pounds, according to advices from Lewlston markets. Sales for the past week have averaged 50.000 pounds per day. at prices from 4 to 1C cents. Shearing Is now on. Buyers from Billon have already se cured" about three-quarters of Beaver Head county's clip, which will reach 1.500,000 pounds. Jeremiah Williams & Co. of Boston have bought all the larger clips at prices averaging 1GK cents. Sixteen and one-half cents Is the top price, Agents for Eastern Arms are scour ing northern and eastern Montana buying nil wool In sight, and In conse quence comparatively little fleece will be left to be disposed of at public Competition for wool on tho back Is the fiercest In years. Choice clips are goiug rapidly at Chinook at prtccB between 17 and 18 cents. There Is also great activity at Malta, Harlem, Glasgow and Fort Benton, where the price ruling is exceptionally strong. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family Is often driven to desperation In case of accident, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply of Bucklon's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth; 25c at Tollman & Co.'s drug store. BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS PHYSICIANS. DU. V. O. COLK, OFF1CK IN JUDD building. Office houra. 10 to IS a. in.; 1 to S p. m. Telephones; Office ran In 1371 ; residence, main 13S1. URS. SMITH & IUNGO. OFl'ICK OVUIt the Pendleton Saving Hank. Tele- pnone bui; reamence telephone, ma n 1591. U. S. OAKK1KLD, M. 1. HOMKOI'ATIIIC physician and surgeon. Office In Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, black 24. I)R. D. J. M'FAUI,, JUIH) 1II.OCK. TKI.r. phone, main 031 ; residence, black 101. Ult T. XL UKNllEltSON, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office In Savings Hank building, room 1. Office 'phone, main 1411; residence, red 1223. nit. I.YNN k. itiAKi;si.t:t ohuonic and nervous diseases and diseases of women. Judd building, comer Main and Court streets. Office 'phone, main 721 : residence, red 1153. X ltay Therapeutics. Ult. LT.NA AUXN UOONH. OSTKOPATIl. Residence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases n specialty. Hit. I.. FHANCKS THOMPSON, OSTKO pnthlr physician, graduate A. T, Still school. KlrksTllle, Mo. Office, Hotel Hick ers. side entrance: office days, Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VtniHtlNAUY 8U1U5KON Ult. I). C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. DENTISTS. Ult. M. S. KKRN, DIINTAI. 8URCKON. Office, room in. Judd building. i:. A. VAUOIIAN, UI2XTIST. OFKICK IN Judd building. 'Phone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL I A NIC OF ATIIRNA. Oicgoii. Cnpllnl, fr.O.UHl ; surplus and profits, $12,500.00. Interest on time de posit. Deals In foreign anil domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T J. Klit, vice-president ; V. S. I.edrow, cash ier; I M. Kemp, assistant cashier. TIIK FARMERS' RANK OF WKSTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank lug business, Exchange bought and sold, Collections promptly attended to. It. Jmucson, president ; Oeorge W. Proebstel, vlie-presldent J J. R. Kllgore. cashier; di rectors, O. A. Hurtuinn, M. M. Jones. T. J Pile, a 1). raw, J. F. Kllgore, Rob ert Jameson, 5. W. l'roebstel, THE PENUI.IJTON SAVINGS It A NIC, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, I SMI. Capital, $100,000: surplus, 73, ouo : luterest allowed on all time deposits, Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. . Special attention riven to collect Ions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vlce-presldeut ; '!'. J. Morris, mlilcr; J, W, Maloney, assistant cashier. I'lltST NATIONAL HANK OF PENDI.E ton. Capital, $70,um, surplus nnd uu dMded profits, $12.i,0OO. Transacts n general bunking buvlnesM, Exchange bought and sold on all parts of tile world. In lerest paid on time deposits. Mukes collection on leasonnhle terms. Levi Au keny. president ; W. F. Matlock, vice-president ; (I. M. Rice, rashler; (ieorge llnrt man, Jr., Ukslstuut cushler. FRATERNAL ORDERS. U. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON 1.01)0 E. No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend, Hall In Laliow block. Court stieet. U. A. Ilartman, Sr., E. It. ; C. E. lleau, secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not join and yet the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, In cluding library and reading room, Terms $1,00 to join ana 0(Jc a month due. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room 12 Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND HU peilntendent. Makes complete and re liable plans for buildings In the city or country. Room 17, Judd building. SHEEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished ou sholt notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop ou llluff street, uear Main, D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND IIUILD er. Estimates furnished ou all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stoue walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonliu of fice. T. M. KELLER. I'LAHTERINd AND VK mentlng. Cement walks a specialty, Estimates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Dadley 4 Zebner's cigar store. Main street. I. O. box 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TELEPHONE LIVRKY BTAIH.K. COURT Street, opposite court bouse, liowers t Hon, proprietors. Always good turnouts. Public scales. 'Phone, main 381. OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, Corner West Alta and Lllllth streets.' 8. A. Alloway, proprietor. Large com fortable atalla. Plenty of feed. Horses given careful attention. COMMERCIAL 8TAULKH, O. M. FltOOMK proprietor, rin norses, goon no. best care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101 CITY LIVERY STAI1LE, ALTA STREET, Caruey ft Kennedy, Prop., livery, feed aud sale (table. Oood rigs at all times, Cab Hue In connection. '1'boue, mslu 701 BOARDING AND LODGING. WHITE HOUSE LOIXJ1NO HOUSE, 301 South Main street. Clean, large, well kept slugle and furnished housekeeping rooms. Mrs. 11. L. Uuotlngton, I'rop. THE 8TANFIKI.I) HOUSE. 313 SOI Til Main street, Mrs. L. Michael, rop. Large, clean, comfortable rooms : best meals, all home cooking. Hoard, 14 , also furnished housekeeping rooms, HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill street. Hoard by the day or week, flood tabic set. Rates, f 3.73 and 14 75 per week. Mrs. L. Neff, I'rop. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, pro prietor. ATHENA HOTEL, I.EADINO HOTEL IN the city, $1.00 to $1.60 per day. II. P Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL UNUEIt NEW MANAGE in tut. Good meal and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help employed. Especial at tention given to commercial travelers. Mr and Mrs. J. P. Narlu, proprietor. COTTAOB HOTEL WHEN YOU OO TO Umatilla stop at tne uoitag iioici. White neip, uome rnnklnff. everything neat and clean, Mrs. Jauie O'Connell, proprietor. AND TRADES SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. BTROUMX IlKAt.Klt IN 8KCO.NI hand goods. If there Is anything jou need In new and aeeond-band furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS UAItTMAN AIISTUACT CO. MARKS reliable ahattacta ot title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Ituys and sella all kinds ot real estate. Does a general brokerage buslnesa. Pay taxes nnd makes Invest ments for mm-resldcnts. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. fl. A. IIAUTMAN, Pres. O. A. UAItTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. J. XL IIKNTI.P.Y RIH'RP.SKNTS TIIK oldest and most reliable (Ire and act I lent Insurance companies. Office with Ilartman Abstract Co. JOHN IIAII.KY, JR., U S. LAND COM mlsslouer. Specialty made ot land fil ings and proof. Insurance and collec tions. Office In Jndd building, room 10. FOR RENT. FOR ItKNT UOOU l'RONT ROOM, sultnble for two gentlemen or two la dles. ChII at niO Willow street. PPKNI.-JUKD HOPjKKKKl'ISll ROOM 3. Ul MISCELLANEOUS. sr.wKit contractors ui:i:u & LAP- ler make connections with the sewer for business houses and private residences. Terms reasonable. I.eavo order at T. O. Taylor's Hardware store. si:ti Ytir "itNci.ir wiikn you want money. We make loans on personal property T It. llurdaln, Pawn Ilroker, Mllnrkey building. Court street. urkssmaki.no, CtmiNO AND TIT ting a specialty. Prompt work. Satis faction guaranteed. Miss It. Whitley, IM2 Main street. 1T.NDL15TON STEAM DYE WORKS 7.1(1 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dying and repairing, tioods called for and de livered. 'Phone, main itlfll. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO TUT UNDER carpet, on shelves, wall or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at 23 cents a bundle at the EAST OREUONIAN oWc. Pendle ton, Oregon. HOUSE CLEANING HY THE JAPANESE House Cleaning Co. Work done by the day, hour or Job. Window cleaning a spet laity, Prompt service at low prices. Ult Garden street 'Phone Main 1171. A Great i Bargain $5,500.00 will buy ICO acres In crop, as follows: 80 acres In growing wheat: 40 acres In growing alfalfa (Irrigated); about ICO fruit bearing trees; one and a half story house; good stone cellar. I.rago barn, plenty of timber on tho placo. The crop Is Included In above price If bought within 10 days. Two and one-half miles from. city. Merchants Protective Agency Dospaln IIuIIJIdb, noom 43, Telephone Iliack 1161. COAL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as tho best aud most economical fuel. Wo are prepared to contract with you for your winter's supply. Wo deliver coal or wood to any part of I ho city, Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. DM. SEE WO WONUURFUL HOME ft TRUATMIJNT This wondsrful Cbl. s doctor Is called great because lis cuies ptopU wlttioul opera tion that are glvsu up lodls. lis cures "lib tbocs woudsrful U'lit utf hsrbs, roots, kuils. barks sad vcgiuUe thai are entirely un- em e in mis coumrj. I iiious u u. v. - harmleks remedies this famous doctor know sctloii of over Ut) different remedies, wblrlt hesuaeufully ues la different dUesses. lis suitrsiuees lo cur islsrrli. Miltais, luus, Ihrout. rheumatism, iervoiio, atoms U. Iittr.kldueys.etc I bsshundreds of leslluioii. ml., t hsrses moderate. Call Slid sej l.lul. Puileiiis jut of th city writ for Masks and Hrinlars. Keud 4centslil stsiups. LUMlUtr TA'llON FJtKK. ADKKKHH THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 2E3 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. Mention paper. Ladies' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted. Safe, reliable. Absolutely guar anteed to cure loucorrhoea and fe male weakness. For particulars ad dress Mo. I'rop, Pharmacy, Lock Box 323, Kansas City, Mo. For sale by A. u. Koeppen & uros., renaieion BaOssK HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PROPRIETORS, The Best Hotel in Pendleton and ai good as any. Tho Hotel l'ondloton has Just boa refitted nnd refurnished throughout. 'Phono nnd tiro alarm connection! with nil rooms. Baths In suites and slnglo rooms. Headquarters for I raveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Spoclnl rates by week or month. Kxeellent Cuisine. Prompt Dining ltoom Sorvtca, Bar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. Etiropenn plan. Everything first class. Accommodations tho host. All modorn conveniences, Steam heat throughout Itooms cn-Htilto "vith bath, Lnrgo, now sntnplo rooms. Thn Hotel Hi. (loorgo Is pronounced ns of tho most modern and model hotel of Oregon. 'Phono nnd lira alarm connections to olllco In all rooms. Rooms 60c to $1.50. CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8T. Block and a half from depot. THE Hotel Bickers (Formerly Ooldon Rule.) COURT 8TREET. Kemodeled and refumlthod througsv out Everything neat, clean and us- todato. Steam beat and electrtt lights. Best culslna. Prompt strrrls). H. E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. . .1 ..4 ..irl lltaduusrters for tourists and eomBwdal tiavclsr. Bpectal rate mad lo faialtl and slnjle gentlemen. The manfm4 stIII tie pleased at all timed to sUoy room and give price. A modern Tsrt isb Uth establishment In tl.s hotsl. II. lit oiinnso, . Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the bead of the list. AsieU. HartforJ Fire Insurant Co., 112,269,07 Alliance Assurance Co ., 29,039,99) London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co, 2,644,881 North nrltlsh & Mercantile Co , 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co. 22,&37,16S FRANK B. CL0PT0N AQENT. 4 4r1 HI AW AAII 01 BVOll PT ""BHsBKsHswsnHBssvssfrTe